HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-11, Page 14I.50 per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
0 0
(Corrected up to Wednesday' noon)
)t (rke`y...
• Egge, new laid
Butter, rolls
Butter, crock
Butter, prints :
I'otatoes, buying price, _bus 1 20
Potatoes, selling price, bus 1 35 1 40
Hogs 15 25
Toronto Markets
Caoice' heavy ateers,:.:..$12 50 to 113 75
Choice butchers 11 00 to 12.00
Choice butchers' cows10 00 to 11 00
Good feeders 9 00 to 10 00
Good milch cows* 1 140 00 to 180 00
Hogs, off cars .. 16 50 to
Fall Wheat 2 13 to
Goose Wheat
2 10 to
Oats ........ 1 97 to
Timothy Hay. 2'1 00 to 3ff flEi
Eggs:. new. laid . .. 80. to 35
Ratter, Creamer • Prints 62 to 64
11 95
1 46 '1 50
3 00
60 61
52 53
53 55
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, that all persons
having claims against the estate of
Robert Francis Hodgkinson, deceased,
who died on 'or about the thirteenth
day of September, A.D., 1919,, at the'
Village of Kinlough, Township of Kin-
loss, in the County of Bruce, are re-
quired to send by post, prepaid, or to
deliver to Geo A. . Siddall, Lucknow,
Ontario, agent for the Executors, on
or before the fifteenth day of Decem-
ber, A.D., 1919, their names and ad-
dresses, with full particulars 'of their
claims in writing, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them,
duly verified by -statutory declaration.
And further, take notice that after
the said fifteenth day of December,
1919, the assets of the said estate will
be distributed by the executors among
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice, and the estate
will not be liable for any claims not
filed at the time of the said distri-
Dated,at Lucknow, this twelfth day...
of November, A.D., •1919..
Geo. A. Siddall,
11-12-500 Agent for the Executors.
FUR §EASON OPEN. — Highest
prices for all kinds of raw furs, ac-
cording to quality. All with whom I
did business last year 'will be equally
well satisfied this season, if they sell
to me. Fars are a high price. Market.
for all kit ds of beef, calf and horse
hides. Let me know when you have
• a hide and I will call at once,—Jake
" Libel, Lucknow.
For Winter Storage snd all
kinds of repairing leave your
Battery with
• GET THE :I3lE ST-eWhest- you -take;
outlife insurance get a policy in the
Sun Life of Canada, the biggest in
the Dominion, and a company that
Canadians are proud of its record.
See Geo. H. Smith, local agent, for
An'Entertaining Lecture by Re
F. Irwin, Himself an Irishm
"Ireland and the Irish" is a
subject for 'a lecture, but lev. 1Et.
ton Irwin -in his address Monda
-ening was able to make it new
interesting and very entertainin
One of the first things he told
audience was that he,was born in
land, that he never regretted it,
indeed was proud. of the fact.
-grew to manhood in Ireland, a
was while there that he decided
enter the ministry of the Metho
Church. ' Having been right on
ground, so to say, having lived am
the Irish of the present genera
and heard --mush from his father
bout the Trish.of the .two past froutions, he -WAS ;hike- to ititcudtt.. i
his lecture • a personal element,to give intimate details of the social
and home His of the Itcoi :e whim is
quite ' impossible with a, mere obser-
vant traveller.
Of course, anything Irish must
have fun in it; and the lecture was
brimming over with humor, usually
in the way of stories illustrating
some phase of Irish life or character.
But Mr. Irwin did not' confine him-
self to the personal, the social and
the humorous features of Irish life.
He devoted a good deal of attention
to the problems of the unhappy coun-
try—problems which are about as
old 'as its history. Tennant 'farming,
Home Rule, Boycotting,religious,
social and national differences, all
had their measure of attention. Mr.
.,Irwin speaks from the viewpoint of
an Irish Protestant --a •Protestant
whose early home was in a Catholic
part of Ireland. The hone of o
Pi.oiestant fac,l:ly could Tot be see
from his ,father's door. However, a-
mong their Catholic neighbors they
had many good friends.
