The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-28, Page 4- cght Ettckttutu *entitle! MOLSONS BANK b Capital and Reserve $8,800,000. Over 100 Branches Opportunity Shuns Those Unprepared To Grasp It. Start a Savings Account to -day, Molsow-Bank, and -be "ready for opportunity when it comes along. . r,EID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. a Deering New Ideal Light Running Steel Bindgrs Oliver T3Rw-lithee1ecl Sulky Plow Primrose Cream Separators Louden Litter Carrie*, Stalls, Stanchions New Williams Sewing Machines frourlayAttrAnd, Leeming Pianos h'rtir Sale by Ptiblished every Thursday morning ° at Luckaow. Ont*rio. A. D. MACKENZIE, Pro prietor and Editor. I Regained My Health orm•••,............••••••••••••••• •••••••••••Asra•••••••••••••••........ HELPING THE FOREST RENEW. ITS YOUTH •Oateemmaam.111. ••••• Timms' or kluaseitimos. -To any address. In Canada or Great Britain, one year $1.50, six ;months 755s. three montbs too. To the United states, oue year *Sou. These are the paid in advarte( rates. When paid in arrears the rat( is Soc. per year higher. 'Subscribers who fail to receive The Sentints regtilaily by mail will confer a favor b) at outtinting us or the fact at as early a dais. a. itossible. Whorl change of address is desired, both old auttiherkwadarebs, shonhesiven- Advert 'Sing Rates. insesay ADVISItTleIN0.1tATE8,4-Made know', ou application. STRAY- ANIMALS -Ova Insertion 600;•thres in $IAM Farms or Real Estate for sale 50e each instil -- tion; Miscellaneous ArticleaFor Sale. To Rent. Wanted Lost. Finind, etc.. each insertion 23c istrsme-per-m--- sertion, ac each -subscapeet insertion; aPeciai rate of 8c te.regular display advertisers. CimnI or Thanks 25e. Coming Events SC and Se pr line..nO itiaiceless than 2 ie. Legal ad vertis ris- tOt a ed Se aert ASO, io *Ski brieLauti se ittitTee 10c per line.for first insertion sr for each subsequent insertion. Risek-faceti '1 y po *Ault 4.11tiersfur Any special e tice, the object of which is the pecuniary benef t of any. individual or associa- tion, to be considered int asIverrisement mat' charged accordingly. Business Cardsofaix- liaes-and an4ers$6.4a--- per year. th ANDREW, LUcKNQW r311iON I 1, • rim_ 1.7%•71.1: • AtAii OFirCE • :4 " HAMILTON THE successful business Man knows the value of saving. In all probability the habit of sav- ing made him. successful., You may get on the right roaCto 'success by depositing your money so that when your opportunity comes you may be prepared to take advantage of it. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW BRANCH -J. A.,Clennie, Manager. Tinsmithing Eavetroughing Furnaces Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. • G. Drinkwalter GRAND TRH Rstrer% The Double Track Route MONTREAL, TOKINTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO • excelled -Dieing -Car -Set -vice - Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day tralas. • Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Iforning, District PasEenger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON G T.R. Agent. 1,1icknol.4,•. Pli.me 2. WANTED CREAM We pay; the highest. price. Our tests arc acctiratee 'We supply cans. EGGS - Arly (luantity. We pay "Cash" only. Have you seen the Anises- Holth Self -Balancing Bowl Cream Separator? We will b.:. pleased to show it to you. Silverwoods, Limited Phone 47 Lucl,cnow, Ont. ' WMITED 'Desi Horst tnoted animal rerno% PRY f•-onl $5 bronaht to 1. Picpenge: phoa, No: 1-/\ ; and Cattle promptly re - a radius of 2.) miles. No without the hide. , 00 to $8.00 for animals e factory. Plichie at our • phone No. 12, eytning VaamS:sS FitItTILISSR Co. Ltd., 13-2-tf. • Wingham, UNWELCOME VISITOR IS EXPECTED M edical authorities throughout the l'oited States are warning the public that a recurrence .of the influenza epidetnic of last Fall is expected this Winter. This warning is issued by the medical authorities so that the public may net be its unprepared as a year ago. It is not intended in aqy way.to-friglitasthe cf)untry. Little progress has' been .niade in developing methods of combating this disease • _ wind' took a toll last year numb