HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-26, Page 8• • • 4 • -T • -rammer dinellomor r- ......... _ Tuesday, Julyl 1st store will be closed all day And if you feel the same as we do you will want to celebrate the Dominion's birthday in a glorious manner, and to enjoy yourselfY ou have to be dressed in holiday -attire. Hereare a few suggestions: Ladies' Sportor Outing Hats $ 1.75.._ _..- . ,• _ _ .z �._ - White Shoes for nten, women and children, all kinds 81 prices. Men's Straw Hats and Panama Men's Belts, 50e to -$1.00. See our Special Initial Buckle Belt at .$ 1.00. Men's Shirts, in great array, front 1.00 to4.0 Slimmer Underwear, all kinds.-� 0. Men's Combi�nat>�olaa ,2 Boys' Combinations at 90c. 1 5 to $2.50. •° Will there be.. enough White -llogiery to go around? From present indications, and if the warm weather continues, whitei hosiery will be as scarce as the proverbial hen's teeth. Our stock at present is well assorted, but a few days'selling will soon deplete some lines and the mann.. facturers nforpq us -it Is _impossible to deliver any_a re this season. We leave them priced at from oc to 3 $3.00 the pair. Men's s Grey Lisle H,a.; lf Hose silk finishedt worth 75cr special soe the pair. Garter's, Paris andBoeton, 35C the pair, ... Boys' and Men's Bathing Suits 9oc to $1.25, Girls' Bathing Suits, 6 to 14 yrs., $2.75. Ladies' Bathing' Suits �S.00 each. Ladies' White Skirts- 2.09 and $3.00. - _Ladies' Silk Gloves—black, white or grey-90cLoo, ` r.25 'a nd $ r .50. SPECIAL 30 pair Women's White Canvas s Oxfor d , white heel, plain toe, high or low sport heel, all sizes S 1-2 to 7, pair $3.50 MURDOCH& CAMERON CO. Tie .ruse Soidiers': evenSpheme..__ .isR�ady BrucCounty in co-operation witli the. Ontario Government lias secured for the exclusive settlement of BR ' SOLDIERS, i�C� " COUNTY 55,h ACRES'OF LAND in Shackleton. Town- ship, New Ontario, in the centre of the: claybelt on t -he Trans- continental R. R. $zo,000 is being expended -by the Ontario Government on Coltnmunity Buildings this summer' for -the free use of Bruce Soldier Settlers. . A free grant of approximately r,o acres to each settler $5oo given to defray cost of. clearing first -ten actes--on each lot -----t-- $50o loaned for twenty years to each settler. - r For - further particulars of terms, and application blanks, apply to the Secretary,—Bruce Preparedness League, 82 King East, Room 58, Toronto, Ont. - *Applications. for Manager Wanted - . g The committee of management appointed by the Couu.t : Councilunderauthorityhof a recent Act df the Provincial' -Le is- lature, will receive applications from. intending settlers -for the position of Superintendent of the Colony. Applications .;should., be addressed:to - W31.. - . McD►a�►A.LD M.P.P., ChesIey, Ont. ' GOIa SAVE THF,KI1 •G Dervie . - - -Monday, June 23. M w Theyn, of Toronto, is spend i es 'bee holidays at the borne of Martin Armstrong. - Mr. John :Cole,- of,' t' nderwood, `Ira* renewing acquaintances about Be vie la:s-t week.. Miss- Lizzie • Fair boa retarned- bnme- afte, completing her terns at Toronto Universitf:: We►'. -wish.. . bee. success an eia i , - - heir orte,,.t tans.... . tr. holes Hewitt erriv,�d . fi :►rete on. •`:ratritday from Stirattfotd Normai. &cbool. Pie. John .Ostrom,. who has. later), arnved from elverseaa, spent a few days last week around Bervie. Miss Doris Fair has returned home from North Bay where she bas been attending Normal Scholl Mr • natip Glaiin lett a week -ago for a trip to the West. We hope he will !e like moat of the - other boys and get lonesome for Beevie 'in a short tune. On S to the rounding turn out,. day loofa .Rev. Davis „preached ngemen of Bervie and sur • . There was a good f the brethren,.,who are ap► parently mustering tbeiedoiees fir: tire 1eth of old Ireland, and Mr..Davis de- livered -one of hie .ustral'aplenelidser moon , (Tit ;Strrt4*y' next Reva.NMr. •W'ilii;tml will preach in Bervie, it being his last sF•r-lee before ie giving for, his pew'cireluit at firancl. fetid. We are sc,rry� to kale Rev'. and Mrs, 11°ll '9 trnm one hitt? as they- have mage many Friends,: yet the .beat we can do is to wish them the best of