HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-11, Page 1ot) • THE WINGHA V011 XXXVIIL—NO. 035, Farmers, Attention HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK FOODS Condition Powders and all Stock Remedies. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Walton McKibbool THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Blook, Winghism. . - . 7.,EAollERS o ripe 2 scholarship, wide teaching and business experience in leading Canadian and American centres,. em - ployed by our chain of latex -Grade Colleges, have built up a suporior, unapproached curriculum. Each student le instructed. privately at his own desk. We assist our gradu- ates to the best positions. Three courses — Commercial, Steno- graphy and Telegraphy. Mail Courses. Eater any day. Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE ozo. sroemon, Principal. INEINIML 10.1.0110.•••11••••••••••1101.1.1•101••••••11,011. Judge Jay Kett, um, junior Judge of Northumberland led Durham, died at —. 0obourg, in his 7 h year. Mr. W. T. R. P eaten, Trade Commis. stoner to the Orien will be transferred to Holland, and Air J. 13. Jaokson will go from Leeds to El angbai, to fill the vacancy oansed by r. Maoleauts death. ----- $ 80, 0 0 0 In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property has been sold through our agenoy in the past few months, which is an evidence that Ontario Real Estate has a sound substantial value. There is no disguising the fact however that the West still bas at- tractions for meny, and farms are being listed with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the prairies. Many of these farms can be sold by us at what would have been consider- ed ridioulonsly low figures a few years ago* when the prices for farm products were inuoli lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give us a milt Ralf an hour in our office would be worth more to him than a week driving about the country. Desirable tow properties for sale. Money to lops on good farms, at low- est rates. Insurance in all it branches. Twenty years experience and no unsettled or disputed claims, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE.••••••}00,011.0•11.111.1116.1.000•14••••••/114.1....P.n. PRONE 59 DO YOU Drink Coffee SO many complain that they can't get teal °helot( etsffee, cele- aequently they don't drink it. NOW. 1 Wire made this a igSisoial steely and -eve got—tile kind thet you will enjoy, seed want Mere of It It's 40e per lb. Our Teas have no equal. Bargains in Chinaware 110.,:arinirammdoirt Jo Heory Christie FLOWERS For all ocoesione,— Puttee, Weddinge* Fanerele, do. Winghant Greenhouses rRAECIS STREET * Beletta 101. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear areera Shoes And Rubbers Horses for Tye° more car load were shipped train he Tuesday, This men nine oar loads of hor from this district to the past month and it able money distrib farmers, " 0 West. of before, homes to the West on a some eight or that have gone the West during mean"; consider - ted among the Drink Christie's Tea. Protecti g Fish. With a view to e eotively prooteoting the bleak bass, was inonge and speckled trouttiesheries in r Mario, an order -in - council has been sued prohibiting for a period of five ye s from May 80, 1909, the sale and expor of these fish exoopt that any person Ir m a foreign country who has an angl 'a permit may take with him, when leaving, his lawful °atoll of two &lye thing. Foe ettree—Cio Apply to Taos. r LS, d bay mare in foal, •11•,•..1.1 Listowel anner Sold. After beteg ed tor aud proprietor of the LletoweI 13 nner for twenty-one years, Mr. W. 01 ..ie last week aold his business to Mess s. T. H. and E. M. Kay. The Messrs Kay have for some years been on the anner staff and are well acquainted w •h the territory, The Banner is a goo newspaper property and we wish our young friends every success be their n. ertaking., TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at lowest prima W. Snue. ret"1„,Ct Wearen.