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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-07-10, Page 8
.. I 1-1 ' . , may,. . ^y, . ., {.i•, • ..I, .. I ,,'i1-. > ww..,-,.. ' -, .. _. .-__I __.. _ .•-�.._.-_......„... r _ - . � . .,. «. _ ..• .. _ - , , iwL - law ..... i dr ` f.. %..i * i:' •N° ,,. �1! K ,q,�Mp�a ..L. +� ! r . +1.; r a • ,„fir - ,,y�,, _ .. r., Id �aag lei A ...- •11 - . 1 �"--''�• ......Z; ,,4,,.rt r.Yt,.magi' ,%Vb WIr1�M'.�,�,1p•,.YrR'!� -110 011 � .. �° ,i ± .0 •"',,:; _ .;.:.: �14�^j,. ' t1... ,1 .. . _w {, .... • ., _.. .. .l" T.t - , �101 m• , A\ .... _ ... .• I - ,,� _ - . _ - . - - .- r 4 _- --- _.n..w�- ......., . rIYi Y ._:.waw..�.aw,.+___-_._.w_r•wr.r•.+___r...v.w_._-.-.., .-x-��..a.:-::.::.T_ . F..: ,+^ ,, •, 1. ' waau...,.�.�.+•,,v.«»�_a:. ..._..r.-.. _ ...""r•;:'•"•- '*'.'•"'%"•'^••iIaa -�•- - 'l.�—.,..�- s .�e.e..yw-•- .►- •..,,,,�..fZR.i:•y:'A{ISg13J:F. .. ....r./'o¢,f1'' .�.i6}.•i{1! :.r +!' ...1-,..,2-�..e,_r. '3.3.►L.rw i��Y. ..26i_eMe �r,.�Y : t . - •"'-.i. Mi'.... `v�.fR".'.. ..:th .ii: "r--•:. _. ti+!��1, -,. ....a .�YrYEr•w�- 4 #��` ���. ._,.�- iy4 - 11 I ;, - .�=-..`�� __ .. =,= H NORT , VT r.r•w.s.-...'c1- l'+- ,�."--a•-. --r. ._ .- A -'- •zn ---a..: - ,•n- _. ---..M�r..-. . - ..-,,,urnr►.1ua. .. wz.. X%. suse..•.WWWW-Wft� Yr. ,� . � a. .. ,)�� -1 . � 'Disegse Has Ravished Orchards � Hi-rh Pr*c.s Are Na"d for Best "411 . ee our esWi*ndow,orGo a ues15 X1 . . ) I oft in Niagara District, Quality. 1. . . - I fl, - s w I "T- 1�11N �� Cheap and EBectiva Home-made i't'c.� idc, Ahundarlpe cit Cool Water x rel• is: I,•, Cows fill, Itr Hut To het the best service from your oil stove " 1. �- I remedies to Combat the Fly K s . Nuisance -•-Es pecial -Caro Hequlr- Weatht r—,%hade Iu Pasture Also . l st F:�.e•nt fall .- 'Kral tt.oc idun eio USE ROIL "' . , Color Fast Rugs ed lu Case vi Ilstlry Cattle— ll:u,ks of keel, Pure Streum. t'• a't ! Care Must Be Taken, to Prevent M'" (Contributed by Unttt►tlo Uepartnaent of Less carbon and le' s sulphur. d I 11" IThese are ![nada from cotton and wood fibre, are abso- but, -Scald of 14g% !luring the Hot Aarlculture►, `I'uw.ntu.) . lately color fast ial►Zld can be washed. p ; ��-eatther-Prevention ,and Treat- 1~; 1i' grow c►•s realize the •iia- y Ha e splendid To et the best results from our automobile . - . - - ,, Ment Explained by Expert. po.r.tance- Qf,.:_Vr9pe.i•ly harvest- - .. _ _ _ . _ ... ._• wearing qualities. ng and,•utia ng early -- K (Contributed [cultareLYToronto.jtme>tit Q= g large. . ' USE �' A�O� The are in two siz S• -6x9 at 8 Q • ! 2 a 12. U. �'� E rablt�. File 1 r Tea of R R ----- : ' y e ,0 , 9x t $ 0 �� O fruit tree disease this Year •airy are expect enttu$h L+R prsiduco an ., _ _. _ ., -_L. _r .• . , Colors ii�re blue and green. g � AND escell�nt crop, b t thea is. perhaps I .1 �Excellent bedroom• ru s. Nhas been so coiispieuous and n t t I 1-4 L . so injurious as'the Leaf Curl oii... about one e t of to that ha .-LINE I I - ...-..�...-.-.... _ - - LARINE,OIL . -,_ - Peaches. In early Jud ` -..d . tna he. their to tlxa ~- #,� of an r. . • • 0, advantage. The p�1pc.. is t©1- , t ^. t 2nd• mons tlian half of the Peach orchards' •. . b�ittvee+n ^ Bearnsvllte and. St. -£site- day, perhaps taore `than before. d, ` Tapestr'y' S tair Car et p p _- nianding a high grade Product. They . t at•ines and many orchards i� : tether.. _ are willin>; to -pay the prtce At they To make s4olt•t work of the potato bug post _. _ .: _. localities were so badly affected that1�1 get the quality, iznd the gardener R. y /+ Good wearing quality, neat 'design ••and nice colors. ' almost every leaf was distorted° , R'S- • swcllen and turninr� a. brownishthat w 1nialte tl)e gt_eatest success U �. 