The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-28, Page 3w e • • -- QUEER RENTS IN ! WEAVE*S THE OLD COUNIRY STRANGE COVENANTS ENTEREDED _ s`z INTO IN OLD LEASES. • t A Recent Irish Incident Recalls Some Quaint Examples of Payrncnt Bale tor FQmaa In Kind. Some of •Lord hlass©reeno's tenants : EX Y rlenaed 0n Wiy trans and In Co. Antrim Eti11 hold their farms on WO1at cds. tl leaves w•ilich reserve ttotc►#1"l hdlclr o pav fit early "emp? y certain' duties, such'ata so 'many clays rnen-t,' Under ideal Wo ' cintf eon - work of a pian eel a horse, eo many di•tions•: ducks, eapona, or 'term : . • . They have .reeent1j been :warned Tf . Wall c_&nni't c, Nr rlt;: o brat they must either 'j ertorm •'thee ttlepilane., duties or Eelse agree to i n ale -pease in rant pr'oportioirate to their value. Few !scop!' have ;the least idea of ' THE BARRYMORE CLOTH the amazing number and variety. of N COMPANY queer covenants entered -into in old 4 11179 King St. West - Toronto Here is a sample otoYie such ancient , Telephone Parkdale 3200 lease in the exact words .in which it was •originaily granted: ._., - _ - "I; William, king, give -to thee, iowclen it cion, mY:hop and my hop lands, with all the bounds up and -down :: fem. ,hea,atenasto earth, from leases. DiCYGLE3 ;Cow is the time for the best bar- gains. Buy now and`save money. We have • hundreds • or good .bicycles at prices ranging 'from $16.00 'to 423.00. Write or c;tll for particulars.. R. G. •Aiebeod,-.lib King "St- Weet - Toronto: HISTORtc .FURNITURE IN GALA T IA:L HOTEL ri ITi S OF ill:OR FROM HERE &THERE .4- . POR BALM. / IPN SHARE: ; 1).,07t1,,)SON CONSOLI- DATED Gold Mines at 12.00 per share. W. Hyland. 217 George St.. - ' Toronto. OR SALE --3` GASOLINE' ENGINES. le T'nit^5-7 Milker, Will sell llotwornseparate. all new. P.O.- Box 343, Montreal. I: tV PAPER. WEEKLY • IN BRUC/6 Reciprocity. I County, Splendid opportunity. Write tic: 1' Wilson Publishinrt Co:. Limits!. "Did (he doctor pay a visit?" 78 Adelaide fit. W. Toronto. "Yes, and the visit paid the doctor." ELI: EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and lob .printing plant In Easters Their Idea of Luxury.Ontario: Insurance carried 81.100. • WILL re for $1.2Q0 nn quick sale. Hoz •L A•n-- eld- .farmer, says - the -Edinburgh ' Avni"•-Publi.eht+ut .>Go...I.td.w_7oao�w Weekly Scotsman, who, by hard work , =Lr' W�$D. , and..parriimonious habits, had got 'to-' gct .a`Ltl rtune, desidt :tha -tba AtiTL'U--hiE:� A9 C4L'3 T.X "- pave tE- I'ijESElvTATi` Es to handle Ron - time had at la t arrived .when he vt'a�' depful mew gasotine-8aver for Ford care; justified in ordering a family carriage. ie-�rior;. cents per_gallon; parilcalsaxs He went to a carriage builder's and Poat Orrice •l3ox .716, Toronto, Ont: s ; described in .detail the kind of vehicle , 1 wished t `tiny: _. __.:--------- 4- �_� -el'e����-.rim---- Champlain, Jacques Cartier , and 'Montcalni, three of the heroic figure ort • America along the 'St. Lawrence' River have been happily united in a suite sof rooms which. have been. named af- ter them at the famous Chateau Fron- tenac; in Quebec. This suite is in the baronial tower which forms one of the most noticeable landmarks in ,the ancient city,and eoll ands• a won- t ul-."p' rama=ofttre reat-river and of the -blue.-Latt;-ranUan- ountaina. :-�:-....W .... GIVE QUEEN WONDERFUL VEIL. Belgian Lace Experts Worked On It Four Years. .earth to heft,"_,l ar--t-th 'c and these to The Queeneef"the Irelgi tiffs lis- •re- t yell, Irons sae .aaseteniuu to .tide ainci...c:tava{i,.t,I:VALL, tire -•lit,. -rifle1-•_:11:W._ , . : _. -works - of --Belgian Flanders a - marvel- - ou.s veil. Surrounded by all the mis- fortune and misery of wt s loyal subjects have toiled in s e or four long years to produce a unique piece which they offer .in homage to their queen. Such is their devotion to their sad =ig. • •h publication describes the eil 'designed by the ntost famous of s. Lelgian artists and executed by • the thine, -foura bow ---and