HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 6Roy OU would soon get rid of a servant who did only half the work in double the time of n capable one. Then why continue using a flour that gives half the nourishment and double the work to digest? 1c Flour is made from selected spring wheat --- a wheat that is rich in nutriment. It is the whitest and finest flour made; it makes fully one-third more bread to the pound than any soft wheat flour and is more dependable in every respect. 19 Ogilvie Fleur Mills Co., Baited, Montreal. Women wouldn't be se talkative if they only spoke their minds. Once in a great while a youug man managed to tame his wild oats. Two Kinds of Headache. Bilious or sick heednohe results from sluggish liver notion and constipation and is quiokly overcome by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Nervous headache fa -aerially accompanied by weakness, sleeplesenese and exhanetion and is due to a rundown nervous aye - tem. Thorough cure is obtained by building up the system with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Electricity as a motive power has been in use for 25 years. It doesn't take very swift retribution to overtake some swift men. For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseasea of the akin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch. are characterized by au intense itching and amarting,which often makes -life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by ap- plying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the itching and emarting almost instant- ly. Many cases have been onred by its ase. For sale by all druggists, The man who can draw a Iarge check bas writes that are reapected. Corn salad is found wild throughout Europe, Asia. Minor and Japan. CR. Aa W. CHASE'S On CATARRH CUBE .,. C, is seat direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permaaantiy cures Catarrh and Hay Xeres. Blower free. An dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase ktediclut C;o.. Toroote si,.i r,;airala. Better do nothing than do a man who has a mania for getting even. Thomas G. Filet was tlentenoed at St. Thomas to three yeara for bigamy. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'a Clore will al. Nays mere my °ought' and colds." It's an argument until the other fel- low gets the better of it. Then it's a dispute. OIYGERRTOR 1111E GREATEST BLOOD PURIrfER IN THE WORLD. 1. Goad brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Prorates a sound and quiet sleep, 4. Disinfects the mouth. 5. Neuttelizet the surplus acids of the mensal). 4, Paralyzer hemorrhoidal distutbences. 7. Helps the secretion of theltitineys. A. Prevents cakulut contrerions 0. Obviates it dig fl i. It A preventative against climates of the throat. 1 C, Retorts all nervous energy and re- vives the mitueel forces. T1H3 OXYGENATOR CO, 41 /tithed Street, T4liottto, Ont* SOLD r ALL trtt1GOInTla The big grist mill and ; miilhouse at Demoreatvitie were destroyed by fire. Repeat it:—"Sbiloh'a Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." The welfare of the world may depend partly on whether you can whistle in the rain. A girl may have a fade that le like a poem—but lots of men don't understand poetry. New York has about the same num- ber of actors as lawyers. There are 8,000 of eaoh. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove thta truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup—boo. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A girl can generally play first fiddle if she knows how to handle her beau. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds," The dreamer would be all right if his appetite didn't get busy and wake him up. The man who hasn't the vigor to be vicious usually prides himself on his virtues. Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you find a preparation that is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a mire for mneoular and rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains and eoreneas of the muscles. It is equally valuable for lame bank and all deep seated muscular pains. 25 and 60 cent sires for sale by all druggists. • Daring the year 1908 nearly £30,000,- 000 of British capital Dame to the Dom. inion of Canada. Fortify now against the Grip—for it comes every season suret Preventics— the little Candy Cold Care Tablets -- offer In this respect a most certain and depenoabie safeguard. Preventiea, at, the "sneeze,stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. Ent the promptness is all-important. Keep Preventive in the pocket or purse, for instant use, Box of 48 for 25o, Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The Provincial estimates contain an item of $800,000 for a new wing for the Parliatnent buildings. The cynic says: Women are pretty to Console them for the misforttine of be. Ing women M all. Repeat it "Shiloh'a Core will al. wait euro my coughs and emits." The Great Week Saddlery Store at Winnipeg Were damaged by fire to the ettent of $20,000. Mat three-year.old daughter of Mr. J. H. Griffin of Ilatailten choked to death on a piece of dandy. es AL se. oxe csWit.5t„ tom the Kind You Nate Ahrt et Tiro ectal number of persons Cruploy- ed at mines and at the quarries of the United Kingdon during 1807 was 1000,. bbd. Of the 972,220 persons employed at mines 'x76,4156 worked underground and 19$,724 above ground. Of the latter 6,854 were female*. Bohemia has ceased to exist iia thtl Paris Latin Quarter, acoording to Alfred Oepue, the playwright, Dorm's Kidney ]Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure baokaohes*weak back, rheum- atisr , diabetes, congoatiou, infiatttation,. gravel, Bright's diseeso And all other diseases arising from wrong cotton of the kidneys and bladder. Frenoh engineers are directing sub- marine boats by wireless meaeagee seat to the navigating officers. Shareholders of the Grimsby Park Company have passed a resolution to have the eoneern wound up. Have you a pain—of any kind, any. where? Stop just a infante Grp think( It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tab- lets will surely stop it in 20 minutes, Formula plainly printed on the 250, box. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A wave's height iu feet on the open sett is approximately one-half the wind's velocity in miles per hour, A bar of gold wile stolon from a dentist's office at Portage la Prairie, and a sooiety woman is implicated. Repeat It:--"Shi[oh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and oolds." Dundee Gas Commission has saved $5,000 on Ito coal account for the year through fortnnate marketing polioy. When n man makes a distinction be- tween his oreed and his conduct he will disoover a breach between his aspira- tions and his heaven. r A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the finest silken thread—takes *from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regular- ity, The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kid- neys. His prescription—Dr. Shoop's Restorative—is directed straight for the cause of these ailments—these weak and faltering inside nerves. 'this, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggiste'say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit, Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensible and snooessfui way. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. At the Mining Inetitnte meeting at Montreal, President Miller stated the total mineral production of Canada last year to be $87,323,848; A co-operative purchasing agency is being organized in this country for sup- plying American and English mission. arias with certain neoessary auppliee. Unequaled as a ware for Croup. "Besides being an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup," says Harry Wilson, of Waynetown, Ind. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears, this remedy will prevent the attack. It is used successfully in many thousand of homes. For sale by all drnggiate. Eddie Quinn, who confessed to hav- ing switched a valise containing $1,500 on a bank messenger about a year ago, watt sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, at Chatham. Where the Dile is Needed. Bilionenese—too much bile in the blood. Oonetipation—too little bile in the intestines, When the liver is awakened to action by Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills it filters bfie from the blood and pours it into the inter. tines. The result is a cleansing of the ',yatem, purer blood, better appetite, improved digestion, new vigor and good health. The towncoanoii of Owen Sound have decided to make application fol' in- corporation as a city. Since the annex- ation of Brooklyn, the place is estimat- ed to have a population of 18,000. C7.®. e3.'e,wt. 7C Bears the TheeKind You flays Always Bought $1gnatnre \ of Louisiana is estimated to waste 75,- 000,000 pubic feet of natural gas daily, more than one -twentieth of that con- sumed in the United Stator, and the secretary of the interior has withdrawn from entry 8,500 sores of natural gas Relde. CONSTIPATION IRREGULARITY OF THE ROWELS dang ous, nd should Dbec toonoe attended to ants °creeata 1. MILBURN'S LAXA -LIVER PILLS work oar the bowels gently and naturally irtthont weitkening the body, but on the ,os trery, toning it, end they will if per• levered in relieve turd cure the worst eases of oo istipstion. Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., loiter': "1 watt troubled with sick headaches con- stlpatioti and eats& of the stomach. I amid get nothing to do me any good until I got a tial of Milhnrn's Lexa•Lra+er Pine. They did :me trams good than at iything else I erre tritd. I hart no beadaehee or coli* st4psetots, and she catarrh of the atomao§ Is entit'et r genie. I feel lilt* a, stew woman, thanks to 31ilbarunt X.aato,-Liver Pillar I used iia s]4 abort half s dos& sial,," $ Ptitte26 onset rdrste f med dirct bvial, 5y The or T. Millbnh Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. T.tiO WINWIAM �p �+ a Tlbil MAR 4R YOU WEAK AFTER SICKNESS? Later on it will be harder to get strong than today. What are you doing to get well? A Daae in point is well exemplified in the following letter frons Mrs V. J. Wilder, wife of a well known citizen of Pittsfield, who writes: eI had anervons disorder that completely prostrated me. I oouldu't sleep, and would lay and toss about all night, arising in the morning more tired than ever, bead heavy, eyes dull, and every bone and mnaole welting. T tried to get along without nailing in a doctor, but was flintily driven to it. He treated rue for some time, brit with no perceptible ihnprovemet in my health. Some ono recommended Ferrozone, The ohmage it effected in my system was no- ticeable almost instantly. I gradually took on flesh, The 'all•gone'feeling left me, In testi than six weeks I was fully recovered from what looked to nee like an everlasting sioknoss, I will always recommend Ferrozone feeling with sin- cerity that it is an honest, powerful, health -giving tonic." Try Ferrozone to -day 1 The nourishment and vital energy it supplies is wonderful, Ferrnzone makes yon feel better at onoe, it's good for men, for women, for children—just the thing for every- body seoning better health. Sold by all dealers, 50e, per box or six, boxes for $2.50. - Mr. W.. G. Browne, who was acquit- ted by Judge Leet at Montreal, has been indicted by a Grand Jury there and will be tried on a charge of mak- ing false bank returns to the Govern- ment. The French navy le experimenting with a fluid, a German invention, which, when sprayed over warships' coal, is said t0 make it burn without smoke. Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite eo annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing, bronchial Congh. The quick- est relief comes perhaps from a presorip- tion known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be- sides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain ebrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its re- markable curative effect, A day's test will tell. Sold at Walley'o Drug Store. On Saturday, Feb. 271h, Mrs. Arm- strong, of Dungannon, passed to the Great Beyond In her ninety-first year. She had been a resident of the village about a year, formerly living on the sixth ooncession of Ashfield. -Repeat ' it:—"Shiloh'e Cure will al. ways cure my coughs and wide." Mr. John Monroe, recently arrived at Port Arthur, states that near Goose Lake there is a plot where 41 railway laborers are buried in unmarked graves, several of them without coffins, all viotima of railway construction accidents. Railway officials deny this statement. T$B LADIES' FA'9'OBXTE. Laxx-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They ours Constipation, Sick Readaohe, Billionaness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. - w A prominent resident of the County died last week in the person of Mr. T. J. Moorehense. Mr. 31/Morehouse was 75 years of age. Yearn ago he was in the book and stationery business in Goderioh, owning the bnsinesd now oondneted by George Portor. Later he bought a property overlooking the river at Brnotfield and built a fine house, where he has sine resided. Mr. Moorehouse was a Presbyterian and In politics a staunch Liberal. ----.0•4041144.4.04.4404 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Local Applications, as they oannot reach the seas of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take intern- al remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and sots directly on the blood and ranoons surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat physioians in this Country for years and is a regular prescription, It is composed of the best tonins known, combined with the beet blood purifiers, noting direotiy on the mucous snrfaoea. Tito perfect combination of the two ingred- ients is what produces such wonderful results In oaring Catarrh. Send for tes- timonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Preps., Toledo, O. Sold br Druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. A Derham man has negotatione pend- ing with the inventor of a plough run by gasoline engine which apparently has great possibilities Before it. The negot- ationemay Iced to the manntaotnre of both plough and engine in Durham. The plough is Bald to be capable of turn- ing over 12 sores a day at anoderate expense for gttoline. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally beensuooesfnlly separated and refined into a peefeet oough medfdfne--Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. $old by all deaalere on a guarantee of rsatisfaotion. Price 96 oenta, The death of Mrs. Peter li+ioGraw 00. maned on Monday, March lit, 1909, at the family ratidenoo, Queen Street, Kinoardine. She Ind been suffering front an attack of typhoid flier, and WlaP thought at one tittle to be reoolrer- ing, but took at relapse, which resulted fatally. • CH 111 I909 eettter or the old residents of Goder. lei passed away on Wednesday, Feb, 24th, when fir; Donald Graham, of Gloucester Terrace, answered the Inst cell, after tip illness of but a few days. His demise was very' unexpected, though he had not been in good health for some time. Born in Scotland 00 years ago, he earpe to Canada with his parents iu 1868, and became a resident of Godoriob, where he has lived for well on half a century. He was a quiet,. industrious and muoh respected citizen, turfs G MEDICINIG. As a spring medicine Burdook Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The death occurred on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24th, of Mr. William Fowler, at the somewhat unusual age of 94 years and 25 days. The deceased was the father of Itirs. John Stewart, at whose home on Iokerman Street west, Listowel, where he has resided for the past seven or eight years. He was born in Ireland and Dame to Canada nearly 70 years ago. He formerly resided at Goderioh and Dungannon, and another daughter, Mrs, Hugh Glenn, now resides in Dungannon, Prof. H. A. Hovels, of iiavana, hubs Recommends Chamberlain's Gough Bemedy. "As long ago as I oat remember my mother was a faithful neer and friend of Ohamberlain'a Cough Remedy, but never in my life have I realized its true value until now," writes Prof. H. A. Howell, of Howell's American School, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of Feb rnary 3rd our baby was taken sick with a very severe cold; the next day was worse and the following night his con- dition was desperate. Ile could not lie down and it was neoessary to have him in the arms every moment, Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think he would live rntii morning. At last I thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which we gave, and it afforded prompt reliefs and now three days later, he has fully recovered, Under the circumstances I would not hesitate a moment in Saying that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, and that only, saved the life of our dear little boy." For sale by all druggists. Ono° again the silent measenger of death entered