HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-12-04, Page 1• • '1F4 :.�. nllw• 4 $1.50 per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise o--cr--o—a—o—o 0 0 . o -O u MARKETS u u --O 0 O O O O' O• b o (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) . Wheat St 5 Oats ; 85 li trley ' 1 40 1 541 Peas 3 D0 E•gge, new laid 60 61 Butter, rolls 52 53 Butter, croclk.:. a -: - 50 Butter,- -prints 53 55 Potatoes, buying price, bus 1 20 Potatoes, selling price, bus 1 35 1. 40 Ilog.i 15 75 Toronto . Markets Choice _heavy steers_.....E12 50 . to 113 75 Choice butchers. 11 00 to 1! 00 Choice butchers' cows10 00 to 11 00 Good feeders,-........-.._..-.9 00. to 10 C0 Cool uiilch coy,- ,..'.;I4' 00 to 1ST 00 Hogs,; off cars 169'to =.,' Pall Wheat r.•2 13 to Goose Wheat 2 10 to Oats .... ... 97, to Timothy Hay 25 '00 to Eggs, new laid 80 to Ratter. Creamery Prints 6. ' to Pt rt. 30 00 35 - 64 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to. •Section' 56, _ _:'hap: '121, , of the Revised Statutes=>of Ontario, that all persons havin,; claims against the estate of Robert Francis Hodgkinson, deceased, who died on or . about the thirteenth day -of September, A.D., 1919, at the Village of Kinlough, Township of Kin- loss, in the County of Bruce, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Geo• A. Si,,ddall, Lucknow, Ontario, agent for the Executors, on o'r' before the fifteenth day of Decem- ber, A.D., ' 1919, their names and ad-. dresses, with full particulars of their claims in writing, And the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by statutory declaration. And .further take notice that after the said fifteenth:day. of December, 1919, the a sets of the itaid estate''Will he distributed by. the executors among -the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not he liable for ady claims not filed at the time of the said distri- bution. Dated at Lucknow, this twelfth day of November, A.D. 1919. Geo. A.. Siddall, 11-12-500 Agent for the Executors. FUft SEASON .OPEN• — Highest prices for all kinds of raw furs, ac- cording to quality. All with whom I did„ .business lasb*.year .will be, equally. well satisfied this season, if they sell to me. Furs are a high price. Market for all kinds of beef, calf and horse hides. Let me know when you have a hide and I will call at once: Jake Libel, Lucftnow, , • BATTERY STORAGE For Winter Storage and all kinds of repairing leave your Battery with _T. W. (WITH.. 20-11-tf GET THA BEST.—When you take out lifer insurance get a policy in the Sun Life of Canada, the biggest in the Dominion-, and a company that Canadians are proud of its record. See Geo. H. Smith, local agent, for particulars. TRY A POLICY in The Excelsior Life. It will interest you to see set- tlements of matured policies of people you know. Facts and figures shown freely.—Wm. 1'. Reid, Agent. Mar; -15 FORMER KINLOUGH• MAN DIES IN WEST A copy of the Wilky (Sask.) Press received this week contains an account of -the death there .of WM. J. Hether- ington, who moved into• the Wilkie district from near Kinlongh in 1905. Mr.. Hetherington. ,was well 'known about Kinlough Langside and Tees - water. The immediate cause • of Mr. Hetht- erington's death is given as endorcar- ditis and hronchiah asthma. He was ill for only a week. T -he Press. Says; The funeral took . place, on Tuekday frcnn the Methodist church, Rev:. F. 13. Ball conducting the service assist- •.. , Sutile � ..'. n" `Om- - rt. ,, ed by IZe�,�...rlatt.l, and t,i...i.c. i i; mains .'