HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-09-18, Page 5AO.
• • • • .
••• 1.4 I.' .1•11141. •11tir
444XV 4-- -
•1/4= Full weight of tea in
every package
TEAls good tea.
Sold oinily In sealed packages
• ..
• •
W411, IlabeniehihO bad fieen a
rriehiber cf tn.: I gOth flattali0ri„.
1e_cident in llowick Township one
clay last week. • He was`tnaking re -
Albert Seeley, of C1nton, lust week
gathered ripe strawberries from a
-.Nino. in- 11 is -garden; -:••• The-btitrieS wiafe
• fine and well -matured: • -
.1:eh*.dents of- the- vi1144e. °I -14e
i.SUtd4juo eta
during the. inurth ot
r. and Mrs. W. 'J. Currie 4_1 East-
Wawanoh a.mrcunce the engagment
of their eldest daughter, Miss Laura
Malel to Mr, Hilton Ogdn, of Whalen
Ont. Themarriage will take place
the.•laSt..week of September.
The ,11ruce Times .sics: It is said
• .•
to be a eoiumon. practi .: u .ine• boo-
ze's to get a peturit fo, , ' • ounceg af'
whitky, :lad' then later Ow sani c fel-
loW, or his iiiiiin to get an (miter fol' a
.pit of ailcohul. Addingthree parts
14-1Iter to the alcohol and.putting. the
....._ . .
Viskey intoit they have a lotof inoi-
, stnre JAitii, a 'stout kick in -it. Ifthey.
- •t--eriti--Ta • rtrt"'1•4-OntIT urnt: sugitt they
get -rum. 11 sonic raisins.and a little,
good .cider :Lye also put' in and let
ttue-1 flt. ' , hottrsithey liaVe ainetty,
.'. The -returned ::oldie3 of l'aisley
•and district haveformed aG. W.A A.
L44nn-li-- a fortrier„.
FlirOn Township boy,±ecently, ,te.torn-
ed-- from overseas, -was killed in,a,
worth .expect to have natural- gas for
tret *ar :..liceident- (11
' • :• heat .lihfirid-power.next winter In e„.ere taken to.
- ••: eel well drilled-bkere
sdtruble flow of gas %ling struck.
pairil on top of the separator when
he slipped andfell o!T„ In falling he
caught a belt,' which drew his arm
around the pulley, and threw him to..
the floor .with _such force that ;he was
rendered unconscious. The accident
will layhm up for solve. weeks.-
the regular meeting. of the •
Pr.-ytery of Stufgeen held in Mt.
„ xne 2o owing. 'res-
olution was unanmously adopted:- :
• "Whegreas orgartized•ganthling pra-
ctises and Sabbath breciking have
flourished in several towns uPon the
• decasin.of various fairs and clebra-
tions; :and Whereas such practices are
morally wrong and contrary to law.
--Therefor this' Presbytery protests
• against these practices and calls upon
all citizens and officers ofthe law to
-Kincardine" for interment: 'A Sistr
MIS. • Alex'. Catheren lives in Kincar-
din. .
•We hate to hear a kicker; it makes
4e; rea14y to hear thoA3
finding fault:, you can count them by
tWesoore; they iUkikThbuai the
cre-oh dear :t. reitlry makses us fee!
. I iko--c-al4i-au-t-the--eo
t he .of -finding- fault: our
ri-4iv(f" rcltu...11 or thinfrs do
.".toughj:...-but w03,114 iiay..t0 One am], It
the 'hest arid safest plan, ivhatve•r•
comes 01' doesn't come to meet it lik_
4 Carter..
The Illildmay - -
Charlie Kisther- heard a 14(1:-. ("-)')" • Ad)Par'-'4IAT 114
noise. his Intl' 511 111011tiY , • •
and hurrying in he found a yoting
fellow of this neighborhood making off'.
