The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-07-31, Page 1^
$1.50 per year, in advance;
2.00 otherwise
Single Copies 3 cents
reit Lord'ta Day at 11 u.m. and 7 p.m.
Morning subject : "The Vision of Rac-
iel Union." ,JEvening subject : • "The
Miracle at rt Home."
O wing to so .many being away on
their holidays the. August Quarterly,
uarter -
Secrawentasal Service. will not be held in
t lit Methodist church next Sunday nor
notal further notice as the pastor witches
tt, Incet as many as possible at this im-
p ),rant service. The official tweeting.
will be also postponed.
A picnic by the Lucknow Presbyter
i to congregation and Sunday School
held at t.Jlark's Point on July 18 was
1 ergely attended and in every way
succasefu1. The day was_ delightful
,and .thelake was wast perfect for bath-
ing or boating. Those in charge of the
arrangements wish .to <- pre ss thanks on
behalf of the congregation to those who
so kindly put their eutomcbiles at the
disposal of •the Committee, thus making
the trip to and from than laake,a pleasant..
- ' The popularity of Clark's Point as a
Thursday of last week when the Meth-
odist congregation- of Lucknow, and
the Presbyterian congregations of . St.
Helens • and South Kinloss all enjoyed
in an outing at that point of the lake
shore. The day was fide, there was a
big crowd and the day was most enjoy-
ably spent. A program of field sp..rte
including amateur baseball was run off
end there was an all round jolly good
Soldiers Arrive
Lucknow soldiers to arrive home
niece our lattt issue are Ed. Racine and
Marshall Gi•t►hem. • .Mr. -Racine enlisted
eat ly in the war and saw a great drat, of
service with the 'Army Medical Corps.
He was most of the time on )hospital
work in the north of France and in
England. After spending a few days in
Lucknow, he joined Rev. J. •S Duncan
in a4trip on the Great Lakes. We
understand that it -is Mr: Racine's
intention to return to his native country,
Switzerland. . During much of the
time that he -was in France, he was
within two heur't, travel .of his home,
_butWas_never -.lib c here. His
pareute, howevter, pal Tm a short
visit. -
Marshall Graham was Riven an en -
thusiastic welcome home on Monday at
noon. Ile is stout and in the very best
of health. Marshall was among the
at- by -know, and;
he went overseas with that unit. He
was transfer red to a construction bat-
talion and saw fourteen month's service,
often -_under fire. For the. past few
months he was assisting in passing the.
home -coming men out of camps in
EnOlti * . .
One Second-hand Toronto Pumping Miil
in good condition. Maybe seen in
cperaticn in town. -
Three Light Deliv.ery Wagons - one new
with c:osed top, suitable for baker's
Four Seconal -hand Organs -3 six octave
and 1 seven octave, good as new.
Three Cowboy Sa41411es.
R. J. Moore, Lucknow.
(Corrected up to Wednes4ay soon) '
_Oats r. 70
Barley ....1 00 1 15
Eggs, new laid 1 r 44' 41
Butter 45
Hogs 23 O0i
Choice heavy steers $13 On to 114 25
Choice butchers 11 50 to 12 00
t`ho#�,,bnte i'i ' cows 11 On to 12 (R.1
Good feeders ' 900 to 10.00
Good milch cows 140 00 to 180 00
Hogs, off cars '4 00 to
Pall Wheat 4t 2 13 to
Goose Wheat 2 10 to
Oats .. 97 to
Timothy Hay... • 23 00 to
Hggs, new laid 53 to
Butter, Creamery Prints 40 to
30 00
Mrs. Manning of Detroit is the guest
. efeber martin Mrs 'Jain. Lyons:
Mr. Steel Mackenzie ,hasaccepteda
position as school teacher near K itehener.
Messrs. ,Alex, Lockhart and Jimmie
Orr were up from Toronto Tor the week
BrethLen of the l.0 O. if . ate remind-
ed of the district uuion picnic at 'Kin-
cardine on August 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hardie of Listo-
wel wereguestsduriug the past week of
Mr. and Mrs. R, T Pi,illip.3.
Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clarke and son;
nuglas,•have.moved o'Gedenela where
they have taken up residence
Mrs. Ainley (formerly- Gra-
ham) and two children are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R .►bc. Graham.
Mrs. Jamieson and little son (tortner•
ly \Tina: MacDonald) is visions; 1,ei
parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1). S MacDonald. Dr. Coulters and wife, of Philadelphia,
and Misses Kate and Ada McCritnmon
are visitors with .Dr. and Mrs. Newton
this week.
Mrs. A. M. Armstrong and her
daughter, Miss Lottie, of Lindon -visit-
ed former Lucknow friends a few days
last week.
Mr. Albert Millson, who was quite
seriously injured while working with
bis teamlastFriday, is well on the way
to recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. lioorehonse Mitchell
and daughter, Alice, are on a trip, to
S tguenay, Qatebec, and will visit at.
Montreal and Quebec City.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mackenzie of
Windsor,, who spent a 'Couple 'of weeks
with relatives in Lucknow .and vicinity
have returned to their home.
-Mrs. Williams, Of Buffalo, her Font
Frank`, and diteghtei Sadie, ` 'an* M -r.
and Mrs. - Ed. L'twrence,' nt W'inuit►ek,
are visiting Mrs. Andt'rsou anti Mr. J.
C. Anderson.
Shipment of Fibre Board just received.
Parties r quiriug . ranee castlas�•e_or_det s
filled' while it 1a4ts:' -J. • Hlfrtildtesoiv.
Lucknow. - 31 i e•.
Lucknow baseball tenin won f rt tn,
Clinton in a well contested gauge at
Brussels Re -union on Monday. The
score was held down to 2 1. The boys,
-however, -loste-W---Rrtiesels---ireese- anon/
gins and family wish to express •deepest
thanks for the kindness and sympathy
Blown by friends and neighbors during
the illness and at the death 'of husband_..
and lathe; •
' Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Letang have
returned from their post -nuptial trip,
and are spending a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus -Mac=•
Kinnon, before leaving for their home
in Montreal.
Mrs. R. J. Ross of (::inning, who
spent a couple of weeks with her pat-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hargh, Kinloss
returned home on Thursday of last
week. Before leaving she sold her
resilence on Havelock St. to Mr. W. J.
Mrs. R. P. Cameron is spending a
few weeks vieitipg friends at Galt, and
St. George. 'We notice by the Galt Re-
porter that Mrs. Cameron was present
at a falbilyreunion in Galt of six sisters
and a brother, • 1'raf. James Dryden of
Oregon Agricultural College, their first
meeting together in 16 yeaxrs.
A stalk of corn of unusual length for
the time it was in the ground was
presented at The Sentinel O:li ;e a week
ago.• -It was from the farm of Wm.
McAllister near St. Augustine where
the seed was planted on Jane 2t► Leo
than a month after planting this stalk
was A ft. 10 in. tall. Of course there is
taller corn by tbi:t time.
Mr. L. G. Mackenzie of Aberdeen, 5.
'Dakota, -a former remittent ref near Lack
now, visited the neighborhood since our
last issue. Ire was the gu art for a
week of his brother -in law, Mr. John
,.McRae of near Lochalsh. Mr. Mac-
kenzie hags -been in Daljkota the past 29
years and .holds a responsible position
With the Gilbert Mfg. Co. His slater,
M� MaRle accompanied hitn as far as
Tomato o Ws retttca trip.
rt of the fess 1).1<< celebration
to last week, bot then wet.