\ct.re. interred in the Wilkie. Cemetery. The pall -bears were W. G. Sherwood, J. S. Meiklejohn, W. Mc Connel„ R. C. Hopkins, H• Letts and T. A. Dinsley. On going into the Wilkie district Mr. .Hetherington proed up on a homestead, hit a few years ago mov- !A into th! ‘°i}la;e. Ile was a good w,..stern pi niece, Though year after y, earcra sfailed, ane farmers r mers � - hout Wilkie stific•reti many discourae-e- ments and endered much privation, he was always cheerful, and never lost faith in the country. He was noted as an honest at.,‘ l.ahlw•..I ir.g urian. Mr. Hethcring..yri v. as married •n the spring of 1892 to Margaret Tiffin, of Langside, and he is survived by -her and a family of five sons, and one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Payne. _ The sons are: Joseph, Tiffin, Melvyne, Harvey and Roy. Joseph and Tiffin were both overseas with the C.E.F. and Joe saw a great deal of hard service at the front, and was slightly wounded. Tif- fin was with the C.A.M.C. The 'fam- ily were all clever students at school, and the daughter and two eldest sons graduated as school teachers. They were all at home at the time of the father's death. Christopher Hetherington, of West- ford, is a brother, and Robert lives at Wingham, and James At Puyallup, Washington State. - ` Mr. Hetherington was in his 61st year. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At J. Button's residence, Ross St., re- cently vacated, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1.3, 1919 Com rnencinfg at 2.30 o'clock the following articles will be . sold: 1 Oak Sideboard; 1 Cherry Sideboard; Set Leather Seat Dining Room• Chairs Bedroom ,.Suite, =tress and springs;, Oak Extension Table and other tables; . Good Heating Stove, coal or wood, and two other Stoves; ,.Organ; ' besides many other useful articles. All in first-class repair. TERMS.—AI1 sums of $5.00_-_ and under, cash- Over that amount terms can be arranged at time of sale. The residence will also be offered for sale, subject to reserved hid. J. BUTTON, J. PURVIS, , Proprietor. • Auctioneer. Y Dorenwend's Beautiful HAIR GOODS DISPLAY AT THE CAIN HOUSE ON Tuesday, December 16 will be of special interest to men and women in need of anything in Hair Goods. OUR SPECIALTIES Transformations, Pompadours, Switches for Ladies and Toupees and Wigs tor Gentlemen. A visit to our show rooms will not obligate you o purchase . Appointments dente if desired. arranged at resi- DIREMWEND'S Limited Head Office: .105 Yonge Street TORONTO LUCKHOW, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 4th., 1919. LUCKNOW SCHOU' REPORT ROOM I. Excellent—W. Webster, F. Eaton, ('S. McLeod And M. McAllister), K.' McKenzie, B. Milne, Clifford Web- ster. . " Good—Charlie Webster, M. Wat- son, M. Jewitt, H. McDonald, V. Sher - riff, R. Watson. - Fair—A• McMillan, I. Drinkwalter, `S.. Whitby, J. McKenzie. B. CLASS.—Excellent. S. Stew- ard, M. Button, H. Johnston, K. Mor- tis, E. Nixon, L Whitby. A. CLASS.—Excellent. (A_ . And- rew and J. Stewart), G• Anderson, A. Murdoch, C. Greer, P. Menary, C. IIIc Intosh. - 4.. ... -.,Good. St'titoai � R. A.t r:rr tr^ns... 3: A. Wilsoo, Bi•al,.c ti 1, ti . !c Itlilla , H. McLeod. Fair: D. Henderson, M. McIntosh, M. Martis, F. Thompson, M. McDon- ald, B. Drinkwalter, E. Baker, R. Fin- layson, W. Armstrong, T. McDonald, L Irwin; E. Whitby. Number enrolled, 48; average at- tendance, 46. 1. Murdie, Teacher. 1100M' i'h•. Report for November. SENIOR CLASS. Excellent — (M. Douglas*, Jessie Stewart*, Drannen McIntosh*, Kenneth Thompson.) Good -(Florence McInnes*, Sadie Jewitt, James Baker, Margaret Me- Quillin, Winnifred Nixon.) JUNIOR CLASS. Excellent —(M. Stewarts', Bessie. Libel'', Robbie Purv- es.) - Good_(Norma Wilson, Livingstone Menary*, Elizabeth MacDonald, Billy Henderson.) • -Fair.--(Jean MacDonald, Alex. An- drew.) . Those marked * have been neither late nor absent during the month. . J. MacCallum, Teacher. ROOM III Senior. Excellent -Stewart E. Arm- strong M. MacKenzie, M. Anderson, E. Burns, C. Thompson, A. Thompson. Good— M. Geddes, H. MacIntosh, A. Taylor, W. Eaton, D. Webster, C. Milne L. Taylor, N. Maclnnes, P. Webster, A. Irwin* C. Murdie* 'Fair=,T. Webster... Junior. Excellent — W. Douglas D. Durnin, B. Anderson, M. Armst- rong, Good—M. Henderson, S. Huston, G. Johnston*,' P. Nixon*, R. MacCal- lum, D. :Maclnnes, C. Blitzstin,-- S•' Decker, D. Milne, G. MacKenzie, G. Fisher*, M. Webster Fair—G. Maclnnes, H. Webster W., \Agar•*, C. Webster*, - Those marked * Missed an Examin- tion. M. J. MacKenzie ROOM IV SENIORS. Excellent—Jean nin, Mona Mitchell, Hannah stein. Good. Wilfred / Murdoch*, Reid. Fair. Tom Alton, Gordon Thomp- son*, Isabel Johnston*, Myra