A number of illustrations were
given of the rack -renting which pre-
vailed . before Gladstone's first Irish
Land Bill, and under the "conditions
whidh existed there is little wonder
that --there 'should be discontent and
v.= R.
n old
y ev-
g• .
Ire -
nd it
re -
ut more than to the land ques-
, Mr. Irwin thought the trouble
Ireland were due to the religious
atidns. The people are divided
roughly into three million Roman
Catholics and one million Protestants
and while the former are a generous,
warm-hearted people they are mis-
guided by their religious teachers.
But conditions are improving. The
light of • knowledge is steadily mak-
ing headway, and with the spread of
education and independent thinking,
conditions.'are sure to improve.
T' church- was filled to capacity,
and though the lecture lasted almost
two hours, the. audience- never tired
nor lost interest.
e lecture, was preceded by a
supper,•which was served in_ the
men) of the church, where from
e six &clock until after eight a
army of waiters worked at a
which broke' all labor union
• rl
TRY A POLICY in The Excelsior,
Life. It will interest you to see set- ssefor
tier rents of matured policies of people small
3. u know. Facts and figures shown
freely.—Wm. P. Reid, Agent. Mar. 15 pacer
' rules.
As necessary as Fire Insurance. Call
op the undersigned and get rates.
J. E. Agnew
Dundas and Richmond Sta.
London,` Ont.
Our aim is to turn out efficient grad-
uates. Enter now and become one of
them. -Bookkeeping and Stenography
J.:llorritt, M. Stonehouse,
• Principal. Vice -Principal..
1 will -be at Solomon's Store Lucks
hoc on Wednesday and Saturday of
each week at Whitechurch on Tues-•
day and Friday' of each week, where
"I will •test and pay spot cash for
. cream. Call at Lucknow or White-
church for a can and give us a trial
:1 square deal assured.
Buttermsker. Whitechurch.
'2542-200c •• z
Box Social at Kintail
A Box Social and Concert under
the auspices of the Kintail Womer}'s
jastitullt will be held on Tuesday,
Ifc`cer�nfier 16th, at 8; p.m.., in Kltltaft
Hall. Proceeds in aid of sick sold-
iers' hospital. Admission, adults 356
children under twelve, 15c. Ladies
with\ boxes f ree.--Secreta 'y.
The farmers are busy these, fine
days repairing the damage •done by
the wind storm.
Mrs. Robt. Woods attended the
funeral of her brother in law Mr. Rat-
hwell in Stanley.
A Christmas Tree and Entertain-
ment will be held in the Hall on Tues-
day evening, Deet. 23rd.
The Marriage of Mr. Jas. Miller and
Miss, Susan Webster, of L' uckno,v, was
solemnited at Cochrane on Dec- 3rd.
Congratulations: •
Mr. Jas. Balour was on exhibitor
at- the • Guelph Stock • Show. Others
who attended were Missrs Hugh Rut-
herford, W. I. Miller, Earl Cranston,
Ewart McPherson Cairns Aitchison,
Wilson Woods. f
--Monday, Dec. 8.
• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor visit-
ed at Auburn on Sunday last with her'
Mr. John Martin Kelt a very suc-
cessful auction sale last week, every-
thing setting at a gaud pries:
A few of the sports from our burg
spent Friday evening at the ball at
Belgrave and report it a success.
Sorry to relate the death of Mr•
James Menzie who passed away on
Friday morning. The remains were
interred in Wingham cemetery on
LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 11th., 1919.
Presbyterian Church. -- Services
next Lord's Day at 11, a.m. and 7
p.m. The pastor will preach. Morn-
ing siib ire "The Offence of The'
Crops." Evening subject: "The
Winning- of Souls." You are cor-
dially invited:. ,
Next Sunday -the pastor will. con-
duct both services in the Methodist
,,Church., •A special monthly praise
and prayer, service will begin .at ten
o'clock in the ;morning. Special
evangelistic service in the evening.
Subject: "Gathering Up The nag-
Ashfield Methodist Circuit. — The
Hackett's Church are holding a con-
cert _
on Friday -evening-of this week.
