HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-01, Page 4I
• iv -
cj7ar 1'10 Draure_,
E.111().L$ONS BANK
' MOLSONS BANK is prepared to render every
sistance possible to responsible business men or farmers
,tn financing their business.
The Manager.will be glad to go into your affairs with,
you and give you any information needed about banking.
- - .
Portland Cutters
sul Wringers
Primkose Cream Separators
_Loudest Litter_Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions
•Pleyv,,Williams Sewing Machines
Gottriety, r:Anos
p-r4EACH your, children to save.
I-Star4-for melt me of theta- a.
savingsaccount in thra !link of Ham-
ilton. $1.00 is Sufficient for the first
deposit- Teach them in thia way to
acquire good habits earlY in life. .
L. -
Seaforth Creamery Co.
We solicit your patronage
and guarantee you entire sat-
Our prices are always the
Oar Testing done aecurate-
ly by experts.
Our service and payments
are prompt
Write a card to -day for
Prices' were never as high
as at present and still soar--
ing higher.
A card will bring you cans
on the next train from us.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
• .
Have )ou seen the Anker-.
tiolth Self-Balancintr Bowl
Cream Separator?
We will be pleased to show it
to you.
A ii-ritten guarantee with
each machine. -
Lucknow Fruit and
Produce Co.
Phone 17. 1
Furnaces Installed.
Ont.., Insurance. Fire and Marine.
1. O. 0. F. Lucknow Lodge nieets eery Ft•iday
evening at 8 0' Clock in their' Hall. 'Camp-
-bell street. All brethren cordially invited.'
Officers': - Noble. (j -aid, Robert It Wier ;
Vice Giant', J.' 31cQuaig ltee. Sec.. A. H.
Boyd; Fin. Secy., Dr. Paterson:. Treasurer.
Alex.Ross. • .
A. F. &A. M., 0: R. C. Old"Light Lodge meets
every Thursday night on or before the full
'noon. in the Masonic Hall. Havelock ,treet
1.0icknow. W. M., E. C. Lindsay: 5. W..
M. McGuire; J. W., Jas. lioyle; Secy..
G. A. NEtt-P.E.V. 14. it 5.. Dentist.. Office
Alliru Block, Lucknow._ Ont. All modern
method; irsed. -1115,t Sriats futnistredr
crown and lirlige work:' Painless ext raet-
ion bythe u -e of the late(. Amplest. and
riafest remedy. SOMN0i. OHM. Newest
thing in artificial teeth. Alumlczn platesd
non breakable •
The Double Track Route
t7nexcelled Dining Car 14ervite...
Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor
cars ou princip4'i1 day trains.
I . •
-riff information fr-om any. GratO-Itintlic
Ticket Agent or -C. K.:
Paenger Agent:Toronto.
T.R. •Agent. Lucknow. 111-1,,ne .
I Ir.view of the actio'r..ef the,
ion Gra-ernment .1sttirrg loose "fla• .set-
I of. liquor': -upon this "ilrY- pro•-einee,
l' It is soggtted-- alai .ess *privii:-Cial,
GOverment May. amms•nd the rantarick
rein pe ranee .A ct In it:--iVarfaTeMPITtr"
lesaen the expected esil elects of the -
TiiiiEurluttnu Whirl
Published every Thuksday morning
at Lucknoi(. Ontai•io.
A. 1). MACKKNZ1le. Pro 'rioter
end Editor.
Tawas or elviiiiintivrtoN.-To any addres,
in Canada or Groat Britain, eiat To 111.51).
months 75e.. ree Owed hs To the United
.Statt year C.00. Those. are t lie paid in
advitiao W`iesi paid in arrears the rate
ioc. ,periear higher.
Subscribers who fail to rOceive The Sentinel
regulai ly by mail will confer ti favor b) ac
quaiating us, of the fact at as early a datc a
I /0,4b10. •
When change of addiess I.: desired. both old
and the new"address should be given.
Advertising Rates.
on application.
1.4.TitAY AtALs-One insertion 590; throe in-
sertions 11.00. • .
'Farms Or Real Estate MI safe 50creach inser-
tion; Misco4atieous ArticleS For Sale. To Rent.
