HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-01, Page 1• UMW •.- • 14 .go hoe • • • • ................••••••••••••••••••••',...........0 • ..•••• •••.• • 11111.11MIIMMIMME•••• 41141.4 A•401// 41,Y,41111.0. $r.so per year, in advance; $2.00 011ierWiSe NOMINATION MEETING Large Attendance a,nd Good Discussion ,of Town Affairs. -Four Women Named for School Board e . 'At the time of writing this we can- not tell whether Or' net there. ysill be am election - -fit Lueknow. -Thit "the nfeitiiii-Molidailivii.ilitg 'was one of, the 'beat noniination meetings we have had for a number - -of years. About half of the electors of the village were present and there. was excellent ...see...order, and -attention - .tferoughout., , . Throughout"theeyeareaskeen interest has been_taken in_town.,affairs_ owing ee. - to the trouble over the-eleetric fight plant, and- the general -Increase in running expenses. It was felt that a thorough explanation was due 'from • the j.. ,,, ,.(nd councillors, and there too, that thcrs would , be some hot shet from the ratepay• s ers or front prospective candidittes. 'This accounted for the large 'attend- ance at the meeting. Nominations for the reeveship were: R. Johnston, Wm. Murdie, G. It Smith, H. McQuitlin. For cbuncillors the following nomi- nations were made: W. Murdie, G. H. • Smith, R. Thomlison, W. E. Hender- eon. These -were councillors for 1919, and we may say here. that all feur . seeess Announced tbemselvehTin: the field- ter --lee- re-eleetione- Besides the old- council there were nominated: John Ackert, • ,s. . W. R. MacDonald, ft Macintosh, H. • McQuillin, R. Mullin and D. Sherriff. Fellowing the nominations Reeve Johnston in a speech which lasted a- • ' bout an:hour, 'gave a very complete review of the work of the council throughout the past year, covering. . the ground so .well that there was little for theseouncillorS who followed' •to say. ..fle referred 4rst to the work of the county council. Mr. Johnston explained that the road east and west of Lucknow (which is part of the county good readslisystem) was not kept in repair owing to the actioneof•Huron County ncil which had failed to decide as to 'ch section it would take charge. This 8 i cutty had been overcome, and the oad to Wingham would in all "likelihood be put in good. condition --",--- *next' summer. The county had ex- pended $120,006 on the roads during ea ". the year, gut of this the province would pay one-half.. The section of e read built • between Kincardine -and Tiverton had cost $37,000, and it was 4P1 *estimated that putting in this 'class of • road would cost about $6,003 pet' "mile. • . The controversy •over the electric light plant between the village and , Mr. Stewart came in for a very thort . ough explanation, but much of this Inform-ation given 1ik already ap- peared in.The Sentinel, and is pretty sbibes,-e-s--.7:-essee"tvn. The whole trouble is now passed and settled. • Mr. John- ston explained how the settlement had been effected through the volun- tary. intervention of a committee, of three citizens. • . It had been asked 'what the corpora- . • tion had for the $1,050 paid to Mr. Stewart. The principal thing is that we are rid of the plant for all time. wilati Mr. Stewart seen fit to keep on Trunnipg the plant until 'Hydro power wastaken the town would have had to take it off, his hands, and this could not be done without loss. Besides, he yanking this settlement, the coats ol• a law suit were avoided, and' these would not have been much below $600. He had heard- ' it said that ' the councillors had, been instrumental, in leeping certain names off the, voters' list used in voting on the purchase by- I)tw. The. reeve pointed out that the , ' • < • t 1 MARKETS •1 ' (Correc'ted• ,heat ••%,..ts up to Wednesday noon) $195 90 1 50 • Barley Eggs, new laid 70 Butter, rolls , . 