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The Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 3
CUR 8ickHeadache andrelieve a e the troubles incl - dent ton bilious state of the system, such tie Dizsinces, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after eating, retain the Side, Z.T. While their neat remarkable success has Iowa shown In curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pole are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting this annoying complaint, while they also correct al1 ditor dery of the stomach, stimu.atotho Civ d regulate the bowels. I:venifthey only Ache they would be alnico tprieelrea to thoeo who ouster from this dietrersrng complaint; but toren natelytheir goodnesadoes not end itero,andthem who once try them will find these little pills vale- . able in so many ways that they v 111 not bo wil- ling to do without them. Butafter all sick head Is the band of so many livea that hero le where wo mako our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills aro *car email and very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. They aro atrictlY vegetable and do not gripe or pargo, but. by their gentio action pleas. elswho nae them. carat 1dHDICIN& CO., 21>a W YOWL halal sh all Duo. Dna Driu, THE COMFORTER, (By Thomas Moore.] 01 Thou who dry'st the mourner'. tear How dark thio world would be, If, when deoeiv'd and wounded here, We could not fly to thee. The friends, who in our sunshine live, When winter Domes are flown; Aud he, who has but tears to give, Moet weep those tears alone, Bak thou wilt heal the broken heart, Which like the plants that throw Their fragrance from the wounded part, Breathes sweetness out of woe, When joy no longer soothes or cheers= And ev'n the hope that threw .A. moment's sparkle o'er our tears, Is dimnt'd and vanish'd tool 01 Who would hear life's stormy doom,. Did not thy wing of love, Come, brightly wafting thro' the gloom Our peaoe branch from above? Then sorrow, tonoh'd by thee, grows bright With more than rapture's ray; A. darkness shows ns world's of light WO never saw by day 1 "A quart of milk is panotically equal to a pound of beefsteak in food valve." This statement was made by Prof. Dean, of the Ontario Agricultural College, at a banquet given by the Hol- stein Breeders' Assooiation in Toronto recently. Commenting on this, the Star says: "This statement is not by any means now, but still the fact con- tained in' it is not so generally under- stood as it should be. All realize that meat is a food, but many leok upon the fluid whioh Domes from the Dow as a luxury to be classed with tea or coffee. The consequence is that in the average family probably four pounds of meat are oonsumed for each quart of milk need. The latter is high enough in prioe, bat ten cents will pay for as much food valve in that commodity as twenty cents will pay for in meat Milk, moreover, is easily assimilated. The standard of physical well-being would be elevated, and the oust of housekeeping lessened, if more of it was used." (- a Ni ti. 3 ?l` les Seteres'r't A"•` ti':..,. 0 3 kh ;,Mo•'i.. Y l.'ai�e'.:: + .1'J: s:_H7�NY�s ., .St. ti?'!'A>,: 11 RATE FOR 1908 - 09. TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to anbscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. and Farming World and Presbyterian and Westminster and Presbyterian and Westminster and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... •. and Youths' Companion and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Horne Companion Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and Ainerican Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal. Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsev's Magazine Times Times Times Times Times Times Times 4.50 4.50 3.35 2.30 2.30 2.85 2.60 1.60 1.60 1.85 2.10 1 85 1.80 1.60 1,80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 ' 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 ' 2,25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2.30 1.70 2,30 1.90 1,90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2,50 Times and Vick's Magazine 1.60 • Times and Home Herald 2,60 2.25 Times and Practical Farmer 2.10 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 140 . Times and Designer 2 75 80 Winnipeg...... 1.25 1.60 Times and Travel Magazite Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Timer. and Canadian Pictorial The above price include postage on American publoatione to an address in Canada. If the Trans is to be sent to an Arserioan address, ad 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent t American addresses a reduction will be made in pride, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not the lint, call at this office, or drop a pard and we will give you prues inoes on h paper you 'want. We club with all the leading newspapers When premiums are given with any Of there patperb, subscribers secure such preminme when ordering through no, same as ordering di from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving 't0 anbeoribers, and STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, oilloe or express money order, addressing It TRE WIN(iRAM TIMES, MARCII 11, 1909 • 4r 010 ea WO an i,T eaa©B ?B 00E1 Head Office, Hamilton, 0 0 a 1 R??P) To -day usually takes care of itself ----it is the uncertain to -morrow for which we must make provision to -day. T is impossible to tell what the future has in store for us, financially. If reverses, sickness, or unexpected emergency arise, the prudent person will have' made provision for such contingency, by laying aside in the s• afe custody of a chartered Savings Bank some regular sum from the weekly earnings. This fund differs from money involved in business, or invested„ in mortgages or commercial ventures -it is at once available whenever required. It is an emergency fund, al- ways subject to your call. It stands separate and distinct from your business or your investments; and,repre3enting an accumulation of small sums, regularly taken from current in- come, it .is hardly missed, and rapidly grows into a substantial sum. THE B:P NK OF HAMILTON by its reputation and the absence of all unnecessary routine -has gained the confi- dence of Savings Bank depositors, and is popular with those desirous of opening a new Account. Every convenience and accommodation is aff ,rded all who desire to make use of the service it affords, and an enquiry for the Manager will secure any desired information or attention. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM . BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. _ STEADY EMPLOYMENT ENT for a reliable Local Salesman repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Witigham and adjoining country. Yon will fled there ie a good demand 'for nursery Stock on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this seams. Our salesmen are turning in big busi- ness to n god waged thyro one the w them months. Territory reserved. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Writo for particulars. ATONE die WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (850). TORONTO, 0ANADA. 108 :ox One a ColdDay Have You Renewed? FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles They wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIxse. Our large emulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yon doynet get a customer. We can't guarantee or the article or stc because than it is wu. aorth. Seask nd and your advertisement pto the lan kand trrthis lofdisposingof your sother articles. The Greatest Lung Healing Med one known to science. A. gnarante, erre for all Lung Trouble, Oongl , Colds, Asthma. Brouohitts, Sore rr .roat and Consumption. Every batt , sold under a gmerantee. The only Cough Medioine endorsed by dootors. 25e Bottles. fi' p' Nature"s Remedy I li S For Constipation Fig Pills will pure Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. Pimples • and Blotches rePale. One taken atd in a few y nigs ht taking will make you feel better in the morning. Large boxes, 25c. For sale at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Wingham. 60 YEARS• ' EXPERIENCE pATENTs: Tn*o MARKS DESIGNS oopysicurrs am Anyone din &sketcsad d -D n mar •'Qnlons.1ntrOtaeOIbnL AN"pWew�p ean e�ency for_isecaring patents. extentstenalcugm mann areatre specialast e Nr ylvetrated weak, stunt�r. notecase looraat. Terms tor -seat sir* reerapostaie DreOW' q_=t3t halt shNe uric, '6J' t1YseL(astoo.A OBSCURITY. [Sam 'Kiser.] Unknown, I go my way, and no one cares or oaks How at the close of day I have perform• ed my tasks; I hear no thrilling cheers for triumphs I have won, No threats assail my earlier wrong. that I have done. I go my way nnkoown, no mob is at my heels; I feel the freedom which the unshorn plainsman feels; i hear no tearful pleas from men with sunken eyes, My sleep is undisturbed by any orphan's . cries. Unknown I pass and they who see my face forget; My service yesterday is scarce remem- bered yet; But if the gods have willed that I may not be great, I live, and have not filled once hopeful hearts with hate. COLEMAN RHO aijmiw G'. COLii y :A' 1PPE Don't be laid up in bed with La Grippe. Break up the Curescold in 24fhaurs ever with bad effete-26c� 'irtina. At an dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, . $3,916,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,291,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 SKIN DISEASES Those troublesome afflictions are caused wholly by bad blood and an unhealthy state of the system, and can be easily cured by the wonderful blood cleansing proper- ties of B1.urdOCk • Blood 13itte rS WIPICHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R, Vanstone, Solicitor. YOU CAN CURE CATARRH. J. H. Taylor, 54 Bond St., Toronto, Breathed Hyomei and Cured a Long- ` Standing Case of Chronic Catarrh That Defied all other Remedies, also Toronto and New York Specialists. •••••••••••44110144.•••• 44* t• i!.+••••®• •••:••►•••••• 1 • • • • 2 COAL COAL COAL We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL' which has no equal Also the best grades of Smithing, cannel an Domeetio Coal, and Wo d of all kinds, always on hand. We carry a full stook of LUN IDER. SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. t Ear Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. 101111• Without taking a drop of medicine into the stomach, J. Ii. Taylor, 54 Bond Street, Toronto, tells how the distress- ing troubles of Catarrh were overcome by simply inhaling Hybinei air. It's the history of tens of thousands similar oases on record, proving that Hyomei can be depended upon to ours Catarrh, Brohasnoequal Coughs, r rou. It any dt t esssof the breathing organs. Mr. Taylor says: "Some years ago while on a hunting tour in Northern t Canada, contracted ft tlein myhead and finally cold d my throat. It rapidly developed into catarrh and caused a miserable throat weakness. My head would become clogged during the night and there was a catarrhal dropping from the nose into the throat. Many days I had been un- able to breathe other than through my mouth, and the 'constant hawking and spitting was almost unbearable. 