—A smart, a ong boy or young man wante tto 1 rn the decide light beeriness., ly to Moron GRECIOEY. Big Fi Elliott & Wall stook of good a stationery, fancy g to the Morton store store and everyth onoe u the business cloud up as promp A. Currie, atiotionee tion sales at the Mo day afternoon and e and on the evenings day and Saturday of will positively be sol the highest bidder a turned into oash. e Sales, have moved their d damaged books, ods, Wall paper, eto,, and Walley's drug g is to be sold at the Arra must be ly as possible. W. will conduct ano- on store on Satnr- ning of this week Tneede,y, Thurs. next week. Goods without reserve to all goods must be Fon Seer.— • ttage on Frances street; easy terms. Apply to W. G. Olin, Very Sud en Death. Mr. John Twainle of North Dakota, died very suddenly at the home of hie sister, Mrs. Isaao 0 le, On Friday even- ing last, Deceas: s had been ailing on Friday, but was bits to be about the house all dy. cute pneumonia was the cense 01 s sudden death, Mr. Twitnley was in . is 62nd tear and war a native of Eh ok towniship. He had bob living in s Akana for a number of yore bat had - sot the winter months in this section. This fa a partioularly aad amtotiort to he fatally as this is the fourth brother t page away during the past two years, Deceased was held in high esteem by a who knew him. The funeral took plea on Monday afternoon to Gortle comet ry, the serideb beteg oonduoted by It . 0. E. jettkine. • Dr, Ovens. 0 What London, Surgeen Eye, Eer, Nose and Throat will be et liottibbou'e drug Store, Wecheicley, March 24th. Hoard: 2 p.id, to 8 p.m. Glee/Keg properly fitted. Au John Ooti 8, Mettle, will h eitle On Feder brad Shorthorn horses, Berkthi ewe. 11 you stook attend etititiOneer. II 1 Chattel taort steek and imp don 1, Mirth, et 1 (edlook. oowa, pigs, e Archie Pilo& Ithippell, Ball.. on Salem e, of lot 4, corioeasion d en extensive anotion March 12th, of pat. d gtede Mettle, young taws and Leicester looking for good s male, J. FtleVre, itgle ausetioe tide of farm Montt at lot t184 etneede- en Stidny, March 121h, etteek inotache hortea Eight Month* ettelit, mottgagee. Ctee. A. MOAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH fl st 1909. Read WIllls & CO.'S adv. ell Page 8. Presbyter The Presbyter Wingiunn on T There were a goo ters and Elden. were 'routed: Sehoole, Ohuroh 11 cal. The followin pointed AO uremia Assembly Whish june, D, B. McRa Bremner, 0. M, from Huron °hero tithed in favor of Tara, The Rev. River resigned Id now tliree vaoanoi vtleiott will soon b have been called t Of Maitland. of Maitland met in esday of last wee's, attendant's of Mnis- bo following reports graentation, Sabbath and work, Medea. ministers were ap. mere to the General eete 1 Hamilton in , J. Radford, R. A. therford. A azill , BiPleY, was sue - Rev. NC, McLean of McFarlane of Fine charge. There are in the Presbytery, filled, as tuinteters these Watergate letteean and B006,-1E/ling along your Frodnoe. Highest price paid in eit- change for Boots and Shoes. W. 3, Gonne. The Kinr e Murder. No clue has yet eon found to the identity of the tour erer of Miss Kin. rade in Hamilton, 1 is believed, how. ever, that a couldarable time elapsed between the firing the shote which struck the victim 1 the head and those which pierced her • ;east. It is believed that the murders saw signs of return- ing oonsoionsness Iter shooting the vic- tim in the head nd then deliberately' re.loaded his rev lver and shot into the body in order to render impossible identification of !muff by his victim. The tramp thes y bas been entirely exploded, bat no big has so far devel- oped which died atty points to any other dirt:eaten. Geo, Bryce, Tuenberry has erament inspeo ot 18, onceesion 12, qua! y of good Gov - ed ,;Thver seed for sale. H uron A very lar ful At Home Old Boys' Asea last at the To The entertain speech by the An excursion. A splendid pr eluding a b Rose; piano sol lees; songs b W. McLeed, D phone solo by was very prat white, while ov flag was draped "Huron Old