HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-19, Page 8mielr rIrr nia&are-- STRAWS AS COOL AS THEY LOOK Now is the time to buy your straw hat Fine assortment in various styles at reason- able prices. Get a straw bat and be cool and coinfortable during the lint weather. Bathing;. a. ., ;• ..•�� Suits; Excellent Zimmerknit quality. 'Boys 9o;, Youths $r, Men's $1.25. Boys' Shirt Waists, fine quality print, nice patterns, alI sizes at zsc and $Loo. Colored Silk Hat Bands, regimental colors, elastic, adjustable, soc. Men's:Sott Collars, newest styles in silk stripes, very popular for summer wear, price .50e Boys' [Pay Suits, all in one piece, neat style, good: wearing wearing atfd =washing ✓ material, three pockets, price $I.see. Underwear Special, men's knee length drawers in mesh knit, at 39c. Men's Negligee Shirts, with double. wear cuffs, the cuff that doubles the wear of the shirt. See our display of styles and patterns and compare our. values. Corset Covers, fine nainsook, beesrtttifully trimmed with embroidery lace fir, .,. ..:.,-' and 11 LP at • -. - - : ° � •+ :.'.4'A 9 f%IIN1' .A+„ 1-fm:.4'... '!i�"'Jw A•.l`•'K yMk.f1'.l. . Silk Camisoles, in white, ties!, in tua1zL colors. These arc made itt fuse$uality wash silk and nicely trimmed 'with lace. and ribbons. Prices 1.25d 2.2 5 - and 2. o.r � 5 Children's Dresses, for summer wear, good styles and fast colors. _._. Priced from 50c up to $2.25. Hosiery Special at 5oC, in black,brown, grey and white, our bighosi ere:. value for 50c: Stocking Feet in black only. Buying these at 2oc or 3 or f pair $oc means a big hosiery saving. • MURDOCH & CAMERON CO, The Bpuc SoldiersLand Settlement Scheme is Now Ready ruce_County .in ,co-operation with Vie -Ontario --Government has secured for the exclusive settlement of BRUCE COUNTY SOLDIERS, 55,000 ACRES OF LAND in Shackleton Town- ship, New Ontario,, in the centre of the claybelt on the Trans.,continental R. R. $Io,000 is, being expended by the Ontario'Government on Community Buildings this summer for -the free use of Bruce Soldier Settlers. ' A free grant of--apprex-iniarely 150 acres to each settler ; - $50o given to defray cost of clearing first ten actes on each lot ; 1500 'loaned for twenty years to each settler.. -- For further particulars of terms and application blanks, apply to.the Secretary, Bruce Preparedness League, 82 King East; Room 58, Toronto, Ont. Applications for Manager Wanted Manager The committee of management appointed by' the County Council under authority of a recent Act of the Provincial Legis; lature, will receive applications from intending.settilers for the position of Superintendent of the Colony. Applications should be addressed to WPI. 'MCDONALD, M.P,P., Chesley, Ont. GOD SAVE THE. KjNG WANTED CREAM — We pay the highest price. Our tests are accurate. We supply cans. EGGS — Any quantity. 'We pay "Cash" .only. Have you seen the Aralter- Holth Self -Balancing Bowl Cream Separator ? We will bre pleased -to -4_ how it to you. Silverwoods, Limited Phi 47 Lucknow, Ont. Dungannon (Intended for last week) All roe.ds lead to Dungannon on the 12th of July. Mrs. W. 0. Crawford and two child- ren frcm Hamilton are visiting at the home of B. J. Crawford. Mr. W. G. Crawford and family expect to move to Brockville soOn. Miss Edith Stsothera arrived house from Toronto 1 at week after *Pending a couple.of weeks holidays with 'relatives there. We were pleased to see Rev. I. A. Mc Kelvey ' haat week- renew= ing old acyuaintancee. Mr. Sheldon and -Russell Bartlett are visiting friends in the burg. Mrs. Rev. Hunter and two children are visiting at the home cf Mrs. S. F. Treleaven. An Orange sermon will be preached in,the Methodist •Chtirch on June 22nd. All member, of the lodge are requested to be present. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route RRTWREN MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. • Sleeping cars on 'night traius and parlor cars on principal) day trains. • Full information front any Grated Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON attentively listened to. Interesting dis- G• T.R, Agent, I,ucknow. Phone 2, euseiona —Monday, June 15. Mr. and Mrs C. White, of Cleve- land, are visitiog at W. 0 Jackson's. Mr and Mrs Wm. Johns, of South- ampton, visited at Mr. A. 11 unn's on Monday. Mr. John Belt, con. 8, is driving a fine new Gray -Dort car, porch: ed from Mr Thos. Harris.- Mr. and M re. Nelson, ' of Kitchener, are occupying Mr. John S Roberteon'a cottage at Bruce Beach. A junior baseball team went to Kin- cardine on Saturday and defeated the bcys of that town by a score of 7-4 Pte. Murdoch McDonald was the last ofthe four dons of Mr. and Mr :=. Angus McDonald to arrive home last week. Mrs. It. Douglas, of eon. 4, lett • on Monday for Detroit to attend the fun- eral of her in phew who died suddenly in that city. Mr. IIarold Osborne, teller in the .loyal Batik, was called to 'rorouto on Saturday b assist in relieving at one of the city blanches. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Munn are spend- ing a two weeks vaca0on iia;tY tdillac, Mics.' They ;. ,-et Greyhound excursion to Detroit. •The Garden Party at Purple Grove on Friday evening wag largely attended by Ripley young people who erj :sed the whole proceedings. „ Messrs, John MeL' an, Angus Mc - Donald, Allan McIver, Robt. McDonald and J. R. Martyn motored to Lion's Head on Tuesday to visit friends. Pter. Geo. Summers and Robt. Hen- derson arrived home on Saturday 2ven- iag. A rou ing welcome was tendered them on their arrival at the deppt. The A. F. and A M. of Lucknow and Kincardine marched in a body to Hur- on Church on Sunday afternoon when Rev. D. A McLean preached a practical sermon, Rev. C. N. McKenzie, of Kinloss, oc- cupied the pulpit in Knox Church on Sunday evening. The people of Ripley life always pleased to hear Mr. McKen- zie, who can deliver a very practical sermon. T -he R;pley baseball team suff.lred de; feat at the hands of the Lucknow team in Lucknow on Thursday last. The game was played in the heat of the afternoon, and many -of the boys were almost overcome by the -intense bea The score was 14-8 in fayseof Lucknc. w. The following visitors arrived at Mr. Peter Campbell's on Thursday evening: Sirs. Palmer, Mrs. Bradley and Mr. -W. J. Brady, of Petrolea; Mrs. Saunderr, cf Flint, Mich:, andMiss Aggie Camp. bell, of Ddtroit. They are er joying an early summer vacation at Mr. Bradley's cottage at Point Clark. Mr. Angus Martyn, J P., 'roeeupied the pulpit in• Knox Ofpirch on Sunday morning, reading the ` message of the oversea.; Chapiius to the churches of ,Canada." Many interesting points of and responsibility were touched ,� which should be an inspiration to this time of reconstruction. v. Geo. Gilmore, of Knox Churob, cted sacramental services in Pine Presbyterial] church on Sunday A large and appreciative audience resent at both service!. This Gon- ion 18 at present without a pastor i11 assemble next week to extend to one of the candidates who have been:Ii:,tened to. r . . r- •�Y • __yam ���y�y y�y�� _ - ••%ter .ac a :ana - nsea-P a e17S. eaera•Y•g,a1. _M-. TRJSTWORTHY. Taken hi tboderate doses, right through the warmer months, after meals, Scoff s (mulsioo furnishes nourishment of par- ticular value to the _ anemic or those underweight. Keep up yl'utu o strength.r Trust Scott's hqlp do &ells aowae. to. Oat. 194 a••• importance of Keeping --iuery Properly Oiled. The' tinportanee of keeping inery properly oiled may be realized when we. try to.romp dollars and cents, the annus lice in machine efficiency t friction. Carelessness in lubi may easily reduce the elide?' machine fully fifty per cent. same time the r3tachine itself i ing out fasten on account