McDon- ald. ,1'UNIORS. Good—Elizabeth Alton, Lovell Murdoch, Eva Johnston, Mar= jorie ,Douglas. Fair. Wallace Howe,Willie Sproul, Stuart Mackenzie*, Ella Mae Orr. Those marked with an asterisk mis- sed an examination. Dur- Blitz - Eldon N. R. Woods, Teacher. A GREAT EVENT ' An event of the greatest importance to every man and woman interested in Agriculture in this Province„ is the approaching Convention of the U.F.O. to be held in Toronto on December 16, 17 and 18. This gathering will be of great significance to the farming community. You should keep in touch with every move made. You can do this by reading the farmers' own paper, The Farmers' Sun, which will • give most exhaustive reports of every matter discussed at the great Convention. During 1920 there will be many im- provements in The Sun. Every de- partment will be enlarged, re -modelled end strengthened. Although the cost of the improvements to be made will be great, and an increase in the subscription price . necessary, the price has not been raised yet, rind $1.00 if remitted at once, will secure for you, without doubt, the greatest farm newspaper for 1920. Send in your subscription at once and get your neighbor. to take advan- tage of the present subscription price. There is no other paper just like The Sun, and none in the same posi- tion to help you, Over 30,000. Ontario fame:r,.. t iii- i. Why not you? Send your order 'direct to THE FARMERS' SUN, TORONTO, QNTARIO. INSURAfJCE AGAINST WIND STORM, As necessary as Fire Insurance. Call an the undersigned and get rates. J. E. Anew Leclutow o---o—o--o--o- o.-- a -o --o a -o o LOCAL AND GENERAL. o r o--o--o--o Nursing or house work. Apply to Mrs• Robinson, Lucknow. 11-12-p. An account of the Gaynor -Hogan wedding will bp found in„Jhe Lothian news. , Huron and Druce. County Councils• are in session this week.. Citizens are reminded that those failing to pay their taxes on or be- fore Dec. 14th will be charged five per cent. extra. Taxes' are payable xt ' The Molsons Bank. 11-12-r It. J. Moore -went -out on Morro:n-- and sold six gasoline. engines to fa>znt- „ers who had lost their windmills by Saturday's st •m ' 'I ha reminds us _ .. 01. t Tic! este Mr. J -A. Mackenzie, 'the. well-known. •insurance agent,, underwent a very critical operation in Kincardine Gen- eral Hospital on Nov. 20. Drs. Mac- Crimmon and Groves, performed the operation. At present, he is progress- ing most favorably.-- K iricardine Reporter. ... ears --a ThomasFallon,Fallon, for many, y, s y C. res'Tdettt- f, , hear' Wi st oed Culrus,'•' Township, died at his home on Nov. 22nd. He was 17 years of age. A sister, Mrs. R. Ewing, lives in Tees - water. , Card Of Thanks.—The family of this late Mrs. Wm. Houston take this op- portunity of- thanking the friends and - neighbors who were so kind during their sad bereavement. Miss Gwendolyn MacLeod returned home on Saturday night, having gone no further than Toronto, where she found that because of the smallpox outbreak in that city,- the U. S. auth- orities haft imposed very stringent regulations on those crossing. the ip- • ternational boundary. - • AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. -We are • in a position to look after your storage batteries again this wint- • er.,; Our long experience with stor- age batteries enables us to give you' as good service as you can ob- tain by sending them away to other towns. Walter Stewart Son. 11-12-p Dorenwend's Superb Display of Hair Goods at the Cain House, on Tuesday, Dec. 16th, will include a' AO—Wink- (if' tIY `ir' 'n`et est` `"afiiti linear styles for both ladies and gentleibeni. Advice on anything pertaining to the hair is .offered. to those attending this display. There was a good crowd - at the Sunny -South Show • last Thmrsilay: night, and the onsenses of opinion was that it was a very good show of the kind—that is the kind that aims at nothing but fun -making. An acrobat who occupied the stage for about 15 minutes, gave some very wonderful exhibitions of his skill. - OBITUARY THAT SHED IS COMING Meeting Tuesday Night Strong For Going Ahead—Money Will Be Raised Local patriotism • and business . in- stinct were at a high pitch at the. public nutting. held Tuesday evehing to hear the report of the cononittee appointed to get. facts regarding a suitable site for, and .probable cost, of a suitable shed for public accommoda- tion. . •There was a good - attendance of town resijents, but only a few from ..the ,. count!' 