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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-07-10, Page 3
- , . .w :«y,,, .,. •.»-...... .« .w Y.--' •w •..,, . J.. • .. o .. ..r .. k ... ♦ - .,. w . r.. „. ,.. y , �.,.r4, .. . , . .. ... I ''I I ic i 11 I ' ////// , , _ 4 . / , . .. 1. _ .. . , yr s;r�... --------------- — - _ --- -- —_ . _—� .. i .-a . . .,..__� .• *"FW •IQMM KERS" CONSCIENCE _ 0ANA1D*-+8_'P •R- GOLF. "Vrasv ! WAirass• . . I 1.4•1Lo111106-,NAVAL OFFICERS �,� FA . , ' .• •• --SITS: w Live P A�rEy. Fac OR BPL IN 7 HiQ Weekly A Diatggnd That Was Too Big to Canadian golfers are hard to beat, - .1 F�ShIU 9 ` ' - Steal." but Canadian hospitality„ cannot be ; Eris, siert Write I. Weinraucb �.BoO. , 1 I GIVEN MEDALS n , FOR ALL WOMEN: . 10-18 Bt. Jean Baptiste 3larket. Mont- I beaten," declared. Charles ("Chick")��� real. Quer The -atmosphere of romance that Evans, Jr.. amateur and open dram- _`—' surrounds diamond mining is;- of o= XV=ZPZZXl - "�""""" r - pion golfer of the United States, after HEROIC BRITISH SEAMEN DECOR- HOW Best t0 Overcome the Trou- course, largely owing to the great �tiOM HERE f�TNERE W };ITE FCtH UUK FREE BOOK tjF .1 1 f value of the gems and to the possibili- he had returned from the Hamilton House flans. and informatia,n tell- ATED FOR GALLANTRY. hies That Atil><ct Women Only, and Scarborough Golf Clubs. CatYta- Ing how to ease from Two to Four Hun- �_ ty that at any moment a jewel of such . dred Vollars on your new Home• Ad- • j The most fateta}1 years in a woman's unusual size and beauty as to be worth dian experts in these clubs had com- Thi 8irnteh of It. dress Halliday Company. 28 Jacksots - - �: // pelted him to -play his best to win, "Ho you never let your tv•• Hamilton. Ont. - I;fe are those between forty-five and a fortune may come to- light: w was it • � and then both cluhs had made hi`m a 'mother know you'd won the. V.C.?" . - One, Blinded and Wounded After Ex- ' fifty. Alany women enter this term Diamonds are easily identified itr FON 83as.E. under depressing conditions through the raw state .by their peculiar sheen lite member. "Canada, in my opinion," I "It wasna ma torn tae write." p - EWSPAPER. WEEK -LY. IN BRUCB plosion at Sea, Saves Several oT His t he added, 'is par golf" ,�• \ __.__ overwork, worry or a, neglected con- alitL'_saha�pe, nays Air. \1Vi}1'iam J. La- 1\ County: Splendid oppor,tunLty. Write , ''� Men at Great Personal Rick. 1 `� `;'� MP ditiou of the blood, and so they suffer vane, Jr., but it there is' any doubt At)out the third. week in June Evans His Chance. - Isox T. Wflson Publishing Cp.. Limftad. I1. heavily. Mill, variations o! health at about the stpnea fife matter don be de- hopes to make his fifth trip to Canada - "Airs Bubkins;' said the proud fath- sa Adelaide St. tib.. Toronto. ` The ming has been pleaFect to' up- -" '�� to play lar the benefit of the Canadian I ELL EQu1)'rEU NEwst>ApEtt n, this time can be relieved by home tided by subjecting them to pr©sure er, shaking the young man warmly by I ` tnf�ntr V - nd )ob pr plant to F.astelrs ReA. Crass. Other noted golfers who .. oii)ve 'of the awiircd. ort �lie`AlbE;rt Medal ; -- .. , f ':. treatment. - be`tween two knives. Anything !except 1l -3, That _ G -- ;• -the hand, let i>?e to nl.arlo. Int+u'rattecearrted 81.600. Will, alllantry in saving life `at sea to 'i ommonest s m toms a dlamoud can be crushed. In calor may, go along are Francis Ouimet, •� Ro for $1.200, an snick sale. Bos tL k • - �imong. the . c Y p Jerome D: Travers and. John C#. Ander- are a.man after ii�y +DVKta heart. "Oh Wilson Publishing Co.. Iutd.. Toroata 1. Surgeon; Lic;utenaut Conistiandcr' 1~:d- l are`headachias.and pains in the back they vary from .white to pink, .blue, no, sir, protested the blushing suitor, I .1ward Leicester• Atkiits'on, D.S.4.