heavier than the Great War. Whether or not the.epidemic, if it comes, will be as severe as a year ago no-one can fore- cast Certainly with proper warning, state and municipal authorities can Le more readito Combat it. t has been the experience of the past thtt these epidemicsisually occur for three con- secutive years, each one less severe than the. prece.ling one. There' will be no big army camps this year where disease may catch young men unawares and where authcrities .have no time tc prop!ii erly prepare for it. There will hemore physicians in all the' cities ot. the country and more nurses. .Keep healthy ow, look to your well being and perhaps if everyone _does that theri will be no such scourge as passed over the continent of Arnerica in lu 1 -WANTED at LUCKNOW We have secured ... • Woods to buy cream for tizi. ife _will give out cans, test cream and pay i g I; t. ,market price cash. ,(;et a can arid give I/9 fair trial. WO. &Mill') 1-t7U that "Trio- ratiriot make any inistakk pur aim is to give you' en. tire satisfa tion a n d make_pat X The Seaforth .Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. ^ -A THURSO-AY, AUbl. 9th,19i9. '111ST.thEF1. IN TEE t rirtiv+' 4jsTA..- - • ••• • Judging by,what we have seen and heard about the voters' lists compiled by the enumerators for the taking of the referendum vote, there viIFbe a great any electbrs.who cannot vote because their ramesThave not been put upon the lists at" all, or because they are wrongly en ered. To the inexperienc • it will' seen, a simple matter for an enumeratot to go through a poll o• sub -division and by visiting eve house to ascer- tain just how man qualified voters there are, and toprope iter their names on the list. Yet it is astonishing how m y er- rors oceur. Unfriendly- err of the enumeration recentlyr-earrietFout_ -37 that thousands of nhmes have _been left off-4ho--4ists,- intentionT---And it is -even suggested that the enum- erators were instructed to leave off, or wrongly enter_ the namesof elect- ors known to be unfriendly to the pre- sent. government. It will likely be And Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Will Do as Much for You Under Similar Conditions. Bettause we all have nervous sys- tems which get out of order at one 11,04,e or another it 14 of vital lin- vlortance that we know the beet means of restoration. , When we get tired and ' languid, suffer from 114,4644.0h,, and 1r.- ratability, find diairsulty in obtaAningin rept and sleep begto feel aist downhearted and waged. it la beoauee the nerves saot obtain- -;ng proper nouridanient. Medical treatment must necessarily_ f ail unless it supplies nutrition to the Etat-N..4 and depleted nerves. This la- exactly why Dr. Chase's Nerve Food haa proven so won- derfully successful. Through the -medium of-sthes blood - et --feeds tho -exhausted nerves back to 'health and vigor. s, . This letter explains how. it 411C- ceeds in the inoSt stubborn cases. Mrs. 8.. Meathrel, .23 Ikyla street, 'London, Ont., writes: "Abr;ire a year ago I had a complete, collapse from my nerves. I was taken to the hiss - pita/ fibr a treatment, but it did not give me onkich relief. When I was ,brought home again, I went to the . country. for a. change -of .ilt• 1 seem- ed to be. a . little bettst. w-hile there, but atter,. my return home I did not feel much better. I used to have nervous spells when my limbs would begin to shake, then grow cold, and I would be completely exhausted. I was also troubled with an accumula- jion of gas on my stomach, which caused palpitation of the heart. At last I decided to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and after I had used them for a while, I could see that they were helping me, so I con- tinued using them until I became quite well again. I became real strong and healthy, could sleep well at night, and as able to do my own housework. As r got stronger, the nervous spells disappeared,, and I have not had °lie sinoe." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box. a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.75, at all dealers or Ed- manson, Bates & Co., Limited, To- ronto. Do not be talked into ac-- cepting a substitute. Imitations c:nly disappoint. ___ Replanting of Forests to Sustain the Pulp and Paper Industry. Perhapa the largest reforestation_ scheme evi.r undertaken in Canada is,. being carried out in Quebec th:s year. The \Laurntide Company, of Jrand'inere, is planting over 1,000,000 seedlings, mustlyNorway s,pruce, witli it-ei-Seetch and -jack aphid and balsam. The Riordan Company, of St. Jovite, is also planting about i5)00 seealings. Much the great- er raimber Of the .seedlings used am imported from •forest nut ser in the w ich, in turn, procur: Rd the seed some three or four yeara. a y) fr;ou Northern Eu rope. These companies hope ss -,11 t ) plant. -.every year.' -.. at least -one. t!•(,(, for every ontrealoved by them. Nat- yially, such a large scheme of refor-_ "estation demanded the building up of a large organization, as well as the Iuu i, of much e x gcri mentit I work, all of .which involved a large , s'it-ls'7,-- --of----cs pi ts I. It ), , ,. - • \ ; t h 'tit saying- that sad.% ' a tasks would ma have been undertaken if the men who• control the companies were not con- vinced that it was a good investment, and that only by such means could • To AvolD 1G Com. OF FEEDING LIVE STOCK YOU SHOULD FEED roods. Tt115 IS CANE MvLa CANE to your Cows,loises, Pigs arid Sheep. 1; „ ft -N Piti La 1; IS NCT A PREPARED STOCK‘FOOD 'Treldeal Feedfor Live Stock, amErivLa !s highly recornrnended by the best Dasy and Cattle Breedeis their deforested lands be made pro , ductive before their available sup- plies -of timber were eXhausted. For- est culture -presupposes long-term in- vestmens and, consequently, the ne- cessity of a minimum outlay in land and preliminary expenses. For this reason it is 'generally 'Considered to be an undertaking whichovernments can handle to better advantage than cart private corporations or individ- uals. The Quebec Companies, how- ever, have acquired considerable ar- eas of cheap land in fee simple. They established their -own nurseries and these' will be gradually enlarged un- til they will furnish sufficient seed- lings to keep pace with the planting. As practically no seed of Canadian trees_i_s_ pow_ obtainable,, imported . from• Europe, but in time it should .be possible to obtain native seed. It is, for example; not yet .de- flnitelyi known holy Norway spruce will grow rui4er Canadian condirons. A vast amount of experimental work, requiring several years' time, will be necessary to decide this point. In order to avoid any delay, _th2. com- panies tire .engaging 'in this experi- mental work in co-operation with the Commission of Conservatiott co -in-: eidently with their planting • It is to be regretied that the sever- al provincial governments which have control of the forests should permit great areas of cut -over forest' lands' to remain idle when' pi :vate enterpri- se "must". undertake the task in Order to prevent the decline of the timber aild pulp -industries. The oprovincei might well 'learn from the people of Europe,who have been practising ury. iGlIets"7-4° "reh is long past the tinie for -heeding the warnings of those who, for more than a generation, have+heen pointing out the menace of permitting a great national. resourc�. to become depleted. Anyonewho now .prates 'about Canadian .forests being "vast beyond .,comprehension" .or "inexhaustible," should be regard- ed as an enemy of the country. Produces More Milk. -Builds-.Flesh Faster,l(eeps St(.2.k F1ei1t1i ier Reduces Cost of Feedirig-Increas.es Fteder's- Profits. Easy to use. No, Spicial Apparatus RequilcJ. Sold in strong iron -hooped barrelat a very reasoaable price. A.Yr ' CAN,1‘41..)LA .0 A NL)A Litiitu - 118 :St. Paul Sfreet Wcta, . • . • '1- Local Distributor, A. R. i-inlayson, Lucknow. found, however, that the name l of friends as well as enemies of the government; have been -left off. The kwo young men who compiled the Hie for LuCknOw. are 'eertainly. not less capable than the average young man -quite the other way. Yet it is .surprising the number of errors that appear.in the Lucknow list as it came from the p ter. caP If: they -are a cused of•dishonesty or carelessness; i may be pointed out that each made the mistake of leaving his own name off the list, though they both are qualified ele 'tors. They did not have the last t,hree months' yesi-. dence in the municipality, and over- -Fookeei-.`-the-fact that -the -resi&-iitial- qualifications -does--not -apply -to ex- soldiers and students: That Mistake was due to scruptilous honesty, and doubtless many errors are explanable in the same way. , But there are -many, error* of which ons--*ee, These must he charged up to either the stenographers who pre -pared •the typewritten copy for the printer or to the printers. The stenographers and printers -were very- much . rushed for time; the. printers worked night. and day, and •errors were •bound to occur., Added to this is that the time al- lowed for making corrections was al- together too short. There should have. been at least a week for this. But. the lists Were received in Lucknow on Friday, and all appeals had to be sent in ht. Monday:: Tt is. 5pa fe - to sav that -.cry few had the opportunity to. ex- amine the lists, and that 'fewer still did examine them to see -That their names were praperly. entered. . But all this. means that the plan of enumeration was pot good, and -that the time -lir -Which- it -had tii he 4one was altogether too short. It does not follow from this, however; that the enumerators were intentionally Prook- ed, and it likely will he found that the errors and omissions adversely af- feet one party quite as much as the abort --. t • • .- WEALTH. Writing in the New York Indepen- dent, of which hr. is e_ditor, Mr. Hamil_ ton ifott tells a number of interesting things about the late Sir. Andre" Carnegie. The two were intimate fmnd•K;---w----orking t'ogether to °promote world peace and often engaging in golf toglether. tine parag,rarth Of Mrs Flolt's. a r- tich• reads" as follows:, ','I'erhaps the most ternarkable remark ..which Mr. 'Carnegie .ever made. to me about mey,was. !I -never knew how richl Was until last year. I have never seen my- • stocks and bonds. Mr. Franks tells me they are in thestrong box in the vaultbtit I :take his word for it: tet this year We decided to Make an, inventory of . everything I possess,' and 'what do you think? Af- ter everything I own in Great Britain and Amertra had been put stoWn' and added up, I found I had thirty-seven million dollars more ,than I thought I had." Thirty-seven million dollars is it- self a huge fortune'for any man •to have, but among Mr. Carnegie's five -or six hundred -millions it was coms partitively a -smalloimount. THE DATES OF' ELECTIONS. • The present uncertainty as to when we are to have a general election in Ontario suggests a much - needed improvement in our election laws, both provincial and federal. Prospective candidates and electors ettgh-t-lo 1nt/1k as Jearty-leirri6aat when an.electionis to be held. The present arrangement by - .which the party, in power can bring on a general or a by-election at the time that best suits itE.interests, is not fair i nor in the interests of- good government. • for 'both federal and state elections are fixed. This, however has the dist.; advantage that a party remains in power when it no longer has the sup- port of a majority of the members in a house, and that a goverment cannot resign and appeal to the coun- try when its 'course in an important matter is called in question. That is the point on which the Canadian system has an advoutage, and is more democlatic than the American. limy to combine, the good featurs of the two may he a problem not easily Folved, hut it is one which nevertheless aught to he undertaken. THE SPIRIT TIIAT BLESSES It is safe to say that no one_who plitise-SeS-the spirit of kindliness and sympathy will ever give the impress- ion of. being discourteous. He may fall short. _whefre some pf the social conventions. are, eoncerned, but in the vital things he will not fail. And no one need be told thatc_crtain peo- ple ivti4 regulate their tondutt stictly by the code of ettopette, .frequentlythose with _. whom they tome in contact uncomfortabel, a 'proof that their courtesy has a flaw. .1t knowledge fif conventional courtesy. For etiquette is:the .garb that polite- ness asAmies and it is only suitable be beautifully. clothed. But it is a more serious mistaketo put familiarity with the laws of etiquette itboYe the spirit of con rV•sy, a similar mist,stk:', to valuing a notn!s coat abOve the man binqielf. 110 sz:re that Nou 'base the wish to help your fellow men, the 'spirit that blesses. Everything else is secondary to that. ' • A LAND OF PLENTY -------- - Washed by the rollers of the broad Atlantic on one side, lapped by the waters of Chesapeake, Bay upon the other, exists a farmers' paradi.,e, where the husbandman, unlike his cousin of Ontario,is hardly ever heard to grumble. This Garden of Eden which adjoins the habitant Of the toothsome terrapin turtio, which ant . rarely eats in thi's part of the crrin- try, and of the canvas -hack duck, in- clined to be Ashy when shat. in L.ike Ontario, is Cape Ilenry,-butsix-miles, Wide by 65 miles long. It is one -of the richest' spote on tlie- Norttr-A-:-. erican continent. Here old ocean yields .stores of sea -food. and as for the land, you tickle the soil with a hoe and it laughs with a harvest. A. -fe- cund earth and genial clima0 pro- duce everything in abundance. Yet despite the prodigality- of nature,' the farmers of this i•section were scarcely making a dollar before-the:year-19r. No Ontario agriculturist in our hard- est times Was worse off than. these Virginia farmer5. •-To=rtay-these Vtrginian-5 aros- rwrous, simply- because they farm:•d a big co-operative selling org4niza- ginia Produce Exchange.Jn 1900 their •lattel-swas worth $25 to .4500 an acre, tion called the Eastern Sho:-e of Viz -- To -day it sells for $500 an acre. Prior to the fortnation of. the Exchange 'in 1900,•they had one bank between two. counties. To -day there are; :32 banks each ohe of which more or less cor; responds tb a Canadian branch bank. The exchange has 3,500 members; *11 , farineri. • • BRUCE BEACH Annual Meeting Was Ileld and cers Elected. The annual meeting of the Bruce Beech Campers' Association was 'held Oth- on Monday aftesnoon Aug. the llth, in Mr. 4rtephen Tout's grove. The president occupied the.; pilau.. Rey. W. H. Burgess,. Walkerton, reported for the Religious Committee, and gave the list of services and those taking part throughout the month of August Dr. J. F• Mckenzie,- of Detroit, re- port for. the Sports' Committee. -and after 'paying all accounts ,for priz,”; given at the -annual fete, was able to hand, the treasurer of the Associa- tion.a balance of $3.00 from proceeds of ice cream sold -during-the sports days. , The .Association discussed the queat ion. of. supplies for the present yea as the. arrangement for the .presen has. not been 'satisfactory and th Matter ,wasireferred to the future The treasurer's report showed a bal ance on hand of $14.40 from the pre vious year. • Seats, platform and pul .pit have been provided .and set u for the religious sarvices on Sunday afternoons.- An :information. Comm ittee. was added to the list of standing committees. 'The following officers, were elected for the ensuing year: .President, Rev J. W. Baird of Hamilton; Vice-pres'd- enligr,oim. S. .Rohertleart Sec. _Treasurer,. Rev., W. A.. Bradley Teeswater: with Councillors Dr. Mar- tin of Stratford, Dr • .1. 10. McKenzie of' De Rev. A. 11. Bo rgess- of Walkerton. th On August .9th e,Isurd sports at this popular sunimer resort held. Auto. foads of visitors- were • present from Lucknow, Delmore, Ripley and Kincardine. The ladies entered into the games as eagerly'as the men and added their (moth iiiiikingiNieven't great succeis. , . BUSINESS ANO SOCIETY CARDS JOHN SUTHERLAND St SONS, Ltd., (inelon, Ont., ttooir•nce. Fire and Marine. 1. 5). Is F. Lucknow..1...odge meets every Fria.. y evenirisatsi1Y17reck in Uttar Hall, 'Unto', b441 ffita•cet. All brethren Cordially- invited. ()Moors: - Noble Robot t bet' : N'ice Wit nd, .1. :11eQuiiig.; Ice. Sec., A. 1 lioyd; Pio. Secy., Dr. l'ater sot!: Treahurei., 1,4. Itos,.. A. P.& A. M., 0.. R. C. Old Ligin Lodge nicely every Thursday night on or 'before the -fu Moon-. in the Masonic Rail, Havelock sties t Lnektinw. %V. M., E. (.. Lindsay; 5. W., M. Ite,oiiii•e; J. W., Jos. Secy., V. Wi;Non. • • • 0. A. NEWTON: 1).. 1). 8.. ()elitist.. ()Mee itiook, -1.ucknow, (bit. All nioder.i method, used. Hest innturnAls turnislien. Clown and Hmidgsi work. l'ainiess extrae - • ion by the use of las _seise soapiest arta sr-ire-kIT. remedy, SOMNOFORM. Newest thing in artificial teeth. Alurnium plateml non hreakablo. . ands of graduates, who were holdin ; the best.. positions. in the city, and. de- mand of the business men for "Spot, ten. Graduates." Toronto ptOple tan - not be fooled 'by "false" advertising _and -•``.alippery." Ata4.elling agents' Who • -"sign.--up": unstiSpecting parents. - Almost all ,of the school teachers in 'these neighboring counties, who take commercial course's, .. demand the "Sriotton training.'"fhey_ know bow.; to exaniine, the real merits of a school, u Mr. Arthr II. Spotton, who has just retu.i•ned from four months' ser - Vice in, France, .will be closely :assoc- . iated with '4.11:s- school. He has. had . ten years* teaching experience and . je_floile -enlisting-was in ctia-ege-efrf---it - - large .industral office in Winnipeg, hence, students will have the advan- tal.ce.tif his iip4-; scholarship, wide_ex- perie.nce, exteasive .tra.vel, and ,busi- rn - un ,.-oritanit-atiorl. - . . _ Many -young people:who cannot at - 1 'tend now are taking advatage of i Hornti. Study Deparkiterit and at any 1 time have the privilege of attandi4., I 'colleges in Winghanr,, Guelph, Toron- to, Hamilton, Welland Osh w • -Tifireit-igate W -sending a post card ' before '"investing," and "regretting" as some have done.-Advt. . ' REID'S .CORNERS . In theevening an open air concert Was held on .McCusli's flats. Light was furnished by the autos present having their headlights turned on and forming a semi, circle around the aud- ience., 'The ladies' orchestra tinder the leadership of Miss Mildred Brad; ley (mandolin) of Teeswater, with Mrs. D. Munn, of Ripley, and Miss Irene Harnwell, of Fergus (guitars), and Miss' Eloise Baird, of, Hamilton, Miss Huff, Detroit,‘ and Miss Beth MiLennan, Windsor, (ukuieffiles) fur- I nished many spicy numbers.--Re. THERE'S A' 'Fifteen years ago the Spoitton ness College was format! by Mr. G. Spotton, who has continuotisly presid,;- ed over its. destiny., At that time city colleges, and among them a pres- ent competitor, r:diculed the idea of estalishing a commercial SchOol a "villager Ike Wingham. However, Mr. Spdtton haslived.long_e_nough44 control twelve ,different 'colleges es- tablished during the last forty. .year in the cities and towns of Ont. This is ehain eollegim---eVer controlled li!,•,one man in Canada, There a1'0 wany reasons for th.,-; phenomenal growth that tannot given in this spacei---htirt, wIriciy,w,rill scnt to 'young people choosing a school. Three years ago there were four- teen business toHeges in Toronto, when 51.r. Spotton founded his`-Capada Business College!in that city, •ani in., less than.ime year 11:,4 school' stood second -in point of attendance Th only reason that earl be given for -this record Was the efficiency of thous -1 • - Monday, Aug. 25th. Miss Viola Frasir spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Lester Arm- , strong. Mr. and Mrs. R. Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. W. Geddes motored to Kingar; Subday last. . Miss Elia. Armstrong, of Kineard- ine, irOS a week -qui visiwr of. Misis N. .cMu11ri. Miss ,Alice Reid spent _the last ter corn of. last week with her friend Mis.s Rena Collings • .r - Mr: and Mrs: Campbell. of Tram - are vi'siting friends and rela- tives in the Mr • and Mrs: -Nay and little dau.gh- ter, .of .1hingannon, were guests of Mr. and Mr1'Welch for a few dap__ hes • Quite a number attended the Olivet, Giirdeft I'arty whidi vas 11.•41, •1 - Friday ex-ning. :11.1 report a splen- did programMe and 'enjoyable time. HEALTHFUL ADVICE • During the aftermath of in- fluenza or any other prostrating illness, the logical tonic is 'SCOTT'S EMULSION which enriches the blood and strenns gthethe whole body, via nourishment Jfyou would re- new your strength -try Scott's, Scot; & Dowse. Toronto, Oat. as4 • -otos 9