HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 40 ADVERTISERS
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1#t3TA151,4811140 1972
2'IM,IS11ai$ AND paoP11111To,.
tSD.&Y. MARCH 11, 1909.
toba Retail Merchenta' Amoeba
pplyiug for power to orgautza a
finialfire inearanoe coui ' ny.
&'r. Graham has introduced a reeolu.
a in the Commons to great $200,000
trey for five years towards a fund to
away with or protect level crossing@
laden Smith, ex -M.. P. P. for Peel,.
k'ridey morning from pneumonia,
sal 78. He was a sta:uole Liberal,
d represented the riding in the On•
io Legislature from 1892 to 1908.
The total Steam railway mileage Lp
Canada en dune 1t0r 1.908, was 22,9ea
wiles, ler an inoreese of 814 nailer ober
thepreoeding year. At the same time
there were under conetruotton in the
Dominion 4,327 miles of road, of whioh
760 miles haw ginae been put in opera-
tion, Of the total mileage 7.939 is in
Ontario, the lnorease for the year beteg
294 miles.
The amOnnt tweeted in privately
owned railways totals $1,239,295,013,
and in Government roads $325,346,081,
or a grand total of $11,564,640,044.
"The recently lamed report of the
Mtnister of Railways gives some further
interesting statiettoe of railway business
dueing;the year. The total number of
pessongers orried was 84,044,992; tiger•
age receipts per mile per passenger, 1.92
Dents; average passenger trip, 01; page.
engers per train, 154; passenger train
mileage, 89,945.349; freight handled,
63 071,167 tons; groes earnings, $146,-
918,813; average per mile, $6,819; oper-
ating expeneea,$107,504,142; percentage
of operating expenses to gross earnings,
7304; net earnings, $29,614,171; amount
of taxes paid, $1,309,399.
I•be Manitoba Government proposes
are an additional guarantee on .Ca-
alian. Northern bends to the extent
$3,000,000. Manitoba already is re•
notable for bonds of the same oompany
theextent of $8,600,000.
xt is said that Donald Sutherland, ex-
P. P. toed defeated candidate in
lath Oxford at the last Provincial and
eminionlelections, will be appointed to
cooed Mr. Themes Southworth as
reciter of colonization with offices in
as' Parliament buildings at Toronto.
Senator Scott has brought forward a
.loposal for the reforming of the Senate.
he only way of reform is, to abolish
le Senate. Canada has no more geed
sr a Senate than a horse has for five
gs. As long as it exists, the Senate
ill be a resting place for politicians
^ho Dan no longer be elected to the
The railway oommiesion has ieaued a
raft order prohibiting spitting, except
I proper receptacles, in passenger oars,
;atlons and waiting rooms of railways
i Canada. This is due to the result of
a application from the Montreal board
t trade, which the commissioners have
agarded favorably. The railway oom-
auies have been served with the order,
ad wilI be heard on the snbjeot.
"The filovernment will continue in
.Is own way and, so far as the light
'rovtdenoe has given it permits, tvi11
o all it can to lessen the evils of which
re are all .the enemies." So said Sir
eines Whitney, Premier of Ontario, to
deputation of 300 delegates to the
tntare) branch of Dominion Alliance,
vhtoh invaded the Parliament Buildings
ne day, last week to ask for measures
rilloh meant practical prohibition.
It is announced by the Minister of
'agriculture of France that $62,776,180
s the Sum total that was wagered on
terse -racing in that country last year.
trhe only form of betting permitted in
Prance is by the pari -mutual system,
aid four per cent. of the amount .of the
wagers goes to the Government. The
tmonnt reoetved from that sour ie last
tear was $2,511,047. This sum was op-
ined to charitable institutions.
T1s]` WINGIIQ.lt TI$E8 lURCII Li, 1909
"I have taken Scott's
Emulsion for six weeks
and have found it a won-
derful remedy. Before I
took the Emulsion Ihad no
appetite; was weak; had
lost nearly fifty pounds of
flesh, and now I eat well
and am gaining every day.
I find Scott's Emulsion to
be very easily digested and
a good food for all weak
people." FLORENCE
ELEEIKER, No. 1 Myrtle
Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J.
This is only one of thousand of
cases Where
has given an appetite. It's so
easily digested that it doesn't tax
the digestive organs and they rest;
yet the body is wonderfully nour-
ished and built up. The digestion
is unproved—then ordinary food
is sufficient.
