HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-09-18, Page 1$1.5o per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
The tampering with mail boxes and
even the taking away altogether of
one box was reported from R. 2, Holy -
rood. Parties who indulge in this
sort of mischief should bear in mind
the seriousness of the offence. There
is a heavy penalty, and rightly so, for
if the P. •0. Department pertnitted'
that sort of thing the .,ural mail `ser-
vice would be a failure. Guilty ones
should be prosecuted without mercy.
Mr. W. ,,,D. Cargill, the present
member for South Bruce, is again the
choice of the Conservative party -of
that riding. The ,Party convention
was lisld at Walkerton ,on Wednesday
;of last meek, and 'Mr. Cargill was the
only man nominated as candidate in
the coming election.
In addressing the convention Mr.
Cargill said that the temprance ques-
tion was the only one on which the
Hearst .Government was critisized
Persl,lially, Mr. Cargill is in favor of
prohibition. When the Ontario Tem-
perance Act, now in force, came up in
,caucus he had opposed it, but having
seen the good results of prohibition,
he had come, to the conclusion that it
Th ir.ece.teln u u
• ballot,he said, was said to be confus-
' ing,but if any elector wanted to make
sure of prohibition, all he had to do
was to vote "No" on all four questions
and if he did not want prohibition, he
could vote "Yes".
The Hanover Post of last week had
the following; A new bug has ap-
peared in .11anover potato patches
whitch-is killing- the potato bug in
much the same way as "a spider kills
a fly. This new bug has a flat back
like a beetle and larger than the ord-
inary potato bug. The bug kills the
potato bug with a sort of spear which
he carries doubled up underneath
his stomach when not using it in at-
tack. The new bug does not appear
to harm thepotato leaf, and in 'local
patches it is not. -unusual to see little
,^to harm the potato leaf, and in local
-the ground where the newbug hash
been at work.
May the numbers of that new bug
The Sentinel will be late in reach-
ing subscribers this week. Our us-
ual weekly supply o:' paper failed
to come -through from Toronto at the
usual time, evidently going to some
other station. So we had 'to send for
a special shipment, -but at time of
writing there is no certainty as to
when that will arrive.
'Notice is hereby given, as directed
by. the Assessment Act R.S".d., 1914,
rec. 149, S. S. 1, that a sale of lands
for arrears of taxes will be held at
October 3rd., 1919, .in the Council
Chamber of the County Buildings, at
the hour of twelve, noon; when there
will be offered for sale, unless 'the
taxes and charges are sooner paid,
the following described lands in the
Village of Lucknow:
Village lot 2, Amt. taxes,charges $9.94
455 72.74
! 13.03
462 " ' 5 74
A complete list of lands in the
County of Bruce to be sold for taxes
is published in tlas "Ontario Gazette"
in its issues of June 28th.to July 19th
1911t, inclusinve, a copy of which may
he obtained on application to the un-
If an adjourned sale be required, it
will be held on Friday, October 17th.,
� ..� 1919, at the above named place and
Norman Robertson,
Treasurer of the .County of Bruce.
Dated at Walkerton, Sept. 4th, 1919.
(Corrected up to Wednesday noon)
Eggs, new laid 411 50
gutter 41 50
Hogs 17' 75'
ncr+iee heavy steers......$ 13' 00 to
Choice butchers 17-10 to
Choice butchers' cows10 00 to
Good feeders 9 00 to
Good milch cow,. 140 00 to
flogs, off cars 19 00 to
Nall Wheat . 2 13 to
Goose Wheat ...r.......... 2 10 to
oats .••. •••• 97 to
rimothy Hay 25 00 to
ERRS, new laid 36 to
Batter, Creamery Prints 52 to
(rom The Signal)
It is announced that large payments
amounting to $60,000, have been made
this week upon the purchase of the
lands on which options were taken in
connection with Ow steel plant pro-
ject. The total cost of the area of
1,000 acres is figured at $242,00.
A petition to the Ontario Railway
and Municipal Board for the annex-
ation of this property to the town is
being prepared and will go before the
Board at once. Steps are also being
taken for the approvaj by the town of
the proposed annexation and the
exemption of the property of the Steel
Corporation from municipal taxes
(except school taxes). A by -slaw is
being prepared and will be submitted
to the town !council at an early date
and will have to go to the ratepayers
for their approval.
