HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-07-17, Page 11.
• • -•••,1,,,,• 747, ,
- - - •114,
$1.50 per year, in advance; $z.00 otherwise
--Mondey, July 14.
Miss Annie M. Bax is visiting friends
in Wingham.
Miss Lizzie Welsh ia enjoying -a vaca-
tion in New York.
Mr. T. A. JacksonAti now driving a
fine new Chevrolet car.
Mr.,Leonard Henry is assisting at W.
J Craivford's grocery store.
Miss Mit Corbett, of Wiughatn, is
the guest of Miss Ferne Chapman.
------•:7,-------- , Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Wash-
ington, Penn . are visiting at Mr. Mal•
collie McLay's.
M. Norina,n MeLeled, of San Fran-,
,cisco, is visiting his sister, *ex Alex'
McLennan, Con. 6.
Mr. and Mre. Sam Haldenby and two
children, of Toronto, visited friends in
and around Ripley this week.
Rev. Mr. Thynne, of Pelmereton, oc-
cupied the pulpit in Pine River Presby-
terian church on Sunday last.
Miss Mary Strathdee, principal of the
Continuation School, is in Tormito
officiating on the board of exeminers.
Mr. W. McCauley Oilmore returned
to London on Saturday, where hs will
write egt1 his exemina ons at the Col-
legiate Institute this wee
Mrs. Murdoch Clump II and three
children, of Detroit, and Mrs. Norman
McLean and daughter, of Duluth, are
visiting at Mr. Angus Martyn's, Sr.
The engagement is -announced of Mr.
Jack McKeeman, Gloms, to Mies Annie
, McDonald, 8th Con., Huron The mar-
riage to take place the latter part of
LUCKNOW, ONT., T RS10-..r.4JULY 17th., 1919.
Single Copies 3 cents
Mies Hazel. Palmer left on Wednes-
day for Moosenun, Man , to visit her
Misses Margaret and Tena McDonald
left on Wednesday for au extended
visit to friends in Duluth.
Mr. and wdMr. Normals McLeod and
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Goderich, 'visit-
ed at Mr John McLeen's on Sunday.
Mr. Joe. Thompeon, formerly of the
Royal Bank staff here, but for the past
two years with the Merchants Bank,
0:tame called on his Ripley friends on
Lieut.- Clifford Treleaven, Who -a-
bated as a flying man but 'resister -
transferred to another branch of the
service to, engage in research work,
arrived home on Tuesday.
Flax pnlling has commenced in this
vicinity. The mill has closed down and
the operatives are all engaged in the
first step of harvesting this important
and very useful commodity.
Mr. Jas. McTavish, otir veteran coal
dealer, beeame.tired of having so much
of the dust of our streets mixed up in
his whiskers and decided to have a clean
shave.' Ile-spp- earss. great deal younger
and says be teels so too.
Pte .41P. Hamilton arrived in town
on the noon train Monday. It is ten
years since Pte. Hamilton went to Brit
ish Columbia. For the past two years
he has been doing his duty in France.
He will visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Hamilton, before proceeding west.
His wife is expected to arrive in Ripley
in a short time to join her husband.
His many Ripley friends are glad to see
him look 80 well and extend to him a
hearty welcome: -
While returning from the 12th of
July celebration at Kincardine on Sat -
today an accident which might have
proved serious occurred on the l 2th"'
con. David Brook, driving his Ford
car, tried to pass a horse and buggy
driven by Jack Carruthers, Con. 6.
Mr. Brook was driving with one band
owing to being hurt while cranking his
car some time ago. In some way he
lost control and knocked the horse and
buggy into the ditch, and to make mat -
ters worse drove into the occupan? of
the buggy. M r. Carruthers suffered a
few broken ribs and a dislocated hip.
Jas. Barrie who wee with him in the
buggy escaped with a few minor bruises.
Latest reports state that the injured are
making fair progress toward recovery.
Ecery flag should be
Celebratiou Day.
