HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-10-23, Page 8rt� A Little Talk. on Shoes ¶ All .this talk about $20 to- $24 -Shoes Shoe's is pure imagination. But this much we do know, there is hardly a pair of shoes on our shelves that we can replace from the man- ufacturer- at prices we are retailing at. This is not only the case with us, but with us, but with nearly every .retail shoe dealer' in the country, and more particularly those in the' smaller centres. To ‘give you a sample case : On Friday, • Oct.. 10th we opened up a case of children's shoes from one of the -largest manufacturers in Canada. This particular shoe was . a black., and brown calf _welt, sizes 5 • to 10 1— .---ire -acre -se11ing esizes 8 to 10 1-2 at $4.00. The manu- Taeturer's price to -day is $4.20. on','; eo - le ''.who are' 'putting off buying shoes in the hopes of ,hem y g 'being cheaper. are in for a rude awakening. You must remember that nine of the 50 to 60c. hides have been made into shoes • yet and = prices will be much higher with- out a doubt. Gtt�t.nued f t'om Pate ve HAMILTON, WEST—W. R. RoTia KENORA—Peter Heenan. LONDON—Dr. H. A. Stevenson. NIAGARA FALLS ---C. Swayze. ST. CATHARIN,ES --- Frank Green= las. _ SAULT •STE. MARIE — J. B. Cun- ningham. • *SIMCOE, EAST—J. B. Johnston. *VtrATERLOO, SOUTH -- Karl Ha- • mutt (Labor-U.F.O.) SOLDIERS' 'MEMBER -1. RIVERDALE (Toronto) — Sergt.- • Major D. S. MacNamara. INDEPENDENT ELECTED -1. ;WA'?ERLOG' ,, -SOUTH — N. -Asmui . sen. *Independent Liberal. STORY THAT BALLOTS TELL. Standing uLike_ Partles:.'_- Seats in the House . , 111 Conservatives elected ..- 2.6 Liberals elected . 28 United Farnierb elected` 45 Laborites elected.•.. 12 Independent's elected' ti .: 2 Standing at Dissolution. Seats in the House 111 Conservatives 79 Liberals • 29 United Farmers .... 2 *Labor 0 *East Hamilton, Labor seat, unre- presented since deaili of Allan Stud - holm(); GAINS AND LOSSES.. United: Farmer .'Osi<lTrs. FL..3ila. 4 u . t..1 Kyr+ilvrA: -_ CARLETON: • DUNDAS. DURHAM, EAST. ELGIN, EAST. ELGIN, WEST.. _ GREY. CENTRE. GREY -L SOUTH._.. . HALDIMAND. '- H A LTON. IIASTINGS, EAST. LAMUTON, ' EAST. LAMBTON, WEST.. 'LANARK, SOUTH. IAIIDDLESEX, EAST. NORFOLK, SOUTH. OXFORD-, 1Th, SOUTH. PARRY SOUND. PERTH, .SOUTH. PETERBORO, EAST. RENFR.EW, NORTH. n ENS,`$ Kw, UTH SINICOE, EAST. SIMCOE,.• CENTRE. SIMCOE, SOUTH.• Y►e�r. • 15iIJRQOCH &CAMERON±CO. amain 1•. • i'RT THEM . AND I�.EEP THEM G0ING 1 Cane Mole Saves You the Cost of Expensive Prepared Feeds. Successful farmers are constantly re -ordering in ever-increasing quantitie3. Live stock gain weight rapidly, and look 100% better. Write for Voluble heed Idorgtation We will send you our booklet and expert advice on economical feeding. Cane Motais st,id in 600 lb. barrels. did not know there was a door lead- ing from this apartment until aft:' 'the prisoner had niaie his escape, making good use -of leg ' -bail along John street south, and he is still at large Thibideau was taken to God- erich by Constable Whitesides Thur— sday afternoon. Bell it ay�-be ab -- I bed yet as the minions of the Iaw al -e on the alert. • DNTARIO REMAINS DRY z'rohibition Endgrsed by People of Province. Although a Few of the Cities %Vent "Wet." the Vote on' the Whole Showed ,u Large Majority in Favor of the O. 1'.. A. — Rural Districts •Overwhelmed ')'nolle Who Voted TORONTO, Oct..21.