'with the day's receipt. Thistill tap
business is becoming very common
here, and yet authorities are takiog
no steps to have the offenders punished,
A number of Southampton ,yount.r .
men who yisited Walkerton on a rc•c--
ent Saturday night got drunk and then
got into a row. •Chief Ferguson
_ ..... : :14 -au -seri en Tr.! lin n ;:-9100 k to
arrest a returned soldier. named Ille
Auley he received a severe blow in
the face from the soldiers artificial
arm. The thief drew NS baton and
• with a heavy blow raid McAnley sense-
less on the street.
Th Ceief then sent for a doctor and
.hen the injured man. was fixed up
his comrads got him into a car and
took him home. •
use their utmost dilligence that they j Rv. R. Perdue, Anglican minister
be not permittedr" . • of Walkerton stated on a recent Sun -
4111. ,•••1111, olinalis Adam AMINNomailIMP
‘Vriting to Judge Klein; of Walk-
erton regarding the preparation of the
special voters Lists Mr. Dymond,
Chief Election officer had the follow-
ing complement *for those who took
part in the vvork.
I must one•ratulate you ppm-. the
splendid ecord •tlie Officers and print-
ing hous...,,, in the County of l'o•ucc
'• . •
• Wk./1K- tti Pile Si)
eXPeditOLISlY and satisfactoily. • It
is particularly creditable. OWin2' to the
•difficiilties.in obtaining. enumerators
at this' tiine and to thedefectivt,
means of transportation existing in the
northern portion ofthe County. It is
a really splendid' showing.
• And 1 -Ip, Luasin vritingto
\the judge said, "1 .think your County
heads the list,' that is -was. the tirt
eottrity to --t7riete _you
•must he had, .Co-operation sal
�u May Be OR fait
Skeptical 114;bsults of oaring Coup May' be ,
About What Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food Will Do for You, Bat
Here is the Evidence.
When..the- blood gets thin and
wtiy when the neryee become
Gabriele D'Antrunzio, Assisted
"Pepplaro" Caribitiell. Led 21 Altman
Artily That tbisobeyed Ortles of
Goy( rnwelit At HOMO ••••••••• Premier
Nitti- Isatacteilzed the Act aa
weak nd' exhausted, when your • 110:gr, Sep. p'An-
vitality 11 tun .ttown and you teel nitzto,' forinei. aviator -•-ip 11) e ttllan
weak and •tired .it because . •. • •
nourishment is 41aekilig. 441 v a • 41 u• • !z-riee, nes • ved' . at
You may be eating as usual but , eiente a; t14• head•701.ariied bands of
your digestive system -falls to ott-- •
nerve force iscreated.
new bloo .1.1rFn. it 1:" ca;i(*ikOil;'ittiticiitrieod here:
tain from, the food ou e
1,'Antittrei.io .s.e('•retly joined
kleau" Dr._ char,e,e Food!.
the ol' in t eus, }Tom iS
Nerve ."1)k•ppintc 41-a-ribaNt: • -
supplies thiselemnt to the blood -
and nerves it is the most successful . P1 -111i 1. Niiri recrly cfl rIewsof the
,try 1.11(1 the ItallIn
of restoratiVes. - •
:personlxp4rienee'‘ with ' "- 1 '1 -..'" Ile
medical treatment is the enly -"•""Ls 9•2 129191:•W;lc" r'llgagort
solute peocit that it w.ill benefit •:: v4:4 and Inn
you Mill we are all similarly con-
stituted and what -will help one will
help another ''tinder similar "con -r.
ditions. • ,,ci• Ir
This is why it is so interesting to ,011;,','1,1111,',ei•NcialtiiaRI1c.".4„arx4,44.4„.9,r_peil"‘"hal - -
read the experience of othergeople.
and rnarywthla letter „ 7erea--to- re•ept.
their own conditions described.