55 56 te....,>1Butter, crock 60 ' Butter, prints • 56 _ 57 Potatoes, buying price, bus 1 20 , Potatoes, seLling price, bus 1 35 1 40 1 4fogs 7 50 Toronto Markets • Choice heavy steers $12 50 to.113 75 1 . Choke butchers 1 00 to 12 00 • Choice butchers' cows10 00 to 11 00 • • Good feeders 9 00 t� e0 'Good milch cows. 140 00 to 180 00 . off cars 16 Si') to • -2 0 to- -Tell Wheat ,Csoose eat Oats Timothy Ha' Eggs, new laid putter, Creamery Prints councillors .cohld have . nothing -at all to do )witkethis:,. . it: hi:the duty af chi444*i tf-tesieeet-litits ties -,..hste-thi teri :their names 'properly*, ePd at the revision. there is an opportunity •for .. every votei..to see that his name is properly entered. Voters have but themselvessto .bletentseif *key dterestetio' this. ' IteNkUbeen_atacteth-a-ahe Inwesuit had cost theevillage-$2,000, but-sheeh called Mr. Van t - same to learn vhat, hi fee would be,and althoueli. lie euuld .not give 'the peeei ht• it would not 1,4_. i•' ,; net cost- of the whole trouble would not egceed $1,350. If Hydra does not come -tintil next December Practically the whole amount will have heels ed. by -doing without the street lights. He asked electors to place them- selves in the position of. the -.council and ask what they would have done under the circumstances. pad the council gone on and taken over the lighting,plant the town would be out at least between two and three thous- and dollars.. as • • , . Regarding 'the -proposed manicipal shed, Mr. Johnston thought that be - for eubmitting a .by-law to raise $1,000 we simuld find out what could. be done in' the way of ,getting money by subscription. If we have a:sub- seription• list of about $5,0Q0 the chance of ,a by-law .:carrying • would be.nnich better. • . The fixing' of the'pumpe at the pow- er house was another subject , that I am a candidate for the 'office of came in. for explanationThis- -job-Reeire far the year1920, and take this had cost About $1,300, but there. Was theans of soliciting your vote and in - no other course openbutto have 'fluence. If elected I will serve the • ,. ' people of • the whole munieiPalitie th.em. 'fixed.' When the..i; nsUrance in-, equally, and do my -very. best to. furth- specter called they had a• very .poor71- er your welfare. Thanking you in. showing as to the .work.of the pumps, .advance, and. wishing you the compli- -and if they were noeput in.repair, a merits of the season, I am, ' . - big increase in, insurance rates would be the necessary - outcome This would soon =amount to more' than the cost of. fixing the pumps, (thouirhsthat was niuch higher than. was expected. In spite of -all the expenditures' of the year, the finances of the town were in good, shape, the' expenditure for the' year .being only $:10.00 niore. than the revenue. . Hydro Was another ,important ques- tion. . 4.-.637--r4aw to be -submitted Would ask for the. raising of $18,000 .Thii 'by-law could not he submitted eS •the time of the municipal eleetiori, be - cease the Hydro engineers had been at work on a. plan -.by Which -the cost •,Electors of Lucknow. of current to Lucknow and. Ripley had. • - LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY. JAN. 1st.. 192k , A FLAX MILL Rs:: LUCKNOW The concrete building n :sr the sta- . knOwn as•the I3agholder building is to be converted into a flax mill, w.liich will be in operation' next sum- mer. The building has been bought wad machinery will be:installed in, the near future so, that the deal is 'quite.. beyond the stage of speculation. 'This was a bit of information given oul, at the noniinatiOn ineetrng Mon- -e.4:e•••• 4e'-efteseerefferliiisto'et-S The pierchasers are _ISfessie: .Logan and .Cutt•of Blyth- They are practi- cal men and are goieg -right .ahead with, the- business. They say that they will employ 20 men throughout etise,eoner, and in liax harvest time wilt want as niaey Ai-, a hundred" or more. The are -arranging_ tn hay ef flex mar 1.ucknow next segson,and, later will %ant four or five hundred acres. 