� R.N•, I and aides, fever -flushes; palpitation, son. The cities visited will be :Vont- I•• yellow, green or black. Their shapes 'I'm after your daughter s. 8>;ISCI�LL4>lfE0II8t.' I I Ottawa, . St. Andrews -by -the -sea ' and Lieutenant' I,)avia •Watnwri, lit, i • 1 dizziness and depression. Women ragge from , spherical to flat and in. . . • , . ANCEM TUMORS. LUMPS. LTC- R.N., says a Loiidon despatch. , . � %, stand in need of rich, red blood all chlde'.some nearly- perfect diamond and .Toronto. - The Mathematics of It. C internal and. eisternal, cured with - ., in re a I Canada has a string of well-planned., ; cut en by our, home treatment tan>Id dicai The accourita of the se•rvices.. �'/ .� ,;, i their life, but never more so than in shaped gems. A few stones that She had seven million dollars Cs before too inter Dc . golf courses from the Atlantic to the 1 - s ect of which tl)i. do l•atipu -has die a e when.y.�� rues are a}so.. saw in British Guiana were so perfect, Placed in , bond�' and sto-ct s and ; o.. Limited., Collinawood. ,Ont - - p..._ ,, .... _ _._. tiro.., - ..'... I,--- _ mid. ..g r Abe -�+. . _.-._ _ - . . -- -... ......� .. - --- --- - , - Pacific, c, ranging irartl seaside ;lirtka at. . - �N 1.been conferred, tare as folld'ws:' weak' acid over -wrought. Npw every both ii, color. and fri'shape, that #t wads M rela.Ls.,�,� . . At- Sts• Andrews -by -the -sea on the Bay of , - - _ Diagnosis. Surgeon Lieutenant Commander A _..• \ woman `can prove the prompt help at- difficult to belileve they had not been � � . • ' . b He had leve.n 'mililon dollars: . __ Goad ' - e_ Fundy to. the Banff Springf, Golf Club, I s Did" the doctor :know.- ' what you klnson On September 16, 1918, a s [forded to, her health by renewing her cut and polished by machinery. So they merged their sentiment . ;;::.•,.w..: -,-,a Alberta,_wliere the golfer can,play his I - , had?'a..._". - 1. •rions -explosion occurred ami on blood supply. it is a"Gest that'any all- The largest stone on record for that Ivow theyve raised a son whose value board ji.M.S. Glatton while lying in game at an altitude of nearly a mile. "Seemed to have had a ,pretty ac- ing woman can make by taking Dr. region, where the mining is carried on Is exactly ,three cents. Dover harbor. This was followed Im- Williams' Pink Pills, for these pills in a hit-and-rpiss manner, weighed Going •farther west he, i ari -play the - curate idea. He asked for $10 and I mediately by at} outbreak_ of fire, the-ancouver and Victoria golf clubs had all �' make rich, iced blood, w,1ich in turn., fourteen carats; .it., was found, by a _. -_.. -1 .Lazy Worm. . » oil fuel burning furiously and spread- helps the appetite,. str'•e'ngthens the "pork knocker" named London, who, where lite 'altitude Ys not !ar above-tke; Two,' miners .went on a fishing ex- - """""" `"""' ing-fore and aft --Efforts were' made • �__-- .--_ =s�•�--•••�-•_�;••.-._ _.:r y t„�,,,xestore robust ,health. because of ht^s great size and strength sea and where the golf sharp can play Miaard►s. Liniu�ent Cures Co.e�. Etc. s.... �.....- r �.-.... _the:.....royal -and ancient game every ..1?.edition��But they,.,.were- notices_ :at _.._— _ f e to extinguish the fire by means of sal- 8720—Isn t. this simple little -.fro I Thousauds of women have found in Dr, and' previous 'lawless ants, was feared' - • a taken the game: ....-x ” _ .- ... tines .charming? . The embroidery s the athet• b s.h •'P knock- ` month !n the twelve, because the ,. y - vage tugs. • The foremost maga g Williams' hills the: means by by u,, wren. "Pork ry , Hno,aic ye •eftin':on, Jock?'•'asked , Arm- horses ailed 'mores' mold .in all . _ �. . s I .. Japan current dect�es that there shall theAtres �t Ka: haze., sL fa. r, rea;;:�3 - - • ooc ut. 