The program will include ,mtrherc I
from ..the :lleniy. party _ of% 'esttteld
Single Copies 3 cents
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4-0--0---,0 0 0 0 0-0--0.—u
Cet the Christmas spirit.
If you can't shop early, shop as
early as yoti can. .
Nursing or house work. Apply to
Mrs. Robinson, Lucknow. 11-12-p.
The Sentinel from now `until the
end of 1920 for the yearly price --
$1.50. -
Miss Annie Boyd is • home afte
spending a inonth with her 'sister it
Chicago. •
Dr. Wm. Connell has taken tiie•pos
ition of assistant for one year with
-a -CtrHingwood doctor.
Hour: 7.30 p.m. Next Sunday the t
pastor's subject will be "What CanOur Church Do For The Neighbor-
Anniversary Services held in the
Methodist Church last Sunday were
highly successful. Rev. E. F. Arm-
strong, of Wingham, preached snost
acceptably morning ann evening to
large congregations. The supper and
lecture Monday night in point of at-
tendance wa>3 all that could be. asked
for. An account of the lecture ap-
in another column,.
Maitland . Presbytery.—The resig-
nation of Rev. M. P. Craig from the
charge of Dungannon and Port AI-
bert was the chief item of business
before the meeting of .Maitland. Pres-
bytery • at Wingham on Tuesda. The
resignation of Mr. Craig- was accept-
ed, and Rev. J. S. Hardie, of Ashfield,
was appointed interim moderator dur-
ing the vacancy. Rev. Mr. Craig will
preach his farewell sermon on the
last Sunday of January, and he and -
Mrs. Craig will sail for Scotland in
February. Another important mat-
ter before the Presbytery was the re-
port of .a committee recently appoint-
ed to visit those congregations which
had not came up to the recently fixed
minimum salary for the iris's,�..-
Messrs. Perrie, Win?ham; Sinclair,
Belmore, and --D. A. MacLean,: Ripley,
constituted the committee, and they
reported on Wroxeter, Belgrave and.
St. Helens.
David. ' Andrew unloaded a .12x24
Happy Farmer 4wheel Tractor also
a three furrow Cockshutt Tractor
plow and a Grain Grinder sold by Wm.
Allin to Richard Finnigan East of
This is the third outfit of this kind'
soi'd - recently by Wm. Allin, D. Ste-
wart Cen.2 Huron and Mr. Young at
Collourne having each purchased sim-
illar outfits through Wm. Allin ener-
getic salesmen D.' Milne and. R.
tesday 9th.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alt•rn, visited
fr.ends in Lucknow Sunday.
Miss Doneda Sherwood, of Lucknow,
,e ent Sunday with her parents here.
Misses 1 auretta and Tilly Hakett,
vent t'1;: week -end w'tn . cousins in
Don't forget . the concert to be held
in Hackett's church Friday evening
a good programme is assured.
Th... bn • g was well rnpreseated at
the I.a. len w Mett;:dlbt services Sua-
Arc}• also the ioe ' supper Mon-
day t ct
Miss Violet , Twanrtey entertained
the young reople of )'.tis vicinity Th-
urederwher.a very en,»uabk eve was
spent by all.
The e t r t m that struck thin nef gh-
1 t., b : Kf recently►caul cf considerable
�,rnat;e several Parrs were unroofed
a.. a a ."►•n:ber of wi'sim,11s bistro to
t c ;trntnd.
—Tuesday, 1)ee. 8.
Good sleighing! It looks like idea:
weather for Christmas.
The local young people held a soc-
ial dt rc -M the bin one evening fast -
Miss Edith Stothers returned home
this week after spending _a_iveek__with_
relatives In Toronto.
St. Paul's' Church S. S. will hold a
social in the hall 011 Wednesday ev-
ening. A good program is arranged
mg ttuwn to business. . It was cold
and .to-r;ny yesterkiy.
!'he Iiallh•ite & (;oat CO. r( i:. It
^..:! very sca ••!'au(i hard,/ to get.
:�Is`ice good usl of what you have. •
The month of December' is • the
best month of the year In which to
pay subscriptions to The Sentinel.