1 /1 H1(.1t' ileOph' I;;- V'/ Ltd -LAAti, mg' to.,town. • Flax mills have been very profitable in recent Years, .and thte is reason to believe that tlie demand 'for. flak product 'will be great for Years to "come. ELECTION CARDS To.the Electorrof Ashfield: I take, great pleasure in expressing thanks to the ,electors of Ashfield for .the confidence they have shown in me by giving me tire position of reeve by acclaniation. I can. assure you that 'the affairs of the township will have my yery best atthntion in the future as in the past. Joseph Hackett -e- To the Electors of «the Township • of Kinloss. • se 'Ladies and Gentlement: Yours faithfully, . Charles BaThler To„the Electors of Kinloss Township: Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been nominated -as a•eandi- date for Councillor and. not being able to call on you at the present time, 1 this opportunity of asking you for your vote and influence, • and if elect ed, I will tryearniednemy.....edtv.in the interestsof this township, and be, Your obedient servant, William J. Irwin. -4-seatisee this $18,000 it Was pointed out that this' would be paid, not by the rate- payers, but by the. users ofcurrent only. The charge for current will be such that it will meet the annual rnents. The town .will pay for the street lights, oztly, , and there w T1 be 60 lights on .the streets at an annual, cost little sibeet:e what we paid for.12 formerly. Mr. Johnston esuggested that if there were any Who Osought of mov- ing away from Lucknow•because of high taxes,. they- ought to call-til some of the neighboring towns and. find out what • their rates are. • lc .would be difficult to find one in better financial condition than Lucknow. Our debenture debt issonly $8,990 and there 'are. assets antotiesting to $5,000. • Councillor Murdie was the second speaker. , He agreed substantially with aH the reeve had said, and the year's business had been so thorough.- ly gone over that hedict not feel there was much for him t.i' say: He said that with regard to .the purchase (If the light' plant, the council was up against a hard proposit•on, And they eertainly had 'an intei•esting time: But he stood just where his-tittiii yern• ago, and with Hydro six or seven- yeers awassi-lee -would do jtist what he.. had done. • He'waervery strongly in favor .4 the municipal shed, , and thqught, tit nething better could he "dime for the town. Farmers, he said, colild- do without the village nierchhnt rnuh better than the merchantean dotwith- out the farmer. Doubtless the towfr is losing business becanse of the,leek of shed accommodation, and 1•esidents on the hack streetirtire equally intor- ested with the merchants, for if the merchant goes, • the man on the back street will have to make up ithe taxes the merchant i?; now paying. ' Mr. Murdie Vouldseselsacc • I wish to express by' appreciation g me as your reeve for the coming yeas-. • As in the pastei. shall endeavor to preys, Worthy of 'your confidence by putting forth my very best efforts to flit -Oleg the welfare .of our village. Wishing you one and all a bright happy.. and prosperous New Year: • • Your 'faithfully, Rohert Johnson. 07 -- To •the. Electors of Kinloss. Ladies and Gentlemen: Being nom- inated for the office of couneillor for the year 1920,..I respectfully solicit _your support electiott day. If -elected, I ean assure .you that the affairs of the township will have my verybest attention. •Wishing you the compli- .meete of the season, I am, • Ye -ars very truly, Ye -ars Ernest Ackert. --0- To the Electors of the Village • of Lueknow. Ladies and -Gentlemen: . I wish to thank you mast sincerely. for your renewal of confidence in me as conneillor for another year: I can assure you that the affairs of the vil- !age ,will have iny most careful atten- tion in the futurre as iii 04.! past: Yours faithfully, Woe •Smitli'. • To the.Electors of Kinloss. Ladies end Gentlemen:. Iraeitas been .nominated for the reeveslep of Kinloss Township; and ribt being able' to call upon you. all.personally• in the limited time et leer (lisposal, 1 take tpis means' of respectfully soliciting your vote and 'influence: • Yours very truly, Henry Withers. ,To the Electors of Kinloss.. Ladies•and GentlemenHaving ac- cepted the nomination for the &Ike lItt' councillor, and As. I shall not .be Ina ent reeve, elks Wa-e- te Irt;1704tes if ( s ir your • vote and influence. Sho'uld . I be. elect- ed 1 shall serve .you,to the best of my ability.. ./ ' Malcolm Ross. 00 25 97 tt: 36 00 i be an 'election his name would eel'- s() toss tainly be on the ballot. , f 6‘; to 64 ' (Continued on Page Eight.) 