HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-18, Page 2" - _ dMmmmw A- _ ____ - __ __e�___ � _________._ _ " - I - - . . - - __ --- - - - - .. __ ,- .1 - _ 4--.-.--- 77 - *=, -_ _ - _!!f,___ -_ - 11 a .
� ", - 16 0 9i've sift, thaie two wwa the wisest. WIlen the children' have had their ... - - _-" I I . I
, .4 Of &H who give God receive gifts, such fun trom the Christmas tree, convert .- __ - __ - '-- " I . 10 -, I A I . .
1. C *ft== ' His aa they ore wiseet. Everywb,ere they It Into a Christmas tree for the birda , Christmas Eve in - _.- I
'' Her ,ji an- - t I HORSE COLIO .
, 14 1 I I .. I are wiseet. They are the Moo. by putting it outside and trimming it . �
I Here ke a brilliant and unique Christmas Story from the �% MIM I I i . . I
pen of the late 0. Henry, now recognized as one of the I �
world's greatest story -tellers. It Is a charming tale, full 0 Christmas, 1919. , ' DR. A. C. DANIEL"8,1%!-= . i
t - of character, sentiment nd surprlsesl . I I Again, the days bring Christmas Day, 5 COLIC) DROPS I The young man who boarded the ' . I .
� I The day of the Holy Story! 30 drops to a do**. L .
� One dollar' and ninety-four c0n1t3- .stance alone, and not by meretricious 11 And songs of glee are In the air, Ailowed on money lef t with us for berta, on Christmas Eve * was not in, a - . . I -
That �ra3 r cent3. ornamentation. as all good. things . from three to ten years.' .. good humor. It seemed to hinj t(% h
� . , . . And merry bells peal everywhere . PaTticillarly Unpleasant t I hat, - bil �_ -I I I . .
I Of It was in coppers saved one and should do. f I I id ,,
. . . two at a time by bulldozing the grocer - It was even worthy of the watch. � , - t) For the Holy Child Who came to earth Write for Booklet. . . . nigk of OY the nights * iii the, year, he . . 11 il 1 . . I
I And chose a stable for HIs birth - -with uncongreft- 1 --rW-7, ..,
. and the vegetable man and .the but- i As soon as she saw it she knew that I / - And stripped Himself of His glory. The Great West Permanent . I . shbuld have to put up . . I I
. cher, until one's cheeks burned with, it must be -Jim's. It wps, like him. I I . Loan Company - ..., . t _ . V i8l - s - urroundings. , The,. npgro .porter I . .
[ the silent imputation of parsimony i Wetness ,and value I "'Peade 'on earth, good -will to men!" Toronto Office . 20 King - j cl�
Della looked long and anxiously in I L. I F. artment w .
that such close,dealing Implied. Three ,, applied to both Eighteen - dollars We hear the angels -singing, - ' - . I . . tled hlmsclf In his co'm'p"'. L ith ^ - I
� times Della counted it. One dollar and'they took from h* -he, hur- . ft --.---,--- I . i�; f: I a Tee'ang that t1i;s wa^s to be a Christ. . ' -
ninety-four cents. And the next day, ried- home with the two dollar& With I -- ---------. , I" " . UVA 11�I . . to'
L would be) Christmas. , that chain 'oh 'his watch Jim m . . sdfveso"d, I NtRA"a"' ARUN * " , ', 11, .
- ,
, " L There wai clearly nothing left to do properly be anxioltis about the thue,in, I I The oldi*nt, established LTD. ! I . I ,P I . . , . ss the
I ' coat Jwket'and.,threw it on the, table. Eagerk, we welcom6 thoughts of peace, 0 . . I . I . I . ' .e,%VA*A I . . I . I .
. but to flop down on the s*bb' little 'any company. Grand as the watch - . . I . . : ., , , , � aisle -wero .�o,&d the five -cifi - - , - -
couch and howL So Della ,did it. was, he,sornetimes looked at it� oii the "Don't make any mistake, Dell," he ' Baxiish our long -worn -sadness: '' RAW 'FUR DEALERS I A -$yMptt)m of coilic., . . t, . I .
Which indicates the moral reflectiGn sly, on' -.-account- of the. old' leather .s`W ' I . r 'A Plad that the battla'spoi" ig dfin, -1 11 I _In.Wontreal
, es. strap that -14 usid in,pl,age of a chaiii imyrtbing �n the way of a 00flUcky horse Pr .A c, biniek i t � k,tentiom,. - The moth ar, was prkas�pt-", "'. . . - . . .
