HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-01, Page 7•
S Limited
,General Offices: Sterling' Trust Building, Toronto, Canada
Capital Authorized, $5,000,000.
Divided, into 5,000,000 Shares of par value. $1.00 each,
President, :John Hallkm, Ltd.
Furs, Hides and Wool, Toronto
Dia -Geode, T041"Onitto
Vice -President, Anglo -America.
of Denton, Mitchell & Duncan,
Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto
'importers. & illanufacturers' Agent,
Wilson & Cohen
Importers and Manufacturers
Lumber -Company, Toronto Toronto •
SOLICITO.RS-Starr, Spence, Cooper 3. Fraser, 120 Bay Street, Toronto,- Canada: Cormack & Mackie, Edmonton, Alberta.
BANKERS -Canadian Bank of Commerce, Head Office, Toronto, Canada - Branches throughout Canada.
TRANSFER AGENTS -The Trusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd., Bay Street, Toronto,,Canada.
FINANCIAL AGENTS -W. C. Goffatt Co., 10-12 King Street East, Toronto. 0,,
of Wagner, Brasier & Co.
Wholesale Fur Merchants.
Itf,•?_ral Manager, Reo Sales, Ltd.!
' Toronto
Preeident Quincy Adams Lumber
Co.., Ltd., Longford Mills, Ontario
Peter Preache4 at rentecost-Acts
11, 22-24, -32-42. I:olden • The Great West Permanent
Text, Acts 2: 21. Loan Comgany.
I n Ten Years
500 Dollars
1. If 'deposited at3% will amount to $897.7S
If invested at 4%, interest coin- .
Resting and it ,tsting.
pounded ,quarterl y, will -
. amount te $744.24
13Ut 'if invested in our 51/2%
Debentures will amount to$8C0:20
2: - Write for Booklet.
``Penteoost" " was the fiftieth day, Toronto Office ' 2 King St. West
1-13. The Comiag of the Spirit.,
reckoned from the second day of the
Passover feast. It came at the coM-
-pieties' of &even.weeks from the Pals -
over Sabbath, god oo Mout the end
of. harveet tinie in Palestine.- -The
Jewish •feast 'eft, Pentecost wav.called
writs for price nets
and shipping tags
the -"Feast of Waeka:' (Lev. 23: 15-16, 28 Years of Reliable Trading
Num.. 28: first -fria_ita Referencv--Linion Bank Of commis
so the pally Chriatiani. saw in this
conVersion of many souls the fia-St
fruits of the Gospel harvest which wai
ultimately- to .bring both Jews and
Gentiles., intia the Kingdom of Gad.
•"1,V11 together:" • The reference is to.
le one -hundred and twenty. disciples'
nientioneti in 1: 15. The time of meat -
gun his' sermonat 'the third' hour of
the .-day," that is,alsout oine o'clock.
••4A tatighty,wind.". It -a-as -net *la'''.
is compared to "the rushing' Of a
•mighty sainth" and to "fire." It wee
re• ality, therefore, of a;the highest saddle gall in a few. with
`Order, and the effect upon the cons: Dr.: A. C. Daniels'
pany of 'disciples was. ouch that they.,
could only describe it as • wind add f -t A ff•
"I'll ,do anything once," _is a more
or less familiar expression,- suppOsed
to indicate a. Venturesome state of
•m;nd. It is not with any conscious
recklessness that I bought an old eat-
penter's bench and chest of tools at
a public sale and coristerted one corner
of the' barn into a kind of shOp. When
I explain that I wks notoriously „un-.
skillful or. at -least Unpractic.ed. in' the
use of sinall tools, and bad alWayil to
`' be coPited •into maising the repairs
about my 'premiees, you Will see that
.PlaYh3g, any; kind of- a game. is a
form or weak, only we never think of
for. 'Which' we, were receiving pay. A.- -
, business man after a day of hard.
. . Infental attatin will,'find ref reshMent in:
• ,, playing golf, aed a, group of mill -men,
fpleasure oat of. playing ball on the .
faithful day in the routine work of the :-•
farm, without much thought to any -
.bed. After I. hid acquired my shelf
I started in to do. a little tipkering.