't W -l"; ound Mi o., from Af(cC.ali transfer parte ii 'a. 884', r is a.local.term.: lien to a rou of - «ct e t9 led, -lt t ri .. , >n Bich, nesw. health and a brighter out e g g, . P,,....rt„ I on'e. - . _ 1 r sa, be no'.,,wintcr killed greens. ' . sible , tu' ,get -to tho after•..nilga z ne (blue.. or•ylejjpw.), •price 15�- The dress ,look' of life were alined: In root -•ot U rturi,sca:rum Hien who know no Sys- ••4ch simply rotten!" was .she r , over- $67,000,000. .. This year will be. the greatest in the ' p Y � Y `flooding positio'n's'." 'The explosion and i may » be made with a high neck and, t s is the voluntary testimony of Mrs.' tem in their prospecting, but move . fire cut off the after part of the ship, long'sleeves. McCall Pattern 8720, . about here and there in the .wake o! history. of Canada and the United ply. "I don't, believe my bloomin' : H. S'w Peterson Milford, Ont.,. who Taxation Before .the war ,-in. Great, I � killing or seriously injuring all the five sizes, 6-1'4 years, price , 20c. .T = .such of .theirgroupStates so far as international golf is worms trying. d, says:— I have suffered greatly from as chance 10 make [Britain, ]~'ranee, and Germany., was, concerned. Ten of Canada's beat golf- per head in the proportion oil officers who' were, on board with one those troubles that afftict'my sex, and a discovery of any value. At that P r P P era will play against ten of the best . A Wife's Revenge. I sevent three, eight exception. The ship might have 'brown' _ I have, found that Dr. Williams' Pink time London. working for another I y- y, and forty re - , from the United States at the-.Hamil "I am sorry to be critical, my dear," pctivel - up at -any moment. .. _ Pills in such cases not only do all that man, and, strange to say, contrary to. I.p Y• _• the precedent set by his p ton Golf and Country+Club, Hamilton, said Mr. Lambkin, "but this pudding - At the time of the expIbsion Surgeon - is claimed. for them, but more. Dr. revious life, - - " Lieutenant Commander Atkinson was �«' o , he turned the stone over to his em- Ontario, on July 25th, and the Cana is not the kind that mother used to o Williams Pink Pills have done so .r . at work in his cabin. The first ;ex- , lover. I happened td meet him af- than Seniors, who wnn the Doke of make—not by a long shot. ju .. t1 much for me that I_urge every ,weak p �LaU h T1%h n eV le - - ___ . ._,___- _ Q -_..__.,.___...._.._-...__ _ Devonshire's Cup.in a match against "it's foo bad; Henay;" repleted ;lits. g P P • . plosion 'rendered him unc�nsciou.. N woman to' try them, and they will soon I,terwards i.n .the interior and asked ____ Lambkin, amiably. "I 'don''t know _..-1:_._.:,:. Recovering shortly_ he found the flat I realize the great difference in one's him how it came -about that he did, not _ _�. . the United States Seniors, will defend V the cup in a return match at Apawa what to do about � it. Perhaps you'd S O Your u , . outside his cabin 'filled with .dens . keep the stone for himsellf. With an - p ��e n r set health they make. - unlooked-for show of eloquence he mss Golf Club, Rye, N.Y.better write to.her and tell her. She a . smoke and fumes. He made his way I If you suffer from any of the -ills q � - ' ' to the quarter. deck by means of the I �i i that particu}arly afflict womanhood said: Champion Evans has a very, high sent it over this aftern,,00n." • ., opinion of Canadian .golf courses, and Try this yourse f thevt pass ladder in the warrant officer's flazt, there . . - I' you should avail yourself,at once of t e I Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, I •) • a _,. _ ,a . ,h of the Hamilton. Golf and Country Satisfied.._ :. It along to lothersw only one still intact. During this - - 1Williams'I and unto God what is God's—anyway 1 . ,. - health help of Dr. «illiams Pink " .11 - - . __ _ .. . . - -_ I Club -in. articular., This Club," he.._ • .;+,` , •... _ _ rt_4vQrl�si_ - _ __._ tfnie Ire brought two ul7canscious iraen - ti Pills. You can get them frons any he ire too b-eeg stone fora one teller- p ��� h$ ��p�ecl, as •#hay sat - -, - , } I c a c n P n �' . , oa-to the upper (deck, lie himself being � ' mart iu sisal." ittP. 1 n f the veru. be. t links 1,,�+.