Vk'atit ed lAkst:lound, etc., path insert Am
laical Readers. Not ices.etc., Inc pot line per lu
sertion. 5c cach subsequent illmation; bpscild
rate of 8c to regular display auluertiscrs. Cant
of Thanks •45e., 424.4tning -10Weutk Se and; Sc. pea.
tine. n� tietieejess thatitAc; Igal adVertising
aind 5c per lino. Auction 7.-'ities brief notiec
.500. tenger noticeltic per line Ler irst insert ina
Se for each su bseii net it Black -Zama
'1 y pe count 2 lilies tot' 1.
Any special wake,' the object of which Is the ,
pecuniary benefit of any individual or anoda.
don, to be considered an advertisemeet and
clutiged accordingly.
__±1.1uAiness turds.a1:14.1eLanne
per year.
"m""traffill PORT FOR INLAND IsJATIOrtc
And His Family
THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st. 4 1920.
...lice -go. • k144, I 1,•'"
has adopted drastic meat -airs to rid thc
country of its "red eletnont--those
profetaiOnal agitators who -are -the en-
'emies of ,all goverments and who de-
light'in social turmoil.
More than two hundred.' of these
were gathered up last week from all
,.over the country and sent like
.a consignment of wild beasts, back to
-the European countlies frOm which
they came. •
_The majority of them, including the
; more violent- ones,- will be landed in
Russia Where they -will find in con -
troll the •sort of govertnent which they
would establisle-in the -United -Stgtes
if they could.
Onet would suppose that these.. red
agitators be, delighted_Jo. .go
to a country where their kind are in
controll, and, where their ideftis have
been realized. But not so. They did
riot want. to g� to Russia, and they
fought to the last' against the "outr-
The plain truth in that the.se agit-
ators du not want to line under the
sort of govermeht nor the secial con-
ditiens they pretended .to wanCest-
ablished.. If .they did -all they had to
do was to .go to Russia. What they
wanted was to be -at the .head of aff-
airs t4remselves, so that they might
indulge in an orgy of robbery and
murder free and unrestrained. That
is what their kind did and dre doing
in Russia.
But their are now no wealthy folk
in Russia to be robbed and what is
.,rnere and worse for these reds, there
are ot-h----ers like thentsel'ves* in .power
over in Russia,,end• there is nothing
for the agitator to do.
The. United State's has- long been a
sort of -happy huntin;4. ground for -the
agitator. He could ray what he pl-
eased and the fools who listened to
af -
.gave -freely.
mon people drat knew Dr.
Chase through his Re.
ceipt Book. Its reliability and
usefulness made him • friends
When he put his Nerve Food,
Kidney -Liver Pills and other
medicines im the mgrlet they
received a hearty weletmecand .
their exceptional merit- has
kept them high in the public
Take Dr. - Phase's Kidney -Liver
Pitts f , pi, ThPi t‘ I,. no treat -
2"e141" tu b' ' ij44•Pct-ISd to. them " " --s.aisk‘,4“.441,AII. aptia.w•ti, ‘ ••• .11.11+,*. f u.
Pi o!eet That Has Aroused Much/ itt:
te•c:4 in Commercial Circles 11
§oditzeriand and 'France.
.A projeet,to afr?Irdoponilent
.‘ port 1t.kr nil 110-
henti.a anti Whet:Aida tal Europeati
task- in. order to render them esse
nellecally* Independent or t;VI*111:1111
4,.‘r %%u 4' is receiving attention in
Vianee and Switzerland.-accoriting to
a. ri port pi- the department er t111U-
11.V1*(1.• from Consul .thuteral
tit Nantes. Frattire.
projt...et,' the. consul states. hits
°used • unfelt initerest it ,Natit es.
whose municipal authorities ..Iere (1111-
.fcre.1.11*. ,SVI•111 (.0111114`Ial IlllerY,S1 111
-SNVilZt`I'111-11(1 .%%'.1 11 view -to, combined
action, ,,Tthe, business men LyOus
:deo are sid4.40 be -watching the move-,
meni deep itireeestrnIthiaigli they
Join ----'-`11m--_.*ureriti
.idea ,oeins' to construct', suitable
rnil connect 14 tis ,t,e4Nciien in.talkd
prilductirin centers and one of .the.
Lei re•port 4-4=-•-NanteS, .S t. Na zit i La
or,..1.tordeatis. it • also.
thought possible the -..projeet max he
1.01.‘val.41011 113' Ult. (4111Stqll'IlIIII of
-arrfrailsrtiotiet/--.Itt) 4444t44.10e-4-444.1--ttlizal.
rEvers the naVigable lake system
Of S‘fitze.riatal..
