HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-09-11, Page 7'4! !- I 1, , "N' .,17,-,,- * " I ---. " -.- -- - ­ - — - -I--- --- -- ­ i4lvw;x�� T -WW -- -11 ( - I ."�, 0. Q I . . I .,r4WJ%WW;0 . , ­— . - ­ ­ ---J 1. - I 1 ��11077- - - . . ,- — --- Wn�* 1VW-7 I I - .* ., IF 1, 1� " . �, �. . 4�; " , * , ;.,, - . -- - , - - ,_: 000--- -- 1 � I I . I I I . / % . . .1 'r, 'T �, . . . -, , I .r).k. I . , . - . 1, I I . TV7117,17"O'" � �� , I 10'� ,c , I I Is 10.1 - I I � i . I , IT""_ I . � I 11 I � I I .r . . I . ,� . � . ,� 40 �. . . � :, � , . . . � � . � . 1. . . I � . I � 1-.- , . � . . � � � - I . ,,� 11 I I � . . . I , I � I I I � . , . : I I � I I . ­ . I � \ . I . . -1 I . I I I �� ; 16 , , I . , . I . . . . I . . I I 1 41 - � - I /I I . � I . . . . I ­­�­ - -- . . -,--! --- ­ - � -- ,.7 ... ... -, - I ­1q==R.9== -!--�� I . - - . ---. -- .- - - ­ I - . -�- - � � . - 7 . . - - - � , - I - .- � - ,.,..-..-. --- . I . � . I . . .. . I -- .- ­ -.-t,---- '.- ­ :,.-- ­ I . 11 1; I ----1 .." - . . ­­­­., ----11 ­­­­ ­- . , - � .1 I � .. -1 . -1 I ­., .11----1-- I .1 I . .u�.!­,�.­­..-=.­­---"-- ­­- - -- - -, - -I- ,'�­- -­ - - �- . --- 7.:� . `­= -----i!--.1-. --M;--- ­ ­ " /--...mi- - ­ � ,­­ ­­ ­ '. ,- ­­,-­­ ­­-,­-- --� ...... , . . 4X ,/- , - " , - � -., -- -�-­ --!;.t. -,-- I . --:I'-,- :-­ --i nv - - - , - . - , - , - , - "I, 11 . - I 11 I � .� - � . �. - I I I I . � . I � . . . . . 0 1. .. . I . . I . . . . I � . . 06 . . I I I . I . I I . I . I I . � � -..� !1, ­ . - ­­­,-­­' , ­. ­:­'­- I ­­­ - ­­ '... , . 9 I � I I I I --- ­ ­­ .. � - ., , , .. I . . , !� -,-Z-- . - I - - - � . ­­­ ,--------.. � - - --- -- - ­ ,- - --­ -- � - I ­ '--.--- - --- 1. . - . I - - - . . - . I I ­ - . '=---7��-- - �--- - � � I - .1. . 11 � �� . � .1. a. . I . ­ ­ I . ,. I 1. . 0 . , � 1. A ­­— - ­ 1. -1 ­ ­ 11---l-1. ­ . � - ..-I —­ - I ­ a ­­­ . I - ­ � - 4-- - .-- ­­ — --- �- ­­_—�­­ ­­­­ .... .1. --- �t ----- I - . � . . odb� .0 - ­.Wmftapp� - - - Mo.%&-- - . ) . � . , . I . � - , . -, - -- . - - - % -.-- - ... ­ . - ---- - - -- - --V,- - , ­ . - ­­. - - - ---------------- :r----- - . ­ . -- --- - - - -- - - : - - I I --. . - I . , , . - - . - 1-1 %, - I I . I I I � -----.-- -4 ---"--- -- . -.- . --�-- -�7==Itl � ) .. . 1- - .,- I ,�,-' , ",- . 2 tifile, Into tiny grubs that soon - - I ---.r ,.W- ,Z�.,,, , I . - - � ­' . I ­ ----- -0 , ,� . ,levelop into the adult iveevils These ��%�L ---� 0 0 ­­"- .. . , - ­� . . �,11111111%% 0 1 "*-- -.1..", r * I .:, in turn lay numerous eg,,-s,that sLa-rt IN TEN YEARS - ­ 11%-, . I . / ( 1001(hhf, -�, � I � . 11C.I.- I � . " . . * L I . I I -another generation that feed upon the greatest handicap.in the ecom- � . - � -1 - . . . .1 . The ' � I -, ., �� : far,ner's ':�eed., Rea4 thii weevil sigui i mercial ,poultry busirmss is the fact -- . I ,,�.5o(i Doliars ' I . � z1fid Prevent the enorm6fas waste that , t,ff Invested at 3% will amount to Sew.js I - I ",---- P�\ . it. takinr piRce annually. An examina- 1 -7 'If invested at 4%, interest com- � . . 0. 1. -%b- - i rice of eggs is de- .. --- .- A Question or Siniserity ; - ­ ....� . ­­.. 44 , '\ I . I termined by the thousands of flocls of I . I . I � ; tion of the ripening pods in the field mongrel hens which are running on I,NT.ERNATIONAL LESSOIN pounded quarterly, will I I -\ , I F 17�) 11 � r - � . .� fir of the nt;%Vly hat -vested beans in tile' the farms and producing eggs without I �XPTEMBEII 14. . amount to . .....*., .......... $744.26 _— - -- - - I � � .) ( ,iL . 1, � , fall. will show. the 'grower the clues to ]'But It 'invested In our 6112% , . - % �� 11 I I -0. . the presene' ,the owrkers knowling, anything of -the . . . 14- . �, I I - .x U I 9 '�.i e of these pests. If they ;cost of produ" . � 'Debentures wfli amount. to. . $860.20 "It Surprises you, I see, to find me I . . � I I . . ction. The bright spot in, . �� a church Inember and teaching a class . � . ­ � I .1re at. all numerous they should be the poultry business i' The Future Life----�,Iai Write for Booklet - . I i `nflf,w or tw.ip or. Uie .bouth � . t' 25: 31-4§; . in the Sabbath school"' the older man 1 figoV. ... ide, he funii;A,Aed. This is best accomplished I the farmer poultrymAn can beat the Jobn 14: 2, 3; 2 Cor. 5:*104.1-' The Great West Permanent said with a tluizzicai 5, � , D10C... Ytolir Clea.m 3 �-.-,I? J.� that 04 E, S ! Wouid ,liave no more-troublu with roup.' i it a zi . 1� i - ? , 1,Veter . % � MK .% J .'! test ev#r vv,--. " A nd. . airtight tin, or� box, with carbon, record of these mongrel flo�cksdwhlch Loan Company. *' mile that the 'What -L, :,.,.. 90-11ex-Ally sa� wkvp-n, th.; anil the general conoiticpi. of the �Oock, bisulphide. A pound of this material ' 3-5. 6 o'ld' en' Text, 2 Cor.`.5: 10.,� Toronto office 20 King St. W an remembered from the * . I I . I - . e chic ,are often poor layers; by in'twovink .. . . I . . est days of ,his clerkship -at Hastings & I . variar.eo . . � .,viild iinpro%e. Thi ,keni that are is sufficient for one huUidred"cubic his stock and raiojng quality birds —Mitt. 25: 1 -- Brandt's. � " W . ell, sometim " I � .isn't, Ili your favor? G1, . I . � . Pr ' I % , A Parable of Judgnient.' I now dying,would live to inake a pr'ofit� feet of space., I � , . . bably .v,.,.-,. .].,�;,' Llic I-'.'i:ne on the op - - . . ­ 1. - if,the containeris tight., and ,then striv 3.1 -46. -The p'arzil;lle representsA I I I - � ..- � - :­ I . 11 - .1 . - I es I�m sur-' . I . . . -erator , , .tl V ; I L .ing -t6,keep them well . he con:-, ------ prise * * Ten years I . I. � 1 if' Plenty of suidight w,-re-allowedAu Nf-�4.1'-ire the place in which the beans ; I .. L � Ole .-ike'(1.1014 station Now . -- . d myself. . . I summation of Christ's Kingdom,.when I 11 � , I ag% I - I I . I , , . fed on theihome-growh feeds andi - . 'thought 1, had � . . -do-sn't �, , - - sr,rnv�1411u,:, any,;Vasy? 0h,1 ent-er thip bous-L and A Were properly. uit! tu ;.,e fi.imigated and get the iiii I - i He shall "sit on I .1 W ' sett.'ed this -religious I . , ­ . .. , - I I I. . in- i waste products which has 9nabled, t .the throne of His I . i 0 Sell I venfilatec.. 