Thorlias Williamson, Pictort. )III 1"'s' 10°Ps rer"'""i t`
Ont virt,teE...,',',Eor the last twentY-- rylianTin'-'--Vs or( er.
earii. I have had trouble with 'raw Tho l•••1,:$1. '" '11'
rierves..,-I, „suffred 'from sleepless- ',fr/ t i • ; 11 1T ,;•• ; • • • • • ,
ness and, of rourse rhy ss‘teiii w�. tik •ztad 1 1 pt ., -
often in a rundowncoadtionfron wier.eelard he was dpiiiiined 10
nervotsness. At •different times
when would have severe attacks, e;
'ct In a manner to avoid U11.1.Ve eon -
'this only gave rne- temporary wets. . deplered•11,441 141P -
was under the deetor's care, but
Twice was to a saspiateriurn in To-
ttfle f or, tl /: 41!,-•
Oil 1 11014P11 !Or• had
at the time. • Thiti. past siarnmei I• The E
e.n.t•-•_:.e1 Italin
noca announces .t11t
ronte, wbere sectored some: relief
suffered from another nervous 1A1411-). sbi•t Of itt, 14.4
breakdown, and it was then that I gore- tu Plume itn.d ri roll
commenced psing. Dr. Chases Nerve •
Food1 took a, treatment of this DAliwinzio ai•eotitni...; to some r
medicine and can now get up. in (or of Fiume at
the morning and do my work. which .•
was something I coUld not do pro- H--1(4 e"(1 c/f ru' 8.4)4" lo 120°0
ft111 111r1
UI*41 1.0 .1 *11'11 11 11141(0 1
viously• because - I used to • get
strangely 'confsed. My appetite is In 11 4' course of his speech signor,
good, ad I can 'sleep well, 'too.. •N' '' ' i • 1-11" lull (It./ 1,1 i l'A °I'• ib " -1‘'pori
Generally speaking, I •am so much 'laHlarY aullwritks 'l Filiftle'
better that I arn proud of my int- ilowing 13111 1).A.12i,zi4,,,:, _ 14-41..tips
pr.oement. I cannot • speak too had oyercome• illf 1:Psis1411ce zaid -4n
titghly of the splendid results I have toted the eity, und that the l'ar Min -
secured through the use of Dr. • istor's •order to eisilin _ad' rpturb
Chase's Nerve Food."
kOcito nena' Fz‘:. 'C;1 vu1;i'l itI4
a box, a full treatment of 6 hoxes , the mitlit.,ter "Ile. de. tail
for.•$2.76. it all -dealers, of Elliman- '
•son,• Bates & Co., Limited, Toroi2te. 0 c:1.,Ty- 0.122. 'order _had failed
• •• News received Sa tirdny lowed
• trOops, ,desetibed
, ,• ---
When -Ma goes into polities
_There'll be n- dirty -low-llown trick,
For. Ma' %ill see that .Pa totes right,
And .that there are no strikes in sight.
Sh!ll make the ,maid and hired man
.AdOnts the .standard daylight plan.' •"'
When MaShe'll trim the lantern's worthless'
goes into s,
wicks, -
nd give us. cheaper Ierosene •
And- butter 'stead of inargarine.
Shell .make the big eoil Barons hump
To some cool corner for a lunip.
When Ma. goes' into 'polities,* •
fhe 'pmfiteers wilt get Some
Foi• Ma whf banish all the booze, •
And quite (nitwit. each 'cunning ruse.
Behind .her is _thr
can row the boat.
Oh! won't some folks be in -a 'fix
When Magoes into politics?.
Isabel Graham..
Alcohol is Poison.
Doctors Say. It Is a Menace
in Any and All Forms
IVE ounces of alcohol will kill a full-
_ grown healthy man -within ten hours.
Taken in smaller but repeated doses
alcoholJets hirtrive Icer but gets' him in
the end. All alcoholic beverages are poison,
slowor swift.