-Maar Ilii (lie. , Teiice ' Sui'iuunciui;; r --c- -c.-a- a �--o--p.�� ,� dealer in medicine or by mail post l in North America. It swings well, Uninjured. He rete -rued to they flrit�and C (' paid .at •50 cents ,a: box or six boxes His employer probably never would I Airs. Filligan's pigsty, '.`ow beautiful, and'is a'thorough test of golf." I Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough was bringing a third man up when a for a2.50 frons 'Fhe Dr. Williams'' Aledi= have seen the stone if- it had been a - you.lie' Jes' think of it, Betsy! Z' hen. talk wtll•be heard.less here in town 1! - smaller explosion' occurred while lie cine Co.,Brockvjf10, Ont. mere five carats but for once London The St. Andrews Algonquin Golf us be married us sill have 'a3 pig of l � ,.-Club at 'St. Andrews -by -the -Sea- is an our. own.. ,. Thin of that, Betsy ", people troubled with o s 1 olio „ was on the ladder. . 'rhe explosion I� ., had been a'ned into honesty. 18 -hole links, 6,000 yards in length, •� an " P whispered, Cif re- I lie paimple adviceof this Cincinnat! ' blinded hint, and, at the same time, aV/ ®\� --�-- �----- , - a I sh , hispe ed, a note authority, Alio claims that a few drops' 0 -and there- is- also'a ,9 -hole links near se 'tment � in her voice,L "what do I � o! a dnig called freezone when app!#ed - . piece of metal was driven into his I) r�,;' MYSTERIOUS MEMORIAL. I n°` left leg In *such a manner tfiat lie was I � I ( BABY'S OWN TABLETS by.. ,The long course resembles some l care 'tor, pigs?. I shan't wont a 'p;g , to a tender,,aching corn stops soreness . • r •. - at once; and soon the corn dries up.. _ w _ .9f the, best seaside_ links of Scotland. .� w en. i'v,.: ot_ o w_ t b g y :'� and lifts t`il;hf 'oiit without' pain. ynaltict to tttove until he 17ftcl httttyc;lf .. Q i J, 'Montreal, Quebec, R inns ae Toronto, Q 1 g• Then all kas A1e>at Cites more,. save extrafted K. Plachig the third man on Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain, Datdik .He says freezone is an ether com- ' OFGREAT HELD Calgary, Victoria and Vancouver are I for the musical frulic�s of zelibyrs al- ' the sipper deck rte proceeded forward , \ Back to 1700 Years B.C.g Bound which ' dries immediately and V!I(rALL i.- all great- golfin centers.• At the i r - throu h the shclter.-deck i3 .:Sire! :be-. _ _ : - __ eady-mentio d.. nevgi' iltflaiiles or even irritates the 1. - - h Y , ._ ... Ing totally unable to see, he .. here I Stonehenge, the greatest and old- Banff Spring§ Golf Club on� "The .Roof . _ surrounding tissue or�skin. A quarter - I 11 ' Mothers, if your baby or growing of the World,` 'the golf 'is excellent � Zidinarfl � Liniment Cures lDiste�tper. r o%f an nonce of freezone will cost very found two • more unconscious ixi{�n, es't of the nation's memorials, situated, -I it lr s 'itis . at an dru store .hut is s •fH- J on Salisbur lain ha's b en resets,-. child is sic!. y, a doe not sleep and •the scenic surroundings , unsur , It - hof whuiri lac Urotr lit �.- . - _ _ �— x Plain., _ e __ P e - - - bot g coir :- __ - welt t niglit�; 'if he cri a`gre a a'ssed in�eauf :. - ,tient to remove c�•ery-lrsrd-or-soft- . f fo Great i3rltain by its owner. As.. )t y louird later on the 'upper deck .in ani �� - Not HIs Fault.