The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-18, Page 3so GETfINGREADY FOR TOURISTS ON THE BATTLEFIELDS OF FRANCE.. Influx of Visitors Expected Next Spring Will Help Pay War Bill. France' owes a large amount of Money, having been a party to and the scene of a large world war. -It costs money to, ;support five years of terri- c struggling,: and. t!ie' fr•nauclal genii of that country are devising ways and means of., seducing the dig` scouragin 'disparity ,between the cash -on -hand • and the .cash-to-be•paid-put sides of the natierial ledger, The money' -pent• by tourists is being counted upon, as a mean's toward pay- s .,.-ee -.Aug dng :part of the war hips, according to Jules Dorang, who represents the new- ly formed Commissiog of Tourists, the government of France is virtually planning to 'etandard'ize touring, in order that do guilty dollar may es- cape.. Instead of being a nation cover- ed -Ely -Rh -tourists- roaming at -will and without guides, .France will have.- a few well -trodden paths; leading through the' lieto t of the places where 1 enough history was made to add an- "' ether 3:ear's ., ortlr to the: bigha snhl of Curriculums. ' ""�W `isy. ' " `'fn`'e'rtltizr; :iT: Dorang said, "there are acteal accommodations for only fifty, and yet 5,000 people visit c the battlefields, with their million -dead under thiir mounds of earth, and • some 'not • c:omisetely 'under, almost daily. "It is. he?'rtre•ndirg to -see the- dreds of British Women and the people from all parts of France ' combing THE TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH Easily Maintained Through the Ube of Dr. Williams'` • Pink Pills. • There is not a nook or corner in Ca- nada, in the citieshe towns, the vil- lages, on the farina and in the mines and lumber camps, where Dr. Williams Pink Pills have not been used, and from one end of the country to the other they have brought back tr bread- winners, their wives and famil,tes, the splendid treasure of new health and strength. You have only to ask your neigh - bora, and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, some suffering ,. woman, ailing '-youth or anaemic girl who owes present 'health. and'strength to Dr. Williams; Pink Pills: For •More than a quarter ce of .a •ntury these pills have -been known not only in Canada, but throughout all the world,; as a reliable tonic,` blood -making medicine. The wonderful success of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is due to the fact., that they go. right to'the root of the disease' in the .blood, and by making the vital fluid rich and red strengthen every organ and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and mak- ng weak, despondent people bright, active 'and ..strongr ''h'ir.�-W:.''r. John - •n, c':;n i f the 'b.'.,t l►:{ivtvi1 boa int>st tlit;tily e .teeme4 . men• .- in Luneuburg county, N.S., says:—"I am a Provin- ial Land Surveyor, and am exposed for the greater part of the•year to very hard work travelling through the forests by day and camping 'out by night, and I'' find the only thing that will keep me up. to the, mark • he Dr: Williams' Pink 'Pills. When I leave home fora trip in. the woods 1' am as =ems s ,provisions, and on such occasions, take them regularly. The-- result is am always fit. I never take cold, and call digest all kinds of food such as we have to put up with hastily cooked in the woods: Having proved. the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as. a tonic and health builder, I am never with-•' out them, and I lose no opportunity in recommending 'om»rending then to weak . people e •iu sret� c t fl' beloved dead: They dare all kinds of hardships." • Providing Hotel Accommodation: As- . outlined by M. Dorang, ' t . French government is heartily . adv eating this buillizig of huge temperaw. hotels, 'with to hundred and fit rooms 'each,-. equipped with ever modern convenience: ' These, the 'sad, will be established on the to principal battlefields of. France, i eluding . Ver,lun, :�Iuntdirlier, Soisson • Az.riens, Arras, Ypres, l'eronne, Pon `a-Mousson, in the Toul sector and in' the Argonne_. , _ _ ,_ - e hotelse: will..... be built to last for .eight or