1. - ,v r (;.,. ru very one . . .1 I .�, I Jil"')W �' WU :i I - .4. *1 ahed t I ' ' I bit- fe�t. Then for.e I , E have nuMerous question once for. all, and. settled it . I , . .. - . . P i � � . I i -farm.flock to,turn outeggs at a fairly " glory",- to�' judge Ahe nations.. - There, . . 0 clear1r, A. , " ".. Itl () I , Ji s,*,-Ie-Ctin-,- ,;. F -.-(,t, f 'r) '!iltry: hu I right.. .. 1. .. I 1. � . .; Lk i.kk,r at i n q 5t s. ,� I �Aerl...cubie feet use, one pound,6f ratinn between the, ­ �.0 . � . . �, � ta!, , , . or :. - 0, i I .. . cost of - pre'duction, towipared I . inq * * ­ fr In I I I I . . ". . 4' .4AW1 .uiries . . . I I - . tion. . . .. � ; h (,),�,� V i t it�';i',l irnpQruns, 'to. .;0e:,- ' - 4 hie, , a-41on b�' ulphide. Care,sbould be. 41 'ne-ver 'tal&ybu , 1.1 . I VIL ..o., I � . � * , i i . . . ar I : 1. S . I with the commercial poultryman. sheep and the 'goats, between the goodl, ective ]purchasers . I 1"hat fwas bkou0t . I A I ) . . . . an .1 . up -in. a Christian IfidAnt�­ * - I . I The good are invit . I . I and had .a - . . : . L I .. . praying m . � � .� 't, 1) a I. the*(,r)Ci ator "'is 16(J., Z!, .elevation. It need mt uf-. hi!6I I,ut : A ke it notto exookle a flame -near these J There is no reason why -the. Pure- d the bad. ed to A r. , - . other. I didn't like to think' . . . . . I '1 ,.'I I ro --,, I—- I I I . , 'time: ., � ,.t,i*J'- J 1!'('.(.X-Jlai.n �41vir.e I.V f it - -aI!c,;L-h' abvv,�, thaa :ev'el i,#..'. �tan,�,. as tl�iv ­ fir� highiy:. in*flammable.' bedd 46' -ed-to-lay i "inherit th'e-Kingdom" 4nd entqr "into. . I , . �.­ � A:J J. � . I r . .. . ,, w ' % . . ck'of by . � .1 I I I - . :_ . - Of. h" I.Io, �4.ate � ,C,I*Y,: I r. 4 A. e- � .- � �' . . -- ­ - I , - -1 .- I � 6 ­- I I Fa " L , - - - a4m)*t- I - -" ­ - , - . J I . or--t-8-lk- - ab,ont - ir- ---- ., "' , � .. -ctern6 - lifle." The .,ad g9 a*way - -, . ,� y As a .. I � I . . ,:I V S "', -Jtj..Jf� "i'l , . . . ,- . fro: . !i hatchirg. ner -is wort it . I r tha . I .. . . science when I t ought ho,w- grieved *11 I. 11! 1, ot C.-A.-cur;y ��!Icll ,I phice it will .p,;A,- , 44r," Another treat -1 the returns to the � ow' The'parable makes it clea Send,full particulars of h I is., a f �, -at: I - J. . y ' The difference i"YeternAl punts .ment. I n- � il, . . , I Oiffll"' 1 j:,' 'i, rriol4i, � ,,,, deat irl-'- -0 .�Jdje�. A,^ tiho ijj.est�'nt house il�tC4- ''Isrxil w o r n i s ].tit ma not prevent the ' ed to have a tw:nge of co . � I - flT',­i;i a %,' � . , � not be in . - - 11 - _WT � � - ' at-'-thkt- tim:6 � ;,-r .., ,,,, � Xe -r. t�: ri a i. u int i , d raJ e.:. -j1;-,. f -n- !. P"- 4,94,; -- �%`J:'�-h i 11' 4he - adWt beetle's ' ' ' �, 11 - I -- ­, .into M rM at d - 1. , . f., P. -It' rc is . '11, . . i . jp�t�ained aS cheapl : Weste Lin 3 ,1 - . , . i flock of m 1, " I . for I us I I , 0 '- 1,�.T e I s. . . . % us,,W.&(,V. A .. - 10 . i 'the I % "I ... I .;,operit(:th *A wo e, t h -a t -�#,,�:J r1:r1V to ,),,(�,! to h av e i I'lloved. for ther*� .� ' tr,,4. -;n three or four weieki­ I � h I I father and mother woull Le if they . .:r . . ; 11 I �- I . - i.9 ,1i%%,L,%-i­,. I n( I wi I ;;e,. considering. A- farmer -'can grow a, determ ining factor in judgment is to, your land- to . L 'It- g e r, in a hou�-e on �a dwil'p loe.4:,; iief- s-zhry to kill the worms that. have` I .. ... .1 11 when � ,�-, I r. f ,,�.; f Amlpn, M., - 11r: i.4 , " ern .. , durt . , . . I . � , crop of potatoes, raspberrieA 'tree, I be %rhat men have done or neglected. o' k I new that I had 'cut loose from the - , - . .. . . . .; I - '.. y, �,.. %vill', tif-ri. i of all ou!'­reak of dise,a--e 1,1-a#�)-i-itt+(il from the -eggs sin I. ION TRUST COMPANY - "My unbelief started- wit . ... I Ir" . ell to'rr4, t,. -.',,':h6Pln.? .;. .at )f I 11 , fruits or corn on every adre of' range I do to"'and for each other. t i -.1'. i . � . I ,ce the last, . Evenwhere . ��� 7 halve a I.-er"..). i:(,.� 'Iaexl, ti, %v,jj be far M01'4� 0 f -a l'oss tt:--,!! ..%,(.Ill,! f I'mig . . � � I � , Z t. . .ni. I . I . L _.atioh. . UMITED beliefs that meant so much I I . '? : I '. . � . uged by his Poultry.' All the waste own that 'they were Winnipeg. Man. .. ,to them. 1. . 1, � ple wh I 61.�iid 1*rn- t hat. . - . 4j, thv exnerise of ..rnovinx. A liul.?rlinq, 0 Products of the f-arui can be used to! servinp' f kind -i I - .. . " I � k I% w ,1(, .--ri't ' - , . . .1 . . I . I . --.*.-- .. . � ,, Christ their ministry o I -- - - - — - � o didn't appear to rpe* to be liv- ' . I I . & So, what -..rv. ": e. ; )()".ateil ort P . . . . I I ­ r Ir' � )ri to -do' rarn-ls, .-.nnd% *,!) is L,!,b-c- � I. .� I- 11, � - I - . -... �� ­­ � -- � -- ---U1*­­uPV"Q` their --Christian - profes3ion&----­­­. -.-.---I - � I '.:'=- r, It wasn't the badness of these people 1- � 7' . I . I I rVel. - I � or - � . u -I' * . I I 011o6rali-( I . � � produce eggs. The grave ness to those­wha-w-ere in, need I . I Sallie -may's Clothes. ' ,, - .1 pit � wil�,- - ­­ re 4��, . . , "4i, ... li, then? I v.-.0, -t-.0 II-d4rV ; i­-PferreJ-J-Ci,- 0?.e -0W.-W-+1ay sc,il --I 1'1-.gt 1 ­ - -furnish the grit If,l -the ho * . 7 ts reward, - and their - fail' re, . ' , . - LL 11 - -- � ­ ,one of ,.-ou-- %, ii, ! � '. I I I � , ppers in-, - - .1 -that iffipressV4..m6, �but � -- . i 11 - a - d�eelaeed-i , r Sh.- I , S, - The ne�essa "to exercise- Ahis minist'yj its,,puni 14W . -- - A �­ ' r,-% ` `1k-_-tkti,u —A.i dr, - I " .-� .!!., "I'm tired; "tfalli Ahe Paultry house. 'WOR - t,he 1;4,c�. . � - � I ;, I .:- tall-, � -J ­ ,�: -:,� 1; ­ �. pk,- maL­-.tl.i,m­ I .: '' I I . I----------- ­ e --m - ,11NDOWS&DWRS ___ 1.11, ... ... �� ,.- .1 . , ­ .. ��-;14- -a.i4l. ii1­%%LLntQT-,�---MAk, -4-1*-. Lf - .. ----.. 11 ­ I . I . � - a,,, ,,, 4 - . I -th -T— ­ I 13ti,?,-----o-6-tT1d.­ ­,--r.'..