Crowing boys and girls, who steed
so much food to keep theist Well
mid strong, and also growing,
sboild be given a bottle of Scores
1ratL7laiaft every few weeks. It
does. wonders for theta. et pre.
-rents, their getting tun dorm and
spindly. Nothing does them so
much good.
Atte Dter Grtitil
74t+,e.en4 it -ma letter* aa* Mem.
*date*oft tide modeee A Post sa sbu at A
SCO. • R $NRRit
/stile ttoa its.* W, 'r1 tW41
Cold, Wet Weather Starts the rain
But the Trouble ig In the
There wee an increase both in pas-
sengers train mileage and in number
of passengers oar.ied. In groes earn-
ings there was an increase at $180,098,
but this yeasmore than offset by an
increase of $355,470 in operating ex-
penees. Twenty-nine of the eighty-
seven roads had deficits on the year's
There was some improvement in the
matter of railway oasualities. The total
number of persons employed on Can-
adian railways was 100,789, of whom
224 were kilted, and 1,793 injured. The
total number ofpersona killed, em-
ployeee and publio, was 449, or 149 less
than in the preceding year, The injur-
ed totalled 2,347.
Cold, damp weather brings on the
twinges And pains of rheumattene, but
la not the real Dane of the oomplaint,
The trouble ie coated in the blood and
oast only be cured by enriching the
blood and driving the poisonous acid
out of the system. This is a great
medical troth, wbiehaevery rheumatic
euflerer should realise. Liniments and
outward applications can't cure the
trouble --they can't resole the blood.
The sufferer is only wasting valuable
time and good money in experimenting
with this sort of treatment—and all the
time the trouble is beooming more firm-
ly rooted, --harder to cure. There is
just one sure way to pure rhonsnatism—
Dr. Wiliiasna' Pink Pills, They ant
directly on the impure, weak blood.
They purity and strengthen it, and eo
root out the cause of rhenniatisnt.
Mrs S. Batty, Newcastle Creek, N.B.
says:—"In the summer of 19061 became
lame in my ankles, but thinking 1 would
soon get over the attack I did not seek
medical aid, but used liniments to allay
the pain and swelling, Instead of get-
ting better the trouble increased and I
ed me
J. Collins Davies, broker, was senten-
at Barrie to six months in jail for mica
appropriation of funds.
Sixteen men were drowned at Berk-
enhead by the flooding of a coffer dam
while they were engaged in dock baild-
Thos. Foster, aged 65 pears, whose
home is near Cheltenham, lost a foot
while trying to board a moving train at.
Georgetown. ,
A scheme is broached at Montreal for
the erection of a great onion station on
the site of the Windsor and Bonaventnre
A pimple and effective remedy for
They combine th6 germicidal value of Oresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice.
rice, Your druggist or from us, 10o in stamps.
Lasasuro, Mats 00., Limited, Agents, lfoatreal. *or
A young lady from Woodstock, who
had been employed as a stenographer
in Buffalo, was turned back at the Falls
as she was returning to Buffalo from a
visit home.
The heaviest storm experieitoed since
1881 000nrred in Great Britain last
week. Motor -oars employed in carry.
ing the mails were buried in snow,
schools were closed in Kent, and at
Dover drifts were piled up three feet
then consulted a doctor who prono
it articular rheumatism, and tre
tor this' trouble. Instead o
better the pain and swellin
worse until I was hardly abl to hobble
about the house. On rising .• the morn-
ing I was unable to bear my weight,
except with ext .ane pain. Having tried
so mnoh medic o witho . t benefit I be-
gan to think Is deo ed to be a crip-
ple. One day o. • sin advised me to
try Dr. Williams' "Ink Pills. She said,
"I take them every spring as a tonic for
my blood, and they make a new person
of me." After some persuasion I decid-
ed to try them. I had taken three or
four boxes before 1 noticed any change,
and then le seemed my ankles were
less painful. By the time I had used a
few more boxes there was a wonderful
improvement in my condition. Not only
did my ankles get well, but I felt like a
different woman and had not been as
well in years. In speaking of this to a
doctoraftorwnrd he laid that no doubt
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had enriched
my blood thus driving ont the painful
1lot only rheumatid sufferers but all
who have any trouble due to weak, wat-
ery blood or impure blood can find a
cure through the fair use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medioine
dealers or by mail et 0 cents a box or
six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams'.Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Practically every coal operator in
Pennsylvania has signed his name to a
petition asking Oongress to recurs free
trade in coal between Canada and the
United Sates. If Canada refuses to
assent to this, proposition these opera.
tors recommend that the United States
duty on Canadian opal be left as at
+++++++++++++++++*++++++++ +++++., ' . ++++
Nora MoLaughiin, an Irish girl of •
nineteen, was confronted in Brantford •
Police Court last week with the option S
of going to jail or joining the Salvation •
Army. At this point a Ohivamaa, who +
has a prosperous reatanrant business in +
the oity, offered to marry her. The +
offer was tempted, and the ceremony ,'
took place in court.
