HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-05, Page 3M. - ,• . . yr - .. O - y ; `. I . " ,;.. . . ` 4 ` 0 V ,t• _ - (11 .. . -._.,... -. _ .. _ - _ - . __. 1.__ .. _ _ _ - _ --— • REAM WANTED _� .. �._ - d 0 I . i0UR '/ ! NTE11 - � .-- -. n 1 '. Q , '��, Q `•' - We are 1n the inmrket for Creain aft � � The P� �� �UUd ;; B M� through. r. L I ii lha yaa We Aay tb+e. iilChl�t On ► .� 0 - - , market-pr4de. • in business ,since 19it6. - aY - j•� ' Educator - _, _. - .- I ; E BENTU IBES. uc- Uruy us a line for particulars. � � N 1..!'1� ' f Mutual Dairy &Creamery Co. 1 . 0 �' % a � _; - -- _ ._ * '743-745 King tat. West - - Toronto 1 I- 11 % 1"4'_%" - Absoluto Security. - _ . . . .. �y y,-_ ' �, - �"`-- - . • - I 1 ' ,� '� The Great West Permanent As , a means of interesting the "�" '--1 . Loan Company. pupils in animal husbandry, clothing Pum Your, ]Farm Water 3u p} , if - P P Y continues to do so. Cause: Tinker-, -- t;,-. '•' Toronto Office 20 King St. West surpasses the school pig in value. {fes �, �.._ _ %�.._ _ . ���.. ____ __-__ . _ With Oil. itis. t • This project is as yet only in its in- ° - - Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this P j Y . .,. B t' we do -not mean elbow . He bought a. -tractor.- ,The, tractor 0 ­ .department. Initials onlywill be Y ' 1 was needed. It is a standard male' I , ,_ published with each`;questotl and its answer fancy, and only a. Yew hoseschodi have grease, but kerosene or asoline., ,�_•� j ! as a means of identificati�,i, but full name and address must be given In each • runes baked apple,adopted the idea, but those schools Where is there a farm thatcannot tried and tested by years of service, >R. �Q,:"i letter. Write on one s:dd of paper only. Anbwers will be mailed direst if tapioca uddin breadstuffs.b?`'o milk, that have tried. it have found that n , and it worked well for a while. But -'- "'- '---1 • stamped and addressed enveiope Is enclosed. P - such a project more than paid for . use a small engine, burning gassptine , , - - � - Address all corresp•ndEnce for thls ciepartncent to Mrs. Helen Law, 235 at this meal. w itself in many, s. � Generally,. the the owner must adjust this and that IN1 ERNATIONAL LESSO , . Y Y y,. or kerosene for ,pumping water? Woodbine Ave., Tomato. Rest 1 /a to hAurs after this meal. total receipts are net proiit, and when and thea other thing 'and his hired• JUNE 43 ' Even on ficins that have windmills : ___ - 4 m. :Scraped .raw apple or pear, hogs are sellin as the • hand plowed, more land, put in: more - g y are now, at _�_._ �._ : for -amu t1 re .is.a .Ian fur an P _ _- -• - -- - _ ___- stlon3--tagt%6--for- milli ---but I � p,pt _•.ilei _ 6 p.m. -Farina -or-:cream- of wvheat crops, and cultivated them, with there 'L-- --- , �. Obedience -Gen. is , Aritarle- -Qirl--•asks far six it jF ! from eighteen tv .twenty cents a .engine, for the a•,:nd, does not always Matt. - " .� appropriate. g 'Icer father can- (cooked two hours), or ane of a-bojve pound, it !$aver ens matter for \ horses than could the owner with 7. 1G-29 • John 14:21-_4. for an a ro riate. entertainnier4i ir, �o be a farm girl. - , y x . blow. when .hotver 'is Heeded for pump- the traetar.. Result: T}ie, tractor at Gcm!