HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 5TM$
"WINGrIIAK 1.'I1010, MARC FI tl 9Q9
The Greatest CO of
the Whole Year
,Herb. Sheol, who has been laid tip
with pneumonia for the pant two weeks,
is able to be out of: bed again.
The many friends of Stanley Maur.
nay will be sorry to learn that be has
contracted pneumonia, We are .pleased
to report that he le improving nicely.
141.0.x. Ntobolson haying rented her
farm, to Mr. James Young forterm
Of three years has moved to Wingham
to reside.
No pains aro being spared to make the
oonoert in S, S. No. 11, on Friday,
Marsh 12th, one of the beet. A piano
and pianist have been secured for the
evening. ,A;, musical treat may be ex-
peoted beside' dialogues, readings, sing-
ing, &o, will be rendered froze good
Word was reoeived by Mrs. Jona-
than .Bentley that her brother, Wm.
G. Bleokborongh,. formerly • of East
Wawanoah, but who resided in Idaho
had died in California qn Snndav,
Feb. 14th, where he had gone a week
before for kis health. Heleaves a
wife and son to mourn his loss, be-
sides a mother and seven brothers and
sisters. The father died on. Jan.16, a
month before. -
All profits are sacrificed and a part of the cost
as well, to effect a quick and complete clearance of all
Medium Weight Overcoats
Our one object is to dispose of every one of these
Coats and thus save the cost and trouble of carrying
them over until next fall.
Mrs. A, Anderson is visiting at Trow
Mra, R, AitohesQn and Miss M. Alto..
mon Rent Sabbath M Leadbary.
. Mies L. Burge", of Owen Sound t'
visiting OW. George MQDonald's.
Mr. Thomas Nesbitt,. of Ethel wee
renewing old acquaintenances here last
The W0Inan'a Institute meets at the
manse Ibis (Thursday) afternoon, llth
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., attended
the. meeting of 'Maitland Presbytery on
Tuesday last. He will attend the meet-
ing of the Home Mission Committee in
Toronto next week,
A box motel isto be given under the
auspices of the Westmineter Guild of
Knox Q
vening,h hot"
when a good pro-
will be rendered and a pleasant
time is expected.
For $15.00.Cosaotns thforat sold du+ring18the 18/, sea -
17/` $,
$19 and $21.00 and were good values at those prices.
Canoe of Bone Explained.
Even in health there is a large ac-
cumulain tion
if of
ed, breaks rhougb
the skin in the form of pimples and
boils.. No remedy so cleansing, so sure
to Pile. They braces up thesyste out boilas r,teem,irid it.
of humor', restore hthebeol
prevent swellings, pimples, blotchesand
boils. Because mild and, certain, any-
one can use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold
by all dealers.
Coats that sold originally .for
For • $10.00
"� $�5, $16.50 and $17.00,
For $7.50
Coats that sold in the middle of
season for $1o.5o, $12 5o, $13.5o
Capt. Lightbody, commander of the
big steamer St. Ignaoe, o! the Detroit
and Cleveland line, has been in town
making inquiries regarding this harbor
as a port of oall for his boat for the
season of 1909. Statements derogatory
to the harbor had been made to Capt.
Lightbody and to satisfy his company
and himself he made a personal inepeo
tion. As a result of the visit, Captain
Lightbody expressed himself as agree-
ably disappointed, and well satisfied
that with a trifling expenditure for tying
up at the dook he would certainly re-
commend that the boat call here. The
intention is that the boat will make two
trips from Cleveland to Mackinac each
week, calling here onoe each way, the
other trip being 'via the Miohigan
Next meeting of ooungt' will be held
on Monday, 22nd inat.
Ex- Reeve Henry Mooney has reterm
ed to his home in Weyburn, Sask., after
an enj0ynble visit with Old friend'
On Tuesday, February 8th, Rev. J.W.
Andrews of Blnevele, tied the Metri-
monial bow between J EHethertogton,
of Valley Springs, South Dakota, and
Mies Frankie Clegg, of Morris township.
The happy Couple left for their home
shortly after where we trust many
happy years may t e their portion.
An old resident of the 7th line, in the
pereon o, Wm. McCall, hap not been
'able to get abont .mnob-during .the pa@t
winter owing to rheumatism, Mr. Mo•
Oall will be 78 years of age next Octob-
er, but, barring bis rheumatism, would.
pass for a muoh younger Man. We
hope the advent of spring will rejavinate
Thursday of last week, Rayt, son of
Mrs S. Fear, 80, line, left for Aylmer,
Ont., where he has accepted a position
in the furniture and undertaking store
of Luther Ball, formerly of Brussels.
Mr. Fear is .a good mechanic, trust-
worthy and gentlemanly and should
prove a valuable help to any business.
Mrs. P, H. Baker left last week on a
month's visit with friends in Blvth,
Listoweland other planes. Mr. Baker
has lost his pleasant smile since left to
mind the children and keep bachelor's
While driving .name from ohurgh
Sunday afternoon, Mr. Fred Johannan's
new driver, for some unknown reason,
became unmanageable and ran away.
Little damage was done, as Fred soon
had him under control again. More
work and lees oats, Fred!
The sale of the Terriff farm to Mr H,
Wishart has at last been completed.
Reports say prise was $7,000. We web.
come Mr. Wishart to our burg.
Mise Agnes Lowes returned home
Monday evening after a two week's
visit with friends and relatives in Sea•
New Odea
fora Rad Cold. •
Nothing oures so quickly as the 'n heal-
ing Pine essences l Q toxone
fills the breathing' organs with a healI
soothing vapor that relieves irritation
at once. Ordinary colds are oared in
ten minutes. Absolutely sure for Ca-
tarrh, and in .throat trouble it works
like a charm. Oatarhozone is a per-
manent ours for brouohifie and throat
trouble,.,, Not an experiment—not a
temporary relief—but a sure that's
guaranteed. Get "Oatacrhozone" to-
day. 260. and $1.00 sizes.
are outstanding feat.
ures of our NEW
ready for your inspect.
We carry a large stock to meet the needs of all customers.
What's more we guarantee every Suit we sell.
by HIGH-CLASS TAILORS, to our order, every suit is of the best work-
manship, patterns and coloring are the very best, the value of these
suets is from $16.00 to 518.00. Having bought several rolls of fine
worsted at a cut priee from the manufacturer, we are putting these
suits on sale at
For $6.0O'Regulatsar. $8.5o, $9•5o and $9 75
McGee & Campbell
The foe hopaes have all been filled.
Mr, John Sperling has resigned hie
position as butter maker at the cream-
Mr. W. Eglestone atarted back to the
West on Monday.
,. ?
iElliott 8z Walley have decided to put all their stock of '
1 Books, Stationery }
Fancy Goods,
Wall Paper, etc.
into one huge Fire Sale and to this end they intend open -
Ing Thursday in the Morton Block and at Walley's Drug
Store with one of the biggest Fire Sales Wingham has
seen for many a day.
All goods, whether damaged or not, must
at once, and a price will make everything go.
your chance to gerbargains.
Auction Sales.
Parties have been the rage in this dis-
trict, Mr, George McIntosh gave one
on Friday night, 1r'. Hector Motley on
Friday night and Messrs. G. Garton and
Thos. Davidson on. Monday night. All
were enjoyable and well attended, and
kept up well into the morning hours.
Rev. Mr. Findlay preaobed a semon
on "amusements" on Sunday evening
last. He thought if Mr. Duncan and
himself were to dance until 2 o'olook in
the morning, people would say they
were not wise. Had Mr. Findlay said 4
o'clock he would have been nearer the
mark. The trouble seams to be that
parties are kept up until too late an
What Causes "Nerves,"
Moot people say worry—they aro
Wrong—the oanse--18 in the blood whioh
is thin and lacks nutriment. To cure
"Nerves" more blood, sinew and flesh
are required. Yon get these quickly by
taking Ferrozone. No health bringer is
so Certain, no nerve strengthner more
potent, no system tonic so well adapted
to the wants of the run-down, nervous
or eleeplese. Let Ferrozone build you
up; let it fill you with vim, energy and
surplue vigor. It has done this for
be sold
Now is
W. A. Currie, auctioneer, will auction sales in
the Morton store, on Saturday afternoon and evening, 3
March 13th, and also On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturglay
evenings of. next week.
.••• . $12.50
Move quick and secure the best— they won't last long.
To the long list of elderly people who
have died in the Northweet and Mani-
toba, who formerly resided in this
vicinity is now added the name of Mrs.
Mowbray, from Whitechurch, whose
remaine were shipped east, last week
from Brandon. She. was in her 88th
year and, with her husband, had kept
the first store and post office at White-
ohuroh and may be said to heAre been
the pioneers of the plaoe.
Boys' Suits.
A large range of Boys' New Spring Suits to choose from, we
ill save you money on all sizes of Boys' Suits. See our special
it at . • • $2.50 and $3.00
Jas. Sefton has sold some 80,000 of
his briok for inside purpoees to the
congregation of the Dungannon Metho-
dist Church.
Dr. and Mrs. Sloan celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at
their home in Toronto on Thursday
laet. Their many friends in Blyth will
wish them many more years of happi-
John Smith, who has been running
an implement agency, here for over a
year, has rented the farm of Fred Rath
in East Wawanoeh, and has taken
Wm. Mason has disposed of hie house
and some land on the main street to
Finlay McIntosh, of MoKillop, who will
oonae to Blyth about April lat. We
underetand that he intends erecting_ a
large sale stable on the main street, and
as be is a suooriesful horseman, no doubt
will do a good business.
A debate held on Monday evening last
in Inglis school near Belmore resulted
in modern machinery being proven of a
greater benefit than injury to the labor-
ing man. The affirmative s; eskers
were Messrs. Laskin, Zinn and Doig,
while they were opposed by Messrs.
Lowry, Johannan and Ballagh. The
meeting to be held a fortnight from this
MittlY DOWA With Pleurisy.
Doctors Bay the country is fall of it.
Firet comes a chill, then cold develops —
the inflammation grows—yon can't draw
a long breath --lungs and sides get sore,
and pleurisy sets in- A. good home.
oure oonsiets in taking- twenty drops of
Nerviline every font hours. Supple-
ment this by vigorouely rubbing the
sides And chest with Nerviline, and
when warmth and circulation are
established, put a Nervnine Porous
Plaster over the aching spot. Nerviline
Treatment is always firtooessf ttl in colds,
neuralgia and pleurisy. Try it your -
We are sorry to etate that Mrs'
Edward Garvin, South of 13rnsaels, has
been real ill with pneumonia and
pleurisy but -is qonsiderably improved,
It is to be hoped the will soon be con -
The 100 sore farm of Riohard
11 L t 9 Con 11 has been Imo -
A very excellent settlement—a splen-
did setilement: I think both sides have
got the best of it, "renaarked Mr. Justice
Teetzel smilingly in the assize court
Friday night, when, after an hour's
parleying, counsel in the snit of the
Sovereign Bank vs. Farrar annonnced
that the action had been eettled by an
agreement whereby defendants would
pay the plaintiffs a sum of $11,000, and
eaoh side would pay their own costs.
The bank claimed a sum of $22,400 from
the defendants, W. W. Farrar, W. J'aok-
son, W. Gunn and D. A. Forrester, till
of Clinton, alleging that in ;faly, 1906,
while the men wee° directors of the
Clinton Thresher Company they gear -
$20,000. The company failed in Feb-
ruary of last year. The defence olaim-
ed that the compeny had been floated
by the manager of the Sovereign 13ank
at Clinton, Mr. H. T. Rance, who had
assured them that the agreement was of
released when $20,000 had been raised
by the company on sales of their
maohinery. This latter condition, they
claimed, had not been observed. -
Gents' Furnishings.
New Print Shirts; see our leader
New Ties. New lines of' Underwear.
New Braces, all prices; extra quality at
New Sweaters. New Socks. New Hats and Caps, etc.
Come in. No trouble to show you. the goods.
A gloom has been oast over onr com-
munity by the death of Mies Ella Mul-
vey, of Chicago. Mise Mulvey spent her
childhood days in this vicinity with her
parents on the farm, and was well
known and liked by all. Many from
around here attended the funeral in
Wingham on Friday last.
The by-law to bonus a company' to
build a drydock and shipyard at Sault
Ste. Marie was passed by the ratepayers
of that town.
ed to Adam Somers, of Brussels, for a
term of 4 years who will get poseession
about 15th. Mr. liditobell and family
purpone removing to Tramping Lake
district Sask., where they have land.
We will be sorry to lose them from this
A deep gloom has been oast over the
4:Immunity by he closing of a bright
yottrig life in the person of Bessie D.
Somerville, Of Leadbury, whom dernin
tmourrrd on Feb. 26th M the early age
of twenty-one. Bessie lied been ailing
for %bent nine months, and two weeks
ago a London doctor perforated an
operation, but it "WAS all in vain.
Higher hands than Oure deoided that
the bright yOung life should be taken
from tit and on Friday last her Mil
winged its edrly flight to reeling above.
Deoesuied waft born in thie Ideality and
after ettending the SeafOrth Collegiate
biatitute for dOnle dale and obtaining
Grey and MaillOp. Then her health
failing, she mane home to reonporate
amoheilateeeissteitStesti letaftW66666§IstOisne but n *al not to be.
1 latt 61 al e
,- WING•11A1V1
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem More effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach 2
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti.
septic is cartied over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
meta. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a conmitnptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal fir booklc.t.
Limited, Agents, Mont -
rant, Canada. 307
A ig
Green and Yellow
Ri on ale
First- EL ER
$5,000.00 WORTH
of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware and
Jewellery of all kinds—all must be
sold regardless of price.
and ends Saturday, March 27.
The IC)octor's First uestion
"How are your bowels?" This is generally the first ques-
tion the doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish liver
means. He knows what a long list of distressing com-
plaints result from constipa.tion. He knows that headaches,
biliout attacks, indigestion, impure blood, and general
debility are often promptly relieved by a good liver pill.
We wish you would talk with your own doctor about
this subject, Ask him at the Same thne if he approves
of Ayer's Pills, Do as he says.
The prices on the Green Ribbons are the Begalsr Priees
and the prices on the YELLOW RIBBONS are tbe
b'LA.UGHTER —It will pay the catizens of
their old. watches, cloaks and. jewellery, and come and
get something good and up - to - date at our Yellow
Ribbon Prices... .Nothing allowed to be taken out
of the store without the spot cash !
• G. atterson
P _