-'+_coru'or caUu's from ones feet: 'alihions is • iconstipated and his little boa els `almost unconscious condition, so i remains of a long gone -by civilization, Conjurer -i• -"Now, to help me with �,of American women will welcome this ' and stomach are not working right - wounded and.bui°ned that. laic' life was . ,Stonehenge has a value' and an in' and ' ' TORONTO. FAT STOCK SHOW. ' announcernent since the. inaugiira:ion ____ _ fere-st equalled l y'no- Wither-uiortd'ment ! give him Baby s Own Tablets—they 'trick, I of the high heels. this .next •tri want the. serrices of ' despaired of for some time. , 8675 -.This. ladies anti. nils s kim ` ,have roved -of great hej to thousantla i a boy -just any boy in the audience— ' Disregarded Personal Safety.. '� l ona,• made jrom Japanese ef-epe re- to the United Iiiugdom, mothers. Concerning the �'ablets At the annual meetiiig_of the Toron- I- es yow-_w,Ilr do,: ury-itttie;:marz; -come ' quires 4 yards. of 32 -inch material f The •'historic nionurneni is com- of g , to I Fat Stock Show, held recently, it ; . • On February 4, 1919,. H.1I.S: Penarth 1 Mrs. W. H. Decater, Corson s Siding, along: :how, you've asset seen me be Mrs.L111aII Ta Iand 41� yards of 41� inches wide ma -i ptosed of huge stcmes some of tlieni —.. was• decided tb again have classes" for i �„ , 0 struck a mine 'and inintediatel began -fore..have you w� . y, Ont.. says:—"I have used Baby's Qwn female cattle, also that ,instead of re ' ,,, z. +__.'"" . _._ _ .. _ .to-_ sink. _. »_Lfeutenaut . David ._V�'ain-.! terra'!. ltic�all Pattern 8675-3 sizes weighing tons. and in Some instances Tabl— -•-- -- •----- _ —_ -- . - quit _ fla>, uerp ,of _ ca • - Tells_.How=CuCUZ`a I - -f wright, taking command of the situa- p pile lent for the little odes and would not loads o! cattle that it would be' su! ' T -.. - he„e patterns may be obtained ; great blocks were got to their post " LEMONS MAKE SKIN tion, at, once superintended the man- be without them." The Tablets are' a ' �Healed . . from your .local McCall dealer-�.orl Homs,. or their age or purpose.,, is a - ficient if owned by exhibitor at time I WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Her Bahy ring and lowering of the star •ard r mild but thorough laxative and are I of entry, This will be welcome news • from the'. McCall ,Co. c0 Bond St. mystery, but it is believed that the gig, and later the launching of the Car- guaranteed to contain no harniful I'to some exhibitors who were unable "Our baby was two weeks old I Toronto; Dept. W. - monument dates from as early as 1700 I ,Make this bi`auty lotion for a few , ley -floats. Hearing there was a �toker,< - drug—that - is why,.,.:.:they always do t'ID compete in some of the classes last i when his face became, very red and -----o---- Ii.L'. 1t has been a pines of pilgrim- ! cents and see Tot• yourself. injured in one of the stokeholds, he I good and never harm. They are sold year. I terribly itchy, and he I- The Joy Our Heroes Bring. age'for geireratiQils:- _ _'. _ ___- by medicine dealers or by mail atL 25 y ' 6 -� �ii't heard of �, was fairly crazy rub - called fort• volunteers to show hf-m�the ; Rthat.gfrl or vrorrian ha . way and at once made his way for- Rrhen all our boys, survived, are here, I Evelyn and Pepys, Johnson,''Emer• cents a box ,from The Dir. Williams' I bing and scratching - o 1d g �, Medicine Co., Brockville, Han Bath Mat. lemon ju ce to remove complexion ,ward. There war, -•by now •a heavy list ; From out the a ue•of war, , son---and--other - great men visited it, Ont. g � '� �• till the skin broke and on the ship and it was a They're welcome h11-ome as b us are and some of them lelft records of the blemishes; to whiten the skin arlci to p apparent she-' Hang your bath mat up when it is t �. -}bled. He could not '' impression which file -great stones ''' not in use. Three little lonps of tape, bring oust the rases the freshness and { - , �� f glee g s would not remain afloat auuch longer,: treasures near and dear; The Rock of Gibraltar. ,at the hidden• beauty . But,lemon. juice p, tend did a look one at 'eactl end of one edge -and the I a � 1 1 but cry: be die looked the upper deck of the starboard side ,They're like the floral gifts of Spring, made upon thehi. Johnson pointed a alone is acid, the. efore trritatiitg, and as .though he might be dies red being already awash. Lieutenant `Vhose•breath is Heaven's air; - delightful contrast between the Cathe_ .. Many: interesting bits of history are , third in_the middle of the same edge, shou}d be mixed with -.