The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-21, Page 8British Grenadier Guards Band1 NEW GOODS TOTS WEEK Men's Suits Neat dark patterns, in fine check worsteds, excellent quality material and linings mhde in styles at $37.50. B�sSukts --;,- Men's Raincoats Men's Odd Vests. Tweed and Worsted quali- ties at $2.50. Nice pattern Tweeds in brown and grey shades, neat fitting suits, special $12. • • • -Bloomer• lad Splendid range'of newlines in variety of Tweed patterns at 2.50 and $3.00. Dark grey' wool top,extra' well made and finely finish- . ed at 18.00, 20.00 and $25.00. _ 1 _Other good 11nes_a 1 . 0 - - 12.50 and-. $15;00. ftlealst-Work Shirts No. 71 Plain _`Dark" Blue Shirts, White Stitching, at $2.00. - MURDOCH 81 CAMERON CO. If you need anything for the Preserving Season this is the place to buy. See our windows for a hill assortment of Alumi- nuns aid Granite Kettles. Canning Racks,Fruit Jar Fillers and Parowax for sealing jars. SPRAYERS With i tter at - 50c pert. or over it pays to look after your cows. =To- get best results- you hast protect them against the flies. ZENOLEUM and CRENOID are the two best mixtures for the fly pest and the most convenient way to apply it is with a hand sprray. Try it. TO TH RESI-I ERS We have the best Lace Leather on the market —first quality Oak Tanned. A Stock of Leather and Canvas Belting also on hand. The Lu:cknow Ijardware & CoaICo. —TRF !TORE TUT NEVER DISAPPOINTS HURON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Council met pursuant lb adjourn- ment with Reeve Ruttlq in the chair. Members' were all present. :Min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted. The following orders on the treas- urer were passed: (James. Stele, $6 ,1. ttlsperti!Tw -gravel- contract of Roulston & McGuire, 2 days; Donald McLeod, $2 for a itting''Weeds, around , Tow-nship Hail; Stewart Needham, 83 for shovelling gravel 1 ti days; D. D. McDonald, $2.60 for -fillingr hole in road and approacTt to bridge at lot 22 con. Ti Robert Stephenson, or hauling plank from S. E. Osborne's to D. S. McDonald's and putting plank on bridge at lot 12, con. 10-; Neil Mc- Callum $2.50, for 3 yards of gravel on culvert and at bridge at lot 12, con. 10; Thos. W. Lowry $10, for man and team on grader 2 days ..on con.: 10; W. E. Cawley, $2.00 for putting plank on bridge, sideline 10, con. 12; John Fair $2.50 for shovelling gravel at 25c, an hour for 10 hrs.; Malcolm McIver, $1 'for filling hole in approach to bridge on Sideline 10. Henry Stephenson ,3*c for 3 flds. gravel. Walter Roulston and Roy McGuire, $35. for hanliiig -.15 yards of gravel on Con. 2,- at Lot 25 at $1.00 per yd.; $2.00 for digging out culvert and putting in same on sideane 5, con. 1; also $38.00. for cov- ering . bridge and fining approach+ -, and putting, on 18 yds. of gravel on ldE;line 20, eon. 1; John Ross $.1;.50 for 11/2 days' work on sidelinil 10; Kenneth -McLeod • $400 fer part pad. - inenteen contract of huildinr arch E,rt sideline 10, con. 2; Angus Murray and Kenneth McLay $5.85 for balance diie on contract on sideline 20, con. 1; avid Campbell, $?0 for buil`dliig cul• vert and putting plank in bridge; $70.40 for hauling 80 yds. gravel at 88c. per yard, total $100.40; G. H.Kay $7.50 one-half inspecting of Camp. II-s---eontraet few--6---days et light - hoose road contraet; John Watson, 50 on Lake Shore Road; Ernest Emmer• ton $2t50 for one day's work at lot 5J, cents • balance due on -gravel; Wrn. Graham, $2.00 for rep. two 'culverts con. A; Alex. 1VIcCosh $19, for cutting hill on Base Line at lot - 37, con., 8; Thos. J. Scott, $13 for hauling plank covering bridge and repairing abut- ment on sideline 30, con. 2; $4.00 for one