. sobs, and smiles, with sniffles ,pre- Wben- Della- reached home hor in- shave, or a inampQo that,could make ' ' 4 1 , , . I I. . . . I I . I . Its, His and, restorV it to condItion. ,I I faced. rth a tired lo'ok In'ber *,eyes . . .. .1 . C . .. -
dominating. toxicatlon, 'gave , 'a little to pru- me like m* girl any less. �ut ,if , '11 A;W .Joy and niirth S&U&facklon Quard,nieed to "Ippers. W101 'a bottle of this famous retaedy 1 1 thut sugw�� OW. -Lou " Awuoas� ,day . _ I., I I
While the,anistress of the home is dence and .,that package, you may see . Where - hearts were full of sorrow; * - so" for our Prue Li2t. _. . .
reason. She got out her u"'rAP for a veterinary. for this remedy in . I of,% traveL The three -'sleepy young- . I I
gradually subsidizing -from the first urling Irons and Hghted the ga� the Baby Kin _htreil , kLy ' i ster I
c , and why -you had me going awhile at first." Clear, from the star of ,p? '41 0 St. Paul St. West . 'Mo eaelly adinlulatered by an.Vone, '% 5 sat huddl-,d together on the scat I 11 .
. White fingers and nimble,tore at the Rays of the brightness borrow. - .1 . . . I , run the risk of lo a Valuable ft, But it Was L .1 . , .. I .
� stage to the second, take a look at went to work' , ., . - . ,. . . - I . - L &nimal? He prepmu-:T±b&V6 Dr. Ain front, facing backwird. .
I the 'ba". A ftknin-hed--ft" :Mado-- -by #*d&o&Ity -a-dded to love. string and paper. And their -i -n ecAA- . - it' I—- - __ __ W - 11 ___ - I I C. Daz.&Iel's Colic Drops gn liand for - Ji6c .. L .
per week. It did not exactly beggar WhIch is always a trem'endous- task, tic scream of joy, and then,_alas! a Cast away care,'Ye sons of ineu! L . Zfffh*ft 1Prices Paid r,or I . t 1. . _ - ______ _
I . ' I __[J,crry_ ...
.1 -1 - Within forty minutes her head wais tears and wails, necessitating the im- . sheep, I -1 . I Write for price 1i ; Big Animal Medi .. -, - the man 3
I . Come, with'the shepherds' win . : and aWpinx tacit $Is � cal Book F e , overhOated, and -sat in V. . I *4,T.,
. . ,
description, but it -certainly had that dear friends - a mammoth task. .quick feminifie chan' . Set aside -gtopm a -ad sIntil-119-1- __ , W - PRICE - -$1.25 - __ - --as�j,- was,---- ----- ---- .-
word on the. look -out for the mendt Into the stable, with the . re . . ,
:L cancy squad. , covered with -tiny, close4ying curls, mediate emplo . ning. I OR -A. C� DANIELS COMPANY Ishirt sleeves, 'With hi's. head resting * -�., .01 .,
. I . . I I Reference --t, n , I L on '' Bank of Canacia . � nst the back of the seat. His el,e3 .. .
' In the vestibule below was a letter- which made her look- wonderfully like forting powers of the lord of the flat., Ease from the pain of yest,e,tduy I- OV CANAIDA. Ll]kZXTMID- - I agui i , , ' 4 'k.: ,,-
.. , .. .. L ' L box, into which no letter would go, a truant acb,00lboy. She l6oked at her . : KNOWLTON, - - QUEBEC, I , - . .,.�
. For there lay the combs -the set of ,.Str.eAg& 1,ar a br I Ore closed, but his lips niove'd. Rai-k-
� .. ''. .:.''. ,*ndv -electric 'butt k) n, froin N�bieh no Tedeetton irr the rhirrgy..' longi(,RrJP- combs, Odc and,,,ibaek,,,Abat Dellahjtd Purest." joy" for" the Xing?d -o'lif r'thday'. ' "'i
. - -- __Dff___ he' elf,"b-do-ii--h-e-iiies a second with jewelled rims, just the shade to i net,ghborliness, he -spoke: . . . .,
Ingham Young*. wear in the beautiful vanished hair. . - . 'kil . ..... . .� '4. v d know,"
The ",Dillingham" had been flung Goney Island choNrus-girl. But t what They were expens�.oicombs, she' knew, "Peace on 14Z7 - -,-----".r , 'r . . . 44 �'
reeze during a former period could I do? Oh, wh,tt could I do with and' her heart a A 6.
of prosperity, when its possessor Wis . one dollar and 'r-inety-four cents?"'* ' brush past: * * . I - - . . &I . . .. I . �.t'
I , yearned over them without the lea%t . I I carols ? " '' . . . ;.