Surveyors already are here going
over the new town site and on Mon-
onday next a town -planning expert will
be here to lay out the property, of
which the central feature will be - a
park of fifteen acres much on the plan
Goderich's famous Square: This to
be on what is known as theNaftel farm
andwill be connected with the pres-
ent Square by way of South street.
This thoroughfare will be extended
right th.mlrgh to the peuth ea4of the
new town property, through - the Doak
McMahon and Naftel properties, and
to the G.T.R. tracks which are to be
extended along by the Isaac Salkeld.
farm. It is expected, of course, that
the portion of South street within the
present limits of the town south of
Britannia road will be widened to cox-
This week a staff of five represent-
atives of the firm of Brook, Smith &
French, a national advertising agency
o� Detroit, ° will be here to snake
sketches of the harbor and panoramic
views of the harbor and river fronts
and 'of the industrial site. There are
for the use of the financial houses in
the United States.
The number of fine, healthy -look-
ing babies in the crowd at the St.
Helens School Fair on Monday sug-
gested the idea of a baby show to
Mr. Elliott Miller and he, with- a few
other . admirers of the wee 'ones, con-
tributed $15 to be put up as three
prizes. A round dozen of the rising
hopes were entered in the competi-
tion, Miss Olive Clow, of Wingham,
Miss Annie McArthur, of Ripley, and
Miss Kate "McDonald, of Lucknow,
acted as judges, and no light task
did they have to decide which aver-
aged highest on the various points'
on which babies are judged. The re-
sults of their deliberations resulted
in the following awards: First prize
(8.00) to Laurene, baby daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Miller;
Second prize- (4.00) to Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Miller; third prize (3.00) to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo• Philips.
---Tuesday; Sept. 16.
Corn cutting is the order of the day.
Miss Marn Welsh spent the week-
end at her home here.
Mr- and Mrs. Win. McMullen were
Sunday guests at Mr. R. Campbell's.
Mr. Roy Beck, of Windsor, was a
week -end guest at Mr. A. McMullen's,
Mr. A. Wilkie, of Fort William, is
visiting friends and relatives in this
Miss Augustine, of Dungannon, was
the week -end' guest of Miss Nora
Miss Mamie Johnston spent Sun-
day at the home of her father, Mr. T.
Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, of Ripley Meth-
odist church, occupied the fine River
Presbyterian pulpit Sunday last.
•--Saturday, Sept. 13.
Wedding bells are ringing in our
Charles King ,is attending college
at Sandwich.
John and William Devereaux- atten-
ded London Fair,
, Farmers are busy, with threshing
and corn -cutting. -
Mr. Gus Kenehan left for the West
on Wednesday of last week.
Our school has re -opened with a
large atterfslance, and with Miss Red-
mond as teacher.
144 00
.a13 00
11 00
10 CO
180 00
We are pleased to know that Geo
30 00 Alexander has Completely recovered
53 from a slight attack of appendicitis.
Hoffman -Blake
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized by Rev. R• C. Copeland` at the
home of Mrs. Wnl. Blake on Saturday
morning at 11 o'clock, when, her youn
grist o attghtcr, Le„iia Adeline; was un
ited in marriage to Mr. Wilfred Hof
marl, of Dunnville.
The bride entered the parlor on th
arm of her brother, Dr. M. R. Blak
of Winnipeg, looking charming in
gown of lenion yellow georgette, em
broidered and trimmed with pearls
She wore the customary veil wit
orange blossoms, and ,,carried a bou
quet of gladiolas and maiden hair fern
Little Winnifred Blake, neice of th
bride, was flower girl, and Mrs. Ernes
Blake played the wedding march. Th
groom's gift to the bride was a pear
pendant, to the organist. a came
brooch, set in pearls. A dainty lun
cheon was served after which Mr. and
Mrs. Hoffman left amid showers o
rice and confetti for a trip to Toronto
Niagara and Buffalo, the bride wear-,
ing.a nigger brown tricotine suit with
hat to match and fox fur.
Single Copies 3 cents
Luckno'w Fall Fair Sept. 25 aryl 26.
Mrs. D..'C�.. McA�orran visited friends
in T: nn.dm iasIO seek.