ten years, after which re- construction will have proceeded t the most devastated points," M 1'r;t•:rwig •said. "Undoubtedly, th • murrey spent on the hotels would be .realized in the first-yetr.cif their exist - epee. '"Arrangements will be made in this Country, through a bureau, to be es- tablished by M. , Dorang, to prevent • congestion' at any single point, by the routing. of. the- tl wrists• so that the en tire touring_.bruty will move methodi- cally and systematically, "An attempt will be made to fix the itinerary so that five hundred persons will stop • at. each place o one • night. They will be given tickets, inscribed with -numbers.. These will show, for example., that i1i'r..:1 will be at Verdun on- Monday, Srrisi ons on Tuesday and perhaps the Argonne on Wednesday. His card will •be stamped with the number of the room he is to occupy, Mr. Fi will have a card which entitles' him to.,a r'woQat Verdun. an. T-uesday,- Sois:•ons on Wednesday and the Ar- gonne Aft Thursday. . -Wounded and maimed soldiers, re- sidents of the battle -scarred territory, will serve as_ guides. .• Having lived and fought ,over the ground, they will be able adequately to give the tourist o lasting impression of the battle- fields." Tourist, Spend $160,000,000. • he o- ry ty y n whom I meet-" • n. Dr. Williams: Pink Pills should be s, kept in every home, and their occa- t- sional -use will keep. the. bleed pure and ward -off illness. You can get tr these ,pills through any.. medicine deal- .n er,,, car by mail at 50 cents a box or. six f ° boxes for $2.50' from The. Dr. Williams'iams' W tr. G 1 chicken - --�: , a y the Ibuilding and cover it with�side f ! c•hicke n 1 feathers. Road culverts. are a favor ite prowling place for skui.ks, and trap set at either end of one will likel produce results. . As anyone wl hay tried it know catching a skuis only part of t} job. Next, and some think most im portant, comes killing and skinning. The best way to kill a skunk is. to shoot him in the centre of the back of the neck with a .22 -calibre rifle, using a short cartridge. .1f you have no gun, break his back with a long pole, which will have the same effect. Lots of people, especially boys, who skin a skunk advertise the' fact fol days afterward. However, it is quite possible to do the job in such a man- ner that half an hour later you need =not be a total outcast of soc:ety; The secret lies in first greasing the hands well, then use _ a sharp knife, and be _careful to cut only. skin, deep when p, eling the carcass. Unhappy exper- iences are nearly always the, result of cutting too, deep. Stand on the wind side of your animal,. irnd when `you have finished wash your hands well with kerosene, and the scent will come off with the grease- If you get any scent on your clothes,,,fresh air and time are the best deodorizers. Great Britain to Restore Louvain. , The destruction. of, property in Bel- gium was the most wanton of Ger- many's many crimes. Colonel ,,William 13nrelay' Parsons• told' trRernhers of the National Cnnrruiftve 'for the Iteetora:,.. tion of. the Library of Louvain Uni=. versity in a letter indorsing the move- ment. "Much has been said about the de- truction wrought hy the Germans in France," the -letter said, "But, terrible s ,it- was, the destruction wrought, in.. . Belgium. is. worms '"It- was not• caused by shell fire in , ttle; it wag not corn ted s a b em �`ni o "-etc' ement". o uses, fac- -' tortes and public buildings were'inten- tionally, and in accordance with plans ' carefully prepared, razed to the • ground and their 'contents carried off • t •1. • A -COAT DESIGN 6 .els' 9154—(,4rl's Coat. Price, 25 pen Adjustable collar; side sections a sleeve in one. Cut in 5 sizes, 6, 8, 1 12 and 14 years. Size 8 .requiree 2 yds. 46 ins. wig, or .1 % 'yds-. 