The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-11-13, Page 5• 1rtl� VAgithrt PAnI'Y 'I O 8*. RECKONED WITH (From Saturday Night) The success of the -United harmer of Ontario at the polls give food /or thought. Within a period u three teat's the Federal -' tiovernlent must. go to elle country. Dues Uniut "e* it* -W114 -6e64 lb• 6 • .Vifitati. timet what he owns dbas not belong' to him. So in this respect he is 1 sheet anchor to,, windward, no matter if -lie dues take on some of the radi- i calism of the people of the Central American West. t - NOVEMBER 'ROD ANI GUN with f Cu published W .I`. � solar Ltt game salt Goverment expect to he treated any more. consideration than was the Hearst (leaver -mem c►f (iterar'io? . I sucU a thought 1:; in the minds ' u the Ut Duni• LE t `i It lost t1•r• l,t� dl nlrr�J for- the liulietwntiug is on the wall just so sure .as day follows ,tight. 'Ontario's historic polictical parties have split four ways, and, there is no reason to believe - that this 'will Trot be their fate in the larger poli- tical field,' with' the farmer the pre- dominating. influenee. Now, then, what •is the farmer party going to do? Its it gain,,'' to be as radical as it -pronl"iset.• to be, backing legislation' with all sorts of -fancy patches• sewn in, .or is it going to settle down .and adjust itself' .as ctreumsttfnces ' war- rant?• Will the farmers, as a party, . demand a prams. •n.ow • banking System • such as has I►ecn intrilueetl in North, Dakota, or- will 'they go •along the present. safe aancl• scan_e-,-- tint= ." .. Will they..(ii4Stre-Lie,= .leg sia'te • °State'•.._. ow- nershi ► into -o many activities that iudivic uality incentive, is lost- ill the community'? Will the farmer party of Canada put its shoulder •back of a movement •to eliminate the tariff', - irrespective . of whether industrial . Canada can -survive without " one? All of these questions must "be answered • at the next - general elec- tion, and .utuch depends upon that answer. There- is nu question but that�.th ;w. e t•nlE�a�:�.s,,�i}l..,;1►c itfllc•it•irtiv,• :str(,ng in, a ri�'��' l'a.;t:,13:t 1,� ti, taut inu-naber' - either' the Grits or. 'Tories, •'they may lack ,1et.(d(.•rs as do the Par- tners of Ontario, bus they will nut lack votes. It will 'be a •c}uestion of just how intelligently they grasp, as • a party, the manifold problems which this count( f intelligence, the fartfer •of=`"tbsitgyt The November issue of Rod and ►r, by" r , Lim- - f Asti, at %%'uc►dstu.k, Ont„ steeps bib. hunting' r utk stories well Lk) the fore. "A' Caribou slues, in Restigouche County," by Henry Duncan Chisholut, "Days of Real Sport in Algoma," F. V. Wjlliams' thrilling story, with cover cut to illustrate,- of "The Gun '!•'hat Would Shoot ,a Mile," "A Nova Scotia Moose Hunt About 1840 `ancf- Artother -in 1918,"-• by T. S. Scott, will all be found equally interesting to' hunters.'—whether on v_ acation now, going -or returning. y aces.. And speaking erg i n no way co,} i arable -with the soil -, tiller of a generation ago. Ile is no longer isolated, co_mmunication with. the- outside worlii is i1uw easy. His motor car cats uli the miles to the • nearest centre •of -population-. He reads the newspapers. Ile 'is alto- gether a liveries individual' than was. his father before hini: • Still- another 1point in his favor, he is a safeguard against Bolshevism. The farmer does a DISTRICT JOTTINGS n 1 In pollint' subidiuisiol-=No..-4, Aber- .flour, up in Bruce County there, were four persens over -eighty years of age who went `out :to vot: Mr;;. Muscat,. aged 90; Mrs Pollock, :86; Mrs. Munro, 87• • Very fine - potatoes are corning up from Quebec. The Farne.rs'.�.a}n _says the Xing Edward hotel, Tbro'nto, is buying these Quebec potatoes ex- clusively, and uses upwards of a'' hundred shags a week. - • - . Mr: Arch-:.'folton /n1„t .. le:•• .-leer>t`+.►u'i;hbred }Tcepr o Y;eId om the `.3outl.i 1_'u t•h:t a ,Roast .toil Sunday night. The thief coolly pull-• ed the ,animal over the wire fence and drove off in • a rig. Shreds of wool on the fence and horse tracks were ` the clue as to how the animal disappeared.—Telescope. Dundas and Richmond Sts. London, put. Our aim is' -to turn out efficient grad- uates. Enter now and become one of them. Bookkeeping and Stenography J. Morritt, M. Stonehouse, Principal. ` Vice -Principal. tr)t �i'l'tV(►1' tIgiii4ett t;# keeea b U4titt>�` deCjtJt±d te'i►ri'bs;i,' li 200 $ the sinking f'Iliirl 10 t' i -'t or Bond,:. a er�1d, fli�lttly bo$ u$. ii 3e it i fe • what *$e ttlketf by fttembers of the ✓ c nll►a11y as soutienirs, Mr. Ward •'0ot•t•tt '7.7;. The hiding,;• place was • near the C.P.R. track and it is sup - r, posed the honey was put there prob- ably' by an Italian navvy, wlw possib- )y was none too sure of the .honesty 44fthe fellow laborers. Mr. James Hughes and fainly, fo many years residents of Teeswate have moved to Ripley w}�ero Mt Hughes has bought Robt Bels wood working shop. Rev. H. D,i McCuaig, B.A., of Tot teuhant, has ;acceptetl..tl.�e i atiiunuu (tall extended to him by the conere 1 ', t �( l.t ►x e' Maki, u le,, .tors N'.rll 1*, inducted as pa, tie a Friday Noy. 21st. A number of Walkerton tnanufait urers are cotnbining for the °erectio of a large public hall with. moving picture theatre. There aim is to fur ieish a' place_ of Wholesome entertain .;runt .for. their •c,�tt)r►lvvees: -Tele. 'es Omitted -cost of tete enterprise ' is $16,000. ` Mrs. 1). A. Anstett, the oldest ins mate of the Brace House •of Refuge died there last 'week at the age of 94. Mrs. Anstett had outlived h(; • husband twirl' all their fainit* �no.body to -take care. of .her, = -:shts was .brought to the Refuge about Yi c months ago. •'• -`f'owns- on the IlvO° line in Wes- tern Ontario which tire connected with Niagara Falls had an unpleasant experlenee Tuesday night of last week. Soinething went wrong on the line or at the central plant, the cur- rent stopped and streets and 'houses we.re__in_dauk.ness ,until .3 a:tn---- 3 `,FARMERS AND.'I IJE LOAN • a la :s ark. 4uoxE corn- y, c•c•l red than any • otl►rt• tu- the success of the • Victory Loan and . Mr. .1. .1. - Morrison, Secretary of the U. F. 0.. n strongly commends it to the farmers of Ontaz•iii. As he points. out,' over - $20.0,000,000, or 34 per cent, of the • lona of 1'91'8 was _advanced to_ Great ilritiiiir• and her Allies for -the pur- chase of Canadian Wheat and other foodstuffs,, and 1i ' adds regarding teas present- loan: • "If' the farmers of the country are 1. to receive- good prizes; with a read, market for their products, it is.ail im- portant that •there should he, an over= stlrscril►t;net• .'I'he.11, in addition. there • is the fact that the loan affords a good i-tavestment-almost. double the rate'- • of interr:,t obtainable at any of the . banks on deposits, • with the whole (. r)+JaliniUr1 .uf Ca,ii1ula aw so' Unity " ' AI r. i lorrison's •tineely. letter -night well be sent not only .to the farmers of Ontario, :but al -.0 to the fanners of the whole Dominion: for they. are all equally ant! vita7l interested.. Victory Loan Ileadivarters, Walk- erton, report that in response • to Mr. D. Robertson, the -county chairman's appeal to Bruce County, .,ti ati.l)t)ort S Ire ,,11.49- •'\Til'tu . ;l t an' sfisei` _� a-ce! 1'�•cr at .11.1,1-r • frun, •a �Ili:tl! 1'13':+(1 I-:Itil- -;v06ul ',er►elosine; .-three, • cents towards the loan. Surely this is a great les- SOLI for us. If this child can give her , all in the world: let us• put forth every effort to do likewise. Here is- a telegram received by Mr. .David. Robertson: D. Robertson.. Chairman, Victory Loan, '`Walkerton. Ont., Brum has _dczne....nubly.-.in .the first ',sects of tour his .Victory Loan drive. Please accept for yourself and all as- •sot•i:,t",' with �.'etu, the thanks and an- preciation of our Executive ,for your splendid suport. You. • have.- a.. fine organization, producing great results. G. H. Woods. Chairman Ontario Executive. • The Citizens' Knitting. Co.. have de- r•ided to open - a third branch at Owen Sound, and Mr. Frank J. Libby,' who has had charge at Witlghanr, will "as- stun�e:•thc�, a .n ttl7 tt�!'c iltrexrt sat ,.(�, . vt+s�It,.�cna'i:iali� The s( 1'1 t% ul' 1?t'}tt }1A: ltee7l'et' pujl .Sil;t.� fol tltu :i'ieni�.:o{ ening yup ,,ateethe-r branch. • Mr. Alex..Mclntvre. of Clin- ton, will take charge of. the Wing -hum. factory._ The staff �RRf clerks who were en- gaged with Mr. F. W. Templin (Kin-' cardin.e's Largest Store) presented M'r. and -Mrs. Tetriplin with a beau- tiful Silver Flower Basket last week. Mr. and Mrs. Templin and Hiles ex- pect to} leave •Kincardine rtext�_l�ion day for London and Fergus where they will visit for a short time before leaving- for Los Angeles, California. A logging bee was held at Arthur II 'Ward's, lot 15: concession 1'I.. Grey k• township, a few weeks ago. To the surprise of the party when a stump was upset hidden money was discov- 4 , gkit s � of titfci Brother.: l (owned--- The foundtV•i►ig of C n tc: unci IIorner Wrfrren, ole Sodus, on Lake Ontario, in the great storm of Tuesday of last week, car- ried to their death two former God- erich boys, Joseph and George Kerr. Another brother, William Kerr, Was chief' engineer of the boat, but bad lettOV ego itt at _ e oto visit i his wife g w e t � a Toronto.. 'the victims of the stomp, who were not married, were sons of the' late John Kerr, formerly of Goderich, who moved to California about six years ago with several members of his fam- ily and since died there.. Mrs: Alex. McNevin -is the only member of the family. now living in Goderich. The mother,. a brother, Frank and two sisters, Mrs. Day and. Miss Elisabeth Kerr, live at Long.Branch, California; two other: sisters, Mrs. Drummond and Miss Florence Kerr, live at Chi- cago, and another, :vers. Reynolds, :at Galt. . The bodies of the two brothers, carne ashore and were taken to Tor- onto for burial. Mr. and Mrs Mc - Nevin went to the city to attend the funeral .(v-hich took place .on Monday. 'SCHOOL REPORTS - • September and October, S. S. No• -14, E -and -West Wawanosh. Names are arranged in order of merit. - SR. IV.—Frank O'Callaghan, Win- nifred Farrier. Elizabeth Inglis. SR. 1l 1.—Lenora Falconer, Made - 1 isle, A'(' .. „ .., • _ rc llagnatt. •. s as^...; .11;1 111. -Mary MU! 't:it,, Robe•na Alartrn, Cartier Farrier. 5R. 11. -Wilbert Naylor, Alex. In= g•lis; SR. PRIMFR.--Chrissie Inglis. J.R• PP.IMER.—Olive Farrier. A. Olive Clow. Teacher. SOMEBODY WAS CARLESS A gasolene lamp in use in a..creea:m- ery at Moose Horn, . Manitoba,. ex • - ploded, and half the village was wip- ed out by , fire, causing a loss of $100,- 000. Gasoline lamps are a serious fire hazard when they are::not kept thorouj1hy- clean. The cleanliness depends upon the carefulness of the human e'.ernent and no one can afford •to -invite a fire by lackof care. 1!" e • • *.� Your reams CorneJhie Fond parents dream of a bright future for their children. They dream .of the literary and musical education they are going to give their daughter, and of the high position she will take in her sphere of womanhood. They dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision him some day as a clergyman, a famous lawyer. an eminent physician, a prominent financier, or a captain of industry. • But to make these dreams come true --or even partly true -requires foresight, planning and money. To provide the money what plan so wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for their children in 1917'and 1918. Surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy Victory Bonds for their children—thislyear? . Victory Bonds may be bought on instal- ments at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes may buy G BuyVicroryBonds ForurChj1dren //7 Issused by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance ' of the Dominion of Canada. 625 V 1.4 4' The Busy Hardware House Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery Fresh far Portland Cement J Arrived 11 WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY O1'' LIME, PREPARED PLASTER AND. WALL BOARD' ON HAND. 11 TRY US FOR .BRANTFORD ROOF- • ;\G.:IT,iVII,,i.:KFI:I,„,, OUT : 711L.. RAIN. Ti WE HAVE A GOOD PRICE ON CLEVELAND COILED SPRING WIRE AND HOG FENCE. 1VcLEOD & JOYNT The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest y thest WINGHAM, ONT. _.. The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates placed in positions. Affiliated with the Elliott Business College, Tor- onto; and the Central Business College, Stratford. Write for free cata- logue. Enter -ani-time. D. A. McLachlin, Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal. A i £TRENGTHENFWE HEART Ely PURIFYIWC. THE BLOOD .ZTREAM If You Have High Blood Pressure You must..be, Careful t . When the Blood Pressure is much above 'normal, ..;� there is always the. danger of the rupture of a - blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and pro- dncing a stroke, or .in the Kidneys, producing Bright's Disease. Don't worry about it, just be careful and guard against over-exertion and excite- • meet, take-- I-Iackg's Heart and Nerve Remedy to quiet and soothe the Nerves, to dissolve that clay -like substance that forms in the Veins and Arteries and to increase your Strength and V itality so that you can be'ter fortify.your body against disc:.e and trouble. Better get a few boxes nowt w hen you think of it. • Price 80c a box, 6 tor 12.60. Sold by all dealers or by mail post • paid. BEWARE OF CONSTII'A'f`ION, it is one of the'a_- gravating causes•of ,High Blease Pressure. You can drive out the evil poisons caused by constipation by 'using HACKING'S KIDNEY ANI) LIVER PILLS. (Price 25c, 5 for $1.). These two medicines go well•together and bring great harmony in the body. 'IV sure you get HACKING' S as no other kind or combination will be so successful. - HACKING'S LIMITED Listowel, Ont. 4.4 MILL.ARTON Last week Mr4 William Miller, t►' •tillarton, -received the sad news 01' the death at 'Strome. Alberta, of his brother and- .s;.istar- -Taw; --Met. --arrr; Mes.' James MillerF Neither „Mr., nt» Mrs. Miller had e 1 joyet�l goods health for some months• and•on October 15th Mi1r died at tlre-ttge-01gtr-�', ears. On the following day -Mrs. Miller, Who was in her eighty; tirst year, also SUc'- edni )cd. The late Mr. M i lkrr, n'as one of he) PLAYING WITH NI.1 TCII ES g .l P4.4. )e ,,,112'- l LICIrel, vert'h11 rllt$l t ,' "stn' each els a s'. tot of hl r\ ;.,. :t': ..t, R I • r.,t4 :ire of' no e''t'h,l,,r, 1; aro 1=ttt�'rl t ltrr gni- intuss lflat- :e IA het,, N~.1> .t. •:,,scop , ;1n•. 't . t thet:c. c I: , ,•cur. 1 1. -t. • j� •11.tres• and.. "4..i :„►.' .h1t,i ,:1t fol - .1u ineardine from Scotland when' hut a st i t .., t •:i t ` young belt'. In 1Ss7 he settled •in Wiar- lash• t, -1 ton, where the family lived until 15!13 ,1„ 'thy i .1. 1',:t 1� when. they moved to Strome. Th - ' t i 1 -a*:•i 1 tit•.}'t old tittle t•s in thi • 16,e t it 1 • t'e`1;assn tt r ! .^h ) l .•.t': 1't;.= i,:,' Mt•. and Mrs. Miller gas �a highly es-” teemed and `fnuc�h loved couple for e Jarsisms. laid the, ,high District wages housrniaids get nowadays "'