1 • I o LOCAL AND GENERAL o - Mr. G. H. Smith is in Torontle.on a business trip, . Corn- for Sale carload just re- ceived at the Luc now Ejevetor. • M S.S. Ethel ./Itteve was ,hoine from Windsor for a few days ..of the past week..., , Mn. 'Will liouglae aqui little datugh- ter, Isabel, are, speridieg ,a ,few days at. Canfield. Mr.Lovat Hendry, of the Molsonc's Bank staff, spent Christmas at .his heme in, Teeswater. , Miss Margaret Henderson, of Tors , spent- XMawt Win. _ Single Copies 3 cents IIDLIDA Y VISITORS PUTTING THE EDITOR WISE . Holiday visitors observed in town and 'net mentioned lest week are: Al vin Camerop, Dental College, Toron to; Jas. Screinageour,•Milverton; pert Rivers, London; 'Hugh Anderson,- Bel leville; Berwick Sherriff,' Ridgetown Alex. Loekhart and Jas. Orr, Toren to'Clide Reid, Stanley Burn, . De troit; Misses Helen Mackenzie and 'EtheLe owe., - WinsIsore -Clarence , Evao . AMC, De - *tetra; Cordoi; jolthause Toronto; ..E. Millson, Hamilton; Isabel Macintosh, R.N., Hamilto,n; Ewart Cameron, Waikerton; Gladys Spindler, Toronto; Madeline MacMorran, Toronto; Dean Geddes, Qil Springs. ; tV• • • • • • • n • WAS CRUSHED TO DEATH Mre. Areiie Macintosh has ceme up .!(,/.• ;VI 1, .4 tV1ttiV("1. • Miss Belle Howe is home from Al- berta, where she taught school during thespast summer And fall. Ernest F. Clark, who visited -Here the past week, has taken a position with the G.T.R. at Stratford.' • W. G. Andrew and family have mov- ed into the 'residence bought son -ie time ago from Mrs. Spindler. Mrt Philip Steward left on Monday few Stratford -Where he has' taken L position as fireman on the G.T.R. • • Mr. Leslie Irwin, his wife- and little sou, Howard, are spending the week with his mother,. Mrs. Jas. Ir- win. Messrs. Geo.. and F. Paterson, who, .were visiting their parents here, wer's., winLk.ondon for. a few days of the past •ee • Mr. Lawson Murdoch, who is at- tending University at..Tororito,visity ed, with his aunt, Mrs. J. G. Murdoch the past week. , Miss Mary Christie,, is over fron Cleveland, Ohio, to spend' a week with • her 'cousins, Miss Jean -Lees and Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie. • Miss May McCoy, of London, and Mr. Wellington McCoy, of Strathroy, Spent. their Christmas vecation with their mother, in. town. Miss Evelyn. Williams and her sis- ter, Miss Rosslyn, of • Tillsonburg. were guests of Mrs. J. A. -Glennie for a 'few days of past week. • Mr. John MacKinnon. of Ada. Sisk is at his former hone on the 2nd con'. of •Icriloss, having come east with his brother James, who sini sine died. Mrs. '.Temple Clark, Goderich; Mr C. F. Richardson, TeeSecater, and Mies • Isobel Douglas, Chatham, spent the -Christmas week with their Mother, Mr. DDouglas. The death is reported from Wingh- am of. David ,Lougheed who .as a lad lived ire Lucknow. 4rits a South Afriean • war veteran, and for the past ten years was a helplesscripple duesto•an accident which injured his spine. • He Was in his 45 th year. • CHURCH NEWS Presbyterian Church: - Services next Lord's Day at 11' a.m. and 7,p.m. Morning subject:. • "Life's • - Supreme Glory and Ambition," front' our motto text' for 1920. Evening .subject: "The Share- of the Hundred Talents-" • YQU are invited to these services. .The services 'in the Methkist church. next nday 10•o'clock .morning meeting, followed by the, annual Covenant service. Sun- day sehool .as usual at• 2.30. The spec- ial monthly, evangelistic services will be held at night. The choiris' prepar- ing some speeialsmusic and in the ev- ening by request will sing "T o Late" -a beautiful an dimpreseive wee. COUNCIL BY