A Iittle more tired at close of day;
A little less anxious to have our way;
A little lees ready to scold and blame;
A little more mare for a brother's name;
And so we are nearing the journey's end,
When time and eternity meet and blend.
A little less mare for bonds and gbld,.
A little more seat for days of old,
A broader view and a saner mind, ""
And a little more love for all mankind!
And 00 we are faring adown the way
That leads to the gates Of a better day.
A little more love for the friends of youth
A little less meal for established truth,
A little snore charity in our t lewa;
A little less thirst for the daily news;
And so we ate fOlding our tents stray.
Acid passing tri eilenoe at close of day.
A. little more biotite Wait and dream,
A tittle more real the things nnae0n,
A little nearer to those ahead,
With visions of thole long loved and dead
And so we are going where All must go,
To the plane the living may never know.
A, little *hare laughter, xi few Mote tears,
And we shall have told our increasing
The book s closed, end the prayer' are
Arid we are part of the countless dead.
!t'Iiri0e happy" than, if sonic soul mossy':
"I live beoaute he p81064 my W07,"
H. M. Hill, of senora, signed for and
obtained a registered letter addressed
to H. Hill, of the same plane, from the
latter's wive in England. Not only did
H. M. Hill steal the money, but he wrote
to the wife of the other man in Eng•
land, told her that her husband was
dead, and asked her to come Out and
marry him. He got nine months, .
1,tve Stock Markets.
Toronto, Marsh 0.• --City Cattle Mar.
ket.—Probably the bad weather and the
present exceptionally bad condition of
the roads, were in the main, responsible
for another very light run of cattle at
this market to -day. There are those in
the cattle trade, however, who say that
another reason Is that the number of
cattle in the,eoantry is smaller than at
this season for many years past. Owing
to the high price of feed and other reas-
ons ,the farmers, it is said, have in many
arses got rid of their stook, and in others
ars not carrying as much live stook as in
former years. At all events it is freely
stated by those who should know that
the Battle aro not in the country, and
therefore the present eueoession of light
The run was 49 loads, with 820 head
of cattle,. 200 sheep and Iambs, 850 hogs'
and 124 calves. -
The following are the quotations 3
Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
Choice • $5 00 $6 50
Medium.........,..... 4 40 4 85
I3nus,....... ....,..... 3 76 4 40
Light 8 00 8 25
Coves 3 40 8 75
best 1000 pounds and up -
Wards .. 4 26 4 60
Stockers choice 2 75 8.00
" bulla. ..,,.. 1 60 200
Picked 4 60 4 90
Medium 4 25 4 40
2 00 800
Bu• lli 2 60 8 76
Hogs --
Best . 6 00 700
Lights 6 75
E xport ewee400 4 26
Backs,... 8 50
i7nlls,.,...., .., 2 50 3 25
Spring Lantbs eaoh.. 5 00 800
Calves. eaoh , 8 00 6 50
%vital -mat trAttninT Eati'f etTS
Winghatrl, Mar, 10th, 1009.
Mott per 100 Ibe 2 65 to 8 25
tallWheat 106 to 1 07
Oats . 0 42 to 0 45
Parley ...............'... 0 50 to 0 52
Peas .............. 0 s2 to 0 82
Butter dairy ............. 0 20 to 0 21
Eggs pyerrydos ' .......... , 00 2821to 0 28
Wood per °ova ........... Y 2 50 to 2 50
Hai, per tori............ 8 00 to 9 00
Potatoes, per 1)ttshel, .. Y Y , . 0 30 to 0 36
Lard . ..... ....... 0 16 to 0 16
Live Hoge, per Owtt....... 5 65 to 5 85
.,. y. -r r..►..r `•
in all the history of Western Ontario was
there an opportunity offered you to buy
Dry Goods, Clothing and Furs at the
prices we quote you.
Crowded to the
Every day last week we had a grand
business. We sold more goods than we
did the first week, and we will continue to
sell them at
The Lowest P ces
on Earth !