-Mr. 'RalphKillian -has taken the
position o ssistant In the post 'office.
e .Miss Winnifred Elliott has gone to
e, Toronto to take a year in Branksurnc
a Hall.
meeting Wednesday -of
• Ladies areasked to keep in mind
the W.C.T.U.
next week...,_...__.. ;
I will be at honie on Saturday, Sept.
20th to receive payment of accounts.
-H. D. Woods.
Mrs- Herbert Ens: -i rs.
Ensign v1sitoi1 1 t
and Port Huron. .
Mr. Otto Lymburne is the new a-
f sistant on repair work at F. T. Ayin-
strong's jewelry store:
Mr. and Mrs W. J. McNall and Miss
Jsiiie were at St. Mary's last week
nd also .took in the London Fair.
Hackett --- Irwin..
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Irwin, Ashfield was the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Wednesday
September 10th when their daughter
Catherine Irene was united in mar -
Haas,. to Tlhnrmaq 11_ _IIar;:+•tt ,;;'
field. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of Lucknow
in the presence of a large number of
invited guest. The • bride was un-
attded and was given away by her
father, during the ceremony the bride
and groom stood beneath an alcove of
evergreens and asters. Miss Janet
Hackett sister of the groom, played
the Bridal Chorus. The bride wore
a gown ,of white Duchess satin with
georgette and . pearl trimmings, and
wore the customary bridal veil and
carried a bouquet of white carnation
and maiden hair .fern. Shortly after
the ceremony the guests repaired to
the dining -room which was tastefully
decorated for ths occasion and where
the bridal dejeuner was served. The
health---of`the bride and groom was
proposed by Rev. Mr. Irwin and res-
ponded to by the groom. The remain-
der of the evening was spent in music
bol vocal and instrumental, and was
enjoyed by all present. The groom's
gift to the bride was a diamond lave-
lier; to the pianist a brooch set with
pearls. The presents were numerous
and valuable showing the high esteem
in which the young people ore held.
The happy couple will leside at "Fair-
view Farm" 12th Con. Ashtield the
home of the groom.
Kincjrditre Fall Fair
Kincardine ,Fall Fair will be held
on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18-19.
As usual the society have arranged
a fine prize lits and programme: On
Friday afternoon, the big day, beside
the :;tock judging, there will be two
good horse races, a free-for-all and a
2.50• races The Great War Veterans,
-Kincardine, will give an exhibition
in•frent of the grand stand. The big
event of the day will be the -aeroplane
flying by Capt. White, a returned
fighter from France. He will loop -
the loop and give the crowd a thrill
with the daring work he does. With
him is "Dare Devil" Fraser. This in-
trepid aviator, will walk out on the i
wings of the plane while it is flying ; c
at high altitude. The Kincardine
show promises to be better than ever
this year. 18-9-c m
Mr.. will. J Irwin, of -Pittsburg., Pa.,
t'isited.•his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnl.
I1 -win, of towri, for a few days last
Mr. Roberick Cambell has returned
to 1Flought"n Mieh after spending a..
couple of weeks with his sister Mi
M. Cambell.
Dr• Parker Osteopath, will not be
in Lucknow next week nor the week
following, but will resume his regular
calls on Oct. 8th.
Mr. Harry W. Alton was successful.
in passing the Part B. Entrance' to
Faculty Examination which he wrote
on at Toronto a few weeks ago. ,
Lucknow ,students to go to Strat-
ford Normal on Monday were: Misses
Mabel McClure, Pear1-117.-Tewin, Alma
Alton and Mr. Harold Durnin.-.
• Dr. and Mrs. Elliott are spending
the week in Toronto. Dr. Freeman,
who came from 'Ottawa on Saturday,.
is in charge of _Dr-..-,Elliott's pr-ae'tice:
Mr. Geo. Matheson is in town this
week making arrangements -to move
permanently to Brantford. He will
have an Auction Salt at his house on
the 27th.
Friends --of James Spence will- '$1
pleased to ;know that he passed his
Honor Matriculation, although . his
name did not appear in theA►iublished
list of successful students.
Card of Thanks. -Ernest J. Ellis-
ton and sisters wish through The Sen-
tinel to express, their sincere thanks
to the many friends who showed much
kindness and sympathy to them at the
time of their recent 'bereavement.
Major Eddy, of the U.S. regular
army, who for the past week was*
guest at the home of Mrs. K. Mac-
Leod, returned to Chicago on Wed-
nesday morning. Major Eddy recent-
ly returned from service in France:.