ACCLAMATION - Lucknow has its_council board and tehoot hoard „for 1920 without an elec- tion. None of the new men'nominat- etU for- round! signed- quidificatien papers-, so that we. shall have the _Reim.. reeve and .C.01,11.16110r& 'thisyear as we had in 1,919. The school board has its first.lady nehober, Mrs. M. Mitchell taking.the place 'of her husband who' resigned. The other women- .nominated were: Mrs. E. Mackenzie, Mrs. J. ;Button, Mrs. R., T. Phillips. These, however, resigned. The school,board now con-. gists Of .Messrs. D. R. MeIntosh, R. D. Cameron, G: A. Newton, Glennie, W. E. Treleaven and,Mrs. Mitchell. _ N‘SHFIELD Da Itursswhts -erase reeve of- Ash- field the past year, has retired from municipal life, and Mr. Joseph Hack- ett beeanie reeve by acclamation. e Al%Iollowigethering for n‘keTeattsres.i7e,..,...........r.etein‘..t% ( a -puty and the councillor: John Jamieson, Frank. Johnston, Tem Sullivan, Robert Mc- Monald, 'James Jarvey,. see Mee -Deep Grehameased- his sisters hadi Tetter the other day „ifroni their brother 11,0,-41'0- !m t hie death,tooeltiell we 11,- ferred. last week. It seems, 'that the %young man was crushed between two cars in the railway yards, and his in- juries were such, diet he' died about thirty minutes later after heing,taken to the hospital. ,elle was unconscious when picked up, and it is thought that ae never knew what happened. LUCKNOW SCHOOL .REPORT C CLASS. Excellent -F. Eatonelc. Webster, W. Webster, K. McKenzie, Ms McAllister, V. Sherriff, B. Milne, Jewitt, M. Watson. . •• Good -IL McDonald, Charles Web - ;ter, I. Drinkwalter, A. McMillan, S. McLeod. • 'Fair -R., Watson, S. Whitby, J. Mc- aregor.. ••B CLASS. Extelient-K. Mortis, 14. Button, S. Steward, E. Nixon. Good -I. Whitby, H. Johnston. • A CLASS. Excellent -_-J . Stewart', k. Andrew,...C. McIntosh, P. Menary, .3. Anderson, A. Wilson, A. Murdoch, 1. Witaon, C. Greer,I. McMillan,' J. 3rabson. Geode -H. McLeod, R. Arm- itrong. Fair -D. Henderson, R. Fin- layson,- M.' MeIntosli, -M. Mortis, F. .Thompson, B. ,,Drinkwalier, M. Mc- Donald, E.. Baker, W. Armstrong, E. Whitby, T. McDonald, L. Irwin. ELECTION IN KINLOSS There's going to; be "right smart line in the Township of Kinloss over :he choice ora council for 1920. The eetiremene. of Dan MacDonald, Who for so lophas occupied the office of • eeve, has opened the way for a num- ter of as)irants, and there are four .andidater, for the reeveship. These , ire: • John' MaeDiarmid, J. J. Tiffin iharlee BmchleP and Henry Mothers, rhe three former have been in the 7rohenci1 for some years. Mr. lathers else has had experience in the \coun- sil, - Messrs. ,MacDiarmid, Tiffin and 3iech1er leaving. the council has made e wide Oltening for new men, and chef" are four in the field as well ae Mr. Colwell; Who has ben a member the, past tWo years., T1, new aspir- ants are: . E. Ackert, W,, J. Irwin, Mack Ross and George Terris. From the material offering the elec- tors of Kinloss will have no trouble in in selecting e good and progressive board. • ' . g , WEST WAWANOS4 ELECTIONS The Township of West Wawanoeh • . is safe.from -the turnioil and the ex- pense of an election for 1920, a new council having been elected by, accla- mation on Mondey., The new reeve is Mr. J. C. Purdon, who his served for some tine as councillor. Councillors for 1920 are: 13. S. Naylor,' • A. E. Johnston, John Medd And J. B. Young. WEDDING BELLS • Culbert -Hodgins A ,very pleasant event, took place nt thehomeeteMrs rnid Mrs Walter.. Hodgins, Kinloss, on Tuesday even- ing, December 23rd, When their eldest d a pghters., •_and. Mr. Earl -.1. Culbert 'were united in thZt holy bonds of mat:rinieny. h'elock, the beide charming- ly attired in a dress of, white duchess. satin with crepe and pearl trimmings, and carrying ' a bouquet of white carnations and maiden, hair fern, en- tered the drawing rooin to -the strains of the-vnedding march played' by Ant nie E•. Hodgins, sistee of the bride. The cerenumy was perfori4d br Rev. J. L. Fosters Conseratelatiwiesover the -Tent were invited, to the dining•roonewhere a. sumptuous wedqing dinner' was tives were present. The,young couple are spending their honeymoon with friends at iLtican, London and St. MarYs. ,14 Mr. J. G. Anderson Points Out .An Oversight , 4 Winnipeg, Dec._ 28, .1919. 