-orchard white., for life. Wainwright made'his way below un- To both delights we wbuld compare dral of Salisbury (the spire of which connected with -Gibraltar, the famous by *Bich it can -be hung on hooks on this �ty, Strain through a fine cloth "I thought I would give Cuticur•g • I rock at the entrance to the Alediter- i the bathroom wall, will keep the mat the juice of -two 'fresh lemobs into 'a � Soap and Ointment a trial. I found I aided, and while he was in the stoke- � The joys our heroes bring. � can be seen .from the Plain) and - P ' _ _ _ _ . _ -- -__- _ - _ _ , _ I- ___ -- _ _ _ , - rauean.. Aniro'ng tl�er_ thhirig.s it is re- ! cleatner tnucit ivt th tt #t a}lcrvred bot }e containing abbui,3hree ottitces-►-thefree.aas<ripleso good that I'bov ht - -- _.._ hold the s-Iirp struck a second mine , those girt big. stones as they are Iger , B g They r� like the sunshine washed . called that the last. siege o! Gibraltar to remain on the floor --will dry the ' of orchard white, then shake well and . more and two cakes of Cuticura Soap abaft of him. The forepart was blown called by the natives. you have at whole quaite'r pint Of akin and a fifty cent box of Cuticura Ointw with showers - was by far the longest .of modern mat much more uiclt:ly and will keep , � tY off and sank;.,' and he was forced to Johnson said: These were two ems- I �. and complexion lotion at 'about the mint healed him:" (Signed), Mrs. In good old •Summer time, times. -It commenced on June 21, 1 from -becoming wr&kled or- worn: wait till the stokehold had filled be- : -tent monuments of -art- and rudeness, I cost one usually pays fotr a small jar {. Lilian M: Taylor. Bot l79. pr6ee- - l W-iten--joybells ring the runic rhyme i 1779 and ended in February 1783. It of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to , fore he could float to the surface up 1 Of love from lofty towers,; exhibiting the first essay and the last i bridge, Muskoka, Ont., Dec. 30. 1B. the escape. He displayed! the great- I thds lasted for the long period of three MONEY ORDERS. attain the lemar; juice so no pulp gets And as such gladsome sources flip perfection in architecture. Evelyn, years and eight months. Cuticura Soa to cleanse and pur- g •Buy your out-of-town supplies with into the bottle then this lotion will re- P esti gallantry and disregard of his own I Their cheerfulness around, it is evident front a remark in his Dominion:Express• Money Orders. I•'iye main pure arYd fresh for months. When- . rify, Cuticura Ointment to soften s personal safety in going below at a diary, made an unsuccessful attem t I` and soothe and Cuticura Talcum to • 11 I So with it too for us abound p , - Dollars costs three cepts, i applied dally to the fare, neck, arms tithe when the'ship was liable to sink 1 The joys our heroes brin ► f to, count the stones. "To number them I and hands It- should help to blench. Powder grid perfume are ideal !or . - at any moment.' - ' g' . ' - " "is ver difficult; D.li.n-ard. s •Liniment Co:, Limited. _._ - 1 -cleat, sfnoothen and lie autify� the skin. daily toilet purposes. - exactly. he wrote, y , �♦ Dear Sirs,—This fall I got .thrown After .you. empty .the wash boiler • � Again, they're ,like the Autumn's they lie in such variety of posture and Any druggist will supply three For free .ample �a�n of Coaenra Soap, Dine- - • p on a fence and hurt my chest very ! rinse it, .with clear hot water and ment and Taicam eddreis post-cyrd: '•Catic;:rs, . EARTHS METAL CRUST. ( wealth. . confusion, though they seemed to ex- j ounces of brchrtrd white at cry little pot. A, sat•n. v, S. a,•• Solieverywhwo 11 hero harvest home-, are gay, need 100;, we counted only 95, bad, so I could not work and it hurt , while still warm rub the inside with cost and the grocer has the len►ons. ,. . - . �. .. me o breathe. I tried • ll kinds of - soap. This" revents it - ---- ----- -- -- Contains Eighty Substances and Eight And toil and doubt have iven way . Pepys found the stone sn ro- t `' P t`rom rusting .._ . __ . __. _ . 