HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-03-04, Page 8• THZ WI.NORAM TIMES, MABOM, 4, 11109 MINQR IXICAt.S.- --Replsy meeting of the Public So17o01 Board nextTacaday evening. --CMOs baa 152 hospitals, 199 homes, 000 oossvente, 46 houses of indilatr$ and ss industrial aohoole. '--Olt MOAT of thio week, Miss Hilda Kokes came to Wingham Baeinesto 0o1 - lege to dtudy stenography, —Mr. Lewin Balton, of Listowel has' been elected President of the Ontario Land Saryeyor'e 4seociation. Wingiaatn L. 0. L. meets Friday evening of this week. . large attend - ;Moe of members is gequested. —Mies Georgia Howe, of Wroxater, arrived in town ou Monday and is atn.dyiug stenography et the Wingham Beanies* College. —Mr. Wm. Britton has dispoaed of his moving platen) business, "Wonder. land," to Mr George Oorbett, of SIM• ooe, who took postieesion on Monday. —Our readers will be pleaeed to learn that Frank Howson has passed the orit►oal point and is Hour out of danger. Wo hope to see the young man fa•ly recovered in a short time. --.aware. Currie 6o Rintonl shipped a or load of heavy horses to Winnipeg on Tuesday. This is the third load of boron this firm has shipped to the West daring the Last three weeks. --Ernest W. Linkletar recently under- went an operation, which was perform- ed by Dr. Redmond. It is hoped that Ernie will soon be folly reoevered, as he has been an invalid t, dr nearly q year. —The finest leaves from Ceylon tea plantations are contained in "Salado" Tea. It is pecked in sealed lead packets to preserv&ite delioions Savor and aroma. Sold by all grocers; never by peddlers, or in bulk. A ndissionary meeting will be held in St. Paul's Church, on Wednesday even- ing, March 10th, oommenoigg at 7 30 o'clock. Rev. 0. H Shorts, Missionary from Japan will give an address. The publio cordially invited. Mr: John McTavish, of tot 2, conces- sion 6, Turnberrt, will hold an saotion stale of farm stook and implements on Thursday, March 11th. There is a good lot of horses and cattle. Sale at 1 o'o]ook. welts PuiiVis, anotioneer, --The weather atatietios for February show that it was an unusually moist month, and much milder than February of last year. The rainfall wits just double that in February, 1908, being 2 18 inches, as compared with 1.09 in February of last year. —Mr. S. Bennett, of the Wingham planing znill last week made a contract with Mr. L. H. Beeman, of the Blue. vale road for the erection of a dwelling hones, same to be built so that it can be moved to New Ontario, where Mr. Beaman intends locating. —A "National Sooial" under the auspices of the Weatmipater Guild of Si. Andrew's ohnroh, will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 16th. An excellent programme will be given and refreshments served. Admission 10 and 15 ole. Everybody weloome. —Mr. P. B, Mo]Ieuzie, ex -M. P,, for South Brute, left last week for Soot - land, where he will be engaged in im- migratton work for about three menthe, with headquarters in Glasgow. While a member of parliament during the past four years, Mr. Mo enzie was chairman of the Committee on`.Agrioniture and Colonization and in that oapaoity be- came an Authority els colonization mat- ters, z>, PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to thfa column from any of one readers, It you heave visitors cm purpose going away yourself. drop in aid tell ne, or tend no a note to that seed. Polite Ottirdren. It is said that. when Maoteol o e a uoy of six, waf asked to have twine bare pudding he politely replied, "Thank you,, I have enjoyed an am- ple sufficiency:* This sage reply is matched by a little Cleveland girl who, when of- fo ed a second frosted cake, ahow.ed her excellent training by answering, "'Mamma has directed me to always refrain from taking a. second piece ,f anything." It is gratifying to know, however, .hat the childish nature promptly ••asserted itself when the little maid tided: "But you can lay it on my plate, .1 yup please." Mr. Edward Everett, Of Alien Park Was visiting for a few days with old frlendA ill Wingham. Mr. Thos. Dodds, of Mitchell wag visiting for a few day* this week with old friends in Wingham.. 311x. 1ohn R#ntoltl of Last Wawanoeh, left on Tuesday for the Wept, where he intends residing in future. Mr. Elder, of Brandon, Man, is spend. Lug a few days in thi* diettiol buying a oar load of heavy horded to ship to the `est. Meters. Thos. Ginn and Fred Burley, Of Detroit were visiting fora few Mays with there cousin, Ilfrj. it, S. Tindall, S. Line, Turnbcrry. Mr. Lindy, sen., and little grand- danghter, Mary Lundy, were visitors at Mr. E. H. Boderna' nt Winghani, for rot dsyd.