8 �� PUE I � .' I . ....- d' wide. Priced at 85c r. d.- I Y4-. '_ � per, y sill. be .the .one • ilial • .caters .to this . color. Most of these trees will d den,aud._ ._ : ".:._. _ �._' .77......... _:......._ lr" -. �.._...�.._. 4__ _ .. , , . , •.. entcr sinter ticarly so hcaltby nor -.. ', _ - _ - - _' - ,. _ 11 1>t•ar so large a ciu1, next year its it I 1. There' a1-+� aevc,rtYl tailors of great IR - 3rd they had not been attacked by the ; iiiiportaliee necessary -to achieve the , . . . I ..Extra Value Lace Curtains . Lzaf Curl. j greatest amount , of success. Fore- _ 1 Cei,t►ul. 1 e, �;�i, sPs, propsT _ l�,ilOst of�f,tliea la is r ' l(.,i %-c�titig. Few, e�•en -of our grow-' , �e Self Royal`ite Oil, ' P-rer !lei'" GdSo11nQ, 'PtDI- .,f , r • • • • • ii::S •:dr'S ,.xp.er�'v.nce. t.hiiiigh, a:• . • e� realize hots t a'pidly our vege- ' Tlus,•s pa(�>�al''lne''af'n�e qu&lily cream'ilet�` trli2�lilet� hard one, will dqublless be of much rig • with f>lle lace.' Size 2 i,2 ds. Pr><ce $4.00 a it value to the fruit'groweri for it his'! tibles deteriorate. in quality after a e Oil and Berger s Pure Paris Green Yds. -T pa ' .. shown as perhaps, seldom before the they are taken £ron3 fire ground. , . .great importance of early spraying of Much -of .t•h-, flig flavor and crispness Und it will 'ply you . to use them, . - peaches 4o prevent Leaf. Curl. is lost in, the case of such products t% By earl�v we riiean before rife - - - - . . _ - -- -- - -- -- - __ -- -. a ` , SeS . Combi•nati n V _ __. ____ -leaf lznc!s have begun to s that I ando s' unions !situ �e radishrs iII .,a u u - Suruetim' :c • late spraying, that ' uuly, a few linins unless special care e _ is sprayi,.ig after the buds liave Begun i _. _ _. %_ - �; -- is_cterciad. iu handling. such trope._. - 1. . .-1 �.Sweepertu swell,wsl}ounffrblthtdl.S d� ,.>Ju>r q- - - The LudinowHardware & �CoalCo 1.11 Cleaner and :,Iwuld never be exposed to winds or • • '%vill only ,do so where the wet, - . : , . . weather does not ,donie untit-After• the , � .hot ,aua ..and iY ,thr�.y'•can .be lte.pt STORE THAT NEVE DISAPPOINTS ' e . sapraying. A .single day's •rain 'WOULd i in a cool; fairly uiflist condition, the IE R ...:. __ A genuine labor saver.. Just -what every housekeeper riot "-of course be sufficient to start I least possible loss in quality will tie , • the.disease. It takes several days of I '•inaiutailied. • , . , ® _ , needs. Price $11..50. _ Agents for . - ,i)coist weather. There is good evi= . d'enre that Pvei>i fol! spraying after l'u. ►Market .the. �'Ggetable crop to A e ,.�..� hest �:dvantage the grower ulnar ever _ __ _lh :._1e�>:� Ps.__hati e dropped will_ ais� l;�,E•}1 ire ;Mind tII, uI0i;Tata.des.t .nat'iou_- - - . . - - . - - - ___e_ -ol it. . , - erw in _ -_ . of, Iris goods. fi.ti�� housewife is the . s,1 S Sri-V�TIIIi Paill>,t , •&'-CAIAERON- The best mixture to use i3 lin2e- one that lie must, please. It she is . " DOCH sulphur about'l gallon to 7 gallons well liI .wised then s?lie''teils tier neigh- Florence Aut0llrna►tlC 011 Stoves . .. � I MUR -' of water.... Sol:uble.... sulphur -12 i� .. a bms (luictty ot�cr t-tre back fence, but . - pounds to 40 gallons of water :will if s•11(�, tincts that-, she has received Hanever.;Portland Cement t �, elan cotit.rol the disease, but is not 5oii,ethinti of very inferior quality `+ t o popular with the growers as the .