I At seven o'clock the coffee was made hope, of posses T I . ti r,�,,.-
. , ey .. .1,11, hoose the s ' I'll 10 '.
Now, when the -income was Pith Vai. on the -back were hers;. but the tresses th- ... 1. I _k .1 .s the _:'
twenty dollars, the -letters, of "Dilling- --- ----�__ , I .. I *, I hile, the (1hrititi, Instead. of pricing the no->.'.. fertilizcr" * , . r.... ,. young ather I .au
ham" looked blurred, as though - .. __ __ _. . you buy -investigate firtit thc qualit,,. . __ - .�..,. c .
* I - 11AW 6 , P. 1�x 41 " ,7,7 .. . I 1, I For it is quality, not mere toulk, that � his intended alooftiess, The irritation
- - . . _ .T19 1. I I , -L I ... ,
_. 'p- 1=4,-- " 1, I " ca " .q - . ..,,sV_.-- - - CrV 40mrw--v,=r_wv-v-- im - .Vetw-wesulm, - .- T-h�- ti . rire",_ . _... . I ttfw, -_ft-AL-2fflW - 6 - - 6" . . .
were 'im 3 I,- ,J _Va' ,-.T,RriTC_X,.T,VF E.
�__ . _11r1M -, I is when you have made sure of quality. I . ... ! - I " Je pen-hed himself on . . -
whenever Mr. James Dillingham � / . I . he Failing Snow, A",. ..',,
I , Q /, ; 161, ,-.*. . i"AP21111iii
Young came home and reached his . . I I . -I 'i, . the arm rest of his seat and, a minute ,
,a , . Fall' Magic snow; Jn .irreat w1r!6 flakes, 11 - I - later, the voices of.the two mon,'by no -
flat above he was called "Jim," and I /, . I we furnish will be borne (nit by your I . I I
greatly hugged by Mrs. Dillingham � . - I .... Z v":� 5 VZ I I . I I and still; .. I . own expericnce later -tha, .,,,, 0 . me4ins unmelodious, rose �zofi,:y in "It .'
Young, already introduced to you as I , V, - Mantle old Moth 'r E.arth n rad,anl kDavies Fertilizer is the best that 11111118, A "V . -
Della finished her cry and atte-ndcd I I' I - , I , I;,,,:. I �,,oA couple in. the sectioiri* ahead turned '
to her cheeks with the powder -rag. I I I � I fill, :1 , I . if,! �� 1% other- passeii-ers in th,2 cdr we I
.... Crown all the hill400,. . it/ I i
. Site stood by the window and looked ' 4 I q with ik ha*Zy \ -not guesswork. It contain . I I I �%. BllI I .1 tractm" L-all(I
.. I � . . I Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid end Potash. -_ . - grad4ally gathr-reil about
out dully at a grey cat walkIng a grey I I - ) , �, light. - * I \k' . I / I .
fence in a grey back yard., To -morrow 1 'i , 11 1i This winter's uight. . \ ia derived from mete'rial- which dissolvit I " in'the Anging. Amon
. . I would be Christmas Day, and she had & ( I Fall, kindly .y.vords. in :,wat beart- in the soil -water ia-proptr order aithe . A these Yatsenvers, Jeyry. noticed it thin, 4% ;
. .7 . I I with ' which to buy Jim a present. She I -, 1!:�, I I 5-0// . magl-1-41U,-8thing. li0AXL&.IC_,;-t I'll y in q kY77and stronger. I ii!:, - ecni,e. Dp an,] stanfdwi, . I
that you ought to see. W -r te - , ONTARIO F-ER41
-calculated; they 'alws ys are. Onlyonel ) 1_4 ., 'Crown all the . reWes-s iv th a , w r e t --t h copy to-duy. . . U-41TIED . .
