HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-09-04, Page 2E N,,e -- 'W.- 1 \ _ • • . , y , , V • .. .. x • Y Y • • 1 \ Y. „..._ ,, _ - . ..- .. .._.___---.__-.___._...-_. _ - _ _. -T' w . ... ,. .....u.w... ,.___.. - - . . _...�.-...,..-._...-._._..._-`-•----.tom-__... _•- ._•:___. ».__. �..._�_..-. _._._.._..-�`--.-_ .J•-• .__.... .-. _-_.. - -. ..... .. .. _- .-. _ ... .,-_111 _._�_. _..._ _ _"_. _ .. _ _ __ _-- __ .f . -1 . nyr,rVy,Aaw., m4:.weaAln.m :. .� _ ,. _j�6�,•,• . ' __- _ _....... .. _ .., . _ , awnea.w.nvx.dMn +we• .r+ _ _ _ - - • •.w�,ars- .- ___ - - . - - _ O,.,._ . , __. _ . , a .1 . . Q� I ave YOU' _ r �' 1 .�: ;!I: Yv4:Iit:''Ill:•!t.'�' `` "" :C.[c: ''�L.. iR'yai� n 1 max• 1.. \ I _ �J • �- f dli, 4.0- ICI 11i .w it I a .0 on sows1 1 . . * n �1�1 l �VVh eat --_11 .�.:-%--.rI �e�:r�.---- -.. ._, . %1,.. ��g. �� .�>�• �' , . . __ 111 uu seem to have been quite for- -�"�� l i Y John D. HuberI 0WE, AM M-D--�`"�-� - - - . "" . f unate with that boy of yours," said -• =`�'�� Mr. Pullen, who was pinching with a M -Am I' � Z e j per bu�l,el makes gOOi� friend at his club. . "I wish ou could a5 proSt certain. By "grorielrllst. ' Y Mln Or. Huber will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health• If your This Department Is for the use of our farm readers who want the advice .rive me some points. I' have l3 chap a` five or six years younger, and he's al- Rt+estlon is of general tnterest it will be awswer•d throe h thea• columns; °f •n expert on any question re prdln Z, It not, It will be answered y g Fi�RTILIZFRS inaeuro a etro,>rZQ sta>�a ane is of g ll sell, seedJW& , crops, rte. tf yuur quest+gin Y p ilni afrai(I that personal) It stamped, addressed envelope Is en• ��' sufficient general tnterest, It will be answered through thio column, It read a roblem. I closed. Or Huber will not prescribe for Indlvidur! cases or make diagnosls• •ramped and addressed envelo a '"is enclosed with the job of bein it wise ather is al - Address Or- John 8. Huber. M.O., care e1 Wllsow Publlehing Co.. 7R Ad )aide answer will p Your letter, , complete g �' �► e be matted to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publlshin� I most bey.olld me." `� West. Torowt. Faun''acperiment Stations 1Ro�1► a>a�avera>:'a Co•• Ltd., 73 Adelaide st. W. Toronto. `'Wh don't ou tr be'n I 41111111111 Y Y y i e; a chum,.' , Hostess: -Croce stare is I M• K••,- I then'?" ' asked Mr. Harmon. "Whe ry $ good I not forget that everyone musat ,�rnake i /'off t1� 18. a bus. per 82'6 !rom t>ts±n� fertilizers. Ise I have a field of oats which ( V, ct :- I ha, e a twel� a -afire lot that --,-- - _ _ . ; J _ ._ : ...-.;�: eded but the seed did not come up. I would like to > - game of- 8 people's or children's an effort to attract friends. int y0uf, Dick Kos alioiit 'fifteen FiC dot into�a - ' parties. It calls for nun: _:nous play- I age it seems as if get deeded to alfalfa I foolish .schoolbe :• scrape that rrsulted i you should find NoM' I would like to know what to do• or sweet cicner Would like to sow it' ' Act Novi in a bill for darrlaf•es of ten dollars ' %, ers and affords a great deal of fun. A almost enough enjogment with girls Could I disc this Held and seed with- to r •e thio 1 - . . . �►* leader is chosen, who ,lames up two. of.your age. As for the stoutness you fol , suwin about on. half o :new• : a uaI /� out a nurse .crop so azt to cut it for I bushel per acre, anis tl Hn ririll in Vp►•¢y, „�',_ �,,� -«nothing ,aUo 9 teams 011 OgDOSitQ sides of thA wArry o_o>ut� t>►..,. ____ - __ �..-.�:u _ tis„ rs ut �t ti h • ...,.y You y vui Owta V a' M Mit t�(l; Mill + • cos . ._ _ in the spring. The field halo excellent m e1•A my room and gives them distinguishing fault. Do'you eat lots of candy and 8 ��+ Answer: -I doubt the • - consid s,i* hen 1W embarl`assed,i 1 and names, such as the reds and the blues, cake? Do possibility of drainage and soil is a sandy loam, i m . your disking the oat field and seedinb . Would it. be necessar tc, r you sit around and take e, .