54 in wide; lining, 2% yds. 3(; ins. wide. Tjiese 'patterns; -nay-- be 'obtain from your local McCall, dealer,. from the McCall Co., 70 Bond S Toronto, : Dept. W- •• With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out \in i tLIt Any Pain BITS OF RUMOR FROM HERE S'IIfEAE Ere corms, hard corns, soft corns or Labor Trouble. any kind of a corn can shortly b. His Better -Half (regarding him titled right out with the fingers It you from the bedroom windows)—"Where you bin this hour of the night?" "I've bin at me• union, considerin' this 'ere strike." "Well, you can stay down there an' tone at any drug store, which L sum- consider this 'ere lockout." , cient to rid one's feet at every cord or callus without pain or soreness or • the danger of infecttein. • -•a . Modern Version. This new drug isan ether compound, LThe story of the good Samaritan was and while sticky, dries the moment it beingexpounded to the class. The ts applied, anexd does not inflame er avecp Se- el1irritate the`'surrounding tissue. maritan was pictured lying • bleeding This snnour_cemeht will interest by the roadside, where the robbers many wcmen here,,• for It is said that who had set upon him had left hint: the present high -heel footwear ie put= "Now," asked .the teacher, 'pipes anytips c�±rrs n practically e.oe--, little child knew whet meed happened woman sfeet. , • . will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can Eet a quarter cf an ounce of tree- - ---- to the poor man? • se.:d°�l>!bat�t:H old Him.' -' �b �kd.be t3te'unswer •: They were very fond of each other "Please, ma'am-;""efie said, '"1 think_ and had been engaged ; but they had he a iss run over by an sutomoU7-le." �' quarreled, and were too proud to make ]U it up. He called afterward at her True to Form. �, house --to see her father on business. _Old Giles was taking out an insur- ; $he wasao t the -deer: --- anee policy on his ;lite and he and his- s.* "Aii--4ss Blank, 1 believe?" said wife were puizling over the forma • • b •• ; yfur father in -?'a = that had arrived fo )iim to sign. ed No, sir," she replied, "father is not a "See this said Giles "it says: ori at present. Do you wish to see him 'age of father if living!' I suppose I t•. .personally ?" rrlust 81i it in.'• ,g "Yes." l•, f r art• �, ...r �,{ .. ,,. _ •ns, ' 41 ...` ' CHILDHOOD C01.SITITIO1 Con_ stipation is one of the most co mon ailments of babyhco'fi, and. child hood and unless it is promptly cure •quill undoubtedly lead tin disastrou results. To care this tremble: nothin can equal Baby's Own Tablets. Tire are a mild laxative which instantly ro- ' visitor, c�'lie telt brat i::., fureic • sweet- few days dater 'Giles,�rece "received •a visit heart wase- y-ieldtng— --I wanted to see from the 'trgerrt ' him on veru Inarticular business—" "V. hat do you mean by your feria ten and ice turned a��ay haughtily. asked the agori't. "You state that your m_ "1 beg your pardon," she called after father's age is 110. That is ridicu- _ hire as he reached the last step, "but lous." d who shall I say called"' "No, it -aft _'t," replied Giles. "Your s form "says 'if living,' and that's the age g — MONEY ORDE.Rg. ,:.,._ .. he'd-be•if.he was alive now.- ." A Doniiuion Express' Money Order yf fl • ! 11 • or ive ; o ars costs• three cents. .. ;9esae a '. :3s; stomach, thus banishing constipation colic, colds, etc. Conceri>ing them Mrs: Eugene Vai.11':ipreurt, St. IVatltieu Qtte., writes: "When my baby .was constipated I gave . leer Baby's Own Tablets and am well satisfied with the result. I •would strongly recemmen'l them to all mothers nes• this trouble." The .Tablets are sold , by medicine dealers or by .mail at _r, cents a box rom The Dr. Williams' 1!;';licine Co., Brockville, ,Ont. - • • The Essentials. "And so you learned French tbor- , . °uglily while, over there, son?" said the proud father `of the returned so.I= dier, "Sure! 1 ,;citeAo 'I could say hello and goodnight and order•-• ham and eggs, and T eorild ask a fellow to lend • ' me money and •tell a •girl I loved her better'n anything and that's all a fel- ' Iow needs in any language." • o Germany or burned. • "Of these crinies-because they are rimes --the wilful destruction of the reat library of Louvain, which by no tretch of the wildest imagination , ould • be deemed a military necessity, I f tends perhaps as the greatest." Great, Britain has undertaken - the estoration of the art and literary easures of Belgium, it was an- ounced. A conrmittd$ ` has been c s c s r Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Outwitting the Skunk. 