_'.ctr Text' oh 14 . I honor of: the return of . a wourdc d not seem to decide for either one of cereals served in the same v:•a • • cus- e • ing. • B , John 115: i•901 � tard y , I a school to make .,3.i, or X40. In _ .. -- I 41F . ,, disc. We are all interested ir. cur. us, what shall we do i , cornstarch unket• drink of " a black e e in our cominunit Lhe 1�atL. ?: lfi-..0:. B Their F;u"i s�.' _ j every cotnmui�t,.,.where the schoral Y Y. ._, Y . i .. „ , , milk; bread (}gown -or vc�? eaten b15 - On astock fat m, v�;h,ere •�ti ater for s returned . b]e�ses as the I renC�h call lifter a:l .':s said and dories the girl t....: ) ha cared fcr a r there is a greater " .�.. alae stock - Qwner failed to get his crops• out in Thi<k 3„ said of prophets, of .men w.hQ '-- ., k must be pumped by -the' tune, and lost none their ��ounded beraes, ani 'I knb:r 'it' has some 'ri• ht to :think for herself Curt. . , interest: in hog prod-uction, a much I .1.,.. . use of 04l %%-gr ase �' would be heard Wag teachers .. ( thgir g • �,+e pumping. take's You say such practice is foolish- fellows,' who would speak with au=,..wi1.1 seem as if we could not fete them had she not? 'If•°she is determined' further use of pure-bred animals, and..'.`_ . from thi.rtiy minutes to an , ho.ur . a l s R enotz h schen we et them back, Ma t s :oil fail c,od farm irl and a m . e cordial and'' . _- ' :-- - _ nese. Granted; Lot rt ha ens ]n thorny. as .havin a .messa a from g, ..� y u _ � - a > y _> _ _ K. _ _. Q _ - - _ _.__ Q x .,� - _ _ -- day, PP , g I(ROOF • igurin�'• .labor at the rate of _ I tell you• of a bz- of adv,rce i -✓en me ��cu cr;.+5 bier nth erhaps you `will :' ING s.uppar't k,y he 1�atrans. w , i various ways in almost every Com God. . $ r b R .1. • b a doctor a* one of the cam hos i- • ni'1 iner! '. lannin t''o grid r thirty cents nn hour;: one man's time ; munit This own fello s ads "l3 their Y_ -_- �_ P bs spoil.n� . belstEr _7 1.. In' p q <r take this ork, ' " Y Y g +f�' P� y frons ye shall know .N asaseo� nse�D -_ amounts 'to .�k10�,i,.0 a ear,�enou h.. tals, Ready R(:oling, Asplialt 51ace Shin no- school .should have a p;g unless. .:° . Y g. 1 enough time• going from one Job to them, dust as certainly as a tree is Bride's Sister. -Wether or nota � a . to a or ,. __ , ._ _<< ► .. " ., ,.... _ . - sten.. Null._ Bu��r'd. . Luildi� pay f an ,engine. While not 'another to- aggregate an enormous" known .by n•hat .:it bears. The pro- Dont ask the wounded meta about �i'1 should. b'e worn 1s ,a matter for • e 1.aDeta there are pupils .lining' near enough Roof P..lnts, eta to see Yhat it its r:atered and fed on . busy pumping the engine can be do. nu ber of hours, even dg's,. in the phet's life must be a their ,experiences," he said. "They; the bride to.elecide for herse',-f' if the write for prices and a rn.p l,ea y good life, and ing other• work around the farm-- may want to talk about them but dont Bate money by burins dlr'ect da course of a year. To illustrate, I so also it will be � found that where w'edciing is an informal home afi'ai.r. days when there .are no classes: A running the washing -machine, churn, will say that I have seen him un- there is let them:'' - - i planning • 79 Too most' - local breeder can ► Y genuine goodness of life , If she is lannin an elaborate church MCDERMID BRA&' generally be Indic - feed grinder, etc. • • hitch from -the plow in an unfinished there will not be false teaching. Inl And as a word to the wise is suf-� wedding, then a- veil is in place. and ed to donate a pig. If th1.e .pig has ' . Small