-If, 1�--11 #f � I I L "It Vod -- . : —, - - --t(- " - 's (" c, it �, �4Aa-r--1vc4ng,.pi" I ry, , 11 hTr'TeRt I 11 -f�r ives. It looked I 1.1--.1-.1-1 . ­ , -41- `errs'A6 rri - n__ - t To -feed the -hurrg ---givt drink qIZES ea $a im i to* me like 4 " they were -playing -1 ,,, - -11 �� 11 I I I � I ti, , st e . --c-an all be`raised in he: merit- - ry, � — I i &a 6PM game I 10rn, Ly vio4.ii.. .L. -,I ,.: I A! (. "( eS4(.,*�: *!Id to the be -lit �;UbLes�-; the h:,u-.,P- ' that i f gnee, just ,once, I could b4 n,ew 1 garden and in the I nger iiii - - . . . ��, perienci,,. .1. . i - c over field. The! to the thirsty, otertain the stra 9 . . ;r4m. Fiftd !, 0 . , , I - �. ., . S I .. . '. � I svith�*6ak Safe Je- ,­ ut bePause their fathers had plail�jl .. - I I I . t "flen - -;, r; 1 I *iil face "lie ' tfi `qi; the' un's front hat'to sho.es I'd .never gr'qmble � d ay of the well ,MRIYEWed, faint .flock 1 "it. - Finally I just dis"missed the whole . I I WhV you'r b."i I . ,� 111C I I . '' . sou . clothe tbe-nak4d, Visit the sick ,and � , . I— � ­ 1-:�,, ,­,��".-';:,� `­�-"I"".�,"". -, . I .1 v,e ChfiSt -, I ­ , ry ; 11 . .. j, I'l "I".1 ca-' i * %;. ,;:-IS I �-, . I . ser I � . . . . �­ 1i � . . I I I 1. . i . ived as people. fire begihn'ing.w - " , 7 � S L to. , I ' . I , , . ­ - I', I ' f� f.`I-o Nv'.ind,j,,v.!.1gain.". ­ --1, , * 1 h a s': a ir' I the prisoner- -this f ." I I � orr, ,1: o, V., ".1�4,-;j", Ti', I "IT71--ijilne ��riro-i-r 1 7% , . live awaulea& ; I I I.: -,a ,�q I '0 . .1 � , , , 44 AL ' ,;,I ' "' L - I , I'L I WritefacPxiae)L1.-w,- : subject as,an utw.,orn AAdition, and % ' I � I ­ , 3 g's ", as ' 1. Alify ,,for1Ahf'<eter A[', � 'T , A. 11L I � , I ,.;, . L . 01L Inswe wifttel 1 '. I acting upon, my -11 �� . . . : . .. I I . � .. . 11 11.",-.­1�41114­4#A I 'f�­jh 1, o , , �anyhow," Pa -declared -------- ''- * never before. -Meat-is sesir�- -high-, . Comfort. . � sincere convictions. I I I � 'I, ik�­iv . t, . * I - , ppr�lc'date,the .Value'�.:!uf!�.Tre fi'.,'eg, n ewn, '� believed that I was ' . . f0t* y. -I!- ,-I : ­ -- ,,i, - ii: w '. ". ­ � Thal's, a Migilt nd'L: ut , ,,�,W­ - jpV�ijl _� I -" 1% U ni,(� L " 1. , t; '% .,!, : �.; r." :­ V, i- 1; ;;;: L �;i � . "iL IL&I i,e I , ', .y ... becoming"I . iat�f' I ­14RIEM I , �� 11 � -- 1%*1�1141� �­.�:; � . t b� -At . - ,; 0 z.0, , :�"tl',­,V�A � �� It- L " COA, &wJm fuel . yoll '�- lt*vi�a : F'� .wor, ., "Trk �Oi"otizqfl�:�: . , � � ce and Not to do these things is to merit '' I . I (. essary con,,cro,on 0 MoVe - titnation. I ALLI , 1 ,4 � . . . I I . touched 1, h e rc.,-,.Il,1t.ir) r(,w, .l1hng.1 nece- - 41 "A Vh "Yes and il and epr . ! C - I . ' �) . . I . I n :., c I I . just look fit my gloves L gs will probably follow the oncre DAY COMPANY, Lam "Here is whei*e , i� - . ­ I �. .- . - ,� i . rend. of meat prices. 'The ' .1 � -ed feed. ')'V - �h .1% I - - ,,,3ilC..1 .t,. ,zimple .it N t 11 -'� r: 1 -�: v -- , t, w: I L b,-, t � ve mended them and. mended them, t .;.-The Bible unmistak-ahl' tiache - -, ­ ., � I'll . . � . I - . � I ! it clea,11, -11141 tile niore space. and mended them. I ha U, , . IP i V I - . ire ]in to do odd jobs round - . . -1 I rdly dare to ch future f r well managed poultry flocks. I , ': I . . . . I . . I . I ation by faith, but it is a faith IN �VACTQQY'tJST*i@uT"g­ , CA Ben Luther comes. w 't ��� . ., .. ir ..,a!" -Ole enKirf� o � . o' P, re is -a good . y a sal -1 ' I 4 =AV1% I ,, turn \,iiv �,#­,,mrci'or keep - I el in. - F.h' 'd hi ' ' � I ' I � - " � 71 -i -i -t -w, ,there will be for tbe chicke:t - I works. See Jamu 2:. 14-18 and. 2: the store. , He was a stranger, to me, �Fl . . . speed, ,, nything with th,p tipi, of in " rs! in the hands of practical farme � i . . ­ i I I , ('r, %vP ­Wi I I tak�-,ft fur . - .. . y tinge , . . --- - ... . I .. � . . . � , I I .-s. 11(;At- I rs, but -- - r - . )MI I . ­.. I. - - 10. . - 4.- - - and, beyond his o*n,st,atement that h" - - � � 1-f%i . � ; is feed andj , True faith finds i . a . .. 1- I I - ! Cor. 5: expr�s-1 I , . I k . gr.-nte-�* th"t :. -) t I all,ti ., e k ep,, t�,*. ; - - h, Ing p1qtforms- ., ,.e bet-ornin- -very, for fe a r they'll leome througii. And the, man who buy -s .all h; ' I . . .� I . - was an orphan, with no near relatives ' . . . : A . _ . . , I * creall) (mArtlugh:y . w pat , r oul�fy meat at mark - � I I . I I . : . ril i,- r v I , v%-io, I - , last Yal.1, when I got a tie of: sells eggs and p et.; Sion in. all good wdrks,land.it is thus ' , I . I ; 1, . I - - - - - - ., .� I . . .hr- - popular, and they are very convtn-1 , . . r Ix . I :1 ;erit, especially ,-;,.here oniv -1 fow fo%t!s � ' t . I knew nothing of him or his family. ..� 11 � . S 6 U r. . . . lo'ZlovPs to -o to th-at rece�Pton to Mrii;.J prices is not apt to Stay with the I that faith is tested. The judgment of ,' , .1 �, . . ? I , "' . � I . . . .� T� e n WhY rlov.'� Your b-st, f a I I ..,;ho rti? �% a e . . . s,xindef-, pre'96ht- condi'�10113, if,- ,,,d, we may. be .very'su�e,' will tak-i ,Later, a rumor drifted in from some- I � 11, -, , :N " . , ­ ; . re k pt'- The plcfforni, 1,e; , MCCRIMMOWS - . I ,- 1. I , .. I . ShOUH , Marsh, - ! had.:a �,hote in mV,,�hoe. OK" busineq, (" . I . I � I ; � . . . . , - I I We' 11,� tl-,e cfaL(jijt,iun,,or your colv',, may, placed in tile .-t:ar', " � he figures closely the- cost,g i account of what' men do in their re;sw I . : where that* Ben's' father had been . Ji �. , ..'r t -Le hodse, abo-lut � of �-ourse it %�as in th(- sole, but you - f pr9due- . ' . ,. 4 have is"Inethif), to'd, : thrp,e " b.,j 1 know i , under 'arrest for 'mishandling montey, I 141 9 fIr ..., wizh it. A cow I feet Jioni tbp floor, art(] t : What shoes -look like by the'time! tion'-o'f eg . ith each other, ,and,n'o pro- � I . , gs and,meat. - I.-lations w, . 0 . I , mou a�' )� nd I Suppose that made me think of , . ' �, ' - ! I ced ei,,-ht or ten in(.111e.4, they rorne to -holes in their soles.1 I *­ � � fession of faith will ever be -complete �, : , does.n't, givc. .(,,i I te ;1,; , i, , I ',;, ' Perches p!a' -' . . TH WASH �- � n .:k, wiren, , . 11 - I . . . ' : � � .. 1. in itself without the doing, or the will" , W Ben -when our . cash drawer counted . . . . le .--,h(. i. n't fc-l� , ' . above it. A ,­'-I)d place �,,,- ­c!,ts ;s' And . 1. . ' ; . ., � iri4 iTr,, gt):)AI. � . Cows'�' , . . I .1 I if,_ by any h1most impossible; I . . I . - . ' ' , . � i . . I . L . - erW Mouth Algsepgc j� ,short. . . - . I ­ � .. - 11 - �11 -lvri;x , -:,te -.,,-all from the doO"L;. ve. new -loves and hat atid 1 . T) . Y) n e, ss. - � � .1 I . I -­ -1 I have t heir OT-&-.1-Z.