Why not Just ink- of a comparatively
new stoc , boug at a ridiculous price for
cash, and on a short time to clear it
all out.
Some Special
Just placed into stock some lines we were
short of. Bought thein at almost a Hansa
price. Buy them now when you get the
25 dozen of a maker's overstock. made
of good, cashmere—black. Beautifully
embroidered with two designs in blue,
white and red. 35c values for - 19c.
Special lot of 25 dozen, sizes from 5 to
8 inch, pure wool, full shaped, soft and
good, regular price 35c and 45c, bar-
gain price, any size - - 25c.
27 -INCH
5 pieces of splendid, bright, perfect,
wide width Taffeta -finished Jap Silk, in
ivory and cream only ; goods that al-
ways sell at 5oc yd, while they last 33c.
Another case of mill ends of Flannel-
ettes, in yard wide. Stripe and White
Saxony FIannellettes at a Big Bargain.
Balance of
our Furs 'at
Next -to -Nothing
Come and be convinced that the Bar-
gains are here for you.
+ •
if 41043.004/OMONSOMMORMal
The People's Popular Store
libRil & BIID i Icons
Read our Store News Care-
fully this week,. there is
money in it for you.
Robson Mercantile Co
Men's Tweed Suite new goods
Choioe variety of Sweet Bisonits,
1Oc lb, of 31bs. for - 25o
Calmed Tomatoes, 3 for - - 25o
Canned. Corn, 3 for - - 25o
Canned Peas, 8 for . - - 25o
banned Pork and Beaus, $Ib. tin,
3 for -• - 25o
Canned String Beans, 8 for • 26o
Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, Green Apples, etc.
Gallon Tin Apple*, eaoh -
Oanned Pears, per tin -
Canned Plums, per tin •
Canned Pineapple, per tin •
Choice fruit, quality guaranteed
Prunes, small, 4 lbs. for - 25o
Prunes, very large, 2 lbs for - 25c
Evaporated Apricots, 21bs for - 25o
Evaporated Peaohea, 2 M for - 25o
Cooking Pigs, small, 81bs for - 25o
Cooking Figs, very large, 41bs for 25o
Choice Table Figs, pkg - 10o
Ohotoe new Dates, 41bs for • 25o
Choice new Dates, pkgs, 8 for - 25o
Orange Marmalade, home made
Canned Finnan Haddie - 10o
Canned Fresh Herring - - 10o
Pure Honey, Clarified - 10
Condensed Milk, per tin • 16o
Self rising Buckwheat Flour
Home Made Maple Syrup.
A dish you may enjoy now any
correct styles, regular prioe
$7.00, our special prion - $4 99
Men's Hook -On Teck Ties
Newest shapes and oolora, all
new goods, regular pride each
25o, our special pride • 15o
Hurry up, we have only 6 dozen of
these Ties for eale at above price.
Hook -On Bow Ties,
Very neat, nobby Ties for men or
women, all the newest shades. Only
6 dozen on sale, move quick if you
want any.
Regular pride 15o to 20o each,
our special price 10c or 8 far 25o
Pearl Buttons 5c doz.
250 dozen Pearl Buttons, regular
price 10o doz, speoial pride
do dozen, any size, or 6 dozen,
assorted sizes, for - - 25o
Fancy Art Sateen
190 pieces in 2 yard lengths,
very pretty patterns, new
designs. worth 20o to -80o a
yard. Your ohoioe while
they last for eaoh • • 5c
Quilt Patches.
Good quality Print, Gingham
and Ohembray. No waste.
No. cutting. Pride per lb.
only - - - - 20o
Big paid aid for choice Poultry.
Y1' Th KHAM, ONT. 1
44414.••••••••••0......***. +++++4.4+++: ++++414+++
• 4
t► -Daily arrivals of 1
1 New Spring 1
• All the newest shades and patterns for Spring Suitings 3
reasonable prices
P Wash Goods. '
are to be obtained here at the most 3
We are now unpacking the greatest selection of .1I
Muslins, Gingham s, and j
shown in Wingham this season, suitable for 3
• to be
Linen ` Effects
Waists and Suits.
House Furnishings.
just arrived. 3
•a Do not fail to see our great array of New Spring Goods. s
Produce wanted, taken same as cash.
, atiliA hAitirii►`tl, ►iiA;1“ mAtiialtilAX ,0414144144 144411 ,ifs•