� clean t ea t of it.. ". ; - • •idea b • s ' or th.e merchants and the farmers. If long sleeps or do' p. Improvement Bureau It with a _ Y t ei�t th�•� «,hy didn't ou tell i>�e before?" I cc,n� you e�cercia0-and soil andel Cro grass and clause mixture so sweet cllover to insure- a stand? ' '� 10, one team is composed entirely of girls stay out in the open air as much as m to get a cutting ,of hay next sum- A I asked. i _ '. and the other entirely of boys, there you should Y It's hard when you have . Of the Canadian Fertilizer Assmlatlon. et• I would advise you to disk it nswer:--D7ost of your duestinn as `Well;' said Dick, `I vt•as' in Stopes are likely to be interesting develop- a health a ,..,,• up thoroughly and sow winter wheat answered above. I would not advise I could'borrow the money frim some + ments. An extra la er is a Y Ppetite not to "stuff" bt#t 1111 TEMPLE BLDG. • k tORONTIO or r e at the rate of "� P Y ppointed do you know that your appetite grows Y one bushel per You to drill seed into a crop of rye' cf my friends and pay a little at a to keep the score on a large sheet o� as you indulge itY And that by not' aere as soon as in the spring unless you have drill,,d, time without your knowin ' But tl,,y T Ir 6 lbs. Possible, also sow �,. - paper fastened on the wall in full indulging .it, you can keep it down?' per acre of timothy seed this the rye this fall, and you were not, were all as hard up as I was.' n. sight of both teams. Try not eating so much for awhile -- fall. Just before the snow goes away particularly anxious -about the well-+ " `Didn't roe consid .r..me a. ;. of I' A letter . of the alphabet is selected, and write me again. _�. _ __ _ cl th -- King Midi's Flowery,I a spring make a second sowing o! h of th crop: In °they words,I your fl tends?' stU�i I. While he Le,i- "and .tl`id` teams take turns -in naming Ambitious: - -How a can you earn I ever >�w $e _1 ,:-It, years and over seed, thin 'of 2 lbs. Common t �lling wiU�ettd t id est to me '�'Vell n:i , _ _ sing a rye am. afraid the ._the.dr' I „- different articles beginning wi._h that mon thousands of Y Do ou' remember old Kin Midas ' -►tare a o Red and 2 lbs, of Alsike to the acre. to cut the roots of the rye. Be 'sure. way,' I said, -'`I'd like to b,e one,�I'r�;n �' ey at home? If you are fond. of Y g g - -1 _ - -_- _ • Tette. that may be found in a trrocery! c}tildren After the seedtg sown aim -fife round to drill with the .rows and not arrow -i-. -- ^on. Tam stIII sem rthir��• of •t perhaps you could follow a who was .given the golden touch ? And 0 -- ` ''' store• Every time an article is named - ` example of aquick-witted girl in a do you remember how he hurried into DireMory of Sheep and Guat Breeders. has dried sufftcientlly harrow the I would advise you to write the Bac-! Uoy, and •I'd really like to have a .h sm the score kee er the garden and touched all the flowers, The ,ghee and ' i �: • o p puts to the crSedit of i certain small city who not only found the team that named it.asl,mail tmark P goat .indust" fn ground with a light harrow, turning teriological Department xt O,A,C. for al out• y,ol,r 3ige,, What'<!o- you Say? turning them to pure gold? And how Canada continues Y the teeth of the harrow hack thct culture with which to innocui ' ��'h can't we ct i��ne {'' ''� 3► a� ,er►tFfoyment in her home town, but' to grow, not only ,n If tine j ate Y. g then .,,.d + a:; ..a iic're arc letters in the word, Each l opened the way far other 'r achin© is ad'u the aced cloy , j gs Is to find; haPPY he was .til'1 he tried to..swallo�v on account of the money to be made l sled this ivili work+ er. Sii,�c yuur soil , i� ta.A over our of airs. iia .(su:,lam .(aur •: u , ,, ' ' `' `idC t' ;('4, of i'ourse, to 'shoos• •as long it, There are seven dr -i potato and it turned slnto a lump of from mutton and wool bnt th In the clover seed and give it a ood i sandy loam, I am a little afrai(1 that trouUles and scrapes, if ther< fire an -- a word as y goods stores a fact setting, So as to make sure of a good - Y possibhe; but often, since in the city, but only one of them even gold in hla throat? And until he that it may lack the proper bacterial fain -share .our secrets, in fact,--jd-st like•' the tim�is limited, a short one has to kissed his little daughter and turned munegfrom tuberculos are as been. th- strong catch of both sly which crow; or, the roots of sweets app other two boy frien,T?' he hastily taken. Cake, for_ exam le,, tries to keep up with the times. The her into a ' grain and grass 1.' - P proprietors of that dne are two pro- golden image. Stars) great tactor in the encouragement of mixture, I would advise you to dis- clover. This treatment, along with "At th:t Pack ra+her (,r;c>ned his 11 ' :darns