The raspberry harvest is in full tiwing
and the crop is good.
out onPeace
Come to Lucknow op Saturday. . We
Sapper Robt. Ferguson returned on good Monday from a two weeks vieit to
trim& iu Chicago. Petoskey and Flint,
A Large numbs* from this vicinity
went to Kincardine on Saturday to
swell -the crowd at 4.beecelebration of
the glorious 12t b.
Capt. Lorne Eiler and Pte. Peter
Carter arrived on the late train Satur-
day night‘ Capt. Eder was born in
Ripley where he attended public school.
Some years ago he left here with the
family who now reside at Wellaud.
Lorne, as he was known teelsia Ripley
friends, was on theeritaff Of the Royal
Bank, Toronto, When he heard his
country's call. He enlisted as a private
and due to his ability and daring he
rapidly rose in the. ranks until be was
by the King with the Military
Cross and was commissioned as a Cap-
tain. Ripley.is proud of him and calls
bun her own. We all extend to him• a
hearty welcome for the wanly stand he
tock. During his absence at the front
his mother, who was well known here,
passed away in the hospital at Welland
and was buried in Ripley.
Knox Church Sunday School held
their annual picnic at Bruce Reach on
Thursday last. During the early part
of the day the weather was ideal but
towards evening it took a . sudden
change and became exceedingly cold.
In spite, Of all this, one of the largest -
crowds yet seen on such ad occasiOn
assembled and all tried to enjoy them-
selves. During the dinner hour Mr.
Clayton, of Toronto, a noted whistplayer,
player, entertained the audience with
many beautiful renditions of music.
At 2.39epem. the program of sports was
commenced Maces of various kinds
were very amusing to those present. A
first class exhibition of baseball was
given by two teams picked from the
crowd. Preceeding the supper a ebort
program of speeches, recitation, vocal
and instrumental music was much en-
joyed. After the crowd hadbeenthor-
oughly satisfied with the many good
things to eat all started for home feel-
ing that despite the adverse weather
conditions which made it very uncom-
fortable, they had an enjoyable time by
the shore of Lake' Huron.
assure .you.ea g tnnet,
(Corrected up to Wednesday noon)
rAggs, new laid
13titter •
1 00 1 15
39 40
40 42
23 50
Choice heavy steers$13 00 to.114 50
Choice butchers 11 50 to 12 00
Choice butchers' cows11 00 to 12 00
Good feeders 10 00 to 13 00
Good milch'icows . 140 00 to 180 00
Hogs, off cars '4 25 to
Pall Wheat 2 13 to
Gooheat 2 10 to
Timothy Hay
asp, new laid .
Setter, Crealtiel Prints
• 86 to
25 00 to 30 00
44 to
48 r
Mrs. Bra.bson is welting her pareute,
Mr. and MIS. D. Huston.
Remember the concert aturday eteii
Wii will be delighted.
Lucknow Preebyterian Church folk
are picnicking at Clarks Point today.
Miss Mary Pickering of Detroit is
visiting relatives in and near Lucknow.
Mr. Jas. McCoy, of Toronto, is spend-
ing a few days in town with his mother.
Mrs. Burgess, Of Toronto, is spending
the week with her mother, Mrs. A. T.
Miss L. Armstrong, of Toronto, was
the guest of Miss Boyd during the pat
Kiln of tile
-and &inches.
THOMAS PH' I.LIPS, St. Helens.
Miss Floe Fleuty, of Wingham, spent
a few days of last week with her 'sister,
Mrs. C. Shackleton.
Lucknow's Brass Band furnished
music at the Orange celebration in Kin-
eardine on the 12th.
Mr. W. H. Pugh is relieving manager
at the Bank of Hamilton, Mr. J. A
Glennie being on -his. vacation.
Newton will be at home to her friends,
on Tueeday, July 22, froth 3 to 6, p.m.