The after -supper period was' the time
I chose for it. .No lane cOuld.11ave been
' The first piece of wOrk I turned out
was a portable chicken -coop. Its ar-
chitectural. lines were not ver3r true
arid , the/workmanship ;was chi , bat
Me the Making of muah of a mechanic,
I aleadloped a Certain- rough -skill --in---77--'
the use of the. toors, whkh . held my
interest. The little wagon 1 made•for
• PRICE 35c. and 60c. 'the youngeat. member of the 'family
jews, at that time. were widely seat- - -
Big AnImarMedicarBook Sent Free. waa certainly a succesa; judged from
te'red-throughout till -world, hut 'were
acesistomed., to come ,uparce. Jerusalem_ DR. A. -C. D.AIKIEI.S CO1IPANY:::terle(pl4emas:
'Tact that the hind wheels were wobbly;
re. it gave him, despite the_ -
of holiness oia•-to -attend- the ,annual
,ItAl rotate, gild v.-11,ile I could not point •
hand at a variety of article*,
from time to time ,either .for purposes ' '
(maimed with the AramItic larguage. 1111111•111111111111111111111111111111111.1m fair average bf amateur achievement. 4 •
The Charter otincorporation gaves this Comeau), -power to control oil lands and operate oil wells -build plpe lines. -erect and oper-
,. ate refineries -own and operate tank atria, railways and steamboats -to produce natural gas -operate and supply municipalities with Jight,
--- heat and power, also to manufacture gaaoline from natural gas. . . • - e a ., _
(Gasoline Manufactured from the wet gas that-eonaes froel_ahe welli at Peace River should become an endrmous revenue-producing
asset to -Peace ItTfei• Petroleums, Limited). • -
- "The ComPani also has power te operate and develop coal, iron and other valuable -mineral deposits.'
The, Compani controls over 48,000 acres of 'what are' cOnsidered to be the choicesiond richest oil lands in the Peate Ttiver distrtct.
. The companies'Whose tondo have been taken' ovet aud the amount of land they controlled are as follows:
, 2105:00:1 : _..
Thes.easnas have been paid i'or in the eapital stock of Peace River Petroleums Limited: One spare of •stock in th41 iiew . 4utpatty
11-.4s hren paid fur each share or its equivaient in the former organizationa, no cash ,whatever beint paid.
The purpose of the present ntrerlug is to raise the funds necessary for development of the company's immensp,holdings. It is•estL-
mated.that the proceeds of this issue will be sufficient to carry' on development work for over two years.
'the ti..xtues of the direetors, li$,A1 aboveritre alone a -guarantee that development work -Will he aggres4ively carried oa
. .An Oliportunity foe the Small Investor
The Smoky River 911 Company, Ltd.
The Peace River 'Syn toate
• The" Oil Fields of Teas and Okla,
than Any other discovery of fliodern
times., Opportunities were offered the
public whpzere not in a position to make
large inv6Stments , but many of whom
have since become ind.ependently rich
from the profits of their original small
To the Canadian Public
•Thp fabillous wealth ret.urned from :-rnall investments in other oti :I.:Ids
ids like a fairy tale. •
.$100 invested/in Pinal Oil Co. paid $ 10.800.00 •4'
while each $100 invested in the Foreuna Oil Co., Texas, returned a quart4r
_,.:11ticing the four years I Spent in the Peace River country I watched the oil development in all its stages. -
'Eight wells h.Ave already been drilled in and near Petite River Town. Every well has brought in Oiltnot one well' has been
drilic.d 'dry.
Pay oil has been dia6vered In at least*five of the wells drilled, a record seldom attained in any now 011 field on this continent.
That oil would be discoirered in Peace •River was ,predicted by George Dawston, Canada's 'moat eminent geologist, over
thirty 'rears ago. During the past fire years a score of the world's best known geologists and oil experts have visited Peace 'River.
and in every instance these men of science endorsed the prophecy of Sir George Dawson of lang ago.
Ve.• valuable by-product of the oil fields •of Peace River is wet gas. from which. by shiple process, gasoline is extracted.
From three to five million teet of wet gas belchei from the i'vells already drilled Into the gas stratum.
whe-hae-stleited- Me- wells -at Peace River knows Metall theie,bacausa 1167has-seea it: bat the wealth ot the
oat•th, belt gold, silver or oil, is of no value unless money is efilcihntly spent for its development.
believed 'Me geologists and oil•experti ot this continent when their said that by drilling deeper into the oll 3anda at Peace
River thp BIG OIL.POOL would be discovered. .
Because of this belief And mY personal knowledge of the actual discovery of oil in the wells drilled at Peace River I feel I
am acting in the best interesti of Canada when I recommend the Canadian people to join with Peace River Petroleums, Limited,
and help to secure the big prodnetion of Oil for our Industries
• •
exalting them with such joy and con-
fidence of faith that they broke out
into exclamations of paaise and pray -
best cure fos• all sores. Cure,'
er. Above. all was the consciousness
Contains -no potion; You can work
the horse or not .while the remedy is
doing•Ats work, ,I.aidgest box and
Jesus 1,00 aYako,__YLai_th
Kt9aP a box in your state, alwayas-s.
-presence, in fulfilment of His (mai. eosta little and may he necessar;
so that it we's not .reallY necesarsa to.