—The result of the vote on the four questions of the referend uin shows that the Canada Tetuperaflce Act is sustained by ;a majority of--two-er:+hh e'e44a• one, ix - few cities and towns, notably, Hamil- ton, Toronto, Kitchener; • Ottawa, Waterloo ..and. ,Undsor voted for re- peal, hutalt the. rutral• municipalities tolte'd ---tip bt la jorittes for -a -dry Ontario. - - Late Monday night Itev. B.en. H. Spence, of the Ontario Referendum. Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Casn—we Sell Cheaper Than The Credit. Stores OVEN ELECTRIC LIGHT tuRY BATTERY) DRAFT CONTROL FUEL SAVER P 11 1 IMI i�li III ! --- -• `ISR ,) i i ;j1011111111 IIIIIII ,111!' i .I. THE ELEVATED, VISIBLE BALING OVEN 30 . *1 HANDY TOWEL, RACKS BIG 6 HOLE' POLISHED TOP LOTS OF ROOM A NO BLACKLEADING COAL OR WOOD FIREBOX IN CENTRE 1 AKES JO WOOD 15 . 19 WARMING •C1 Oa i THE "GOOD C'HEER.'• ELEVATED OVEN CABINET RANGE - The finest _thing in High Oven Range construction. We have a num- ber of them out and they are -giving entire satisfaction. We have two sizes on the floor and would he pleased to show them ,to you and to explain the points which places this Range beyond any High Qven Range on the Market. COT 0191.141FMEKSE'FIEr Car Ind EQUALLY GOOD FOR HORSES, COWS., SHEEP and BEEF CATTLE "Cern Holt" is tow enroute. Place year orders with our distributor. LOCAL 1)IS'I'RiBUTOR A. R. FINLAYSON, LUCKNOW, ONT. Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited 118 St, Paul St. W., - - Montreal, Que. T'N THE DEFENSIVE! -ing the aftermath of influenza or its de- complications, there is more than a that you nourish and protect .Benue of your strength. •E U1S10 •,o cd, if its efficient •tonic -nutrient properties, daily helps tens of thousands to renewed strength. Those who `My Back Is So Bad" P AINS in the small of the back, lumbago,___.:_rheuma- 'tism, pains in 'the limbs all tell of defective kidneys. Poisons are being left in the blood which cause pains and aches. The kidneys, liver and bowels must be aroused to action by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. There Is no time for delay when ,The kidneys go wrong, for ..neh de- velopments as hardening of the ar- teries and Bright's disease are the natural result. One pill' a dose, 25 cents a box, •411 dealers, or Etdm,Insan, Bates & Co., Ltd.. Toronto. - Dr.Ghase's Kidne hen Pitts are fearful or rundown in vitality should use the _ Yellow Fever Mastered. means that help build up a healthy resistance. ,Reports from Ecuador in,lieato thnt What SCOW'S' does for'otbers it will do for you.—Try it! D'oetor N.'gtld•hi. the. famous .1a,11,4e•,, 1 lMcientiszt, who is at present in that • Scott &, Downes Toronto, Ont. 140,.4 e'ountry, ins is/Anted the hnl'ijln.1' . "- - a•hic•h r14u'4q$_vellm'• fever, 0441 1:,: .i,,: RGLAWIr ItT BRUSSELS 'Thibideau 'Were arresied:T-arrested..prepare) sin )Ili- erIl4L conferring' IT ,. ter `acknowledged .his guilt and told !unity an thnce exposed to' the firea, •. 1-rom The ; Brussels Post:— Tues- 1 where the •stollengoods oulei he - The ,ti•envt'ry is brunt \tried out .4n 4r . --day of last. wealk,-tb4..4lxug. e#•, .