only four points, whereas ch8c- gressive Wasn't the golden touch hateful to milch tribute 2b0 lbs, of fertiliser anal z_ the fertilizer advised above, shwild ' eyes. `Do you mean, clad ' sa*d he, olate gives nine. Young fellows, ready to take goat raising in s number of the Y g you a ood stand, that up new things that seem likely to him then? He cried and moaned till provinces of Canada. Pamphlet No• ing two to three per cent. ammonia, ive g I' you will tell nit _Ill about, valla`_ If a team fails to produce a word in draw trade and to please their sus- the fat eight to ten per cent.. available phos- A. T.: -Please give me infc,rmatio you've been up to, same as. I'm to ry . stranger told him � how he 17 a Director of Breeders of Pure the 's ecified Lime y P .one point is deduct- toners. might rid himself of it. I guess n.� t(:11 c,: ,. �_, • e�� � h, ,, e .....-. <. you.( Bred: Sheelr and- Goats' in the Dominion ' phoric acid ardAwo t o three' per, cent. , on-' feeding v aisle of rye r+nd` winter• t y wh[,t I ha' e . ed from its score. If it mi5s�, all remember how he plunged in then of Canada, issued by the Sheep and Potash. This Is best done, of course, Vetch. cut green and cured as ha .1 "l-V>ll, perhaps that wasn't •lust the' answer entirely, ten One day the girl was .in that store throe h a y wa that I had the n points are lost, waiting for the change from some seam at the bottom of the garden Goat Division of the Live -tock g grain drill which drops fer- How much should I sow nPr acrd, at Y ught of it. I � iess . and the opposing team has the priyi-� as the fairy had told him to. How he Branch and rocurable free u on a _ tilizer. If, s- what_stag•.9hould it be rut, srd-l� the`i�wh'en I had �t,oken o�f our aft�;ir:; �" lege of starting afresh with any letter purchases that she had made, when P p P p you do not have his .Al - - a'he noticed a tired-lookin woman fill -ed his vase with its ere water and )testi • __ _ tribute $erta}iter-broad asi and -harrow fiat good for farm horsea' l o�� mrrclt ' and our _ secrets I had really me:mt desired. The contest becomes very ex- g sprinkled it over his little dao ✓titer Pn' the Pyillicationa it into the round ' st before ou sow his• However, I wouldn't c}r:iw uli. who was looking at- her shopping list. g Brans , Ottawa, gives the, names and g Ju y should I feed? Please give n,c> the , citing as .the figures on the board Marigold so that she turned to warm addressee of breeders of reco I the mixture this fall, feeding ratio for farm horses an h es, I said, `I'll be as frank with you _ mount toward tfie hundred mark set Hanging to her skirts were two quer- flesh and blood again• Then you breeds of sheep and oats in a gn zed A• D-,_ d t o I as you are with me. It must be in aloe's children who demanded so much I am interested in seeding amount to feed of hay and (i11ts to as the winning score, remember he ran into itis l 11 parts alfalfa in the fall. Will � li ht horses at work. strict confidence, of cour:-e.' A variation of the of their mother's attention that fin- garden .and of Canada. Ontat•{o leads in the num- You tell me g I "We shook hands on it; :Ind I soo7 game is to use all sprinkled the rest upon the flowers ben of breeders 'of the best time to sow and how much Answer: -Hem y �� Isconsin rluotes! t►te suggested letter fr,r the first word Yin despair she folded the fist and, so that they turned from old to their i while Pure bred sheep, to the acreT �~ came to enjoy our Iittle intimate chats, only, after which each side must offer! putting it away, said to the clerk: goat breeders are most numer- ,. a report from Atlanta, Georgia t° the , natural colors a sin. Answer: -If you hope to get 'a effect that vetch and oat ha - are rant iitq from Uaschall to business, in .its turn some word beginning with "It's no use; the babies are so fret- g ons ,in British Columbia, where the mile" seeding of alfalfa this, fall ,no time y ar.d from school matters to politics, t fel my mind is in a whirl. I shall ut I dont believe anybody ever goat. industrq is assuming popular with iiverynien. DuQ�ar f,f the t nal letter of the word last named, told you that he didn't have enough fairly large proportions. should be lost. Work the ground Alabama substituted 6 lbs. o although at first it did seem to me That way is harder and offers"lesaihave to come another time when I (preferably summer fallow) into a vetchf f ha.r., that I was opening up a little more can leave them." water for all of them, and in the tor- ,e► or 7 lbs. of wheat. bran in feed- chanes for thinking up long words. A per of the fine seed bed. 