HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-01, Page 8olo •• nw------For 1920, • IT GIVES US PLEASUREat this season of the year to think of our many friends with whoni we have had such pleasant relationship in business during the past year. We desire to express our appreciation of their valued patronage, and extend to them our sincerest wishes for future success and happiness. II Our Metater 1.920 is "Betters' Ser- vice," and we *Int to carry as coin- plete a range as possible in every de- partment of our store, and to give the best values procurable , as the result of our long and careful buying exper- ience. We look forward to the New Year feeling confident that the cordial relations which haveexisted during the past year will be even more firmly ...establiehed during 1920. To Mse e lie have not as yet • \- tended thir patronage •t� we.' we so wohld give a most cordial welcome, and trust you may find our store A good place to trade in, and thus test the value of our better service. II WISHING ONE AND ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Sincerely yours, VILL'AGE OF LUCKNOW BY-LAW 410. 7, 1919. To take the vt...! of the ratepayers of the Village of isucknow, etitit to vete on, money by-laws, on a question to be submitted whether the said rate payers are in fai:or tif ei supply of eiectrie power trim the Hui.o Elect tic Power Commission of Ontario. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of Lucknow deems it advisable to submit to the ratepay- ers of the said \Tillage entitled to veete en money by - laws a questrbn as to u hether the said rate- payers are in favor of a supply of eleetric power from the HydroElect- rc Power Commission of Ontarie.' THEREFORE the Council of the Coporation of the ;Village of 'uck. now enacts as follows: 1.. THAT the followingqfiest:On be submitted to the ratepayers of the Mutt teiral Criporaton- of the. of Lucknow. entitled to vote on money (.• by-laws: Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro -Electric Power CommisSien of Ontario a supply of electric power? 2- THAT the votes of the said ratepayers shall be taken on ths question at the following times and places and by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll .Cleeies hereinafter mentioned, that is to • say: On the goal day of Januat_y„. A.D., 1920, be- tween the hours of ume orelbltsWthe forenoon and five o'clock in the afte/ Sitooesats'IhesCouneil Clennber in the Town fel. the South eliisiOnSeIoseph • deputy -re- turning officer; and at Thomas Reid's Store on the North side of Campbell stree, for the North polling sub-divi sion, Frank McIntosh, deputy return- ing officer, and John MQuaig• shall be Poll Cef... in the North polling sub -di- vision; and Marshall Graham shall be Poll Clerk in the South polling sub -di- vision. 3. A true copy of ahis by-law shall be published in the following news- papers on the days hereinafter ment- ioned, that is to say: In The Luck - now Sentinel on the 1st, 8th and 15th days of January, A.D., 1920,. and a copy of this By-law shall be posted up at the Town HallThe Cain House, The Luknow Sentinel Office and the Clerk's Office in said village. 4. On the 24th day of January, 1920, at the Council • Chamber on Campbell Stree, in the Village of Lucknoyv, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon the .Reeve will in writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of this Corporation and one person to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desirous of the answer- ing of the said question in the affirm- ative; and a like nubmer on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering of the 'said question in the negative, respectively. 5. The 27th day of January, 1920, at the said Council Chamber, in the forenoon, at 11 o'clock is hereby ap- pointed for the summing up by the Clerk of this Cdrporation of the num- ber of votes given in the affirmative and in the negative respectively. MADE, PASSED *rid ENACTED tlrfs 29th day of December, AD., 1919. (Sgd) Robert -Johnston, Reeve. (Sgd) Joseph Agnew, Cl.rk. (Seal) • . • • ' . • ' is ,t,',•,•t..7'414. • • • , Murdoch & Cameron Co. • ee s • ._. SSis . COUGH . impoverished blood, loss weight/or lack of energy are all ear -marks dehoting laivoirred resistance. The system needs three °' • • • -to help restore the re of body. Coughs, colds and the like do not linger long when Scoies Emulsion is taken consistently and reigularty. Bettor try Itl Scott & Buirac, l'orositg, Ont. 19-34 Dalton resigned his office and deputy reeve Hackett was elected reeve by acclamation. Thos. Richardson was elected deputy reeve by acclamation also, but an election will take place to elect the council. Mrs. Wm. Stothers had as guests Christmas week, her sons, Cannon and Carmen from Toronto, Bailie from Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stoth: ers, of