� tt°! , . cn :lit Pi oclairi,s her. grievance . . .�� _ j I- me=s.ulphttr. I:. - •Caesar,- B.S.A., frc►,11 file fiotisetops and' forever after. . __ _ • . . O. A. College, Guelph. will be hard- tb .cui,vinc'e thin there - — -- --- —_ - ' . • RiDlev • The new drug store is now running Kinloss. . • ,. Is ! cich a thin as high .quality. Eighth Con. - � . full swing with Lieut. White in charge. • Fly Winedies. The most important factors to bear . r -iI Jionda , Jill r. _: • aI nd:i J in `rni'nd are few in number and are . - y y - - - y,, my r The fly, litre the. poor, is. always .._ ' . - - . �We WiLoroe Mr..:and . Sriiw. White La , . ractice.-. The . . �vitl: 'us iii sttttinier-titve. In spice of 'I tu►U hard to pn.t ii,ty A The Western a Pte. Murdoch - McDonald is ,visiting. 11 r. and Strs. Robert; 1',ilnier, • of � - •• ; ', ns having for- their slo- proper degree of tiiaAllilty is the first . our w matey c a i,paig 8 Fai 1- to n and wish theuq� ati.undant ,,. Ione ilial i>iust be considered. Carrots, i>o- Toronto. tipley, spent Thursday evening at gas fly, is still with _ Swat the lie ._.. - --_ . -_ _ -�--_ _ __ es:-and_th8_.oth.er . -- - _ - - I .._�..� Tfiomirs arils; .bin - 4 .. - . - - - , . -- _ �_. __T_. _" -- �,-- - -- - -not-- e; -pulled Miss Glladys Wilkinson, - of Fort Wil rme:- - t u. :rig c i ops sh p 1 --. • • - Lo , a� to lo. o>.ild � _.__ Mr. Alex McKay, a .former ,resident . .. ndUrl r '!ism, is visiting at her home here. y Mr. George Culbert spent WLdnetday' ' Flies area terr.i,ble nuisance in the : before they reach the proper size. %. home, in the dairy and in the stable. I They should be -carefully pulled and of'Huron but now of Alberta, is renew. of 14A..t week in Glamis. taken to -the bunching houses. There . Mrs. Alex McNair left on Tuesday , . - > . . They , torment the very' life out ofSeptemberrng acquatnt`tnces .in this section. Mr. 'SIrQ. Mac. Smith and. fanul " are c:.ows. - _ It is.strange that man with all ihPy are neat!:• bunrY.ed, tied and6 013th.,I 1 ® tdg for Moose Jaw, Sask., to visit - Y- . . cam 'in at the lake. his inventive genius, has not yet .0slied and !teen should be -protected ' ` McKa is teak and heart des its: bis ping fes• y y• p ° - been able t o o� ercome tela agile fi nils the atmosphere as much as pos- •r• - Mr. and Alrs. :Sari, C t _mih1e_'iiy_v_QteTinr-, _Let[uee, -spinach, Agl•IC Thi Is the Great ultural 82 years of age.. �► - ongta� •affil--�e;ttY: the t�iy. _ _ Mrt. Fred Pearce and Aon, .Tack, of ,arsle.y,. - cabbage laid caiihdow•wr • faalily: si►c;l,t .Suutaay N1tL Lire. 1:,�e "-1-r-. _L.py--the._ pt'r' eiit•• no v ry itis- �,;11(, 1.Exhibition of Western Ontario • Mitchell, are visiting at Mrs. John Sl r. Dunesn Munn and Mr. Angus ' 'factoryreritedy for cow -flies has been .uld:be carefully tilt and placed'in . . Charles ;(.on raw, :in the -gilt baskets or carriers. Care should be Harris'. Munn motored to.S.tuthain ton :on Sat . . a.�,rked out: The most we can do is . p taken that. none of lire dirt is taken Mr. and -MTs` John Wall.a.nd dau •tit= - to apply :;cniietlting which ; keeps „ Exhibits Two Attractions Johnny Jones Ptes. Claience Bridge and Murdoch urda evening. The were accem anied t theni off the cows fol- a tinie.. ' The tip and allowed Ao- fall through the. . . g 1 . Y g• Y 1' er, Alice, of cu.ross, were 'vilsito.rs at I leave's, as this is liard,to reiuove even the Speed ltvents Better Midway T . nun)bW-' , of fly remedies � is legion., b+ careful washiuc and Will always Very Best Daily Than Ever' Expositions �Filies arrived horite from ovc•raeas nn b firs. :'T: Jablrroa ` tib s)ent'9un. I-6ffn . Y � � rlteero :>,re sc'� . r .il very load patent S' , . MQD�iy. lower- t le quality.. . _.._•_ .. , , day.in Port Elgin. __ Mr_ fiY...lufiuiton has s. nt-the t..t rc'rnec,les. . P -'There is l,erhaps not mise than y .