'Apply five or six leads in flair cattle and freely than he wa. ' garden he had t'o Tissue a Use I g Y got a uall ' quick-witted team, however, will man- The girl immediately went to the whole cluster of them of young carrots, grated raw oc- `t Y good; ";1iy business at that time made of well rotted manure to the acre it results. In -sowing a mixture of ve+,ch Age to pile up its own score and at offlce and, finding one of the g d. And h•om casionally in a simple salad. Nothing I n(?cessary a good deal of tray sling. pro- that day to this that particular flower is more wholesome• You have it, and about 300 to 400 lbs.I and oats use about 2 bushels of rve the same time choose words ending pristors, told him what she had just has always been golden. You can see _�.._.__ of teh fertilizer, analyzing 3 to 4 er , One night at a hotel, I ran acres, <in with a letter that will make their seen. She convinced him that the store it now, P to the acre and /Z bushel. of retch. .acduaintance, a -prosperous manufac- gleaming in the lanes and , When cleaning a vinegar cruet put Cent. ammonia, 8 to 10 per cent. phos- I This should be ready for the feedin ' opponents' tu>•aa� stiff one.' Thus,.t}is� was losing dozens of customers ever g tuner who asked me to Y fields, and when you do see the golden a teaspoonful of lye on it and fill with photic acid and about 3 per cent. i during the last week •of April or t1,e join him anri payer who caps "rhubarb" with "bor- week from exactly the same caase. Lod two of hi, friends ,in a little ams- ax" *.ins five oint for h' just remember that it ?tts -Kin water. Let .,,potash. - When this has be -en well h ---- - Is team and -"What ;'-fir mrd him- rs Mida a flower and g c stand several days and . roq ea IA ar I first half . of -clay. Feed su'ftici#nt l oI a5' � to ,-- �'- - - - - +-- , - - you need ` ` �_• that It has been gold I rinse. the soil, sow your alfalfa , su I the roe ha a In the average P s away the time, I never cared ' _-._ _. - - PP Y t' glues the enemy a letter that is hard some competent, tY'ustworth seed- at the rate of 15 to 18 lbs. to the; ration. Henn notes a ra i for that kind of thin„ an(l I was ab - to manage. y person _ y q ton of a solutely without skill; but ,Tones in- to take care of the children and am- acre. Many people prefer using s Washington 1`?00-Ib. horse as: of I Fisted Signs of the •seasons, #I very simi- use them while their mothers are • • •- • 'nurse crop aueh as xye or winter 10 lb . • ancd I Kent along. Pretty soon lar game to grocery store, not onl i$ she P wheat, sowing same at the s , corn, .5 lbs.; hay, 23 lbs. In it wag suggested that sem s n - full .of fun but wakens a keen interest the play rooms a d day nurserieai that a . rate of Chicago a ration fora 1500-1b.,,hc,rse a m111 t •' about a bushel per acre, claiming that working hard is: oats, 71,5 lbs.; ha stakes would make it more interest- in the outdoor world. It is player some o! the great department stores it 'protects the young alfalfa crop. 25�Ibs. y• int,'; and, . not to go into particulzr.3, in the same way as the other, exce t 1 in the cities Sunday -school picnics have lop others ma be su lied in oups with 1 when w�e g'ot through I was interests that instead of namin P provide for the children g y pp d g gr ,cer.es the I and said that she should like to take been popular, but a community picnic � Paper caps, whistles, horn , and bells. __ - i to the extent of about a .hundred dols• teams name signs of the corrin sea- char a of ouch a room, and -that she `-- Gale had - - _ - >- ions. I w'ent'. tam r "`"""'"""'"""`"Y°" -" -'0-"'"�-�'"' g g' may include not only one Sunday If there is a Boy Stoat band, that y oem fa.rly`'"asharn- soza „that they observed within the should need no expensive equipment school but all the Sunday schools, as will be a had felt before khat t comfort. She ed of myself. Then I thought of Dicl: g week. The long • names of certain birds -some old magazines, a few pairs of I well as the rest of the folks in town. and may lead off. A hurd P rd I RECIPES AND here was a dhe but I shook m ' heat}. ' great additioli to the anode, . . and plants add keen zest