Clinton; Isaac of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson, of Tor- onto. Miss Jessie is home from Strat- ford Normal also. 14, NOMINATION MEETING L0140 -1ktinadsmee-and Good Discus - Tam Atairs Four-Vionelianted for Shool-Boost (Continued from Page One.) Councillor G. H. Smith stated that he would not be iq the field as a can- didate for reeve, but would stand for re-election to the council. He did not care for the job, but wished to be in a position to do something for the town. He had no apology to offo.. for the course he had takn, With the infor- mation he had at the time, he could not do otherwise. Robt. Thompson and W. E. Hender- son each spoke briefly, stating that they would be in the field as candi- dates for the council. Henderson, as chairman of the Roads and Bridge Committee, stated that practically all the gravelling Which' had been done on the streets. would be paid for by the countyH. R. McQuillin was nominated for both reeve and councillor- Be said • that he Would not accept nomination for reeve, but if there Was an election he likely would be in the race. Mr. W. R. MacDonald said that he had been urged to stand -for councillor and if there should -be an election he would allow his name on the ballot. He had some rather hard criticism for the council.of 1919, but said that on the whole they had done very well. He had no use for the by -la* propos- ing to buy the electric light plant, and had opposed it oeenly. As a business proposition he thought it bad, but the ratepayers haying approved of it, he thought that the council should have put it into effect, Mr. MacDonald questioned if the council had the power to pay out $1,050 of 'the peo- ple's money without cOnsulting the ratepayers. If they couldpay out. that much they could pay out any sum. However, the thing was over, and thereewas no use in crying over Med milt. ,. Winston afterwards stated that 'ler for die village had ad - lit. council had fell auth. G. D IL oney. Mr. •Wm. Con'nell, though not a nominee for any office, here made a statement explaining how he and Messrs. R. D. Cameronand D. R. Mac- intosh, had carried on negotiations. *A10 resulted in the settlement' the trouble over the lighting plant. out of court. He thought that the settlement was a very fair one to both parties. The committee had found both parties very reasonable, and he did not think that the council should be adversely critised for the settle- ment. Mr. R. Mullin was nominated for councillor. He said he would not say just then what he would do. - Mr. H. McIntosh said that he Would not be a candidate At the time, but as a new comer, he intended takrng an interest in town affairs, and might be available some other time. Mr. John Ackert saw plenty of good mateeial in the field. He was not an- xious for office,and would not be a candidate. He thought it would be well to have Reeve Johnston in office for a year or two longer, as from what he had heard i we .might then have our reeve warden of the county. The ladies who had been nominated as school trustees wore called upon but none of them took advantage of the offer. MAFEKING • —Monday, Dec. 29. Miss Mary Hall, of .Guelph, is vis- itng her brotherhere. Mr. Fred Anderson, of Zion, visited his brother, Thomas on Monday. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Andrew spe-ht Monday at Mr: Sam Klipatrick'e. Mrs. Prank Colernan, of Varn, spent Tueadai With Mafeking friends. • Mrs. Geo. Coleman and daughters, Grace and Gladys, are guests of Mrs. Thos. 'Blake. • ' , Miss Madiline Johnston, of Lanes, viei•tedher-- frie rides - 04e -end- Elsie - Anderson over the week -end. Mies Amber-ttfeRrnefe, of ptiTIMI- non, spent. a few' days last week with her friends Miss Lottie Melly and Reta Tweniley At the nomination today Reeve Al A pleasant evening was spent at the Sunday School Christmas tree on Wednesday evening- The program was given by 'the members of the S.S. and We had the pleasure of having as chairman, Mr. S. B. Stothers, of Flputh p1Hng subelivistore at the Council Chamher in the Town Hall. North polling sub -division, at -Thos: Reids store, on tjw North side of Campbell street, d by the mime •of - fivers as publishd in By-law No. 7, - -191s, of the VillagS. of Lueknowi , iid that the Twenty-tourth day of •January, 140, at eleven o'clock in the. forenoon at the Golpicil • Chainher id the 'Town' Hall in said .Muuiipulity,.has been fixed for the appose-Wera persuns •io attend at the palling places and ut the dual summing up of the votes by the clerk. • And that if the assent of ehe elect 'ors is obtained in the said peopOsed by-faw it will be taken into consde'r- ation by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting there- of to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and, that such first publication was made M the. first •day of January, A.D., 1920. • '• Take notice