HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 88 W1NUUAM TIMES, i'YIARCU 11, 1909 MINOR LOCALS. --'Che days are growing longer, -Mru. Owen, McAver died at (}vier - Joh of. Wednesday of last week, aged 7g years. -Regular reeetietg of Court A'itaitlaud, Canadian Foresters will be bold on Friday evening of this week. -The Royal Soarlet Chapter will meet on the 14th inst. ret 4 o'oleok p, m Alt members are requested to be present, -Mr. Robt. Holmes, of Clinton, will take up the duties of his position as Surveyor of Customs; at Toronto- in a few weelfe. -The Wiarton Cement Works will resume operations on the lst of May. A number of Americans have taken hold of the plant. --The Gorrie Vidette reports that Mr. W. H. Green, of this town has been in Wroxeter with a view to purohaaing the electric light plant in that village. -The Ties lo pleased to report that Mr. Geo. Cruickshank has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital. We hope he may soon be enjoying his usual good health. -A navel seaman has nee every day to salute the qua tereek of his ship, even if no officer i on it. "Salads" Tea is In such pop ar favor that many people feel like salating a packet where - ever seen. -Mr. David Rush has purchased Mr. John T. Lemonby's grocery business and property on Josephine street and has taken possession. Aar. Lamonby takes over Mr. Rush's two dwelling houses in the transfer. --Mr. M. Y. Mol,san, M. P. for South Huron, who has been ill for some weeks is now almost recovered and is able to walk out daily. He expects to go to Ottawa to attend to his parliamentary duties in a short time, -Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, of Brus- sels celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, on Thursday, Febru- ary 25th. They are former residents of Morris township and have resided in Brussels for the past five years, -H. H. O'Reilly, manager of the head ofiioe of the Bank of Hamilton, died at his home in Hamilton last week. Mr. O'Reilly was at one time manager of the Listowel branch and was well- known to many of our readers. -North Huron License Commission- ers will meet at the National Hotel on Saturday afternoon. Among the items of business to be transacted will be the fixing of date for the consideration of granting licenses for the corning year. -On Wednesday evening of last week Mayor Gregory entertained the mem- bers of the Fire Brigade to an oyster supper at Moore's parlor in recognition of their servioe in the recent fire, when'. their good work saved the Mayor's block of stores. -A "National Social" under the auspices of the Westminster Guild of St. Andrew's Church, will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 16th. An excellent programme will be given and refreshments served. Admission 10 and 15 cts. Everybody weloome. -Mr. Jas. Walker is keeping to the front in the undertaking branch of his business and has recently purchased a new delivery sleigh. The rig is well finished and is up-to-date in every re- speot. The rig oan be need in plane of. the hearse at Reasons of the year when the roads are bad. -Mr. John T. tonnes will have the Work of remodelling the store next to the Brunswick hotel completed this weak and will open his grocery store next Monday. Mr. Lennex solicits a share of the patronage from the people of Wingham and district. Look up his advt, in another column, -Judge Riddell, on Saturday an - nuanced sentences in the oases of the three Grand Trunk trainmen convicted of manslaughter in having caused the Harriston wreck in January last. En- gineer Kennedy got eight months in jail, while Conductor Fleming and Brakeman Lame were allowed to go on suspended sentence. --The death took place last Thursday, at his home on the Huron road, Goder- lob Township, of Otter B. Wilson, at the age of 60 years nod 11 months. Mr. Wilson was a native of Goderioh Town- ship, and had spent his life there. He had been ailing for some time and was confined to hie bed for the past five weeks. -A Wingham gentleman, who thane, ed to he travelling last week, called at a to where the S. A. Musical Trio wad conducting a musical week -end meetinf;. Ris remark was that they are musical wonders without doubt, and expects to hear them again at the Town Hall, Wingham, Sunday, March 14th, 3 and 8 p. n5+ There first and weloome meet - Ing will be in the Army Hall, Friday evening, .,d -tinder section 125 of the Liquor Act, lnspector Torrance, of South Hur- on, bad Nicholas Kennel, William Davis, Frank Utley and H, McLinchey tip before Magistrate grebe, at Zurich on Monday, The two tint named are on the "Indian list" and the other two act ail themedium. by acted ehigh w the e liquor Was supplied. The fiat two were titled $10 and costs and the latter two *10 each and ooete, -Three of the organized classes o1 the Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a soolal evening in the lecture of the church on Tuesday evening. -$21.77 was the amount of the monthly missionary collection at the Methodist Sunday' Sohoed on Sunday last, This magnificent sum was contributed in response to the intimation of the super- intendentthe previous Sunday that the amount of the collections up to date was a trifle behind that of last year. -The sleetstorm which swept over this section Monday night and Tuesday was the most annoying of tate season. A coating of ice an eighth of an inch thiole and ae smgoth as glass covered everything outside when the citizens awakened Wednesday morning, and a fine drizzling rain, which froze as rapid- ly as it fell kept it in that condition. Pedestriane bad considerable diffioulty in walking and the middle of the "Ring's highway" was used by many people. PERSONAL. Mr, Geo. Mason was in London fcr a few days this week. MISS Jean Ross, of Clinton is visiting with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. F. Buchanan attended the meet- ing of the Dominion Alliance in Toronto last week. Mr. A. E. Bxadwin, of Galt was visit- ing with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Bradwin, on Saturday. Mr, Abner Cosens was in Waterloo last Thursday attending the annual meeting of the Mutual Life Assurance Oo. of Canada. Mrs, Robt. Willson, a former well- known Wingham lady is visiting with 1Ser. and Mrs. 0, N. Griffin and other friends in town. Mrs. R, Awde is in Toronto this week attending the annual meeting of the Supreme Circle of the Canadian Order of Home Circles. Mayor Gregory and Conn. Elliott were in Clinton on Monday gathering information in reference to waterworks for domeetio purposes. Mr. Jas. H. Robertson, of Whitewat- er, Man., is visiting with old friends in this district. He will buy two oar loads of heavy horses while here. Mr. Anatin Campbell, of East Wa- wanosb, a former member of the TIMES staff, left on Wednesday for Sudbury, where he has secured a good position in a printing office. Mre. F. G. Sperling, of Wingham, district organizer for the W. M. S. of the Wingham district, visited the aux- Mary at Gorrie, on Monday. While in town she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Leech.-Gorrie Vidette. Dr. Kennedy attended a meeting of the London Medical Association this week and on Monday evening read a paper. The Dr. is also spending a few days in visiting the hospitals in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit and will return borne next week. AAAAAAAAAMAAAMMAAAAAAAA DOES NOT NEED A DOCTOR. 2.3, 3.S C { 1 Mrs. F. Porier, Valleyfield, 1 Que., says: --"I always use Baby's Own Tablets for e little one, and therefore n:•er need a doctor. When my . .y is fever- ish or restless I giv- her a Tablet and in a couple of .ours ehe is all .c right. They h• •e been of the S greate bene to her when teeth• d ing, an ar net the thing in all 2 emerge of ." These Tablets prompt Dura collo, Indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, destroy worms, break up oolds, and make 1 teething easy. Good for children of all ages. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William`s' Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont. VVVVVVYVVVYVVYNNYVYWNOWYNO ST, HELENS, The following is the standing of the pupils in S. S., No. 4, St. Helens, for the month of February, based on the re- sults of the weekly tests, and general profoienoy: V.-Iioy Aitchison, Greta Webb, Darnin Phillips, Nina Woods. Sr. IV. -Edna Woods, John Webb, Ethel McPherson, Harvey Webb. Jr, IV. -Clarence McDonald, Maud Mc - Quillen, Bert Miller, Margaret Miller, James Smith. Jr. III, -Clara Woods, Winnie Woods, Ernest Gaunt, Hazel Anderson, Fanny Anderson, Mary Dnr- hin, Ee,r1 Cranston, Roy MoQaillan, Stew rt McGuire. . Sr, IL-MoEenzie Webb, James Aiiohison, Ernest Mo - ?hereon, Andrew Gaunt, Oeoil Hyde, Wilfrid McQuillan, Beattie Smith, Roy Smith. .7r. II, -Della Cranston, Gladys Hyde, Gordon McPherson, Edith Nixon, Ethel Anderson, John Gaunt, Carlyle MoDoneld, Herbert McQuillan, Sr. Pt, II. --Mary McQuillan, Gladys Webb, Willie Foteter, Majeska Gaunt. Jr. Pt. IL -Versa Woode, Alex. Purvis, Eddie McQuillan, Victoria Nixon, Gwenliian Hughes, 'Wilson Woods, Lorne Woods, Sr. Pt. I, ---Earl Dnrnin, Willie McQnil. len, Willie Nixon. Jr, Pt. I, -Joseph r Lizzie a I'ur is Marjorie jorleHnghes, Evan McQuillan, Enrolled attendance for the month M. Average attendance, 43. A. A. NAYC.0h, Teitoher, OURS WrrioN.-At Auburn, on Feb. 23rd, to M. and Mrs, Joseph Wilson; a eon. Bn ci .