MoKillop, this time olniming as its victim, Mr. Matthew Lynch, a highly respeoted resident. The deceased was born in Clare County, Ireland, aixty nine years ago, and came to this country with hfa parents when a young boy. Three years ago Mr. Lynoh suffered a stroke of paralysis, the effects leaving him in a rather frail condition. He was in his usual health until about a month ago, when he was taken ill witla Bright's disease, of which he died, CASTOR iA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The following card made into a blot- ter, algned by a dozen grocery firma of Delaware, Ohio, bas been scattered by the thousands, and has proved very ef- fective in a oampatgn which, writes Dr. C. W, Barnes, "Is moving eplendidly:" "Anyone who drinks three Blanes of whiskey a day for one year and pays ten Dents a drink for it, San have in ex- change at any of the firms whose names appear on this pard 8 barrelg flour, 20 bushels potatoes, 200 pounds granulated sugar, 1 barrel crackers, 1 pound pepper, 2 pounds tea, 50 lbs salt, 20 pounds rice, 50 pounds butter, 10 pounds cheese, 25 pounds coffee, 10 pounds candy, 8 dozen cane tomatoes, 10 dozen pickles, 10 doz- en oranges, 10 dozen bananas, 2 dozen Pans corn, 18 boxes matches, b bushel beans, 100 cakes soap, and 12 packages rolled oats, for the samemoney, and get $15,50 premium for making the change in his expenditures," --Western Chris - Advocate. MINI MEDICINES 'in Old-fashioned, Houle-Mado Mix - tura which Cures Kidney ane Liver Troubles. A prominent local druggist states hat since the celebrated presctiptior+ ,>f a distinguished specialist has be- come more or less known it is inter ;'eri>g with the sale of secret medi Tues, cal 'cially the patent or ail rel iced kidney pills. Tho preteril> 'ion, which first appeerod• in a lead - rig health journal,ie reproduced bete, jute exactly es originally written:— Phages !tsaract Canzara....... oz. Cans'iaaa Compound ..,...... i oz. >yrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz. Directions : One teaspoonful after tads meat and at bedtime. Any good druggist can dispense ibis, or, even. better, a person can buy the items separately and mix then, at home by shaking themwell together in a bottle. It is stated that the ingredie`#its being vegetable, art harmless and Simple. It has a gentle And natu'rel action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a perfectly healthy condition. A merchant well ltriawne in public torah,* !states that this retitle cured his rheumatis>rt. Save the preset -tea bate An honest, sturdy and persistent desire to build the highest pos- sible grade of instrument, made this' plant of ours grow to what it is to -day -t 17, 0,4 4, OUR plant didn't grow big because we wanted to, make the most pianos, but because we w.nted to make the best. It takes more space to make one good piano than. to snake four of the made -to --sell, kind. Y Besides the regular machinery used by piano' makers we have 4nany ,inachiries of our own invention. Each one of these machines does its part of the con- structioir'of a M-ason and Kisch piano in a better way than it could be done Without it. • s The piano with a, soul There are many feat tvb -s in this instrument which no other piano contains and 'we require special facilities to' construe them. We want to tell you the whole story of / the building of a Mason and Risch piano. j,! ,,L,',:,''',.7, F: :. Send this coupon to us to -day and we'll f! PIA;rHo eo., send you our booklet tt Inside Infor-.• �ireitdi, / .i U,�'.r �iTO mation " which tells the story of the , send r.:o roar llus. making of a Mason. and Risch ,f• t.ated boo.lr;t e:, -'lata-. piano and why you should have it in your home in preference to any other make. Prorinc© The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. 149 Ing ti;c• reasons why I should own a F.;ason and Ricoh piano.. This iii r.., Sas,. obligates me to per_.._,_. Name City Street The Forestry department has been conducting experiments with the hope of making use of the white fir which is found on the Paoi$o Coast in great quanties, A Pleasant Physic, When you want a pleasant physic give Ohainberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their notion and always pro- duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at any drug store for a free sample. • Beam tho The Kind You Nave Always Bought Blgeatere of 1.4414,, On Saturday, Feb. 27th, there passed away in Kinonrdiae township a highly esteemed man in the person of Mr. Samuel Needham, aged 83 years and 9 months. Deceased was one of the beet known men in Kincardine township hav ging come to it over 50 years ago, Re was aii lriahman and a prominent mem- ber of the Orange Order, having joined it in Ireland over 00 years ago. Needham Orange Lodge was named after the de- ceased who was a warm personal friend of the late Clark Wallace. The death took plane at the family residence, lot 30, concession 5, where Mr, Needham lived with his eon, his wife having passed away several years ago. re era A Livelaily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just Soo bushels of wheat or pats would pay a year's subscrip- tion, 25c. a hundred weight oru a dozen hogs would cover three yeara subscriptions. Don't you, depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them—iniss top prices by at least that in.itch several times a year? Toronto Daily Star Publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 Roars Earlier Than the Morning Papers wry afternoon's ''ssue of The Star contains that very qtiol.ltiOnS on Ate grain and live stock n arketla of mato, montreat, Bu$alo, Chicago, and other important d. 