bine. Danoin music being Theatre Orohe ent were Xia of this town. d Boys At Home. ly attended and success - as given by the Huron lotion on Fridry evening pie Building, Toronto. ent was opened by a presideut, T, G. Sul% s to be held ou July 3, gramme was given, he selection by Piper , by Miss Hellen Yellow - Mise Belyea, R. Foster, D. Stanbury and a xylo, P. Clegg, The ballroom ly decorated in red and r the baloony a large on which was priated, ye," in red, white and was indulged in, the rovided by the Prinoeta tra, Among those pres- . H. and Miss Chisholm,' POTATOES WAN D. e are prepared to buy any quant- 1 potatoes: either cash or trade, at T. A. 11111,eStWingliam, Patent edlcines Act. An order.in-e noil, dated February 19, sets forth •he regulations of the proprietory or latent Medicine Act respecting the e of any . patent or proprietory me eine in dock at the time the act co es into Ione, April 1, 1909. The re ulations ere:—All the patent or prope tory medioinesin stook in the hands of manufacturers thereof or dealers ther at the time the aot Monte referred t ooraee into forte shall have attached a ereto a special stamp provided thereto by Department of In. land Revenue. The °barge for the damps shall be 1 the rate of two cents per one hundre • stereos, These stamps are to be sass, • ed to the wrapper of meth individual bottle, box, or package in such manner •s to seal the package. When the bottle box or paokage is not covered by a wr. .per, the stamp Is to be !Mashed in suit e• anner that said bottle box or package 0 nnot be opened with. out brooking the stamp, No medioines containing opal e or tont of its derive- tiOnzi or preparat ne shall have etteohed thereto the eh pe Innate referred to, 'Cadet the prov kin of section 7 Of the sot, the rune °tare, importation and sale of ail aute medicines is, Attu the litOf April, 19 9, prohibited. SU (re Many are ball • Reeling° It tiev hiatits virteee Wormin'a, tolidi 'To keep frien kill thee). keel The end of merely the zoo Mabee` it A r yOtt make create enen1 imperil your Ft IS L11E. pincottee, j d, but feW get te, et to the *onr. eat on teMperatseent ; 00 eduL trent them kindly; to eta Often. Aixtbitilett beeeltell a to gteeter effort. • 1 tregedYI Give it mut .te; lend it And ,ou hoard it And put im. NORTHERN LEAS HOCKEY. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE HIGH SP 004 NEWS, Before thie iesue f the Twee vetches many Or our Iva era the result or the oltamploaship in Northam Hockey League will be k own, he final gargle An district ,Na. 1 was played on the Wingham rink est Thursday eveoing and was witnee by a 'gage number of petnele, The io was; In good shape and the game feet 1 em start to Onieh. The Listowel boys ere outplayed, lent they were in the g s all he time, Wing. ham played mu h better together than did the visitors nd it was on their team work thak they on by it sure 01 12 to 3. Listowel on t e previous game hoe ing a aoore of 5 1. 3mn their favor, Weirs llama gave Wine. in a lead of 11 on the round and were t • :m the charapionehip for Dietriot NO, 1. Durham having ou l District No. 2, home and horae g. mem were arranged to decade the ohampi nehip for the North. ern League. •The rat game was played at Durham on anday evening. The game was the oh eat played in Mullein in a numbo 0 years, The snore at half time was 4 t 1 in favor of Wing - hare, but in the last half the Durham boys put up a g od game, scoring four te their opponent ' one Vette Ilnishing it the The final tue was played •lad night, bus We o to press too early to reportit, but • e local boy e should win from Durham n home toe. Highest price paid for hides; and p try at T. Fella' butcher shore POTATOES Watiesne—We prepared to buy any quantity of atoes; either wish or trade, at T. A. rae$',Winghara. CATALOG E HOUSES, Dear Editor: The following how the catalegu pared with the furor palls on versatile"' takes p Good day Ja very stormy to - Yes, it is et too. Whew 1 We a dandy to at Steele's? No Sir. Got 1 up