'Tourists in France spend on i an average of $500 a year,. according to M. Dorang. The amounts vary, he 'said, from tens of thousands of dollars 'pent by Comparatively new million- aires to two or three hunched, spent by school teachers and others in search of some finishing touches to their edrication. The 300,000 tourists, at the average named . by 'M. Dorang, would spend $1:0,000,000, enough to pay, if' not for a full battle, at least for a sizable skirl'::,.'. The battle -seared territory, M. Do - rang explained, would not be in de- mand for agricultural or industrial uses for some years, because the valve of the land is but 400 francs' an acre, while it Is estimated that, under pre- sent conditions, the cost of restoring the property would be 4,000 francs an acre. The Ministry of P "Tublic Works, which hes the •'preservation of the battle- fields under its jurisdiction, M. Dorang said, has arranged • to preserve the 'pillboxes," or concrete machine gun nests, the tangles. of barbed wit, and the underground trench systems; just as theyware during the fighting. 'an ravages of civilization will not destroy Cie powerful, appealing' beauty of the b..ttlefieids, M. Dorang assures all prospective tourists. By an Act tet the French legislature the battle- delda have been classified as historical _ reaervatiOn ; -ho said. German prisoa- rs are. inti digging drains on the 1:.f Oefielt!!.. s b ;1 machine has been invented in England to redress worn wooden pav- ing blocks at a rate of 1,000 an hour so they -can be used again. to ou fa de 'th bu fo •tic lo ba •sta ma fa a ag for ro enc dep wil Mr. Skunk with his unsavory repu- tion is probably the beat known of ✓ fur bearers., It is an exceptional nil which cannot boast of a skunk n or two. Civilization may drive e larger denizens of the wilds afar, t the skunk readily adapts- himself nem eo nditions; aiti3 becomes domes= ated to the extent that he is nothing ath to take up his abode under the rn floor or to barrow into a straw ck. While it is true that this ani - 1 is in some ways a friend of the rmer, by destroying harmful insecti. ad mice, yet he has a .black mark ainst him by virtue of his relish chicken. He is a troublesome roost obber. Fri n closely settled neighborhoods Mr. unk will often advertise his pres- e by odoriferous means, and by feted- chicken yards, yet trappers 1 tramp the hills over and fail to' rmed, to direct the. movement. It f ill replace treasures that were des- u oyed and trace those carried off . to j ermany. : t Wizard 's- Liiiinicn;, Cures Keeping Carz�l C t �, e� S8U..1~g@. A New Sex. In fall when we hili hogs I always, Teacher=-"liow many ry sni:s'age• n cakes just the. size we se on the table,. put them in glass ars,, cover with melted lard, screw up r. •i'ht,' and it is ready for 'isa at any The members of the English com- t mittee include: ' Lord Muir Mackenzie, n 'chairman Sir Frederick G. Kenyon, Sir Alfred T. Davies, Sir Alfred H p-• c kinson,� Edmund Gosse,, Hugh Butler, e I. Gollanez, Henry Guppy, Librarian of u the John Hylands Library, Banshee- s ter; • Dr. M. Rhades James and Dr."C.asf T. Hher& WrightWri.g,ht�.. - .__-. , New Way of Stumping. ` t ;me. ' I have feet it this way a3 •Iong z. year. .There has always been one drawback=it' takes so much: •rare to over the cakes. and v.hile it was never ,rtirely lost, it was never to nice to se again. Last year I tried a new cheme._ • I used only the grease that ried out of the 'cakes as they were cooking, two or` thred tablespoonfuls to -each -jar of sausage; after screwing ight I turned the jar upside down to ool. Of course, .the -jar was perfectly it -tight when the lard cooled and my g'usage kept perfectly. I left the jars tending on the tops, as in the warm cattier 'the lard might melt away, nd the, -sausage would seed. A novel method of clearing a field' a of stumps iS described in the foilow,ing s Ietter from a farm woman: "I had purchased a steam -pressure, canning machine, hut didn't have any a land on which to: raise- t he tomatoett with which I had hoped to make my' canner a profitable investment.. Even -I tually I persuaded my family to lett I . was cured of painful Goitre