engines suitable for pumping field,- harrow a. few rounds in another, this "present day religious and •social, ficient we will assume that our On- i also Iong gloves •of kid or silk. White fd be bought, money is sometimes can . be tnountcd on skids or trucks., •leave that and hitch• to the' manure and political prophets dbound, acrd :in ` tario girl won't let her guests remind stockings, and - slippers or pumps of raised by subscriptions from the pu- their guest of honor of anything -'he • Feathers ,• WEtme ils and • • This makes it easy_ to move. an engine spreader. -a11 tri; the course of a, day, the confusion. of , t.on ues_and strafe 'of, , g.__white kid or satiu .,compete the cos- ,p patrons, or. .borrowed from . _ S- - T^ I has bee through, a bank and re aid fr -. - from one jvtr to another; , if used for - , ,:I..saw"htM-arid this ,s b,, no. means ideas it is hard 1ao . distinguish- the ix g fume. The veil may be a ..rmple one iitglieet Arl.cea veld ,for best '!}rade p om the proceeds Y of the sale•'•of --theIt different jobs. On some large farms an • uncommon occurrence --keep a true from the false. 'We must looks I would make a party for a returned � of tulle, shirred into .a cap that fits iea=heisse, duck chicken and turkey pig: One school '�' there is enough pumping to keep one threshing crew, and all . the farmers for the fruits. , What - of the life and' soldier as suggestive of pre-war days , the head, the, vejl . fallling in soft - secured its pig by' solf6ting, subscrip- _ _ g a'a I could.. I would have nothing to ! folds at the side and -back: The tulle Geo. H. Hees, Son & CO., Ltd, ons to• a- farm paper. • The teacher, _ _- - engine 'tmsy -ill the time -purripin,g ;•ho .«•er.e; he isr to: o erste it ':conduct of those who would_ be . thei _ - 1 : .r , 1 ... .. .. .,.. 9.. .. / - - T .. -.r ,>�tt?. tl t ` , ,. , .1'Li Qu' , * ... f,i- n+t f a or tl r .. $e�sie hay >. r , . .,. t3,, �tton s3 s- :� �i t _ huil-lar. a- n4« to 01714 tli, ,eaclri�( . n h ttr elf ori and> alt f.hat is conies I:.tc,e ATAs:-:%�s�x,-':Nncl, is ell 27.6 Davenport -•Road, Toronto g. r� , _ r,. _..>Z�t fn a. lig. .�. .rre«.1,5 t,�o ,tc�aa. _%V ,,,ile . -..;.3. >-i: . a.5 �oc:ateJ w i ."h rt, Terha 1, - :.i.l,,:..or. ..._ a t ps a rtz , . , , ,and Dile-:Half. - , !n'er_st:r.g.. her• pupils In- of.= a, 11'"` demacra�y: Arc they like i c c,aired' _Lvtwo yards a -1 t�lri =tai the,enracti .Lcii.d':,fvr..tlre�stcue'a .e'.,:he Irrepaced' a'' hlace•,..to ._thtcesh his . _ . supply tank. g s Christ .in word and deed . Or flag prominently displayed would 'not , Even with the ankle -length skirts • pork pi9duction and practical asci- • _.._:.. . - - _ :oats.- Thole. pats -hid-been sown _in., _ �. . - -- I T - are the atheists mockers of bye inappropriate, but` -for -the rest I I the .-veil •should be , ion enough . to l culfure, she. also stimu":ated hoer- pat An engine for pumping does not<re April, -and he had known ever, since Y , g The Best Tires fr�ln - I ' quire stay attention from the time it; that the day must come for them to goodness, haters -of all who should have just flowers and' the 'con-; form a 'slight •tra,in. Arr,,.nge it on rons to read more, i is started until it is to be stopped. be , threshed. He tried dairy cows are not of their 'own class or 'ventional decorat_ons we used to have, the . head with invisible hairpins,After purchasing the