4 . 141:7:0. -re sIresen d.'tti c rrclen.- (!1.•, „1 tl; wvzttlicr iiu..doubt.<ic.t:<)titit-: ring for this. Mr. Geo. Smith read the report of the committee. The. committee had gone thoroughly into the 'Matter,. and recommended the purchase of a. piece of land from A. Millson—just north .of Mr. blillsou's barn on Rose St. There •is roost on this lot fur a •builcd- .ing_ 5_by_.1.7o. ft. .The_ committee -diad a•eccc•r�ed v:,-trl.ittisof.lar � t err t:,of-Lurltl ings of different styles: These varied from $4$)30 to $6,120. A shed •for the higher figure would be 55 by 170 feet, concrete walls and 'floor, no posts and metal roof. • The reading of .this report ga' e rise to a lengthy discussion, which was carried on with much earnestness and in excellent spirit. , Mr. John Ackert favored an open shed as he thought there was already stable room enough in • town. He, howevewas willing to- contribute share to any kind of building that should be decided upon. • Mr., D. C. Taylor was in favor 'qf a closed shed, and free to whoever wish- ed to. use it: He had been encourag- ed to, believe that such an enterprise could be financed all right. Mr. R. D• Cameron ma -de' ` the .sug- gestion that a 'shed should be free to those who contributed to its erection, but not to others. He hoped the en- terprise would be gone• on with, and believed that as a location the son property property was the fairest to all bu sianess,. n. }ti .. tow - ,... ..:. . John •McDiarmid was in favor of a closed shed. While on the farm he often thought it would be an excellent thing, and if he were still on the - farm he certainly would contribute to -a. shed fund. W. • R. MacDonald • felt. sure that there would be no trouble in getting the farmers to contribute their share He was in favor of a good shed that would be a credit to the totui, and it __, hotildi a .%Sae_ ' _Geo. S. Robertson -thought that a free shed would be a great source of trouble, as many 'who would use it Would be very careless; and it would very soon be unfit for use: H2 would favor the formation of a joint stock company to finance the undertaking have a man in charge, and charge a fee that would meet' expenses.: G. H. Smith here pointed out that the. report of the committee was to the effect that the town should contri- bute onekhousand dollars towards the project, that it sho'ald own the prop- erty and- keep it in condition and re- pair. This practically ended the discus- sion, and 'on motion of R. D. Cameron and A. R. Finlayson the report of the committee was adopted. The method of financing suggested by the commit- tee was thattholtown contribute, that a canvass be made of the town and surrounding country -for the balance of the money 'required. Another motion passed instructed the committee which had reported to continue to act. and. to appoint canva- ssers to call on town and country res- idents to ascertain if the needed am- ount of money can be raised in that way. Following: the ,public meeting, a meeting of the committee was held, and the appointment of canvassers was made. At this meeting, Mr. W. R. MacDonald was appointed to the vacancy. The canvassers are going right to work, and there, will be more doings right away.' Mrs. Wm. Mauston Very. sudden and saddening was the death of Mrs. Houston, widow of the late Wm Houston,. who passed away on Nov. 22. ' She had suffered a great deal during the past six months, but' all was borne with •christian fortitude by one who 1Vas noted for a cheerful and pleasant disposition. Before her marriage Mrs. Houston was Miss Annie MacDonald, her early home being on the 4th con- of Kinloss.. The funeral_ was held on Wednesday of last week to Kinloss cemetery, Rev. N. C. MacKenzie con ducting the services. She leaves to mourn four daught- ers aughters and two sons:. Mrs. Ray, Towse, Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Edward Mulhern, Drinkwater ,Sask.; Mrs. Edgar A. 