-�, Thon 1 a -'Lliv o'ip,-. � . chance, I ha 1, I � -A Univ I � I . - I . . i . I ... ,- to, , , a rainy, . I � . .. . I � ­ 41rb � to do. deed -4 -of mOrry's d- k;' d - ' ; "I . L . ­ . . I . "I - � -- 11 , . I , I I I I I .. I � � . I d4,%1.r,i-.- 'I � . ,:. -- . I . I I . . .. ­ - I -1 � ­ . I I . � ' lot -Py - . - . - ­­ � -�,l ,---iz�V-,.­-.-;,;.0 LWO, or , " .. , '.. . - .,. --z:w ­- - � . , � � 1, I , . I . I ­ . - - *1 . ­ - li I . ­ ­�,"­W.� ,;i,.��.,�,f,4 Ir � �1 A3 , ,0,-? � . J.--. ­'.V�&`�--I'­:.�-,;­A Av.,�-t.. ,x".t� �- ­�#- ,.'.))OP�; ,;0 -W." ,�� V. , . . 11 - -': � I !" I'l 1 , ( - . I -�r-f% .ttlZ ,1-m-,za-­��%;, . I -?n tne'other h.ind, alatent, une4res- I . , � I . 0. 99 : ' . Oahe& and Sore Ginim ree . Pil - . over I roubled hearts. Be not troubl-� . I I L a3 ' 4 , '; Scvcral I'm making last year's.'spit go ' I fort to* t "' . Y'u are fee,lfn- the same f ied, that! May b2 'darli-(,�*-�yl ,someWhat. , " , � th times, and a marked bill w , , � dovsr't pr�,<e A ,.,. Afwa�:- of,,t,,l , , siiiall boxes for sand, ,iil.it, bepf' "You poor little Pa Wilfirltv Pen Before `tlV fall -litters come on an,4 I in deeds of self-osacrifice.a I t I . : .missing, I went %&� '�* I 4 . . � e same - I �-, .� . I hd self -f"or- [ , ­ op to Ben's bVroing, ' . I 1, . I . I . 1 place ,one afternoon and got permis- �, I . q,iality. . ' ­ ' , .11 I :Icrap, ..kAe. &.�ed about , the side wtilpalhized. . 11 fa I I feeding begins is .. an excellent � gef f ul kindness, or in heroic :de ion i . I Another 'thinit! ' ' , walls a' few inches from the floo''rj "'Who's' Pa Wilfer?" ,asked' Sallie'time to . I I. 11 .1 � � 1 Sion of his landlady', ,to search %, * I . � . ' Doh" allow youl'', I -, - . start ..�Prevebtive. 'ineasuresi to some great an4 worthy cause, as, . 4 his . " " . ... . . * . . , . Cream t,) IA(�t 0IPV ,() t1dek in tl-!e wil!t,. 1. , %ind a wate.ing vessel sls-oiili�'comtjete May. "I don't want � Bjjt� ngainst hog cholera' in the! we ha %7e -seen L I room. Ldidn't intend to make a pub- ' . .. . I � A 1. to be him. . Ilere aga again and again in the � . . rnonths..- --It is iri! r),o4,z;1�I(--, 11) mix th:LA: Lhk- .nter.ior eqiApment. . qves .like that make you feel .-is if i old adage that "an nunoe of preven-I expekiene-es of the great war. Surely ; lie example of, the boy, and there was . . - . , . ­ I '' . - . .. - I gl" . .. li;- 10 - I � MCCRIMMON'S I a bare chance I nii-ht find something . cre�,:i. t'liwoii�Wy .Pnwigh to givL- .�. This arra C. you might be anyhody disag ti n is worth A pound of cure" is many men and women 'Nvho' P� � , - ' . rigement �vijj �, !enve th relable. , in an hour I that would satisfy MY own thind. . � . ' I "Pa� Avilfer," Pen en �3 hep,! doubly true. Sanitary measures be-: Of 'high deveLion, putting aside life . * k1ii'. ' � ront and south. itall,Clear 5o .that -a � . . N, � fair t , The Milk .vill. naturaily set-' � f ­ . lighte . t - I I . ' ' . TOILET WATER , - 1, a I . -..I'..--- L wa& one of the creations of a ce-taia fore the hog,is put in the house will',ind what life had to give, 'ofrere& . 9 - , . 11 ' Winer. I number -oft windows .:,a,, 15,6, put J.n. I " pockef'Blble, lying open at a chapter . . I . tle, to t:­�- b6tto'm Of the �roni 1, � ; ,I did. It was a sin- 11, much -worn I SUbS(-,;1:'Altly 016 thick Cr(�.Ilnl on tbpl There air(-. fcw pou'fr, h,,1.5,s 'tliati.Charles Dickens. And h7s motlev,L! largely prevent 'pidemics' of disease.: themselves u�on the ,altar of friedom' . .- . A I I I � e ' nir, - ti�41-��--� it 6 il -,..,) -,1.J,th-(, I' , , * i A -SlaWew Ant6eptic .th&t. y �... . - .­:­ - ­­* �� .. t .1 ­ St . I .. ... ­4ambition, was to haVe a complete n �W�-- Other dis�ages thOn and -humanity, will" be' f6uh(I ' marked b a turned -down leaf. The:-,- ' I 11, ' I. . � will.- in smlf.;, bcvorne ha�dOned, �­ � I I r i, -v­,*-t-ow­ space.;,. . e . "'cholera are. .Y among, ' . ' I I I , . ath tn F,-. artl rnil�cs,' 1 hitioh . of mark had been in . 11-Impy. A tl-.,�,rout!h mix.;,,- ;�, ()Lit of' tinlig,lit i,* ,J-., . �. , suit of clothes, hat and haots ineltul ' i Ausures Peded Daintineu. ade Yearsbefore, for' - ­ I . S , I ed I often -caused by unclean ezonditions in',those surpr';sed by the recog" I . the (ill.estio' - �-,) roost -r. tsi�,­' , , atiorl, and ir, -uftt.er it ftl,.11i' - I at ore time. He aehi+-.ved it finally'; the hog hou.ie and -pen. Christ"and His saying, "):e did it unto I . the thin paper was cracking, and it I- ... . . . n ' -rogul. . . I , sh(-�' cronsider- . SoThe of these' to I I I I . � Sel;e"', whtitevt,r you c!, ­i ---I- -" . . 'So will You-, some'day.,�­-,;­ - . I came to me like a flash 'that it w ­- � --- I "tl% . te� a b le wni* �fi . . ' are-- sore - rriobth, bti I nose; it crosis, of - Me. A, I . . was. - - , , ,r;th--atA ch,ccr. I t prowmt�ws + ., I . ... . . 104i;� havc A ',)-x-(-r but m,f,l'1- 't(ki't.'-.Fur- hen16 it' ­ . A. i. ot if things keep on happening.?s i the ears aTid tails, and. the' swine' The Father's llouse.-John 14: 1-2. his mother's' Bible, that lier fingers � - .. '. . r i encoo ragv� exe­eise. - Ex- . I . - ,hf-rnlorck, creaw thcit %% I � Sallie ,May grumbled. -rt i lague, or oontagious � Tbi� 'is Christ's great word of com-1 I hd . . I " I - . . . TI t -est 5-5 per, creis(� is ih.;Ypurtarrt in w.inter, for, as, sn't be- - P pneumonia A ­ ., . � , . 9 I "I don't know that I ever made a i ' . . c(n..t. bAtcifali leaves at lea4, 1 per a �ille, e',ilckeris are fed too much and � cause I'm one of th-ose sacrificing,l which�,,often develop in �uckling. or'" commit our- spirits,intQ. the hands'of: I I � . 'cfmt. of the hutbZrfat in the . I ' . . I I discovery that affected me as that, one * ' . skimmed are inclined to,becorne fat a' I heroines yo use I,nl � weanling pigs. I ed. A pl i MCCRIMMON'S ' 11, . . nd, 'lazy. i. ace is prepared for you in, ' ' '. I nlilk. Theri-fore,-circ!am testiry,z f rom .