pig, the ti J A conirnon ! creed,. _destroyers of homes, .murder- before we, thought everything must be 'tucking in a spray , of orange bion- next step is to' provide_ for it, a sm3l, Canada'sLeadir� practice is to s�art the and made some money at it;'btit :old .t decked with insignia acrd Red Crosslot and 'a ood dr I en, i e befe�re hegiiining to chore in tinkeritis bothered him as usual. I ers, thieves i norant and unclean . sons one side. Of course the room g y bed. Grazing, �� Tire Maker's It 'morrm It r{an�.be.sto er that he boo ht a car with Or, again,,are,,they the loud ;.,p:rovide�.1 the bride's ,bo� uet..Should crops must be planted in accord >,rith . .10 mg. Reed be reme b g q fore 'goiatg to the ,field- .to work.- In which 'to deliver milk, -and the ma- preachers of a-..nar-row and selfish na:_l Could you have a -progressive covin- � the lAppy pair be. even. beyond' -par the 'best' praet}ces of animal bus- - bandr and - here � a valuable la.bora- the e: c ning it carr be started when ,•ch.'ne suffered . the -'^same fate 'as � the tionaLism, or of an- .equally: nano ��:"ner 'served from -'six s'ix to eight -'small cel=post de:isrery- of P.owerc,' they may ' Just as Dominion Tires are the Y, v,.ocds_'.or, garden.i"EiV6iftes',�iiiih;Jy, ekercise• is. -afforded• in w6rikin ' according to the number of be a_t •.g,I•,ed... from g• ...., ..- for g ' wateryir.g the }iorses find allowed to; tractor. fortunately, the automobile and. selfish religion, both 'of tables a - �y, g. p _ Canadian auto - •with field eco s ' The ' �" -- run until' the chores- are'- wa an institution and its "re uta i n Earl to recr,gnrze' the obl'i ations of'_guest§ . The guest of honor stays in , Arrange . them in a bouquet _and tie 1 crops.* *pupil becomes becomes I e clone., , If, the . s p t o1. pumping requires. more .time the en- 1 beyond hurt. ; our common humanity, and •den,y � the' one place and the others, pro ess to vi•,ith, wide white ribbon or. bands of mobile owners. because of thele familiar'};y actual practice with such . I. � q Y nnireraa h:3 _ him. You �> ou]d riser only two nr hrP ,. t t props as-,•Zra,.•ry'e,'t'lts, 'wh.eat, �`ctcl:, gi:,e ;'�;ii: he :1,�}�t -running 'during the I hnow- another man, not so noun 1 thenc�od of God and o 1 y t P t rlle,, aPowing the e.. •, to. han;; al- acknowledged, superiority, 50 • . , g brotherhood of men? We have'these coarses -if you could not prepare an ` most to the bottom of the . skirt. °and cloyers•- which are 'planted 'for noon hour. Iii some cases it is kept; now, who has farmed all of -his life. -. • . , .. runnin . diirin _ , false_ p aphets in our midst -and the ' elaborate menu .and then you would - Sprays -of ferns knotted into -the 'ends grazing,, or .for :soiling purposes.. _ , ,. - , >; ,g the icrcnoon ,or ofter He is -not a success. l -Ie has made � YThe idea of saving is emphasized ;neon. l no money to speak of, his family sorrietimes' .come to us "in sheep's have the_ evening fcr informal ,card give a pretty 'effect. Next in im- DOMINION g P I • clothing. Beware of them! ' games and guessing contests. Then as • portance to the brides dres.� canes - . ,._ also by havin>r tle. pupils .sa�.e all the .. _, Inen , •usoH or • ptcrrrpnrg-- gut --of- works hard and has no permanent I .. - - 21-23,• Nat Eve a souvenir fop: the -soldier-' -ou. are the dress for •the brides, mother. L n- • e scraps from` li.r._h,•}tich 'are gener- �' ..