luck, and may they soon find as many new friends in their new field as - g here, the are leavin a All were sorry to learn last week of the death on Thursday morning of Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, South Line. Mrfl. Nes- bitt had not been west for: a few• menthe but a couple of weeks ago. the doctors and speeialests . who were called in gave no hope of her recovery. The fuoersl w held : , ort Saturday. to . Kincardine 'Cemetery. Services were-conducted:es/. the house and grave boy the pastor, Rev: Mr. Davis, -of- Moir.'"' s. - leaves.: ter mourn the- loss her. husband sand four children: Sadie, SAID, Jack :end Mary-, all. of wli�,ui, ..aere,af,ka,pte,,. The bereave ones; bb»t v. the sympethy of sit ()n Friday . hest, .the big ev,nt of the year wan held when the people far and near gathered to ,the 'annual circuit garden party. Everyone -knew. the reputation of this yearly social gather- ing and the crowd this year, wsa perhaps even larger thou on former occasiow• : The supper- wart term)" neem 6 to 8 or - until all had been aattsfied, after which an • interesting program was given. Musical selections by Misses Giles and Legge, and ' Messrs Slade, Koppel and Farrell., Mr. McMorran, of Lucknow, entertained the crowd with iorbe of his clever imitating, slants: Rev. Davis and Rev: Gilmore gave short but inter- esting addax. The Chair wse oc-. --..eupiedby Rev, Mr. Williams, who filled that place in his usual ahle manner. During the evening and also as part of the program all ei oyed . the splendid' music of the Lucknow Brass Rand, and very- liberally patronized the, booth where `all - kinds of refreshments were served, fruw - peanuts to "candy on the r stick." All will remember the garden party of thie year- as one of the beat ever held. Fourth Con., Kinloss --Tuesday, June- ?4. Mr. Alex MacLean, of Moose Jaw, ar Sisk.,' a ho vas at Hamilton attending's th the General. Assembly of the Presliylcr ian Church, and his wife visited for a few,days: of Jest week with her parents; , Mr. and Mrs. Nutr: Fraser, on ;. the 6th Con. Mr. Dan McIvor, of Manitoba, who war . at Ottawa in the interests of the farmers movement, accompanied 'by his - .wife, are visiting at Mr. L. McIvor's. -• Mr. ,and Mn'. James Struthers and their two little sone, in company with Russ Middleton and f apnily,, spent a pleas- nt day this week at the homeof .Geo. Bell, Con. 10, Culross.: - Road work is the order of the day along the Fourth this week. - Mr Taylor, who ' was supposed to be engaged with Kenneth McDonald for the season, took a hasty departure from his employer on Saturday last.. 'Mr, Kenneth McDonald went to 1)e troit on the Grey Hound last week and importers rrefe `pleasant trip. 'Miss Pearl Fraser -and a few of her girl , friends autoed to Rockwood last week. • - Mrs. L. McIver was suddenly ' called to her old home in Michigan on account of the death of her another. She has the --sincere r'wpatby -of . friends - and neighbors: rc n trips The crawling, pest in the woods, men- 'fu's tioned in last week's Sentinel, - did con- -ere ernt siderable damage to many trees. Maple ' '•I and ironwood leaves seemed to suit their _ he taate best as those .trees suffered most. :pre Only that their foliage is very profuse .tired this year many trees would undoubtedly Tl' die. ;te 1 _ 11111•:. : elc•b - Ear p�;it The Burks Falls Arrow tells the fol- flan ge lowing story of the. back wood,,: Fri- lie w day evening as Mr. Herb. Stewart was etcs 1 drivinq'home to Burks Falls along the North Rad be noticed two big mooae following him. Near I'arker'e firm one of the animals struck of in one direction and the other jumped ties fence and ran across a field .at a tremendous speed. Suddenly it ran into ploughed- ground and turned a completes somersauit with vidlence'that its neck was broken, kill- ing it almost instantly: Fortunately settlers were quick:y on the scene, and the big moose was properly bled and will make palatable food, even though .out of season. This extraordinary in- cident was actually witnessed in person; by Mr. Stewart andoccurred.only about two and a halt milesoutside 'the north. erly limits of Burks Falls. e HUNS SOTTLE SNIPS German Fleet Was Destroyed at Scapa Flow. Drerulnoughts. Cruisers and Destroy. ed - Surrendered to Allies By the Terms of the - Armistice Were Sunk by Their Trews and Went t' - W:,ttnm ' Flying Oertman` Flag at Mastheads — Only the Baden Left. LONDON, June 23.