to the strug- shears some , it's one of the best little Y-� Y couraging multitude of things that she Y In fact OTHER THINGS. paste, a blackboard get- would be a tuneful feature. ought to know and to do all at once. `�1 had n come to it, though. What gle, especially when the final letters some chalk and some colored crayons together plans that you can think of There should be a number of parade But if Mary Rawlins, who helped the kind of confidentidl terms would we be - ... . are used. would be all she would want. for a village or town, surprises as for instance a con le of I most, was content to do 'a few thin -3 on I£ I was •keeping hack from him GVhen a team can P The wife of the o produce only The man with whom she was talk- In the first place, of course, a com- giant Teddy 'bears, which are reall Yung pastor was well- the only thing that I ��:as really "crow" after cudgeling its brain for a. ing hired her on the s of and a mittee must be a of course' Yr klso very young, and as new to her "I believe I can, after " -ashamed of? I guess that no bo .sign of spring, and the o i P greed ppointed to do the ,some #fin -loving boys inside awhile, said � Y pposing team to pay her two dollars a day; he did Planning. The people most interested of canton flannel costumes and masks, exciting adventure of housekeeping as the minister's wife ha sF to hersel_, ever dreaded a session with his father catches the final "w" and comes back - not even wait to consult his he to his parish. She was i+o humble PP` Y F any more than I slid my' next confi- partner. will, take the initiative and do the In fact, there might be quite a comic_- -- 1. - _ .promptly with "whippoorwill;" in her acknowled • .the! How she has succeeded appears I engineering. It is possible tp ask the ainmal parade if a group of in •pious gment of her inexper- MARRIAGE WITH GLOVE, dential talk with Dick; but I gat fight is an in earnest. The first tiny from the .increase in trade at the store. ganizations to co- I Y ng people would 'be willing io con- fence and ao grateful for advice that i through with it atter R lash on, and * � � different local or ou the game is played no one.- .will .-be s She is fond of children, and they like ! operate. • � � I trive costumes. The t the hearts of the capable housewives he was disposed to let pie off easy: prepared, and the nature lovers in the her; eo they beg their mothers to Qo ype of parade of the con Peculiar Form of Marrlaee In Hol- „ , ' A house-to-house canvass to find out could be announced on the esters. gregation warmed to her at rand, Never mind, d44,' The said. •'Fnr- crowd will have thins their o.tin way-! to that store and 1 P once. Never before had `1`ey Cad so tret__it:TYoii don't hire to d �* _ ._ .eat a them in , the �+'ho is interested to go and for con- I The children of your communit o it again. - But they soon lose -their advantage. i children's room, where the can have tribute toward the sli ht ex enses is will enjoy dressin u Y I humble a pastor s wife; the experience A form of marriage by proxy is "(Icor• 'That new camera that I spoke to -ou Y g P g p .in the cast-off 'was unique and delightful. nized 1n Ilolland is known as "pian- I about --I'll get alon'r 5 a pa>� In the games and the oto desirable. The in icer should also � finery of grown-ups and passing as I nnw• and 1 � � without' -that M. B.: --The troubles of sixteen! Do � tellin The mothers are glad to b find out who are t be depended on tot strange specimens of. society. Miss Abby Gale, arriving one (lay ve•" a girl is •t will • art) he'1 rias• with the glu not worry. about not__being popular,' released f,,r a little whi,e from the After the voyaging to the Dutch Indies to loin up the loss.' S P to m k - _ :: t furnish their ovv>ri, seers for traespo- parade a loud gon an- lust as Miss Gaciiet was leaving, h -- g because there, is lots of time yet for strain of tired fretful children, and tion, and whether they can and will pounces dinner, Foll wing that could found her hostess excited over her ce re ag his wifb, she can "Ile �d misunderstood me in ol:e_ 1. -' the right kind of bo r, �� I ' er f11n th(' -- - y to discover the far-sighted proprietors of the. carry additional passengers. I program, verybody would' latest ac go throuft ti wedtfln be a brief quisition, g ceremony at particular, and I had to explain that you, .if You will only keep