Pete• r's sermOn was .no.doubtalelivered' . Buying, Votii. Nursery Stock.
14,31.3. Peter's Sermon. "Peter . . . For a farmer who wahts three trees .
' small Vexations of my regular ocoupae '
recently denied eis ara_asea,weavoaths: just •What he. want:a to find. safterl
Mine brightened .me up. '
lifted. up his .%liee," • Peter who had tion., Any. kind of an. innocent hobby is
.,s now foremost to cenfess Him. Some buying .and Caring for the trees. that . a• good tonYc-
read my .paper .with greater
mighty conviecing power naist have they are St. • Lawrence, is the th.ing al• could
wrouglit this transformation pan f o r. a b 1 e te. my family. No attempt •
• not. be possible tti avoid entirely .
are now, po douriters among them. An i,stich ,res.ults,' but since ..i., early • ail of,, , u as
eouthae One of the .fine feptures .
is with them, and are filled with cour- tn • deiired end rila" be euite :'.•:'ese'v '
age and ,with boldness to speak, fori
ecu:d leave the: shop alone, jist 'as.
' • '' * ' happened to feel atria the matter:. '
Peter begins bY declaring tliat 'this
. il That is the ,secret of., true -to -name ` .
There . were Very few stays though. •
is the experience .spoken of aed prel atuff; I helieve. At home we botight a '
, that 'I foiled to take a tittle of this
dieted hy the .prophet ...Joel. (2: 28;41). good hit of stock eVerv spriea f • '
-It. is the- pouring. forth :Of the Spirit _ ovvn. use and' consideraLie for ajar ..
of God: Compatze :also, Ezea..36r-27.1 neighbors. We have. boUght- of thT•de '
ina than farm. work, but if you don't
The effect of this corning of the Spiriti
adifferent nurserymen. The 'first one ;'.,
have some diversion always, at hand.
upon men is • thak "they shall pro- seemed right until a visit to. the nur;
t get you. out of the routine your
-I' Mind. runs along in the Same. old rut.
speak .with inapired utterance of • the handling .the 'stock when .shipping.
you get stale and your briin 'becomes
tit...11gs of Goda and that -is' no .doubt, e
think that two neighbora found that'!
colswelshy. You .are happidr arid more
what all the disciples apon whom had, tney got trees that Ni''ere not true to'
name. We quit that, tirni at °tire. 'The'
other.. one was too far away, though spell. every now and thim.,\II would -
But this \a as all' seep/Ida-11 -
entertainment got-trut of it. It'sat-
- isfied an instinct to create, and took
.No-Benus or Promotion Shares
There have been and • will be do bongs or promotion shares issued by the Peace River Petoleums, Ltd. All theadireetora hare pald eash
tor their shares; every dollar received for sharee by the domPany goes into the treasury and will be used for drilling and development
work and legitimate eipenses.
We own and offer ehares in Peace River Pefroleutns. Limited, at the low pr4e of thirty-five cents (15c 1 per sham fuily..patd
aud non -assessable -par value $1.00 each.
We reeerte tbsi right to vrithdraw issuo or raise the price of shares without notice.
Fill in and mail this application form to -day
a Share
10-12 King Street East, Toronto.
Please enter my ,,)plicatiori -shares of the Cap8tal Stock of Peace River PAT•pq-
This is a genuine ,i;ipor-
tunity which look"; as if P.
could not fall to return htg
profits in the near Ware
$ 35.00 Buys too Shares
70.00 Buys 200 Shares
$ 175.00 Buys 500 Shares
$ 350.00 Buys 1000 Sheres
$1,750,00 Buys 3000 Shares
at Thiriy•tive ,es,nts a share 0:iv), hilly paid .testelind non-aesessahie Herewith 1..aeutt
being Amount` full. Have shares. issued • .for:
! the soack was goo am aas haul as.
Whot is awed for roe might not he
that 'Jesus, who. had done stieh mighty
works- anrcing them and whom the3a is ve
had crucifiedawas risen from the dead. for a
: believe there ii something universally
good many years we have (leak
was exalted ,to "the right hand 61.
humen in the use ortools. The nub
God," and wa4 assuredlv the .Saviour' with a -nursery in Mir. own .district •
of my..argument is that a bobby-, or
and when -possible wt drive to the nur-
long -foretold' by. Israel's prophets and: secondary intereet-of some -kind, is an
long ahd fervently. expected, the Ales- asery and get the stock the same daY :
element of physical and mental health.