1 had been treated by the best throat special- ists here and in New York, but noth- ing benefitted my condition. I obtain- Hyomei and soon found relief, the throat dropping ceased and my head began to clear. I continued with Hyomei for six week* and after that time I was well in every detail. There has been no return of the trouble since, and I feel grateful in speaking well of failed." cured Sold atWalton Mo'Kibbon's. cLeana • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No.. 14. • •••o•o • .'ay.:v*••a••• *•®+♦**.44.444.eeoaator►.r •••S•••SSS•SSSS•S••S•••t+• 41011111101100611111111•11111i1141008•001111 Many remarkable sures hare been made by this remedy, and not only have the un- sightly skin diseases been removed, and a bright but entire cr complexion b esysteem has been een produced, and invigorated at the same same time. SALT RHEUM CURED. Mrs. John O'Connor, Burlington, N.8., writes :-" For yeara I suffered with Salt Rheum. I tried a dozen different medi- cines, but nwetof them only made it worse. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bit- ters. I got a bottle and before I had taken half a dozen doses I could see a change so I continued its use and now I am completely cured. I cannot say too much for your wonderful medicine.' LOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. I -NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He was surprised at how the sores healed- "I took your Now METHOD TREATMIrNT for serious blood disease with which I had been inflicted for twelve years. I had consulted a score of physicians. taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but only got tem- porary relief. They would help me for a time, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms would break out again-running pains, loos sores, of blotches, hairr,,'swelling of the glands, palms of the hands scalingg; *PTV, Tf1EATM*NT BEFORE TREATMENT itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach etc. Iyhad give n up in despair when a friend had no hope, butt took consult you, Ino three weeks' time the sores commeenced to heal ago. and I befamo encouraged. 1 continued the Naw METHOD TREATMENT ford 7 fourmonths and at the end of that time every symptom three years old is sound and healthy. a I certainly go and no signs ecany disease My bur, person to me can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any pe privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish." W. H. S. We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VrI AL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SKIN and PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY. BLADDER and KIDNEY 'complaints of Men and Women READER Are you a victim? flare yon lost hop.? Are you intending to marry? Ilan your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our Nair Msrnob TREATMENT will euro you. what it basydone for others itwill do for you. Consultation Charges eaeeou matter Bhtm oks Free -"Thee you, Monitor," (Illusttated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. ED�Y&KENNEDY DRS.KEIItI Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. OLUBBING • • • • • • • • The 4. Frank Kress of Kalamazoo, Mich , at has a000mpliehod the sale of a oolt the highest price on record. The deal originated in a wager regarding the weight of the oolt, and it was planed by Mr. Ehrmann at 1,160 lbs. Kress said that the colt would weigh more, and contract was concluded, by the terms of whioh, when the colt was weighed, should he not weigh more than the 1,160 lbs. he was to become the property of Ehrmann for nothing. Should he weigh more than this amount he was to be bought by Ehrmann at ono bean for the first pound of bis weight, and this to be successively doubled for eaoh pound, the horse weighed even 1,3001be., and the resultant price according to careful estimates would be 3312,500,000. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, This school stands in tho forefront as the largest and best practical training school in western Ontario. We have three departments; COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY All departments are in charge of experienced tnatruoters and the courses are thorough and praotioal. n tsexe entering ugood evpoery wens. Students W ritefor our free catalogue at once. ELLIOTT & McEACHLAN PRINCIPALS. THE WOMAN AT HOME. Tight clothes and indigestion ovate red noses. A pinch of salt taken before meals stimulates digestion. Raw egg applied to a wound will quickly heal and allay the pain. Toast water is a soothing and healing drink during attacks of bronchitis. Brittle nails are helped by soaking them daily in sweet oil, warmed to blood heat. When cold -sores appear, a bit of ab- sorbent cotton whioh has been satur- ated with camphor spirits is very effec- tive. .g d• •I. When the ends of the hair are broken, dry singing is stimulating. It is like nutting the driod tips from flowers to prevent their fading. Small wisps of hair will stayV in curl mnoh longer if just before the hair is curled with the heated iron the look* ars dampened with bay rum. This often proves very helpful on damp days. When a big ironing has to be done it is a great comfort and relief to the feet to ase a cushion to stand on while ironing. It can be made from an old gntlt folded and covered by a piece of oarpst. Until it has been tried no 0110 Dan believe the rest 1t is to tired feet. When the nook is extraordinarily thin, massaging with warm olive oil is desirable. The chest should be oare- 1nlly washed first with hot cloths kept on tea minutes. This will soften the skin and open the Pores. Then the 011, slightly 'warmed, most be robbed on, giving spaniel attention to the hollows, whioh should be massaged firmly, with rotary mOtion. This treatment should take at least fifteen minden, and must be done ever' sight. w TIMES OFFICE, WING IIA., OIEVARIt • a 6111.6106.1011111,00110110011000111111400 sibil.41010•01.0014114141041141141141 •