'Coopman, -Roeheater, N.Y.; Phonic. David and William; near Holy rood. Much sympathy' is felt and expressed - for the bereaved family. • • "Tis only those who have lost can tell, The pain of parting without farewell, We miss thee, mother, in silence un - And dwell in the memory of days that. • have been. CH ITR II—NEWS Presbyterian Chur(•h: Lord's lay at 11 a.th. Great Decision." There Service next Aubject, "A 'wijl be no evening service owing to the Meth- ddist Church Anniversary Services. Rev". John MacDongal,D.D., of. N. Bruce, will preach in South .Kinloss Church on Sunday, Dec. 7th morning and evening. Next Sunday Rev. E. F. Armstrong, - 1 ED., of Wingham, chairman oT the Wingham district, will cbnduct An- niversary services in the Methodist Church,` morning and evening. On Monday evening a Ilot Fowl Supper will be served by the ladies, after which an interesting program will be given in which their will be a lecture given by the pastor on "Ireland • and the Irish." Admission, Adults 50e, Children Hilder 10 years, $5c. • o--0 o1. COLUMN 0 0 MONEY TO LOAN an mortgages and notes at reasonable' rates. Fire Lisurance, both, stock and Mutual. Csmpaities. __Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. -- Geo. A.- Siddall, Broker, Luekno %.• • POULTRY ' WA NTED.—Received a •!. 44. Mackenzie's store, Lucknow, ' every Wednesday, and Kinloss and Kinlough on Oct. 28, and on each Tuesday, following.highest cash prices will be paid.—J. Lyons. 9-10-tfc OVERCOAT LOST. --A black beaver Overcoat, fur collar,- 'with heavy Gratin',., n:unicate with Avers s Garage, Kincardine. 4-12-c Prepared .to do housework, washing or. plain sewing. Apply person - or by card to .Ars.. Pinner, Lucknow. 4-12p ,RAW FURS WANTED.—As I have wade a contract with ui-ie of • the largest fur houses in Canada to supply a great nu -tuber of furs th:s . ,rd� tl', � cYtl�' " {ti quit! t 1 t t►Ei V very highest prices in order to carry out this.. agreement. -. Call and see R. Blitzstein, Dry Goods Store, Lucknow. 13-11-tf. TAKE NOTICE.—There are a numb- er of fakirs going about the coun- try making folk believe..that junk is down in price on account of the Nvar stopping; but we are still pay- ing 28c. for horsehair, 3c. to 4c. for rags, and 4c to 5c for rubbers. We will call on every hone . in Lucknow and. vicinity and pay these prices and giving 16 ounces to the pound.—Seddens, Ripley. 29-5-tfc • DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain House, Lucknow, every Wednes- day afternoon. Alt chronic dis- eases successfully treated. Os- teopathy removes the • physical causes of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured Rod with fewer treatments by Os- teopathy than by any other method Single Copies 3 cents FOR :;ALE. -8 pigs, 5 weeks • old. Information 'at The Sentinel Offic.•, COCKERELS AND PULLETS I•'UY sale, of the good laying kind i barred rocks, white and brow,► leghorns. D. C. McMORRAN. ' 4-12-p • FARM FOR SAI\E.---Lot 27, con. 11, West Wawanosh. containing- 61 :,ere,, more or Ie;s. in good stat. of cultivation, good buikling large orchard. . For further part • c•t:?ars apply to John Egglestone. 25-12-c FOR -SALE, - Fure bred , Durham Ball two ars old. Cole:, c'a::_ red. 7' , , dehorned r .l. McKenzie, R. R. l` ere ring 432-15 _ r+roigannon. . •vim. rl-... Co! ufortablellt'.'e11_il:r , _ev'en , oorii • >•:� rig. ..i..�►..iiiZp�i�I.,..fro:�t�ti,�,:_ .d.:,.:�t i��.1arG,. .stt.rc,--oi• 1a -till ,,..u`;i:th, f►•uit...tIves a, bgarden and berrybushes,and .t arn 20x24 feetApply to Joh.i button, Lucknow. . 14-8-tf HOUSE FOR SALE.- Frame dwell- ing, 6 rooms, kitchen and pantrc. ; good cellar, stone foundation, e, Stauffer St., • Luckn< .v. Apply i J. E. Agnew, Lucknow, or Ashle' Blair, Ha:rr-ist.in. -5 -tle -1~'-OR,' SALE.—Choice Shearling.. Pau_ ._ _ Pee,Iei � s crR;_2 F:rzt .cla: • ,w - Show Ram Lambs; 4 Pure Brc. i . Durham Bulls, fit for service, in- .cluding our stock Bull "Apple Prince."