�- €„ud home -•-milds mixture con- - PLENTY OF MUSIC rIREWORKS EVERY NIG>1'IT' Pte. Albert hteveny acconip:►nied alr� week tt .f,cmt•s Needhtt.nl's of Qmi i-,• p_ tine person in. ten that• can be called A tuis�ceJlsl,ueous shower wr�s given ., li�ind'uf l5t of two quarts of l:s RoI1 or any. a • regally successful salesman, and PURE FOO SHOW 'TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS and Mrs. John L. P.ower}l_ to V•xncouvc•r cheap oil or grease,, one-lialf ,Miss Laura Fair, of Pur le (Irove, - -• p St , . _, __. � here; - is wfl_•r+e' a ,_Kut,tl many of -aur. _ , 1�1nt coal -oil, a•n�i four ta,blespoonfula an Tuesday. the home of M ,growers fall down, and :c -iter produc- _ r. V. E. Gawley ori bion, Duns annon of crude carbolh,- acrd, thoroughly parts o! the g �. g •)•- it they' atm Auto [:ntrance corner Dundas end Ekerten its. Usual [bttanCe slit t6e'lSattta. ... - .. _ in it lril•l,' ray N . Miss 'fens, Martyn, teacher of art in day evet�irtg, prior tf, her Marriage to _. nl;iard and applied to all _ • visiting t -Monday, July ;. cc.w etcept udder and teats, by niea.ns �inahfF' to !nark �t it to the best ad- Grand Stand 50c. and 15..- _. .. -• the Strathroy Collegian, is isiti g a 11r. Herbert Collins on Thursday. of a.cloth or t,rfttin. This quantity vanlalg e. file Iit•5t I•M]iris.te, as ha - Prize Lists end EitlFy .-__� All roads lead to I)uai annon oil the Formic and a'.I informeltas 49sw--�•5ea9.11 ry - her home here K will cosi tt:c�nty-live cow's, slid unless already hec•n n,� ntwnc'd, is a high _ . Haying is the or_er of the day in 13th of .Drily. Cir, at preparations are � there be raici soon lifter' applying, one gr” art icica An ini'(rior grade can- LT.•CbL. W. 11. GARTSHORF, President. A. 'M. HUNT, Secr.tsry. l , t�ii:ass;tliia=lte c'f the$e harts. ar�'trPatdYarvt?3t wtififw bein' nude for the biggest a A best du ct,a ►ii" ailTTus-i "e�' save u _ j rn ir�e�tt - g parents, I ellr,rtly. The . rccr•nt rains hal',- ,iutie u Y b Price. The pt- rer 'care in preparation L � ' Windsor, are visiting their rents Mr the coni-oia for colics.) vet. (.00d ct,nce•rt in, the evening. 1; also importiti,t. A neat, alU•ac- and lira. Thos. titrtnlr�•. •" I.i.1;.•titer,tnixtures, contafning creo- ),reat. deal of goud and -Iflie than a in Y , live package, well -packed with hfl h ,.. - __ . / I11)u.tatens tlr - - sbl. enulrnn!, , ie..,.,ttiaY be i)ra cjl firs. E' � ger c, cin doily. If clone before Milking, gl"10x- vegrtabiv.; will always c�om- _ - ei f Detroit, is pend temperature has caused reJ,�►ctnK to a •r in a month's vacation with her u►other, ever c Iiarter.`;. � Mar Diin annonitess spent Dominion 1-11. nu the.• hibhel price: Fin•theru,ore, PhYS , 1� CD T� h�l�RKET ,.�� _ ., :,.., g U, brc.tt•, tale .1-s needed, else the milk 1 , •- ; I-:. K +�. YI 7 ` c Day-- in f�,c�de'rich and report a- good u ill bpeotlTe tat-nted. --- Prof. H. H. :,'� r i ract the article 1c:le will be .its own v L1.D t �..r�,...., 1.:, Ir,ia L -L. - -Mrs. �steLarty, Con..!. Pte. John McDonald, son of Angus , Deati, ,O. A. College, ;tlF ,man, and i -o matter how over- Women of Touton Buy.Fcods Much as _ - -_ . . , time.I;c _ ` • Misses Mar' ret and Florence \tor- McDonald, who has betfn visiting at his • lanlie l t`oodr.k�i tu�l cbGio ter care Is Custorrr in Some Ameri. Loneliness