-' I•., rua,lor:an trn,'I !! In lir:' ► '- .f�'. ii) ft, �h i'fTi the- / Ilk tSf`l`fi�e �1� (' tt 4'I�,1'. R. Si 1 ith v as burglarized, , entrance 'behind the' home of the editor of The The e„►1,1nea of .V4 114) r, ,:r i.,-:t,r being: obtain -•d at the hack door, the nst. Mr,.. Kerr ti; 4•over,'tI a lar(.. • of the i1niI,41 t:,►?r :iet,revoineni., In t' been drawn after 11(11 , 41.9.1. of tllc-uhuL Liao , had• i)e n be :•e throtl;:h• it with an e the h11! lar' were nlntlt' •-►nisi;, I• 1''Ia! 1 li hts, .,fountain, .Pens, ,.After Bell's . arrest- he asked Gr►i (,,,d luanitty t.f various liqu- .,table Oliver for Ix'rniisNion to go t erg' taken. 'Wednesday ,he the cls,'t in ir.4,. Ewan'S earriar. wheels of: Justice were set in motion works, where he was employed, ant. /And Win. I3"!!, blacksmith, and Stec , the request was granted Mr. Oliver HON. i)11. C'ODY. VIrTOIZIA, NORTH. Vli'TORIA. SOUTH. WENTWORTH, NORTH. WENTWORTH, SOUTH. ^WELLINGTON, WEST. Frotu Liberals: BRANT; NORTH. BRUCE, NORTH. GLENGARRY. KENT, EAST. - MfIDDLESEX, WEST. MIDDLESEX, NORTH. NORFOLK, NORTH. ' ESS'•KX, ,`ORTH. • ESSEX, SOUTH.. Liberal' (bona. From Conservat i' es: A 1.t;OMA._ IIROCKVILLE. i3RUCE, SOUTH. DUitHAM, WEST. KENT, "WEST. NII'ISSING. ' ONTARIO SOUTH. S'i'OUMONT. TOlto•NTO, s. -E.. "A.. TORONTO. A. -E.. "H TOI:ONTO. S. -W,. TOI{ONTO, N. -W., -B.” \VELLAND. PA 1: RV SOUND.' ('erns rt ire' Gains. Fro,:n : - HURON. NORTH. OTTAWA. WEST. VV i:LLINGTON, SOUTH. Labor Gains. From Conservatives: FORT WILLIAM. l;l{EV, NORTH. I! A \11 I;roN, WEST. hl';NORA. i.ON 1)ON. NIAGARA FALLS. S'F. ('ATHH A RiNES. ,\ 1' i .'I' STE. i%rA la K. A'i' Ell1 it -!+;t'T 1 N. • N1.111;AiIA YALL,o! Prom ilII) 1als: IqtruTyi ri•-,-; Conservatives: 11\'i•;;;14.\1.i:. HON. A. E. ROSS. 'Committee, issued the following statement: • "The viet6ry seems .to •b'e a sub- stantial one. I•t looks now as if we would have a majority of six figures on everysiuest ion, which is a. magni- ficent vindication • of . the Ontario Temperance - Act, and a mandate to the_Government of the Province to improve and enforce 'that law to the limit of their power. 'So far as• the. Referendunreontnairtee is concerned, it was a good,. straight, clean fight. We sought to facilitate in every way the expression of .the opinion of the electors and they have spoke4i. "There is a lesson in the returns for Ottawa that they can't go too far or too fast in regard to prohibitory legislation 'to suit .the Province of Ontario. It*shows-T a utter ttiT - of the proposition now being put for- ward there to bring on aiiothet• vote in this or, indeed. - any province in the Dominion. • "The Ontario Legisl,ature, . now backed up by the electors.. have gone as far in the direction of prohibition. of the beverage drink traffic. as the constitutional powers of •the pro- vince will permit. The. Dominion Government should go as far as its legislative power. "The organized. temperance forces of Canada will not be satisfied with anything less than the enactment of a Dominion law. supplement ing the provincial legislation now in torte in eight ou; of --'the nine provinces, which will prohibit the 'manufacture in. the importation inta„ the egkorta- tion from and the inter -provincial shipment within the Dominion of in-. toxicating liquor for beveragq pur- poses. - That, and 'that on will soke the temperance problem, and we are out to solve it. • The battle is over. We have won. The War is still on." How Cities Voted cm Referendum. Wet— WINDSOR, 4 to 1. - FORT WILLIAM. • OTTAWA. - HAMILTON. CORNWALL. KITCHENER. WATERLOO. ELMIRA. . Dry— LONDON. OWEN SOUND. KINGSTON, 406 