t news List 'week. Like
eat in,{)tit.arioi,`1'.ttekru w
losing, down business for
'rig 'a day of c,u•tdc c,r
an entertaiuureut
didn't, repo,
every other-tc
'celebrated by -c
the day and hold
sports followed by
, the Towel Elall at nig
dile Perk in As -stilt,
large, as country rt sidt•n
with wheat and Lay. A
number, however, left the liar
and carie ,to tow"). to do uionstra
aatisftict(itl, ewer the si_guint; v
Peace Treaty and the ctlicial endie
the greatest of all wars
-Belfast and., Lac.knuw teams played
Lae l,rulebut the emit,. was .father on*'
sic'i °ii�"victor ' .dinar `to "Lu-eicrrci•w'.'by
considerable Acme. '1'liei•e were racer,
jumping, shot -putting and caber tocsin e
The Brass Band enlivened the day by a
program r f*li i mt:.:. X
Theevening.'wasdecidedly warm. but
Lhat dit1 notFlee sit t aCrt r tyle'):f 'a
record crowd�at 'the' Town- Hall 'to"�sce
the comic drama -"A Cheerful-Liar".pre-
rented by .the St.' Helens Dramatic
Society. 'Ihe Hall was packed quite
beyond capacity and a hundred or more
were turned away for want of room:
The play was s-ery amusing and in spite
of the uncomfortable . atmosphere the.
crowd was well e'iitertained. Between
acts Vico ,•'elections were, given by
Missies liable McClure - and Marthat .
Mactc'allunr, Mrs. J: W. J'?y nt, Miss
Mary Pickering and Mr. J. C. Andersen.
The committee in charge wish through
Tire Sentinel• to exl,+ress their thanks to
the 8t,. Helen..& t)ramHtic iociety firs
giving--the••-tilay free -of : -Charge--ffl---:�H
greatly helping to make the closing
feature -of the -celebration a success.
Proceeds of the day and evening
to. the.BrassRand Fund.
L.- The crowd in
rot,; r) ` ..nut
tb wcre burly
vest fields
to their
f 't Ile
I'xacminati iri ceiri its,
'1-911i:.;'' All hon-
,('.r carttlit.tatd's.*re arranged according to
their ,sti r ding• _ait • - the examinations.
I'ass alphabetically.
HonorsLAlexander M urdie, Itobert
Andrew, Evelyn Lockhart, Myrtle Web,
titer, Jieler, .Thotnp,on, 'Irene 11-tt1iu' •11,'.
Knt')tli•cu l! ill, 1)•,ra \i it.44t�:1r; I; tit }i :i14
into,h, Margaret ,11eC.&y,t,,,e4 Mary Me -
Lean, Annie JiihnstUii, 1,11adys 'lodging.
1'a.Ss Flora, Andrgw, 'Pena Blitzstein,
Francis Cain, Isabel Chestnut, George
Fisher, \'erta.t Hamilton,. \Iartlr;t Hanna
Alvin Irwin, ,Jeaiu l.ettucdy, ('has \l•.
11orrison, \\'illtnin '1'hOmpsoe.
Honors—Moorehouse Morgan. Gladys
.M.cCtadt., .Madtjorie,.A. lcl)onalsl,,•.1ie,,rt'ge,
W,11=1 . t)rthtro �2d t
-U'1 :flit' iii, _E' %!. lily illl�r"t'1 1,eeto
attacks upou idleby lino: \' W. R w-
ell and The Christian Guardian.' Cuardian.'
At the Liberal _Convention held in
Kincardine on Friday of last week Mr.
A. Mt,whinney, K tanner' 'of Bence
Township and ex -warden Of the ccnt.y,
wag selected to contest, the riu
ding -in the
coming provincial - election: Mr. Mc-
Cannel' 'of Sa ugeen, another farther, and
•ex•war,:eu was th • only other nominee
who allowed hisenanre upon the , ballot.
\Ir.°'i\lewbinncy, However, .had a"large
in 4,jot•ity of votcas, LAO ,the 'selection was.
made unithi-m3ua
Mr. 1t. D. Cameron, who was - vice
president -of the West Bruce Association
was ,made ,1►reeident, and Mr., Coombs,
of Kincardine, was -re elected
tOutside the selection of a candidate.,
the chief feature of the convention was
-Miss At iia-' iinitier-is tip fire,,,, `Iter
hater, fe vele two -'weeks. v€cca.Lion.