from Eton', Ole from E on's, eh? Say Andy; I've never dealt at BMWs 'yet, did you save much on t • at stove? Yu, saved seine a lot on it, about $10. Well, well, A dy, you certainly did make on that sto 8. Now why couldn't Steele sell as one p as that? I don't know,/ jack; wants( too rouoh profit I guess. Well, now, ndy, I wonder will that stove hay the lasting qualities about it that higher prioed stove would have? 00,1 don't k ow, I guess time will tell that. Where Is the issue, Andy? I have not seen her sine I came ie. 012, she's gone to town, she had some butter and eggs to take out to trade. But I hear bells, here the is, Good evening, Mre — Good evening jack. Here Andrew is a couple of b is, one from Tub* the grocer, and o • s from Steele for that truok yore sent or. Why, liar I thought you had money enough 0 get all yon wanted, at Tub's, anyhow Well, I had bat you see I sent to Eaton's for th t dress I was showing you in the rata ague, and 1 had to send the money wit the order; $7 49 it was and 25o for er este so I had to run a bill at Tub's. Oh, well, the is my fix too, took all my spare ma when I tent for that stove, and 1 w a needing those bolts raid snaps and • low lines for spring. Bat I guess both Ili Steele and Tab Can look titter them a count"( 011 nett fall. That it what the are there for, - Say, Ainly, do you always have to send the cash wit the order when You get anything from Eatou'o. Oh. yes, Jack, o eh ia advance every time at Eaton% Well, we are • Odle* a shoe, to0, ittid I Yeas just king of seeding for seise like that too, • , t I oan't pay for it just now, aol toles 1 win either have to d without, or o to Steel'e and get 11 00 tick. Oh, well, lack, ou may get it a little cheaper now 00 ing on oriel; and Steele won't min carrying Your to 0000* till fall. Well, maybe I'll drop lit and tee him IMO dist Good e, Andy. Good bier sitiok. Moral.—The oat Ogee helm gets the • cash begun. Tie • loold an gal the htisintais *heti ther it no OWL IS it fair to atk him to o ettpete With the big felloW Oil theeti ter a? Our*, eta., A Otetentelth, is intended to show • house fares as cora. out morthant. One °other and this core ae0:— oome right in, its 41. rray, Andy, and cold Got a new stove, eh? Where did yon it, in Colin OfoNaughton had the raider. tune to get hit on the hoe with the pooh while indulhing itt too etrentwele A game of hooker, We are piegseI to be able to report that our hospital etiente, It. Reid and Rowson are re4vering and were re- moved fee= the ho pitel to their houtee ou TileadeY. 11,. St olehoue is also re- gaining his former s rength and expects to be within our wal e Roland Hough h entered the siok lint and ie suffering roux congestion of the langs. Hie preee oe will be greatly missed in the court • lumber where he held the 05110e of stip • me judge. A large resat lege b:sn installed in the basement of our soh • ol for the purpose set Allowing the bo to work off their surplus energy. Among those w o have been absent from eohool withi • the last week are MIN May Centel, . D. liohnes, F. Jollied= and H. St wart, Whether Alvin art has become die - gusted with his fo th terra work or the fourth form stud ts is now the gees. Sloe to be delouse d. However, he hag left onr neropolis and his footprints; are seldom seen Aron d 11 now', He intends; to work in the et re recently bought by Mr. Rush and • e are sure bia friends will often rielt him in his now occupa- tion. Our literary • deter met last Friday afternoon and a good programme was rendered. The c ief item on the pro- gramme was th debate: "Resolved, that the Indians ere not treated right by the white man. ' Mis, Gretta Ken- nedy was the lead r of the affirmative and Miss Boveautie of the negative. Excellent addresseteveere given by both sidee but the judges gave the decision in favor of the affirneative. We have only one more me ting of onr aoolety and an excellent pr ramtne is expected by all. A very interest was played on *0 between our boys town, The score able to the