by me have the use of a. two -acre strip lViItiARD'S LINIMENT.that had been cleared off Bari they BAYARD 11cMULLlN • ,winter. I managed to roll lois Chet: rage -sant was cured of inflammation by .together, -and either bur», them_ en_ • there?" Little Boy --"Thrice." Distemper.. sexes AseCAriagikAlicarten • Book an DOG DISEASES sad T'uw 'to V etd Me,iled Free tc any Ad- dresr- by the Author. E. Clay Glover Co.. Sas. 11S .'est 'CJst Street New )•(irk. Teacher--" Wit:it are they?"' Little Boy --•-Tire male sex, the fe- male sex and the insects." The fcvto nates• after sunrise is usua.,!y the eolde t perind of the day. d. SINCE 06870, I° • i i { TONIGHT! • Take "Cascarets" if sick . Bilious Constir ated. Classified AIresrtisem.lsts• yaws mos asap onk fit OOD, EQUIPPED BASICA= Ulr WAN farm, awl o�►al sane. worked. Very profitable. Bartaia Ps Prehcoi t, Toronto. AGENTS property. waetr, £GPXTB W*XTED. ORTRAIT AGENTS DEBIRI>f1� Q Prints, Finished Portraits Yg' Frames; write for Catalogue and Puler List United Art Co., 4 Brunswick Are.. Toronto. iR1101ELLANBOVIL HEN S WANTED, ALIVE, 11 QiNT a pound, any sise. ' I pay express • within 800' miles of Toronto. Samuel' Lewis, 686 Dundas West, Toronto. CANCER, TUMORS- Lt1MPe• ETC. internal and external. ,oared without wain by oitr home treatment. Write as ore too late. Dr. Hellman Medical , Co.. T.imlted. Collintwood. Oat" Language in China. •, Three•fifths of Chinese speak peas Melly one, dialect, the Mandarin, and the educated among the other two- fifths are becdming (familiar with fix„ tart Oozes Gareet In Cuss. , To make kitchen aprons last twice as long, make a seam down the front. Then. w•henbthe front is wearing thin --"` sew the two sides of the apron to- -gether- and open the front seam- and the apron is -practically a new one. To prevent pockets from catching on doorknobs and tearing, put them on wrong side of apron. Enjoy life! Straighten up! 'Four system ' is !sled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach* upset, your head dull and aching. Your meals are turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always 'by taking Cascarets /� iiga occasionally• They act without grip- - s .i,ie , 1nc�ontetiianee... They never e� sicken you like Calomel. Salts, 011 or e nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too—Cascarets work while you sleep. 30 SToPSCOUGHS „SYRUP 0;: FIGS" CIjILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tonmte! Remove poi- sons frgm little stnmach, find his den, especially if he has been ' tire or in small enough pieces to allow much trapped. In this case you wil very likely find him holding forth in some old building, under a stone pile or around the roots of a tree. When you find his den set your trap (No. 1%), digging a shallow trench in the ground- so. that the trap sets level with it, then fasten the chain to a stake and drive it down level with the ground. ,Poo often trappers make • e mistake of leaving a stake stick- ing up above the ground, _ Coveryour trap with straw freely mixed with chicken feathers, and scatter a few grains of corn about. You will find this one of the best sets for skunk, and one that ran he used anywhere. When -you catch n skuhk, do not uss up the surroundings too, mach. Skunk c draw better. , And speaking of draw- I often Aden up tet or more in one hole, ing, everybodP knows how a heater and if things are not tap much dis- can draw. Of course, the stump has to be chunked up, and it isn't very fast work, but I find I can burr outany stump. the stove will flt down overs '• and do it well and safely." , • e••••t►•e.was•snasa me to roll them entirely off the land. Beit the stumps stood so thick that the land was practically useless. "Coming in the house one day ,I , found my mother lamenting over the, number of holes in the bottom of the heater that was being taken out Of; 4 the dining -room. I asked for the stove, l .and was given it, with a lot of ques- ! .tions and wondering -leaks. I hacked' the bottom out of it and carried it out to my new ground and set Lit over a stump. It worked fine. I. put on a joint of pipe to keep the spark.; in. It burns them rout quite a distance into the ground, and does even better when Idig a hole through under.the stump ext td the taproot, as it seems to t MINAItD'S-`LINIMENT. • MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I -was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINALD'S LINIMEN' , Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. !