The big ()Id Boys Re wion„ 'will, iie
on in Teeswater the firserour dayA of
vvam the gitcq 'of. Alt', -Di Dougliux
Tuesday afire -wee) : i
' ,4)1r. and- Mrs John Joynt end 'Miss
Letitia are visiting friends iu Western
Canada and in Wisconsin..
Hiss Bessie Macken4ie, wiio lasbeen
ttaking a' curse iu r ursing in N. tw. York
City is at her borne in _ Kinloss this
an address -by Mr. Hartley Dewart, the week,
recently chosen leader "of the party in . \
Ontario: Ile <-spoke-spokeen, hour, l r ):tel Lindsay, Who uuiil. recently
Pasr—'tl'he} ru:a L y:ra ,t .-leve skit
Ara.vilia. Carter, Peal•tvuasgfi.ttst, 11ild
1rocl .Ein rton, I- ahel11 H ainilton, •.E.vel
yr). Hat ism], B?ri)ics Leman,' Lenore -
Free T.`
� 1( *
L•'•r., ^Fit, 1`��a ,itis I't
l .l ;••i`}+, 1�1-•,l',1.. .il ,.
lr 1 r 'e
Kit , 1 tt tut , It \ t•
y J, � 1
t.,,,,At 1.t(t .M. 1 t•cvl.. al ,•a ,R; tl...
ray, Lillian Suuthi, . Not val -Y.. Stewart,
\VillteA: Stewart.
lonors--Agnes Murray, Pearl Ba1-
lagh, Ella :door', Sadie Si}lick.
13annetftnan, Harry Bale -
man, Jack Campbell, Alexandhr Chat--
reau, Leonard Chtttick, Florence Die-
trich; Andrew Doyle, George Falconer,
Marie Gable, (_:race Haldenhy, \tihIred
ll;tltlenby, Albert 1'►. lltrknc 1 erthai
Hetherington,: \lable 1I t1,,in .' 1 ilyain
Hoffman, Edythe lluglis, Aurelia Jack
son; John L.. Marrs; • Jneutus Masse),
Mary Moffatt, Diarguerite-\Ioutgoittery.,:
Helen llulroy, Ma`rjorie.,d>ilroy, I'nyilrs
11ac.kee, Franklin \IcKen, e,'•1 hel \Ic-
1'herson; Margaret 1lcK►tinoti, Pearl
Pinkerton. Gladys Rosewell, \V,ifred
Schaefer, Petry Wallace, Annie Wraith.
Principal Ddupe-Resigns The fnlloariltgYare-PrQ 9>ved
II on the year's >arolk: Barna, 0.
I)t.igta1., .T. K. ti4etltavev 4 r Jh,,,stort,
t'rt, \'. \It 4; l:oiltiu; V. 1Li ('1itire,
B..\i'urdit•,'A. IC` 1,1, \V. 'Treleaven, A.
..\leNay (granted leave to Work on farm).
tI'ho f..tlnurinn urn -14 -Citi--
'Irl,t• 1.tickno�x School Rtrart1 is I, sing:.
a. -pita! Fervant ley the r'signai t t
Mr. 11. A Doul►e who, for the Past se,,v •r,
Yeats hes be ti at the .head of the
Lucknow scitool.stOfl'.- We understar }
il'�at tlCiThSiird' Iutd arranged for ttii
int•rta,12 of $1 ori ip •�'s aal•try,.
anti thin he 'had tntrncleed arraying fel-
t he
el -
the conting•yesr, but an unexpected and
uusolicited otter came from the Schein)
board at Port J.,redit where a new
Continuation school is being' opened
The yndnrements offered were such that
Mr. Doupe felt .justified in aeeej)ting,
and the l,uckuow Board could not ask
hint to turn do`wn•tire offer. - Mr. 1)oupe
has beena .kood man for the. Lucknow
School, and, has done much to*>fve the
school the splendid reputation which it
citizen—an active worker in the Metho-
disteChurch and secretary of the Library
Board., • total will he determined by the teachers
when-'svhool reopens in .September.