swept-, store are pleased with the fruits of After these preliminaries, and after ,ing "The Maple Leaf;" the Bo "Isn't it lovely the way things hap- home with a substitute for.the br[de• it was Jones who had lost, while I tempered and sympathetic. And do ,their enterprise. settling upon a suitable and Available Scouts, the Girl Scouts, or any local Pen ?" she exclaimed. "I wanted some groom. But for the-jotning- of hands had won.. - '- ' ---� _- ----- lace for the I club mi gloves are not removed -hence mar " `Oh!' said Dicl: ane I co ' -- -- --- __ P picnic, a few striking ght glue a play or pantonine• good recipe•! for bread. I have one I uldn t • riage with the glove. (help ,reins that for the moment I had w. I have, we should make a� much nae posterq will arouse enthusiasm. They' a local celeh*i•ity might make a short but it doesn t seem to come out ri ht g • The bride then salts for•Batavia tin-. risen somQuhat in his estimation• track}gndetsnd dmilght d I,e wort! d p '-P Pf theaprogramorros� As a though Arthur never says a word. But of it as possible. s eech i der Prot(3ction of a'`wlfely status, au(,1 a `IIut ��� wind n I 1 knew there were ever •so man y good tl� n9akes it tvl5rse' I said. � a 'Those who are-accugtomQrl to feed- ' P PPB+ there 1 was of makin the wititinfi im (3r is saved any tie- '1 ri`itl't kee ing considerable wheat will find that somewhat -a; follows: 1 could he a little community`siitg for Y- g it if I could only qct 1 p the money, and yet11 f m„rs about those assaults to wTifch don't know how to get rid of it.' September is. the month in which to the ran 9uhstitute oa s ant Commun.it i'icni: which a Kood song leader is necessar 1 hold of there. -And now '.Hiss Cachet Y• ere betrothed affections are diable Lo " 'Give it track to►the man,' Dick _ thoroughly clean, disinfect an,l white- Y 1 barley Foi' F,�►eryhody at Leonard's Woods Races and compet>ltiona in which I has c ome with thirty-two recipe,• --a suc6umb during idle weeks for the wheat durir;g war .time if they wash the •interior 'of the hen house. , furnish• a litt'e n,',re mil Come to the green (or town hall - at any number of contestants may join I .lust think of it! :i nd she hrou lit mel - If a f}@@r_ k,.:_Si•holer►or _ ___.._ : , _t- .__ ) 'thew - _ � boatd. • ._ . _._. sa9ld.4 . � - - ala ship. o%wvod -or cement is used - a're aIwny., o alar. Bcs►des all the, hole collection. Isn't it kind of Ile wotlldn t tel;e it,' Itsaid, skimmers, `Wcr:t ,,,- , l<,!►},e6-1, or. beef . ten 'o rTcick, If you want to ride. nld c,:Ir..i ? p " -- -�Y�-- "Die all material above at shoal''. he cle�lne�i+sera 1 so as to h'- :•,1rr>, firing Raskpt Lunches! 1 like the sack race, the potato her? k thought a minute and then that the pool-' race, and lite n},stacle race ' "Did Louise.. Cachet say how many Sweet Tomato ['fickle. he said, 'If you tea the man ,how ou out and tF,e floor itsalt thorouKhly dis- tr . has p len T. , rf;tf:in or flc. Wear a costume for the 'parade and . a few y infected with liquid d}sinfectlant. : If _Toy p y ,t P - 4 5h- - ► . ; c,ri>~inaI onns are in order sulch• as a , of the recipes she had tried ant test- � vice ohe gallon feel, erhl s he will take the money Ting ,food.. 1 prepare for fun. I green tomatoes, ; P • P , an earth floor is used, the top of the Always keep *pc,la;try', turke• riucks' Come One and -All ' balloon rive, a chicken race, a pail1 ed? Miss Gale asked. salt with One cupful salt and let stand: hack and give it to t -hp Y.'-M.C.A, or earth, including alt then broken straw, anal '� Yol,'re not too -old,. and nr►t tori yr►' ' race, a p.r,wd ee race, a perpetual mo- 1tihY, no-I.don't think she did,"I over night. Drain, add one quiart vine-' some other good object. geese each' in a separate F.r►uYe sand .sod -filth, should he removed r,r hmi�_ . - T;1�. �nmm;ti�p -on tra___ •` tion rase, nnrl a .wrtner.,tault race. Thr, Mrg• Eastman replier . "She just said gar• one pound brown su I "Good logic or not I ac e T '� :>v`ti n�,: '<lr; weTi if nrsportatl ,n, j,rizes m'ay i,e funny favor men or ani• they were all -very fine recipes." le9P°olifu} mu3tard allspiceaclo�es A t D cl '' 3o i c own to where the north is compare- kept .toKcther, after finriin Out i tab + dvicc. ' At first .?ones s �nfFed' at the tivelq clean. No matter what kind of g pretty closely the inal:i nriorned y;ith splkg}I+ng bows of Yes, she 'would, Miss