Exkting railroads are availabl.e tO
104-m- lite-turet-hotio of
tion. Port teem ties sh-eady have been
(1, Heed 21 t v‘,1-,11 or the 1,wi'l.S;
mean a of regnlating the liver, kid... ;
beg -1411'446s. of a project are avail-
neys and bowels and,curing consti-
able, at-'Nont&I'Sdifteci St. Nazaire.
, /nation, _billouSness, ic‘idney disease
and- indigestion.
One pill a dose, 25c a box at all dealer',
or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
Dr. Chase
KN:v!it 111111'•
refused :to' Obey an order of -the Pro-
vincial II6Ith• Department.
-The. evidente-iei-favor -of vaccination
as a preventative of smallpox appears
to be conclusive. , Dividiag..neople in-
to the'vaceinated andthe tinvaCeinet-
ed,.it i; -.found that the percentage of,*
unvaccinated which contract the .0.4 -
ease is muttsgreater than the -per- -
cent:age of thie Vaccinated and th.a,t. a
:4-reeler:percentage of the unyaccinat-
cd who confraet small pox.. die of it..
But it appears .to be .quite iinpossi-
b/e to get this into the inds of
w'he•are set against -vaccination. Thier
opposition is du to•sentiment rather
than to reason se that the presentat-
faets.. has no influence with
them: •
It might he argued .that it is one's
own affair. If fne wishes to take
ances and go unvaccinated, why not
let him do so. Those Who are vacein-
-ated And are. -therefore safe from.
srr.all pex, •need not worry about
others. If.others. are opposed to tak-
ing:fir-is. -preeaution thern take the •
But the. trouble that when the
disease breaks gut among the ignor-
ant. ana.indifferent they are liable to.
become public charges, alul must ..be
looked atter by those who. have been
more thoughtful, and have taken pre -
-ttrot-igirt-- t- t er the - war•
Amerienii pass4..4.40 and fi'eighf traffic
central -Eur411)0 its N;e11 as 4tvith
France .Wil 1 tend toward the 'Loire
sport:- in preference to the more Aista at
eh:Intel mid North sea ports, which,
*wing to their lot:ittion and Int.teoro-
logien! conditions, increase the ,eost of
navigation and instiratiee;
. •
John D. Rockefeller likely carries
o(1thepalm in the wal, of giving big
Chistmas gifts.
His Chirstmas present "to man
kind" lest week was one hundred mil-
lion-. dellars-a• sum quite beyond the
comprehtlision ,of the averhge man.
This great sum is to go towards the
promotion oflnedical education, mos-
tly in the the United States. Fifty.
millions go to increase the pay of coh
lege professors it. 'Being genera/1*y re-
eoghized that teachers of .all grades
in thenational schools eollerresand
universities are About the poorest paid
ClASS 'Of werkerS'iii the country.
Since he withdrew Trom ,-business
t'ac rsaf:'ng.of money, .11r. Rocke-
fd„,er appears to. have turned his at-.
ter.".ion •te the. problem of how .he can
wealth. that he has Ir.-et-
. t'sr ysars JiAn D. was pat -
V) tee world. aS ah extreme ex -
are p:e of •she "skimflint" a siort of bus-
, iath, kO, ithtsma
thy or mercy for competitors went
sera.,ght •rtherol to . make money for
h:7: -(]f --a :crusher of labor and arob-
bet- 01 tly public \, a giver to good
csseies or a prosnotor ef the pubiic
wel:*aro :he -was' little heard of, If he
gae<1774-hey tn a an ivers ity, it • WAS as-
7-4.111K.I1 that. his motive was had t
• nood"• • .
-The Drury Geyernmenthowever:*an_
pear,: fold some difficulty in. agreeing-
• •
upon a course to adopt. Folio\Ving:
a long disettssion .of the.Matter afl Cry.
information given. to the public
that the goverment' would not at -pre-
sent•announte its pelicy,- 1k1'
Means that .no definit course. we. ag-
reed upon.
flowever COnlIWOIA.S 11183' 1110 1:1 he- se
„4, very' bad. Those who like to have a
stipl3,- fit:liquor, III -Tarets.,.
All kinds oV Tinware
promptly repaired.
G. Drinkwalter
it- was intended to carrupt the in -tit-
ution, and to infltience ita,teaehing so
as to hein perpethat?the social and
'business conditiens of. Sehich .he and
his rnenster-lertune were the precluet.