and fi06-ice 1lffcct Tl;,s+c The funeral of the late Robt. Ifiggins ••protecting Pigs From Sunscalel." it ( b price.P p , can Cities. Docmcd .c, t'-ive in P!,:in of g•n, of Port Arthur, are enjoying their hatne here since his return fr**mi ovFr- i:a sorting and grading is also quite; Eriti ,h South' hirica. was last-.i3aturda'y to I)unganuon cern- . vacation at their home here, seas a ehurt tithe ago, left for Saskatoon `ow thatAlie hot. stinlnier weather i,mporr:int. . Vegetables of pool•- qual- . ' eter' service bein ht l • fir li- ' has ome those who own if ht colored , ity - should• never _he . placed.- un Ove To 'the continental woman, market. _.,�_t'cincip�►1_ .Nelson, of Kincardine High c•n �fvndsy morning, a and poli- Y' 8 d .in the . g 1 ,_S- , Is bvtli :i finie- allots •a. Iieicirc tht� lio(•r q•nr there t, :is :8 --- In • tion awaits him. s;unbtirn or sunsc:tld. Thin condition 6 old' tit a u►t'ic h lot�E•r price' brit A lc•:Icltul;. cnutcicu>r short: Luro1►e 1,:,9 tRstyin. c•trr:rnt itmcn►: , the Iti,cry ut schtwl. is prteaidinR at the Lower 5choul . ., A quiet wedding was soletiinized in of• the:hide of file anin>,�1 is iutilar _�4'ill stJ ci_hrtye. ilii• rffert., of luwerfng a1��sl�•s},ecu ftlrntorei. �•unowical.tLrtn ". xiih ;lfric;u tlt;llt a�,u cc,ulci :rt«:;)n exttmtnations here flits week. The following sbldters retained to to that of people; it 1;ivcs the carne tticr (,l ift+ eGi the lli�;hcr gra►u s, .�tth Atnertcn, acrid this n►Etthocl: of carc•tt,l ' rccc►,.,l:izc• .1 iii.tii who'h:1(l q%- I- • the Methodist church last S,►turd iy t. NI q%- John Reavis and daughter, Ripley on -Friday night: C')rpL' Htw►- ti►or degree of unconlfortat>leness to fhe tl}i reslilt thai 'r►rany at good r.u:lrkeG 1'ue,c) purrlutr=in�; Is cine of the,tlrs:t utcix )'t'ill's „li tice i•rlclt. rJ'i11.4 a•:ire st sll)1rt'; .,_� �___- , - - _,_ - _ _ _ _ sing at It) 30 when �liys_ Lue ;Mamie, sod Miss AnnabelV. c icy vis Atzt�agrey, lies:. Neil Murray, Lloyd i4g--and-{s'-cau.,4P;1 in the same pian= !i.tK l,c.11 aluiu�•t rt>iaied t,y a fuel!- to �n►,intc_•al houm-keeping-nevordirig IM lc••s tl•tic°,turn t1r111i 1MW. for ill,• Ilya. vias united in the holy bunds (of npr. Consequenfly, the canis method gtCt,+►,lily of iratr-t r r oud5. to tiiksah. ,n sr•e w1 ,l veldt is n great ssUcnc:� :11)11 iced in Luekncw on Saturday. Hell, Percy lioalston and Osborne.- _ of'ITrevc•ntion ntrrl frrtztmrttt may be---1~rtr t+firs �s• -- , , 1' t yr►u .ire rt 11.,E of 11TIt<trIninn to Me. WiHianl 1T _Gaesa flat lice greatest- i nctinrsK :111,1 it �le.1vesss it.%r luiirk ou y .gettlri,,. t-lierh tiro always cTp ortullitii•a' - Hiss J. Yemen, of Souris, Man., and An enthusiastic welcome was tendered Afttt•tl,p'n,arris s iter returned Ie•r carried out. _A ✓ r�:,t:l's c;lt;ion cut) wined by grow - t3 y d try1 to 1,ick•ui► barr;rtina nntl tht;c n^tint►. these lite;, cl,:ctt in it. these brave youog'men on their arrival In the Rist plat,, an ounce of ,lig a .lug!, t;ritd.• itrtirle.: c:tre.fully : Miss Jean -Hall, of Kansa,q City, ban., home where a dainty wedding br akf,t t pi-t--vention is worth at pqund-of cure, ifio%es3tccl and attractively -arid elb- S 111 110 1-o 111; �I,trkcting I,y tele•1►hrni� 'Che cr;lett is tl:e,great 1.11,11111 of r••llnt are viyitioR at MCP. Yemen's, Sr. at then depot was served after wL. the I o x and -the 'prt;vention is sheltt'' do i cie,:tfy�iuui keie,:.—A: 11. ,%IeLennan, is :Iliuc►�t uut.nown in Europe' outside Is now l:ritlSW soulh'Afrtc:i, the lIniit- eft for iii tier what kind of stock iii, in the L.,S.A., atario Vegetable Specialist. 