.- - -- dollar anti ninety-four cents to, buy � .. I IL . . I I---- Dept. W L VIEST TORONTO, 0?C1. . I . -
something fine and rare and-sterlin'g, of the stove, hot'and ready to cook the vete'd ornaments,, - ___ I - I . I r . . . , tlie �,.Y--;�-, 4,0,"evi5-iyt-y--;i-2�l(.,.::.I!'. 0) tvrh on
There was a. piem.-glass, betwem. the the ,corner of the. table near it --thedhueyes-an+:a .,�;Iv. ni�'; i i: f � - ,,-l*..A,vaft:-surr%ri,4ir-,--'-'A*--nr."4;:,.*. .tTMT. - - -
a- fairly accurate-- conetpVic-n6r_h%#a1Ju_u,.-t'-be' 'simplest eve'r.yilay 'thin. --s,:' ,�-,!" "'i :: t
looks. Della, b raycr� J1fn:,-h,�_d__:iot, yg - o- M- -'r; I I' I if- .- .:, - X, . --#� . r,
. C!, 1 . The door ope;_,ed. and'J.;ta Jt�Pp - . . . . - , $ . . - -z%w cjI— .-...: __T_
face'had lost its color with n and'.0o.wA it. lie looked 4h*;,. an'd, ""' , ?y
- Dillingbani -Y itho�t gloves;r_ iw'. 1 1 "i -4 4, �_ F - -_ Mack dre An , J i r. x _wji.hv,�_
which they -both took a mighty p 'de. ,.Jim stepped insid'e the door, as im- ' I I 7,1-2, - - , _.,. .- .
. I clown on the en-i-li, and' put hi -s' ],:Irt(., . 'e_10 , 'I I forward and took the woman.'s hnnd. - * I'.
One was Jim's ga*1d watch, that hacl movable as a setter at scent of a , I X I - " I I I .
awhilL. They're too nice to use just at' " 1 --.7 The %vomnn's'
flat across the air§h,ift, Della would lied her. It was not ange'r, nor our- - - ., . - - wan features beennie
have let her hair hang out of the win- prise, nor diiapproval, nor horror ,J.pressent. I sn1d.the watcla to get- the! I . -1 ,- - 1. .1. -11 I . I inimOed
dow some day t� dry, just to depreci. any of tbe-'sentiments that she -harl . . I e!h___ . I - ' _11fJ - - and yr)ar friend for a bap' ier Chr.;st- . 1, -
Had King',Zplomon been the Janitor, at her ftedly with that peculiiir ex- .1 I I - __ -1. . , -1
his watch every 1ime he passed,' Just *ent for bim-. . . . . . I -strf��hedin bit - bert h, with -rni -zH-win - -_ _,_,� I - 11
. to see him pluck at Iris beard from , _"Jhn darling,'-' she,cried, '.'don't .1 hig Christmws iv,-- nt.,,,. Being wise.; . I .
envy. ., . . I look at Me. that way. I tad my hair I ,their -kifts we,�c no duul-t wise oneg,, I I . panme of' prairi6. , Iii the e4st Sirius I ..
S o now Della's beautiful ha,ir fell ctit off and sold it-, because I couldn't ation . An+ f Fe A I S.0% I I Nv G UR . and. the stars of Orion "'hone out . 1! . I
'ning like'i have lived through Christmai withoitt . .br;ghter and more clek-ly 'Nin he 11114
r about her, rippling and shi _ 1 n case or dupliq * I . 11 .
a caseade of brown waters. ' here I have Istriiely rel-RIcni tit you the I . . .1
It reach- I giving you a present. ItIl grow FtXa,;'n+. . evcr scet, the,in itt h6me. A
&I beloav her knees -and made ltselfl, Yoki, wo�'t mind. w-Ul. you? J-justhad. ch;ldrer. 10 a flat who roost un*;,;, -1.v , 71c earth Las delivered her bounty - provided for . 11.v! " - was hi.i `-u-nitttere,ti. thought. .- - \ __ . _ " ,
almosK a garment for he�. my hFtir grows awfully fa9tJ , . "I got I tb*s train as ill-nnturt-d n% .
I quick!y. Once she faltered for a in. in- bt happy! You don't know What, a I - ' a la - , -ien who A with hen, -r- W 4"t MR]( -Q3 me forget i and.hel,s .