The regular -meeting of St. Helens
Women's Institute will be held- at the
home of Mrs. Walace ,A. Miller, on
Thursday, Sept. 25. Subject: "lriven-
tions to Save Labor." Question Draw-
er. All ladies arc cordiafly invited. -
Secretary .
The. Women's Institute intend hav-
ng their booth as usual in the Agri-
ultural Hall at the Fall Fair„ Sept.
5 and 26. Lunch Nvill be, served.
'mild the ladies please donate home-
ade head, cake, pie and candy.
here Till be some one• there to re-
ceive donations after four o'clock and
evening of the first day. -Secretary.
Don't Burn Chaff or Straw.
Mix Cane Mola with old hay, straw,
chaff, ensilage, etc., and feed to all
your live stock. Cane Mola pro-
duces more milk, builds flesh faster,
keeps stock healthier and reduce,
feeding costs to .a minimum.
Used by successful breeders all over
the country. Sold by A. R. Finlayson,
Lucknow, Ont.
-Mffionday, Sept. 15.
Threshing and silo -filling are the
order of the day.
Mr. Alf Russell, of Glamis, spent
the week -end on the Eighth.
Mr. Geo. Culbert is home after
spending a week in London.
Mr. Leslie Sturgeon, of the South
Line, spent Sunday with Wm. John-
Miss Myrtle Morgan, teacher in S.
S. No. 3, is driving a new iBaby-
day, hest of all. I)on;t forget ; Rip -
Friday will he Kincardine Fall Fair
-Monday, Sept. 15.
A number around here have finish-
ed corn cutting.
A number from .here attended the
London Fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross spent
Sunday at the home of 'Mr. Wm. Sig•
lick's. ,
itlr's. Wm. Little, of Teeswater, via-
ited friends ,here Thursday of last
Mr. James McLaughlan -returned
home fcolu ai_1 extended trip tihr.
the West.
Presbyterian Church. - Services
next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Morning subject: "A Glorious Cour-
age. Evening subject: "Jordan and
the Wilderness." •
Liackett's_ _Church, 10th - con., ,`Ash.
field, will hold their AnniWersary,.Ser-
vice&-,en- Sunday, Sept. 28, at :11.•a.111.
and 7 ppan. Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of
Lucknow, will preach.
The Harvest Thanksgivin Services
drill be held at Christ Church, St.
.Helens, on Sunday, Sept. 21st., at :;
'Pnd7.:.0 p.m. The services will be
-conducted- lty Res. T. -11. -Farr, B.A.,
of Kincardine. On Monday evening
a concert `will be given by the Ep-
w orth Legg �e. •of Lucknow.
• rroni. ii,ti i.!�t3t Elii )(p 1' ii
learn -that the Presbyterian congre-
gation at Essex has extended a call
to Rev• J. G. ,Reid,. of. South Kinloss
church. The Essex congregation of-
Pers a salary of $1,500 per year, a free
Manse, and a month's holidays. The
London paper states that it is expect-
ed that Mr. Reid will accept. ..The
matter has not come before the Pres-
bytery of Maitland at time of writ-
ing, but it is expected that it Will iii
the course of a few day.
A regular meeting of the Presby-
tery of Maitland was held in St. And-
Tw iiiill'e'll, v 111gtrani, on Tuesday
afternoon. There was a very full at-
tendance of the ministers of the Pres-
bytery, and there was also a meeting
of representatives of the Women's
Missionary Societies hof the Presby-
tery.. Reports of the Presbytery indi-
cate that with few exceptions the
congregations have been able to come
up to- the new minimum salary. to
ministers -$1,500. A few, however,
have not been able to do this. Miss
Ratte, who is engaged in "Rescue
Work" throughout Ontario,. -_g y_e an
address before the Women's meeting
and she also spoke to the men's meet-
ing, her 'address being the closing
number in the program of a busy
The Lucknow Women's Institute
had on of ,the best days since orga-
nization on Friday of last week, when
over 30 members of the Teeswater
branch were guests.
After the transaction of business
and the roll call responded to by nlis-
eellaneous quotations, the visiting lad-
ies gave an excellent program of vocal
and instrumental music; recitations
and papers on, different topics of in-
terest. Au .explanation of the ballot
to be used is the coming referendum._
on prohibition was also given. The
thanks of the. --meeting was tendered
the visitors for their excellent enter-
..Mrs. H uston --was the -winner-orf-a--
beautiful: vase as 'a prize in• the con-
test on layer cake. ...
