The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-10-16, Page 1•
,• G
$1.50 per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
r "
LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY. OCT. 16th., 1919.
Conservative .Candidate
for the Ontario Legis-
lature in North. Huron
Respectfully Solicits the Support
of Electors
Saturday, October 25
Hawaiian Singers
.and Players
Note.—Hawaiian Wngers,and players may come and go, but have
never seen the real ones until yo►. have seen the Albert Vierra
This is positively a .guaranteed attraction or your money will be
cheerfully refunded. .
PRICES: Reserve Seats, 80c. General Admission 55c.
War'Tax Inculded
. Seats now on sole at Armstrog's Drug Store.,
7. -Tuesday, Oct. 14. ,
Mrs. Wm Learh, of Detroit, visited
her uncle, Mr. Ned Thorns on Sun -
Mrs. Angus McDonald, of Luck -
now, ,visited old friends here last
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ged..-Webb, Lorne
• and Caroline, motored to Hamilton
for the . 'week -end.
Mrs. Marvin McDonald and child-..
•ren, .of -Westfield, .spent a few days
w ith.her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
On account of the Anniversary Ser-
vices 'tieing held at Lanes next Sun -
I (Corrected rip to We(tnc (lay noon )'
1Vheat .I. • $1 05
Oats - 85
J',.rrlcy' i .. , 1 20 '
!'.,as i 2 25
417g, Nv,- '.,;(1 pit 55
Ritter ... , .. • 4 i 5()
'- 1-`'-lntr` - 1.,. ti(f
..:..hoice _lieav, _steers In 2 7
'h(nc., hulcltt•rs
1(► t'p t'( 11 0
H'•..... .. 141' ne tt 18 r ro
off arR . 1 ti 2 i' 1 f -
:i'1" 11.1,1" i 13 t(
•e 1•. ;1( 2 to
day there will be no service 'in the
Presbyterian Church here.
The specal meeting of the 'Women's.
Institute will be held in the Hall on
Thursday, Oct. 23,' in the form' of a
quilting bee. Will the ladies who
have ,quilt patches kindly see that
they are handed in before that date.
Thanksgiving visitors to our burg
included Mr. Hugh McCrostie, of the•
Dental College, Toronto; Miss W. D.
Rutherford, of Fergus; May Camer-
on, of Mitchell; Winnie Woods, of
Alma; Nina• Woods, of Lucknow;
Pearl Webster;o'of• Grand Valley.
Sergt.-Major Gefrge Patersonl. whi,
is visiting his parents, Dr and !Mrs.
Paterson, :nust be one- et the most
seasonedlsoldiera in Canada. Ile was
through the So'ith African war from
flist to last. and, he was amon:; the
frst Canadians to go to Frame at
the outbreak of the great war. Ile
nerved . throne l.ovt the war mid has
come back -in good health and without
Lucknow narrowly esc. ed being
without electric lights a year ago, and
it looks now as though the condition
barely escaped then is about to come
uponstfrahow. Mr. Stewart stated"'to'
us the other .day that it was his in-
tention to stoprunning the lighting
plant on the last day of this month.
This Course, he explains, is the out-
come of au understanding between
his lawyer and Mr. Vanstone, who is,
representing the village in the con-
troversy which has developed over the
purchase -of the ' planta-- The case, it
appears. was to have been heard- at
Walkerton on Oct. 21. but Mr. Van -
stone has asked for a postponment'
until the December sitting of the
court, whieh:•will be held on 'Dec.' 15:
So 014 chanee of -1 ring without lights
for the winter. or a good part of it.
seems pretty good.
The situation is that both partici
to the controversy disown the light-
ing 'plant—Mr. Stewart holding that
the- village has bought it, and the
council taxing the r.osition that i has
FORSTER.—In West Wawanosh, on
,Oct. 14. 1919, to Mr. awlMrs-
! rs Forster, a daughter.