4 'fell• hips citi0q. because the telr•1.11rone ipse+.-feuturric►s1.s strPtc•l of lwairie dot- . _ � . -_ Sire. Jas. McFarlane and Miss L'zyie lir. D,►vid I3rcmk was the victim of a honey Moon trip • tb Clevel►tnd, Ohio. . a y � -- sinful accidet,t one da last week. I•asture, shade is essential, and much is not no ,,rly art 'much u household in-, ted with knobs of hills Hutt the• ,I3rterr! -_____Gain bel 1,_(if_«arren,_C� io,^are vi�i.,.nR_ _p _ ___ _._. --- __y __ _ «sits they• rc�trirn tlr will re•AirjN ,,n stork •o is if'for pigs on account •yf - • sti.lution thc•rc• as here, _csall k„, t: •e c,• p -r E'Y _ _ . _ , »._ 11 b} _j.lc ut) a>i. �� dile r I ..�ererscsary - - - _ _ -- - hopt: _ht .t d ttlttl-_,,,isltcea-Jiy = - -- - -... Wlfi1e .ranking Yis Auto tale engine the tl�n . coating of hair on their . . l oulon uinrket is nPc'n every c1:,y gullic.: ',friends ftp llipley and hiocardtne. the 1�roc,u) a farm on the rc;h con c f for (•o..e. ,n tic>t 11'eatlu•r. rain-vt•nshcd th:,t.•'f*un their bodies. If the pastilre for pigs is ss, 11-„111 seven o'c•li,c•k until noon.- If yt►ti dwixting course troin harizon to borl- back fired, ci;u9inK 'The c1-;;nk to strike A9hhrld. The best wishes cif ttie boo. 11 I Mrs. J. H. Chapman underwent an sirnated.•thttt t•hc•re. are no trees �o «::►c:1- i:; vr'r.> nt•cFl+:�tt•y for evwr�. n1-,• ,11 '1'oul„n ho1.4tMrtvife c - . his` arin with Terrific force. No bones ;.!,' ir;i,.5, 1,c',au;or iter t,i,d�:.ilseli ,f the upper 7MI. The word."veldt" i.1- closi•ly ul - n►nnit o witli thein. .trford solid% to the animal, it kiV6uld -I ai (l::--�; yoti w•::lly t�,rth r,hc►ttt 1'tl',1t. to lied to ttt.e (.c nail word r • , c,perstioli for the removal of her tonsils y g ,, ;,t:.1,..; ,, 1•,1-• were broken, but. it will be�•some tune . be just :Ir, well to k, ,.1) the:m abut up i•rol{orlim) of w•ate:r•; 1. fat "wc 11(1 _. in Wingham• Hospital on Monday last. .•lasses Jean avid Ii1xe 5totherq arrived aurin the. 11 tai , res c)f the a :.:.. the t.;i Stl, us ui 'tt,t: hc►cly canner fo.,r,t C-1 by a ni:titt tt illi a• !„r�ktlt r ,i or "tinice r>;r," Rud lhc• rrlatiu b>efnre he will rte ruble to rise his arm t, u ,� _ [ d y j __. ..4� _ relationship i�c Siiss Annie Sic on:ald, of ).111% I horl,e from Toronto la:it week and I.re ,incl allot: thein to run out diming tli•e I,Ic11,r•I;y't,tke lil.tcc c�cc lit: plenty ut c,,,''l lww to curry � ' j►•nchases. If Ilcnncthtn9 inrtre thus :lucre coinct- • again. ec.,'ning,- night. and e•:uly, morning will. r hit s,il►1,lir-•d; incl ,edit contain yr :, :u•1- .ni.1t riF•h 'er.ott-tt tc) have a dente•. Flit ttl,e' man 4tundlnl; ip tlto3 Itainy River District, is visiting her holidaying tinder ti)e parental roof. 1}ours. By kec•i,fr)g the in a. pen 'y'' � tnicl.t »t this , The pulpit of Knox Church w:ts oc- • at,.r,;tt` �, ,_ I, 1- , ;:Ili. watery. All chi • m:tlel, }ou :urs ymrt o::n iege•t::l►!; •y 1►lnfn it aePm4 te, e>,le•ttt! pa►rent:c, Mr. and Mrs. Angns McDonald, -c Sit..1'. Walkom paid a visit -to the that is .bti�e.vlra•t uatkc ned, they . trl•ttkepr wal •1'��,..-1if11I itt all times to ill :Iu , 1111,r„illereel c)t►t!, l�:T� stzfn•'in • In every ittrec�tion t 1 • cui►ied . n Sunday morning by Rev. I), . s,. o the outermost r)ii5 irc�lh thE� h 'r'r:t�r of .itip'Sun i.Lt tett 1-,t.,ng Milk, t,tlt in tent ft ,t;1 your still. '!'11x, cloth h:i ty nli pact. Con. �., burg this week. y limits of c , A. S1cL n, of Hurod'Church, and in :inti the .tilt': that are til tt a;•w sea bad. a, t'11'LI _r 1 hf_ f�'. ark. t. uc.l,d ruatsons why in11,i►r1::i►t ,oint. her;lnsr• It r.r•1 !