Lunch was served to overtf0-visrtors
and friends of the- Institute.
The I.nndon Free Press had- the
following despatch from 1 inc'o'rdine:
"The franchise is a doubtful boon'
this • year.' There are many who find
themselves in ,the same boat as Thos. •
Bushell, a farmer of Bervie, who told
his troubles to the: delegates at the
West Bruce 'Conservatic'e convention
yesterday,' as follows:
"I' had always been a "Conservative,
bat I joined the U.F.O.' and married
a wife who is as strong a Liberal as 1
am.• Conservative.
"All the officers in -our farm club
were Lill hila, so I figured that it was
a Liberal scheme. to, get into power,
but now thcy'have Nominated a Con,
servative for the riding. .
• "I don't know what to dot 1 have
the interests of the Conservative party
at heart, but I can't convert my Wife
and I hide to -turn down the 1..F,O."-•-
A pitiable dilemna, but the dele-
gates only laughed.
1 Monday, Sept. 15.
51 rsri-S: ;Fib i n, of Stratford,; sp .lit
Sunday, with friends around here.
A few from, around here attended
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Crozier and
family. spent Sunday at. Mr Camp-
bell's, Westfield.
Anniversary. se-rvices
in ress -(', urch on Oct. 12th, not ort"
the lst as stated• in Thi' S4it.incl last
week • ,
AM'r. Frank 1''innigar1, of •Seaford, re-
turned home after spending, the past•
few weeks with his other, Mrs. R.
Rev. Mr. Millson, of the Auburn
Circuit, took charge of the service
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day visited at
the hone of Mr. Alpert 'l horns %n'a
on Siinclay last., • ' _ _,
511•. Thos. McDonald has sold his
farm to Mr. M(•Farlan, of Westford.
We understand Mr. iifcl'arlan gets
possession next slil•ing, 1
Mr. and Mrs.. (`co. Richardson mot-
ley Far on Sept. 2:1-24. tired to ;London last week to ser Mrs.
Richardson's sister, Mrs. E. Black-
well, who was seriously ill in Victoria
Hospital unday in the absence of our . re[dr W ll..� a suitable candidate. u, e'x;u..,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ilarris spent
Tuesday and Wednesday of last week
with friends in London, '
siss --
The tuners: trent A. T. Davison &
Son's undertaking rooms on Sunday
,afternoon *as yin Connection with the
, burial of ' James T. R. Elliston who
( died ,suddenly it Tul•'ettb(s eft Frith-,
Iof 'last • week.. The deceased_ was. -not
known in Lucknti)v, but a son', E,pne,t
LJ : " Elliston , and_ two,._dau. er hae .
`been 1•esidentA of Kinloss Township
fol' a number of :years.
Death came to ...Mr. •Elliston very
.suddenly. He was at his boarding
house un_.: -Gerrard -St.,--Tor-Otitt; • and
had just fittishctcl the evening nx ai,
and had remarked in c,
"Well, I am 57 years old to -clay: And
the wordsawere no sooner ,pu.keri than
he. -fell over and e.::pined. Death was
due. to. gastritis.- a sadden .(1('vc-lflps
the heart.
Mr. Elliston was employed with the
Massey -.Harris Co. - He -came to Can-
ada eight years ago, the two sons and
two daughters having conte out scarce
years earlier. Ile was __a_widower,•his
wife having died in 1901. ' It will be
remembered that a sun Edward died -
of influenza at Hamilton last Febru-•
ary. tie is .cowl sed try--.,nE :-.)h,. lei=
est J., ,of K(illtr•', and' tutu d:.'ught 1
rs: Beatrice ;►11/41 Ethel at 1►rese•ilt iri
pronto. Edward, a' brother, who
lues in Toronto attended the - funeral.
iving members of the family in.
heir second bereavement within
alf-year. '
-Tuesday, Sept. 16.
Opx Bachelors. ,
At last I thought that I Would write,
liboutour• bachelors gaulr•e,
And when .I finished .count I found
Tney numbered up to fortss6our.
Perhaps _iLyou_would try -the vcou n t,
You might -hunt up as, many, more.
But surely forty-four's enough,
To have in any count;. , , ....