Mr. Joe Johnston has .recovered
from his recent attack of oppendicitis
-and is again at work for Mr.. Fin-
The -merchants again have their
stores prettily decorated. -Pay then)
a visit; and buy your Christmas gifts
at None.'
An unfortunate error occurred in
the advertisement of II. Mullin's sale
last week. The date was given as
Dec. 17, instead, of the 11 til.
Friday, Dec. 19th, the pupils of
Lucknow Continuation School i(•iil
hold a concert in the Tow;n. Hali. Ad-
mission 50c. and 35c. Proceeds for
schpol improvements.
Here's wishing every success to
the School Concert on the evening cf
Dec. 19th. They are going to make
r.sst use of the money. Cos your
early. r''= only a ween a'vay.
A report that we were shortly to
have ,a mid-day instead of a morning
and night train service does not ap-
pear to have been well founded.
There was nothing official up to yes-
terday. -
Miss Gwendolyn MacLeod left 014
Monday for Boston, this' time pre-
pared to satisfythe exacting emi-
gation officials that she is a fit and
proper person to enter the domain of
Uncle Sam.
Mr. Moorehouse,, Mitchell is _home.
from Quebec for a few weeks' vaca-
tion. It doesn't seem like it, but its
almost five years since Mr; --Mitchell
► took charge of the work in Quebec.
He has been three times in England
•in that time.
Dorenwend's Superb Display of
Hair Goods at the Cain House, on
Tuesday, Dec. 16th, will include a
showing of their newest and: finest
styles for both ladies• and gentlemen.
Advice on anything pertaining to the
'hair is offered to those attending this
Keep Friday, Dec. 19th open for the
Centime. •r, School Concert. A
play entl i i ..J "Kentuc,: / Belle," and
other at-.•.:ci:ovo number will be
presented. Program will begin at
8.15 p.m.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Howey of town was saddened on
Tuesday of this weeks by the sudden
death' of their -daughter; Mrs. Victor
Durn:n, who passed a>tti•ay at the hos-
pital in Guelph.
Mrs. Durnin had suffered a slight
attack of inflienza, but had lracti-
cally recovered. On Thursday • of
last week a slight inflamation started
in the upper part of the chest,
and in spite of medical attention this
developed. She was taken to the
hospital but nothing could be? "clone to
'c;'cck the disease, and she passAM
away on Tuesday ! Her Mother and
.sister, Miss Roda, had gone to
Guelph and were with her for the last
few days. (.
Mrs, Durnin is -survived by_ hex _ S -
band, who 18 well known here, and
two children, one five and one seven
years of age.
now and the funeral will be this
(Thursday) afternoon from the home
of her parents to Greenhill cemetery.
The relatives and husband have the
sympathy of many Lucknow friends.
That expression had considerable Will Be Here Next Fall Sur And�—
vogue in England some years ago. We
never knew just what it meant; but Perhaps by Mid -o
we have here in Lucknow `
an .exampl
of 'something along that line. W
understand that the two local _Meths)
dist ministers have .gone into ,part
nership for the purpose of getting
out a supply of wood. *That does not
mean that they' are asking the neigh -
hors to: do it. Nothing so -soft as
that. Mr. IJ. 'Mothers .happened • th
.remark t to qne of them that he had
plenty of timber but, it was impos-
sible to get 'anyone to cut it.' So this'
parson communicated with his •neigh-
bor and they decided at once that
they should do the cutting themselves
So equipped with axes and a cross-
cut • saw they have been in the woods
every spare half day. The timber is
'Drily cut into long pieces; Mr.
Mat -hers will t•1
1 haul • it -.10 . ..
totvn, 'and
w{,u,• -,lay c, l,oz,z :-a\1 �.;n In ;►
t 't1 t.►}
back of the parsonage and u line- list
ofwood will be piled up. That is
the way in• tiltich ruuscular (;l;ri titin-
ity is manifesting itself in Lucknow•
It reminds us of the fable, in the old
school render, about the fanner who
had a field of ripe grain ' to reap.