'The peture of course was grosslv
overdiaWn. and :114.41in was all
heed much -mere' hi 71.11(1 than .his do-
t rasters would' haVe
s 0-1,1r-tfriTairThese are t
greativ. abuse the use of it. Another
element 'will get in eases avith• a veicv
to holdinsr .11 jollification, hut condit-
ions such iks.. prevailed 'in the
the Saloon arinot be reN;ived.I • Ws,
- FOR THE U. F. 0.
It would be too -much to expect
that atl•those active in the U. F. (3;
movement should be actuated by the
lofty ideals .Of the Manifesto. After
all the new party is made -up of the
same. material as were the two old
parties,and many there must be who
even -With' the new' light,- will see no
farther than their own petty interests.
The troUhle over the appointment -of
Mks -Walker as registrar for the
enunt:7- of Middlesex is a sorry illus-
tration of- this. - .Alt -the information
so far fzivert out. indicate that Mimi
Talker, was the right person to he
appointcrd to the position- Indeed her
qualification are not ,ealled itc question
by these win; /40 raising a row about
it., That LI .net the ground- of (08* -
plaint at all.
Mr, flarol(1 rorrie Who was U. F. 0.
organizer for the district wanted the
•-fwgit!car,-rmrt-tryttfe-n-t' thinks that bre--
cauFe he ..ha. (lone. reuch,cor 'nes T. F.
0- Cie U..teesia-sotatthing
for .hini. lir other words h wants'
ths spoils s; .1;44in practice,so.
far as he is :,ir.•currie ap-
pears to be 44'..,1 ar1i4-1y bcraose
I not get tiis appointment andthree-
teas, to Maio. 011,1i1' a .1(01 1.Pr Wiliell
thinks trotibile fer'Preinier-
rrury ned hi goverment. Ev•dently
ho is the' type (of man who is willing
to join any sort of party if tile piurphis
will k. Op own his wee. , •
Soch • sere the 'inert who diseredit
and run, 'ver' parl.y1 They
will do th.,. san.f• .1•)r the u; F. 0. if
they are not reseite, •y put dewn. Pre-
The- agitation agaipst* 'CoMpufs.ory
vaecination in Toronto appears to
have been fairly successful, sp that
the city is in the 'position of having
con!-(!ent-e. of th,.. public if he srandA
by his appointment as he evidently
is guilig to do. .•
Iis hard to Carry on an ideal gov-
erment, for people who fall so farIsh-
ort of the ideal,
A Few -Broadsides From Arrierican
Batteries Cured it "Of. Its Bad
Habit of Wandering.
ThiS I$' ft, story of faith ilia) what It
tucomplish."1. 11 was _brought In to
l'aris by a dispatelehearer and founil
its wily Into the Red Cross sernn-;
144;44k. ever a cup Or teteAn • *
, . .
Anterk'an artillery detaetinti.nt
.4eo1its. .111 at taw,. ft: massege
• •
What on eiirth. did ht. mean?
tie .1.11!in:...? That 'Ong lettlar• airnivn
.vus44 1..,r1) wog. led he mean. per;•
blips. slime body Uf enemy. troops. not
yet .yisilde,? 1 1rf ill 11.e.diStal1Cf4 .1 11P
creisst.,4* of 0 anilitary graeonrit were.
to lie anti aim went tin-.
der the Afternoon .41111. Ile liOt
refer to tfitl . •
"1.4.s, by heaven !" stiliPttlie Oliver In
•eiiimaanit. -1 in tlint
Thai's the folly eraveyard in sight.
ninst mean that." -
f le gave t Order. The trims
(4e:wilt:I.:sem 44' .11i101•. nr0fle--fro.111i..titP
111110 11-1 :1 1011(1
shortly n ftere Ord the airman
y4.44 (1_ .
141 hikvp
faith in me,"
4114:4 14k..41
11t :14:111(1
4 .
n Int 1110.'3' grovey-Nril the, right
It the .1 little later
41444511 and it cens tb... left •of tho
row). 1 eouldn't believe tuy eyes. lint
.4141. II 7, .1 110.11..fr iu I hp
4'414.W I10114!t, g -et
411) to "the 'front
Pass -Along inspirirg Words.
Miss Etta V. civic secre-
tary of 11i4...Nat:tin:11 Soeurit y league, •
has started -Me and You" lip to
propaganda. Ti4 tills the phin
lc that fur 1.)(1.1*y 1IIn 11.. 1;.1*.11 OW14
sto'll be .1tio r;r:ifl truth.