•�c The`. I , r v ,t1- c lilt l,1- without -sound or crtlrtr. Mr. and!rSirs. Jack S ung, .fir and t Last Blonds! ni ht all the citizens of around ,1t st':thli• .uf ,1tny'kilt<l; clnring Ili'* Low 51,c,utd 11:1�•e i,ic•nty of water: � \ the evening .by 4Rev. C. Y. McKenzie, Y R-0 - t, ► � ih- hot wetri e1-. 'I'I,,1 e1- hal w•e•;elhr• sig .•i 1, fuclel►cnllent h�,uxetvit!•. If you without striking featurr8 to catch thr� tri. Alex F►eavte and .Sirs. i.aura•�ie- -• -, I)s_in i�nnc►n a - _ .-_ . .. _. g' 9 Y -••- .;;r;nte"Ir oi>#� Prrsct+in 1t `.1i�it; VvaT- �4 I .1.� irlircly lir :cuvcr; .i1-• n� , t': salt W-( t''''-4.4 41+t•try-u- bamkct-rn•-,u-t-nrti-t►itg, eyr. A day's trek mil'on if) ' hills S C rostie motored w vc,ctlri.ch '•;o Dr>rc and their discourses. were livtened to gathered tnReth't r to welcome hor,.e 1qw•, in the i,r p,,st ur, w t,irh is a very l'c, _<<:islst ln_ (;,flus I l,1- bud gr, v „" I n g roe ttuuld tie tul.rn for :soulc•bcrcl+••,y cc,vercd with •i, firu,i4, 1)tocla wellf- y inion Day. _ i;a t. L11�t8Un' wb0 bas. r, , I1).iId.. y . I with great interest. Rev.'Gen. (Almore p hp�e�i overseas for 1 r,bo(i thir,�, 11-: r til: luratiun :31,[) ld , %VhI n Lhr_ arlinlaf bury lJEcoulcs to fly through mile utter Mile of the aa1n�• • i be :-o,nr, place in: the shad(: as it is tt,mn, n:tlur•F• s'iugt sts.an cxtra sup- «)n either sii:e of tl)e• 1{;,reu)Pnt un. 1ltllr,, and encl�t In n div volley ass Ill,, �lr. Harry )•aYrgus�n,. wh'� bats eeD agtor of the church, wag Dice) in the Some .time.' , He was n,et at thg ktatiou • ttel;, whi:1' l F'` / Occupying b e it w(-l,-knott-n f:. ,I ti,„t -the. hide' *ill ( IV 02' G �utce:rs the ten,- der tile+ 1►1srntitinA sire r inged scorr�t of flip vnlley or the niorniti s,9 one r• 11 visiting friei:ds here f�,c'the p�±t.r�,eek, vilpit at fine Eiver. y a number ,f Cxrii' and taken,. an1►d I;list, r iar eiuick�•r w•!:rn' w�•-t than * Iure� of the t,(,1cly of thF; animal, s-,, 'j; rt1cr till w:f!t cl,:nh uwni •►.. �irtSt is like another. g p a , .ch'eering, to the E',►,ghsh Chnrelt' of 11,.hen clr}'• _1-1 i�i,� :'c1- nI>; to think. that 1-r,:, t; ns rht roar uic,r� 1 t►:,ifortat,lF�, , f tl,t, �ri t � After a few d,ay!1 cit returned to his hr,rne lIj Fli>,t. Stich.. I st;111he•F•1,t 1-y are n•rtrnan-- this the traveler Ic r wonders it h 4 , ii w-.1low ty a4i #.:X(•111 r,tl . (fir.1 g, .ani _ !,f i, , she• l,1 e,dw:,., .L lllc)r,. dik. i rob I ovvr- f - t1- Prii:cl,wottrttitt, lfuliahrl, _ --- y: I - ,__. S' - ('I,,, e.",_,,,1.1 re.atst,n r'or `u1 -►Ply- Q 4 "ass reCR I,, nc)t a iii re liluslon, if lie Is not on Tuaed$ Jt LY Rt1fl RfiD bUN - w +e1 -+f he€�,rc• f,►•,r<n I if h•* 1:eltltucl��5 , IlI<• furrne'r jilt ... I. sett"A. i)1- Came acted ,tars chairnian and �'Ihini:inX ti:r' srr:1 1-l„ I;Irrnc r ::hollld in;; I�1� 1r1� ut W,1i, r to cc►w',Iln Sur„- "I ••," h. Il,e•y Bell ell tht• re�e•t�l►It•4 returning day after day to Il►e carne - Mr.. W. A. `lair abd ilia bride ,arrived ( . Anyone readin ► 1 isL 1•'iAin and r I•: :•1, to ,h,rt:1111" an dehe:lr'iP, like spot. • . If r Y b . g a-8b:ort program wa:; given, after which I+,1,1 Iri1,l to b -Ii o' 'h:It cl'atl'111s; the: 1-:s , 1!,• I:,,:t. Il ,,t Ilse lo,oly cXec'a- I t. in Ripley last Reek and are now nettled Fishermen% by f)eorge I... B-Itfin in _ I ,'If,A, of -11:•; c!:1) 1: 1. ;11" t)tst tirr,c, to : 1,1w- :u#•'% •r} 11:11,•h int rr:,,•I dririn • , i<hroo.►,s, �r,:lils and rnvioli..wfllch i�Oty and a tit thO monotb Capt. 