• 3,c.rs. a c^a�e>+ �hou13 be n�rovided prosperity: He is continually start ry .One Christ y I g - s eaks here of those who make de-' l:oriol•ing, have some artistic one am- less you very much prefer black, 1 C. r 1 e Tires any a nuisance around the school for the e. ' ,.ne. in in. This mans tendency runs to P- ,. " 'the specialty crops, the truly whep- , vout profession of faith. Their words • ong you make up a little booklet in select: white or 'grey for this. color yardrr and a means ,of attracting roam- S • - ing. Qoga. Thos's feeds 'should be sup- 1 ers that hold are ood and theirs the ]ewes of t�'h.:rh you could all' in and crepe, n, .sill:, ,poplita or a'! are the choice of those u�h0.ap' p out alluring prospects.: g peec•h is pleasant. i p sate. . ,They preach and make -boast of heal- $cube your names .arid he .could keep fine, quality ,of .cotton, -toile. for t}i•e pleniented by a .:mall .amount of t ' I Tau You Suffer From Tinkeritis? He has tried them all. - thi's as a memento cif. •this event. 1 material. • ' . pre'ciate speed, safety, sturdy 'grain feeds such as. corn wheat -mid- The only time he ever• made .any. ing and other wonderful works. ,The ; 1 ' t ' This story has to do with a peculiar final test of their enu,ineness i , Doubtful : --I a reg with you_ that A Youn Mother: --Diet f r a 17'i - ��ear and thoroughly reliable d.'•.ings, soybeaia, peanut -meal a>ad... ` , money in his life was once when he ', 1; snot g - y . _.I ..._ - _ v 1 malady• I have seen it work in man . . _ - • . other'` good'' concentriites. ?Vlach of _ _ _ ,_ ...:_:I Y in these. outward appearances, how-, ever girl does want a -dome of her months old bao aha suffers from erv1C..I -1 locaiit,ies and in all walks of life. Its got into debt rather heavily and he , • PP 3' R I �� Y tt Ah,`s can be obtained by contributions � -: -'' t• - - was literally forced to keep on - the fine of plausible. they may be, own and it is hard when parents do , coitstipa:,.o.n. '7.30 to 8 a.m.-Corn- l - ever , -�lbr-ancir :ll'e. _ tiiei Victim seldom knows .that he . is orf- c,,,.. _,,, but • imn not. ' • Ju trip- by- , #iso- ere�rLe� . Tom- ter. ,. -- f r fa e• toe —e oufibtt mnsus ngitt ese • is ec . is a • aNt more than a will and "to the laws' of God:' Their company.' The onl thin I can su (cooked four hours the da •.before), t him hustle, and he admitted after- y g ' g= ; y I Leading Dealers -'i feeds th3 opportiun}ty is offered the t - discae�, -and more of a disqu-se than' ward that he made Lhe most mons - 'faith, if it be true .faith, expresses llzest is that you 'hare a heart-to-heart', served_ with -butter or. mills and a'- lit- `-- s'+ . many :l. sop's suspect. Tt i� y �•, M- _ . pupil for a, study in the proper mix- 1 called in, the shortest time -he ever had in ,?tself in ,obedience,,faith working by' talk with your_ parents and tell them.` tie sugar; bacon, minced . ,cYlicicen, r -sem: ' tinkH'i it is. I his life, and was going to stick to that love. ' } . P• � i y ou cannot bear the idea of becoming soft -boded, scrambled' �r poached ; r ing of rations, using `popular bulls . I I ha - i_'` gins .tR__su lEmert, the* work as _oft. �p T ._ is i -n m,rrd a. young fellow, of plan. . 2.1 29. , A Wise 'Man. True wisdom, -an old ma -d, parlicula-r-ly--aa-there ,i�! egg, drink Of -;mi k -bt•�id- (brown).i M10,� .,,; _ 1 __--- _ _ - - 1. my o::n comiminit • who is F,adl'� of -i lies in doin the -will of God. 