---Dlyth Standard. Mr, Jai. Tough, et successful rancher Of Edmonton, Alberta, was v1eiting at the 11otno of Mr. and Itra, W. S. Link. 'butes, Tnrnberry for a few daya. Mrs. (Dr.) ]14rset, who hat been eft England for some months and Mrs. 0., T. Lobs, of Berlin, axe 'Visiting et the tell* o! their parents, 33*, and Mrs. P. Msodonl, Mr, Al/reborn 1 Crisohtel, of Alllsay, N.Y., `„ was vietting With his sister, Mr*. Mat) 1 , Petrie. Mr, Hneohtel1tst.s�yre* *tatty' bdirt appointed tlt r*or or tors airy try the Dominion Gorstinsiont. The Banana, The banana is said to have thirty - :our times the nutritive value of the •,,tato and twenty-five times that of snood. In the West Indies the na Lives out the fruit into strips called -pegs," dry these in the sun and grind them into flour, out of which w11y excellent dishes are made. No c,heapor food grows in the tropics. The plant begins bearing fourteen months after being planted. It re - :nixes no cultivation and produces „arvests uninterruptedly for eleven. .ears. A few feet of ground noun. 'sizes a plant, and the space of a leoryard will grow plants enough, to maintain a lame family, Dog Must Not Work - Some misguided person returning :rum a continental holiday has won- lered why dogs are not need in Eng- land as beasts of burden. The rea- son why is nothing lesssimple than a statute. As long ago as 1839 an act was passed making it a punish- able offence for any person within the metropolitan area .to "use any dog for the purpose of drawing or help- ing to draw any cart, carriage, truck or barrow." Fifteen years later, in 1854, an act, passed in "the more effectual prevention of cruelty to animals," extended the prohibition to all parts of the kingdom. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A.aialpie and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm end lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stnmps- Lcn nQo, dare Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4oz Direct to Western Canada, The Oansdian Facile "Winnipeg press," leaving Toronto at 10.16 .. m daily. carries through Atand and tourist leaping oare for Win•' peg, the Northwest and Pao fie Cosi.t. 'Ibis is the only direct, thr ugh bar service to Western Canada, t run the entire distance through Canadian territory, and the time made is considerably faster than by any other route. Beoanee the school trustees of Section No. 9, near Amherstburg, appointed a colored teacher, the white children nave all been withdrawn from the school. Two of the three trustees are colored. KEEP ,CHILDREN WELL. An occasional dose of gentle laza. tive such as Baby's Own Tablets will (tear the etoniaah and bowels of all offending matter, and will keep little ones well and happy For this rea- son the Tablets should be kept in every home. Mothers have the guar- antee of a government analyst that this medicine contains no opiate or harmful drug. airs. Geo. McLean, Springfield, N. S., says:—"I have need Baby's Own Tablets and know them to be a onre for all the minor ills of childhood I recommend them to all mothers." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 96 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. MORN. FI@C11.—In llowick, on February 24011, to D8r, and Mrs, JOhm Fitch; a daughter. rAlso Eolronroze,—In Wtngbam, on Wierah 1st, .Agnes Patterson, re det of the lata George Boughton, aged 82 yearn. Mulvnve-in Chicago, on March and, Ella Mabel Mulvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mulvey-, of Wingham, aged 241 years. Jottrteroir-1n Turnberrd, on February 25th, Margaret J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, aged 1 year, 6 months and 16 days. Bsan. In Einlosa, on February 20th, Mar. gores, 5 months: 'wife 9odfa Ws m. Barr, aged i,4 years, 9. MoPannsolt.--In Kinloss, on February 23rd, Mary Ann, relict of the late James MoPhheraon, aged 00 years. oo$ane —ln llowic'k, bn February 23rd, Thomaa Goggin, In his 68th year. DrygihhnwiofSrua2G, Catharine, a ur. on Densmore, aged 09 years PACif fl: 510 w5. SETTLERS' TRAINS rrmr®rr TO tosamagin MAMBA, ASA SASKA1G1fEWAN• 0.I. .t paosf. Ai ed,t thug. PrSadist troseleg em Meeleeir assi Special *It Irtratierrattl ;tools teltillbitt it MAIteitsn4eratel, *O.11s seat. Scalers and tangles ,tiR )8twork Wouldlteelilar 'rains la rtio t'h refrte 101,15 P.sle. ,stir is Sluales Cos Ifatitof WAIST CARS ON Atl. MAIN Ifs Clings for bora* Low Io*iat /totem til . to th Vast Ma*eY ithe'iK gas r set ' M►.f4ek ll., #.1':lt+„ tl 111, * AArotat, ASSIGNEE'S