Medical science has established that
akohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically
related to ether and chloroform, and not a
stimulant. A man was once brought out of
ether who had taken eightouncesrancl-a-man
'was once brought out of chloroform who had
taken 221-i ounces, but no man ever reviv-'
&I who -swallowed five Ounces of alcohol at
a single dose. The unconsciousness or
coma produced by alcohol if not broken
within ten or twelve hours is followed by
practically certain death. •
Alcohol as medicine has been expelled from the American Pharnaa-
copoeia by the American Medical Association.
its • numbering 2,300, were still' ixt
Fiume, and that •the. poet h
ioad 14:n-
ttieed hat he intended ,to.istaI
,.in the . Army
.• Somor Nati expressed strong de-
preiation of what he termed tile mis-
gslided deed of -D'Annunzio,because,.
lie said, it would- propagate the belief
abroad .01 the violent. Imperialistic
ni•rit of -the Italian people and re-
The Busy Hardware -.douse
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt. Delivery
Fresh Car Portland
Cement Just
. •LINIE, .14-44-TER-1-.NYfr. -
WALL “0; RD ON 11 A ND.
TItUS fOltiItAN'I'FOlt1) 1001'-
•INC. IT 'WILI, KEEP T '11 1 1:
'• 111.%1N.
.11 IIAVE A (;OD
3.1:\ t
W itE AND1100 FEN( E.
• -
.••,,,,,,I.L.,•••••••••••••••• •,••
The Store Where Your Menpy Goes Farthest
Fall Term From Sept. 2nd lc_
mmimi.mmir •1••••..•••••••••••
riaticr bei -•;e 'met with strong oPposi-
• lion. "'No worse service would be.
rendeved o t Lie Cit1Se we are defend-
ing and have defended,"• he said.
Th -e- Piender stoutly- d'enied that.'
the Cove:Inner:2 toretitted such ici-
dents as the occupation of Fittnie. and-
•haracterized as "lunatics betraing,
t he cans! tlre•, jfAtherlond."- those
iio advocafed protests and "mad
.iets" against .Franc' and the Vnited
.1:141(5, . • •
The Prinier cOnlifrded his address
W'41 h 'a St 0021 01)1) .;t1 Wtthe ttsrps
to return to th.•it• pos15 •
• ,•
W sy A It M A TERI A I.
Tile Munitions Inv.
ment of the British Government, near
Th; Mak epert' inventive genius and
up-to-date- business miethods with 'a
finclinertornMereitil uses for
the vast quantities 'of waste W;ar
trial, which* the country has in stock.
The Times. of July 8 gives sonie-in-
teresting „ results f , experiments
which are being carried out by thede-
partment in sheds s eciall
riversa e estate. of "miler Cout.t.
In thecnstruction of speetril &rano
the strenth of steel wit,h only one-
third its weiht 1 for airplanes and
-iarshPs. large quantities of wood
sawdust accumulate. It has 'wen
found that this sawdust. on being.
mied With glue and cerfnTF Other'
UliStailet'S• and coMpressed, can be
planed and Nvorked in the same way as
wood; by • varying the pressure its.
soldity ezfl be altered to suit the pur-
poesfor which it is required•
Womea's slioe heel, ear trummtr for.
airplane spotting inneKines and many
other articales ean he rosh'iined from.
the school.. •._ . .
with. competent intructors-the ti
snlol which ghr-s thoron..11"
courses andassists graduates to positions. Write now•tur hoe .catalogu.
D. A. McLachlin, Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeih, Principal
_ • --- ^ 1. • - • - • ^
Tonint) Atkins l'opular th,.
('Ci()( NI-: G.many, 51:!,
Wit's!) Oe 1 1;•• 11)1204 aro 4:; -
ill mishit*
114.y will leave b. hind all (
cf.41(.it1 222prc•ssion. Isolated dist 0t
1111‘....t)retrr1al. toti it ‘vonll
wrong to for20. it general illifilVSSIOn
• from thus% A snipristing feL:ttire. 111-
1 1415 'been their rarity, in view
of the f; et that m.o. at o (won
t. Critou. and 03 intens-
-.$4.1i1 1124 nf".n. .iy. ''1
a mon g • tiro IS1I GiTriut
tom hsonie: methods in Waging
141td 1(!•1
I 'iy One 1111' British graii-
In an dignity." • . ' ' 1
lie.inse len only has liritish f•
• 1
Oectipatioil bronglit with it telaxution ' • -Poetess of -Lake 1 221 '12
of Geriii::0 Qttli•-•Itt 1 clor,intit ion, but Gderich. Ont., Atigtist; 1:9112. I'11'( 331
has also nicant increased prosperity.