Twice he invited the neighbors to
come and 1,eap it, but finding they
slid not respond he and his son un-
dertook the work and they were sur-
prised a' how quickly and well it
was done.
e Mr. Flint, one of the engineers in
e connection 'with- the .Hydro Service
- from Eugenia was in town on Wed-
nesday gettizig all up-to-date infor-
mation . about-Lucknow's. require-
ntents, , and :incidentally giving .oat
some information of a very gratify -
inti nature`.
Some changes• have been made with
regard to the plans' for - supplying
Lucknow and Ripley. One of these
is that a transformation station will
be located at Holyrood to serve Luck -
now and Ripley instead of having a
station at each place. This enables
the Commission to mater;ally reduce
the cost of service. For example,
c now can now get ,current at -$60
per l;.p. instead of at $6-?, Which was
:L:, r :ott-;1 f2„ i;
• f!(.' (t17
Ripley • is rtduet.-d from $88 to $GO.
Mr. Flint said that even•ytltil g• i'
int g'uud',hal,t- for going right on with
the system, and the Commission is
anxious to see the necessary by-laws
passed in order that it may get tae.
.poles on the ground with sleighs
Th;s will be a great advantage over
doing the teaming with waggons. If
this can be done a number of. gangs
of men will ,pe put to work in the
early spring, and •Mr. Flint .said that
the Commission might be able to sup
ply current to Lucknow byj the first
-of August, and certainly ,not later
than Oct. lst•
Let us hope that these expecta-
tions will be realized, i
Another advantage in halving the
transformer at•Holyrood is that farm-
ers between there and Lucknow, or
between Holyrood and Riplt y can be
supplied with current. No doubt • a
number will take advantage of .this.
We are. in receipt of the folowin
communication from Mr. S. E. Cas
well, of Torontgrwho is always mindi
ful of Lucknow and its "old boys."
Editor Sentinel.—I attended this aft
ernoon the funeral of one whose par-
ents' will be remembered, by many in
Lucknow; and who• was born in the vil-
lage some forty years ago. I refer to
Hugh K. Seli, second son of Mr. Thos.
Seli of this,City. Mr. Seli during the
years of his residence in Lucknow was
head sideman in the drygoods store
of the late Mr. John McHardy. He
and _his wife were very highly regard-
ed in the village and I have no doubt
that much sympathy will be felt with
them in their bereavement_ The de-
ceased was a travelling salesman for
the well-known Toronto firm of Rich-
ard L. Baker & Co.. had. beeneminent,
ly successful on the road, and was
held in high . esteem by the firm. He
was extremely popular: a man of en-
gaging personality, always ready with
a smile and a cheerful greeting.
Attacked with appendicitis while in
Ottawa, he was .operated on in the
General hospital there, and, survived
the operation only a few -days. The
_funeral, exceptionally largely attend-
ed, took place from his late residence,
381 Sunnyside Ave, the service being
conducted by Rev. Dr. Solomon Cleav-
er and his previous pastor, Rev. E. B.
Lanceley. lie leaves a widow and two
young children to sorrow over his all
too early death.
Yours truly,
E. S. Caswell
No i'icture Show Saturday
'Mr. Dieter, who has been putting,
on the picture shows here on Satur-
day evenings, reports -that (;applies'
for this' week..have failed to come
through, and that he cannot give his
show. Saturday of -tins week:. ITe says
however that the show, will be given
on Saturday evening of next
-Monday, Dec. 8.
Mr. Jarke Eckenswiller, of Kin -
lough, called on the Eighth con. this
IIrs. John S. Culbert and son, Earl,
spent Saturday with Mrs. Needhath,
of Kincardine.
Mr. Joseph Culbert spent the week
end with•his sister, Mrs. James Need..
ham, of Giai)ris.
Mr. Leslie Sturgeon, of Bervie,
spent a few days last week with his
friend, Elliott Johnston:
Mr: Charles Sewers and sister,
Mrs. E. Palmer, of Kincardine; spent
a few days last -week at Thomas Har-
A number from here attended the
Box Social and Dance given by the
Women's Institute at Ilolyrood on
Thursday, which Was a grand success
and a good time.