Howiian music was the sensation
of the Panama Exposition. It is the
musical craze of the day. Music
publishers and phonograph record
makers announce an unprecedented de-
.mand for it. Where one goes it is
heard, and its Vogue is well merited
•for it is indeed beautiful. Too hear it
atits best one must near it played
and sung by Native Howiians, for, ;no
other .people are capable of giving
it proper interpretation. In Mr..Albert
V'ierais comlfany we offer its very best
exponents,-Howiian-most remarkable
voices and her most proficient happy
and careful from the land of sunshine
and flowers they present an entertain-
rment unusual and facinating in which
Native Melodies are interspersed -with
our own ballads and oyncopated mel-
odies are given a new charm.' They
fairly talk to you with their stringed
instruments. ,
Ladies and Gentlemen:—
Selected by''. a representative and
well attended convention of • the
Electors of West Bruce, I come to you
--as---it—UnitetV Fat tierr Ca ittidate • to
represent this Electoral District in the
Legislative Assembly of Ontario. I
wish it to be thoroughly - understood
that I am independent of either of the
old parties with a free hand to sup -
bort any measure that I may deem to
be in the interest of the Farmer, the
Laborer or any industry or person in
,the constituency. -
Let. us have a Government that will
not struggle against each other as
though the Government' of our coun-
try were a game. But let us unite
our efforts to proinote the general
welfare of our country, and by such
a parliament we might reasonably
hope to overcome the evils of extra-
vagance, waste, and corruption, and
to our returned heroes we could pre-
sent a country indeed worthy of
those who for us have fought to 're-
deem the world frolrr milita2�ism,
greed, selfishness and tyranny. Upon
those principles of our ' paltform, ' I
appeal to you for your cordial. sup-
port. Yours '',faithfully,
G. II. Ruttle.
Messrs. R. W. Gowanlock and J. H.
Payne, organizers for the Victory
Loan canvass which will open` on the
27th, were in town early in the week.
Lucknow and Kinloss Township are
,again linked together for the cam-
paign, and the same canvassing com-
mittee will cover both., The commit-
tee thisi year consists of G. H. Smith
(Captain), Robt: Johnston and J. H.
Colwell. Mr. Colwell lives_ near KInL-
Tough, and is a member of the Kinloss
Council. The- committee in general
charge of the' Loan campaign is made
f lows D. A. lrecSanald,
Rve of Kinloss, chairman; J. E. Ag-
new, ' T1u mas Malcolm, John Purvis,
John Joynt, P. H. Mackenzie, .1. H.
Ackert, John Button, J. Murray,
(Langsidc). The publicity commit-
tee consists of A. D. Mackenzie, R.
11J. Cameron, J. Purvis and G. • II.
t1, •'c- ' 11 el1r.
Dater, Creionety Frittts
36 'to
twice wounded, and once gassed, but
his injuries were not serious. He is
still- a young nlan, being 37 yearn of
age, and to all appearances fit for la-
, nother campaign. Sergt. Paterson's
home is .near Medicine flat, where he
has a farm. He isspending this
week with friends at Underwood..
.59 L
Real July weather in October.
Mr. Joe McCoy *as home from
Stratford for the week -end.
Mit. Will Reid, of Paris, -is .the
guest of Mrs...4Dr.) Balfour. -
A lot of the candidates will be elec-
ted to,stay at home.on Monday.
Miss Bertha Allen is home from To-
ronto for a few weeks' vacation.
Alfred F. Mitchell has gone to take
a course at Queen's Cortege, Kin -r'-
Prohibition . appears to beoin
g g
very strong in villages and rural dis-
tricts. ,
MT.'•J. G. ',Atide.rson is home f:rarei
Winnipeg, where he has been the past
month. '
Miss Madeline McMorran, of Tor
onto,is spending- .a month- - at , he
home -here•
Miss Margaret Henderson, .of Tor-
Onto, spent the week -end with her
Mother here. ,
Mr. Andrew Allen, of Edinonton,
Alta., visited Lucknow and Ashfield
friends last week.