.. • .4
i;.:its of 11 '5 vii3ible everywlicie T2 fi ji haLIs 1.44,-4•44,..',.4.,-•• 1 •
in the 1)ft:etaltd. Cafes, shops. te.---• t'intati.4 3' 'the ; ;,•,•
2.51% Alcohol ine Beer
Makes it Poison
THE beer of the ballot contains 2.51% alcohol by weight -over twice
as strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof
Spirits). The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating. Three glasses of the
Beer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of whiskey.
When you are asked am you in favor of beer containing 2.51% alco-
hol by weight -in shops, bars, or anywhere else, vote
"Nor -Four Tirnes-"No!"
Save yourself, satCe youf family, save your country for the destiny
God intended unhandicappd. )y ..bogze."
Becareful-e-mark your ballot after each clustion xvith an X under the
column headed "No, or your vote will be lost to Temperance.
this sawdust material.
Shells of various calibre have been
proved, by experimentation, to have
considerable commerial possibilities.
Thesteel of Which 4tey are made is
11 Many eases capable of being rend -
(Ted 4lass hard, and milling cutters
have been produced 'which are report,
e& to have stood the most exacting
test. After a little manipulation in
'the' lathe, an 18 -pounder' Alen, fninus
nose lord copper band, makes an ex,
cellent shafting eoupling; the cOpper
hands :telling at a gOod price for elect-
rical and other purposes. A ti -inch
• s.Tomes
fleXible t'•oupling, and so on. Shells
being already, hollowed out, -there is a
c:copt saVin
1/81111,!: t ton instead of solid steel Ifor
couplings and • other aticales, when
hc diniMisions suitbl; A sec-
ial • luilat extension 4.'01141n0.03 trOM
!TIM' Ptirt enkthles• waste 1pounder
eaetrdge • caseS cut into strip
bra • -s; and emitairiersfrom shrapnel
sheLs can be used, witra al-
teration, as lmps:
Ontario Referendum Coimittee
Chairman. •Trrparrr.
,p/ I S••(-,,
(1001Exeist. Life Bldg.. Tatar% to)
. ,
with an antethYst. ti 1
a tie -,...;.t.,hrinun.11
After the *cerenionyt'!-:
't\ 1c hers_elf the a!POeteSs. iil Lake 1.inot4)r.ed , 4.. th,
mother, v,Ilere a ,:tin ;-.:.40us
awaited thent.
.The rbupte
1,60n .train for "1„orofit,.
firr-t fir-;
hoint• in Thr
4, from h..1 s
one.filqn her mother .for
Atitcn.gst thL1121.10=1:, \Vert, Fr..- •
int fij a distance v. cr.. :1/4Ir'. A. 1 .
of Toitonto, an..1 *.'.1*ss L. tac..•
The af11.11•1100•11.11411.: ;11 ' •
and dancin.::fh friends
the: 1;i;iri.. p-ttti i~r0titi, , 1•11
1ht.t11 11113,11:4". , •::.•
Miss Skimmings of Grelerieh who
Huron" tookadvantatril of the. visit of
the Prince of' to 'Canada to
.send the fllowing. Littlep.
addressing the prince. at Quebec.
een Victorias 'royal heir,
Has .come • to, our fair Canada
Land of fair rnown.
Our land will truly 1;11 his heart
With a manly prie; •
And in the eoming.hopeful yeafs.
AO May, our•Lord his voyage bless.:.
Ann to his ro-al home return
wpimG iNutt.t.s
Arc full; even exonbitant priecs ;re
not acting .1S a deterrent.
Briti.sh troops liavi? parted fre,sly
Wil It 1114 it money, and. G t 1 wt 21,
trad4 smen havenot b4ett slov4 to take
lava n of this elittrootet stio.
r '04 qi iit ;,:t, 7.. 11,y
‘ ‘.c.ry.pret;ty 1‘ ti.]? .1" "4)14 the e, w.i.t.11 • -,•,-.1: 2?