needless friction, than owing real work done. The microscope reveals th that the surface of the most polished shaft ever made is as and untrue as a rough caa(I ppears to the unaided eye. In tice it is not possible to make a surface that is absolutely s incompressible, or even a true hence inequalities of pressure bearings, grindingtand tearing rnetal fibres, causing frirttnn, p ing factors of inemeiency and and tear.' Thotigh- these faults o struction cannot be avoided, w in a rest measure, overcow effect In machinery, by Judi :application of a lubricating ag The lubricant consists of m balls or globules. These reads sinuate themselves between •the in mutual contact forming a cu keeping the metals apart. Its not only to reduce friction, but to carry away whatever exce heat is generated. All liquids ha sufficient sustaining powers t used as efficient lubricants. cannot be retained between metals; others do not cling tog persistently enough. , To resist tendency of the metal to tear lubricating filar apart, these glo must have a good deal of int strength, and must stick • tog well, They must also cling we .the metal, or they will be sque out of the bearrng. The oils and the fats are the cipal lubricants. The mineral are thin, and so are lard, olive, sperur oils.. Castor oil, neatsfoot low and rape are thick. Nothin better for high speed beatings light spindles or shafts than sp oil, but it is costly; for heavy b roes castor ail is superior tot 4s, it is also expensive. But there is relatively little lubricant used in machinery, fo is - usually more economical to ploy a compound oil. compounded special uses, than to use pure lu cants which, after all,_�re often h y a' ulterated -- guru, soap 1 alumina soda, and free acids h their o'wn` distinct purpose to se in the composition of cheap oils. chief advantage, however, pert ing to the Mee of compound oils that the objectionable qualities, one kind of lubricant can be n tralize4 by ntixing,A with a, I.brie of another kind. For instance, ve table and fish oils are drying o that is, they oxidize rapidly, cause gumming or clogging of bearinis to which they are appli and if allowed to drop and ac•cuu late i?pon dust,' cotton waste, a --timber are liable to develop an ternal heat that will cause spon.t eous corn bualion._ .lil[iueral--oil- net oxidize, neither does animal. 13 Mineral oils have what is termed Pow flashing point; that Is, they or ignite at a low temperature, so at 212 degrees Fah., or and Animal oils develop fatty aetds, a these corrode and pit the surface the metal which they are used' • Iubricate.—prof. John Evans, 0. College, Guelph. :11 'heap and' Efficient Method Controlling Grasshoppers. Grasshoppers may be easily and cheaply controlled by poisoning with the bran mixture, Which Is made as follows: 20 lbs. bran, 1 Ib. Paris. green, % gal. molasses, 2 gals. water, 2 or 3 lemons. The bran and Paris green should he mixed thoroughly together vahen dry. This should be done the night before using. In the morning squeeze the juice of the lemons into the water. run the pulp and rind through a meat chopper and add this and the molasses to the water. Stir well and then pour the liquid on the poisoned bran and mix so thoroughly that -every part is.'moist and will fall like sawdust through the fingers. The mash should be applied early in the morning between five , and •seven o'clock, by scattering thinly over the - infested field, in the fence corners and on roadsides where the insects have been observed. The above amount will suffice for four or five acres. It will be , well to make an Inspection three or four days later, and if there are many survivors „to make a second application. ' It is important to attend to this matter at early in the season as the Young grasshoppers are noticed, arid not to wait till they grow big and have caused a considerable