stick of- timber 20 feet long at 20c a foot, total $17; David Campbell 88 for hauling 2 loads -of 'stone and rep. culvert at lot 40, con. 2; Canada Ingot Iron. Co., Ltd., Guelph, $105 for Arm- co iron culverts; Shirl Bowers, $24.70 for 2 teams on con. 2, 16 hrs. $19 and one man on grader -1.9 hrs. $5.11), total $24.70; Dunce Munn, $20.52 for hard- wareaccount;. Robei t Campbell $20 for damage to sheep by dogs as .certi- fied by sheep valuator; Peter Cainp- bell $2.50 for sheep valuator's fee; -+1 p--k;-lle& I�- dogs as certified by sheep, valuator; tI Peter Campbell $2.50 for sheep valu- tor's fees; M. J. Roulston $3.00 for 1 damage to buggy at bridge sideline 10, con. 2; Hunter .Bridge & Boiler Co for reinforc steel bars $100.40, less freight $12.34, bal.' $88.06; Robert Johntson, $1.00 for hauling plank niilipley .and'_ putting _same - on bridge at lot 15, on. 10; Wui. Muir. $12.34 for freight on reinforcing iron for arch. The following gravel orders were passed and issued, viz.: Mrs. John Ross $4.50; Nrman McLeod $1.00; Alex. McRae 80c.; V. E. Gauley $2.90; Mrs. John . McLeod $5.30; Albert Brown 65c.; Mal. Smith $1.60; Gilbert Farrell $8.60; H. Stephenson -$1.30; .f. McConnell $7.50; Robert Chaplin, :;.8a; Thos. Blair $2.70; Mrs. Porter $1.50; Gilbert Farrell $1.50; d• F. El- liott $3.40; Thos. Farrell 75c.-; Alex. F._. McDonald $3.50; Albert Brown, $2.4:,; Geor e_ L. Page $6; Robert Chaplin $5.50; John Gamble $2.50; Mrs. Porter 60c.; R. Stanley $8.30; It. M. Cameron $3.10; Thos. Farrell $7.- 20; Joseph' Fletcher ph' l" etchex $5.I0; J. L. Gam-. ble $1.50; John Watson $1.60; V. E. Gauley $1.40; Gilbert Farrell $1.90; John 'Henderson .$4.50; John, Camp- bell $3.50; The following other ord- ers were issued, viL: John L. .Mc- Kay$ 7.20 •for 24 hours' work on abut- ments on sideline 5, con. 2, at 30c. an. hour; G. 11. Ruttle and Robert Irwin $6.00 each for attending a meeting at Goderich re Ontario & West Shore Railway; Angus D. Martyn $50 for right of way for. river on lot 25, con. 8; John Sutherland's request•'to have his tlog removed from,,the Assessnient Role' waa not granted. Irwin Mc('osh—.That t{r Bert 4..r win be authorized to pay to the treas- urer $:56.17 received from Thoma— Reid. Luc:know-, to be expended on th:- road to the Lighthouse; also 81.0 re- ceived from -Thos. McGuire for host. Carried. -• - The following by-lA7s were passed, Ise viz.:. By-law No..5S7 to authorize the several public school trustees' levies in the township of Huron for the year - 1919. By-law N�. 588, to authorize irhe raising and levying of certain sums required for the lawful purposes of the township of Huron for the year.' 1919,_ and a sum tq defray the expen- diture of the trustees of the. _police village of ji:ipley for the year 1919. The township ' rate ' this Year is fixed at five mills. By-law No. 589; to authorize the borrowing of .$1,006 to meet current expenditure of the Huron and Kin - less jfienicipal telephone..8ystem _..for- 1919a McDonald—Ruttle—That the Clerk. be • instructed .to write, The Canadian Express Co. with reference to the complaints of the business men of Ripley on Account of the non delivery of _exprears matter -the. vit. lags. -•-Carried. Irwin—Ruttle—The members of the Ripley Red Cross having purchas- ed 314 acres of land adjoining the -Tp. hall property, for a Memorial Park and Athletic Field in memory. of the soldiers from the Town ji ip _ of .Huron who served in the Great War u • ted that the Council purchase one-quarter' acre more to add to the foregoing, be it resolved that the 're- ,quest1 oL the ?Red, , Cross._. Society be granted. The cost of the quartL iiri 'not- t -b *steed $25:00 ..,Carried. Council adjourned to meet on the 15th day of September at the usual place and hour.. • Angus Martyn, Clerk. re FALL FAIR DATES Lucknow S pt. 25 26 Blyth . . Brussels Dungannon Exeter ►Se t 15.16 Goderich Sept. 45-1647 Kincardine .. ....... ... Sept. 18-19 London Sept' 6 to 13 Mildmay . Sept. 15-16 Ripley .... ..... .. Sept 23 g1 Seaforth Oct. 18-19 - Teeswater Sept. 30 Oct. • 1 Wingham ... ..... _ . , ....... Oct. 8=9 . Sept. 22 23• Sept. 16 17 Oct. 1-3 ZION Betvie timparamommasamomgramoromealson Monday, Aug. 18 Rev. O. Q. Lswson . spent a week re- newing old acquaintances around Bervie Mr. and Mrs.' Horton and two sons, Detroit, spent a couple of weeks at the home of Mrs. Dr._Bradley. Krv. W. Davis will take the topic at the Epworth League on EriJ y night._ Everybody, welcome. M r. D. Emerson is in Detroit receiving medical treatment. We hope he will soon be better, and able to return he ate. Alita.__.Mary. _-Miller-- cif-. _Paluieeteu. spent a week with friends broiled I Bervie. 'Mr. John Bradley has been waking smile repairs to the Millarton school hobee. -Milt Dr, 13rie:h y •is- ; tatNrrl its ►ifs in Kiudardine :iuU ei'jeying the lake bre, zt, . Messrs. Lloyd Hildred, Wes. Thomson end Robt. Emerson .have go_ne West on the harvesters' excursion. Miss Viola' Blackwell was successful in ``the Lower school ex3it inai i - ,ent ance to Normal. MisseOretla and Florence Fair spent their vacation with friends .tn Clinton.is•v \t,. Il�sE;►: : a' 1 ,,1ebt•tl, (•{fled in 'BBervie last week and visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Peter. . Miss Margaret McDougall of Tiver- ton and Miss Murdoch: of Detroit spent a week at the home of (lordon Alex- ander: Stn Moore is working with Tom Brown on the threshing outfit. • Mr. and Mrs. Vert Miller of Palmes- ton motored to Bervie last week to renew old acquaintances. Mr. Robert' Hewitt of Morden. Jlala. is visiting around Bervie. He will spend• a few days and return to the Westwith his wife at d daughter Who have been here for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Miller and Miss Bertha 'Miller spent a few days in our village 'last week. Mise Gertie Worthy.: lef t on Tuesday for the West. The Jubilee S:.rvices of K 002 Church were. -brought_ -to a aucce. stul- c Tuesdiy-by-the • holding of a big social. An appetizing, supper WKS, sera ed on the church grounds, after which the pa -tar, Rev. Geo. Giltuere caked the crowd to order to commence the progr%rn. As his introductory remarks, -he gave a short and intereatirr:g review of the church work since its beginningaidsixty sears ago. ,Rev. Mr. Maxwell an ftev. Mr. Bremner, two former Iraytors, were present and gave short accounts of th.mr experiences while in charge of the work. Jos McKinnon and Wrn. Scott are the only two still residing in these parts who were on the board of nlau►t- gers of the first church, and each madea fees remarks. Other sp •akera were Rev. 1.)a cis of Bervie aiui Rev Hunter of. Lnmbeth,..who wan is the lieevi1- Methodist Church &bout twenty- yearsago. -Themu3tca►i pari 6t the program was given by the Lucknow Bated which -riveted- rte w h-taerreptendid select bs a ad W. H. Brown, the irnpersonutor of Harry Lauder, sl► ho won great favor, not only with the 'Scotch aide of the crowd, but with all present. A very sucessful social was brought to a} close by . the' singing of Praise God FrewWhom all Blessings Flow, and Clod Save the King. --Tuesday, Aug. 19th: Miss Margaret Ritchie is spend- ing her vacation at Ravenswood. Mrs." Isaac • A'ndrew, Alfred and Miss Mary Helm, spent the week -end with friends at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Boden Ritchie and sons, of Walkerville, are • visiting his brothers in the burg. Miss Mary Topp, of Toronto, is spending a two weeks' vacation with relatives here. Miss Jessie Stothers spent a few days last' week at. Charles McDon- agh's. Cor n r DU 11(10S and Richmond Streets „.fall Tetm Open=s Sept. -2j919 �n<lividual instruction. }Ancient teachers. Courses. up • to date. Falter any day. .1. MORRJTT, �'r'iiicipal National Victory Celebration TO BE ' OPENED BY H.R.H.; THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION ug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every, phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES ,Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun, Canada's Flying Circus cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. WH 1 PPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph Th. M...:.ti rise ., all Growl Sta.! 5,..1..1.. The surrender of the German Fleet SEEVersailles Castle --Victory Arch. Afienby's -entry into Jerusalem. keel . ae... ai .,il.. utr.. -dha►r hoarse TME GUGTZST Li nismo W 11i WM •Reid's COr:ers —Monday, Aug lk Mr. John Reid and Mr. G. Ruttle motored to Port E'gin Friday Inst. Mr. B. A. M cCosh wears Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs A. -Fraser. Mr. Win. Walbh left for the West last Thurs. Bill's many friends wish fo. his safe return later on in the season. Mrs. T Elliot of Landon is visiting at. the home her parents Mr. and . J rr. M. Welsh. ' Mr. Howard Armstrong of Kincardine spent Sunday with friendsin the -vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Steele and. children visited at Mr. Alf.. Will den's Sunday last. Mr. Harld Frau r' of Toronto spent the week -end under the parental roof. Mr. ar d Mrs. Wm. Farrtll were the gilests of Mr and Mrs J. Reid Sund:►y afternoon. The showers which fell Saturday `and Sunday last were welcomed by One and all. Lothian ---Tuesday; August I9 1)r. Alex., Barnby is _ home from_} Lean►ingti n for x a r ek's vacation. M las 1lannah Hogan of Toronto hone for a short eat:At ion Miss bona f'fend,,ta)•In + f f. fiiionton Its -ASSAM quality gives i that rich flavor REDROSEa js good te Sold only in sealed packages - • WIiITECHURCH ' —Tuesday, August 19th. Dr. Robert Stewart, of Toronto, arid, Miss Sarah Ste4rart, of -Sask., spent, Sunday the home of David Ken- nedy. Miss Fitizei�c:e ..McRRae of -London, spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Annie Henry. Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Paterson and fam ily, of 'I1ainiltun, are visiCss,!: at thy ns,t'i( ,)t K. t'ateison. Mr. and Mrs: Duncan Kennedy, of Toronto, are visitinng 'friends in the village. Miss Sarah and, Mary Sharpe, of Teeswater, are, visiting their aunt, • Mrs. H. D. Henderson. Miss- Annie Armstron;-,sof. Lang - side, spent a few days with !ter friend, Miss Lillie Fox. Miss Angie • Henry - left Tuesdaj morning for -.Waseca, Sask., where she will visit -her. sister, Mrs.-- -Hin►l. '1'1►t' .Culld" Meeting lastt Sun4;1 ,:it;•tit .was:. .trodetoo(H y Kt nnedy. The leader for next 'night is Miss Kathleen Territf. Vet► he Temperance Referendum Act, 1919. ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1918. Notice of Sittings of Revising Officer Electoral District of West Bruce. To Wit 4' TAKE NOTICE that the list of Voters for. all -tile polling sub -divisions in the municipalities of the Townships of San • - geen, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Kinloss the Towns of — incard_tte an`d-'Southam ton, ;and .ale -Villages of Port gin', Tiverton and Lucknow, have been prepared bythe re- spective enumerators and have been delivered to. the Clerk of this Board, and that His Honor Judge A. -B. Klein has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose .of. hearing complaints and appeals as to said lists for the Town of Southampton and the Village of Port Elgin, and, the Town- ships of Saugeen and Bruce. His•HoIror Judge A. M. Grcig has been appointed Re- vising Officer for the purpose of !tearing complaints and ap- peals as to said lists for the Town of Kincardine, the Village of Tiverton, and<Townships of Kincardine and Huron. Alexander E. McNabb, Walkerton, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to said lists for the Village of Lucknow, and the Township of Kinloss. And further take notice that the sitting of the Revtsingt -�, Officers will be held on the is - siw_odlnq a rou1►Fe of wesk, h' -re I ' visl:irlg hd'r cr,usin, Miss_13i•spi(. !tunny. l'r(••s+:lrl,ed Bars of complaint; or ail cal -:roil (1'IiE'e•- Mrs B. Iirady:ar,d •M r.: .1.1ird'ly and Ri`' (sews 'Ail bt obtained from 1hs! '1k 'i`;ing ( eliecr or their farni!les are vatting the•i'r htotre rs INieh(r of the R(-g)str•►ttinn 15uard.. here. 29tli Day of August, i9l9 In the Town Hall in the Town of Southampton -at 9 a.m., as to said lists for the Town of Southampton and Saugeen Reserve. In . the Public Library in the Village of Pqrt Elgin at 4 p.m., as to said lists for the Village of Port Elgin;• and at 11 a.m. as to said lists for the Townshipof Sa ugema,ad at 2-f.m., as --to said lists of the Township of Bruce. • In the Council Chamber in the Town of Kincardine at 7 p.m., as to said lists for the Town of Kincardine. At 4 p.m. as to said lists for the Township of Kincardine. At 2 p.m. as to said lists for the Village of Tiverton. In the Township Hall in the Village of Rip;ev at 9 a.m. as to said lists•for the 'Township of Huron. In the I'ubttc library at the 'Village of Lucknow at 9 a m. as to said lists for the Village of lucknow ; at 10 a.m. as to said lists for Township of kinloss. AN 1► Frain ElL TAKE NOTICE: tlaat any v,►ti•t. wit„ Elerirnm t,, complain that the names of any persons entitled -to Is- entered t,R the +taint linty have bt:en omitted from the sarne,jr that ttte.nattues of persona-a110'aro net entitled to be voters have been ente-edcaa-_1Ji,: Iisty ittaty on or bt•fitr, • the twenty fifth 'lay of August, 1919, -apply, u►riipiaiin-or ar'peal •,() have leis or her name or the names of any other pelmet' corrected in, entered on, Or removed from the lists prepared under rile "Ontario Election Act, 191 A N 1) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that, :.uc•h appeals must be by • notice in writing in tfuplic•a;lis in the pre; criltedl m, sigrfeI by the cont- pl;tintant anti given or left for Jilin at his place of business sr residenes, on or before the said date tsi the. C erk E f the Revising (Hikers ais follows : 1)a!IIE'1 McAuley, Southampton, rty to af►I;c;t1.1 for Town of SC,utlia}rnplcttr and Saugeen RF'serve. David (Jed le•, sty to appeals for Village of Port. Elgin. • • Fred W. Elliott, Saugcen Township,' as to appeals for Township of Hallgren, Port EI�in,P.(+►. s _ 1. C. McKay, 1'nclerwood, ass to appeals for Township of bribes.. J. 11. Scougall, Kincardine, ails -to atr,l►eatls for 'I'i►wn of Kirwa n:line: Gey,. it, ti1E:Ka v, Tirrten, ifs t :_appeals for .Village of '1'iv rtett. John Corbett,' ir►rne., atm to nppoa!'v f.rr t hr '1'1►walglli f► of Kincardine. Ar►t{us Martyrs, i;iplsy�, ass to appeals for ti,, 'I'1►'vnvhip of 111114)11. .1.►W4h E .1' to w;1 -u Liniw, :4 .4 .01o44►•11.11}-a-4,- r'-1-1 V •ILtg., of 1.11,1 114 w an'i '1'1,«'nyllir of Kinlo.i. Io A. B. KLEI Misses Mildred and Jlaria Long are A . � N, - ♦ siting friends in Toronto and (Iu?;ph. "Chairman Voters' Hegissteatt'inn Beard, 1 fur attendance of his C'k•r k., o; ' any County df irpcc • .4 I 11