• .tnrbed, one set may prove very profit- able. Mice make lroocl halt for dkunks. If you can. find where a skunk visits a e••• s a There's something rleall fascinating about the nut- -•raperNuts :f • • •a a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • like flavor of • • The strength and nutrition : 'gleaned from. wheat end malted barley food • make it a most sensible breakfast cereal, economy. • • • • 8111 011011eleelimelswebeiserereemiesseeseseinnseistieseeMessimi English Scheme for Second . A new project in. indhattial town building to hzt. culled theSecond.Gar, den City is inerourse of formation in England and the development wiil be on the lines of the First Garden City ishich was established at Letchworth in Hertfordshire, fifteen years ago. . The estate, 'chosen is tn Hertford- shiace about, ten miles from Letch- worth. and. twenty -ono miles from London. Provision wiil be made for a population of from• .10,000 to 50.000. •. While The offshoots from the Letch- worth experiment have been niany, they have taken the form of garden anburbs, *Rh the idea of providing liver and bowels only--loolt•for the name Callfernla on the .paileeze, 'then yen are sure your harmless laxative c. I direct ions tor ,cl• 1' Dottie. Wye it a ire Powels fe•iite taste .Full better accoramodatian .for the woiksi:, ACHES AND PAINS in the city and, to' that extent, have served n useful purpose. But no eingle development 'has emhedied the prin- trial town complete itself and sun. rounded by n permanent agricultural belt. that shell not suffer dieintegra. tion by the expand'ing-iii•eds of the ,ur- ban centre. The Moe is thgt a chain of small towns proplerly equipped for all the uses and amenities of life and per.manently in touch with agricultur- al areae is better for -public welfare than a few large, and overgrown cities that sianilii feed the peptilitt,ion of .the cities. It also tneidea pail lic ownership ef land aqd public ser- vices ,to that the increment's ir. value of .the land and the prefita of peblie peep e who create them. QuicKLy RELIEVED 'You'll, find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheum:A le ache Put it en freely. . Don't rub tt In. Just let it penctr naturally. What a External aril( sndecfs. soreness, . Cramped mu 4,d sinews, fight oar. the relic.; -.ti pral;ties Clam' 1;7,71:At Yet-iris:A • iFer Your Pair mid Scalp Dandzeft hits' the hair, Cnticura kilts • water; Rinse with tepid wkter. Dandruff usuallytiiappears. hair stops fallitnir,/ becomes thick. live,and healthy. Seep 25e. Ointment 25 and We. Sold LimiteiL St.- Paid St.. Montreal. • from the first -sniffle or sneeze. Stop it In time and do not gamble witirt your health. Used over, ie years in treating coughs. colds and allied complaints. • tvarybedy buys lift Largo also 01 Montreal D. WATSON & CO., New York HAIR SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP A little "Danderine" stops - your hair comink out and doubles its beauty • To ttop falling hait• at once and, rid tlfe scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a sznall battle of delightful "Dan- derine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rid) it into the scalp. After sescral applications the hair usually tlxVS---CConiug out and- you "can't affair any dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong., thick:11,nd long and become soft. glossy and twice as beautiful and A Constipalien Cure A druggist says . "For nearly.. the Extract of Roots,keown as Mother Sr ii;el's Curative Syria, for the radical cure of constipation and inc:Igesoien.' it is an old raga& remedy that never fails to do ihe work." 30 dirps thrice daily. Get the Germinal, at druggists., 2 ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not AcpirM rt All without the "Bayer Cross" • • only genuine A Appirin Tras: sea-, rsrssho. Neu - teen Vesi-rs 111;1-1-. eer