•Though we might easily worse things
have, _
. Still we have them a-plety.
And where you do a husband. seek,
Be sure he's of our gentry.
I don't think I'1: enumerate,
Their names in this here piece,.-
'Twould then be public property,
--And only' serve to' stir
Up strife in other burgs around,
Where we would want.it least.
'Twould seem our buys had.made 'a
pact •
To wait for one another, -
But some are growing tired 'of late;
And wandering li.ke_.1.a. J ruttier.:
Within a sea of faces strange,
Looking this way and t'other.
Nov there is
Which way he's going to fall,
To -night. he's with sweet Annie dear,
'fo-morrow,. Jei'inie is the doll.
Next week he'll- have another,
Until he gets -round them all.
Donly visits South by West,
-fia sometimes North as well. -
While •George. foes South'•by East and
It• isn't hard to` tall•
What either of these two will..do,_.
11 tiny get; "Y--es,'I will."
D. A. is wandering far from home;
His eye is on the,'Yankees.
But which he'll choose frons out Lis
To many yet a blank is.
But he isn't going there alone,
• His friends need nut be anxious.
Our penny thinks he'll hie me for
That' bonnie gay Chicago.
Perhaps there with his violin,
Ile join- join- lel the. great. Chutifitiristrrt.
And if he does he'll make things hairs,
-.1 think wed better all go. '
Tool Donley has his motor car,
To take his girl a-ridin',
I think ln'il find her close to home,.
In love and peace a-bidin'.
Tont never wanders far afield,
Ile lingers on) the side line.
i3ut It ca►1't tell you 'flout them all,' -
'Twould take a year and then some.
But if girls chance to make'a cut,
«'hent.frau,ght .w -itis- apprehension.
I'll furnish then; .With names that
here ,•
the most valuahl w of all
. pen at !i, CT I e rrn'•s't n -
iected and the least und-
erstood. r Milny suffer
_,.from ills that upon e•.
amination can be traced
directly to defective sight
The .rem.oceal of the
cause will often restore
the delicate and rundown
sufferer t-► robust health.
.. :hen -are prep"
�'erly prescribed they re
'store- the iii+,t til nor-
ntal and eliesin .t', all . --
vOt. l: EYES
will be thoroughly- and ac-
curately- examined by mod- -•
ern scientific methods, the '• .
correct' prescription is-
stied, and eyeglasses Cir
spectacles fitted with
lenses ground exactly to
meet your own
requirement :.
I'. T. ARMS l f:t1\(,
Jeweler and Optician
Paper Hanging -_
Prdinpt Service and
heat x1'ork.'
WANTED to 13o)-. is'uu-e and lut.iu Lot:know,
1:Vb,;1't. John -toll.
HOUeE Fut: 1i1'tiq'. ' 14. sic+, tit 1.11, 1�1.i:,
flatyulie to J 1'irt'� v1114t. ;.:, l i
iisGrrLST twice* tut all l.iuu-. ofpou:ti y paid
by A. Berman,- I:nyuir•t- 441 1S1itz,tci u- -(-u; 1:
Luck Clow. It.
MONEY TO LOA .-On mortgages and note-,
at reasonable rates. l' u -e lllaY1•4 u4.r. not, -
btuck and Mutual Companies. Convey
au'cillg done with neat nee.e,'alld-de i sten.
t�1i0. A. JILI)ALL. Broker. Luekouw.
.WANT.F.26.--7;-Caretaker for the, Luck •
• now ;Public • School. .Applications
received up to Sept. 25. • Duties to
commence Oct. 1st. --b FZ l dn.
tosh, Secretary " .1
T t1 E %Uii(•E._ 'Fhet•i• are .1 'II MOW!. u,
luwlr.ICullly 11(1 •.ut i11 t�4 (,Il i,t r) tn,lhl,0; ,C/i4..
tleIle'C tu.t.,►111,61+,4044l1 •441 jQ'l . 011 �, . _ _
ktM}Mb vi tete '.rt' �Tnl,l,tt,l;. t.ul 1� ,11 -t tl .
1)t)1),�'":'h tv/'nur.enIlt. .1 .0 is Jur 1.l�, •
44I/U 4 w ars: fur t ut,Ut:a., t1 � ,,till cul. u.i
et Cry bottle to t.uelilu.1' Hutt 41,11;113 alt..