The Sentinel will not be published
net week. Its our week off. The
office, however, will be open for other
business. -
Farmers over in the vicinity of Dur-
ham are having an uneasy time of it on
account of the operations of a "fire bug"
who is burning barna at the sate of one
every two or three Weeleit. 1be j x
big barn, evidently fired by the sedge
hand, was destroyed early last Sunday
mornning. This barn was s 45 x 70
foot structure On the farm of tOlii
Murphy, rented, however, by James
Murphy, on the 8th Concessiou of
Glenelg Township, and within a mile or
two of where other barns were burned.
In the barn were, a large pig, imple-
ments, some barley, oats and four loads
of hat'''. There it nobody living on the
farm, and the fire was first seen by a'
young man by the name of Peart while
on his way home from Markdale.
The fires have been occurring at
regular intervals of about two weeks,
and no doubt is the work of some person
with a craze for that particular kind of
destruction. There is nothing yet to
suggest who the criminal may be.
now ready -sizes 3, 3 1-2
Mise Lois Holmes of Clinton and
Min Emily McArthur of Goderich were
gueeta of MiasC1ars McQuillin the
past week.
Mr. W. J. Moise of the hloleors
Bank, -Delhi, returned- on Tuesday to
resume his duties after ependeng a week
with his parents.
B. Pepper, of Asbfield, left
,on Wednesday of this tCrinit to
her former Lome in England. She will
be away tor three months.
Many who heard the play "A Cheer-
ful Liar" in Dungannon on July 12th
say it was one of the best evenings they
have spent -brim full of humor.
William A. Littlefare, a former resi-
Soldier boys to" arrive at Luc -know
during the week were: Aitcheson,
Kelso McNay, Chas. Cook, Pte Clark
(Paramount). and Ikea Cransten and
Thomas Bowler, an old resident of
the llth Con., Ashfield, died on Sunday
after almost a year's.illness. The fun-
eral to Kingsbridge Cemetery was on
Tuesday morning.
Bills are ont announcing Teeewater
Old Boys and Girls re union for August
3, 4, 5 and 6, and at Brussels on July
27, 28 and 29. Palmerston, too, an-
nounces a re -union there on July 27,
28, 29 and 30.
BERRY PICKERS are strictly forbid-
den to, pass through or pick'berrieson
the farm of Angus J. Graham, lst Con.
dent.of Lucktiow, now of Toronto was Kinloss.
; 17-7-p.
the guest UMr. and.l1Ws.49. Mr. and Mre. John W. Elliott, of
The School. Board of the village of Sound, and Mrs. Nicholson, of Komoko,
Paisley has outraged a staff of teachers are visiting their sister and brother,
for the coming school year, all of whom Mrs. Robt. Mullin and Mr. Thomas
are ladies. The principal is Mise Rob- Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott .carne by
erta Sellers, of Walkerton. auto from_N,ew York.
A meetteg will be held iii*the Orange Mrs. (Rev) J. S. Duncan and two
Hall, l,tucknow, on Thursday evg. of boys were guests of Mrs. D. Sheriff the
this week at 8 o'clock to arrange for the
organization of a Loyal True Blue
lodgo. This association is doing a great
deal of good work in rescuing and caring
for orphan or neglected protestant child-
ren. All ladies interested are invited
to attend.
keezie over the week -end.
New York City Mrs' Johnston, of Owen
past week. Fried& of the family 7ill
be pleased to know that an
has so far recovered from his recent ill-
ness as to 1* able to take a vacation.
After visiting his parents at Mount
Forest, he -is taking a trip on the Great
Lakes and St. Ls.wrenee.
A apecial thanksgiving service will be
held in the Methodist Church next
Sunday evening to commemorate the
conclusion of the Great War and the
signing of the Peace Terms.
neat Lord's Day &t 11 a.th and 7 .p m.
Morning subject: "The Sacrament Of
Liberty." Evening subject: "A Great
Belief And A Great Experience."
Death of Mrs. W. Harris
Mrs. Wm. Harris, who for the past
three months has been 111 in the hos-
pital at Walkerton, died there on Mon-
day. The remains were brought to
Lucknow forinterment in Kioloss Cede-
etery on Tuesday afternoon. ,The fun,
eral was from the home ot her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeod. Besides
her husband, Mrs. Harris leaves two
small children. Much sympathy is felt
for Mr. Harris who since his return from
overseas has had a great deal of trouble
through the illness of his wife.
Price Of Horse For 'Pig
A porker which brought a record price
on the Lucknew niarket was delivered
here on Friday of , last week by Mr.
Ernest Blake, of Ashfield. The animal
weighed 680 pounds, and because of be-
ing over weight did not bring the pre-
vailing price for prime hogs -$23 per
cwt. The seller had to be content with
the more modest figure of $19 per cwt.
W. E. Henderson was the buyer, and
paid $129 20 for the big pig.
--Monday, July 14.
Miss' Leila Blake is home for the
mid -summer holidays.
Mr. Eldon Twamley visited friends in
Wingham lest week.
Mr. E. Hall is taking a course at the
Summer School.
Dr. Blake M. P. of Winnipeg visited
his mother part of last week while re-
turning lima from Ottawa.
Mafeking people were well represent-
ed at Dungannon on Saturday, July 12,
and all report a goodtirue.
Miss Essie Richie is visiting her
sister, Mrs. G. Saunders.
Mr. Albert Alton of Lanes visited
friends here on Sunday.
The Bruce Herald and Times had the
following to say about the recent change
in the Cargill business at Cargill: A
chenge affecting the organization of
Csrgill Limited hay taken place during
the past week, and which is to the effect
that Mr. W C. Tiapp of Cleveland bas
been appointed managing director of all
the plants of the firm, Mr. P R. Ross of
Detriot will be in charge of the pnrchat-
ing, and Mr. H. E McMillan, Jr , of
Cleveland, is sales manager. All are
specialists in their respective lines. and
it is expected the business will be great-
ly extended and expanded by their in-
clusion. Otberwise the organization of
Cargill Limited remains the same as
peace Day Celebration
axing been proclaim'ed a NatioTisid- Holiday in-Arecogitition r of
World Peace will be fittingly -
..BASEBALLMATCH---Belfast vs. Lucknow
A Good Game Assured
Athletic Events, Running Races, Jumping, Shot Putting,
Vaulting; Sack, Blind, Fold and Three -Legged Races
for boys and several events for girls.
tsptlieendafidterproguram eevof n imn gusbicy the 11 ne crice od‘evreBdr4ti
ss Baiid
and Lucknow Pipe Band.
EVENINqr-St. Helens Dramatic Society will present
their famous and humorous play "A Cheerful Liar" in
the Town Hall. Solos and Recitations between Acts.
Good time for everybody. Concert at 8 30 pin. See large bills for particulars.
Admission to Park : Adults 25c. Children -15c.1 _
Admission to Concert : Adults 35c. Children. •25c.
Plan of concert at Armstrong's Drug Store.
- •
No Sentinel Next Week
Don't be disappointed' when you
fail to get your Sentinel next week.
A combination of circurnatapees
makes it necessary that we. do not
publish a paper en July.24th.
There Was a 0ocie Ci owd, t at Weatherman
Knocked The Program
Au.idht .all the heat of the pretieut
summer the last thing to be looked for
was a cold afternoon; yet that was whet
the capricious weather man hande'l out
on Thursday of last week when several
hundred Lnckoowites, mealy returued
soldiers and their families, gathered et
Point Clark to enjoy a social (ley in° the
open. There was a splendid turnout, in
fact all the conditions for a pleasant
outing were there -but the weather.
A cold strong wind blew off the lake,
and instead est baLhing aud lounging
about in the mellow sunlight tied balmy
breezes, folk were glad' to seek the
shelter of friendly trees and houses.
As a result, the plans "rif th;)se in
charge were quite upset, and. it was
impossible to carry out anything in the
nature of a program. A good evening's
entertainment was arranged for by the
committee, but when lunch was over
everyone thought of the fireside com-
forts at home, and the grounds were
deserted at an early hour.
The committee which made arrange-
ments for the picnic feel grateful for
the splendid response by the citizens of.
Lucknow. On behalf of the soldiers
they wish to thank those who donated
their cars to and from the lake. Of 52
cars promised for the day 51 made the
trip and carried 302 people- The corn
inittee also •wishas to express high
appreciation -Cif7the done:time ley- the
McClure family of a freezer of ice cream
,which • provided a t reat to everyone, on
the grounds.
The fact that'parties attended the
prenic who had no soldiers in the fatnily
has caused dissatisfaction with some for
whom no transportation was provided.
These should remember that.the grounds
are open to all comers, that it was a
holiday afternoon, and that all parties,
whether' relativese4 soldiers or not,
furnishing their own transportation
were free to go. The committee pro-
vided only for soldiers and their families
and those who had a part -in making
and carrying out the arringements. It
was 03 light task for those who did the
work, and it is unfortunate that efforts
freely given__ should be rewarded with
blame and ill feeling.
Saturday of this week has been pro
...eleinied a holiday throughout tte,. Brit_
ish Empire for the celebration of the
eiguing of the Peace Treaty fortnally
bringing the Great War to'it close, and
clinching the hard won victory ofBrit'
a.iu and her Alliea over Germany and
her associates.
Lucknow, like every other town iu
the country, is celebrating, and an effort
is being made to make the day ot e of
the best and greatest in the history ot
the town: Bills are out announcing a
long list of field genies and contests to
be pulled off in Caledonia Park on Sat-
urday afternoon.
See one of the bille. A glance over
it will convince you that Lucknow is
the place for you ,in Saturday.
nee's' Oaces Will 1 e closed down through-
out the day.
The 'field day will be followed in the
evening by a splendid entertainment in
the Town Hall. The admission fee to
both the Park and the Hall is at a luw
figure as the event is iuteuded to .be
celebration rather than a wuuey making
Notice of Meeting
As the head office of the•17. F. 0. has
given in answer to inquiries, July 25th
as a convenient date on ihich.to hold a
general meeting for the riding of North
Huron in order to organize an associa-
tion -for-ths-hol-diug of -a-con-yen
that alLT-eree-Oecandidate may be place
in the field, the undersigned have been
authorized by unanimous agreement of
several clubs to extend a hearty invita-
tion to all electors to attend a meeting
to be held in the Town Hall, Wingham,
on Friday, July 25, at 2 p re. At ehis
meeting President Halburt of the U. F.
0., and Rote. :MacMillan Esei , of Sea -
forth. .Mr Saunders, of Exeter. and
prominent local speakers are expected
to be present. It is a matter of urgent
importance that a large and represen-
tative attendance of both ladies and
gentlemen be present.
Chairman. Secy
Root III
Promoted from .Jr.' III to Sr. III.
Hopors--Jean Stewart, 'Muriel McKen-
zie, Eris Armstrung. ...kndreaThompson,
Margaret Geddes. Pass - Campbell
Thompson, Harold McIntosh, Albert
Taylor, Alvin Irwin,, Percy Webster..
Recommended':• Clair Milne, Lenore
Webster, Tracy Webster.
Liberal Convention
A Conventicn of the West Bruce
-Liberal Association held in
Kincardine on July 25th for the pur-
pose of selecte a,e..i.udidate to contest
the riding of West Bruce. Mr. Hartley
Dewart, Liberal leader in Ontario, will
address the meeting at 2 o'clock p. m.
F. CO6MBE, Secy.
- Tuesday,July i.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunter visited
eYrith friends near St. Helens on Sunday.
Miss Aha Webster spent last week
with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Anderson.
Irvine and James Henry spent Sim.
day at Joseph Hackett's.
Ire. George Andrew of bicknow'
spent Monday with her sister, M rs.
Joseph Helm.