The thrills ore (I,I,I 3 I7i elegatie
tot...11 f rout. Prosid..io Wilson's
l'ershitufs nies,a;:os,
tun! from I: fel 111111. ..ent init tic 1 hp
toddle .infornestiiin. the
N;.4!;.11:11 seem it y leagoe and other or-
1,..1011ini n 1,40 414,10-111:: vTI111
. • •
W0111Ilt. och, 7. 1141 0t14.1- I.:limps to
erne the eleeses 4.44 sl;ps ef paper and
14. ;hetes.. or 1,1 in en !pito. s'eof to
-bezans to be
1 1. ri Ow Invo..rtingo of the ciamtry
frq• t!44.y...:1 ipretelril., so that
(-)it. be !model to suldit rs nod elv-
Would We Hes'itat.e.
Tp many. Perhaps', 711 11111,4
,• t-4-nt! fitryt., ttort-* of hith tit -fres fir
ibt”cult, nnil to get the money 'for.*
I ••.!,.si 1nay niean some fb.prit-:qtion. So
11. 144.44 .,0174. (1.•14* 4,1'
1111041Y is slok117,1,1 death t.x.
▪ nnd /lire
Itint It *4.01114 Ils if, %%I, (*toed never
;peer. Th. 11:c.., WI' tilt;figt,
thr lit• -t dollar and 81•1• glad to do It
Hoe. •sheuld %VP 1i,'
years (rots
-;,‘• If 'Ai. Ivy**. 10 1111%1. 0111"
1 In. tF;tt 0111* !nether
.4,ernory 1.,•11,11,41 berilltse' Wv. 45 iihIl,1l1
-flmt .W*11411 S11.41111*.(1
s114.111.111 .41i.. %%Hs nglithiK
!Hoc er•4 ;Ism, i.b..rk ?-
Chr.nc•: for Dartrly.
_ _
,„„. •„.4
for ....eirreilassie efiee u1see nr)
11:.4 tntliv*, who wn.: 10;011111 ,,,Itr-
!'y and fished ;. 41,11't '.yott
\\ 10i yon werred eoidierr .fetber
repHod : "Yet Why?" rind.
'atm den ron •gct u 11
doge- socks ntother knits fur other
TO ALL jo..,../6-
- -• -
.1-1( 1N.t: 1 1:1:
it is'
Au raoteristic .• of •successfal
people:pot only' to overcome obstacles
buteto turns:disaster itself into victory'
An incident in the early career of
OsearllahirArstein is anexcellentil-
lusttation of the quality Pesseised by
all who succeed.
At this time he was editor of a
small trade...jeu. rnal theaK's. he was
-ntt parificularl'y Prosperous.: One. night
a careleis printer reft a faucet run-
ning- in a sink and the water., ever -
flowed. The next morning .the pro-
prietor of a Clothing store • just below
-cam- L. -up -with a bill for-fts1-0,100.• for
damage goods. Mr. Hammerstein
paid the bill but it was a. hard blow
He had no auoney to spare andto ex-
pend tewlve hundred dollars repair-
ing the cenSequences of another's
eitrelessness.Was-•a hitter pill. to swal-
low. But he was .not*.of the stuff to
ive way to .unayailing regret. He
only Made-up his -mind that a similar
misfortune should not overtake him a
secend time and hesent for a plumber
to whom he explained the idea which
had cecured t� him to avert Similar
disaatere. T,he 'scheme was merely
to cut an opening in the Side of the
basin and connect it by -a pipe with
the regular waste pipe.
The plumber was both an intelligent
man and an honest title. He saw at
onee that there were great possibili-
ties in this idea and he offelvd me:
Hammerstein $2,000 for the right to
patent it. frobablY he made a fortune
thereby for the device is now used in
practically.. every -baSin in the 'world.
But Mr. Hammerstien .had enough to
pay for the damaged clothing and
eight hundred to spare. He had trans-
formed disaster into its. opposite.
Rest of all this experience opened
his eyes to the money value of *leas.
,Not.long after he patented the
chive that made his fortune.
lk Pit.01: ITS
COWS yield mere Milk at less
Cost. Live stock gain weight
rapidly and look better if
you use -
Endoziesed by Government,
ExPerituerit Stittrons.-g'It is -
selected .100%. Pula. Sugar
Cade Molasses. •
• Sprinkle it over straw,ensil-
age andall. roughage and
fodder.. Keep your live stock
in A-1 condition.