'First�a 'young man whom you know cares 12 o'clock -Scraped steak,- mincedi 8l,98ER � •lined in the scaool lessons. __�___. _.: b S He vowed tha, he had ]earn R - �- ed some - - - - t- .� - y _ t_ _ - . ,,. _ , _ -� - - - %-i'e� c,l. Thi., young man is well thing, -- .and his wife and children mu`t se( io know is ,will, aanor f y mut 5'e�sure ;cop, rare roas . ee"f= finely Cogs•, � };;, ' •3.6•x••? posted on things T .� �•,n'.•.' .. C /!,' : � .� from i'ts l .ig and` used the money for _ p _T _ pertains to _grii'- br' tencd ecce ibl e _. here. the Bible, more than an •other, - does care for yo in the'right wa �itiince�i chichcn, bake or mashed_ o- a�,, . - - -� iKh p Rt y tut Rr sent ---- ----- _ y _-___ _ __. U,, _ Y i - - -4- - ; , . , I ? r; - -- cu.ttire.. reitt,� a fine • fa' • b a •tlxat. . -(sur x''tr :..: .M . ice, rn paym+�trt an . s►.. r -- l Q, ]� he was hack iii the same olt1 rut. oak or tearer, meets the seeker's r, 1 . . , • . pa #rAs ole ectrtms ?; tato,. _ spinach, asparagus, _ _4L ing--.__ ' ...,,,•,"', ,,.. ; :,� -'' acres, has the. civ i':e e .of remains The hold of tinkeritis was, too strong. need. At the same time+ however, are no't based on something• else be- ! beans, ;uash write torr;, p -1` _ piano, • nd , ut buying war saving privilege - Pg f 4 •': sides re adios 'a y.: peas, sc r ����� - �� � stamps.? One .of the patrons recently. -chi-it--for.-five y-car3 longer, and has How many unnecessary trips have he.uill look for evidences of •Gods P j gain matrimon stewed cartot..' - ' ' R 1 said "At the tilne wa started with . alre.u.y farmed it for three years: ItI you mage from the house to the•bltrn w.11 concerning him in his own dis-� I<.other:=ki.y daughter has great Desserts=Stewed apple, stewed •- was positrons' and talents, in o -, I . - lite school pig .there as only one Is well fenced, has good buildings, in the lust few day-'s'when work prey- _ - PPorttitai _ _ __ - _ - - _ . _ - I - - tirdn -the commuii who ha .. _ •f ties of service w itch are o ened to fWd :010, and till of this for a . price : sed . How many. hours arp ,you go- 1. P - --- ' - � ' - h h '� re r six rn . , S o P'e that the socia,,. • renter would _jumy-;_ing- _to -_.lose next.: month that might him, in social and national: duties; in e - bred o a 'ow the a s' or :it. 1.00 tlii� 'man .has ! , the ministries of the church, and in. ht " ' dust abo# • be sa�_ed by careful, .planrin now . . I,i ul:cn t►�`rn, and •will be lucky if he { —tiir. C. 5. " those inward voices by which God I - __ - speaks to the soul. i //� . - .- 1 Boy ran- to •}cis mother crying "`:Oh, The wise 'man will build wisely. �'- ' �.'t N ""j?l r • I • `- _ . K - y � � �. . '' c� maininai all my fish are -froze!"' . on a foundation .well ,and truly laid.PAIe ;'.,,, y, , . - fff �`� . /. Jesus says that he ivho both hear z � _ r , y ' rne'lit,er is re...r:red -l•n ./ Sure � etiou' h Jas k - Fr(rst _held iced_. �44 1 l0.G„r+' _ • . i' -9 ,t ,R'n does ,,n such man. H.e. t,uii:is, theboxes- . the w.: ter ..o that' fhe fish coi.,�l not :t . carrying bal:y. •chichi Ly'. ria,il. or._ex- I IN-:� . � " swim .unl' Little Bo tbouglmt they upon --a rock and his �uil�ling stands 1.,, - _* f r Y t _ - l;i•c: fine rut rlo: er has Leen ex- -°.--$��s� biteh�el.,.e€.rs rri find. -tt •(► a x - _ I- " fir`+► ITJ .