further that a'. tenant who desires to vote upon the said pro- posed by -Jaw must cieliverto the Clerk •mot_ tater than tetetneir„.eht.v. bore liTariie appinted for taking the vote •a declaration under The Canada Evi- derite Act, that he 'is a tenant whose lease extends for the etine for which the •debt or liability is to be, created or in which the money tobe raised by the proposed by-law is payable, or for at least twenty-one.'years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all muMc•ipal taxes in rtspect of the pro- perty of, which he is tenant -other than local improvement taxe. • 1 11111/1111MONAMI Phone No. f0 is at Your Service We Sall tor Caen-- we SeU Cheaper Than The Credit Stores T IS OUR WISH to our customeys a n d to this • whole community 9at they celebrate a mosi pleasant Christmas; and that the -New Year will give them a full measure' of happiness and prosperity. Joseph Agnew, Clerk. S('11001, REPORTS ... . • ,., „ .. , • -. S.siS. NO. 15, ASHFIELD. In order of merit. FIFTH CLaSS. Selena Grant. FOURTH CLASS. Harry Hibben, Ruby Felce, Isabel Grant THIRD CLASS. Doris Hibben, Buelah Sandy, David Grant, Hilda Pelee, claire Haniilton. SECOND CLASS. Jean Farrish, Harold Hibben, Allen Grant, Leoilard Felee. FIRST CLASS. Pearl Sandy, Ed- na Felce, Miirgaret Mackenzie. . s ' • M. Welsh, Teacher: • • Clinton. The Christmas spirit was present, and every one enjoyed the social evening. We regret to lose from our neish- burhoud Mr. • and Mrs. Wm. Pepper and family, who aremoving this week to the house on the 12th eon. of Ash-, field, recently occupied by Mr. John Reid. Owing to the deep interest Mr. and Mrs. Pepper have taken in our church and Sunday school as well as the. community, we feel their going is a distinct loss to us. BELFAST —Tuesday, Dec. 30. A Happy New Year to, all. Miss Welsh isspending the hnidays at her home near Ripley. Mr. Sam Alton is assisting Mr.. Eindsay in the post office. A few of the skaters attended skatng n Lucknol.v Xmas. night. Mr. RMA. Agar has returned home r aftevisiting friends in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, of St. Helens, spent- Xmas. with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin. Misses Minnie and Winnie — Cunning- ham spent a few days last week with their sisters, Mrs. Lane and Mre.-A1:-• ton. We are sorjr to lose Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mul and family- from our neighborhood- r best-%vishes wth them to thei new home-- in fucknow. . A' most enjoyable evening was spent athe'Ashfield parsonage Mon- day evening, when three sleighloads of theyoungand old' of the Ashfield circuit drove to LOcknow and were entertained very ably by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland.. Tuesday aftert4n the pupils and teacher, Miss Welsh, entertained "the people of this section. ' A good pro- gram wa wen which' frwm anctOttord na -et, on • a of the section presented a beautiful wicker .chair and an address to their teacher for •ter good work aid faith- ful teaching! • NOTICE TAKE NOTICE theabove is a true )py of a by-law passed by the Mun- icipal Council of the Village of flick - now, on the 29th day.; of December, A.13-, 1919. • • AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the hour, (ley and places there- in fixed for taking the voles of the electors the polls will be -held. First publication Ls t day of Janu- ark, A.D., 1920. Joseph Agnew, Village Clerk. Council Chamber, 29th day of Decem ber, A.D.119. syNovsis or I1Y-LAW NO. 8, 1919, OF TH.P, VILLAGE OF LUCK - NON, 1. Or the 29th day of Deceinher, .D., 1919, a hy-lawwas passed, sub-. ject to its being assented to by the 'lectors entitled •to vote thereon, by the Municipal Countileof the Corpora tion of the Village • of Lucknewe for Lhe purpose of borrowing the RIM of ighteen Thousand Dollars, on the in- talment plan, by the issue and sale 'r debentures of the Municipality of 'heVillage of Lucknow, to provide for he cost and instellatioh of a plant to listribute eleetrit peSrer to be sup - Sled by the Hydro Electric Power oiTimission of Ontario. 2. The amount of the total debt or iahility intended te be created bv ths 'y -lay is the sum of Eighteen Thou's- IndDllars. a. The amount to bs borrowed is Lo he repayable by yearly sums during a period of thirty years from the day 'if the issue of the debentures beine the time within which it is loteuded the said debt is to be paid. 4es The ammtnttn•-brr-rtfilierlrnpay ...he said debt and interest in each year luring the said term is the sun; of 1'28s35h0C 5. T amount 01` the W& rte - (We property of the said Village �f ueknow, according tothe last reels.. d assessment i oJl of said Mienieipal- ty is the sum of $390,268.00. 6. The total amount of the exist- ree debentore debt of 6e said MunS, Spalitseis the Mum of i8.990.85, upot vhieh there is no pert of the mind- ed or interest in arrears. Dated 1',Wei 30th day of December, A .P.,, 1919. 