The usual trips were made on Sun-
day night by all the sports,- but one
little fellow who goes in a north
"westerly direction. Ile just happen-
ed to be arriving home when' your
scribe wits, getting up.
Mr. Henry Dippcl, .v‘ho. owns 170
acres of land on the lathe and lith
cuneSsiO11a of Carrick has sold out 'o
.Mr• Henry B. Merz of Normandy for
A fine piece of farm property cha-
nged hands over in Cu•Iross To:vn-
ship last week when Kenneth Mae_
Kenzie of the 5th concession' sold
out to ,Mrs Thomas S. Christie, of
near Cargill We understand the
price was considerably over 812,000
about as good a price as ws have
heard of being paid' for a 100 acre
farm in Bruce County. The farm is
a very choice peice of leve: land, two -
and -a -half miles from Teeswater and
about seven miles from Whingham-.
Ther(• is a modern brick aesidence a
large Iiarnn and other good -out buil'I-
irp's. In the pioneir days it was own -
_•d by Mr. John Keith, who moved to
Manitoba many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs.' MacKenzie. will move.
:I,to Teeswater, He will have an Au-
ction Sale of his stock mad implements
on Dec. 'cth. _
School report for U.S.S. No. 14,
Huron and Ashfield.
SR. IV. E. Ketchabaw, D. Picker-
ing, A. Macdonald, C: Hamilton, N.
SR. I1I. A. Ketchabaw, H. Bay-
JR. 11I• A. Macdonald, E. Martin.
H. •Ashtun, M. Cook.•
SR. II. A. Macdonald, J. Ketcha-
JR-. II. K; Pickering, P. Mac-
. Martin, IV. Struth-
8; average attendance
ers, C. Cook.
No. on roll 1
• . A. M. Macdiarmid, Teacher.
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell by
public auction at
John Button's t et idence, flows • 'St.,
Lucknow, (recently vacated)
---on•---- .
Commencing- at 2.30 o'clock .p•m. ,
the following:
1 Oak Sideboard; 1 ('herry- Sideboard
1 Oak Hall Rack; 1 Oak Extension
Table and• other tables; Set Oak Din-
ing Room Chairs, leather seated;
Bedroom Suit(`. Mattress and Springs
1 large size Heater, coal or wood, and
two other Atoves; 2 llanlging Lamps;
1 Law•11 Molter; ---1 0-rgan;.2 Two -yr.-
old Heifer ('aloes; 1 Spring Calf; 1
Pair Light Sleighs; 1 Power Cutting
_ many --
other articles of different •kinds, all.
In first-class repair.
TERMS, --A11 sums Of $5.0() - and
btril�n --rtl<Ah. ti.,r• Thitt-itati}'t,jir
MONEY TO LOAN'on mortgages anti
notes at reasonable rates. Fir,
Insurance, both stock and 'Mutual
Companies. Conveyancing 'don
with neatness and despatch. —
Geo. A,. Si{idal!, Broker, Luckno:+.
made a contract with •one of the
largest fur houses in Canada t;
' Supply .a great number of furs'thi,
season. I' am nretiared to nav the
very highest prices in order to
'carry out this agreement. Call
and see H. Blitzstrin, Dry God.
Store, •Lucknow. ` 13-11-tf. .
FOUND.—A purse containing a sum
of money. Owner may have: saw.:
. at 1 he Sentinel Office.
LOGS WANTED.—We • are in th_A.
market .i r
t �e
len -,;.. H-
Y }
& 1
, p,
1 S t...7i ht'A•Y•• ii y
• ilttu M rli 'a, . 4,1..: j,. idyb►,i;:.rt pi
1.,1Hao,,d Jug s cut to lengths 1t,
• (phiP..Stewart and Jam.
h i:,her, Lucknow. 11-12-tf,
TAKE NOTICE. --There are a nunil,
er of fakirs going about the coun-
try snaking folk believe that junk
is down in price on account of the
war stopping; but we are still eas-
ing 28c. for horsehair, 3c. to 4t•.
for rags, and 4c to' 5c for rubbers.