. . Heathat we are ready for it.' The dirying.
siah, "both Lord and Christ." If you gio not have some ready means '
qucites the sixteenth Psalm in which iiii for taking your Mind•off your work,
something -that tends 'to cause losses..
expressed the hope of deliverance! you keep thinking about the work,
of the trees after 'planting. • tvery!
from the grave and declares ,it fulfilled subconsciously .or otherwise, with the
care should. 'be used to keep the roots
in the resurrectien of Jesus. ' result that instead a resting you are
aweadantp "all the tittle that the teee is. out '
all. are Witnesses." it is by ttie evi.: of the aground. This nursed -uses ' °rte. •
every precaution lc) see that the trees' ' -,---'--** '
,denee of such witnesses Mat the facts'
Mo_____. i are true to name. pneanan't alWays ' ‘lake Mother's Work Easy.
he declares, it is the Christ exalte•I to Women. i.,., dme big prOblems to a
i get just the variety he wants but, that
Leaven ,who has "poui•ed forth this. aslie. A little- arithmetie, for example,
kgain he; we do. get is right. 1 know or a firm •
aliith ye pee and hear." . has shov..n, that one woman took •256,-
wkere you can alwaye, get. just the .
aeotes Psalm 110, in whi:cli there .is a, variety of nuy fruit Yon. watit• If 000: iieedlc4s ateps eyery year, all be -
prediction of the victories.of the yom- eaiise'ef the inconvenient arrangement
. ing Messia„ic king and. iti which He'theY d°11.t have ii.th"sibe,.1'il lange4*. or her kitchen appliances. Probably
Make cheques. drafts, money
order. etc., payable to W. C
G5111fattl& Co.
Some Things to Know- About Cancer.! 1. Cancer is. .practi4;:: speaking..
not hereditary.
_it., memo in •dion, ami d.rger.; breast it ehould he examined at, once,
its first stages, Ati• or is
11 y
2. Cancer appears 'first as s afaa
local growth which Can be aisfely and
or other means.
3. Cancer is neither eoristaitii,.nal
nor a blood diseise.
a -ping
"-bleeding is suspielious.' lhe cease ••f,
! it should he sought. •
and uleera which do not beat. and
competent pnys.ei
may'tt2Ln into cancer
and cund.
9. Probably siXty pe
vales of career of. the •
tit st regarded
represented as holding' a unique re-'
lationshipi to God.
37-4T. 'The Reault. "About •theee.
very long one. Its simplicity, direct-:
sin a -mill -Le need qf a Saviour, in whose
bcarts,,too. the rational hope purned
1110. They. listened. believed and en -
;;•.• ios•outit Slystem at' his htioiness. If
should ,.hosr the prolit :And 'oss ail
11::s eperatians:
itafkirq !islets' altli ink; first
'toe" a-ooe 'the lel over the pencil
rest of her house was ..as .poorly
kick after the tries bear. soa pro!')a1:0:,• th''
(-?) got. the stock Mixed after getting
lema an • additional 256,000 needless
it home! Very plausible. h6; it don't .
give one the tree .that you na‘..1,4,-ait.es -•=t6ps. meant. 512,000 sitars. or
two hundred niies,
tramtied• off 'annually- in the daily 11. •
in your neighborhood get him to ,order
round. Peril:fps this *as an exc.epa
for yo4. The trees wi:1 east aoe ,as
nwch ott buy direut because vim,. ••sse, hut. proper arrangement
tt this 8C115011 Of the sear ehangeal
111airortenIt7arn'-''ItilnIcar.ithheeYs-fin.uiTt Ma; knoWe .
ateaseas..ayabe...eaEily planned and ear.- _
. .The regular agent -ono -teees
busineas anly from a .Relling porta. He 1. -eft , cr eels
unknowaigly and get. your oraPr '•
tui as easily, is any ()tiler
takes 'toe not Of 11'2.50'11 and we ran't
Afore .than profits he I
rectum are at: When huYing stair eareet or .4,11-
In obstinai.' c:i)tli .for the stairs' • l‘i.tys hey atom,
medical e son: i v at ion.
10. Cootinued irritat'on- in' some
form is thi usual camse. of e Inver. It
rarely results from a. staltica injury.
1. A 4ioctor who treats a suspicious
sa.o. Then 'from time as time you,
can move- the carpet up an(i lown
! ettuali3R the wear. The length that
' over can be- turned in'at the top ardi
bottom of the stairs. The darpet w!1,1
Wit much longer.
81141 [WO,
And you !alai- of a
logue, 'from 11 neighhor
ii hie husinesa to
whos: .!1.7,11); 1. I It A.1,4,
te:!,ing aloud
Would mean that his head mast •
anguish he bowed. Viiasetie is the hear eihs for
aft, Irmkt.„, An e:.p.eniely durable cloth. recent.,
Acrorcting to 'he
otnooe-417trtthistteciPstiei: to: '