'Alliaun spoke of Ills �"i�S a{�e. and `' ►:; :r �ti; ny, fS a k! • I, r, r' cif '11 . I., r . , 1 , l �1 r, I,,,nS c ot►- % in their new home amid the Best wishes Tilt ItOU A:� I) • GL' I'� CA.NADA for `,. _. _. _ _- - u cI inial, lirrtkt•rt by t;ntne veldt furor a Ince of j c � _ ► tic Of t satiett I ,r)f h )w g1?%,I -he • wras to be hf)iue.-_.:. ?Le3-}- _._.-:,;F • i•tT+_- TY.�r..'i.._ r+ })r rYTiTTt* T1�'}-jj�t•.r��;Tl R j,l 1 . , i:. �: i �, , ).; 0 '.t , I h ro rl,t l n II i ti'f'f l.tr 'I' ' , �2 i�Q i i jl 1 , i1 s Ili re are -booth4 for the stile excc.cdiog lonelirie tis for the exiles whop ' �E their rn�tny friends. .July cannot help. tbinkipq of the Ao,d all welcomE;'hirn,h7me to his wife arid• ;:►t : I!, i1 I •,t-. it io .k, F•. I, '1h�:,u insicl•:' . •:Ire 1-,l, • 1 rr1 1-,l;Ilion, ,,i11d to r{r 1!;r.%%(,r%t mid rrte,eiiotual herbs, •stniii ' till It. '1'hc• A- lar crowd from Ripley' went to , 1 re will be a farmhouse+, n � t1- 8'e h cold taays-..whey a heist pin.$},:ice of ittle-last+fly: tc,r :, 1,'.. r,:.,:.aj,_t II,u:r, 1_a,ly; .'1t•:.:;. • ,Ii';.ly I1, is �..,:1.- 1.,,,:11.1.1;,1, ,Ihc:.(-,O,c , ric'1;►'i►;''Hild dolt, ft)-luokiug c:utq of burp R kr 1 , ;,�,ot h 1 I,- � .,, - ,_ , tla . a well and it few hllErs Wioiliain on Thursday last t(1 en•o the i . ' • . i:)1- l,' 1, rrl, ,' it : ,i: t.i' ►,iiil�'r) t' 111-1 :111 ;:t111J,rl,inf'•@ Y J Y. string and a, wall(,w. avrilr.n t,lacio tLc ;; r7tire' t1-► r 1-i ttri^ iti;t , , ►: t1---+hte�ro ..,c. �..•+► ,� T►•ttt r,iz �islf )h .,,;;, ,,,, 'I, - .:r i1-: 1-,I i ,,1-.,l :,teen_ brie• for thi ksitiirs. 1'o the railroad may ;- i ' Caledonian f3+Hies in connection with ;.}iest fi•hin tackle for ahfnc:rs chUhrt the 1 lin r, , i,•.il,,. , 1) i 1 „•;,i. 6'.% 'i 1-1 1- . '' ' ' , 1 , ' :,,,'1 .;1 :c1- ,,, , c1 1-,t I' 11 carie• slim! eloven. fin' the last heat t !stance• cit rin,ywhsre• frrtm �U o R f .111'ty I ,,.t t s ,,. h„In sl,F•re' I t ' t• '"t ,.;n ...,,- ; ;i - ',r ';:.1,oi�- 1-h•' row giY:,r:: i,jdk is pl:rirly • of h a great bargain title 70 Mlles. Half the ,rear the roads are the .Uld Boys ReuL•i�,n. I and rock ba9a. 'The �1lhino 1, ��, )f of a a � / 1• t t • 1�r. (_'hes't er A)i.irnlfi arrived boll -l'• r : �, •. „ . ,„ ,, ,,.,,,, r'!' 1,:•1-• .%111i:1• that will not keep Susses C�ra1^e and Ilelen Sh ell; ,f, TIT . to ;t'' iy the i le of t1-` rc�l,fi his frot D, tri it thi we, + 1 i:1-, i r ,1-1 t,�,r r. Ir,,ir� n,c�n 1►refFec k P until 11n1►asgnble. The It I little cntniuunity 1 , , 't r' 1 I.n V1YItilix i ,, r.. :i I . ; r ,,o•, '. .,' ,,,A I•' I•,'iOc• al('tit; th • lmiik:i F,(' a 1tFeve_r_ tIt'- lit .•:t ll:,y shed fho. poorer vinr;seq timst tie, r;umclrnt until 111serlf. i.lf , New 1-ork, and Slix4 Harvey, of �Lf)n• story tr m the �)nwinion Caipical which his parent Mr. and Slrr. R. ..1 Durnir), 1 e 1-u h t1w, hoot!„+ to , I -ori (. ,,,.•,. it laio!ink .,,r( -an,. Lao.k,rig thii, a dairy } urchaye slightly a veldt thrill !s a severe. test of the don, visited their cousin, Stirs. Geo. Oil• ip one of the several gond stori s in the Meal' served on the rounds on $at• ' i 'I,'>, i .. ' ' it . ` s. -- J. (;, farm inust; • havr, ii 10orl supply of c1wmiged but nciurinhtn . g I . ' -.t1-.-• ( A. C•;114 e I 'w►ell-crater. -- Prof, li. iii. Des ridiculoust 1 li goods at loner resources o! mho oi' A�oinso, j tJuly-12th,�1.'I:� uti,, 1, ,:., : , pore, fore few days last week. national outdoor magazine for J� Iy. ur'day, by the churches. , . C: t., , ph. 0. A. Colleie, 'Guelph. p`' Y ow •prLces, t i / , , , . Y - • .. - .. . I. . I n • .�, . I 4 u , , .. . � I °. . Y "..• L.. .