—The German officers and sailors forming the com- pleureuts . of the a German $bipB, inte•tirei at Scapa Plow, sank most of their fleet on Sunday. ` An the big shipts, the battleships. and battle cruisers, excepting the Baden, and nuni`ruti s striallcr' craft were supk, while others went ashore in a half - sunken condition.. eighteen • destroyers vnere beached by tugs, four still are afloat, while tilt° remainder went under. - • The wholesale sinking of the Ger- man ships; which came to Scapa Flow to surrender under the terms of the ttifstfce, was carefully arranged by - e oetcers and crews. A11 explosives efore the. the fleet ks. T1 e, with the ews ' had the ads.' irely et Of the ermit of to the to set - shore, - d called f them re' fired ing, an en-. t news respon- farmers ey had g, -with crews one of opinion t with. tiie re and is r-eports- terned s have Baden; cruis- e been. were stroy of the - _and _. ships ritish ships , and ber of ed. ms of ships crews relish ng of - in a ange n,. a Ex- ually capa min - ad been rento -ect, and Cher only means of destroying was by opening the seacoc ships went .:ehowty, dorm, C;arnlan flag,..: which the, cr .11oisied , sttow.tag=$t'th•e`Y3Ias The crews, .composed ent Germans, under - the terms armistice, which did not p British guards aboard, took boats when the vessels began :le. While making for the the boats -were challenged an •tpon to surrender. - Some o ignored the summons, and we upon, a few • casualties .result This stroke apparently was ti -re surprise, and the firs rt•ae•hed London through a 'cor 'lent who was- informed by 'n the neighborhood that th ;een the German ships -Makin heir flags aloft. • The German officers and save been Heade prisoner. N he officials would offer an- s to how they are to • be deal Che Admiralty at first denied tort, but later confirmed it tied an official statentent.. he statement says: According t:o _tile, -..latest---_ Thom _. Scapa flow - all the in 'eat!. aships and battle cruiser fink, except the battleship hick is still afloat.. Five light rs have slink, but three hav .ached. Eighteen ds stroyer:s (Arched by local tugs. Four d+e rs are still afloat: The rest - .estrnytrs have sunk. •'A ('terman . reax-admiral (osi cf� the Germans from the now in. custody `aboard B Spore boats frorn the ed to stop w her. ordered fired upon. A small_ num alis were killed or wound u accordance with the-_ ter armistice, - the German ihtern.ed with skeleton rEt;.kers, and without 13 s aboard." e hist new, of the sinki erwan fleet was contained .0 dt•spatca to the Exch rapt, Company. ly on Saturday afternoo was circulated by the Tdegraph Co., that virt hole German fleet at g had been sunk, but a few - ater the newsagency asked hat the despatch -be cancelled.. A later despatch by the Associated 'rens from- Thurso, said: "The hoist" - ng of a red tiag i;t -noon was the ,igaal for the crews to scuttle_ the frt•niati warships in Scapa Flow.. The Teva took to the boats, and rowed. oward the shore. The"guard. ships ired at th-e Gertitans, who jumped overboard and t:want ashore, where hey were rounded ul,." admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, re- lred,• fortuer director of the Inte11l- .ence Department, interviewed by .he Weekly Despat, n with regard to h'_ sulking, said: "It is a breach of the armistice,' .nd, therefore, almost tantamount to , new act of war, - but at this Juno- urar it appears to mean that the ;ernians intend to sign the peace reaty. It looks like a plan concer,ed n Berlin." a Commander Kenworthy. M. p., old the Despatch he did not think it•e sinking_ s were carried out by or- er of 'the German Government, but ,eta engineered by a few" hotheads ick- of existence at Scapa Flow. "The Admiralty or the admiral -in `targe:" he said, "'cannot be blatned, :tether, the-- ArtnistiCommission e4, be censured for not putting iritish crews aboard. But- we are • ell, rid of tire ships, which were t.solete." - The political 'c or,espond(•nt of tae Sunday Times, commenting on he news from Scapa Flow, says' that he sole topic in London was gen- ral amazement that nothing appar- •ntly had' been don•i to ' safeguards he ships against the possibility of •urh destruction. 