1. , - - ` Per Cent. of Metal Is Aluminum. I g P I Linlmentir incl they did ,me no good: and next wash day it will be there to .y , To happiness find health, digious as any tales I have ever heard . Science 'can only guess what bona to When ail the merrymakers slug of them. , God knows what their use One bottle of Ai��'ARI)'S LINI- serve as Bunds. , make up the main body of the planet Their. prcestrrs v! sncceQR, •- _� ., fide hit•gi' stone, known ,as iiia -11E1.T, w�nieiL.oii fiaiuiels acid ap- - *_..... . on' vie dwell. But it knows what , •• lied .on my breaa,t curet! ine com- ti•�•� �t'e c.hare their trtutiipli when we bless leading stone, was, 1n 1901, restored p U. ___ _._�_ NUINEASPIRIN""�`� - -y_ plete}y--- G tt j g. to the perpendicular, During the ex- I fife outer cruet is made of -to a de th,. The joys our heroes bring! • • '' • . C. H: COSSABOOAY. 11 say; ; of ten utiles--because the ma' .)3ut, ah they touch us m(tst of all cavations made then '.a number of im Rossway, Digl)y Co., X. S. 1 44 f� •r 4'' I. serials have been "coughed up" by plenlents were fdund, believed to halve HAS BAYER CROSSA. " 1 1 Fe � �l 11 volcanoes and are easll studied. «igen Winter, snoK,ri cou'te clutt'n. been used by the •builders. They were I 4 • Spg - y t .-__ This crust is composed of about ! ` nd Nature wears her darkest frown, , of steins and flint. " -� ' . t ^ r eighty primary substances, or els-' And brooks and breezes brawl, Under various . ' � Who is Blind? .� —What Is I� :� private ownerships TABLETS WIT'iOUT BAYER r nYrnts, among which are numbered the ;For then 1t is rnlr me m'ries cling _ The ancient memorial 'hag been wranfi• «'ill every iterson who reads ,this �_ i_To--what and Where theyve been; - _ CROSS" NOT ASPIRIN Ai` ACL- I t HR1fi o clack in'!hc after- vai-�fttfti-metals: field. -cur example, tS lecT'o tr 3n .the court., robbed of its notice, and knows a blind man or ' , "But- reconil►cm -e is'given in -I 1 � . �Tnoon -- and absntiitel#• .•no - an element; iron is another, and Itrilitlions to make bridle. and mil woman anywhere 1n Canada, kindly I . The joys our heroes bring! r '' you. call it spring aluminum is another. , I . ' dams, and allowed tit suffer needless send the name and address cif that i Get Genuine "Bauer Tablets of Aspir- pep ; • Nearly 8 per -cent. of the earth's I ---__,_�_ — • damage from storm and relic hunter, blind one to the Canadian National I fever, but is it.' . .. .. - , In ' Ina Bayer" Package. Plain! crust ig ahiminunt, which Is the most I Wliv worry abo itttcl flans -peri eithew.•a- Wh4t:Q- 11t�titnte felt-. tbv-i3liucl.--36 1l 0rg :lt I When y6u are constipated waste watt" re- plentiftil of all the mei ls. it occurs'soon be forgotten. - or a mere source of gain. 'East, Toronto. I Marked With the Safety r • , o 11 J "Bayer Cross." I mains in the intcstirics• ai•eays, forth poisons i in nearly all rocks; every clay bank is _ _ The Institute is cctntlncting wc►rk for I y which are zt`hsnr[ted Into your Ulood an,l carried by it to edery.. ' 1. a riiw of it. But to separate it from its vies is, en difficult that until re- d ._ceril* .it was a mere .,curiosity. of the.. lal)ort•atoryw - - .Four and --a half per cent: 'of the kR earth's -C -1-111-4.1s' Iron. Aside from that metal, tis+a useful ripffients commercial- ly avd table a)efore electricity took a • hand 1n 'the -game, such as copper, - leaul, zing, silver, nickel and tin, to- Rether c,mnprii;ed less -than 1 per cent. of t ate e:111"I's crust. . . Inf -.er-110+44-y- ,nWly availlaMe otthpr _ valual,lo, .