-Such. A -Len will -not'lay dr. be healthi. not. Only theres always' somethim; I A few* hours spent cleaainip� dt4t, ,+1 the Father's house. There is . I did. I went out of the room and made . i I , I - plenty' , I . I .1 er cent. N% ill in. the Vni net The fl(,u*r of the potiltry house should s last, litter and manure may, save I I I the landlady promise n ever to mention � I '25 to, 10 p . . happeMng, like Betty's si�knes you 7a! of room, I room ,for each and every I . i r4y visit. What T had seen would be I .. you. mor,:t money..' . . . i'be covered with clean straw and the i. winter and mother's acci�llent last! good many pigs I Rter on.* A reliable' one. it pace prepared" by our Lord � � I . . ' ! I I I ... �, -Now to the operator: Son -let i ni Os'.! chickens 'eilcouraii*,ed to 'scratch it. I .Jhe isin ec � And He i ,- 11 - � worthless as evidence in any court, � ' I week, and- prices. going up til ' di - i f tant should be appliA to the afid Saviour, Jesus Christ. I ANTISEPM . . especially when you- rush, him throuph Feed st,atterv-l- in thcr straw will m�i: hit the sky,. and people getting jr.ar� I ,halls of the houses, troughs, fences,,! who has prepared the. place will comej - . but I dismissed. MY, suspicions. on thet, ,. , ,. �. . I � . - ' -st. lie mient -gr -1 . .'and you having *to give -theni! and. any other. place- where ger M's � again and take us each to be -with' (Von -perfumed) * -, strengtl of it, and later disclosUres I . I.i. w;th your *te * .t . little L,e wastcd, f(,.- the hens will scratch! ried I . I . , . carelesshbout the, proper- tempera,�ure. , lt.,�U,t.- -.1.............. . . I presents. I don't see hg�v in the world, might be lurking. Creolipis efficient: Him. Therefore we look forward to], proved that .1 did right. onerator . . you C . � I A Valuable Face Lotion for Strangest oi all, the incidelit � �, So don't try to hurry your.. 11 - . I I ( ontrive it, Pen." .. for this purpol.e,'and lime is good. Do that last event of life without fear. � - . . qm. A The " "It's a secret," Pen declared. - -I ' not be afraid to apply plenty of 'the Like our Master Tender Skis& . I thirwif,11i with your ere. Bo rem ' ", eev �' , r I Himself, 'we' shall! 1 f or"ced me to, quest:on my own sincer- ' . . , . , .71 . 11 signs." . , . � I ' . ,ituidax- is. ru,had,-A-ay. to, , -1�1 , 1. � I --yDn- proirnise . nevar - ioJ - d I . . � I—— --- .. - - " : , ember that -S. 4 V1-tLyqq ity., Had -1 found an open book of, ' , , - - ­ --- . "..." li, a. fty - a- -6u--qi el --of � I , wJ I I , - isJnfectant. , and .see . that. -all -the commit 'Our spirit into the hand of if -- . .. vm la� %PL- pe-ag --is. - iidiz, I , . br6 e it to a s I I , �isfory or fiction or poetry in Ben's . . . . . bring erLaM to market, for tll&t- is- One " ' ath e sdul?" . the Zh- - � . . , destroyed rvery y�e\ar, by'* the, depre- I corners, especially. are well treate...! God. We shall jgat � . . . _ _to dwell. . -1 � 0 . . ' . . . . usi.est -days. Quit(— -"Cr'oss my heart, hope I may diet--,� The same 9terilizing' process is use,3 'Father's* housi. 0 4k . I I �. room , I - ottid have gone on with my I , I : clk . I 0.1 . I I � - , . rs . '' ' ­ .' b many Fac�� I .- I � - � . .. 1- . I . . . -, W of my custeine, ire 'I'tion. , lie UiLy promis'ed ­ -, - , ' _ ' I - search. Why was. finding an open . - fe - - a v oi � I * , s of weevils. 'This is- riot �I- ,g , 1- ­ , I Y . ' i "After all," as.. . .A. e S . al . 87-ful feelers in the one � - ' t e feeding rnel- -, which they usL- for -their, .id, "immortality it, a d1leary' pros-' .1 irst iert 0 It . -,at . ay rti.-rh .by 111�in'--itl',` 'lliLl'the f rn r' , rt, as much as it is I the Satvrd, Jtf,'Jo,�,et-ller,*h' re'-ult'of carelessness on, "Well, then, the ' f--, , grelt nian' has I Bible different? Why should I judge I a r e 5 na . I , 0 W. 1 ; the pr�bable -character of a stranger 1 I their cream on Friday. , 4- hi.,ro;-ance-of now to deal with isecret is. I don't!"-. . .- i sheep and cattle. Many'times thero Peet -if oux Father is not in it.' MCCR,IMMON'S . I . I I I . ! by the' fact, that hQ read, 'or ,did.not I Anotheic- thing aliout #he,' rush,�d--- I - "You don't,! Wh:o'- , y ­­jI * ' ,'are disease germs lurking around that Adams Brown (The Christian Hope)' . I 1. � ' ' ' 4 PcAs, ,One should know how'to* "read . 99 11 ".-- - Way+, . I - I � I . I I look— , , . -" I . i cause serious I read' a dP�credited book? . through tegt on a bWy day is tbat the I the siqns" in a sample of* beans'if he' I . ; I losses which might have sa.VS tiuly, "If we w.ish to make faith - DISINFECTANT and 6. . 4rid Used to eat the whcy " I'll ,"And the second pn'rt is." Pen- pur- -1 i k ry' i ihat was the beginning. I decided - . I I . - f rom tbe, %rotiild prevent- damage f rom.these in. ­ -.1.1 I been pr0krented if proper - sa 'I in. another life -m-edible we must fill . . bt4terf a .. . J --d "I h i nwa-otre,, . I � I I - .. ffi­ I LS49 -1-�.,A--DY-m-ot,i7,e-�tWpl�c.�"�- - - � had been .taken. , s life with val". .DEODORANT - fillat I wasn't rMU1 slinr,ere in my, . .-,, -� I ..-1* t-.takLs, -effect �q c -P. - -pit . --:-� ---!-AnJ the 1"4chl-'sit" I . ' -- i, - - ,n( 4:,Un J.&ev*s, 1 er-4m-44fe sen!:ty11­-11 Tr a .. . & & - � thL � It. - -skepticiam, and I set out to make my- ' ---,- i..!� � � . Hypnotize them!" , I - 46 ---� i way to do this is*to discover w,th Dr., . I . I in t "I Uen , ' 44 --- -- I , � . � . . -1 ­ � 1. srquc.ntly, in makinx vt ltn,A' four, Af. late winter -or early h,e spring. 1 44 Exactly. "I I I I n honest mr.n.. I didn't believe it ­. , - .. - -:'�­ I teSt3 .,,.t once, the operator ha -4 to do-! ,111 (!x, - Myself fir -it of ' is in -it --the A Powerful Ododess Gem- !d carr * . I imination of V -.1e bean,.p; ,%�-i, . aft. T . t1a,mmertoe. : Rainy t�at ."our Father - ­.­­ I I ­ 1. . 1;Wt.,.ttW­W .11 II show Wou - soTna-::moVi---- I'll Z -1-w: - SV, iyon't ailpW my"Jf-_tq I I � y me s(T far as this, but it . . - . . * -�a Weev . - -­­-, �­---- - - � . -.