11 Up North WA? TED Dead Horses and Cattle promptly re- moved within"L rad4us, bi 20 miles. No animal removed without the hide. Will pay , from $;.0(1 to $5 00 for - animals brought to the factory. Phone at our expense: Dav phone No. 12, . evening phone No. 178.. FA:.M s.PSitTJ,1.7.••'Co. Ltd., 13-2-tf. Wingbatn. Bedding concrete Ships. Concrete ships will displace , the woolen -walled N,,orwegias *serene, ft fa. reported, the first. Norwegian cons crete ship having deep launched at the Poragrund Cement Works, in the presence et the prime minister, IL. Knudsen,. The ship is built on an en- tirely new system, with the bottoms uprai►ardso,• la whiieh tatraerdinary peal. ties etre !snitching tool- place on a sort of underlying sledge, which glided out with they ship. Whew the water 'drat" reached the toll became detached from`--the-sledge and- gradually ,fits opt to- a: eectala point, thea subsequent. ly, slowly righted itself. The ship which is of 200 ton.. burden, was bulit In three weeks, but the next will only require- abort bait that time as tlhd original - frame . will be used for each, subsequent ship of the same Rise. The ese-1 1,4 of the sbfp; when the frame is eoitipleted w111 this time take only two days. //It is intended to start the whole• sale buniting of iron" and concrete 'ships of 200, 500 and 1;000 tints. A 1,000 -ton ship will he completed felt Mi t; eeko. . Trouble in Cotton Mills. MiltNC11ESTt1t, Eng., June 23..— .111 the cotton mills in Lancashire lotted at noon Saturday, and, It is •xpeeted, 55,000,00'0 spindles ° and hots, ;ods of loorne will be topped !Hough the strike of workers. The otton mill owners say they will retake .o attempt tq run the Heil).-. The eLtn ltoconsI rnet io7r__-•itueTd will neer Mondhly, and ars' it is composed Of employers and. trade union oml„ :1:.1s, It is believed that It hardly will ette.e the present crisis. , . tet% -I, c•, Britain t.r► HU) t'i;rel LONDON, June 23- I-o-ir r-porta,ttuof the Coal �„, r,:iF'r +i'hi+eh had rc ►•T• ':'-F1alt4rtrtt tri- (4IJf .1 (,r, (f na- tionalization of 13rit'i'tsh Juin( it, have Leen published: The main report lis' .-igntd by Justice Sir John Sankey. 't alone recommends immediate leg- slatlon for .acquisition of mines, ,:'ultles for the state, and for owns 'to trc•:,re just cempeamtlog, • 4 • Phone No. 10 is at Your Sery e • Sell for Cash— We sell Cheaper Than The Credit To get the best service from your oil itov USE ROYALiTIE OIL Less carbon anctless sulphur. To get the best results from your automo USE PREMIER GASO LINE ANDS POLARINE OIL To make short work of the potato bug pes USE BERGER'S PURE PARIS GREEN We sell-Royalte Oil, Premier Gasoline PO1 arine Oil and Berger's pure Paris Green and it will p.y you to use them. 4 The Luckn�w I1ardware & Coal THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Agents far— Sherwin-Williams Paint Florence Automatic Oil Stoves Hanover Portland Cement - Glamis . —Monday, June 23. . Wedding bells are ringing on Con. 14. Mr. Clyde McKeeman .has accepted 'a -position initriarton. Miss McKennitt is on a visit to her brother at Holland Centre. - Master Murchison Beaton, of Toronto, is holidaying with, relatives here. Mee Jackson, - of Kincardine, is re- newing e- newing acquaintances in the burg. Mise Elizabeth McCormick has • been holtdayiog under_ the parentai rdnf: Misses Ida and-, Margaret Stanley have returned borne from Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLean are re- turning to their home at Schrieber this week ' Mr. Murdock Thompson attended the I_ (_i O' F. convention its Toronto tat... week. ' - ;e Rev. ehas. Waddell, of Tiverton, sup plied in the Baptist Church the past two Sundays. - - - Mims Ethel Ethel G. M-c.F tchern, of Lon- don, has been a guest of the Misses Cunningham. ' BORN.