(_•:emelt s (icluminum among tl4n►, vh"ch constitute nearly one- __ 4041! ill t', i"rctst of the "planet. r" a._._...,.. .Wc,inaan h:is been a, riddle to man . for thou. -ands of years. But she is l -the o>E�e ric'.dle that he a}vi•ays refuses t0 .►'it:e Ilii . "•`'A •t•tttall houae is hig. eiaough for . love.' In `treat mansions dorm and state tend to damp the warmth.' of affection. I have seen over. a htt'le house in Italy the inscription, Domus u A parva, Iltte9 Magna --A little house and A great quiet!' the blind along the tuost modern , ' 4 scientific lines attcl ilepires thst 'each cell . in your body. 1. When your cells are thus pc*isoti,ed, of . biinci�ret;ident of ('ara;ia should have I • course you have no prat. & .. . the opportunity of rig aitiitR .himself c>,r i ,,�!' C Pills,gttlts;atirter:tl �c stt rs; centi►r oil,ete. ,t>lict'c l� forcr the bow - • -_ ..._-•.. -- --.- --.-- �, - herself of the benefits _r presented by i v � ' 0 els to act, and make.- constipation and self-poisoninAa habit., ' this t.c►ck. � Nujni is cntirc!v differomt froth dnir% as it does not force or The ini-inenae task of registering � irrltattc tilt• bowe,s. ' every cast rlf blindness cart only bo ric 1 coinitlislie(f successfully by the eatrnest I There i tint a pt'ntty I cif German ' Nujol prevents staattat-on'by softening ,the 1miti weste 'and co-operation cif the itublile generally. mrtney'investc+d ill "1;ager Ta,),,ts of enruurngr:: g, the into tinal inns ies to (It naturallr, thus ro- ' al That is why we ask you to send the Aspirin," noir will a German citizen meting fife caI of cortstipz'tictn an self-'pououui,g. It isI • names and aaddresse.3 of blind people profit by its snie or ever be allloNN'Ied to al. %oha rl.v harmless nn plcacaint to take. -- you loaf,• knon:.o... _'.�.._.. I _ __I _,-w--.--:-_.1,.i.:;u•c 4!Q_4nter0-,; _-._ : ,....-w..__ .. .....__. _ . _ _.,._..-N4'�;-,1►tlt►s -0 it•� Pst�bli;lc eai�•, thorough tx,%ve'1 evscu- . The foi, iowitig dep:irtipetits Of %vork The original • world•faiiious Aspirin , at0n at re,-uiar ia,tcrvn!,--- the h,calthiest habit in the world. 11 I nre being •a ctivelly I1rnseelited by the i lttctrl:c'd wit)) the �'Idayc'r Cross" t n,l�c Get a 1►niillr, ('if 1u1n1'frc�m your druttRici Itodnp and watch Institute: Industrial Del a -mi ent for ' t'll:l(je in 'C':rnnrla :fuel can -be had . alt M(n, ln(111, istl i)eltartn�ent fc►r Wo, vittir d111UtSt's in hatwi�• tln'hcrsc*s cif your wrl„•1,, c;1; itael.. , "� 1 1, ..,' ! !•' M•,tled hettle4 l,rltrinr the SainiTrad4m idVk. then, Dcltafitment c►t f• geld Work, 1)*'-' 12 t:ihlets and Iarfic:r "}layer," pack- I e iflf c11"tlI tt � ' .,i,1 tC,.,,jj,;,•i.q. in!lst on \,,lot. Pru n►a) iy0'er frotu substitntee, paltrtmeat of Home Tea(1?ing. Depart- , ,jgv,4. . ' I . nient of Prevelitimi of blin4nc- s, Ljb_ Cc imitlr "Aspirbi has ' been proved ®' rary l)(,ll:lrtnlent►, l)epni:llneiit /►f After ;,fo' lay 11tiUiona fl;r _fain. Vendaic•hi% � � II (.trn, ht tsidcncc, and �'oc ati:m,il ', rain i'1i;,t t;;l hV, Kiraarhe,-.l,hrunt.lti.=m, �+ Ing,( 'c tit f c for 131itrck tl .' ,1 l it , ♦ i% _ . , - ' ' ♦ ` , "• I 1:;:11J),,lt;l?, ('ltld:•. (rl•i1111P. I�1 uric 9. C4 i,_ ,r ('rAei,V•Ark To wild inforrl,tt;f n l,l• , ' i gill iv. i � it • ••,g: t,•... ; rr+c.'.1..%, f-s�+ftG '11:�N_ ,:iiitl i the tr:tdc niar1a, c,.,. forolilatioll, addrl'�. . 'i 1` G4 �•1,•r• ;1 , l i•1 ( S' i:'. I`f 1'a}'C l' . !;Ini:rattt. l►f f a': ` G l' b. i.A' ' ' s• • �l'('1'E'tI}i'�'. C:01:!iii: ii . !', .' al .,t , • • 1• v ,•, ;1''., '"'Ac" or '-'A •yll 1',1. For,C�.�!I? •� �' a••,' I .•! l-.' l 1 • ,, u r bite For 'f he }31iu 1. i i t' ,•. • . - -- �._.1- - 1- . � _. . r 1 fir..... -w -r...,+► r..." - •..•..•., . w.-. - . r« -.►.......,,tea _, * Tul'Untct, - )� 7. I SS U E .27_ . 9. _ _ .,�;•,-r�.,r _:...... _ . _. .,.:�oa�+lreN , a w r ' 1 .• , , r • ....- .. ". . 4 .. . ., . w .. - , ♦ . . �I . I , ' V