reale res cinnamon and one teaspoonful cay:l idea; but when I explained t}ae situs- -- - nrimher to expect, may . arrange fr,r ri},};r,n or cr(,o ,er. - ponded dr 1 That s .Louise Gachet. l f}ay.. �0n and asked him to o it on .the a' floor is' used, clean sand ihould },e p pal' y y, , erne. Bail until tender and net Iitpey,y r,r hayrar.ks to ar<, r,mm-,r}� to The sr,undinq- of the gong indicate);' I don't, want -you to -think' tha6 1 d n't ; ored. Bottle anti seal. UoS''s account he' final took the grit'' in after the cleaning proses; ig t!u•,erc.wrl. An,l NVFry t'rna of the •ie- 1 P y compltyted and it should be pvt in now ihr t;rlaN f�,r the calv:ccadr, to start for' appreciate Louise for I do; there are l A--------� money, and the Y.14I.C.A. got a con - I hides rhr►ul'I },P decrrate,l' in rime I tribution from ` . � I lots of nice thin _ .. so that it will he thorough) .dry •�_ C_' .� hf,mr:. T'r,sr qr. half -past four is s• Qs shout her, and she s a fr.'ericl, ' ► Bala style, A h:ayrark �'i' }I' pr,�t"i a' ., . s,r.�l .}ifa'ur_ _ _ __ The Proofs. •,r , , before the ighttl. gex_CcJld...._�. , _..__... StMf(:r,;f.F-t ,,,it. i w4 nre.# r,it,.nn , _ g Lt� select:. _ kindnQaa its€ - -Rut she rttns sham on' 11a,1r, I snid to IIr� �..�..� .___:. T;:,v.: :.;rr :: r4ng i•n- I Th© Teacher: "Jimmie, _ >�h afterwards -ri'Fre Inside walls of the poultry, aid in fhr.aI&I.Inv the corn crop fed�,tvrc-n hang v;i•th rr-,i m;r:r ),cal, ,r' ,)"( - an, affair is least' of 'fun if jud mer t. Any new thing that she' K►'`© me,'I don't ask any promise from �- ► j thre© yo r, hou9e should be• brus}.ed down with a' into Fir, I > f,rerrr l;cntr •, t, , •►i,d AntNr.;; intro t I,g, 1..d they .wifl.-not do i•t all. ' la `'-' '''''l' sena or :. hears About she N stere to, l hroof,, that the world is:round." becatire ynu were not the orae at fau.t broom, p y L ,titir:k0 fh,�,•,' <pr,r•:. It',, .r;(A a think wor.(ierful, acini • she's alwZ s W�I1, you say, so, pa says I but I'll Promise ou s ra -ed with a liquid' dig n-! We can rheappn -every bu.,hol of and ► great deal of work _ __._. ___ __ c - frost. I'1 Jimmie , pH�ir'r str'ramery ;,rc: a,.v;�Iy�, cBF:- -,f tri•• rr•= __ Y so and ma says -8o, - Y 1 never fectant and then white-wstshed ta' �'rrrn fc•i intra "fur ho I; a-b%,ut. 20 rive.' :�'s-at,lrall• ''Lhr rp •-' •phrrAihif:tY ir+ weft-il;vi�re� fi rii�ig so'iititny khat s�ie hasp t.time - R�', y ra . P pass awhy the time that way �r W 1l ,,f, �,,;n1 • make them clean, bright'and tri.m"e] cc�r►ts en+l tFria sc►r,re of T t;r�� r,f ' I •y Lri'l fh4 f,rrr,Y r-intrrent is taken. Tiy realty tri try out -ono in ten. Now, if , �.zfl ` pa?rlotlr .fherratir,n ! L;, not make lar a "a few w the house lighter and more chperful.I onto, the eredit bala"Ce at markt:t'timc ' Tbere r:hr►dld },c , c s� r •,mrwinity Pirnic in your tnu'n! �'ou w�trlt to know, the. ehanct±9 'are' u•z c - 1 The whitt-wash ran be 1,ut 61`1 'With -ft I_wh'+�ra V0 "wisnf-fhv-- __.r"eateit . � .. T i +,ti c,f_ rn,,r,;+.,,rR that I 'ell g fi nti t iea of I r-l.a ,iter I - tnet Avner. �� a `. _. R pr,ilt, 1 with :r,me lard a r,f "Mr•r, r, rl'rr• Just sihout too of those recipes l Y at once. Smaller quantities `Helie!' be said. "Want another litt:e brush*or sprayery on' with a frrce,' Tr, , in rri c, z> _ t the ; qhs hrou 1'tt out brie t bettersrosult, game.?' ' f P g r ,rn lel l ., ; t•r•a1f --Of ' seatirl r. sand re r r(t , r R Y ar- worth anything; � g 4' j,. 1? �; ,nf(:r„r,r►. '1 r,r:n, the. rCit,it would'1,e a tvastC Of your) 'Ituss.ian Salad dl'esQin " `% %Ahank ou,' Faid 1. pump. if la,pump i,4used, the white cutting tap the }4hr,1�: t:,lki into ai thr: v�arr,na aril alit.r,rr, ;r,;'f •,. ax,>3 g 'is ma(e. Y wRsh should },e atrainnd t},rrtugh n sF,',,;ko, s'i:r'v '1- t.hr :,rl':i r,•:,'' 7h.� �1���,R F(�L C�1��U Umo and materials to try':• . half of French (lr(�q in " .tiVcII" yea ceaIdn't 1 r 1 • ra' r(arJy, they tnaq iii%rve �,# in a rr.x{ � I g- and htllt of . a Piece rtf f,urlag t(5 remove any hard ;r►;, c ►, in a it ticith 1 -- me -_if ._ •au.cL' , , hC,in{�' 1;1 t.r;,: h , �, lr,::'I ft,•r (-r,rn' f►►* A,lr' t.•,w;,rrl tli� .a.� _ .. __..�I[ -coy--sv.�.,t._:tr•�Qd•--"t+tft�g�_ 3var- nia•y�>rinaise, vt•ifh--•}rill a�ru�-ifiio � 3' ar-:ria'tel-l�tc. l sc rt;zit t}rat - '� 1!Irnir' l'.f�• ,i,'t?