amount of damage. The same means may be employed for the control of cutworms, making the application wherever the worms are observed just before dark in the evening. --I,. Caesar, 13.8. A., 'rovin- lal Entomologist• �••uch• bet bet ar u(e, in 1 sacri- hrough •icatiou cy of ,a At the s wear - of the to .he e fact highly rough ng. ap- prac- metal mooth, circle, at the of the roc. uc- wear. f con- e can, e the clouts eat. mute ly in - faces shion, use is also ss of ve not o be Some the ether the • the butes ernal ether 11- t,o ezed prin- oils and „ tal- g is and er:n ear - but pure ar- butpure ✓ It ern - for bri eav• ime, ave rve The ain- ,,is, of eu- ant ge- ils, anal the ed, fu- nd in- an- does ut. .a. fire me, er. nd 01 to A. or • duty upon all in Ite condu River last. • wait p gregat but w acall lately Mrs. Kertneth Bell, Mrs. Andy Pat- terson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stanley, Mrs. J. L. Bowers, Marster Roy Jackson, Mr. John lteavie and daughter Mamie, .Mas Tena and. Mr. David . fcDonald, Mr. Neil and Mr. D ,up"as Black -were among those froiii around R:pley who took in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit r n 'Tuesday last. Mr Jan. Smith, who fora number of years ceoducted a butcher shop in Rip- ley, and later lived oA Iot.27,-con 7, Huron, priot to moving to Rainy River District some twenty , years ago, died suddenly two weeks ago. • He was post- master atDevlin for the past few -years Deceased was well known around, Rip- ley. "Butcher" Smith, as he was called by everyone, was of a jovial disposition and beloved by all, an»1 his many friends regret to learn of his deatb., Mr• It )bt Smith, cor. 7 west, is a brother, and Mrs. Geo. Huston iR a daughter A delegation of about twenty-five persons from Ripley attended ,the Sun- day School and soling people's confer• ence held in the Presbyterian church, Lucknow,- on Thursday last. Although the day was uncomfortably warm both eek--. wttw rti '- itt'Ei± -- Y - adt dresses delivered by Rev. Messrs. Mane, of Brussels'; Lundy, of Walton; Hardy, of Ashfield; Burgess, of Walkerton, and ). Cameron, of Lucknow, were - MrRI were held on the hest methods 4 of conducting classes are 'great rare -s was 'laid on the importance of home tr .. and the need 'if recruits for the ministry The hospitality of the Lucknow people will not moon he -for- gotten byrthnee present, wbo ersj'ryed a f sumptuous repast in the basement of the church which is well (flied for such • an occasion, Phone No. 10 is at Your Service -..P a.�.e..e..r s.r�.4•Mr y'.eao dor.,-..=r-ae — � ..:,1:..: rr�..- We Sell for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores To get the best service from your oil stove USL ROYALITE Oil_. Less carbon and less sulphur. To get the best results from your aLtornobile USE PREM LINE AND POLARI To make short work of the potato bug pest USE BERGER'S PURE PARIS GREEN We sell Royalite Oil, Premier Gasoline, Pol- - '. , arinc 0i1 and $ergef''t` tie''Paris 'Green and it will pay you to use them. The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCe. • THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Agents for— Sherwin-WilliamsPaint Florence Automatic Oil Stoves Hanover Portland Cement SPEND DOMINION DAY IN©DE ICH R Greatest grogram in Wester Ontario: Tuesday,Ju1y I, 19 Aeroplane Flights, Demonstratiori by Great War Veterans, Baseball- nticii wi-nners rsf Clinton tournament, v'. Goderich, win- nersot Blyth Baby Show; Highland Dancing' Competition _ , Floral Parade, etc. Y Horse Races 2.H / trot or wee,'5 trot purse $350. 2. ' trot or pace, _______ --- purse $300. 2 !O trot or pace, purse $!.UO. Concerts by Band of the 33rd' Regiment, coacludirg with a GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE EVENING; Something Doing All Day L• ong. Come and have the time of your lite at "Huron's (olden Crate „ 11AVOR VIGi,k, W. L�Nt;, T. -rare( 114ttn,. Chairman of Committee. Treasurer. Secretary. 