^In Blyth, on Feb.28th, to Mr, and Mrs, CbarIes Slack, of Goderioh.; a son, GnEit . In Teeswster on Feu, 2Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 1;, tireon; a son. F.o ym. -Iu Culross, on Feb. 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Iiome; a son. TuoarPsON.-Iu Grey, on Feb. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson; a daughter. WARWIOE.--In 13russels, on Feb. 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Warwick; a son, MARL;IED HST$0R2110-TON-VLsnn.-Qn Feb, 9th, by Rev. Q.W. Andrews, of Bluevale, Miss Frankie Clegg, of Morris, to Mr. 3. E. Hetherington, of Valley Springs, South Dakota. Slava--HaNnansox.--At the family resi• deuce. 4th con. of Huron, on the 3rd inst, by the Rev. P. A. MacLennan, Mr. Murdoch Smith, of Bedvers, Seek., to Miss Debella, only daughter of the late Kenneth Henderson, UII 'U WAMLET.-In Wingham, on March 5th, John Twam,ey, br,thor of Mrs. I. Uolo, aged 03 years. O'Cosxon.-In East Wawanosh, on Marsh 3rd, t'atharine, wife of Mr. 13, O'Connor, aged 22 years. MaLr. --At St. Helens, on Feb. 28th, John Miller, aged 65 years and 10 months. BLACznoatoto$.-In California, on Feb. 14th, Wm. G. Blackborough, of Idaho, former. of East Wawanosb, aged 31 years. NOTES DESTROY A satchel oonteining $1 •0 in promis- sory notes made by ar :s iu Saskatche- wan in my favor w r: either destroyed by lire in the burni ' of the Binvale G.T.R. station, or were stolen, Parties are warned not to cash these notes should they bo in existence. FRANCIS ASHTON, Strasburg, Sask. Wingham, Maroh 10:h, 1909. ASSIGNEE'S SALE of valuable Farm Property in the Township of Turnboary, in the County of Huron. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at The Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron on Saturday, 20th day of March, 1009, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow- ing valuable property, namely: All that part of lot number sixteen in the "13" concession of the said Township of Turnborry, situate be- tween the Southern boundary line of said lot and the River Maitland, and containing twenty-five acres of land more of less. This property is situate on the gravel road about three miles from the Town of Wingham, and about one-half mile from Zetl"nd School House. There are on the property a comfort able frame dwelling and a good frame barn and stables. Terms of sale 1O% of the purchase money on the day of sale, and the balance within twenty days thereafter when the purchaser shall bo entitled to possession. The property will be sold subject to a reser- ved bid, Further particulars and conditions of the sale will be known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1909. T. A. MILLS, Assignee. Royal Grocery 4, 3 .1. LEAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER +I. +i• for GROCERIES FLOUR BREAD. ORANGES LEMONS 4. Teas and Coffee I + Our Coffee fresh ground * while you wait. 4. 4. We carry nothing but the e+ best -and the best at lowest 4, prices. +. . s 4 PRODUCE WANTED; .,1'1', fe M.LGOLM'8 Phone 54. 4, ++++++++.14++++++++++++++,++ gituarommagmowaimusamars NEW GROCERY I wish to inform the people of Wingham and vicinity that on MONDAY, MARCH 15th I will open up in the premises lately occupied by A. W. Webster,. with a stock of GROCERIES CROCKERY Confectioner. Y The premises have been con- veniently fitted up, and I hope by keeping goods of the first quality, and by giving good values, to merit a share of the public patronage, J. T. LENNOX. ICING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE, KING'S KING'S The Old Reliable 25 per cent. off all Furs. See our Dress Goods. Dress Linens, etc. New Ginghams, New Prints, New Flabnelettes. WANTED. -Any quantity White Beans, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, etc. GOOD GOODS E. KING. O HEAP PRICES S+00000000•P•••••••••••••Eg 1106•i•••••••••••O*•taw•••••• 1 The Greatest Sale of Blouses for the month of March in the experience of this . House. How do we •account for it? Well, simply that the goods and trim- mings are the very best, and they are made and finished in the best and latest styles known to the best designers in Canada, and New York. And the prices at which they are offered has a great deal to do with their rapid sale. Come in. It will be a pleasure for us to show them and quote price. New Dress Goods -- Prints, Ginghams, Muslim, Lawns and Trimmings of every des- cription are here in abundance, and are pleasing our customers in every particular. Please come in and see our great display of New Curtains and Curtain Material of the very latest and best designs, Best Groceries Fresh and clean always on hand. The best flavored, sweet- est and cleanest Oat Meal always in stock. Try a package and you will always use it, Highest prices paid for trade. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4 ••• • • • • • • • • • • fp • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR SALE. A pure bred Durham bull calf, 11 months old; good breeding and good quality; color deep red. Also a quantity of cedar posts, telephone poles, oto. J. G. }TYPE, Wingham, P. O. Residence one and a half miles south of Wingham, UJRAI! !WAY tV SYSTEM' SETTLERS Low rates to certain points in Saskatohewan and Alberta, via Chicago or Port Arthur, each Tues- day during March and April. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS Daily until April 30th, C, Spokane, Wash $4275 Seattle, Wash Portland, Ore One way second-class from Wingham COBALT AND GOWGANDA The Pioneer Route in via Grand Trunk and T. & N. O. Railways. For full information as to ratite, routes, etc., apply to W. Henry, Depot Agent, or address J. D. Mc- Donald, D. P, A., Toronto. SETTLERS' TRAINS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN (CgNpD1ANN PACIFIC eatewey ley Canadian Pacific direct line For Settlers travelling with livestock and streets Special Trains will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY is MARCH anti APRIL at 10.18 p.m. Settlers and families without livestock shotdd use Ilednlar Trains Ieaiing Toronto 10.18 p.m. daily Tourist Sleeping Cars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS r(o Charlie for bertha Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information and free copy of "Settlers' Guide" or write R. L. Thompson, D,P,A,,. G.RR„ Toronto J. H. Examrta, Agent, Wingba H1 Red Clover Mammoth ;Clover Alsike Clover Eucerne Clover Timothy, etc. The above in the best qualities only and now on sale. ., Kingl Big Shoe Bargain For Men FRIDAY AT 7 IN THE EVENING n Box 'Calf, Patent Colt and Dongola Leathers. 35 PAIRS IN THE LOT. EVERY PAIR GOODYEAR WELTED. Regular $3.50 to $4.50 per pair. On sale FRIDAY AT 7 IN THE EVENING For $2.27 per pair. ON EXHIBITION 1N SOUTH WINDOW. Nothing wrong with these Sboes whatever- simply a clearance. of odds and ends. P. S. -Kindly do not ask us to bold certain pairs for you, None of these goods will be sold or promised to be held, and everyone will have the same chance AT 7 IN THE EVENING ( THIS) FRIDAY. NOTE. -This store closes as a rule at 7 o'clock, excepting Saturday evenings and nights before holidays. We will be open UNTIL • 8 O'CLOCK ON FRIDAY EVENING for This Sale. WILLIS & C O. THE SHOE STORE. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE it 29 I The Taylor -Anderson Co., Lid. MANUFACTURE THEIR OWN CLOTHING Is it too early to mention new stylest for Men's Clothing ? For the past two weeks we have been busy putting our new Spring Stock on the tables -- getting ready for you as soon as yort feel like looking. Many people like to buy now, so as to secure the very choicest picking --and it's a wise plan. We challenge comparison with any stock of' Men's Clothing in Huron County, and that's " going some." The showing of beautiful fabrics for Igog is now ready, and we want all our cus- tomers and others to see them as early as possible THE HOME OF REAL VALUES. - COME ON IN. The Taylor -Anderson Co., Ltd EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Opposite National Hater - - - WINGHAM BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned Will keep for service on his Orem ices, Lot 18, Con. 1, orris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERS01v, • Wingham, P. 0. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned Up to 12 o'oleck on the 18th Of March, 1900, for nllding a cement wall tinder the Salem Methedist Church (WOxeter Circuit.) Sire of church 40 x 28 feet; wall to be 10 Indica' think and 8 feet high, 434 inches to project for brick- ing purposes. The basement floor is alio to be cemented inside wall and floor to be plastered and steel troweled, outside wall to be plast- ered from ground up and blocked. Said wall to have M* windows Mid three doors. Cement to be Supplied b the Congregation and loft on the premises. Work to be commenced about let of June next. The 1o*C0 or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further part'• calms apply to D. L. WEIR, klaoy.+Treat. Wroxeter, Ont. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Company OP CANADA is about to publish a new issue of the. OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the district of Western Ontario, including WINGIIAM Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, ebanges of street addresses, or for duplicate ill entries e. s should beended in AT ONCE to z. BINKLEY, Local Manager.. 4