—On Friday, June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wee. H. Ferris, a daugh- ter. —Congratulation,. Mr. James Dewar, contractor from Paisley, and his men are busy repairing the Baptist parsonage. Meetings in - connertion with the* "Forward Movement"' were held- in St. Pauls Church last week, Mr. Arthur Alexander has disposed of his Gray Dort car to his 'cousin, Mr. Alexander, of Elen Grove. Messrs. Mac. McKinnon and Hnbh- Sproul, two of - our returned soldiers, have gone bo Edmonton, Alta. - Sire. Wurm (formerly Miss Viola Woodr), t»f %aricb, 411111fbeell a vieittlt at the home of Mrs: Wm, Shaine.. . f'tn (:apt. and Mrs. Peter McKinnon,. Mrs. Fred . Young and Miss Jean Mc- Dermel took a boat trip to Detroii last week. The inion 8. S. picnic hart been ar• ranged for Tuesday, July Nth, to Inver MISS Mary McIutyre is 'eistting onto relatives. - M iss Marjt rie Reid, of Beams has been a guest of her aunt, M J. McKeetnan. Miss Jean McDermid returns . London on Monday :after , • couple of weeks holidaying here. Rev. E A. De M elle, rif Sarnia triol, Elder _ of Abe Tree Church, conducted Qua rterly'\ tom, here over the week -end. - Mr. and Mrs. D. Ii. Gilchrist, of 5. troit, were called home last week to ti bedside- (,f her dying father, Neil ' McLeod, who passed away a few hole after their arrival. r: Mrs Alex Kirktown, Miss Mcllenni Messrs. John and Alex McKenni motored to Markdale last week to atte the funeral of their brother whose r mains arrived from Welwyn, mak, Those O1' OW biiys who returned fro evereees lately are: Torrenee Mr;t,e nan, Archie ,McLeod, Jaynes Spina George Stewart, Neil McDerm.d- a John 'l'ht,uepsOn. We welcome all ea house again. Glad to see all looking well.. a ' Miss Pearl Newton, elocutionist ar humorous entertateer from Toros will give an wening's.entertainments the Baptist Church under the aus'ie of the .8. S. on Thursday evening, J :3rd. Cottle and hear Miss Netetou w is a first clash entertainer. MAtat rt:r).—On, Tuesday, -June 17t -SIis's Lizzie Gerson, youngest daug of Mr. and Sirs. Wm. Gerson, of Kb cardiae, to %1 r. George Itobertro youngest sort- of Mr. and Mrs, F. Robertson, Coo 9, Kincardine. Hear ''"►ngratulati(,s end best wwishee. 1)n Thursday evening Junel9tb, 't home of Mrs.. McAfee. Cqn,. 14, Orel, rock, was the scene of a very dins, to -youngest pretty wee daugbte 1 'Piet 1"shell;►„ war United in marriag - Charfes .0 ' Fitzsimmons•, - Con. 1 Greenock, Rev, Mr..Lse, of. Pinker fah :iating. Ater a abort bc►neymoo the hridel coupe will; take up , keeping on the t roonr'e farm, Con. 1 Greenock. We extend to them our ver best wishes for a long aad, happy m ried life - baron. Don't f 1 f ) ''t the• dame, Let dent everybody betthrte. • Jiff v. Wm Spencer; of St. Miarys, who • s',td ac epted.• the. call to the , leiptist (. iireb 1Srnc here a few week's a . :1i,,, R�, well commence , -earl-psiltrirki Millet' on Sunday, :lune 1'►. l,f•en Sire. J. G. Purdy, Mia (;has. ' rshan, !'1°,v' and children arri,•ed borne fr+ t t„ ' re 0o i''ri+Isy after a visit 'm' Sarnia fiiirrt; it with .11r4. 1,,ving fir;ali re's , l„irelytik. Mr..` mei -;Mrs.-.1:.1•;:- cif•tni Sic:Malty. „ ' ' ,:111eYin. t_bis ti si--w1it, pee cheered nese caters this-. enamel, retie J'IesNre. .7. W. Moffitt. a ford; Bert f;. f er, a Chevrolet;' -J. K. Mclennan, a Ford; A. Alexander, a Gray Dort; Alex Kirktown, an Overland; T. J. Gamble, a Ford; Richard Mcfl•eeor, a Dodge. n Tuesday evening, June -17t� b removed. (one of the esteewe ents (.f thin community in the psi of Mr. Ned A McLeod, o. lid was in kir+ (firth 'year. s r .f (►d' hare been a sufferer. for yt••crtt �rrr�rrf rr t he-j:test few.- z--- ,� tr#ontbs, bair Confined t(► his home. All tba'. nig • hath std tnedi cal aid could do, lieve hie►' sufferings was done for• hitt the end had come; nesidea a i.fe he, leaves to Mourn bop ., a faritily. of four sons -and th fl.,ug t4Nrsm ,Mrs. 1)..!1 fli)eh,int -('Kath- i_tiuo, .1_4 Detroit; .Mss Mar alt hone- Job* owl .. S«oatat+en,. (JoD. 2, Bruce; Archie (lats'y ret(irned lrola ove r.ieasj,,NettandJsen,. sw- at hones. The funeral was held' -at "hoe late home on Thursday afternoon. Interment in Kincardine Oesw d To the bereaved ones we etstaod o ' heartfelt sympathy, • ae 1 •