a - broad -arrow, when I come to hunt upon Yarrow. In witness that this is sooth, I bite,this wax with my tooth In the presence of-.. Ma.gge,, Maud, anal Margery, and my, third sen,.HenrOF The .document is much shorter than any modern lease, and not halt scr'dif- ftc•ult to . understand. It amounts this—that the king gave Royden-theso lands' in perpetual leasehold on condi tion that he himself received hospi tality when - he came hurting, an was provided with inFtrumc,ntit of_th chase. Any numberof tenants held land o similar terms.. Some had to provicl most expert Workmen, perfect in very detail of mesh and motif. e TWel-vesthot Asa c1- hourswererequired in warktnanship, ,for the veil contains n not' less .than 12 million points. It e i clisp1. • the almost unknown art of arrows,' some- spews, some horse f o dogs; Mini}ia-m_de_Orey-llefht--hie-innst- at . alokeehitil. in the County of Not tingham, by the service of carrying, a gerfalcon .fr am Michaelmas till Lent at the..kii}g's 'court. "Sooting" Corn. ' • Iii;htesty, also in Nottingham, was rt - .,, d condition 1 n- c. i ditioa . ..,.::..�.,...,bt'. .UD ,tq„.mxi.�l:.do„s .t.A. destroy wolves and foxes. -,. The tenant of Herchin; in Lanca s lire,-gcr� a goon estate• free- -en corn r. light and shade, a 'difficult effect and one of rare beauty. It solves for the first . time, perhaps, the question of Aerspective. The e.itire pfeces.weighs but +four and one-half ounces. • the centre of the veil • are. the Belgian amts; and in the font* corners 9f -the central panel the arms of the s of, Y es - Nieu or .P ' e n u lie. .-l. ti •1 p _ . _t.L .. pk_ • . _� STp.._ g and Finales, • The four side,.patiels re- - .present the , industries • of weaving, clition that, whenever the king carne E4 Lancashire, the tenant should meet hini .with a horn and & white •wanes • conduct hive through the county, and remain" with him until he left_.it, ___._ Sometimes the service rendered in 1lehIlsg, hop--p.kk' Tommy- Was Surprises • • lieu of rent was the provision of some delicacy for the royal table: Walter de Burgh held' Rakley, in Norfolk, by paying two muids of red- wine .end two hundreds of pears, called maines, yearly. From • tenants at Westbury, in Wilts, honey and ale had to_be.sent to the king.' We hear of wool lambs, hemp, flax, • butter, and cheese being paid instead of money as rehts for farms- during the' middle ages. Freme's lands, in Gloucestershire, were 'held by what was called heriot ___ - service. Thomas Fiinfe, of Lypiatt, paid to the owner, Lord Berkeley, twenty _horseshoes and their nails.•_ It may be mentioned that a horseshoe was more valuable in those days than in these. Re irrn kind paid for Tnd at Had- denham, in Bucks, was called "boot- ing corn," which means that it was paid as bote, boot, or coMpensatiOn. • At Grimston, la Norfolk, n11 res1- Thclugh the Prince wilt be glad to• have a .house of hiis_.nwg, lie's not al o ether thrilled atth "e._ of York tg I1 aids ousts. For one thing there's too much publicity about it. Kitchener had it, of course, wh"ri he was at the War Office. 1 happeneclasays an Eriglish writer, to be passing through the courtyard one_ evening 'dust as;_ the great man, dressed in civvie, was coming out of his .front door. A very "tired" look- ing Tommy who was walking in front' - went • up to hini. "I say, guv'nor,.' he laid, "can you get this way to Vic- toria.?" "K" looked at him hard, for a moment, and pointed toward the Mall. But before he could utter a word .of explanation thee Tommy had fled• . with a muttered Gor-blimey!" isind_am r of such liarprecipit> tion ' that the corporal of the guards came out to see what was the matter. It vas the only time -I saw Kitchener giro. Anything exceeding half a ton of waste per acre in a potato crop is regarded as abnormal in Great 'Bri- tain. --/y-ln----reelaimlng the common. But . - their food was given them free while they. did this •work.. At the same • place, all tenants who pastured their cows on the .cOmmon did one day's work for their landlord at 'harvest time, • Cheap Rent! 'The town of YarMouth As, we be - 'Heise still nominally bound to send to the sheriffs one hundred herrings, baked In twenty-four pasties, to be delivered to the king.' So lately as the' .year 1778 the E.sheriffi attended in per- son with their offering. Smile of the rents asked were pure- ly nominal. Bermcton, Co: Dur- ham, was held in capite by the ser- vice of three grains of pepper. for other randi, rcnt asked was one rose. er.si gilt arrow, feathered with , One of 'the • oddest of. such tenures war that. ander which Kingston Ras- terms_of the agreement, 'the tenant hada whes:ever required, to count or Tell the iilag's 'chessmen, and to ptit in a 1: g when finished with. • Ichre's. 1,-1.'n had,. against his better Sues allowed his danghter to •• correction of his speech : But one night he relieved aaY uttersaso which he considered et;c1.ty sage With the formula- -Pat, ye r.,ny say, awl yea thing ati *Wither." So his mature jiidgment on teaches neething bit ccevilised Cabbages and carrets were aiikne,•vn before 1E47, • ; PRINCE IN MINE. • This' unusual picture of the Prince of Wales was taken as he em- erged' from a wolfram mine on his estates in Cornwall shortly before his 'de artere..: from England..i or Canada. BIRDS OF PARADISE. Brilliant I ant Pl umes- Ad• r theNatives o f; at ves of New 'Guinea. New Guinea •is, the home of a large percentage of the world's birds - of paradise. The. supply of these beauti- ful birds is fast 'failing. .Not only ,do the women of "Europe and America ,demand feathera'for their bonnets, but the,, natives of New Guinea and sur- rourdine islands make lavish .use' of th•e-.plumage-as .head: --dresses. Some precautions are now taken to prevent visitors to New Guinea from killing the "most' beautiful birds in the world, but the natives are left alone, and they 'continue to desk tr eniselves out in capes and headpieces more gor- geous than any seen on our stag© beauties or the wives of our million-. sires..• - -- In . New.' Guinea it is •the man -wh fll c s birds of ar a e t bparadise decorations. The,wo len n like the' fen la le bird of paradise, are Iticonspicu ` us • in dull colors, r,. . hers the New Guinea. natives set out for the for-irst knowingthat th e 'bird rd of par'acl"iae seeks to•conIcal his 'rafn • DELICATE °YOUNG GIRLS Need • New Red Blood to 'Give' Them Health and Strength. Does your -daughter inhe"nit a deli- cate 'organization from you? Tile anaemia of young girls may be inhr- ited, or'it may be Caused by bad a unsuitable food, hasty -and irregular eating,' insufficient . out-of-door exer- cise and not - enough rest and sleep. . It 'comes on ` gradually, beginning with languor,indisposition to. mental or bodily exertion, irritability and a fe 1fng of fatigue. - Later comes dial= iNt - p ton of the heart. headache- ciizit ness _following f a stooping+ position, frequent headaches andbrea.thless- ness. In a majority of cases consti- pation is present. There may be no great 4oss of flesh, but usually the complexion taken on a greenish -yel- low pallor. . . •'rCases,zf this kind if ne lected- die- g , come serious, but if taken in time there is no need .to worry._ The treat- ment is quite easy : and simple. Dr. •Williams' Pink Pills, -'which : are •free baw 1 from any.harmful or habit-forming { hues in the dense follege of the trees. If they can -find tea haunt of the .de- sired birds they start calling iii excel- lent imitation of the shrill, ugly cry of the ' bird of paradise to its mate. This ruse is usually successful, and a bird. shows itself only to be snared or shot down with arrows. - In mating season the male bird dances -before thee female he desires es a. mate to display his - beautiful feathers, and at such a time. so ab- sorbed are the birds In. their own af- fairs that large numbers - are taken easily by the wily natives. t� Mi sctes or Brains? A cartoon in a city paper repre- sents 'a -slendor, intellectual looking -man as g- 'for ment at a factory office and asking about the rate of pay., The boss re- plies. "Twenty dollars a week for brains; 42 for muatcle. • In the same paper appear, side by side in • the "Help Wanted" columns, t�r1d notices, one offering $10 t; Weekt for a ''bookkeeper with long expert vti, t and the other vffez firs $tS 't r Life is made up ef compensations. a bootblack. By the time a man is old enough to These facts might be -duplicated al - realize wile% a lot he•dises not know, Most •a •h ' he is too old ta worry about it. . seem s ani!ely reversed to -day. Is it t 09 continue so? . I .."Ia the hour of danger a man is proven: the boaster hides, the egoist trembles; only he whose care is for honor and for others forgets to be afraid.—Donald Mulkey. A spider's web makes a good baro- meter. When wind or rain is ahead, the insect tightens up the web elong- ating the filaments only when fine weather 'is coming. ' The British Government made a .prefit of £10.600,000 by insuring pro- merlt. risks; g13,610,000 was received in 'premiums and only S,2,970,000 paid Humane AnifritirMuzzle is Regulated by Gravity. The secret of a recently introduced humane muzzle, which allows the ani- mal weafing it perfect freedom of the jaws when the head is in a lowered position. but which restrains .when the head is raised, lies in a grsvity- operated catch./ This catch holds it rubber -covered metal bar firmly under the lower jaw when the animal's nose Is not pointed earthward, but is disen- gaged ;by, the force of gravity „when ,Reliable rubbers save mueh loss in canning: - If tea or coffee dis 1 ees -the-sure -way out is -to drin1( 511 OST Pi No loss of pleasure, but disfind 14ain in heaLth, Not an elepteiliiinerrt,. No Raise in Price! Ask the rocer • dru a tonic needed' to remedy this wretched state .of health. Though 3t-ls`not noticeable g ,improve nicht actually begins with the first dose. As"the blood is made rich andr red, the pallor leaves the face, strength and activity gradually re- turn and if the treatment is continued until the last syinptom disappears, the danger of a relapse is very slight. If' any symptom of ; anaemia ap- pears, prudence suggests that Dr. Williams'_ Pink Pills - should. be given -- at once, and the sooner they are taken the more speedily will the trouble be overcome. You .can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by . mail at 60 . cefl'ts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.', • The central room, named after Mont- talni and used-, as the sitting room, has among other curious furniture of- tstavo,ahtirrdse ' ,yeat�s o .a� table l.y ai; caret (tafr of rough c.c: rte.. ni.,d,. l'es sol- diers dier:. v;' -:o 'served uneser to tree i calm in the Siege of Quebec in 1759, and actually• used by the General up to the date .of=bis 'last -fatal-.battlre with the `troops of General Wolfe. The writing •desk in the .same room was formerly an altar in the old Ursuline• Chapel, , while the antique Grand- father's Clock used to figure, out the. hours, and minutes in the 01d Jesuit School. 'The habitants, - or peasant rietiors of French Canada, are famous for their skill in handicraft, particularly_ weaving. The• floor -cover-_ 1pg used in these rooms is a specimen o1 this habitant handicraft,• known as "catalogne," a washable material of fast dyes: .ms .-%he-two adjoining rooms; .one -en the .stni::er. The escefistve :heat each side, are used as, bedrooms, aria 'throws the little stomach put of order except for the private bathrooms so quickly that unless prompt aid is which have been built in to •meet with at hand 'the baby' may be , beyond all. ..the requirements of moliern• habit, are human bel befog 1' - faithgul re li .. p e, t ; mothers re - faithful in the seig- aline$ --be is 4-11..- --Sumer is the sea- . iiorial .Chateau of Old French Canada. son . when diarrhoea. cholera infan- The four Oster beds,chairs, fire ir3ns, cro_zleiy and—Charcoal burners tum, dy.eitrv_ard-colic are moat ire - valent. .Any one o7 these troubles are actual anticiues. • Here can be seen , may prove deadly i1 rot promptly the:old warming, pen of the Ere -radia- [treated. Duringthe tiara "Now, I suppose you want rubber- ; I HAT ILtVE YO• J • FOJrk SALE *IX tires,"said the carriage builder. a Live Poultry, Pauc . Hens. Piaeons. ••r„ ager eta! Write I. Weinrauoi3 1E' Son. "No, alai" _replied the old farmer in 1.:10-1&-B.L..1esa...b*tias.a. Mark- Many tones of resentment. "My folk ain't rapt' Que. that kind. When they' -re riding they ' " - want to know it." aoxz EUtLDEES tIJKITI: FOR OUR FREE; 130UK or House Plans, and information tell- . "Zoo" Mouse. 'ins how to save from Two -to -Four Hun- . dred Dollars on your new I•Tome. Ad• Jock, fresh from the Highlands, was dressHIlalliday ComauY. 23 Jaekeo• ng h visftie Lon•tori `•Zoo:" Seeing` se—"`ra. tton Qnt, many ;strange animals, _called... out ; eirracr.r.LAintouse, to an attendant: ' 7 A. '1 UMUH9. LtJ �►i1'D„ ETC.. "Here, !non'. 1"e rnicht. tell's the. " `V intErna1t;lCitt and sxteraal,: - curd n1th- itames 4' :.tlaaA bit }�eesties.", a ttretosn bttoa 3 ttompert neetimman'a se1r1ael - , "f �•�•f; ., t .• �I;d�;nt•' 1, Co:. 'hlmtted, CoYllntrwood. Ont ... "That targe black one -as- a bear."' • • When Thirteen Was a Dozen. .,Ay, ,, "And that one, with .the .snlall.jsgrs.• There was a time in early English :la -a rapti,.......,__....._, ,_ historyswhen--a heavy penalty _was:in-•• - �'Ay! 4 flicted by the authorities for short • "And--thatone with- tbe; weight, and .the_ tear_ ot_`_punishment IargE� herrzs was so great that rather than run the is a moose." - "A noose! •Awa', mon! If that's a risk of violating the law,'bakers gener- • moose, then whit are •ye`r'rate like?" ally ,threw in an extra lop, when cus- ._a. 'touier's'asked for a dozen loaves: Thus a' t "baker's dozen"' came.to be not SUMR HEAT : , twelve pieces of a: given article, but thirteen,. - ' • MONEY ORDERS. i Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion E 11 HARD ON:BABY No season of the year. is see dap gerous to the life of little 'ones as is • An Essay on Geese. The following composition on geese Was written- in a western city by a. schoolboy: Geese .is a heavy -set bird with a, head on one side and a tail on -the- othei.. His feet set so -far back on runnint gear that they nearly miss his body. Some geese is ganders and has a cue! in his tail. (lender's don't lay or set• They just eat, loaf and go swimming. /f I had to be a geese I would rather be,a gander. Geese do not give milk, put give eggs, butafor me give me liberty or give me aur�iluer tor days and thea old pipe fighters' of L mother's best friend is Baby's Own the'tiays before- matches were invent -1 Tablets. . . They regulate the bowels, II- ed. The.. old. fashioned 'open- hearth.-; s- eeten: the stomach- andkeen baby e ow y an family fettle give their welcome and i medicine _dealers or bymail- et 25 - tell their tale of hospitable byegone ; cents a box from The Dr. Williains' days. On the wails hang old prints Medicine Co„ Brockville. Ont. - 4th its'tr' Il s standing -b and the hcalthya The Tablets are sold by and priceless tapestries. RINGS AROUND THE SUN. ilosmomm Best Time to . Weed. Do nit let any weeds go to seed. as n Many Cases Followed by Rain 'that will. mean extra work next year, Within 36 Hours. •weeding "out the seedling weeds, start- • ed'by the • gardener's neglect this sea• Rings around the sun or moon are properly called halos. They matey be defined as somewhat complicated ar rangements of arcs and circles o light surrounding the sun or the moon accompanied by others tangent to 'o Early morning, before the sun is up. ' is the best 'time to weed. If the weeds f,„are left out on the top of the ground,' .1, exposed te the sua. until the next day, r the sun will kill them. One-third to one-eixth .of an ounce of potassium iodide to each 160 lbs. .1 of feed will prevent hairless pigs. Do _I not use more. Disties that.have become brown and burnt through baking in the oven may -be easily cleaned -if allowed' to stand awhile in borax water. • Minard's. Liniment Co., Limited. A ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in tny family ter years, and for the every -day Ills and accidents of life I consider it has equal. I would not start en a VOyage withopt it, if ft cost SAVING KAISER'S STATUES. Germans in • Thorn Fear _Peter Will Destroy Them. . The Germans are carefully remov- ing all bronze stetueS of former Kais- ers from Bromberg and Thorn lest Ole Poles destroy them on thisir arrival. at tlremberg already has been taken will be removed in a feav days rind the foriter Kaiser's statue at Thorn will I* inken frOltt the tnarket With, P. fes - Lost anal Found and Lost Again. If professors are not all absent- minded, all absentminded Men In the With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Illtho0 Any Pain *Sore coma, hard corns. soft.corns or • any kind of a corn can shortly be' lifted right out svith the fingers if you , will apply directly upon tho corn a few' drops of freezonea says a Cincinnati I. • It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of areounce of free- ; sone et any drfig store, which is suffi- cient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without paln or soreness or This new drug an ether compound, is applfed and does not inflame or (VC n I irritate' the surrounding tissue. ' This "announcement will interest many women here. for it is staid that the present high -heal footwear is put- ; ting c-orms on practtcally • every woman's feet. LEMONS WHITEN AND humorous papers are professors. MzIts this te:.uty Ict!on cheap:y for 'The Professor -I went to the roil- yrir face, neck, ,arma and hilndl, la I left on the trein•last week.• Wife—That's Where Is •The ProfesSor—s-Eli? Py Jove, the train. ter pint cdre tival parade. 'The German Govern- Horses are fend rf alfalfa itly; for 11"11:-I : Moved. from the bridge ncross the Vis- T even for worliin;r Im.r:-e.. ' hl' River. u,---___— ____ - Ilr.i.,e1:1114triti,ri:::1•11:..,.ski!:.. ,orfrtr.f c.. Except for a.few.hours! stay at Ot- tawa, where certuin Stato formalities ,-,,,, al.ri NVII:tc :1 !1'.y tint, 41,111: meat will be asked. to erect it else-Ithis reason irshould Le fed fo 0 -ern in g°•ts ine'' SINCE 41870 only stop of ills Royal lliehnes., tho " lirnd Canadian Nilti:aial Traist be coiriplic(1 witle the* first mil • Five Dollars costs three cents. Xpress : oney Orders. The Victoria tower Of the houses df pail:ament at Westminster, took tv, enty years 'to. build. From base to summit the tower contains .140 spaci- ous rooms., each fireproof, and packed with .stitte papers, the records of cen- turies 'C tt .e of English history. I_ tor�• Kiziard's Liniment Cures Distemper. To pregerm z vrho:e 101110115 fur months, place a layer of dry, fine Far,, an inch deep in an earthenware jar; then a row orlemons with stalk end downward and so lemons do not =eh" one another; cover with - sand three inches in depth, then another layer of lemons. Repeat this until jar is.full. Stoat in a dry, cool place. THER,E LS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH •'BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them—They Are Nct Aspirin At 41. Your drugglit gladly will give you - the genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" because w -is made by Canadians and owned by a Cana. There is not a cent's worth of Ger- man, interest in Aspirin. all rights be- ing purchased from the U.S. Govern- During- the war, acid imit:itions were toll as Aspirin la pill Voices kill various other. containers. Bul now you can get genuine Aspirin. plainly, stamped with the safety„"Bayer Crolis" —Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache. Earache. Rheu- • tnatiem. Lumbago. Colds. Neuritis, -and Pain generally. .Hendy tin bnxes of 12 tablets, also larger "Bayer" packages. • Aepirin is the trade mark. regtateret1 . Canada,. of Bayer Manufacture .ot - ai Your Scilp anti Sklm With t uZiinva • •