. But, in , st wori! 'I o (tie wises of - Andthe .. worke- who toiled in her fui .# 's and delivered .Pnt h- 6
ute and stood still, whi!e a tear or twol nice.--whnt a beautifol. Hct-. gift I ve . Inth.pr.-4 V) 1,S more cbeery anti forstet I
P got for you! " . I them-, da,yr, It t it In s . ssid_&f I all. %%,-hfi " the harve,;t-tbey, tr)o, have earned a rf%sL 11oughts may turn to liu3pl�afity . thoir troublei. too;.and n'uW--a-kitten I �
On went her old brov.-n jael.-�t; on "You've cut, off your beir?" asked . ; ccul(I play with.me. W�.y. iv.ai 1'effl ..
went her old bro,vm hat. W I th a whirl i Jim laboriously, as ,1 he had not ar-' ____ one of my best Chr;P&,1n.-1,,' ve.,?�*, 16.
. of skirts, and with the bri-2iart sprrlde I rived at that patent fAet yet, *ve . n i ` 40 . I I
. -still in her eyes, she flutt-red out -of 1 after the hardest mmtal labor. ' I , . - -----+-- - 11 4
the door and down the s"airs t,-- tbe' "Cut it off and sold it," said Della. I I a
street. I "Don't you like me. just as well, any- Potato'e's ' ' - Candle.Holde!rs For Christ- I .
'-Xlnft;" --Oft Bight Up D614 ran, an " im Iobk�o atout the t6oni cur:o,us'- per bimbel I - ? . 'Me 0t%A4dnt custoni or (je'curatfi4 ., --
.. oollec* herself, panting. Nfadarne, ly. , 11 HE cost Itemq of Mr. Jos. hou'Re wfndows with,catidlei on' Christ. J
UM, too white, ,Nlly, hordly. I . , TLoughlin's potatoes, 1>jndas SAFETY RAZOR,, - .
11 the "Sofrorde." 1. 1. . '. - i,wld. wi�h An air almnst of i&.ocy. 4 i .-L'and gafer by Pd�l)ting 09 shnPle do.
. - I ., . 4'' 1; 111_6 , . chiding $18.00 for ftrfifixe,pp. ays its part in the warm-hearted socW We of the country and in the rnoft he eqnialf..., in the cotil. /
Della. It's sotti , "Jf you - sold and gone, , i runn tin J-;,ftyI;;1n A that. -01'i bo bougfit
q . ro,Tmal functions of the city. VVherev.er a particularly de,an *have 'is . -
"I buy hair," sa;d 3.4a,larne. "Take 'v,. It's (,'hr:* ' tmas E.vf., 'boy. Be rertillted Potatoei; V%lda 286 demanded Gillette ,service is c(.;mrnis,,,ioni& at nity tinma-P.-4110�- ' Vie rRmile will,,
the looks of it!" ' ; �,p f�;4� ,-..% r,! of 1r-,y'he_,,i �,s�,,� r' Gillette Service means shaving comfort, No Stroppinf-No i
lifting the. ma'si wi�h , a I .,pift-,A�"I, c(A-xnt. , my .Wy-e, f (p, I I $5.00 at dealers irver where. I
R,tolresjor.lim,* mnant-.' . . -, 'I r 1. the Jd4;.'. .e. . I I I .- A A . I I - . I . .---.- . . -----.- - Ir
. . T s no otber .ke I 4`nol'Any of' mathernit',,-iian or, a v1t wfmlst X ., Improvement Bureau ; ' Tbe Go efte Salrely Razrjr makes a &e., '110 nelmel"', )r offlk:3 see.n. .rXthor
EIP111111P - F - -
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, T tile storest nrid the had turned �11 of. you !hF- ,.Vj*f)ng 'Rrl,%V.r A Queer ,V.!.lc0 tf,t
. 1 o. ht %vondelful A01. I , .at . gift. Kitt set the full, prc-w�jj, value fo,r cvcry d(jl -j. .
. them inside oul. ft was A platinom1broug . )A ti. was /far ;,nu s1,,,,.t1 t),. rhrlat' "
foh-ch,dr., wimpliE. anvi A-.vsto fn fle-'rn,, liot rmr� ;S-r, -Thi, .!iot� it -,d( '' . I ' . I I AMC that fr4011419 113111V9 away f[oul tile
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