majority. The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo. --THE STORE THAT NEVER. DISAPPOINTS • {SAVE Y®V Lor CONTROL -Or vOvP • NERVES WHEN YOUR HEALTH FAILS ALL IS LOST ! When young, goo(1 health leave•yell then you 'lose, energy,• ambition and the desire .to succeed in life.. _ 'i'hings that are worth while. do n,,ot interest you and you just drag on from day to clay. L. -.,\Don't give up; Don'L:.Weaken; iio not be discouraged be- canse other medicines Live failed t,4 t)t•lwtit yl,u;' here 1. cam that will Build Up.and Strengthen the Body so that gull will . again be Stroi; and Vigr,rons— Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy It takes away "that tire,) feeling- and brings back the rosy cheeks of your younger days.. Health. Strength and Vitality stye yours if 'you desire then), getafew bore of Backings heart and, Nerve Remedy front your dealer -today, and gh?o thele a fair trim. It is the Master • Tonic and Builder -that will succeed wcheil others hati'e fade 1. M,rP. H. Ilincheli1Te df \'r in,lsa!ll w i!• a.; £ 411ow. • "flicking's Heart'and Nerve i:etu,•,1t b.ls done wonders for me,{ was on thepoint of a Complete Nervous Breakdowns could- not sleep nor plan my 14 s l.xh,►' l duties; for years I '-fort-;s 1fe.i,•t a'T 1 mv.Nr'ry s Tryttlirt tet i"3 t do little for nle.. 1 talk Ilacki:iprr'a 11:•.►rt asst, Nerve Itr•)t4eriv OTC the reco,ntnentlatid,n of one of my fri• tis. After t ikin ; the first box I improved so much in health: that.. I took the, full treatment of six boxes a'1,l fen iioic'I4 eTln.; s i inttch-better that 1 arm able to rel 1rtl to ►nv '1•o -k with reStll''se 1 visor. 1 1141 'glad tls;lt 1 rhave at last fotiud a t110,110i:to that h;w clone ole s,► much. goo!l.." Iiacki g's -,cart and Nerve Rcnlrr lv s^11'for ;14,. a brie• for $2.40. 1 f v''ur I)rugi 1st does a ,: have it Le will 1►e oat to get it for you or we will be glad to :t:s,l it. to 'you by mail .post paid. I n..14 (4 n i l ack i no's. • 1.-T#_ -1 ;• :--:L+st-0 $ttt.- 1.1 WILL i:XPEL 6I R'►IANS. I St:1i I,OW.holt ENSILAGE "En. iltegi from ::unllowtrs," it :-twol,ir� ratite!. e 0 fairy tale to be- - t'IItI('M cif such .illa1 r:(. a 111 - .� .., f , .. ;l 4':1 +• '1 to he decid- i's • pin.. of I..f;, lel :,:I '" tt ,. ,n,, t..., falrlllet& of BilIANTFORD, 3 to 1 on all '* :' • • : , ,. 1 r !{::a Anne 41 the �lor,•,..ty questions. ilb•lris 1. NIAGARA FALLS. Cabinet Ministers Defeated. The follow ing Cabinet Ministers met .defeat : Slit WILLIAM HEAR T. HON. W. D. McP1IEI:SON, provin- cial Secretary, in Northwt tit 'rUr.QQ{O. HON. T,, W. McGAitRY, Provincial Treasurer, in South Itent'rew. HON I. B. LUCAS,` in Centre Grey. HON. F. G.-MACDI:ARMID, in Elgin West. HON. R. F. PRESTON, without portfolio, in North Lanark. _Arctic Espttirers Bench 4'.Ittle. SEATTLE, Wash.,' Oct. 21.- - -A. 0: • Golnaer and Martin •Kilian, the )ase tuenlbers of the Vilhj:+iiilur Ster'ans- sot 's, Canadian .Arctic t xpeditiun to return frbnt the Arctic, arrived here Monday from Noche, Ala#kap, on their way to Victoria, B. C.. the 'port from , whiehr•Stefansson saiRed six yrars-agn- t,i,Nll(l:t;, „e',,, ;-'1. {; 4111 nlule.•1(1. 1.1 ., i4 •,1 Ill H Wiri'l,.45 ` ( - ;:,_:•,,41 Da'c'e praet.cal 111. I-oag'e ti •„•1 l:.1‘..,1i,I), 1 I!•' roti;tbt- (),I'4 I u•(l, i' 11 til" n alt.'►' as the re- i:i of .,,,,; e.,n,•I .,il li t i:, • ,.�, ,•h1 ii4rt X11 1 of it 111 S,'1.