'The Editor, • . ' - Lucknow Sentinel,, Dear Sir:- e` I read with very mu4h interest the ceding -Edit -Or -Win- VOW. iseseee (•;.1 efiTTR A W. FU're$ W_ANT T. rf --4.e.s.L Ise_ - "19th "Step .s:eeeniatititri in' land." ' Ili. ,''• l.'"ad ea ,c°44,1::14 ‘vith one of OP: . this article you glorify PrernierDrury supply. a great number 'of, ftits thsi . . hugest' Jim noul.ies. in Canada ,t ) ' • . season.. I am prepared to pall the for His promi• Se to.give the municipali- . very highest prices in order,' to ties of the province the power to de- carry out this agreement. Cell aB. y termine theirownsystem of taxation . nd see Blitzsteine DrGoodsStine. J.ncknow. , . • .13-11-11. ..eueu. say "Here we seesthe advan- s ---.---- • tage of destroying the old party gov- 'LOGS WANTED. -We are in the' ______suarkee_o Jaiy____soft_ -e.-Ins,.maphe --- - erments,' and putting- iriepp' were. are , - -,,,----- eiree.:74-orice basswood- nett beech- logs , ...e_essee- unhampered' by traditionsand the in, uird--w-ifl. pay-...hightsetsmarki-t el ,••,.• se . 1,4 i.e,...,,d loet cut 1 , leligthe e wer, er esesothe len:1 tinselfieh frise . s. 4, ' I - 4 ! • ,.,-. . . 1 1 o EVERYBODrS COLUMN o 1 • MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable. rates. Fire Insuranee, both stock and Muttial • Companies.' Conveyancing • with neatness, and 'despatch. -- Geo. A. Siddall, Broker. LuCkno% . s( Premier Drury promises, is a radical measure, though simple and ifianifeste- ly just." . - The -editor shOuld 'certainly brush. up a little on the political history Of the province. ' Local option in taxation has been part of the policy of the Lib- eral party, for a long, time. It ,,was advocated by the party under lioneA. G: McKay, and during the.time the writer had the honor of- a seat in"the legislature we divided the house, • as the rederds will show on different oc- casions on this very 'question; So that this is no new proposal of Mr. DrurY's r who, it is safe to say, got his ideas from his liberal training before he ab- andoried his,liberalism for U. F. 0. ism, after his defeat as Liberal can- didate•in Nerth Simcoe in the election. hi the fall of f917. - ' It is also quite incorrect to say that , "Under the old./order Justice had lit- tle to do with 'determining legislat- ion", and.that ".._everything had tp-be considered i•ont 'the standpoint -of par ty expediency, and the effect it would have on Campaign funds." . There is a general y ' osition on the part of the people o tarie to'give IVir. Drury and Jeis govern' ment a fair iiii - rial, but nailing is to be gained by imself and his supporters adoptineea 'Holier-than-thou" attitude. If is no eflection on Premier Drury -to say hat other men, quite as hig-minded s he, have occupied the position, hich he now occupies. Wishing you and all the readers of he Sentinel the compliments of the eason. . a • 'Yourtruly. J. G. 4aiderson. . . • Mr. Anderson is quite right in say- ing that "Local Option in taxation" was for a number of years aeplank in the platform of the Ontario Liberal' party, and in order to be complete, the editorial referred to should have con- tained a paragraph stating this. --The late Sir Jgnes Whitney' was the most stuboborn opponent of the proposed re- form.=Editor. Al*PEAL -DISMISSED The following brief notice of a loc- . al law suit appeared iii a recent issue. of the. Globe. i'Trealeavep . v. McDohalch-J. Spence -for, defendant W. 'Prouilfoots K: 'C. and W. Proudroot41•. for plain- -Off, -Apnea. I by defendant from judge me.nt ofsLogie J. of 18th June' 1919. Action to'erecover $10,000 .damages, for mandatory order, for defendant to .loWer ,mill dant and f.ir 'injunction' to re -strain •defendants from,. interfering with plaintiff's rights -as a riparian proprietor. At trial judgment was given plaintiff for.