SALE of valuable Farm Property in the Township of Turnborry, In the County of Huron. There will be offered for sale by Public of Wunghcm in the Brunswick Dof lliuron o14 Town Saturday, 2Oth day of Bch,, iiug valuaoble property, Innately: o All the spa +'r lot number aixteee in the' ' coneet91o4 of theistic/ Township of Tnreb> ry, situate be- tween the Southern bounds line of said lot and the River Afaitlan• and containing twenty -live acres of nd , ore of less. This property is situate o . t gravel road about bmlfutilo of lbhoaoutobo-haute from Z ndal House. There ark on the property a Comfort able frame dwelling and a good frame barn and stables. Terme of sale 100 of the urehase money on the day of eale, and the balance within twenty days thereafter when the purchaser shat be entitled to possession The property will be sold subject to a reser- ved bid Further pertieulars and conditions of the sale will be known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham this Srd day of March, A. D. 1909. T. A. MILLS, Assignee. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock on the 18th of March, 1909, for building a cement wall under the Salem Methodist Church (woxeter Circuit.l Size of ohnroh 40 x 28 feet • wall to be 13 inches thick and 8 feet high, 4 inches to project for brick- ing purposes; T e basement floor is also to be Cemented inside wall and floor to be plastered and steel troweled, outside wall to be plast- ered from ground up and blocked. Said wall to have six windows and three doors. Gement to be supplied by -_ the congregation and left on the premises. Work to be commenced about 1st of June next. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further parti- culars apply to D. L. WEIR, Secy.-Treas. Wroxeter, Out, FOR SALE. A pure bred Durham bull calf, 11 months old; good breeding and good quality; color deep red. Also a quantity of cedar posts, telephone poles, eto.�. ,,, J. 0, FYFE, Wm ham, P. O. Residence one and a half miles south of Wingham. ++++++++4•44.4t++++++44.44++.1. 4. ii Royal 'Grocery I 4. + Now is the time to get a bar- 4. '1' gain in • 4. Dinner and Tea 4. $4. Sets 4. T. Toilet Sets 4. Jardinieres and all Fancy China And don't forget to .p pound of our 4. try a TEAS AND COFFEE 40 they are sure to please • e• PRODUCE WANTED, 4. MALGOLM Phone 54. 4. +44+++"1:44'44++++ tact E Ml TRUNK SYS EM SETTLERS Low rates to pertain points in Saeketohewan and Alberta, vie. Ohioago or Port Arthur, each Tues- day during March and April. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS Daily until April 30th. a Seattle, Wash IS47 g7SpVancouver, kane, Wash Portland, Ore One way second-class from Wingham COBALT AND BOWSAW The Pioneer Bente in vie Grand Trunk and T. els N. 0. Railways, Per fun information as to rates, routes, eta„ apply to W. Henry, Depot Agent. or address d`. D. Mo. Donald, D. P. A., Toronto. NEW TELEPHONE' DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Company v» xRAz�>� • Rl��l 1 1 1 I�� I 11 1 I l i p i s ,. ,^, ■ P r+l 1,.,. ... I�.i.1•�1�N�4P I� Yrr.r•I.,q�I�R KING'S KING'S The Old 25 per cent, off all Furs. See our Dress Goods. Dress Linens, etc. New Oingharns, New Prints, New Flannelettes. WANTED.—Argy quantity White Beans, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, etc. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. CHEAP PRIDES renstemelellenetiseiseetnelle Special Announcement No. 6 PROCLAMATION We:hereby proclaim that we have appointed Willie de Co. as sole selling agents in Winghaln for the celebrated ASTORIA SLOES FOR MEN THE COOK, FITZGERALD CO., LONDON In connection with the abo%e we beg to announce that the New Spring Lines of this famous shoe have just arrived and are THE SWFLLEST EVER ASTORIA. SHOES are KNOWN FAR AND WIDE as the Myj" ARISTOCRATIC SHOE OR IN OTHER WORDS The Leaders of Fashion Below we will endeavor to describe 2kind of the ANEW S RING • LINES. teamsh%0111eiiallW0446a(taltaaNaialaatIe 1111.0 0 0 0 0 0 6 611100 101110 /1 010 0 0 rower • The .Greatest Sale of 1 Blouses 0 0 a a s 1 New Dress Goods --- s 0 for the month of March in the experience of this House. How i do we account for it? Well, simply that the goods and trim- I mings are the very best, and they are made and finished in the hest and latest styles known to the beat designers in Canada and a New York. And the prices at which they are offered has a great ,* deal to do with their rapid sale. Come in. It will be a pleasure o for us to show them and quote price. • r r a i 0 Prints, Ginghams, MIuslins, Lawns and Trimmings of every des - as eription are hero in abundance, and are pleasing our customers ain every particular. a r Please come in and see our great display of New Curtains and • Curtain Material of the very latest and best designs, Best Groceries a a a r a as a a a * 0 s Fresh and clean always on hand. The best flavored, sweet- : a est and cleanest Oat Meal alway s in stock. Try a package and s a you will always use it. Highest prices paid for trade. a a 100 ! D M. GORDON • i Wabaaraegag0aectoo Oee00Aa* sofa000eawaaartAaaararaase•a Oh`' CANADA is about to publish a new Inane of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the district of. Western Ontario, including WINO IAM Orders for new Connections, ahenttes of firm muses, changes of street, addrt:see, or for duplicate mntriei!tbo id bo bonded in AT 0NC33 to L. .i/.i11,M, Mfrs Monitor. s E s Red Clover Mammoth ;Clover Alsike Clover Lucerne Clover Timothy, etc, The above in the hest totalities only and now on sale, G. E. King CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 fm.. in hall in Chisholm: Block. Candidates or cheap, reliable insurance solicited, Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at. same rate as men. R. A.wwnr, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYIxs, Financial Secretary. Russia Tan Calf Oxfords Oak tan ontsoles and insoles, on the "Cuckoo" toe. They look narrow and neat but in reality are buil wide fitting and comfortable Price $4.50 per pair Ox Blood Bluchers Beautiful color and not to showy. The uppers are made of the very best calf and solea and insoles of oak tan sole - leather. Price $5.00 per pair. Samples of the above and others in South Window WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS ASTORIA SHOES FOR MEN FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PRONE iia 9 The Taylor -Anderson Co., Ltd. MANUFACTURE THEIR OWN CLOTHING' BOAR FOR SERVICE. • The undersigned will keep for service On his p rem ises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Blaevale toad) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms—$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. 0. D. BELL'S MUSIC EMPORIUM Headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos No more beautifsil or appropriate gift than a Piano. We have them from all the great makers. P'or finish, workmanship and tone they are unexcelled, and et right prices. Violins 1 We have the Urged and beet stook ever before shown in 'Vitinghbm, and at prices 10 Ault every peraon. To violin players, We ask you to calf and judge for yourselves. Phonographs 1V'othtng snore popular and pleas. . The . E n I s o x has the new than a Ph o nopAmbetol lleoords, which play twine as long as the old ones. Every home Should have one-etheyare enjoyed by both old and young. Organs We have s great number Second- hand Organs, taken in exohange for Pianos. Some of them have been in use only a few months. All in first'olate condition. Will be sold very cheap and on easy tome, Sewing Machines Wallow a very large stook 4l both (Uneaten and Atnerionn worded. tem. If you are canternplctin g purobesin * m opine, it wilt pay ,'Foul to towel and lee them. On O 1'0 I ;1 OWINGBMX Is it too early to mention new styles for Men's Clothing ? For the past two weeks we have been busy putting our new Spring Stock on the tables -- getting ready for you as soon as you feel like looking. Many people like to buy now, sq as to secure the very choicest picking—and it's a wise plan. We challenge comparison with any stock of Men's Clothing in Huron County, and that's " going some." The showing of beautiful fabrics for 1909 is now ready, and we want all our cus- tamers and others to see them as early as possible 0 THE HOME OF REAL VALUES. . COME ON IN. The Taylor -Anderson Co., Ltd EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Opposite National Hotel .. - WIN GHAT CANADIAN P/:1/4CI FI c Special Trains for Settlers travelling to the West with livestock and elfeotr Will leave Toronto at 10.15 p. re., every Timidity during March fund April. SetIleri travelling axone and with their fatnfilee should nee regular trains, leaviog Toronto deity et 10.15 p. m. Oolonist and Tourist Sleepers attached. 0, P. 1 ., is tha onlydlreot and through oar line to the est, A gers Apply o 4'. 11.13/11ilIEB. O. I'. Central Business College ct'1'ANDS reacts to hes young men 17 and 'women to. min indeptndr enee and iiuecers. It heel Iiten the start to thontaade flutes thotentada of enn pmoiilb. it ma help tea. Write tot Catalogue, Ante* any H...SHA 8 'x'ongs.nd 0rrrerd fits., Tomei*.