1 • Joseph Anew, Clerk. N oTic; I akti notice thai the ft!xvgqinicJs _a rile synopsis (7- a nropos el. By-law sf the Corporation of the Village of ••• c#aram,remmo lol•M••••# if **** OMB ted do the votes of ths electors on 0? Twenty -Sixth day a January, A.D., 19(i, • between' the !lous of nine ' I k • • tl ena ve o'clock in the afternoon, at the fol- lowing Oaes: • LAUFOER —Tusday, Dee. 30. We wish the readers' a IfitPPY New Year. Mr. Rey Mackenzie- is • visiting friends in Montreal. Misses Florence and Louisa Mac- donald, Toronto, are spending their Christinas vacation with their writ, Mrs. D. MacLennan. The following are spereling their vacation at their homes here: a. T. MacNain, B.A., from Montreal; -Miss Tena MacNain„ Toronto; Miss Violet MacLennan, S. N. S.; Miss Jesse Buckingham, Lucknow, and Mr. Sam Bradley, from Stratford; Miss Tena Kempton, Chatham; Miss 'Blanche Jamieson, from Lucknow. Report of S. S. No. 12 for the Month of December. Names arranged in or• der of rreeit. SR. IV. le •Robb 76, J. MacNeill 61, C. Ross 54. SR. III. J. MaeLennan,•.M: jam ies Jon. R. (E. Shiells, A. MacNaii ties,) D. 'Boyd, W. Ross. SR. II... V. Robb, J. Ross. JR. IC C. Brown, W. Robb, E. Mc- Lean, A. Mackenzie, R. Wells. SR:J. IC -1W. ‘ • • . A CLASS. K. Ross, R. D. Ross. Tebitha Kerniiten, Teacher. APPRECIATION To the Council and Citizens of Ashfield. The Lucknow Hardware& Coal Co. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS • INAC111t11111C;$ HEARTAIIRYE ititimuggrir Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Henderson and family Wish to, thank You Or the four medals presented to us for our four sons, who helped to .defend our coun7 try on the battlefields of France. Ashfield citizensand friends, Weara • proud to have lived with a.people who have shown Tto the world ,their knd. 'sympathies and honor to her noble sons for the -part they took in help ing to defend our country. Sincerely yours, • Thos. F. :Henderson. Edmonton, Alta. • ST. HELENS --- . —Tuesday, De. 30 MissMargaret Miller is }lime from Saskatchewan. . • Mr. • Joint McGuire returned from the West last week. Mlle -Nina Woods is , visiting her sister, • Mrs. Awnold Barbour, a. ratite Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martini of 2nd con. of Huron, spent a 'few days of last week at Mr. Wi. Woods. The Christmas Tree held under the auspices of the Sunday School Of the village,•was a deeided St1CCCSS• The hall was crowded to 'its uttnoet ca- pacity, and everything went, eff vied. A pleasing feature of the evening wasthe presentation on behalf cd Co.! Bible class of Calvin Clhrh--tie Ciiirk, of a geld watch,: and to Mee Clark of a as beeritheTerthfuTteacher of tie. Bible class for over forty years,, and hd mad 'Mrs. Clark have eone for a few' months' visit with the difffreht menihers of their family. .111111111MMIIIIMA • • CREWE --Nlendy, Dec. 21). Miss Violet Finnigan is spending the helidays at her home here.. Miss Myrtle Make, of Sarnia, is spendnig the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gauley; 'of Port Albert, visited Mr. Isaac Gauley' recently. - Miss Annie Brown, Kinloss, spent Christmas. With her sister, Mrs Sam Sherwood..' ,Quite a number of the sports from Mere took • -the • dance at. DinTamon Frilay night. Miss Ellsley, our teacher, left Wed- neday for her hoine'lin Mount Forest for the holidays. Mrs. Wm. Shackleton and son. El- mer, spent Christmas at the home of ;Mr. Matthew Shactileton.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald, Kinloss,Ispeit Christmas ',with Me lied Nies. Ben Tackaberry. • Mr. John Kilpatrick, who has f1e srag a few weeks withl_titi sott.A. in returned home-4Tuestlay 1 1 • • succeasful entertainment was given in the churchhert(in Tuesday last. -The program, which wai given by the pupils and people of our community,. included songs, drills, recitations, eta., and a piny "Christmas at the Steb- bin's" u as gien incostume and pei'- fornied in. very .capable style. Tit (k• outsiders who helped with the pre- • gram Were Miss Hazel Angtistne,p Mrs. Steadman and son and daughter, • Dean. and, }noise- _Thera was- .4 goc:4- • attendance •and the proceeds 'vertewer Stn. The liplend41 prograinte • presented refleicted Much credit 'upise the emu ni it tee and pu ells, and Co ie:t Who Ae kindly helped., FORDYCE, . Monday, Dee. 29. Mrs. Jae Snowden vieiting for fewdays with her' sster, Mrs'. Sera- erts, Mr. Charles Leaver and sister, Am elia were Sunday Oitors• at W. M. ChAripiorese_ Mr' and i\its.1\7. M. Champion vis- Ruby K deal -risk, Mildred' Mastee tSruce;Shaeleton, ef thc G. C. 1., are Spenditt their holi- day* at their homes 'here..\ • Sunday School Entertainmet. 7A eph Nixon,1,ucknow vfunday. Quite a large number from this aliby epant a very enjoyable evening at Mrs. 3. Martinrs Friday of last week. • •••• s