Puy the,: Pri.e. :tntl" 34t.,; ►. i1.lti t,!Ju,...:,. i.,
t ua:'i►oali3OL: .
t.ta-i'p, halt,•, .
Yell. 11AUCKEli. I P.4 )1 ilt luiII slur. -r,
• LUCK11uw. CV4'4) ►►t.Ylul'-Il: .'14Gv400,, .111i
l•lll'U*4IC -,11~1X11-.. ,,,-
teuliulny te1110't•-, the 141)-u':u I to -e- tit
llhu:l-i:. .\,u Uhl tlaunt of, 11/a (Plllti k- mut'a
qu,lc1.) ACC1111:U sults N11.11 1l:Itct'LI0.1111(•111
toy llal.uuptat11Y 41119, .In .it,. Ult14:1 04411414,4
_Are 7.0o Mosler-04443-te-. vtTtrolr:
d if the Government sets a tax
On bachelors in our section, '
'(-ar that there will surely be,
.,._._ .1 so . r t.. elsi,:tsaurret'tivrf.
• If Premier Borden won't admit.
Sale of his Hout�ehold r:filets, • e :
toch:rlsh deserves a pension. his tiesidence, ,tear the G.'1••I:. waf-
er tank, on Saturday, Sepia. s.
commencing tit ;1 u'ci0e•1; it.i41.
' pastor,. Rey. :11r. Steadman. Terms cash. R. Ali char's,,,, .1ii('•
:Ir. aild''\'t
Irs. Ric ell :11nV rintiey tioneer. 1 1
attended ,the conV('n :n at %1'ingham --_ - __. _ -._ 1 _..-
I last week,-andMrs. McWhinney had• NOTICE + -
the honor of having her name ment- ��
For all marten; regarding Gmenhirs oenroto•p
(JAN 111 1' 4.0.1'1114,V 111, 10i1 -:41•:,
Lnt;ui-e-.ai..tuy IK e• +.tttr,-., r ,' ' 11
FA1C41-i Felt �.iLK • ll..ce wyi! uuprt.Vett
lathe., .44 11(11 r•.\ 111Uc- U: L11t;1,I04 . .\1, t*1
bCsthktl (I1 a l►Ifl`4,gtiu. pt 11 ;.. 1.. .1. .�11..
t Vwfc•rt+lblc 1►1/41/4,e1t,n�, :�
41,411(1) 44-,111 Nl/.,,(•-rl�tt. 11.,
44,1414. (1114. ,►44 t' VI .11,... h'
*;.lessen .1114 1/.1 4) „u•.,.'.,
.% re.) 40.44)44 Ir. (
II • ,i t
1'4)11'(-. tr,lr -,,rousts
4.4 .111.1 -441
4444 41 .lit ..,04.E ,t:, (
1 -' t •. 1•11,: 1..It• .. .
,4UI,c '
1V11.44.10:i. U..' .••., .. ,. , '1.. ,. 1`;.
1.U... .1,0) 1'..1. 1'.. .1. • .., .,.i
. . ,... ..'.
ill .t,1•141.'Y_ 1. 1/L,, •••�
.RA516 FOR SALE. -Pure bred •Cl:. •
lora, yearirtigand j 51,erne''
all .-.
• X11:1, 1►. 1, l•L\-ru41/41.
Farm for laic. _•1ti act'(•,, irv'41l4 sU6
.in -1th c'c► , ilm(l •ou4it' 11.;1 tins
et, lots 1:ti 1I1;Ul/1 ,'.th-n., o
fc .b_
1rrTV�Y.... �� l'ii 14.11112(4 iblrtt 11: �; owl"'
tsi4Lv ui•c•(lltiv:ltto►il. 1. or' 1:,,,,„u- -
lar: app.'s- to :ctrx. N i1:1,.,, ul'
▪ 1). L. •11a1'l)ozla*Q.
FOR, • S.41.1G. - Tl c►
horn 1iull't'aiv(•s; Ost,tr,t
1 cyte la togs;'1 sir
(t'1. 111' s(s\:.
___and Ot 'I'1 (if tllt•(•41'i,,; ski(:._)
' ler 19tovk of }roti
. Priced for• yuiuic sale. --J• 1..A erste'
•R is t44' itu�c. 1'1107:1n,' 1►ur::,•a14-
' eros
l.ie11'. lt; ih4.
here ioncd as