$5 damages and for. mandatory •oeder asked .wj,th costs. Appeal dismi'Ssiel with costs. DEATH OF JAMES.MacK.INNON After being at his' lionle on the 'Ind concession of Kinloss' for .only a few days, following' his return feom _Ada, Saik7,7;IiinJVS.-Mackinnon died there no Saturday of list .weeks He had been ill for several years with hews trotibler -and -eighteen esiontha aeo he went out to Saskatchewan withhis brother, ,John; The Change, however,. does not appear to have resulted in much benefit, and he .evae .forced to return to his old home. •Ile was. 40 years and 8 months'of age. The. fun- erAl was on Tuesday of this week to Kinloss cemetery. The. family,have the sympathy ef merle. friends in their sad bereavement. 47 - BORN • . t.11 -know, on Dec. .'12thS. • . 1919; to Mr. and Mrs: Miltsie t ete . 15-17p XaV- DOG .‘STRAY-Isast or strayer from the premises of the undersignecle on Doe.' 26, a Collie Dog, bled( with white markings. Any person having information ' of his whets - abouts kindly report to Wr.. Struthers, R. 3, Lucknow. „* • LOST. -e: -On the street between Fin-. layson's store apdthe Skating rie.. -A small brown box containing :. Brooch- Finder please leave The Sentinel Office. TAKE NOTICE. -There are a nunr')- er of -fakirs going about the cone-, try making folk believe that Sun'.: is down in price on account of tee war stopping; but we are still pee- ing 28c. for horsehair, 3c. to 4c. • for rags, and 4c to 5e for rubbers. • We will cail 'on /every home in Lucknow and vicinity and pay these prices and giving 16 ounces to the pound.--Seddens, Ripley. • 29-5-tfc 'DR; PARKER, 0STy.1024T.. House, ersucknosvs evers--144hilhfr..:1"7' -day- afte-cintkiir Allchronic di • eases successfully treat( d. ue - teopathyremov es the phseecal• • causes of disease. ,Adiustment of' the spine is more quickly secured •• and with f. beer- ti•eatmente ..teopathy than by any other .method LOGS WANTED. -'We, ,the undersign- ed, are open to* buy logs of ali kinds of timber, delivered at our saw - • mill 'at Lucknow. • We can take. all , •grades of logs proeidilig they are • good enough to mole crating lum- ber. As we make use of all this • material in our factory.we are pre- pared to pay the higheet --market prices for all classes of fogs, -Any • person having timber to sell we Would be pleased to have them call at our office and get all particulars. The Lucknow 'fable Co:; J. Button, • Manager. , Jan. :;1 FOR ALL MATTERS REGARDING GREENHILL CEMETERY refer to D. Alton, Sexton. FOR SALEe-Frame barn, Illitietb. Fel- particulars and terms app&.- . Co:.. r'table Dwelling, seven -roottes.:-- „ la three:tee pantryand woodsle :111(1 soft water. About ene of and, with fruit trees and. lee den and berry bushes, and a 1211111 20x24 feet. Apply to John i.ut ton, Lucknow. 14-13-tf L011 '.i 11OIS r.: FOR SALE. -Frame dwell- . iee, 6 rooms,. kitchen and pantry;, 1...00(.1 'cellar, stone foundation, on e:Lauffer St., Luckuow. Aritilv. to . .1. E. Agnew. Lucknow, or .AsPiley Harriston. 22 -5 -tie . - , • • s • • AUCTION SALE •, Lea McPonahl will luive an. Auct • . Sale of :\ I Heil .Cows, Calve: .,1 oting• cattle at the . • less 1:ern on Saturday, Jan.. :.,. l'a _ 'FIll SE.‘S()N • ()PEN. .= 'Prices for all .kituis,,of. raw 'furs, :le - turd rag to(1;:2r!-.-ty.: • All did 'busines-• lest y: ar. ls I be essually well .satistits, thes..e.ason.-if they sell • to inc. Fur,- ,MairkPt, f,.,40r all kinds ,,f f. calf and horse Is ; hese\ eh( you, Iseee a II 4,21,1 1 : ., • 1.tickno,. - arty that ./ • ;; ; l-:\1 1:! up% inn el -; .:re ,0..1 team:eine • romp:tit) a -1Vm. ,tc.‘ossT v, ,1 ,,ary ire in; . )1, ndcrsigned and let Los . .Vg_new Brown. -In Lucknow, 0.11 Dec, .1, 1 th„ -.. 1919, to Mr.l.and Mrs. Robert', Brodvn, a daughter (Margaret Isa- tiel.) • .• • I "I...a...kno‘v • .. e• „ .0r,101"1111:" • • 1 in to\ eieniere. e: , et.,e-rine Denal.11 teas, d we'esref fse,esee who died itt„Fonthill, Ont., on 1)04. ee 191Q..s.-8rOtirer aipl Sister. • •