We will call on every home
Lucknow and vicinity and •pa:;
these prices and giving 16 ounces
to the pound.—Se'pdens, Ripley.
• 29;5-tfc
House, Lucknow, every Wednes-
day afternoon.. All chronic dis-
eases, successfully treated. Os-
teopathy removes the , physical
causes of disease. Adjustment of
the' spine' is more huickly secured
and with fewer treatments by Os-
teopathy than • by any other method
in a position to look after ' your
storage batteries again this wint- •-
er. Our long experience with stor-
age. batteries enables us to give
you as good service as -you can .ob•
tain ,by st-ading them away to
other • towns. Walt('r Stewart ' &
Son. - 11-12.p
HEIFER ESTRAY, --Came to the
premises of the undersigned, .on
or about June 23rd, 1919, a' small
Heifer, apparently a yearling.
Owner may have same on proving
Property and paying.' all, expenses:
Chas. A. Thompson, lot 20, con,. 6;
Kinloss Tp. 1.1-12-p
LOGS WANTED. -We, the undersitTn-
ed, are open to . buy logs of all
kinds of timber, delivered at .our saw
mill at Lucknow. We can take alt
grades of logs providing they are
good enough to make crating -Jut -Ti-
ber. As. we make use of all this
material in our factory we are pre-
pared to pay th highest market
prices for all classes of logs. Any
person having timber to sell we
Would be pleased to have them call
at our office and get all particulars• •
•The Lucknow Table Cos J. Button.
Manager: 'Jan.
to D. Alton, Sexton.
FOR SALE. -8 Pigs, 6 weeks old- In-.
formation at The Sentinel..Oflice...
FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 27, con. 14,.
West Wawanosh, containing 6n
res, more or less. In good state
cr cultivation, good buildings.
large orchard. For further parts.
(ulars apply to John Egglestone.
Comfortable Dwelling, seven rttcef,s,
bathroom, pantry and woNdsh..d,
hard and soft water- About
acre of land, with fruit trees ;:!,d
garden and berry bushes, ,tncj a
barn 20x24 feet. Apply t., John
Button, Lucknow.
IIOU'SE •FOR SALE. -1: ranee dwell-
• ink'. 6 rooms, kitchen anal
good cellar, stone f(*iln•1.1t pant
St:al,ti'er St., I:u. hnntc. .ar►n1. fv
J. E. Agnew, l.11ckn(Icti' or Ashley
. Itlair` llarriston.
FOR SA LE.—('hoice Shearling Pore
1:11.11 Leicester Rs; 2 first-class
Sho-A- I(alt Lan11, ; 4 lure Lied
•1 .:l ham Burls, : crvice. in-.
(:t;aingr our sto.-k dui _ .. apple
Prince.' 1)am .1po'e. P;r. (inm-
pttrted.) Edwin 1'u ry s, Luc•know
•1:. 1. - 11-12-p
FOR S-',l.i•:.
('alis t ���, ..
net _ . .
sty td 1�a1 . \, it?t
,,.na (fid msec: �, t, l •l'i
good as neer. t1•iil he sold at
a 1►at•g;iin }:• r• Th,• St•rt;-
n1 1 O)lit(. • '-12-t:
i:t it ,1l]ll.in. lot f;. con. i I:.1►
.‘ '11tie14, a n`'•
n;. !arm st��, i. .
1 Okill .l f,t
pat-.. :f:
'1'(•n,irr. -for Snub 1`;('.+ing
Ler,Trs T4''•"s-Z.sao*ase---
can be arranged at time of. sale.
The residence wiil also be oQ'ered for
sale, subject to ,reserved bid.
John Button, ' J. Purvis,
Proprietor. Auctioneer,
the %. ;;, < midstt•P(�of Ltzefytif �� li ,, 1 /
by received by the und(•<<wn' d u t)
Dec. Lith. 1"1.9. Tenders. to be t'(,1'
so flinch 1 er 'hour's u ori:. .Work to
commaga a at (; o'clock alio.
J. E. :lgnev►, Clerk. .