Mrs. C. F. Richardson, of Teeswat-
er, is spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. D. Douglas.
r -
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barber, of Tor-
onto, spent the Thanksgiving holidays
.with Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins, 'f
Wingham, were recent visitors with
her mother, Mrs. W. Henderson.
Miss Ruth Mitchell returned home
from Markdale . on •Saturday, after
spendng h week visiting riends *ere.
Miss Lillian Mitchell, of Toronto,
and Mr. J. S. Mitchell, of Paris,. Ont.,
spent Thanksgiving at their home
Mr. Folley, Mis Mae 1 cCoy, Miss
Jtk and -Mr. Friendship; all of Lon- -
don, were: Thanksgiving guests of
Mrs. McCoy.
This paper goes. to the mails about
one day late. Blame the politicians
and Referendum workers who have
overwhelmed us with extra work.
Mrs. W. Horn has returned to her
home at Kingsville after spending a
couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Horn. ,
Dr. -'J. St. C. Walker, for many
years well known in Lucknow and
surrounding country, left this (Thurs-
day)afternoon for Vanco,.w B C
He has tow brothers in the coast city.
The objective for Huron County in
the Victory Loan this year is $3,700,-
3,700;000. Mr. M. J. Torrance, of Troonto,
is in charge of the .county organiza-
tion.. The objective for Bsluce County
is $2,000,000—the same as last year.
For Sale.—The residence oi John
Button, now being vacated by him,_ -is
for sale at a reasonable price and on
easy terms. This; 4wet-ling bas aB
modern conveniences; is in''first-class
order in every way.--• Prospective buy-
uy-ers are invited to call and look over
the property.—Apply to John Button.
The Lucknow Wonten's Institute
will meet in the ('ours it Chamber on
Friday at 2.30 p.m. A good. attend-
ance is requested as. important busi-
ness will be 'discussed. The topic for
,the meeting is "Pioneer Days in On-
tario•". Also question drawer. Music
and recitations. Visitors welcome. ;
Presbyterian ' Chilrch Services next
Lord's Day at Pt a.m. and 7 p.m. Ev-
ening subject: "How A Christian
Votes." The Pastor will preach.
Chaplain Irwin, .lately returned
from overseas, where • he served with
the C. E. F., will preach, ifi the Meth-
odist Church next Sunday morning."'
Lanes. Presbyterian Church Anni-
versary will be held, on Sabbath, Oct.
19th. Rev. W. E. T. Aitken, P.hd. oft
Kippen, will preach at 11 a.m. and'
7.80 p.m, There will be no service
fat St. Helens.
T}re Debate at the Presbyterian
Guild 1 meeting on Tuesday evening
drew an unusuall-Si" large attendance.
it than- a l undred-1 ing ..present.
As stated last week, the ,resolution
under discussion was: "Resolved,
that .Women have done more .for the
Rood of Humanity than- Men "have
done." The decision went to the af-
firmative, which was taken by Miss
J• W. MacCallum end Kenneth Mur -
die. The 'negative was ably' main-
tained by Miss, M.I 1. Mackenzie and
Carrick Douglas, but the ' judges
thought' that the champions of the
affirmative made the be r'
tte showing.
rl�l. Firldlat
M er, widow ..el .the .late. .The ..election . uf..Mr. • Jelin .4a =ter
James Findlater, died at the home ofNorth Huron is pretty genevally coai•-
:her son, James, in Toronto, on Thurs- ceded.
Sind! Copies 3grans •
day of last week. Death, was due to
an attack ' of ,acute indigestion, and
the end came with little warning'. The
remains -were brought to Luckn.o''v.
and the :funeral- •on Sunday afternoon
was from the home of her sister, Mrs.
K.. MacLeod, service being held in
the Presbyterian Church by the Rev.
C. N. Mackenzie, of Kinlough.
Mrs. Findlater was for 'many •years
a resident of Lucknow, and many
friends here were greatly----nhocked-
and saddened 'by her sudden death.