--77--- . I . U -ten" to -be;- Tive' W`t4i a Ad f ull _ _ . ­t1lillk about the This, is a deforrafty of, one of thib� Father whose )oving purpose for us icide - that - Instawl? Absorbs AD I liasr." ­�-­ I . . �1 -- I " I battles into the tc'Rtcr"It onby requirf.,s, of rg I I I Shoes that Ican't hnve, but I keep re-' toes that"cons" i and for all mankind Jesus has reveal- . I I M - I 1111 e'holcs. Thi3 .condition codld I ists of .flexion of the I � 0 -- . Ilve 'inutes for t1w a(,Id to minding mys,elf how becoming .my hat. middle joint so that it ptojecti above�.ed,,and in whose .4?rvice, which is'at � . I . - ­ .1 6. a Lim er- . . 2 . n � czlt -tip have Vetin pr'evented,ba.d ,iu f. I Other Odon. - I Thle Old Town. . 1. . the whvy,' and the testZi- i,k-supnose(l' , A is. An(t I hold mv head wit'h --,',ttc'i an' the level of W other joints, an th'e the same timeAhe service of- our fel- . I . .. ­ in, in. I)kc late slimmer or eArly I . . ' ,�� � 1 kno%k L � ' I d I . . . to' -bo in motion all tl-',,t* thilo. ' ai" th,it fieol)lr all have to loolk at that tne itself rest on its tip - of on'lowmen. we find our freedom and 6ur' � . . . . I I Oil-'. fall, how to rend tile ,,wcevil signs."I hat to. S," Is instead . . Tile 64streets are.strajklit anA'wide . 11 . . . .. . . ' J ' 09 - . I . . . - I . . , � of those minuto,; p,j,;.i:.cs 1)ef"`1.'6 thul Many -a per-�on�would have sworn what makestne'so" p4fte,J. the padded under surface. Lookell at.' � .1 . . I I I . and hurrying on every side " - ' , I . . , peace. I ' i , .. . 0 A - - 'crowd ind cross' and ride . . . k . tester get'q ii, molioll. Part of 'your.! that tile -hc' a-,, so UP about it. And so they forget ti ,side�wise, it Is suirgestive of a tack! n. Incorruptible. Inheritance. 1' MADE N CANADA ,The people. , I , I . . . I I - . . - 9 � . I Peter 1: 3--5. ,rhe apostle .-gives thanks I .. W, . s t , , I . . are'rully ill a� .iack in the fall were - f shoe,; hvtnimc!r* whence its 'name. - I . . I - butterf,ht is eaten ill). T)y tll(� .,IVid, beii: C. look at my shoei4' Coi!tversely, i and elbo li'l . . ,. ri'd free 'from b6th are thy 'strong point, I su�tly draw'' 'A'ny of%the toes maybe.thus de-, od' for the '1iving hope" to wfiictr' I . .Till .down' . , I %cRUFe Ole nintion *of tb.-, tv,z'ter gathcrs Pcrfectl� . 1 to G ' the paventent.'s* noise and � I 'i � v. healthy ,n ' . ' . ;;; .1 . li,ip, ltutter.fRton top fn-thr t"t -buttle.­ jjj-,.�. . . Ah'�ir attention from my" face 0 we M� I C6xzpounded Solely by *Uepal your fee't olt�(T­t�v to* � . - I .... - - .1 - I S aud-dhease.­ B.".il 4*0­ft loo!i ' t f equently it filhe, ve been Frought throagh our - ---- - .1 . 1;..------ . - . ---- ­ , , , - - -.. I I . I them carly in the spring tllcr.,� w . as i I-lilgMy dei-orali-V 1:7 bitn.od'u Pon the ' . . 't-f1'VT1-.-VV,-1"fs htirled (), �ernf-,)r brip- --,,Jt-� f-fortunrite .11V .-Recond one; tfie trouble is caused b�.­T-nif`h in Chi �TT,a-E`ope SWITter feet, pens, to get the. te.-ztf,r filled al)oyc the "Vi -night have know . the 14CCriMMOn's ChemiCall, . ' � The pulses.1 of - hasttmis- -, � ' ' '� ­ ­ I I . � - .hard[y. -a-- -44w, -a- -titem b t a . . ­ ----- ri­�ou-ilvtirk tiehs- . bik toe' being.' deflec' . resurrection of Christ from the. dead, - t lie city. -as, it . "I , it wh t had I I ted-, outward. i ,'- , I . neck with wntei, at the first Orr.' , Ing," Sallie Alay Protested' ­Yetol! This dinpl(nicement'-of the hig toe Limited I taw, � . . . I '�, r'. � . . holes in it.. Tht weevil'odor-and count- 6 X . cal-, Because He' is risen w' . . I � � . p ' , :�,­ - L . she added thoughtfully, , I dQn't know 'led in medical Latin hal.lux valgus, is, we, too, aaLlt'risb azain. Because He . . - - But oh� tlw lit' -'e town -streets, jhe(--- - , - , ­ .so�me ,,of .the buiterfat-J.s-,preverited WN% numbers Of .i?14.4cet I rried - .1 . 4 - --top: '�l i I lie h I e n t m4ually the result of wearing po entered into tlw glory of the,],*fe � 11 Phone M. 5877 9 d n streets.- � , . ­ . . f ram � ecming to, tfm c .. si,'�;Iccomplt � but what thiires som.it'hing., - i , stiftei" '' : � - fi-iiih,fin- tip 'and� -ow � 9"1`51%�(111 'Ift" Pii'-z con it '01 . W . . . - - . ', . I . . re -did t e in."cts' I intedi has ... . I - ly the nvid get.4 it. � I all " I shoes. The- inner side of the shoe ! eternal we also shall -6 All the twists and turns are Just tile 'A � , - . #�, � 0 . I .gO into the seed ? The answok is not,' "'There's herip.; in it," I �.. , nter-� and live' 29 RICHMOND ST. EAST* I , . -way they used to be, . I . . I " ! hard -to rhu'l. Attiched t' , P:sn a.isured' ihstead of being straight, as it should'�&With Him. Richer than any .earthl.v' I', , 'a 1. I o'the beuns:hor. 11E,,;peei , TORONTO. ONT. - i You'd think the Very'dead you ]knew . I flialth a,pd AP Poultry IJOUAC.- .! .1114 unnoticed to ,the practiced .e�e ,a ]IV if You keep your bie, bends to -'ward the centre, and so inheritance is this inheritance 'in � . , J, . . O%Vn th,Qughts WHI hvwiolized first of , fOrMs, a sharp point that is supposed heaven. "incorruptible, and ' . I . might rwind , I A f,,%v days ago I was taiking-with %V6e. soine tiny white ege,ni that. Fop,n I - * - I untlefiled, . 1. . I at YOU. a lan.0 and vaille . I � 0 , till. Tiv it. Sallie N11Y." I i to .-ive heauty. Tile shoe may be'11hd that fadeth not away." For thi ' . . � - a n-Clighbor wha Ili(] been having o ic hatched into tiny woirrrl�a t)j it ' � . n I S,m . I �, . 3 - grew, -- . i rp�rarde(f as. beau* tiful. but the foot in-' we wait +ft---.4teftd1`At hope, -Arid f1by th - - � ft I . ... - I �rid- -nod lak corpioess wet . . -,- .. - I � 'to these pests. The; . .. . I trouble with roup in hi!i flock of and -develope'd in i* . come'- In the , . chickens.- Some of the liens that lie holes in the beans, were n1ade by the � . Combat � �abhsre Dfseas e 114. ca5ed in the shoe "i% in proces's of power ,of God are guarded through , - ----------J- - = old way che'erily. . . . .. .. . I . 1, . niz deformed. ;-faith." The.full signific"' I Save the Wheat. . Nid lit'cen depending on as bi-ing, hi.ti gro-will-,, %-0r-t1i,s'-Avhick--dc,yelop Jiniit:z� wtmw "t I becomi * Ince of it- Is The. city*s ga. , heaviest egg Producer,; had died, antl of the'. -seed, k I .Von - spend- z -nirkel to"4ave' The deflection of the great toe is' not yet reveated, but it will be e- The arch enemies of stored grain v and wild and kind.