Reboot, only won by two 7 -5 - ug game of hockey rink Monday night nd the juniors of the ea not exactly favor - although the juniors de; the score being PUBLIC S•HOOL BOARD, There was not *nub business trans- acted at thee re ular meeting of the School Board o Tuesday evening. Members all pr nt except Trustees Lloyd and Moore. Ohairman Rosa pre- sided and minutes of previoue meeting were read and app oved. Principal Welke 'e report for Febrile ary was read as fol owe t— Dept Boys t mis Total Avg 1 24 35 59 55 3 19 6 45 42 8 25 sg 48 44 4 00 0 60 44 5 16 9 45 40 6 24 47 41 7 82 -i 52 42 — _ 170 1 On motion the rep On motion of T Isard tite following ered to be paid: —IX teaohing, $11.88; premium, $17; leitoh anoe premium, $15. Teachers and erno ordered to paid on us Griffin and Manners. Mr. John Ritohie ad in reference to inauran The matter was left over until next meeting. 346 308 rt was adopted. ashes Griffin bud counts were ord- a- S. Farquharson, , Davis, insurance & Oosens, insur. re naiades were *ion of Trustees Termed the Board e on the boiler. PUBLIC SOHO L ITEMS, News of the Week ag ecorcied by the Staff Reptirter e W. P. S. TEN On • The let commandine t of the Public( School is "Go ye not i the trout door," You oannot (Shark) 31009 work when the (Weakens') are aro ad. Lodi Somewhere etweeh sunrise and atueset yeeterday, ttyo golden heure set with ;sixty dhow d 3:a0n10s. No reward is offered fat t ey are gone for. &O'er. We enjoy watching the High Sohool gide and boy" eniting thtongh our lawn because they are lora to leaVe No More allOW9X0 are found at the beek of the book. We tsbetayt have pl My of heinework especially 011Tuesettiet and Thursday highte.—(Skating). We hair& tome br4ire fellows in the rnsh not At Fablio S col. Why don't our tieoipal coral, but and kick the Soothes . 1 think he would be e pretty good baiM et Molly bee gut anfte thet will better cable oft olistb We aro Petry 3o report thet Mite dehtka Lizzie Storey bill Wt. hope *he Will and St *0011reterfert 10E4 PHUR ti NOTES. Rev. W, J. rendon, or Port Ool. berme, well-knotirn to many Of our reader' toss rage, ved te041 to become pastor of the Sydezahane Methodist ()berth at Brantford. A meeting of ehe executive of the Gadortoh distrid Epworth Lessons"( was held in Blyt on the 20th ult. It was decided AO to bold is summer school this year. •ut to have a larger number from th district attend the missionary norm Reboot at Se ThOIESSI. ROY. F. g. Malo t, a A., B. D., of London, will prea here in the Meth - redid Church ne t Sunday in the intereets of the 0(1wttered sooiety. Mr. Melott one 1 the rising mere o the Oonferenoe; h ar hien. Sentoes a the usual nous. v. Mr. Howson, the pewter, will oondu 1 the serrieee In Ool. borne St. ()burets, ondon. WANTEM—G No washing. Ap ly to MES. Jour" A. MoLearr, general servant girl. "ARE WE BELT ING IN MYTHS?" On Sunday ev ing, Rev. W, G. Howson, pastor of the Methodist Church, delivered sermon on the flub. ject, "Are we belie log in myths, or are the foundations o our religious faith secure?" %here a a large oongrege. tion present. In 11 opening remarks the preacher stated hat no one questions in ordinary life Oa hot of personal ooneoionsness, Wb n a man says, "I feel," he is genera ly believed. Com- merce rests on th oonviations and credibility of men. Our odd and political life ruts on the 04:pelvic:5jons of men and ottefaith n their conylotions. This in also true in, e reelin of religion. A prominent Hind, recently oonverted to Christianity, as/right a private inter- view with a rat MISSY, who expee to hear a fierce attack on Cihristiani but the Hindu ook out of bis pooke mpg of the Ne Testaraent, saying had read the bo k and found 11 it h one, "Up to a a or* time ago, said Efindu, "I was bitter opponent yours. I gave a ublio lecture agai you and your wor . Then I resolved epos° your book, so I began to read n otter pink lilts in it, but a ead it I was dr rt to it. My be was captivated, nd now I cams ppoee you, I kno God's Light is