Family His Much illness Promoted from Form 11 t�- Form Ili:
il�tt fill^1fiatnifratien by e•I►ttriuing •lt)y
in each Mulljeet' rttul 4., r on
Ma4•tli 4rreel -i t. 1, Mt -lutes!' lee \V
•Alton i'►1 (on subjects taker►i, .1, nose 64t
(passed en total but .failed in French),
.11. 11acl)ougell ;ti (withtn.t Latin and'
C 4/N V- N T I G t .'
•t West
t v 't ofl ►f Ye
A �u utl �u the; F O
(, e
Bruce will be held iri the -Town- Hall,
Kincardine, on Tuesday, August 12. at
2'o'clock p. w. sharp. The Conveners
will be the four delegates, from each
ward.—James 3UIENsToN, Pres.
- Edmonton Visitors
Mr. John' Mackenzie and his son,
Gordon Mackenzie of Edmonton, Alta.,
are visitir.t; the former's brother-in-law,
W. J. MacPherson, loth Ct)n ; Kinloss.
Mer. Macken•iie spent. his boyhood on
the tith Con.; Kinloss, east of-l•lolyrood.
For many years he has been with the, Edruonton. Itis sort,
Gordon, was with . the L. lel F. in
since, and though he saw much hard
service he_carne through it all without
a scratch.
DoNege Mac Leese
k,.; ;;4tr. Poita,k1 ,Mailegodeeett, the .4,th,T one
Kinloss, wh;) though he was able to be
about for the lout year has beenenvery
poor health, died in London,. wht re • lee
had gone for medical treatment, on
July. i•pth. Mr. MacLeod was.►:► years
1..".1.14 telt '•i1; t}1"'t,% 1,+J9t titfi .C�.'hat'
l kelt f�`•._Iti' ti'"tilli�i'. „.Il Ir_ :;.ii, L • •
in. Toronto and li-t9'mored to the city.
Mr. H. .D. 'Woods tee- geld- hi
recently moved into town- front 1-huror,
-assisting Mr. Smith in, the store.
Chas. Cooper lias moved his automo-
bile repair 4 shop ft, om the. Ford Garage
to the'Skating ' Rink across the street,
where he is prepared to give prompt at-
tention to all kinds of auto repair work.
:ART) of ..THANKS_—Vr..and :..Mrs,
Ashley Blair desire . to express their
sincere thanks to the friends of Luck -
now and surrounding courttry for the
kindness and sympathy extended tc.,
them in their recent bereaven,ect.
Mrs. 11.. Spindler 'has been ul,. froth
Torc.nto the •past week, and is preparing
to dispose of her property here with a
view to moving permanently to .the city.
She will have an auction-say-of--lscuses
hold effects on Saturday, and she is
offering the house for sale.
tadarly hnmeste'ad with hu
is.a•,very old woman.. A 1,
.nran„ -crone Lu.ute' from .t be
attend the falnerial which was,
nesday of last week to Kinlos
t'ry, .
Nes. J e CAarrt:t:r.L
neither whe
rt,ther, Nor
West tel
►n Wed-
The following aat'e recommended for
conditional promotion: ---G:. Rat hwell
�,(pa-ssed in al_f stilets is but faikd on
total), P. Mettlers (failed .in, Latin and
French and on total), A. Andrew (failed
in*I.atin and French and *on total), A.
Armstrong (failed' in. Lain, French and
The prometion of pupils who ha. ee.
f tilei on one or m .re suljects. or on
Mr. and -Mrs, Ashley Blair, former
have the sympathy of maey Liacknow
friends their grief over. the death of
their eldest datighter, Bertha Anetta.
who died of pneumonia in the Geniral
Hospital at Ilarristop on Sundaye July
•ieniainte were taken to. LUcknow for
interment in Greenhill Cemetery, ser•
vice being held in the Methodist Church
hese on Tuesday the 22ad. the_
past few years Mr. and Mrs Blair have
had an unnstill amount of tliness *in
their While attending 'High
she, however, had apptrently recevered.