*a�nd I I � - .r . full 0( Jqy for you to, find; �� "t-06 i,. .1ding Tile' - ; five acre..; of rRli6age? if vV11 Would. 'lot neccs!�\nrily Painful. I;ut it results ,fied - "in the last time7 , I are dap d Ls---#rati' .�nd all Its ways t1lat cross and wind . L % tlii� disease s-eniled to b'e Spre. . . vle, I ra I pidly. The fo,wl.,,, had free . . \�;vevil` IaY,; its t:nv egg..; on the trf at yflur seed next year, ,for le�zs, wwually in the formation of. an en-: I and mice. ,An elevator with a T�N,kyj - I . -range r . - --- I 11 . . .. . P11 naturhig- pods of benrs and, peas than rive conts w.ort * 4 re blithe eich one, ��'14�- .. ..- I I ,about the farm.' and from ey 'a,pp'ear -is 11, * , e h of- poiKon will hirged joint aind a bunion, and nlsc(, I * . . i roof is on'ly a little worse then one it-.,, 11 r-tr beckoning and. . -- z - --- - __ . I I I 11 -- sn a her Flanu., ihk4rft-entry , I ' , � appearances therp se'enied to -sPlace.,R the w.emn'd toe,�,which rides' DWI Weat .- I a 114W - .1�1'1.1,i . . . ,. .. ­. I all 6utward wheire - th wh't .'suffice to Axesit. a ywund of s"J. whieh. di- . to rat* snd-rrtm�--' �-P; F1 sweethen .1 ­ . he tu�- tsrerk�,. Upon exitminnti�n)the.qe ri ' ' u,gJVnj­9* the reckoning, . - I . I -- , . P` ' T111 trrMv C.-IT)b-apric pla ' gr'ent toe or bends into the � Well 'rown gera' iums. sto' �y, %vell resent 'price of wheat makes a; you spring I . . ' ' 9 n, ,:- . . . 11 . .- * ­ or not plant. e. . I S to follow after 'till %our ease. .The farm has a th rif ty .appear- t�e . aped, plarcts are exce1ent for win * � . � , * � haric -of the,rhammertoe. The bending s h . . , tellibg appeal fi)r ratproof eonstfucii . I thing that coul(Lbring nhout,th�- dis- t"1111- Pods will show'whethe Tilts enwigh to over the ' I T lie P, . ive acres of cibbap-�. , r - ,;. N o w yQu . . . 1. . . � . � e are any weevil presprit. lf.mwvy�-- Ue-poiqfln to use in thi; treatment � -of wheat con6iner. I th�­tinle's done,' . . . . ance, and it is t-ciilt neat and attrac-, eg-gs are found to be pre�cift the farm- i'S coi-rdsiv,- sublimate, Soh: bv makes three prom inenc4s-thc tip of � dow 'ga ns or conSLirvat,riez;,� The- tion is the: Put 910d (it You nhd yoll. the. , I . . � tive. I am sure th.vt the roup diJ not, er rnu�t plan' on some -means or de- gist . drug- the toe, the ball of Ule- toe. and the foliage V attra�tive and "the plants; time to fill rat hole.-% ,with cement ori � Itttle wistful ]ad of you; . 11 . in i I . I sutri, tria'k .1z them nd td' Leqtm tip to greet the old Vittee whin. * I . I 'new t , � , lean poultry quarter4t,' stroying thene r,l.'4s wh.en-the hen:14' Dig�ollve the'poi.;on in the pq:oportio'n exp9qed to,fril-tion of the -sole and tbe, desirable for winter u".., an,' no gard-' b%ld mouseProof granaries. oC you're gmwn too old to roam?. arise from tine, " s rt� bitohlloridc of inercury tablet4. lop of the middle jQint-which are bloom' with little .cover .th-em with' shect iron a' �; ei er concrete or izalvanized. sheet' . . . a,"7dition that frrquent!y brinirs it are harvested and put in . siorag.,. 0�f on -e,' par' to one thousanfl. or one upper of, the shoe.- and his come the' ener ineed be ashamea of good gor- . � IV -4 like your mother C u- " ' ' � . 6 . " " 1. 6wft , la�out ' and that on this partir.pi , In r Shortly after the weeril., la,, thcL grani'o� poison to one guart of %vater.' seat of corni: the miiidle prominence,' iron. - . . ,�.Iling yo * I * . .. farm the trotible' had it's hoprinning ergs- on the po(s.-. ill C -c 40d, '*- Tho ' anium ,plants in the collection under, I - .%%"hatever is befalling y6u, , '. . . seed sho"Id be soikerl In this i j.q -1190 Sol-netinle-A afflicted w*th a bun- g4 I I I I Where rats and m' iic.-- hRve. plentv;, The ,little ohl town's waiting till.you, I . I 1. ' . I , I . I . aqs. I . I .1 ,111 , � . . hk the poultry Nnosk,. This buileling yowhiz ivn'rri�;, hat* onti begin, iourroivA solution (�r'twenitl tes. ion hen6ath the e6rn' � C y � . � . I y i7ninu I of food a6d Fire urirhc%,.,ted ihe in'UT'..;t ' -'ready tn go'honit.. , . 11 � Was Ft subrstantial, one. and like all of ing lhrt�njTh 01�? E)Od. illt,0 th�, 'h, . ,i% Tbi.; so:'.Ition sh'oul'I be . I � VC181nen are, also Irood dull weti- � I . . riadr tip in The treatment of hrimmertoeiiii not, their subjects. tiply overwhelmingly. For ex 11 tho other building.; oil Cw plae- it waiq I C9. v, -, ' ., The p amp:,e., i . . .. . . a M;,.: tile egg-.-,�ell on "c' p0d. So a .,Aone jai- oi- wooden p.-lil, 1.�vc.luge it � * � . I ,lants �,hou!d be - . -Nlargaret Widdemer. 1� '' well painted and.kept in po6fr*w the iri,.t u. -,!ally satisfaetory, for bN -owth ab ' t the in Austr'alia during the war sack-, -(& ' -W -- - . . I I I k4l � --­ ­ - . . . . ­ - -�,* ­­ ... - � . - ­ pnir,. fi _ 1r.,li�-at.1on.­Q'f the, prest'Ince. of .-eA)r.r6dcs,­-Metxl' � ., the time, started., in gi -.-- . -firit ,of - � � —. &% -7- I . I - - - .. . .. . I. I .... , - .. ­­ � 0A * Immeditit-(4r.afte*,th(--ph.vsiri;iTr--!-K-;cani�ult-ed,.Ib-,--it ­ 0" w1wat -.4tackt-41h hio-.0ilesi-'a, ,- i . 11 , -'. �, � I iit or. . ,Nv. �--nv mid ig, -,vcc­-ii.,:; Wre the tin,v I . i t . ., e . .1 r g Kipfing's Typewriter. . .1 ' joint is usually si'It. %- " i , - , read it I is Itill * , '.24 N. I I -blif­it ­ - ­ ho es, 11 . lid ri-�w the seed has been treated,'ap V I '. . eahipment beemne inf,vq' .-ith rnL-e � � . contapis li­ ,. ; n 14' ex �- I 8vpiiv4.bcr. '--'- - '' ; w, iti: ­ - , - too i;malll for the preqent flock. . Tn �-, ,I I it , t I I I I , . . 11 - I ­ ,. ". I '. :�­�!t­ - I— - - - I �qp.� _ When. t.11C cq��s­are. 1.,ldd on. thr­,on it,. clean, goth- i%z.a-.w.arm- room t -o mornble. -A, M 11 I t%s nd delz -Thete are xatht�r*- whn cann,:A roln.." .. . - -�­ ..- ­ ' � I P- 1),)s Powriter. but apparently I . ��. -- "his windowis ­ IZ Ln Ory quickl�-. When thotou -ipping 'the tne down, to a splint; a leirge parijf . * tie fiFt closed, '11141 as beans ili'st-,�rare, f1iiii" 5,1101., Stir]. , ror.miV t)o OiTeiirted by., ------+7-- . 