The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-04, Page 6•
Soldiers' Settlement
Brent unrest
Preparing .the Car for Winter. 6. Disconnect electrical cables at,
Motor car owners who wish to store battery and remove the battery. Smear '
their touring models until spring ends of cable with vaseline. Fill with
should have in mind protection against distilled water and store ' in a dry
cold and dampness, two factors which. place where there is no danger of
Can do more inju r to your car than freezing. Battery should be taken to
20,000 miles of dntvirg. • '• ' a charging station and recharged
The first and obvious thing to do every two months in order to best pre-
• is to look over thegarage and see if it serve . it.) .
is =weather proof.f it could be ''her= 7. Release clutch by propping open
mstleally . sealed it would be idea:, 'with strip' of 'wood betweei . ,clutch.'
but 'as this is impractical, do the next pcda1 and floor board. ' ^ • l '
best and see • that all clacks and open'- 8. Wipe all machined parts of motor
ings are closed up, doors fit properly, and transmission clutch and steering,
and generally prepare it so that your gear with oil-soaked-rag:Cover Motor
car rill be snug and warm as possible.'t completely with. canvas burlap or an
Now -as to the preparation of the car old rug, and replace lam -mgt. ' r
itself: • '9. Oil all steering joints• and, con -
1. Wash and thoroughly clean thel nections and 'wrap up •with rag.
returned soldiers in Canada, staalstics
show that one man in every five ,dee
sired to follow a new calling on re -
1 it life and this naturally
-Caused a disturbance, not -necessarily
unrest, in the industrial re-adjust-
naent of the country. Unquestionably
the tendency to change is due to a
general disinclination to return to old
conditions, • and a desire for better-
ment of the station in life. This
Opinion is recorded in the light of ex-
- perience gained through yenta •with
- amen in various phases of army 1
The majority of men who
,served iii the Canadian army have
turned,' • or intend, to, retui nn, to thei
previous occupations. They are satin-
' fl -ed to resume -the work they were' en -IS .
•gaged • in when the call came which "war
'transferred then` from .tire Hellin,' the
factories, the. ofilces and ..plaeesr of •
trade and eoinmeree, to -the stern bus!- :44 have it
ness of war; 'but many.of these civil- session with
Lan soldiers have planned anew, and in the endeavor
• ' h f life of Europe.
• b fid rseti...L3i•-L_:.
than army in r'rarrce;-trgiattdiid
Heligoland a Bird Shelter
Deriding What Is New.
It is easy to pour contempt on what
is•stiange to us. The first impulse of
isida et-tot•i ktiveiiiitiPro
the peace confereuce entrusted the
task of the disposal of Heligoland, the
former German Gibraltar in the North
.Sea, wishes a suggestion for the solu-
tion of the -problem, one is offered by
the Royal. Society for the Protection
of Birds in England and by the Per-
manent Wild Life Protective Fund of
the United States. These two socie-
ties, acting jointly; ,suggest that the
island bemade an international para-
dise for birds, an observation station
and •, a .sanctuary 'for . our feathered
- fr•iendd in their migrations north and
south and vies versa -along the coast
• Eu ► e.
solutictti of Heligoland there
ed. do suggestion than the
nd be returned to Germany..
love-fekbf England tett
ates muc would prefer
e an -international pos- of Heligoland and nune are to be. de -
world 'suppog ' it stroyed. under the supervision of the
_promote t e wild Allies by Gerutan labor and at Ger-
t has man'g'y expense. They may 'not he re
ieiotzand jack it .0 .from .under the; , 10. Fill shackle bolt cups with oil!
t desire to enter different sp eyes o
.frame. Do this by placing four wooden' and wrap up with rag, Ful and screw SaskatChe�wan's Growing , actio itv been i -•Leila-r- a •t tent to learn.
'trestles under the frame the best down all grease cups.
Of 273 444 .members of the Cana tory of�he Royal Socie tions built in the future." f wild But if a man respects his qwn mind•
Dif he feels that he might as well b9
WAX. s€ -c - eft ar tsty S�
for the pro-
- - -__ _..�• a,, -.�� pec o 4f Btrilcc and >#1a�_ Dr. Wi1 Therefore, argue the love's o w - 5
points of support
p ace a ong ie
the estuhlishutent of a wild bird re-
servation.. Although restricted in sue
---Heligoland is less than one-fifth of
a utile square 1 s 11 e e
in our own experience. The invention •
will not work because we never saw
auythiug like le in operation. The in-
novation is iiepos ible ber.ttuse it
the path of bird migration -add at its breaks -it rule. The fact Is not a fact
highest point is 190' feet above sea
level, a lighthouse to flying birds. The
'size df the island .is against it, it is
lin the shape of a mutton chop, a Ittle
1 short of ti 'utile in• length and 1,700
feet wide at its greatest breadth. But
it would. act• as a resting 'home ''nr
birds on their
'~at'lgrinages• and .no longer be a men.
tents, ,We, have seen something bet -
ace to the ter thee what we are, but we' hate to
• The treapeace 'of Europe.
'of peace' with Germany , admit. that it•.ie better. •linnroventent
made no reference. to: the final' din- � is possible, and it iS not pleasant to
posal of the island. Thetreaty pro- i discover that "we are not perfect; :1..0t:
vided : 4 us. thereforet, Shut the etoor` on the '
• ,'I,h
`e • .fortifcationsL-in#iitary� Wit► :prospeeteecif itmelihraLira-: