HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-08-21, Page 4µ ,�.'M�Yr�. •n,a 11 • Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000. Over 100 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK Offs good banking facilities to Merchants, Manufacturers and Farmers who require credit to extend their operations, Savings Department Conducted on up-to-date System. L[ICKNBW . BRANC.I Deering New Ideal Light Running Steel Binders .. _: Oliver Two -Wheeled Sulky JPIow Primrose Crcatn Separators Louden Litter- Carriers, 'Stalls, Stanchions New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale by W. G. ANDREW, - LUCKNOW. ;MEAD OFFICE HAMILTON MANY -iaple : a-i-1to save because the amounts which they are able to put to one side seem to them toosmall to be worth saving. Make a trial. Open a deposit acccunt with the Bank of Hamilton, and you will be surprised to find how rapidly your savings accumulate. BANK OFHAMILTON LUCKNOW BRANCH -J. A:"_Clennie, Manager. 3 Tinsmithing Eavetroughing Furnaces Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. G. Drinkwal The Double Track Route HETW tKN MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor 'cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. R. horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON G T.R. 'Agent, Lacknow. I'hwne 2. WANTTD II CREAM — We pay- the highest price. Our tests are accurate. We supply cans. - EGOS --- .Any quantity. We pay "Cash„ only. Have you seen the Anker- Holth Self -Balancing Bowl Cream Separator ? We will be pleased to show it t(1 you. Silverwoods, Limited Phon, 47 _LtsCknow, Ont. WAticED Culross Centre- -Monday, entre- -Monday, Aug. 18. Most of the farmers around have finished harvesting. Miss Lillie Walker, who has been overseas for nearly three years, has returned home. Mr. Walter Day delivered a nurse at Ripley last week. •- Mr. Kenneth McKenzie has been 0. inted Township Clerk. Mr. ti ifiord Day is spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Hugh Semple and Robt. Colvin are -Send -the •.. IEurktunu 'rnfirtel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, 'Ontario. A. D. MACKENZIE, Pro Motor and Editor. TERMS or Se•aatcxiarru►s.-To any :address le Canada or Great Britain; one year $1.50. six months 75c., three months 10e. '1'o the United States, one year fp ps). 'These are the paid ie .advance r:at,u a `►on paid ill arrears literati is Fink:. per year higher. Subscribers who gall to receive The Sentinel regularly by email will confers favor to ac yuainting us of the fact at as early a date a. possible. When. change of address is desired, both old and tine new address should be given. Advertising Rates. itiset.Av At>v xrielNu ItA•rEs--Made'know11 on application. STRAY. ANIMAU -One insertion 56c; three in- sertions $1.00. • .._ • Farms or Real Estate for sale Jae eact inser- tion; Miseellaeieoma-.articles For Sale. To -(tent, Wanted Lost. Found, et.e., each insertion 25e. �os:al I3eade>r`: aJ`,pt.iceh.-_at �i ru sprtiot►,:5oeach subseque►.t insertion: special rate of 8o to regular display advertisers. Card 'of Thanks 25e, Coining Eventas 8e and 5c per line. no npticeless than '25e. Legal advertising ilk: and ac per line. Auction Sales. brief notice 50c.longer notice lec per line for first.insertion • 5c for each suheiquent insertion. Black -faced '1 i pyaaal,ltne, for 1� Any special notice, the object of which is the, pecuniary benefit of any individual or associa- tion. to be considered- au .,adyerllsemeet and chaiged.accordingly. ; $urjn (:s rdN Qt ,,tc .lines and, under, $4,011... i,t3r ysb. 'P.Y� '11•bt , 00. • HENRY FORD -GETS SIX CENTb One of the most interesting libel cases which ever got into court came to an end at Mount Clements, Mich. last week when Mr. Henry Ford, of autom( - bile fame, was awarded six cents a compensation for the injury done to hiri) ►w Tb Chicago Tribune !Alen it clear : Zt'I.t him an anarchist. 1'tie law suit, which lasted throughout illtce-Illont,lis, and on whish. sowts"of tht best legal talent of the f iced- SUXes was'tugaged, is estimated to have Lost about one hundred and fifty thousand dotlau.' This sutra, The Tribune Co will have to pay along with the six c-nts which go to Mr. Fora, for, though, the amount of damages, awarded .was. trifling in the extreme, the fact ,that damages were allowed Mr. Ford, meant Mine woo•a sial n z . was one o Those, iu . which the • reser must pay the whole expense of the court, it being ;t7sumed that he was wholly. responsible for the holding'ofthe-int and- incurring of the expensa. Mr. Ford- tad' --sued for Qne mil it fl doll'irs, and the awarding of the nomin• Lal sum of six cents looks` like a Iudeed the" case throughout its course has been a subject of merrim°nt; and the critlinsr award seems like a fitting clitnax. The two parties to the -suit are so immensely wealthy that nobody felt that either ..would be hurt no matter cosier -Fay the decision ---wet , The suit's -rose -out of .- - the •Great War �►hkb E3ecions1y ... , . too many thins Aria p •rsni :au away froru the scenes of- the actual fighting. Of a g. nerous ai'fd sympathetic_hature, ot world affairs, Mr. Ford was opposed to war, apt) trendy, under any circnna- etaaacet, and during the troi Ue with Mexic3 'and the early part (►f the Irritations of the Skin Are Soothed=and Healed by the Use of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment — Two Interest- ing Cases Reported The old method of treating eczema by means .of ,inter -nal medicines is too slow and uncertain of results. The • new method Is by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. You apply the ointment and obtain almost Im- rtaediate - relief from the itching, stinging sensations. In a few days the sore spots :are cleaned out. and,. • the healing p1 ocess Is -set up.' • .As you apply 'the 'ointment. -froom•- day `to day you-. cart -see for yourself- thtr splendid results obtained, and this will encourage you to keep on with this treatment until the cure in complete. • Mrs. ' Stafford Leason, Wincheeter. Ont., writes:_'] can heartily r_e..__. commend Dr. Chase's Ointment, as it cured me of a very severe case of eczema. After using several reme- dies without relief, I was about dia.- couraged, thinking )t could never en.-- dure the intense -surrering. At last tone ',evtiranxig'> ivn' .h T :felt:` I rdle :net endure' the pain ;another day or .h -our longer. I thought of Dr. • Chase's Oisttrnent which I • had" seen adver- tised, and decided to give it a trial. To my great surprise, after using it a few times, I obtained relief, and in a few days my affliction began to completely disappear. My husband and I often speak of the quick and lasting cure I obtained in such 't short, time. That was ten years ago, and we have kept it in our home ever since, and it has been a great healer for many other complaints. I never tit to recommend Dr. Chase's Ointme:it to my friends and neigh- bors. - "I might state that we have also used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food in our household, and I can recommend It as doing all that you claim for it." In scores of ways Dr. Chase's Ointment is of use in every homa. Applied after shaving it keeps the skin soft and smooth. _ Used.for baby after the bath, ft cures chafing and skin irritation. It is so soothing and healing that it acts as a beautifier of the skin, keeping it soft, smooth and velvety. Sixty cents a box, all deal - 'sirs, or Edmanson, Bates -& Co., Limited, Toronto. ,many other men alio, lime shown gee t aliily ._-and awaseed great fortunes. , ' larrIN/U1 .41.61 llth con. west. Mr. and Mr. Walter Richardson and Mr. ad Mrs. Walter, Pinnell spent the week -end with friends near Tiver- ton. . 4otris- MrDvnuld left Teeswaior last Thursday morning for the West. A number from here attended the dance at the home of Mr. Herb.' Pletsch's last Wednesday night. Al! report a good time. - Erb -McIntosh. -A very quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Ross; when Sarah, daughter of Mrs. Albert Green, -became the bride of Mr. Wil - her Erh, brother of Mrs. Ross. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Foster in the presence of immediatb eGives onTy. The happy couple left .from Wingham- 1 hu,rsday for a trip to Windsor and Detroit. • WAN -T --- at LUCKN�W Dead horses ,and Cattle promptly re- moved within !t radius nf. 2) miles.. No animal remnvPrl without the hide. Will pay frotU1 3,fNa to $s.•00 -for antnnr1ss` brought to the factory. Phn'n.m at our expense: DAV phone No. 122, levening • phone No. 17£3. • • i�ARWR:'ts Fsarll,rraa CO. Ltd., 13-2-tf. • • Wing'hatn, T. . We have st'eare(I If. D. \V..51s to buy c;rer►n for uy. Ile will give ' out, cans, test cream and pay 11 i g h err t market -was-Dist -Dissit . --- Get a lam and give urn to fair trial. . «'e, aysut't )•eau that y o n cannot Tela (! sny mistake). (lair aim 1Y 1r► give you en-, Uri) ssxtiasfa rtiran a n (1 I0tt ce ,you stoney The- Seaforth Crearnery Co. Seaforth, Ont. • A P Fire R "Wil') is a -profiteer i ash d 'a m .n the street the mbar day; ani h -r ---west ...ter—rem-k tit.. profiteer is j ast a man who goes. alt : ad anti- maker all -tlistt" he `cart tut of bis business reg ►rdless of the eausUf't !ac;;s to oth:'.r3 , na i � a Wake up, Ontario ! Let the Referendum' Battle -Cry Be "No!"- Nota - No. No. INCE the announcement in the Legislature last spring that a Refer- endum on the Ontario Temperance Act would be taken this fall, the different temperance orga izations of the province of Ontario have met togetherto consider wha attitude they should take. The result' as been the it anion of the ntario Referen ll =•Cpmmi-ttee, comprises representatives from the organized temperance forces -of the province and the temperance sentiment of the province outside, of these organizations. The new Committee will conduct the Campaign. 'We are asking the voters -of -Ontario -to vote. -"-No" ., to all--questi ub- mitted on the ballot. 4 d � ., _ eren The. � d1123 • �B���t AND HOW TO VOTE Yes No • 1. Are you in favor of the repeal of THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT?. 1 2. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure through Government agencies and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale? 3. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure in standard hotels in local municipalities that by a majority vote favor such sale, and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale?.... 4. Are you in favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through Government agencies and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEM- PERANCE ACT to permit such sale? ofthe By the Ontario.Temperance Act, sale Onto fe ed there is a majority for "Yes" and distribution --of alcoholic liquors for any questions. You Must beverage purposes within the province mark an X after each of the four ques- were prohibited., For practically three tions, oryour ballot is counted as spoiled. years the province has experienced the good effects of this law. Its repeal would be a calamity. Any of the amendments would spoil it. Referendum. The Ontario Referendum Comrniftee earnestly and respectfully - For the Temperance forces to win they ask you to _nark your X in_the "No ' must_.s_ecure_four "tyo" majorities.. That column -.skein _-each and every , question, is, a majority for "No" on EVERY as indicated in the sample ballot re- question. The Tanperance forces will be produced herewith. Tl1L.. - Lam- ~ A A century of temperance progress in this province is at stake in the coming JOHN MACDONALD -� jte- D. A. DUNLA' ' . ANDREW S. GRANT Chairman Treasurer - Vice -Chairman and Secretary (1001 E I it. ;,$1dg ;.Dur tto) • The word is not yet in the di ;tion aries • — _ and perhaps no reco,rnize I a'uth'oring ; to hire. He is reported as saying "The -has given's dethit.iotr of it. It is one next war will be -fought by E ig'and and of the gifts of the Great %Var. Th< Japan against America.", definition given above wires pant. of th, Tile re Ison for this cptmtn war is not • meaning but not all of it. The word given, but De `Valera will . not trouble rofiteer semis - to hive been first about that his nfijrctis'.'ta' stir used to mean the man who took aalvan- European warn be said and laid many foolish things. It was in critici:rzi 0f some of his published remarks upon the .war. that The Chieago Tribunerpublished an editorial uuder the heading "Nord Is An tYi, archist." ' As 'the Tribune is a .papery of great circulation and itemenae intinence, Mr Ford evidentlyalelt tha he could not wisely 1-t this severe criticism pass un- challenged, as doubtless it would 'seri- ously damage his reputation and pres- tige. --Tire defer , r•)IOW that ',Mr. ford entertaii,e..I. and had given expression tot such idea and senttmenta stn justifier/ it in Raying .t-h;at he is an' anarchtat;t_ -O?---this-t. representatives of The Trrjbun to convince the jury. With t int~:. vieatr-they rinntttel`y- reviews - Mr•. Fara'$-life history and enquired closely into all his bngineas •--his profits,- his wage ' arrangements 'with hit - men--- in fact everything was laid bare. Olt the whole, the exposure was not discreditable to Mr. Nord, for though it was shown that he knows nothing of history aaind of literature, end is surpris" ingly ignoriarlt of furrrnt a vents, It was not shown' that he is in any way a dana.rous citizen much as the terve anarchist _imp! - J 1+ei- went -that be said ie that .:s1 r. Ford a',Pearss to have ('ntert•►ined riotne views reeatrding Ka'r in cot{illdean wilka ar.arrhl�ta_--viewt� lie 1 cratertairaed by tht'«great titaoj.'rit.y of t lien people in c(annt.ries of highest, civil'. ►r at1(►n. 1towr•ver, Mo fair airs flit• evi dente revealed, he is entirely frau from the ap►irit •,f .ririlence vise:) (:liaraeteriza•sc Certain elements of the anarch.trttrti. As to Mr. Ford's display'nf ignorance, b3 is itt that respect no worse than •. / • 1•. at Mr. Frank Todd's last week. We are pleased to report that Mr. Saul Phillips, who Underwent an opera- tiop in Wing!`a.tu Hospital, is recovering. ' Miss_ Sl riie_Stonehouse__of 13el gra as Wen visiting friends here. will towards Britain. an.t . h: /no doubt -eenntry-'s hstreae and needy thinks that the idea of a war *eked. by during - the war to make ex trbitant Britain and Japan. up to the 17 rite plollta for_ himself.. Thermen-who Mule States is something toins'te hatred. btgmmey-nut- of the -Making -a1 war Th ther-w'iid Amur– -entertainrg"by munitions . were. 'the first proii_teers: tril8 reCjt:less ellrnealt of the inlet ii further illustrated ,by. 'a: atuteuteat by [it the word applied with equal fitness Josiph Smith, president of the Friends to those, . whoa having, control of the, of Irish Freedom, S•iid.ha: If 1 had my stocks, 'of wool and I...thpr -steSay way'-t7'aanut r ow t wd);1ta1. repo Atte every advanced the peaces knowing that: -the utIa'►ual debt sand break every bab-kers government must have the goods and to the world." that it would ply alai'»t any priceChis suggests that tbe "Friends of Irish, H reedo in_are very closely related to. the that way asked. Later, those dealing r•13olshiviki of Russia, and • that in reality they are the Forst enemit s of Ireland. in food stutl's, seeing► that the people must have 1'1101, kept it off the market, creating an ar t i fil i al scarcity and exact ing prices beyond that learranted by the snpip'les actually an hand. -Tuesday Aug 19 A good example of this East sort c.f Mr. and Mrs. Wm L'hornps )n, and \1r profiteering was exposod in Ca Al a the and Mrs. Will McQuiflin, motored tea -(hirer may, Th(s' wiio h in rie " sugar - Wingbain, :3iitev.ile, and W-r,xet tor, on upon w large scale sere di:~covere 1 to Friday of las week.. have stored up immense cpuu.ntities of it Ji r, and Jirs I;Itj:ait Prot and d... sten � t, g St. hieler•is The regular Institute will be held at Mrs. Jas. BUSINESS ANO SOCIETY CARDS JOHN SUTHERLANi) & soN•►, Ltd., Guelph. Ont., ln-uranoe, Fire and. Marine. 1..0, r). F. Lucknow bodge meats every Friday evening; at.B O'a'lock in their Hall, camp - 'bell ,tceet. All bt•ethrasn cordially invited. Officers: - Nflbir----tirnnd,-ttobert hither ; . Vice Uraaaad, .J; Melkuttg; • Itee. See., A. H. Boyd; rip. secy., lar. I'aterson; Treasurer. - Alex. ltoss, . (T. TC C. 1)1i1 Light L4xtge uaeTet4 every '1'hn::.Ia,yy night on or before the fulli moon. in the M'iaaonic Hall. Havelock street i.neknow. %V. M., l:. (;. Lindsay: S: W.. '.1 Mc(;uire; J. W., Jas. Hoyle; Secy.. W. , � Wifvon- Durnin'x on Thursday, August lath. Sart jrct.-Table Manners and Qaestion ._lha-we: Miss Kate McKenzie returned Langside on Son toy after spending a few days at Mr. John 1liller'il jr. Mr. Borated McGuire of- London is - at M r. Ned Thom's. His father, M r. to Mrciolilire.1ii. gone to the Went. Miss Mary McLean of Lucknow has been vi&ittrg at Mr.• Arch. Anderson's Paramount • Moquay, A4gust 18 PR.:sENTATtON TO P401.1)1EIts —Long and pleasantly remembered will be the evening ('f 'Friday, Aug. JJ 1:,, when friends to the number of ah(nnt 1.50 met at the home of .11 r. and Mrs_ P., 12._.Mc- N ry, Ashfield, to foruia.11y reeo,(nize :the. rcpt urn Louie of two l'aramt►unt boys who had bee...overseas with_ _ the CF. F, - (c_ornert the supply stet to ssy ,until , , ��--Wel•1 atltt see rrt!+ritrig st_ war. � to -f:rntc-E, be_trult_ )raa:sery Me\ay. The evening outside was pPr- fe. t, and the 'guests er..,ioyed the drive from' their homes. Following' a'stiort program of music, the address published below was read, and the ,ys were each presented with a beautiful Regina gold watch. The two young men replied to the ;;til Treys in short but appropriate sis echesi expressing their appreciation of the reception and the gifts and atm their ,joy at being among tileisf friends. Following 'the presentation, a nice lunch, • provided by the ladies, was served, • .The renaainder of the evenipg,• to t!, wee sma Ipourt,.�t•�; ...$rp;,ply_ 'et••jnyed in polies and dancing. Mrs. -Gordon sand Mies Mary (, The Address read to the boys oval as nag ..-season--,eant(, on, Meta►. adios. 'relie price was then advanced 50e. per loindredweiglit. on the ground that there was, a -shortage. The -fruit must he preserved at once-nr, ltrt; go- the higher price i t paid and n'. questions asked. 'I'haat is the sort of profi' erring which iss goiaag un after the •.tar; but the trick waft really learned during the war period. . ' No remedy fhr the evil milieus to have been yet d' ist•d, but the t•4poSIirt s ►f profiteering 1'ay inveestigaatingecothn111 rsionM in (;ritaun, the 1'ailed States anal oi• 11114 c• twtry wiil, ham a wholesome eft The Rev. Mr. T)wasA f .of Clinton, will occupy the pulpit of the Angl.cac chiire;h Helens during the absence of the Rev. Mr. Eccleston. Mr, S. li. Stothers, district represent. a:ive of 1ftiron, and JMiss McI) retell of E nit 1\Vawanosh, met tbe lo,.al , commit-. at the school house, for the '►urp ose of revising the prize list of they school fur to be held at .St Helens on September 15th. 1)r and Mrs, .iohn Mc('rustie and son; Watson, tit lied; 1)e •r, Altaa. are vi'itors at W G. McCrost ideas, STiRRIMG UP STRIFE ,'Itut1,(•rfctrtllcft aa:r ,?`I vi ff~K a lake follows: Mr. W hel o McKey and Ern;e after meals, )a� atlera. ' .ptre, iile'r+t of the h-ffs4Fhti'- of ir(l end" is no doubt Laving the time of him life in tht' [oiled St t s whether h • has romp to tr iiv - nip t by acid money for the Coll•(. rif •Irish n •ependo ICC. The sort r.1 thing hi i ► pr. ach'ng on this sack of (lin /. tl ► tic 1, suggesto 1 by the following Bente ce which is credited ' NI lot • D 'NTAL C. A. N E %Tt r'J D. l h '3, . 'Dentist. ( mine ADM 13ioek, 4.aekravw, (tett: "'x71 modern , methods nesse. Best materials fund -died. Crown and Bridge work. 1'ainlesss ext racl- ion b th IIS a es rent OMNOF()HM. Newost thing in artificial teeth. acluml3 m plateed non breakable- -Robert country in the terrible struggle just ended, thus -ensuring • our as well 'as your safety. • We knowthat you have played t_ht♦ manly part at all times in social life among us,' and we • feel confident that yc►u exhibited the sante trianly- st.i ri r. while assent fr. in its We s.s k you ta accept these wa. tchesa as a s mall token -of oaf appreciation ot -your serviced. We all jnio in wishing you fits('."esa wherever your future k)t.ni:ty!)e cast. Khed inJlf of the cornairaa;ty _ I/ ta•Tli •.t: Niue ts•x MAct YON %i,Ir Wita.tr. M•s;rrt:ti,1: (; 0 3:1a(-aN lttreett a t: Pte. Ernestt. F.:Clark It M: enlisted in ' the 181h ilattaliiim 'in •the_ fall of 1:11'► and went overseas with the 70th Kate. ittrlving.in France on-Ati tint :atit, 191X,. Ile was wotitt•iedl .on tht Smmnitt ;amt again on 11111 70. in 191 7, aoif he' was also gassed aliklrtly. lie cvasi awardte t the \t1litary Medal for Attend sn,; wounded .01 ditogerous ground at Arras last August, TRUSTWORTHY Taken in moderate doses, right through the warmer months, trip to the Soo an,i other points. bliss Ola,dys .Jeff •rson ( f the Wth d- Clark. Scoll's (rnulsion furnishes rfourishment of par- ticular value to the anemic or those underweight. Keep up your strength. Trust Scott's Emulsion to help you do it. scV Vis 4 Ob. stock hospital stall, is vitsitir.)( !mous Dear 11 .3 ss: tiers. i We, y,ur'fri•:IA.1 and neighbors, pre met t•r !-t her tottight with yont to en,j�,y Messrs. Aii irew (S unit, (, arafoti M0 I`a:n i'%' rri{r Pherson and Jas. A'tcheio;a left for the 11'e fru West. last Wedn• s.iay• Y welcome yrnl 1►ark, and re - West. i,►tce with you that you were permitted carton of Whitechu 'ch visited to cross the seas to do your bit for your .1 1* i ;