1 .oc.d Work Demands Continuous .Im- provement in Every Line of • Human Activity. The other clay n bitterns nuthor WW1 trllin� ate' how he felt i) heu til... first . story was accepted. Ile said that wi1h- in a few minatea the thou+ht finsL,ed- n'cross his mind that he cutrlrl not stop. —I,ut 'ti►ust go on, Ociee gond story must lo' followe,l b:: nnoth►'r 4nni iui- ether mid another--t„Ise his re'putetien wolf.d die rind he would, he hnt,nili,rtccJ„ Ile suid that they feeling was not ex- actly comfortable—that the prospect wns In u way terrible. "Peing success- ful.” he said, "Is not ens •, The Bare. ce4ittil man- e3dvertisest to the w;►i•Id that he cam do certain things well- and he must go on making good or back oft the mnp. It's a great Mensa- tfon, a great experience -worth Almost an:airing—but it isn't a snap:" It is the same way in business, says a writer In the \Arnerlcnn Mngazine- 'rhe sanlesn►nli_-e\ lie eets t► high MMMT: has •to go right out and beat • that mark or suffer by comparison with his own record. Ile can't sit down In a rocking clni-lr and devote the rest of his life to receiving ci+ngrn•tulsrtion5. IIave you ever sat in a restaurant and compared your job with that of a waiter? Try It some time. .No matter. what Your work is I am sure you will • see the point• If you wntrh the waiter and think how ec:ietly Ills job typifies yours. Taker for_ example, my job—. that of an editor. An editor's job is exactly Ilke that of a welter. Ile huaVl to go amigo? snmothing good and bring .It in. And after he has brought it in he has to go right. ent,find get some- thing new!. nrid` bring thiit fn. The minute he sits down ear stops to talk unnecesaj,rlly with the' guests, he- ce'nmes to give as good service as he- tore. 1:hen the guests who praised hire a nnrnu'nt ago begin to growl. Anel s rilrnont Immediately, he . Nsturned from a good servant into a pnor one+. This fits any line of human activity. A continuous„performance is What is wanted Nnthtn, ohm /moats. . AUT OUT THE STRAY CAT (London Advertis 2r) Several Canadian cities are nc+ri►ntsfy considering u,urciirilly tackling thin problem of the stray cat. The homeleea feline l►npnlation has. increased ..enorm- ous!), within the last year, the open winter helping puss to aeather that. • usually trying and -often fatal period for at ray - cat;• -- The cnnsrgrienee is lhat heavy casualties are occurring amongst the insects' orous birds this summer,- and next winter we will have an: arty of •vagrant gritiaalkins appealing to our. sympathy err.. nightly jazzing 118 iurn sniping from back windrrwu, It writilc4 appear to be -a -humane and economical business to round 'up. and painteasly eliminate cats that, lack the restraining influences of home ties. ,In the interest of the birds. if for no other reaaon, it i4 -well that a ceremunity's felines be con- fined to such a, are more or lesti under control of their owners: At' heat the cat is dcca►ative Toni or Tabby lend graceful note of content and 'homely pleasure as they doze before the winter fire, hut our winged friend, are a vital neet'ssity to be,urntiful harvests. A tax on cats as on dogs would help rurlve this problem, and one wonders Is that it h ts not been resorted to long ago. The stray dug , is no 'greater nuis4ar,ce than the hrnne•lesB rat. A howl Laino mete ('xrtsp, rating than a yowl. Por Torn as wr II as for It over if iu►t.as;gtc there should he a rend, zv.►u•s with (halt h at 114 .public pound.. OVER -EATING is the root of nearly all digestive evils. If your digestion is weak or out of kilter, better eat less and use .1101�5 the new aid to better digestion. Pleasant to take—effective. Let Ki -molds help straighten out your digestive troubles. MADE ■Y SCOTT & DOWNE MAKERS OP SCOT TO EMULSION 1,