1„ •., . •
ized at the Saered • Ieatt: err.trb.. - •
Teesw:ater,..-Ont.. Tut•sday. Spt. trti
'Tonto) -hs • aest) • hitt tit 14 101
113711 titc bif, . •
chi1dren v i11'rernember his ziivr.
Of spontaneouS kintines aitI .i
chivalry IA his dentranot" 1212r1 roiftl 11.1
be an intl•li bit, % tit_ttiory tor tlie
• •
fi;tigs tjtil1I 1441. .
S•Pf. 1"• .1
74 11 10 ;4:1 :I I4s01111i,yr. 1
000 57 111 nnen:plfy. 4 1
army: navy Ond ll 141 1:,.....•!•,1
1M1 US' Ha 1 • T-
in 1 3,5111..1..., of a TtV 1 1T:,)1.4 1141.0 4612.:
'10 w1 0,11 thy Kiii•;.;, -11
oponall'• If ack21ovi,,,1:24
I14' sAt l'it:•.eft; of • trrititzl
Jag a viclotious s
t3nidnyorS. of h: lot' it bin 1 tit.‘n-
selvs inhih atil s)1:: 011'lgiYl'll
to Ilk
pot rtble. $
nlitt-S-pf ,11,11
by it1srin,,1 111)4)11 !2:)1t
• • •
• I 7, i ' . , FI ..i...
yenittertt ttattlittlf•ittfirs. Atlitie t14•••:; past 1..., \\ , • :., 2: ......• ::•, 2,•A :
. 4th il-. kittl.vs.. w11, i1tIit0.. • Pt, .'i..,:41', • -14: 14.,:‘-i;:t t•
\11N1 1114 (L(i11(1:0r, tt)t.,Atri(t)rifT}TIVYrt.!•?kt.ii Itlit1t;(.1.11:if1:
...3 \1... ) • - ,... i,
way '1`.0•-)•p3:. Finnrr. Ither.• tr.: WI l- ,••,, • '::::•., , . .
,:.: r."1. ..‘' :, ; , :.-.• \ • '1': - ,
0,,, 1 ...'..21..'. ;• .1:,... th
•tictivesers•it.e for 7.1-::ye1tts... •
The R('\-. Father 'Capps, parish
St. relit. 12:1. The . 3,714v ti
the :ditiril arm
bresthet-in-litx. \1 r. 110 -142 -or
of liolyrood, :41,1 1.o13 3!1341.'I
a (1ait1ty 1.:44w et' N‘t\i•ti. ,i•
chine, triturnHvith sale tuni
-14-V1`). • la-tv,. •shiqttltor..-dr:Oles and
4'e44 ng. hr -only srnamonts
Mg a tt,Iini.:iifsih.ti'
were the' •
orange blossoms and carried a •
of .white asters and 5(1'11. Wit 11 511 I'Ti Ma
• •
,114i..,..1711 7 2: •',
• ‘:
Ilkaughtifui nu,
e I t ' fl4, •'t ::i T1- friend, 11 lltatllt' Kt
1213'•0 on
71elto looke%1 pi 11
the 11.11101..
• •i
TI:41 ), •
1 710 :7 241
be 3,117 0.1 rho voic,, 11:1 241,
.:11Ce. 1 cmiwo, ono of silhordinettes
having omitted his name,
gown of lig•ht 11ee
a 1;:juet of. !..1•0‘v '1 thenueirei i6 a t, f
3 EIP1
regularly theil takv if
sat 5 1roamors.
Tho .,..10(.111' Was, :01,•,;,6•4i. iy
tIri(k's,brothk:r. t'a-sar,
Lingside. The gifts of the groein to
tho bridesmaid WAA a gold brooch set •
thaticonta;iteelcniont!,. a.,,g needful
to an ault as to a Puild
up your strongth- try Scott's,
kelt & joint, Tempts Out