'these at. the £rise quotations that the matt axalug's da'alae pub Wi--12 to 18 hours later. $1,50 A YEAR. cummo omit rills Ap10 ked Tho Torbnfo OW, 0.00 togothito Pott One roar, $.1.,20.�'0. 0aio Wood Potrntcht Pon glace f'or $0f eesidod to abort) attbtcriptIon pailaor. 3.._. flo KERNELS FROM TUE SANCTUM MILL 1 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Women wouldn't be se talkative if they only spoke their minds. Once in a great while a youug man managed to tame his wild oats. Two Kinds of Headache. Bilious or sick heednohe results from sluggish liver notion and constipation and is quiokly overcome by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Nervous headache fa -aerially accompanied by weakness, sleeplesenese and exhanetion and is due to a rundown nervous aye - tem. Thorough cure is obtained by building up the system with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Electricity as a motive power has been in use for 25 years. It doesn't take very swift retribution to overtake some swift men. For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseasea of the akin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch. are characterized by au intense itching and amarting,which often makes -life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by ap- plying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the itching and emarting almost instant- ly. Many cases have been onred by its ase. For sale by all druggists, The man who can draw a Iarge check bas writes that are reapected. Corn salad is found wild throughout Europe, Asia. Minor and Japan. CR. Aa W. CHASE'S On CATARRH CUBE .,. C, is seat direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permaaantiy cures Catarrh and Hay Xeres. Blower free. An dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase ktediclut C;o.. Toroote si,.i r,;airala. Better do nothing than do a man who has a mania for getting even. Thomas G. Filet was tlentenoed at St. Thomas to three yeara for bigamy. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'a Clore will al. Nays mere my °ought' and colds." It's an argument until the other fel- low gets the better of it. Then it's a dispute. OIYGERRTOR 1111E GREATEST BLOOD PURIrfER IN THE WORLD. 1. Goad brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Prorates a sound and quiet sleep, 4. Disinfects the mouth. 5. Neuttelizet the surplus acids of the mensal). 4, Paralyzer hemorrhoidal distutbences. 7. Helps the secretion of theltitineys. A. Prevents cakulut contrerions 0. Obviates it dig fl i. It A preventative against climates of the throat. 1 C, Retorts all nervous energy and re- vives the mitueel forces. T1H3 OXYGENATOR CO, 41 /tithed Street, T4liottto, Ont* SOLD r ALL trtt1GOInTla The big grist mill and ; miilhouse at Demoreatvitie were destroyed by fire. Repeat it:—"Sbiloh'a Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." The welfare of the world may depend partly on whether you can whistle in the rain. A girl may have a fade that le like a poem—but lots of men don't understand poetry. New York has about the same num- ber of actors as lawyers. There are 8,000 of eaoh. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove thta truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup—boo. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A girl can generally play first fiddle if she knows how to handle her beau. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds," The dreamer would be all right if his appetite didn't get busy and wake him up. The man who hasn't the vigor to be vicious usually prides himself on his virtues. Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you find a preparation that is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a mire for mneoular and rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains and eoreneas of the muscles. It is equally valuable for lame bank and all deep seated muscular pains. 25 and 60 cent sires for sale by all druggists. • Daring the year 1908 nearly £30,000,- 000 of British capital Dame to the Dom. inion of Canada. Fortify now against the Grip—for it comes every season suret Preventics— the little Candy Cold Care Tablets -- offer In this respect a most certain and depenoabie safeguard. Preventiea, at, the "sneeze,stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. Ent the promptness is all-important. Keep Preventive in the pocket or purse, for instant use, Box of 48 for 25o, Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The Provincial estimates contain an item of $800,000 for a new wing for the Parliatnent buildings. The cynic says: Women are pretty to Console them for the misforttine of be. Ing women M all. Repeat it "Shiloh'a Core will al. wait euro my coughs and emits." The Great Week Saddlery Store at Winnipeg Were damaged by fire to the ettent of $20,000. Mat three-year.old daughter of Mr. J. H. Griffin of Ilatailten choked to death on a piece of dandy. es AL se. oxe csWit.5t„ tom the Kind You Nate Ahrt et Tiro ectal number of persons Cruploy- ed at mines and at the quarries of the United Kingdon during 1807 was 1000,. bbd. Of the 972,220 persons employed at mines 'x76,4156 worked underground and 19$,724 above ground. Of the latter 6,854 were female*. Bohemia has ceased to exist iia thtl Paris Latin Quarter, acoording to Alfred Oepue, the playwright, Dorm's Kidney ]Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure baokaohes*weak back, rheum- atisr , diabetes, congoatiou, infiatttation,. gravel, Bright's diseeso And all other diseases arising from wrong cotton of the kidneys and bladder. Frenoh engineers are directing sub- marine boats by wireless meaeagee seat to the navigating officers. Shareholders of the Grimsby Park Company have passed a resolution to have the eoneern wound up. Have you a pain—of any kind, any. where? Stop just a infante Grp think( It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tab- lets will surely stop it in 20 minutes, Formula plainly printed on the 250, box. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A wave's height iu feet on the open sett is approximately one-half the wind's velocity in miles per hour, A bar of gold wile stolon from a dentist's office at Portage la Prairie, and a sooiety woman is implicated. Repeat It:--"Shi[oh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and oolds." Dundee Gas Commission has saved $5,000 on Ito coal account for the year through fortnnate marketing polioy. When n man makes a distinction be- tween his oreed and his conduct he will disoover a breach between his aspira- tions and his heaven. r A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the finest silken thread—takes *from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regular- ity, The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kid- neys. His prescription—Dr. Shoop's Restorative—is directed straight for the cause of these ailments—these weak and faltering inside nerves. 'this, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggiste'say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit, Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensible and snooessfui way. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. At the Mining Inetitnte meeting at Montreal, President Miller stated the total mineral production of Canada last year to be $87,323,848; A co-operative purchasing agency is being organized in this country for sup- plying American and English mission. arias with certain neoessary auppliee. Unequaled as a ware for Croup. "Besides being an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup," says Harry Wilson, of Waynetown, Ind. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears, this remedy will prevent the attack. It is used successfully in many thousand of homes. For sale by all drnggiate. Eddie Quinn, who confessed to hav- ing switched a valise containing $1,500 on a bank messenger about a year ago, watt sentenced to three years in the penitentiary, at Chatham. Where the Dile is Needed. Bilionenese—too much bile in the blood. Oonetipation—too little bile in the intestines, When the liver is awakened to action by Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills it filters bfie from the blood and pours it into the inter. tines. The result is a cleansing of the ',yatem, purer blood, better appetite, improved digestion, new vigor and good health. The towncoanoii of Owen Sound have decided to make application fol' in- corporation as a city. Since the annex- ation of Brooklyn, the place is estimat- ed to have a population of 18,000. C7.®. e3.'e,wt. 7C Bears the TheeKind You flays Always Bought $1gnatnre \ of Louisiana is estimated to waste 75,- 000,000 pubic feet of natural gas daily, more than one -twentieth of that con- sumed in the United Stator, and the secretary of the interior has withdrawn from entry 8,500 sores of natural gas Relde. CONSTIPATION IRREGULARITY OF THE ROWELS dang ous, nd should Dbec toonoe attended to ants °creeata 1. MILBURN'S LAXA -LIVER PILLS work oar the bowels gently and naturally irtthont weitkening the body, but on the ,os trery, toning it, end they will if per• levered in relieve turd cure the worst eases of oo istipstion. Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., loiter': "1 watt troubled with sick headaches con- stlpatioti and eats& of the stomach. I amid get nothing to do me any good until I got a tial of Milhnrn's Lexa•Lra+er Pine. They did :me trams good than at iything else I erre tritd. I hart no beadaehee or coli* st4psetots, and she catarrh of the atomao§ Is entit'et r genie. I feel lilt* a, stew woman, thanks to 31ilbarunt X.aato,-Liver Pillar I used iia s]4 abort half s dos& sial,," $ Ptitte26 onset rdrste f med dirct bvial, 5y The or T. Millbnh Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. T.tiO WINWIAM �p �+ a Tlbil MAR 4R YOU WEAK AFTER SICKNESS? Later on it will be harder to get strong than today. What are you doing to get well? A Daae in point is well exemplified in the following letter frons Mrs V. J. Wilder, wife of a well known citizen of Pittsfield, who writes: eI had anervons disorder that completely prostrated me. I oouldu't sleep, and would lay and toss about all night, arising in the morning more tired than ever, bead heavy, eyes dull, and every bone and mnaole welting. T tried to get along without nailing in a doctor, but was flintily driven to it. He treated rue for some time, brit with no perceptible ihnprovemet in my health. Some ono recommended Ferrozone, The ohmage it effected in my system was no- ticeable almost instantly. I gradually took on flesh, The 'all•gone'feeling left me, In testi than six weeks I was fully recovered from what looked to nee like an everlasting sioknoss, I will always recommend Ferrozone feeling with sin- cerity that it is an honest, powerful, health -giving tonic." Try Ferrozone to -day 1 The nourishment and vital energy it supplies is wonderful, Ferrnzone makes yon feel better at onoe, it's good for men, for women, for children—just the thing for every- body seoning better health. Sold by all dealers, 50e, per box or six, boxes for $2.50. - Mr. W.. G. Browne, who was acquit- ted by Judge Leet at Montreal, has been indicted by a Grand Jury there and will be tried on a charge of mak- ing false bank returns to the Govern- ment. The French navy le experimenting with a fluid, a German invention, which, when sprayed over warships' coal, is said t0 make it burn without smoke. Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite eo annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing, bronchial Congh. The quick- est relief comes perhaps from a presorip- tion known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be- sides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain ebrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its re- markable curative effect, A day's test will tell. Sold at Walley'o Drug Store. On Saturday, Feb. 271h, Mrs. Arm- strong, of Dungannon, passed to the Great Beyond In her ninety-first year. She had been a resident of the village about a year, formerly living on the sixth ooncession of Ashfield. -Repeat ' it:—"Shiloh'e Cure will al. ways cure my coughs and wide." Mr. John Monroe, recently arrived at Port Arthur, states that near Goose Lake there is a plot where 41 railway laborers are buried in unmarked graves, several of them without coffins, all viotima of railway construction accidents. Railway officials deny this statement. T$B LADIES' FA'9'OBXTE. Laxx-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They ours Constipation, Sick Readaohe, Billionaness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. - w A prominent resident of the County died last week in the person of Mr. T. J. Moorehense. Mr. 31/Morehouse was 75 years of age. Yearn ago he was in the book and stationery business in Goderioh, owning the bnsinesd now oondneted by George Portor. Later he bought a property overlooking the river at Brnotfield and built a fine house, where he has sine resided. Mr. Moorehouse was a Presbyterian and In politics a staunch Liberal. ----.0•4041144.4.04.4404 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Local Applications, as they oannot reach the seas of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take intern- al remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and sots directly on the blood and ranoons surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat physioians in this Country for years and is a regular prescription, It is composed of the best tonins known, combined with the beet blood purifiers, noting direotiy on the mucous snrfaoea. Tito perfect combination of the two ingred- ients is what produces such wonderful results In oaring Catarrh. Send for tes- timonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Preps., Toledo, O. Sold br Druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. A Derham man has negotatione pend- ing with the inventor of a plough run by gasoline engine which apparently has great possibilities Before it. The negot- ationemay Iced to the manntaotnre of both plough and engine in Durham. The plough is Bald to be capable of turn- ing over 12 sores a day at anoderate expense for gttoline. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally beensuooesfnlly separated and refined into a peefeet oough medfdfne--Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. $old by all deaalere on a guarantee of rsatisfaotion. Price 96 oenta, The death of Mrs. Peter li+ioGraw 00. maned on Monday, March lit, 1909, at the family ratidenoo, Queen Street, Kinoardine. She Ind been suffering front an attack of typhoid flier, and WlaP thought at one tittle to be reoolrer- ing, but took at relapse, which resulted fatally. • CH 111 I909 eettter or the old residents of Goder. lei passed away on Wednesday, Feb, 24th, when fir; Donald Graham, of Gloucester Terrace, answered the Inst cell, after tip illness of but a few days. His demise was very' unexpected, though he had not been in good health for some time. Born in Scotland 00 years ago, he earpe to Canada with his parents iu 1868, and became a resident of Godoriob, where he has lived for well on half a century. He was a quiet,. industrious and muoh respected citizen, turfs G MEDICINIG. As a spring medicine Burdook Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The death occurred on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24th, of Mr. William Fowler, at the somewhat unusual age of 94 years and 25 days. The deceased was the father of Itirs. John Stewart, at whose home on Iokerman Street west, Listowel, where he has resided for the past seven or eight years. He was born in Ireland and Dame to Canada nearly 70 years ago. He formerly resided at Goderioh and Dungannon, and another daughter, Mrs, Hugh Glenn, now resides in Dungannon, Prof. H. A. Hovels, of iiavana, hubs Recommends Chamberlain's Gough Bemedy. "As long ago as I oat remember my mother was a faithful neer and friend of Ohamberlain'a Cough Remedy, but never in my life have I realized its true value until now," writes Prof. H. A. Howell, of Howell's American School, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of Feb rnary 3rd our baby was taken sick with a very severe cold; the next day was worse and the following night his con- dition was desperate. Ile could not lie down and it was neoessary to have him in the arms every moment, Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think he would live rntii morning. At last I thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which we gave, and it afforded prompt reliefs and now three days later, he has fully recovered, Under the circumstances I would not hesitate a moment in Saying that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, and that only, saved the life of our dear little boy." For sale by all druggists. Ono° again the silent measenger of death entered MoKillop, this time olniming as its victim, Mr. Matthew Lynch, a highly respeoted resident. The deceased was born in Clare County, Ireland, aixty nine years ago, and came to this country with hfa parents when a young boy. Three years ago Mr. Lynoh suffered a stroke of paralysis, the effects leaving him in a rather frail condition. He was in his usual health until about a month ago, when he was taken ill witla Bright's disease, of which he died, CASTOR iA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The following card made into a blot- ter, algned by a dozen grocery firma of Delaware, Ohio, bas been scattered by the thousands, and has proved very ef- fective in a oampatgn which, writes Dr. C. W, Barnes, "Is moving eplendidly:" "Anyone who drinks three Blanes of whiskey a day for one year and pays ten Dents a drink for it, San have in ex- change at any of the firms whose names appear on this pard 8 barrelg flour, 20 bushels potatoes, 200 pounds granulated sugar, 1 barrel crackers, 1 pound pepper, 2 pounds tea, 50 lbs salt, 20 pounds rice, 50 pounds butter, 10 pounds cheese, 25 pounds coffee, 10 pounds candy, 8 dozen cane tomatoes, 10 dozen pickles, 10 doz- en oranges, 10 dozen bananas, 2 dozen Pans corn, 18 boxes matches, b bushel beans, 100 cakes soap, and 12 packages rolled oats, for the samemoney, and get $15,50 premium for making the change in his expenditures," --Western Chris - Advocate. MINI MEDICINES 'in Old-fashioned, Houle-Mado Mix - tura which Cures Kidney ane Liver Troubles. A prominent local druggist states hat since the celebrated presctiptior+ ,>f a distinguished specialist has be- come more or less known it is inter ;'eri>g with the sale of secret medi Tues, cal 'cially the patent or ail rel iced kidney pills. Tho preteril> 'ion, which first appeerod• in a lead - rig health journal,ie reproduced bete, jute exactly es originally written:— Phages !tsaract Canzara....... oz. Cans'iaaa Compound ..,...... i oz. >yrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz. Directions : One teaspoonful after tads meat and at bedtime. Any good druggist can dispense ibis, or, even. better, a person can buy the items separately and mix then, at home by shaking themwell together in a bottle. It is stated that the ingredie`#its being vegetable, art harmless and Simple. It has a gentle And natu'rel action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a perfectly healthy condition. A merchant well ltriawne in public torah,* !states that this retitle cured his rheumatis>rt. Save the preset -tea bate An honest, sturdy and persistent desire to build the highest pos- sible grade of instrument, made this' plant of ours grow to what it is to -day -t 17, 0,4 4, OUR plant didn't grow big because we wanted to, make the most pianos, but because we w.nted to make the best. It takes more space to make one good piano than. to snake four of the made -to --sell, kind. Y Besides the regular machinery used by piano' makers we have 4nany ,inachiries of our own invention. Each one of these machines does its part of the con- structioir'of a M-ason and Kisch piano in a better way than it could be done Without it. • s The piano with a, soul There are many feat tvb -s in this instrument which no other piano contains and 'we require special facilities to' construe them. We want to tell you the whole story of / the building of a Mason and Risch piano. j,! ,,L,',:,''',.7, F: :. Send this coupon to us to -day and we'll f! PIA;rHo eo., send you our booklet tt Inside Infor-.• �ireitdi, / .i U,�'.r �iTO mation " which tells the story of the , send r.:o roar llus. making of a Mason. and Risch ,f• t.ated boo.lr;t e:, -'lata-. piano and why you should have it in your home in preference to any other make. Prorinc© The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. 149 Ing ti;c• reasons why I should own a F.;ason and Ricoh piano.. This iii r.., Sas,. obligates me to per_.._,_. Name City Street The Forestry department has been conducting experiments with the hope of making use of the white fir which is found on the Paoi$o Coast in great quanties, A Pleasant Physic, When you want a pleasant physic give Ohainberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their notion and always pro- duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at any drug store for a free sample. • Beam tho The Kind You Nave Always Bought Blgeatere of 1.4414,, On Saturday, Feb. 27th, there passed away in Kinonrdiae township a highly esteemed man in the person of Mr. Samuel Needham, aged 83 years and 9 months. Deceased was one of the beet known men in Kincardine township hav ging come to it over 50 years ago, Re was aii lriahman and a prominent mem- ber of the Orange Order, having joined it in Ireland over 00 years ago. Needham Orange Lodge was named after the de- ceased who was a warm personal friend of the late Clark Wallace. The death took plane at the family residence, lot 30, concession 5, where Mr, Needham lived with his eon, his wife having passed away several years ago. re era A Livelaily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just Soo bushels of wheat or pats would pay a year's subscrip- tion, 25c. a hundred weight oru a dozen hogs would cover three yeara subscriptions. Don't you, depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them—iniss top prices by at least that in.itch several times a year? Toronto Daily Star Publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 Roars Earlier Than the Morning Papers wry afternoon's ''ssue of The Star contains that very qtiol.ltiOnS on Ate grain and live stock n arketla of mato, montreat, Bu$alo, Chicago, and other important d. 'these at. the £rise quotations that the matt axalug's da'alae pub Wi--12 to 18 hours later. $1,50 A YEAR. cummo omit rills Ap10 ked Tho Torbnfo OW, 0.00 togothito Pott One roar, $.1.,20.�'0. 0aio Wood Potrntcht Pon glace f'or $0f eesidod to abort) attbtcriptIon pailaor. 3.._. flo