— Dam ,,6-.pple Pie (Ini- ported.) Edwirr Purvs, Luckno,: R. 1.' 11-12-0 FOR SALE.—Columbia Grafonol: . Cabinet style; fumed oak, , wit splendid selection of records. A.1 as good. as .new. Will be sold a-. a bargain• Enquire at. The Sent:- nel Office. 4-12-tf FOR SALE.—Two good milch cow,. One 4 years old, • due to calve an March 4th. One 7 years old, die Mar. 7th. Apply- to Mrs. W. MacLeod, Railroad Crossing. 4 1-'; LOTHIAN TuesdaS , - Dcc . 2. Misses Mary, Nora, Beatrice and Donalda Hogan, of Toronto, wets home for theie- sister's wedding. HEIFER ESTRAY.—Came to the • The terrific .. inu sco: m of. last Sat- premises,of the undersigned, on urday evening unroofed several barns or about June 23rd, 1919, a small, blew down and damaged several wind - _Heifer, apparently- a yearling. mills, and • uprooted scores of app:�• Owner may have same on proving trees. in this vicinity. property and paying all expenses. -A': 'yh'onysorr; '1'ot-' 20; 'Son: 6; -Kinloss Tp.' 11-12-p • LOGS WANTED. -We, the undersign - cd, are- open to buy logs. of all kinds • of timber, delivered at our saw ' mill at Lucknow. We can take all grades of logs providing they are good enough to make crating lum- ber. As we make use of ail this material in our factory we are pre- pared to pay the highest market prices for all classes of logs. Any Berson having timber to sell we would be pleased to have them call -at our. oH3 •e and get all particulars - The Lucknow Table Co., J. Button, --Manager. _ Jan. 31 1" GIFTS TO RETURNED MEN The Lucknow Patriotic Society on Monday- Completed the work of pres- senting- to eagh, local soldier who has returned from overseas a neatly prin- iiif i 4rtsls' atrcj` a ten-c-1;Tlar gulch •piece. Many little unlooked-for incid encs helped to delay the carrying out ' of $his undertaking, and those who contributed to the patriotic fund will be interested tip know that it has at last been completed. So far as was practicable, the conimittee in charge visited the returned men in their homes, and niad. the presentation there. AUCTION SALE - Henry Mullin,, lot 6,.eon. 11, E. D. of Ashfield, will hold an auction sari off farm stock and implements on Pec. 17, commencing at one o'clock • p.m. J. Purivs, Auct. 4-12-p Tenders for Snow Plowing Tenders 'for plowing the snow 'off the walks and streets of Lucknow will be reeeived by the undersigned up to Dec. 14th, 1919. Tenders to be for. so isuch per hour's work. Work to continence at 6 o'clock a.m. . J. E. Agnew,' Clerk. 11-12-c FOR ALL MATTERS REGARDING (GREENHFILL CEMETERY refer to D. Alton, Sexton. very. interesting .:and":-iizstxuetiv:+ .,�.. •.;.�... debate was held under the auspices of the Ashfield Church Improvement So-, ciety in the church basement last Thursday evening. The subject was; Resolved, "That Consolidated School.; Would be. Better Than the Present System." The affirmative was up- held by Misses Welsh and Murray. teachers- in S. S. Nos. 12 and 13, re - spectively, and the negative was up- held by Misses Keinptun and 1tac-- -1C0n7ie, test_►«,! iri S- .5►sib•..:.1'? and_ 3 respectvely. The judges after deo consideration...decided in favor of the negative by a small margin. - Ca)•nor — Hogan.' The marriage '4- toclz place in St. Joseph's Church, Kin -2: -bridge. on Tuesday, Nov: 27q1,,, of it:ss Eva, youngest daughter of the r:.to Patrick and Mrs. IFogan cir this place. and Mr. Matthew Gaynor, of t'.•:; .vanosh, Rev• Father Dean .otr,- elating. The bridesmaid was the bride': sister, Beatrice, while Mr. Har- old 1.0—lei„ of Toronto, supported CI,. g:•oc::n. In ,the evening an enjoyable reception was held at the bride's hair ,when ever a hundred and fifty :, Spent the night in dancing and •i I,, 'r„ ide was the recipic nt of 1 I•, nutif,il and valuable present-. Town Hall, Lucknow Saturday Evening utn DECEMB.ER MOLLY ENTANGLED 4 1'}:'I's And Her S9ren IcIol MOLLY EN'iANGLID. tt lid 'll is vlv1 t\ 'l ti;'•IV- LATEST PARAMOUNT 1'I'(iTO1'l.AY 1 I t DALLY WHOLESOME •A D .1111.S1N(: I`l10I'i1, -._ ' =ST 'f t't t'1 EN ER 1 1 1 1 1.1 STAR HAS WORKED iN 'iyOit S(.'li: 11111•: 1I 11.1 BE THE ATTR A('T ION AT Tilt.: Town Hall on -Dec. 6th