1,which riddled the-ssacl- P on the ty * . I . . Oily Ary.' sti Speedy Ice Cream Freezer. . .Lh! contcnts betore 11-0tildlyard Kipling is� not among' tliern. � . I . a rule is not.opetied Krain ftn't il snring.'tbe hein an,l are Vnsdv- reon. Ir ,h-- 1:eturn the se'ed t6 a cle , I 6t'Ajilyi i Ps were' is -14'. t7nder " , . I T . . I an ,tack. not � madcli of a thin, fl -al pirce of. II-ood or . f f r, . n . I he focat;on of the hou.0e, too. is not ,irrower will Ica?n to look raref.:l!' . I An ice-(irt��in,. freexer-,of-Eng1fitth M. ` - ; M 1, I '- '1�1 -- - , � - - ,,ije­wrete t is P4110aptle letter to ' - -- --­­-­ ­ -- . ' . s, ar rct-.ms�hrices 4121t-1 ­ . - . � -- � . -.I--- - :.+-4-re*r --- ft Aight-4ei-, for butir !!iv tin;xlli I ance holes- All for R-Atill Cotitaine, th I v � ---- -­­­.----------­-------- ( �Vrfrtftrr,--firi- Which !rr it -lid wo.m"—Ire - . -- .a - like e -TT Ll;t- ---inantIMICE11 --?)-f Ills ---.1V1-1ieffC--Ai­- -­­-- --.-,--- --J1),&-4Ve4 .4 � y the .tie Ahat the s0ed was in lvfore,'J. gutta-peirOlhn'or V.111de I tirtt- That, of , .+ ,7 .fw ­ . . I . , I 9 tcolir,,c. can he done ouly wholl the big I - occur in this q4titr � . . ��r� � . Wou"d incvftabi). . I I t long' ago - . ' \ .,ad. I toe, - i. . . i , . 4 . . It � � v ' , I it is 1711'p�ac -; firoviL" I - . � waier colic-ets. T'he h­susc is usurfly ficulty :n detecting tho.wee'jl :,1fc.jt,,l- It i, oo( . creani flelvers its twoduct in' re ticill)ie 't e My -greatest joy tn pression where during ivet %ve',4er' the Fhetls lie, will s6oll have. little'llif-, diseases wbich I,nekod'in a .c0inrler thrit rev.olv(,.,4 in- Whe, rictchink, no , '%% -we kil'od. on.the ' that i.,� the C -Rape of. Cho, troub!e, side tile - I R_ ,I �Jg I idea to Li i4e sac�s hich 1 has 1��c!n e p tight conta'ntT--% for stored proti "It's a dondy. � . strziightened and th ationt, it contimimi-s- streatin'linif a 111fill "`ts " Igo to to rise'early and oil it. I can � . " 1110ist ihsitl(,: this, iq 0.411cJ111J.., noiic,�,'- " tion' and %V*il kmbiv how to' (1(.;Il - , I . , ., I .1 c - Nverv. (lipped in the solution. - I haA 4 - * ­ V. I "to nf - , steps should 1)t� taken itilm.:�d;3 , � . , . ­ - owo­ V*04- �",Vrvr--;i�," . -,r . .-1 1. ., lyc�c)l Eel, uad�A. - - - ­ - I I Wi -il.­ . . V t4ml - - . ., . 1. I . I z 19.1- -$"* ,.P.V-*k ito-im-00 ---. . 11 ' --- 2�- MWIThyr- - I- . . -4+P,--- P*"" F., -, ­,. tvvtli"r,i,.V-���--,of.e4otevi!oo AGO=@ ,4-ra Di3� f inz - — . , ,,, -­.. ­ ...... -­­ . 10 TT V ,!, 1, I I - --wTrr-7116- K6-7-.QT1-oT,- however. ' the only . TfAp or poison rats anJ mice in tW' . t il � '. If fli�r- owy;vr would Move 010 lu­i.ie holes are s,, smanithat .a pnr-�nii i�itlj , *. , - � . 11 . , -V" -- - I I - - general vicinity'of stiorag troubil of thougilt. I just .4ta t s�,.119- I . good it a-tpd in an infectcd�tfiing that brin,,,.� eoninl4te 1-clier i.k fd I ---I!- � . 1 . I . ?-. . . e buildin'gs,l . 'r out,of the depressiotu ruid placc 4 o"I poor ir'�yvs or on� -rot Joo1..,*n;,* for ,soil. A field which 11"Is had J11fe( 7111PUtItc the OiTel'A'nf, 'ar. .A�iother "My netr hircd man see I Ili s t o de � thing %Fit iltie first line, pull opV the . I .11 - I ..... I ,1' * ' ' -ted; a . . � and should. be contimied 4::l t1je lak' . I I - , knoll, or raised nln,�P, rc-! woovil sign-, - ,bbave nil it 0C - I 11 . a rrai ), I wol.bl ))I, -;.A I I ., th-, n im- ca , throttle valve and go out for a %%alk I . . i y e a r befo�­ Avill still I' or-ol-altioll Aat has i.e. n prnw).t-1%%,i'th! lis,rilit. �() to spea -. i plit,t: ' bushel is disposed, of. . * - I 11 . . . I I dure the ame of hii flock iby takin,z noti 'od. I . I I I I., ri ing hi.4 best � I . I . I � I � . c . . contRin the ilisease-virc(lu nim .gc1-in.-,, a'v�ew, to. sai *n�r spn,je t,ir I !w , toe con- fV,0t' f0r0:4--%­ ­re'ated honv.;! Fnrm- ,, - - .1 .-rolind Rottingdesm. Wl'on I coluo h -ick I %it Some o ndr- irn",)'L, birds I )'- pea.z, :, ',,T:.""- P I , ­--- � I thid a poetin 'o ired length I If weevil -'a n s o . ' ' . . , 0 . . " i the moat if ­ '. A A ! I y I f,, I , 11 which * will rtrNinf et eve I ' heolthy " Si ,.t j ,xcisim,, 6e lohl;ddlc Jvint .6d er 1lorn1)vak:',*wi.t I tleve - �:I% ... 11�. before till tbe. good orcs - Oje, -1;1d,,;"in , %v: t h (,,' . . . . " n c .- - . . . :, feller A broom, can be made to Tast longer completed, and t"he ntachina . . , . � ! t e) ra gi, tit tle�- ivee%-'I hivin!,,' pl-ints. Therefore a cl( ill s- I uilitin�,-, the vvercd (",14'.4 or the two S1 i0laletant al-olit l(,t:::­ "�� : 0� lle� 1, I , I I . V el., ,. � -011*­1 i..;' *it I `� ti, y daippin the � I I . I 4 C 0 , ­­stravr . ; I I . above all, if Ire ivovtd­cut� a Irr--' 1,,....in ki)10 . , the cggs will haiiCh"Se'er as esq,ontial as' a * lean lot o, f� -,�� - 1. , I �ones to ninke a ,,hort bit, s*tiff t' I , .into boilinz,�.nn(l happy,1wniting modostly.for my I _ - t Coe. foot en't-11-111) X.-i'l'.. i:." . . . . 11 I . � . ap *1 - . I I . , . I - .. o ,.v'atel at &sf­�nc6 a week. plause." . . I I .`4 . I . .. . k� . I . . I � I I � . . I . ..'' I . I .. , . � . . %. . . . I . . . I I I 1, . I . , � 1 . , . � I . � �ill�l , 1� 0 - . . I I . . I . . . . - . I I I % I , I I , , . � . , �! I - I I I . . . i .10, . I . � I I , I -Vol . . I . I I ., I I . I I I I . . .� . ..� . . I � . - . I . I . . I . . . . I . . I 10 I % 1. � I I . . . . I �. . I I - _ . .� �� * - R � " ' sd� -' J. ' �-* i t 0 - - h - 0 u ' ' ' I ' , U-th I , , I � . ' ' p - 'V I'll 17 1 --­ -------- 0— I .111 G1 1 1 1 1 1. I i �1 I I r .. .-W 'Se , I I [[U N — I I I : frrian , �-. �- Z , �. N � � �J., 1.1-M-0.6 - I ` I t-1 . mL 'su - Aw� - ' ' L - a � �1 ' bel mm w �r i '. . �a , 31 n Y, �1� is ted ., cAn4vA . Pt 'PI In . . I - I I I I 1� �j7foAi�ije I 1. 11 I I I I I I I I � . I I � . . . . , . . . , I . . 14. . I I � .. . 0 1 . � . . � . . I �� . ­ . . I . . . . � ( . . . . I . I . I I I . v, . I � . � .- , ­ - I.. I I . . v, 1.01 I I 1� ­­­ I.. . 11 I . .1 -11- � , 1% - ­ . 11 . I ., . - ­ ­ . . - I " . I � � , ­ . . . 6 ­�-11. il­­ . 11 . � .. - . I - I ;� , 1. . I 'T'�,V�� "� .. - . It , , .W.All"O." of I . . � . - " 1. . . .� I. I * -I' ,.-"-* � - . . . I I � I . . . .� I I . I I I I I , . . ' 11 � I . " , I -- I --A — -....d— - . - - 'I P ­ . . - I i,-- 1. ,