Mrs. Ada:Helm is spending' a f.,w
days at Point Clark with her Mrs
Mrs. McKay, who has been .visiting
with her mother
her home in Dakota on Saturday, hav-
ink received the sad news of the death
of her husband
Mrs. ,Wesley McIntosh of Ripley is
assisting his uncle, David Stroud, with
the haying
Some of the people from the hurg
attended the l'2th at Dungannon while
others spent the day'in Kincardine.
LOST -In Lucknov, , during Entrance Exam.
week, a fountain pen. Finder please lea% o
at. THE SENTINEL 01110e. 17 7 c
TEACHER WANTI.D. - Second Class • pro-
tessional. for S. S. No. 9,, ANliticld. Dude.s
to continence ept. 3. 1919. Apply statin*
salary and experience to
J. F. JOHNSTON. See'y,
31-7-11.0 It. 7. Luckno‘..
MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and note.
at reasonable rates. Fire Insuram.d. but,
litook and Mutual Companies. Convey
aiming done with neatness and despatch.
OW. A. SIDDALL. 13roker. Leicknou.
TAKE NOTICE. - Tjtere are a number Of
fakirs going about the country staking folk
believe that junk is down in price on at>
count of the war stopping; but we are still
paying 21t: for horsehair. 3c to 4c for rags
and 1 LO C for rubbcis. .We will call on
every home in Lucknow and vicinity and
pay these prices and giv.tog lt;OUtteen t.,
the pound. okkot;N,
Lucknow. every Wednesday afternoon. All
chronic diseases successfully treated. Us`
teopathy retnoves the phyeioal causes of
Itleade. AdjustweririnThe sprne-Tertuore
quickly secured and_with fewer treatment.'
by Osteopathy than by any other method
HAHN FOR SAI.F.-00v2.1 ft. with 12 0. lean-
to. 01114111 Con.. W. WA wattosli. Apply to
J. I'. Lvos,. tt.
'LOUSE 1."011 SALE. Frame dwelling tt
rooms. kitchen and 'pantry. good c 'dec.
stone found•Ation. 011 SL1Lider6L., 1.114:4
now. Apply to J. E. AusEw. Luckilow,
to ASHLh.1 22,5 tie
For all matters regarding Greenhill °emote!,
rater L0_11. Alton. Sexton. ,
TAKE NOTICE that I have a Tor•
onto market tor, all kin,ls of Beef Hides,
Calf Hides, ,Horse -1-111es and beep
Skins. Let me know wizen von have a
bide aild I will call at one. Good mar-
ket for all kidtlt of poaltrv.
ci:y prices paid. Will call if nctice-is
given. JAKii, L.BEL, plane 56, Luck -
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Robert Crang-
ton. late of the Village of Lucknowiii
the County ef Bruce, Retired Farmer,
'Notice is hereby give,' that all persons lot%
jug any claims or demands against tlic late
Robert crangton. whi d10.1 on or about the
iiineth day of June. A.1 . 1919. 01 the V
of Lucknow tlw County of Bruce.
quiffs' to send by'po't preivid 01 to deli vet to
the undersigned, exec.:00.61.1er' the Win or
the said Robert cran-tott, their natile‘ .11.1
addresses and full p o leultir- rrr
heir' claims eatid Mat einem s of sheir
and t Ire nature of t ...epirkst..y,_144,5,7_,,
them. dilly %-eritied by affidavit.
And take not ho that after tbe Fourth day of
August. A.R. 1919. the said e,Xeett!or will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets- of the .-aid
ceased among the personsen-tilled thereto,
having 000trd only to the elainis of tivhits'i he
shall thep have had notiec, and that 1110 said
executor will not be liable for the Aai(i as -An: -
or any part thereof to an* person of who,
claim lie shall not then have re.ceived tiotke.
This notice is given pursuant to the Kai ite
in that behal(.
'Wed at Lucknow this 7th day of Jul) ,
ltkC treANtros . 'aciitor.
44-7-c It R. No. 2. LuoktiOW. 914