hat Book." The reacher then sat ens of thousands ad tested the tra 1 the Book in a aim bar way shoe *0 nd have found 1 power. Mart ther was asked ow a man ehou d the Bible, and •e said: "Hainaut ause it is the m et human book world'' heBible its ite terary form shoves influence' of the en and the times which it was ritten, and yet ugh it all is the strange thing we "inspiration," b 1 cannot fully de. • hnd yet there e this something eh limes its respo in the profound. depths of She unean soul. The le is like a mig river that has ed through many ranee of country, it bears with it .e soil, the debris, twigs and the fie ing branches and r drift that it h s picked up on its , giving evidence( of the land, and to, through whi h it has passed. River Riau fl we through low tries and bears he evidence of its Mu, She lands t pained through bounded, but at river had its et; in the sprin of Shaffhatisen, up among the ills. So this Book s Ito literar composition the evidences of human transzeitsion, be. cause every word of it has passed through a human b4in, and while there is not apportionable nor A portion of it that did not read e bit of coloring from the brain thr gle which it passed, still we feet it it od'e message to the human heart, for i meets our needs and brings us comfort. Retorting to am t meet loth hi re. ligious circles, ordr the cesime of the "higher bridge," eV. Howson un- tended that the venta az; recorded fix the opening ehapters of Geneels Were amply etbatantleted by geological and Arohaeologioal eeldeitee. The tined hunt intelleota have ed. mittod the chime f Jens Christ The teetimonies at tic pima, nooleon, shskopeAta, GlitasitOne, Daniel Webster tior Were quoted at the excellence toed ted t a be ply the of net to it s I art of d, tit in 011 ld 3r, in 0T0a Lu rea beo the the 10 thro call fine whi est Bib pass and °2t17 ose way etre The poorongn and tourisigh bear IA and the poet Wal 60114 length at It tlideity of 'Christ. It Ohtistiaility W90 A myth. *lucent. it would not ha etOtel through oue generation, but t hundred generation hare tiecuiptect it. j Test it tor yeitettelesee, find WI reality- trong0 Jests Christ, to its h ghts, descend to its , know its power for yourselves, ou will 1t4 h that we ere not fel. "Q04111411 detisedfAblsi." SPRING Suits Overcoats Trousers Etc,, etc., is the theme which we bring to your notice at this dine. Some wise man has said, " My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understate:ling," The wise man to day says, "Get a nevv suit or overcoae, and when you are getting., get it made to your order in your own Own,. where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine tailor made." That would be wisdom ; that would be under- standing. Our New Spring Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat. ing to say they are the nicest line we have had for some thew, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow us to go into detail, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but wilt hack, it up, that we have yet to find the style of garment we cannot dupli- cate. And although plain, neat styles are mare in line with strictly high Class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style— WE WILL MAKE IT Our Furnishing Department is filled with the newest and bee for Spring and Summer in all lines. ila'We have also added a first class line of Jewelry, 4MOnessao CALL IN. • Robt Maxwell' Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care, The Leading Shoe Store. SUPERIOR AND DISTINCTIVE THE RESS aol PiNtttt .BENCI-I MADE To mention women's shoes is to talk of the Ernoress," of its style, fitting qualities and ge it er al satisfaction, which places it in a class by itself. Empress shoes are worn and appreciated by -women in most Canadian homes from coast to coast. Are you one of the wearers? We are one of the 400 agents who sell them ! Itenierabetl We sew tree of -doge all ripe in eheeti bought Of tie. lIring along your *hue we do repair ing and Vre 0011 right,