+. � a ••Is+�ta. rIt ICCP,9 which wct►�lA clog the pump. fr,r• :',l/)tr'r f,:r• I I11;. �'Nii,^ . likr . til' • 'n 1 , 1 f r , rzntrd Lo concis ori ra„ht •every time pod' rerl poppers eucuinhers for Rood. Foct is, I e I Winf)owg ahoulrl l be t or(rii ht tF;,r ;i+r, ,}, ,. r' pryrl •arr1, nF� rti,(r(; ihr: !I;nr:-r <'rrm �s 1 �d dn4�•h the, if r,n f(,ll(,w the rule a t le ane pars sot a young•- rleani+d b g y �,{ }" w1,1 •,,..I tlir: t'i"h rT'ttt!r±• rr,►r,r..; ,Ill.", i,, r► %r• I, Y Y Y stet fi 1 ' . and any broken pano 1 sho111r1 trra4l , I . '•. I r ;+ ._:t.-} ' 1,� ! - __ . ._ "-. -. --- Yc-frrr rrF-,y--� - r.: r r C� c - tit > ;fig - - that in ocJ 1 m e • `,'I n Cr �_- -- - vitas -_T i - tsl t,:(4I� , 1 r 0 l n ar e + u bre A`"w ri+T;w t I lei riirt r.r,;rs llr,� :,r r,f :, r� 1� �::...,� _... , i(i dol snmE,hlin►�orti ac- �l ,r I..,rr• �,.; ;.� Err 1 j, , ..r., rT i O 1 t,t'l''tt 's'11ri(•t} A7• i►iili } i - - f 1 (() will not let in rill the ttunli �ht ,ar►r1 aq ',i ,( r; , ,,• na f. (,, , r l b, {:r , t.,• ; •.:, :,1,'1 i ' thr: And ply( -k the FlOw�r' Y or s'o•ms►ny nl, t'es, i MUnt of ro l � oy it vents a y j k tai , ur .h' r it, ��yy� r •1 r ,f ,r'r, ll,r,ri '�,' rt 't`'tlr,rl,k lir ld r, If. { .i,? r ° , ♦ '' hilt evrry'1-hingr -An rceumme,, -' - r r0l,ldn't (101 0`�1Cthlnl~ On ii.^CCu21t 0! `llnlljr}lt -19 thA Cr1e.�pC4t (nd I.r:st j'''� Flia'%,' /;;, n-1,•'1 , K -',f, h. ` ,• ll'RI „1;, .,• !r / - rYlt/ .=j%)Ir� f. dip. S tr (. i,i.i 11r� I 1 -, 9 . ttiat'mt11F-. eP :_e;g t.ra.,rci�, �t,�,j +-tri•.rrf I, '•fir;rr;r: ,, 4 s e J. h:1 I'd till 5}!:> ktiatvs; tvht?t! � ' m ,' alxl- nil ►I,t,., ttS , I g+v lr►f.l r that WA x Fra ,hrl f(,r ,,,, r:J►,'� •_`i r 'r..._..:..t._ :, 1 1riV',f rl. r.('Cj I I h.i� I rOLLg ,..w ._..__y._..______ _ _ �_.....-. -_:. t.. dri l �.�._Kifa , /.fr.�'[ ,'_r.r _ ...._---. _ _-.__ -'--__ _ _ _. Q`v�_------- -•- - - --- "+-'-- --_ _•_ _V Aft(:r our he ,-,,hs,• v t r r r. , ' +, i�!" (l/, W • Il 1] ' I3trk , mi lldrni0n r • r , . kr, u•,cs 1 r r CI• :,rt . , , r r,:rrrn,l+ Ot ins, h ng !•I CY: [ thllt • . I'n ulll ?11 stint a av ► r -} _____--- r,rn, ,i►Ir,r,r}y ft: i,,r sl t+ N rl... „ n• _ r,f 11.Ir • 1, keg con he. � ,. ., �, } er F'o��t s • •.11 � �� fru nue �nzl ( 11 •lt mitre � ( e t �nR ,, -- _..,'�" i } tlr• r•; r I a , �, ,aWi;;1 :i r tnt . ,� re Ii1ti C'�' . ► ,,, Aricj Iles )rug �t'CC1. D tty churn herr 1 rf rilr.rli(., to from that da • , , t�ll'll IFlr•r' 1►1tr, !i i,�',; F,I r,IlNrl i,(� 1 }; j � fi,l'iil 711'1' (, ','1l , j1L1I'Gh[Isc�rs , Y Y this. Tl t Y�>,ur ���()I1 �+ , f j 1,,; ,I'1 j,r• ,1 r ( � ►i till., "'1,1111 I n.11 hs � � I On t0 C.Y 1 , ,v t in ,h„ -._._ _ _ _.__...-. tllf' RI' TI'i' rir,. ti'►r�tr r.�.�:.. •ii^..r;-�hifm_.. ,.. - i ',, 1.:. , �••, , > t -t-,• �',� I ,, t. , , ,t , .. null .. .,.� .... __ e 11 I-, t s_.. . t: I- ,. ...~- 1 , �._......___�.. A 1 ,'.-.•,1r tlyde•-ck+4_- - _. - tse�nfili - - - _ - _ '' ► ' i ! f> - f hall ca-aea; i r d i s at t w the ti rr �. . r ,.� «c hay shed A/lr► n r, j,, , r,f I , . .. l 0 I ilr`_ t. _. 1tyz;} I i cif till Tri �llt as . t'. i ,, ,/ ,1 ll4 l 2..,. 1 ERENT 1 1. Ili, I C'i i%,Iv it , :i I �'� I ca - , �,n� 1 ,•,,-.t I:,i,h,i• fr,r hlr � . :`'"'► , , `,r.• `� ? , • I h Ilya .< � CStCt'11 1' 1111 1 L.�R(1p far as n 'see, it hiss trorked oa4 Int®"eAL,paycable half yearly. ... j Fn "'njrlyll. rrrt : II ,'h 11' I1 i / �� j` ,il! ,r• ,11 1,1• r'1 rp ll UI' 7l,)L�`t'}lf`1'' l 1,7 putt we so f �r . �.� �. / - (}1 }y 118. The f,'rrat West f'ermanept - i;, I,i(ove, r,t•1 f,'om h':' 11•' I,f ,tl,;,►.i tof".1}I, ► I.1 , _ Ir , , ..'t° �, 7,'. . M, . k% :ii . ' ��trtiL lars V` y -� . . - h: y 1 T> �. f l�(••i11 Fu11 u ..._`rEor o! L(1•i ��O kN::� , I, rU} I,i ! r y Tile rli,I!'i rll,l'1, . 1 :,1 i f i .`P . - /. I. . Companye ..,. . n(� to Li ora c>el } h ex-cffirers Toronto office 2A KIn 4t. We3t ' 1' t •, '.1 r•tr r , h p i,l tt!i r'R `'( ,i•:''-1 l�; .'' ,. I,r ,I,, �. � �l� iP1�IY � nen 0 til 1•e - d _ an I 1 ,'n in .1,0 rll'r 1>1 .,' , 1 },. t,!(,mrt lI 11 , j • '•'I. ; " •� rKil V?tin co t I turn lig cmpl. t n sir ••- rte_-; i_ _.-i i 1 1 � . - l ' I . ,,. �111' I. f' " I i litIrull to civil life. �'i, 4'n •,jr tllrf> 'j , ,' 1' 1. i 11 r i 1 'ry :,' r , • •"I.. , ,Ar., i. , r 1%iampeg. Alan. ' I A irit'1 Rtuck through th rork'df t . , _..c.11 .....,.. r•.. I ., I �. -_ J bottle co of � o • , I ko P s: d iI1 previint . . a tiagie-ii'sta I � • . . ,, . I 11 s .: . N ` , • - r . . . 7 I • y: • 1j