The Spot ton Business ColleF of Wing -
ham and all of its branches,. threughout
Military Authorities in Caneda', Tnie
means that evny retnrned moldier, , who
is a ea.tegory men, has the privileee
selecting school in whieh to take. a
shoe, Ro generously the Can-
adian Governm T.hey will do) hail,
honor (.1. being trained by a.ret nr1,4 (1
sol.fier who gallantly did Tile
eligible returned n:en to inquire into its
"wer veered” and conipargit with ()the
"s0-1alltIr echonis that are bidding for
their patronage. A post card request-
ing infprinatien bring full partic-.
Mrs. .1:trnes Campbell, one of the
very old resiclents of \Vest Wawannab,
died et her home on Con. 13, on Sun-
day. - MIs • as 'wed 103 rare, 1 month
and -21 days.. The funeral was held on
a resident of the'
Boundary' a fev; tulles e tat of Luc now,
passed away on Mondey. Mr. Gillies
tvas confined. to the house for about a
He was 5i; years of age, end leaves a
-wido* and a grown up family.
District Institute Meeting
...N.ote. —The piotnotion of Form_ Il
piipils who wrote the Lower .School The annual meeting .of the 'South
Examination will depend upon the 'knee Women's Institute witaelield at
Mrs. Elwin •Toltong, Walkerton, on
ing the year and Mri. Brill gave a ehnrt
address. The old oflieers were all re-
elected. Ntrs. It. T. Phillips, of Luck -
year. The chief feature of the after:
hoot! . was an address tiy.Dr.. Mary Me
• Kenzie Se id), of Gravenhurst. %%Ito
twenty-two thmisand. school childree.
The number who. are tiendieePile(ri bY
. some. deft ction is appaling, \being over
so e. Net, oiely,..doce she txamine the
claldtera feet:she weak* with. the schools
tO bring about con.ditions so that- child-.
ren- may have a better, chence in. the
4titure. A great, many week eyes may,
may bet:tinted tor other defections. The
Medical School 'Inspection, as there is
certainly 'a great need for.this work in
-fie Meeting canie to a Close eitb die
result of examinatien.
Lightning Starts Fire
During elle severe etectrieal storm
which IntSIteti _over Teicknew on July
2:st a small ban belonging to Mrq.
ning and. set. on tire. Tne building was
alnieet, IllaAR of flames by the time'
str.,ants 4 water were turned on by the
Vire itrigade, but the fire wis
rmten under eontrol and pot .401 'in
and pigs were reseir 4 hefbre the tire
reached the lower tetrt of the building.
-Lightning Strikes Cattle
laree steers killed by one stroke
of lightning (hiring the storm last Fri-
day night The dead anitnAls all lay.
4,44-F whereeethe.y.
evidently hid gone tor stelter. The
Inc showed signs 4,1' having been hit by
There wes rn irk on any one of .the
the hides and the cercesses•were leuried.
Initnrance inspectors tlii.tiod the cattle
at $200 per head.
Boom 1 I
Promoted to .1 r. 11'. I� I(,re ect• !kid _
Mar•`�`trie ),ougla, , Ell;. 1! :r > t err Srt t
art Ma,c�ker.zie, 1,0%4.11 M tirtlr,ch, 'Eliz •
beth` Alton. ,
ltecotl:ntended.--Arthur Carruth, \Vifie
Sproul, Wallace"Howe. -
ADA •WEi:sTY.n,. Testeller.
'Mona. Mitchell
. ,
lteid, Gordon Thot.ipson...(Tool Altura,
.Murdoch) recommended.
h'RAMcz-, M. S!'E_rca , Te;icl.1 a .