:Makes all feeds tempting
'and digestible. Sold in Ftrong
iron-hoopedbarreleat a most
reasonable price. •
Obtained (rem all.firstrelais
111 St Paul $t. 1 Montreal, On.
Local Distributor
A.. R. Finlayson
the children in care of the Child-
ren'sAid Society as•some parties re-
quested, the Judge directed that the -
prisoner he given another chance.:
Since. then this man has resided.
with his family and hassproperly
supported them. They are 'all liv-
ing happily together: 'The children
are clever and the • father will be a.
decent* citizen the same as he has.
been during the remand. Ile was
allowed to go and promise d ;lever
to go wrong again.
"(From The *les, Walkerton) .
• Early this year Judge Klein
found a boy guilty of a crime,. and
instead :of 'sending him' to gaol
the reformatory,• directed that he
return home 'and go to Sunday
School and church regularly and
alai, work•und be in by 8 o'clock
earl) eveding. The. :boy also got a
nice little lecture and promised not
to.go astray again. His father had
-to enter into a bond that the boy
would appear for sentence on Dec.
23rd., This the boy did on Tuesday
lak. The report sent in to the
Judge was that the youth was work-
ing in a faetory now. and earning
good -money and • had reformed.
Previously' this •hoy 'was a terror in
his tOwn. After telling the ex -pris-
oner how pleased' all were at his re-
fornfation and suggested. that he
was the makings. Of a fine man, the
-Judge let him go. • Another party
trrirn--s nearby • township also 'came
before Judge Klein last Thursday
_who, .harf Ifeert- tri a ntjH tfnr
rntence so ,that in the meantime he
nilght make • good. This gent had
been found 'guilty tiy. Judgeof
not ,Supporting hie wifeend children
and had gone away with another
woman. At the trial the Jedge' ask -
the wife if she weuld live 'with
him ag•ain if he would support her
end the children. She consented
and • he Ipromised to support • them
and Ix. a good husband I and kind
f4Ither. 'Instead of sentencing the
man to /bp Prison. farm and placing-
. with
him No
rg Jen! oper-
dc.4,1.3rs, ,
1)r. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
andIIN eertaiely elite _you. Piet. a tins:. all
0r 1410,51114011„13ottes & Co., -Limited,
Toronto. Ssnipie hoe tree if you mention Mill
a t
paper aud endue* Ite. 'tinny to pay postage,
Frank Moore and Glens- Sturgeon,
the two young Kincardinites, who
were arrested On. iliondayofLiast -
week by Chief Ferguson ,.on the ex-
piration Of their six months'
sentence ' at the Walk,:ton jail-- for
stealing an automobile and . turned,
fwer to the Owen Sound authorities
to answer , a charge of swiping a
bicycle in the *Grey,Co,, capital plead-
ed guilty at Owen Sound on Wednes-
day to the charge.. It scents that *hi- ,
le' in Owen Sound last June with the
Stelen car they picked up the two bie-
yelee and stewed them 'in the back of
the auto and started .for hotte, At
Jackson they got five gallons of gaso-
line from Mrs. Caswell and as soon as
it was in the tank away they went,
shouting Mack "We'll pay you when
we come back!" &fore reaching
Kincardine on ..the bicycles.. They
could not give any reason for their
conduct, except, as Moore phrased it
that they "got' crazy -headed."
Sturgeon is nineteen years old and a
returned soldier having enlisted while
still•onder eighteen and managed to
'get to ngland. In consideration of
this and of his youth the Magistrate
allowed him to go on+ suspended sen-
tence. Moore whois twenty-five and
who the P. M. thought was the leading
spirit in the affair was sentenced to
Pao} fnr twn nionths.--Briace Times.
A *dou-hle wedding. was solemnized
at .the Methodist Parsonage Auburn,
on 'Wednesday .Dee. 17th, when Miss
1-:thel Clow of *Whitechurch,became
the 'bride of Mr. Walter Million, of
East Wawanosh. and Miss Marie
Mason of East. Wawanosh, WAS wed.
(1(01 to Mr. Wesley Rath, of Blyth
'Rev. Mr-Mil!sori performing the cer-
eino-nies. After the nuptial knot was
tied) the newly , wedded. couples rtes-
Mr- and -Meats:
4:-47-rti-a-z-rawre stimptious wedd-..-
hy.4. dinner was served. In the even-
ims a large assembalige of guests
spent a- tnerry, time in dancing and
,other entertainment. Th._ newly
wedded couples have the good
Of a host of friends: