The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-11-13, Page 4et. lncerPorated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $x,300,000 0%er 100 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK If You Begin Saving Now And deposit even a.little at a time in The Molsons Bank you will be surprised how quickly our balance will grow. The opportunity for profitable investment can only be grasped by one who has accumulated some cash. T. S. REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. err ' i • r Deering -New Ideal. Light Running Steel. Binders Oliver Two -Wheeled Sulky Plow Primrose Cream Separators n Litter ----Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions ---- New Williams -Sewing Machines Gourley, Winter tan+d. deeming : .; os- : . Por Sale b1 W. G. ANDREW, - LUCKNOW. ESTABLISHED 1872 11714-1-411- a • .i, A 'READ OFFICE HAMILTON BANK N_order that the banks, may carry i. on their legitimate business in the assistance of private trade and indus- try, the Government obligations to the banks must be paid, as early and completely as possible for the sake of business. Subscribe freely to the 'J919 Vict- ory Loan. .ti-.-cid:wra.e +ik"'..`',v, !a�''`�"'a+a.fi"`1,.+> �.s+�. �. i•# (This space donated lay ' the Bank of Hamilton.) HAMILTON LUCIyNOW BRANCH -4. A. CIennie, Manager. • WANTED at LUCKNOW We have secured H. D. Woods to buy cream for us,' ,Ile will .give out cans, test cream and pay , h i g h e in market price cash.. (Set a cati and give us a fair trial. We assure you that y o u cannot make hely mistake. Our a i rn is to Ric y_lltit leu - tire satisftlztion •a n d make you money. The Seaforth Creamery:Co. Seaforth, Ont. , Tinsmithing Eavetroughing Furnaces Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. G. Drinkwalter LIVL; FOWL WANTED EVERY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY • GIRT OUR PRICES Have you seen the Ank,•r- IIt. t Self -Balancing K4N I I ream :separator? We will be pleased to show it to A written• guarantee with each machine. LFrut an Produce Co. Phone 47. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS JOHN SUTH1t.16LAND & SONS, Ltd., Uuelph. Ont.. Insurance. Fire and Marine. - 1. 0. arine. I.O. 0. F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening,at ti O' (:lock in their Hall, l_'awp- bull tetreot. All brethren cordially invited. -Officers: — Noble Grand, Hobert Fisher : Vice Grand • J. ML'lluat • Rec. Sec.. A. H. • .Boyd; Fin. t., Dr. l aierson; 'Treasurer, Alex. Rona. A. F. do A. M., G. R. C. Old Light Lodge meets .everyThu.rsd�a�r night on or before the full M moon, in the asonic Hall. Havelock street Luckriow. • W. M., E. C. Lindsay; S. W.. M. Mennen; J. W., Jas. Boyle; 8ecy., W. A. W ileou. Di MITA'. - (i. A. NiCWTUN n,t). 5.-. Dent ISt. Ofttct Allan Block, Lueknow. Ont: All modern methods used. • Best materials furnished. Crown and Bridge work. Painless extract. ton lithe leo of the latest, simplest and cafes remedy. SOM! OF()RM. Newest - thing in artificial teeth.- Aluinlian plateed non breakable_ GRAND TRUNfSYSEM The Double Track Route Iir;TwEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO, 13 TRf�I�` ai CthC ��Wknuw *niftnr Cubllehed every Thursday morning at Luckuuw, (.l(tttu'w. A. D. MACKENZIE. Pro wtetor and Edituir. TIcsMS uP SUs CRIPTIUN.---To any address in Canada or (treat Britain, one year $1.50, six months 75c., three -months loc. To the „United, States, ono year l2.110. These are the paid in advance rate W len paid iu arrears the rate is'SOc. per year higher. Subscribers who tail to receive The Sentinel regularly by mail will confer a favor by ac. quaiuting us of thu taut at as early,. a date, a• possible. When change of address is desired, both old and the now address should ,be gi't•on. Advertising Rates. .• I)tl0.1.*Y ADV ti T1aINa RiTis--MadeknOwo on application; • . BTRiy ANIMALS—One. insertion 5tlo; three in- - sertiens $1.O0, • Fauna or Real Estate for sale 50c each_ inser- tion; Miscellaneous Articles For Sale. To Rent. • Wanted Lost, Found. eta; each insertion 25c. LocalReadere. Notices. eto., ltto per line penin- - uertiou., 0o.,each subsequent insertion; special rate of 8c to regular display advertisers. 'Card of Thanks 25e.•IJon++tng l vents 8c and fie per line, no noticeless ttlan 2ac. Legal advertising irks and 5o per line. • A notion Sales. brief notice (ft. -Winter rto.ricu 100_ * ifne for brat insert ion 5c for oa2th subsequent, insertion KlaCk-faced 'type oomit 2 lines for 1. • Any special notice, the object of which lathe pecuniary benefit of any individual or associa- tion to 1 'constderrd an advertiscarcal aa. .charged accordingly. - „ Business Cards of six lines and under 115.0e per year. THURSDAY, NOV. 13th., 1919. TIIE GREAT STEEL STRIKE. id'tli-•had e n maid Adoring the past ' week of. the- great .strike t.f s.te•e•l workers. in -the United •States. staged as one of the greatest strikes ever organized in the country. It has been :to soine extent overshadowed by the .still greater and more serious coal miners' strike; but that is not the.. only ,reas.on_ why, little—is: being - said abeut it. . appearS__thatithe- steel, workers' strike has resalted in cdmplete fail- ure. for the strikers, and that. the leaders have been conv.elled to ad- mit this some; time ago. The mep, it appears, were not consulted:re- garding the calling of a strike • and the tnovemerrt never bad popular .sym- pahty. ,It was one .of those utterly called by a few. men at the head of. the-- labor organization. . The ,steel workers Were highly - paid' men, and -had little, ground for, complaint. The men operating the rolling machines, .for exemple, :were 12 hetieS: Theie 'men have to. be -highly -skilled in their- bUsiness, -and although their work is not hard in a' physical sense, ..it. • reqoires much. watchful care. We- may assarne that the wages of other melt about the plant, and who -went oh strike, were proportion. Ordinary_ nien• in other lines of work. getting- ordinary pay were not likely to have mueh sympathy for 'these highly -paid -men in their strike. The managers or the steel plants appeared to recognize this, and they took a firm stand a- ;cainst the strikers from ,,the The strike must have invelved heavy- loss to- iho- mere-- and-, 'their greedy and senseless leadei:s. will now he discredited. SUCCIS OF THE VICTORY LOAN -A-few- months -ago-there--oppeared to be some doubt as to the success of_the .V...ictery_Leamowhich was to be floated this:fall. It was even said that the resignation of Sir Thomas White: from the -position of Finance MiniSter was due to the faet. that he did not expect the loan to be. a suc- cess; and that he was leaving -the de- partment through fear that he should PURCHASE OF THE G.r.L Parliament' has at last passed the bills authorizing the purchase by the Dominion Government of the- Grand Trunk Railway System. When the road is finally taken over, Canada will have the greatest government- owned railway system in the world, in the natter of mileage and capital Invested: The ordinary citizen' is not in a poseition to judge' as to' the wisttoni of this vast undertaking. it appears to. have been an almost necessary step. No one expects that it will be a money-maker for the' government, and dye shall have to be satisfied if the services •is -reasonably. gond and the losses not too great. - • 'The experience,of the United States with government management of the railroads does. not appear to have been:.satisfactory. It is said that the �ttun)I)er..:of employees operating the roads -hove been' vastly increased., and 'that-thetram nlen are not so civil or te•coil) editing' to -travellers- as they Jitter 1 'rrat unci► i atlt tet: " ' Alum,• with. this- lite cost •of opera- tion has multiplied 'and passenger and freight rates have had to "go up. It is;,difficult11 to, estimate how much of abnormal -conditions following the war and to bad manage- ment. It may be said -that govern- .iuei t ..managenient in the United,. .,c:(1,-. L - tl„t ha.I a fa'. '-II11SINESS WII:,j. •(:O RIGHT ON A contemporary - has made the statemei.t that plans for • the invest- ment of two million- dollars in East- ern Ontario and pans. for establish ing' two- big industries to Toronto' "were cancelled following' the Provin- cial election.” - The. statement is,a very general one in its terms, but, the impression %r gathered that it 'was not the., populai ;vote in favor of Prohibition,: but the sucucss of the U. F..0.and Labor par- ties which led to the. ,cancellation of these plans. -But before attaching toes much signiftcenee to a dant r eftt, 'off this kind' a -good many 'people • ,would like to. have a few more parti- culars. What:industries were these? How far had the plans been carried. ')efore the elections? What actua: nflueuc•e did the election results have in causing tl plans to be dropped. if they- were dropped and not merely held ever for the present? _ Iz . is, of course, quite possible' for .arge operators' in business tel take umbrage at a political .result and show their disanorobation bV tent:por- ari-ly holding back from new enter- prises. This sort of thing has fre- quentir been done in- the United • States. In one election, for instance, the railway corporations placed orders for new engines_and roUiul;-atock-eon- ditionaI upon the success''at the polls of the political party , which those corporations . approved. It was a wholesale effort: to coerce the votes of the people,- but while such plans may meet with se, ne loon( success for. a time, public .opinion nurses resent- ment against those who ;"play a -conte" of this ort, and in the long run tbet lose by -it. - --Capital seeks 'investment in obed- 4ta-:nature.- it -look x - for work and finds it. When condi- tions change it adapts itself to 'the new conditiViis -`with: a profit- tiit;ude'- that is admirable. Nothing that oc- .curred in the Provincial elections need cause new industries to hold back unless they shotild happen to be in- dustries having to do with alcoholic liquors. The vote on' that question had a meaning that must be regarded ' es uhmistakable.--Daily star. .. —, :.:.Ast.d.',.yis•r ss,;.*:'!`L . :.Wr+•-agsltalli .d.Siri4 . Niebeasaaaaawroila • utintarried, and- is 'the- lion of •a wia- .ow. The quality of his Sce,tl•h blood may be equally judged from his mil- itary record and the fact that u few days- after being demoblized he was between the handles of the plow on his mother's farm. with his eye up- on Holy. I. B.'s supposedly impreg- nable seat. • R. I1: Grunt, who lives twelve miles out of Ottawa. in Carleton county. grilduate of O. A. C., with no g;ublic record, a- Methodist and Funs. -r. utt%y. A. liellyer, of Ktriilw'urtle. t East Wellington), au ulassuIii ng 111211ut' sterliiig parts, held in marked es- teem by the community in which he has lived for- More than a genera- tion, and where he taught school be- fore taking up farming. He is township clerk, a Baptist in religion, and a Liberal in politics. There should- be some of the Cab- inet material in this short list of navies of U.F.O. leaders. L'ut:before proceeding it is as well to admit at once that. the' U:F.O. realizes it:U.:I:tell: Most of its brains and 'energy i. J. Morripton,, secretary-treasurf the .organization, who _-work _djnight and day, sprcadina and carrying everywhere with hien, the' tenacious .nurnose Of. the reform. with the real sense Of politica; t?t ;; uys}c d '►I t�1 i il.tt l-!}, ",'t c , c.1� ''.. high Nests, and plenty' ;'l 1►r,tt•tica continua sense_. Ali-. Morrison was oorn in the Township of .feel,. the -son of a north of ireiantl Presbyter- ..an re byter_an, immigrant, educated in the pub - pc _ school, and immersed' sed both. 1I1_ olitics and -farming front the age of • fourteen. J. J. Morrison is one of the best informed men in the Province, sincere, • likeable and • candid, and- on .(aggressive speakr. 1-en•iair- •1iOw8tan, •bbl, 14ittli 1 { v4li Manitoulin, was the lirst U.F.U. in the Legislature and iio longer needs an introduction to ucwspu;wr read- ers. A. J. Tisdelle (North Essex), of 'Tilbury, is One of the new men of mark. His name is Irish; but- he speaks. French as.- fluently as if it were his, mother's tongue, vhitt► it probably --is: "`fie .rs".:h,CAtholic in reg.' ligion. .He is one of the big• farriers of the "corn belt" and is about forty five years of age. John Carty, .Sonth Renfrew,. of 13radenell; is another ' atholie, Irish, '1'dry, your;,;• and poo - alai.. He beat Ilon. .Thotnas Mc Garry "so easily that- M r. McGarry. would have been -ai ni sa at• it him- self •if the consequences were not so serious.• • •• H. C. Nixon, -of -St. George (North Brant), is U.F.L., xv1ticli proves tocratic taint. • Lieut. W. 11. Fenton.- M.C., 'enton.- M.C., of Dobbinton. (North Bruce), s an Apglican 'Tory, and A.- T. Walk- er, of Beaconsfield, (South Oxford), a. member of the Friends. In• the entire list the I'resby•t••r- .ars sonewhat outnumber the Meth. 'oai,ts, these two.;. dtjnu.Itivacions c•on- .ributing; ,the bulk ,of the- new nteni- >ere. of the Province-', • The Liberals and Conservatives are also oretty ev- �nIy " c`�iv tded the Liberals having., l� "narrow majority. - The U.F.O.column does not anticipate= that the weds either of religion or politics.will fine .t vulnerable at any point: it aims at evolving a. "people's policy" without boasting;: tolerance or allowing intol- erance -to assert itself,;_ ;. While all are farmers, us _has been said, .the learned profession are tt have some representatives. and h: must be a lawyer, because oul__idea /f responsible government cannot a1. low a lay attorney -general to retain legal. advisers. There is nu law. e• among; the U. h'. U. miemixers-elect and a seat will necessarily .have t be found for a bai'.t'ist••r. ; This point has not, it -is well understood, been +.ltscusSed in the eaut-us tit, t'ar' anci- will not be broached until after thew selection , of the preitteit•-de ittha•te. .Gordon Waldron has been the legal adviser of the party. hods the .tun- fidence of all its members, and en- joys a reputation. at the ltiir that. pleasures up to every ,,e('luir eine. . .t) . tTie-o , ice of attorney-trcnera}. If he should be called to the Cabinet the • Unexaelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping Cars on. night trains and parlor • cars on principal day trains. Ticket Agent or Cl• F.. :limning, District Pas$enger Agent, Toronto. • BANK SAVINGS $150 l'ER HEAD Canada in Position to Lend Four Times More Than V ictory • Objective., The success 'of the Victory Loan should be overwhelming. With sav- ings bank deposits totalling. $1,227,-.' 000,000 and the co-operatioa_of de! positors and bahkers, Victory Titian workers' have watt! material •upon which to work. The figures are taken from the official statement of the Canadian chartered• hanky issupil at 'Ottawa. They ..show another good. increase iti savings, babk ileposita, amounting to ---$34-1;o0n,000- over the Augtoct trams - and $189,000,000 over September '19'11c• saviags; of the peoph• are quite They repr'ese'rit. the thrift :old (won - only .w ich Canadians are p !le ising viA• of thy Loan canitiali.o. and ,711 e‘'ery 111811, WOMatl and Or over ViriO iii•t• As indires-to oromin.rtiy and I try $1,227,(asimoo iir savings bank de. posita are eloquent, indeed.. All such. speculation has now prov- ed to be without toundetilm. In suite of the fact tbut the War -time patrio- tism. has largely subsided, the float- ing„ an easier. task than did the first or the. second. The diffieulty or getting subsi.rip- tions'never Was due to a scarcity o!, inoney, brit Lci the. reluctance of those. Who had it to risk inveStment in this, tothem, new form of securitY. The education campaigns carried on in connection with the first and second loans peeputed the_ minds of investors for the third. It was largely a -niat- ter 'of, inducing people to transfer their money' flour Cie saVings batiks or the P4J-sct Office savings depart- ment whyri. it was drawing three 'per of Finance w•here it would draw, &I:2 per cent:, paid eVvry„.Six motitbs with- out 12ven. the trouble of asking. for it. At the commencement of the cat» nee; by the results of ' the firs two weeks' work, - the' loan will . ,e as _greatly • Lotersubscribeia—Wisa- anat. iiro,:perity: ft thc• period of stint ti•cly• predicted is to conic, it is is".t 1.•r htit. it should l'ict ill gradltallY than come with a vros,th. Now sold in a new waxed board package — a great improvement over the old lead package altosE TEA`is good tea' Sold only in sealed, packages elilergeS .f roo: .'t he 'rev olu t ion against. Willy goverment • with the &Ain,. the tatilis of the 11.14‘.0.' Tliis is Pr. *the defeat of Dr. .Jainieson, the Spcaker, a 'gentleman held in the frequently' referred to Eugenia pic- nic nea:e in the character of one who me.; a. retired member Of his o%vii profession,. who !yid takell to the Speaker's num be r. . rfhe II . F.0. party in the Legisla- and chilerly. all the %vav front, '27 ta. who. is Soakewluit famous as a, licrsc.• Donald of Wn rsaw t East Peter - M. Warren, of Eganville (North Ren- erly group includes. it. k-Denyes of' East Hastings,. who anay be 66, and Presbyterian, well -to -do -farmer and The great 'majority of the farmer representatives are, however !no t between rthirty-five and fifty. • WOULDN'T GIVE .ROAD The •Flesherton Advance • tells. the !MSS, so they put on 'the juice and rao. into it with sorry results tti their car. It was the county steam roller. If you - want* to know who sutrered ask a., wheel Ahat is in the shop for repair..... Do „not miff( another di. y Itching, BleetI- lilg NT) - surgical oper- • at ion required. Dr. Clume's Ointment, will relieve you at onto and as certainly cure _you.. 60e. a box; all paper mai ekieltibe 2e. stamp topay postage. 0(iL BLANKETS' ARE SO HIGH THAT WE CANNOT L'U'ir THEM IN STOCK. WE HAVE A FULI STOCK OF COTTON 111,ANKI.rIS AND COM- FORTERS A' CES A LITTrE" 13ELOW THE MARKET WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN IN STANFIELD'S, NATURAL WOOL AND OTHER _MAKES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND' ptILD- RENT_ IN DIFFERENT QUALITIES. WE HAVE BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS AND POPLINs' THE MILLINERY DEPT. 11 ‘4 1. ‘I(GE sTocli OF HATS AND TRIMMINGS. ORDERS • • HIGH LIGHTS Ole THE UNITED FARMERS' .The, memberm-elect , to the Ontario Logislature who have won_ oo .. the U. F.-0. platform are without a single, 3oil and bona tide farmers. Coming from every part of the Province, they have 'hut little knowledge of I.Lich other; tital it iS all the more curious. for this reason. what a firm hold their ecannion purpose has tak- ,ni upon them. They represent al- most all- the religious denominations and their racial character is equally voresen'tative of .the old stock of ierver of The World, who follcrsed the. recent campaii.oi as closely as 'Aliyollot interested it, ;mums the itillowing outstanding figures among the fuemer representatives: Perth, formerly a school teacher,. who s clerk of he; township, lipproachititz five, and forty in years, a big WW1, Of food lifipea.rttticV, of Irimli-Presbyter- eutraction. Liberal in his political callings, a fair speaker. 11'; c. Higgs, Weal Flutoboro (North Wentworth). who farms four kindred acres, and had lahor eticlursement in ifs. polircul claims, is warden of Ills ;,111'11a:i had MOO elOal /Old •Woll rivet mo Andrew Hicks. of centralist, in lent record, a and rather'witty !wake', .414.1114atist in religion, • e no • her Ingredients must bc pure and goon .in order that 4,he, may haye success- with the pie,. cake or puddilli: She is • inaking. She knows 'Siie can Le sure of. put;ty and uni- DOMI NI ON, CRycrr litMest4 of Its tIrdtaiiike- sut",:ir is tile. only sugar that riglitly_ “IF -40 tiPtitma': and obtained thv rind D.S.0.. CAA. Catmickhael is of Scotch descent, as well as • 4