Relatives from a distance who at-
tended the funeral were W. G. Find -
later, Detroit; James Findlater,
,„:'Toronto; W. C.,. Hartwick,, De
troit; .'G. W. ct:eigrove and sons,
'ton 'and Gordan, of Rodney, Ont.; Mrs.
J. .A. MacLennan, Toronto; Mr. D. A.
Mackenzie, of Windsor, and JohnMc-
Kenzie; of Preston, the two last nam-
ed. being_ brothers of the decased.•
Apply to'W. A. Solomon, Lurkno•y.,
SiVNEY TO WAN.. -Un ui;It l'I;rages laid no'•.
I U ttt'fe'a•'iaable ratu�. 1 lla jU; Ik.
1 It lis thought that ,Mr. "Ruttle, the: X1:'/•1. aid 'l ,1*, dI 1'i,I,ijiti„lle� 1'uf11.1•,
aucit:g d . .. with ►,eat,.,,.- :u,tt 4: t,-1,a1.•I, '
� U. O. candidate'' in •Wst Bruce, -elec. A. s1101►•A i.1 . Ise• 1.'41.. r 1.1 c;i.i.o
jhasa very good chance of eleettt Jri..- --�-- -
13Qt L1 , 1,17.:1-".1'
and the U. F. 0. candidate,, in Solid
Bruce is also said ' to be shown:
great strength. A. great many of -i'
i farmers in • those ridings appear .'
have broken clear away from 'party
.. There are about 300 candidates
nominated for the 111 seats in the On-
tal�iu Legislature, and there we're milt-
three xcclaulations, all for the govern-
ment. Candidates in our riding. (W.
IBruce)." are" Liberal, At P. Mewhinney;
U. F. 0.,. Gideon Ruttle; Conserta-
tive, . C, H. Green. In,- North Huron,
T''` u c r, Joynt and Proctorare respec-
tively the Li�era1 Conservative ant!
U. F. 0: candidates.
1 .•
U. A'aciceluie :st'J:a, Lucl;ru•, •
c'.ti:xy \t;'CLn ";.t:ui Kinloss an •
Q Kinlough on Oct. 2t;, • • and • on
ca( h Turs(•kty • following. IIighc•: t.
c:t:<;t prices IA ill ' Jird.!• --J. i.
l.. (inso, .. 9 -10 -tic
The.letter published below is• a reply
which Rev. Mr. Irwin ' received from
the authorities in Toronto,regarding_
persons •vtho may make a mistake in
-marking a ballot, and discovers the
mistake before handing the ballot to
the returning officers: Dear Mr. i
Irwin:—Your favor of. Oct. 6th , re-•
ceis'ed. In reply let' ine say that if
any person spoils a ballot they may
return it to the Deputy Returning off!- i.
icer, and-recriive another one. The
law in this connection is perfectly
clear, and is found in section 109 and
reads as follows; "A voter who has
inadvertently dealt with his ballot
paper in such a manner that it cannot`
be conveniently used should, .upon re-
turning it to the Deputy Returning
officer be entitled to obtain another
ballot paper, and the Deputy Return-
ing officer shall immediately write
the word "cancelled" .upon the first
mentioned ballot paper and preserve it
to be returned to the Returning offi
With hest wishes, I am
Sincerly yours
Rev. Ben' H. Spence. , T• Gundry, Auctioneer
. 7laedonald•---Gruhant
"rho, inatr•ag•t' %vas solemnized in
South'.Kiniuss Church, on 'Tuesday,
Oct. 14th, of May, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.Duncan Graham, and Mr..
William- F.'MacDonald, al'l of K'inle'""
Township. Rev. J. G. Reid officiated,
the*'es r
p of iirlrrietliate eclat-
tives only of the bride and groom.
Following the wedding breakfast
the happy couple left by the after-
noon train' for Hamilton, Toronto,
Niagara Falls and -St. Thomas. • On
their return they will reside on the
4th con., Kinloss.
Sixteen Registered Shorthorn Cattle;
twenty-one • Registered Leicester
Sheep, twenty-six Grade . Cattle:,
ele've'n Horses, one ''Yorkshire Sow and
Litter; also Farm Implements, etc., at'
Lot;, Concession 2, Bayfield Road.