-.,Wl .lhc acres.. -each o.f All Oso-_ of (-;,. I I•a'..0--+)tt :t, hin'or;i•` •t .•ttl!'!,,ur r. _� 1 13:•1�_i;rns,' the'• ;;nn4 -►,:(�4 r: n; �;.3'r„ ),t it sin(t•put it in the While ,'itizens 04 l„ rr:t;riry 'i-•, ;,:i4, 11•►it4. �'Pt ivttrl,,11T'.4tn with hbl'n to the tw,, \-,';Il ti 10 (4(','1147'•• i',►1' Ile 1'_'111x44 (►1' 14 :tt ' r 1,4' V0'1 'lit (:f (.•n:ytlilge t0- the ;. ':'- .:1,1•'' .It i'u _ 1•,•: rT rt- ,..t,t„�. 1•enturl' anti in.:,;. 1n,•V 1:.1,. 1 1., , I;lt 1h;,I,.. 4. l•i•1' 1111 i, ' ,',I 1 1 i '1" ii4't• that 4.10w171,. ;Min- irc-ace • II' Iii 44,"•;,..:',..,,,.„.4.4,., 1;_1111.1:1� CL's , ,� f 4 �,. i , - ;,'•.,'''-4TtaP, not 1)t'- U4-. 4•t .L�r 1111,•,,1�,'r lila' �>11''1:'„il :n till' /)(411' flltul'e. 7. ` 4.'. •1, 1 rl.tttt' \,.,'f_.w_. _. 4 4�jr.: f'-r;t;tc� :s 1, ., t,:l ill, .s t . 1 •' ,,, , .,, • t o;l.l I i usI► strtrfl rrw-cTrs Li, 4 '� 4° Aix -114(11"i" I I,' ;11ici the 7(4.4,1 1 ' not :1• ,'unite)}' t .new venture! hut ' wh,'r,.' it bounds th'I1 ,t.''rri.t,:1'y will iies- not I14, 41 tried out (,n 'Ontaroi rbe'dttlk' t.o li(tllits n. - farms. :1 Ittle i 'plot at the 0, A. C. 11nr,Hiner, lying. (►n the boundary is aiu.,it illy• le,Iv other- ac-reat,►e 'of Ur' '.ti ;•, tt the- 1't•,,, 1n'•' s of I,i•'';.;,' 41 tlrl ? s�urrflmc'1'rs fr,.4m tvhieh information 1't i•:.. i.1, 1171~ an :Ire ;1 1,1 :at,uul III ribs. u to '•afire 5 nninlill foot! has, been risl:- on thv, other Conner and Kilian joined Stefans- ' ts'irr .1 ('t '{'o It;1117111, nate ;sive es11(�rinl(l►ts have son's expedition in the north and were 4)i' ;':\ i\• A, (r1,. :; 1, \\' ;111 1 h,. \' 14( 411 •4 41 ril,I ,rot.. ;f,esults SO with Storken' Storketson, S1,'fans- far 54.rjL'5 .Jieeul_enant,he (ILJILesl tll:tl_1tWuo3&t r eight nlonl•lls 011 51) fee Hite in an• i ,...sti, •' 1) paI'tni('ni, i1 1�U:' ri,,,'I' i;l'''0 Ill► :111!4 .t„1•a,I li4 a 5110 form i unsuccessful s(1lenipt t0 find n C111'� i1; ! ll�' ,•1„tlllr', tl •1. I' ,„ 1 (1 ,1"Ile. ;1 : •,"nr►'I as eo rn. It rent across the Arctic honit Alaw'ka, ,It: , 141 (':ilii:,•t • ' 1 If! 111,' same , to Siberia. lfi'(ct in w the levet* \\;I* hani-he'1 t,c .;1)'141:0i,,t,: (fill prnpnr :in exdo'n.i1J' 1►rnee.,a and I 441444r:t,•lietlhie in. lt' settled regions. so nocto►' No. g11e111')4 I141(444- 1'3' 4'4)I4le. to give 11 711'01. rut_ 44 (14- rut- emit, (11' grace, to the t,l,l ri11O4i►, yellovl fever. , in -eoLl,e.•tion__with tite- mutiny on 7.li1 1i',a, \1.0i•iska, nom Ilallfillt 1i7. ro. n 1,uc:r 444(474 : ('.ltenr, ,1 ':s. tolloli4: Joh.t Cody, ti' ye i ts' point Nervitude;' and Geralu hyneh and. Mike Connell to eighteuu moths each at bard labor. • ow as corn, and The New Zealand knittle has pass- ed the bi.11 ,whereby New Zen larrci'rcr� cents the nsand:att! for Samoa. i{aniela, a len-year-old Arab, won the 300 -mile race for United States cavalry horses. The horses in the race boat from . forty to seventy peuada ip the contest. .14,• 1..,. .i 1. 4, Il,;'.'. S1141, tc :1, .1 • 1'1 j1"1, W of -1 ft,f n1111C, --_ .. ,' :.. Y. -)1 17T '.silt. 1 114, r.,rr • -, .1'. 411 . •, ` .,4 :ti ,,l4. •I. 14I,7 It r1. X111.1, .1 ( I►�)1'Z�i 1';l t i �f .'�•,.i !;;. 1,. H.•••,, • il. • )nl the h T„wnship of ....le (`;Ill GI 11, Xt 14-OsII)il \1-x 1 ' t 1�inl�,ss, Oct,. , 51, to Mr. and Mrs, ::io:l's''chief topics thus are 11):•'43 - W.,ilender'sr)n -- a son. to L: Carni, trade aild labor. :