Corner, j)uudas and Rit•jttr.ontt
Up-to.,tfate Ccurses
V..t.y. ;a ort might C 13 rsr-s
TEA( II 1•:11 t\'.1 \'I'1.1 t , „,,,1 i 1 ,
ii....1.,,,,, . f.,
to t 1111niet.C4 st•j i. :,' 1:.1'.+ :: ;,ply ;tatii '
.„ataxy arid t•' l,t:rie114 e l,. 1 ''
-J: F. JoleaaTON, Seek
MONS' TO LOAN.—On mortgage. and not(
at reasgnable rate.. Fire InNut-anc:. Out
Stock and Mutual Companies. Uonvey
.aneiug done-wit-ix:neatness-and-despat�efr
(1E0. A. SIDI)ALL. Broker. Luckuot, .
TAKE. NoTrt-1-:. -= Their• .0 ;t
fakir•, going :about this e,)tliltry nlaililti� l.c,:a.
believe ilial Judy is in ill l,11C,t UI,
• cuuat of the n'ur,tu;,;,,,;�: but we a: - -
pa)'iag'2Se for 1)ul•ashail . 3-:16 1! for 1..' "-
acid 1 to OC tor ruitbei 11'e
every huller iu 1.uCkn„•c ,44 1 t;,�im. 4 ,: .
pay the,. iir,r.4J• au; 4! 4'1.4. 1!;4,11. - •
''.the rtjun t. .^t
DRi. 1'A KKER,, citTJ';UT'ATli. at Cain lieu-
Lucknow.every %Vadiftt-wday afiet•twon. Art
• chrunie_di-e t.�er hat:C.1.Srall.11Y irt1i A 4 .. . 1)
teot►at'hy reatiuve'. the Uhy:,16tl eau -e, of
direas . Adlu,twent of the -pine i. uturtt,
quickly secured and with fewer treatment.;'
-by Osteopathy~ than bv,aity other method
The Entrance to -High School examin-
ation report which we publish this week
is very creditable to the Lo know class
and teacher. :e* the. N ,miter• wrote,. al/
pas 'sett and I t took hopors.. _Mies
Siienct; is i41 -be congratulated upon -Ilse.
result of tier first year s work as teacher.
• The followingannouncenrent appeared
in a recent issues of The (globe; ' 11r.
'aid” Robert ►
a� r 1 rer,n:tu Luc n .►w
announce the engsgt-u►ent •t.t their
dauguter, 1r:kry Eva, to Mr. Edgar.
Douglas Ilarton,..ot•Torontb, the mar
siege to take place quietly in the early
part,of: August.
;.tlt4nta.h4?_:is.4ueofedthe Aero-Cnahinn ` Tire ('o.
of \; ingharn and ons ' of his associates
we'reJn_Lucknow oabusitiess ya terdaay4-
otnotton of the business is well under
a the .-machinery orde:ed tor the
and They expect lo be turning out
fore many weeks. . -
tires be
QUANTITY otgood Hem], Lumber for
FOR SALE. Tup Buggy• and Set. 11,r
at hcr
Mr.'Button.was a retired farmer and for
nearly 20 years had been clerk of' Cull
rose Township., le was 7r1 years cf
age and leaves two grown up daughters
and two ermar----His wife, -died—triter
years ago.
M. Caseidy has returned h(
the smuttier Filter spending the
lunibering.and die spring river-dri
Mies Mary tietherington, 444
Toronte for the summer Vac it
latest to arrive home. hors. from
overseas is t 'ore Harvey Beek Me.
Mr. anti Mre .\ Leeliere teetered
The two recent electric storms. dap: -
aged the resid awes of Peter Mut, ey
and Archie Me rarlan atid Jobe McGlyn's
SOl 'at understand the said parties
are treating their buildings to lightning •
elle for
home flom town one dAy li,eiAireek with
of breaking them dn for when they
givihg a•stranger a lift, as the owner
said it would go the rest of the journey
For all matter. regarding Or oeuhIll cemetet y
Notice to Creditors.
in the metier of the come of R.islerl'Crdns•
ton. late of the ‘1:1fige of Lease% in
Irk THT:
int, the- comiletition 11.4.' 4