Goderich Township (one and a half
miles 'south of Goderieh), on TUES.
OCTOBER 2$,,. at 1 o'clock_
J. W. and Isaac Salkeld,
Ladies `atd`Ge<ntIeni
I have • been • selected by the .Liberal, of \','est :,Bruce as their, caitcii-
date in tie present contest, ,aero acre Diel, the nonrinatioln on, condit icor,
that, if ejected, lo.parliament I would reserve the. right to 'vi tv .on evc•r1'
pleasure according to pry judgment and conscience.
In serving the Township of Bruce .as ` Reeve, and the .County of
Bruce as Warden, 1 have endeavored to work in the pest interest of' th1-�
farmer! . taborer. and...whole .cons.tit eency:
before you. I have been a'•consistent temperance man all my life, and
will v ote-four'No`s on October 2Oth, aria consider the referendum the big
issue. The ' proper and efficient' carrying out of the will .of .the people
as ascertained by the referendum "vote" is of 'vital. importance, ' and will
cal! --f. or exer•eise of great --care; 'skill and judgment. Sone oi• the other',
irnportant questions are -Soldiers' Re-establishment This should. 'be ini-
proved, and-provisibn made for the disabled wind injured, and such other
assistance by gratuity as the finance. and credit, of the ,province will per-
mit. _ •
�Iy deer Electric..--L;...would like_ to:: see, -.the .. present- board --centre-•---in-
their work, but strengthened by -mere representation from the Inuliciic,i-..
palities. .
Space will` not permit me to discuss all the questions, but anr,ng•
those in which I am interested -are agriculture; education, highways,.
labor problems, proportional representation, taxation, ('lection laws, l►at-
ronage,'social reform, etc. .The,se (}uestions should, be, '' dealt with and
voted on, not for party advantage; but for" the ad anect'infi'nt of the
I am before you as a Liberal -Farmer candidate=', endorsed by the Lib-
eral party, but with perfect freedom and liberty to s•ote,' not only for the
interests of t)te farmer, but that of the whole community. '
When y6u mark your 'ballot the question for you to decide is the man.
I have .been honest, true and sincere ,in advancing the best interests' of
the farmer. Born and raised in the. farm his interests are my interests. -
and' the' experience I haVe gained,as' a county and' township servant *com-
bined' with .the little talent God has given me,. fits me to 'serve -all classes.'
1 feel' justified- in asking all .electors. especially -the *farmers.; who
lieve in freedom •of •thought and . att
d' :tVr•� tree• mc' its=, Ind. p, nti't i'
Liberal candidate. 1•
Fours faithful1ly.
The Angicau Church always has taken a moderate. postion as t(i tem-
perance reform,„ For that reason moderate drinkers will Zook' with• respect
,on the Bulletin on Prohibition issued last ni onth by the Council for Social
' Service of the Church of England• This bulletin sums up the whole.ciase
for and against prohihitiorl,:enrphasizcs the fact that multitudes .of.decent
citizens like a glass of beer or whiskey, deals sympathetically with the Per -
scree! Liber4y argument and reaches the'-`fnlloi ifig Conclusion:
It is proven beyond peradr:'nture' that the only way to rontbat
the evil of drink is to"cut� drink out ab•oluttily' and entirely. There
is llorltl�Lf. t • l►e• total prcihibitiort'
nothing. A11 the systems and iinproventc'nts in the handling .of
alcohol in all the world are no good at 'all. The vaunted and
famous Gothenburg system is :r proved failure in Sweden.; the Rete
. t::
�--�---=..--t�r�rrr of st��, t(}r:•tr7•rr:-:rr ie4 }ra>- !,••c .:
found unsatisfat'tory wherever it has leen found. There is no
evading ot•� blinking the fart,' it'tntts"t be toteptntttitritionl if it iv to
be really effectual, and if our efforts to fight the evils, of drink are
not -effectual, they are not worth doing. they are merely was'te'd
'anergy and vexation of spirit. •
In view of this' (lollh(*l'atc fielding of tilos!. within the • d ngI ilcan
Church who have given the matter the most consideration, the voters, of
Ontario will, hesitate to vote for Government dispensaries or any. other
TA tiff, \,)'1'1(21: - 'I'tit,t', ate a ullu,htr' t•1'
lak,t- going 11t,i u' 11 1uu1•1 X
---- '!!*''''11'21• ili&t Ill,,:. 1. i�•.'.1,, ;. { !H.., 01,
1.1 I I11 0011• 1111 . . 44111 , •9!
t .1. 90,110' I1 ,110' 11, 1.1164 1,. \ .tri \}. I• \ 1(1..1
{ . , 1 :,1 1• {,1'l . 0 i k 111 ..,. ,
i.., 1) 1171,1. , 1,t.\- 1,:; 11
2!t.; tic
Aujur,trlt•'itt of 1l.1;-t,31•t• 1 12!17: •!
nerd :; tAf v+rri, rrtilf i tit-, l 17•1::
• LI '1 .•. 1.1,11!. 111.,1.1,1 t1i1 1111.•1
r'.1k11S 11019., SALE. 1 ilr, 1• \, it
•f)ruled 1.11111:;, 111t11o+ 11111•
hulku,,t:. 11't141' '►„ ., ,:,i •:1 21 I
gain: .Apply to
1 1Hl.t4+ iattile,..l►t�tilr►rt~ .�et"rt r•' t'. hailer,• :
pantry arid \\:ru...l,tt?, 11:11`: .17(71
,ibuut ot,t 171 I u •,1 47at. 7 1. 1, trail.
fand vn(it
i e
Lu a •
• rein: - ,i,lr ter +ra►'r� li>r'Y t . 1.4Yt-f.7, , Ht: -
'11 • if
•--Frattt.• ,tvv.•i'..4,t
1'1717!17 k:i0111.11 :111(1 {,u.' ,'a~'��u,l ill,
S11)9.t fUllil.l 1t 11 x11 u°1'
fo.1 �1.'v, 1-u ,n.
to 1,-111.1•.1 191.AIr II•tl 1-t�,l, - / , ,'t,
'SALE. :�'. , r�• 11t'�. ; us'. d about:
two thousand !oily.,. • In, first=
c'.lass-: shape price. reasonable: ,.1.
Carnet Arntst rt,ng:
FOR SALE.—T' •o r. ,ititcrccl X1,1.:
Bid I (ah -!s; (1afn •Il t;ani .111;1
E'ctiF� laiilt� -Yc�t i 'tit c ' . �- 4 ;,
• a:td others (,f 1 ii* /;•ling a111'. 1 ,
( l' St0e.k. Of la,t11 I,.,'I'1•I
4irleed 1(►r tit! ir,. :, l . , - J.• I... ,
rtun b::--1:, • 11-11-c
-NOT1 '.z
For all d&tiers regaratina (,. t e utlii: twit. 1..4.!•y
refer 9.0'1). A't .17, a. Xiul).
NC)fICI: that I lays •1 Tor-
onto market tor all kin is ud 11e, : 1!
Calf' Ilit'irs, tior�z 111.11.. an !
Ski:1.:. Let rite'know ta.., . •u
bide aatt I will call at v11. 1:t.;
usa.m.1 for poultry, _becau;v til::,:. h,1
the Jewish,11oi 1 i.t\ • I 17.1' 1 11.1 •, 9 t ...1
liens' if they 1%ri9li, 1h.. a.p e . •
5c. to'6c• per lb.; cllirl.j tl•, �.?i,,,
young ducks, -1i to 1>:. :7.,1►'t ,. ?l 11.r -
poultry untit %17%,(477 -
poultry ser' JAK1-1, 1,1 :i1,
Farm for Sale
For Sale.—The South parts ,►: I.,,ts .
twetit-eitipt an(1 t'.',cnty-iiint• in the