� ' the foolish m^n w•ho builds oil the; "" ' ".,,;� II c r `� ec , l:• ',t o•nmf:c`al l:atc cr- i gisiss Jar near the stove and :vh.ile he is]Uf6 • ' ,,; �- 1 n s, but a l,e- _►.,• 1'i a.:ice - has now Little Bud± s Wild ri;rd:; wutehed_the_.s�>arr►, sir m�ilecl .Lhe ice iftin :end uncertain sands. IIis i -.__ _. 4 1. : 1 . , - -�_ beea•-_ev ,!natel- Tiro clover. _lit Car. - Onc•e there was a little .Boy who and, they . soon began to. wiggle. as 111, W;* riot stand, ( �'11 r '' , •� -r I vas nearly alti:•a:. ,!,;sty, an,i su h as1. lacca all the .wild things; the birds lively as e�°ter. In ,John 14: 1-..•4 Jesus des:•r'bes 1 i , ' s _ the' coli: ks c• .r.s sn:: d w title. bu.ky , . nsu�ance the tpi�!�-rs, the, caterpillars„ the but-' �Qne da} Little Boy came home the man who truly }oyes: Nim. }i( --'- - . terflies, the tadpoles, and even the -from a walk . in the woods with :a that hath My • coin mandments and N fur; , �lteil• -little nc,urlshmcnt. .., kee. eth them he it '� The.. new• liter is wheat i�r^n. It lttt,e >~rca►n ; gr.en snake in his pocket. -Ile $cared. it i. that lavethft . • g :;:i1:e open Me. He, rotniyes that , to ?,,ne �wfto-1 � � I r�efidust ltd If� the n'ourii(ati fns veru tit- sna •es. TIC into' where the'meaclow.lark little stater by mai{int For Your Ho -me t� is lengths,rfi,i•1•• her nest iri'thc; grass; lie was' his mouth and wiggle his tongue aV is, thus ob c ient lie will manifestI n! � � . Himself. In answer to a disci le _ ��, �' , ` :he .clocks are ore to. c�nurre some, 11 }r.: lir.;t to find the 'tree where the her, fo,. he wasn't afraid rof eitakes p , with tile_ result that the; 'artSve In r- I,;,?►y xol►in t were being fed; h� sat snot didn't sec why she should tie, Tie •-who asked hbrti that could be, Jesus , bran is . better coiic?ition. Wheat ` f:;r.' h,urs, tt•atchin;; the queer looking thought ,it gas ju.t funny to sire the declared that rod woul-d love such A house, covered by a �'" • somewhat more expe:islve than ctit . •,p;�lC , weaving their: we' l). in the little tongue wiggle. When Little a man unci that -both Cod and Christ ; "Paint Policy", iS protected � but Its atrperior ad'c•gn;tmges • bti-lies, , wouhl ' come ,and well in him. If we, clover, and once brought hums st big Boy '$ papa said. something srhoat try to put this• 'rent truth in g Y `' y� a the difference in __.__�____�.____�Kt.,V...►i--,--wl}ice-t-k© a a><nst wear and weather. _ . . pt-�billia�--the �grce>t1 _stice._LitLI�.I3a. y k E. rle. much outbal•tnc fur a Imig t,; 'me hoping - it would show ran out into the hu?hes sand when ho word" wi it not a tat .11., man whop . ' - . _ __ • . hint e: hat kind of a web it could came back he said, ; h.1 -ars and obeys becomes like Christ. I _ �n ' Successful dellrcry� of ba,�y ch4:ks . Decor alWa S starts - Ce . • • • depends on - alt,ention to many �ttle He is chnnze:d by love into he like-! y y �- ' tc'c :t:-.•, ,�i� hen_ it wduldnY weave he ••I told snake_ to run slang _home to' _ . t _• • .._ __ _ _ &E _,_..--t_ . , , . negs of Christ, .Wind so the S �� , cif`►' (fie:ait�: Bxr�d'enite p� ericrrre of Said the, spi,.cr was homesick and he his mamma, she might be' 'Worried Spirit of . at the surface. Decay �L t1 ___ _- _ _.___....__-..-___.___. ,_ Gas}._ huh ra_-..Lhe _S a#t 1k de:eral definite- ftrctl •p it it �,u* (in trisineai &rounfi-the �fitrtrt 'him if fits St xnv ttmgelr: �' 1� -_ __ __.. ___---. _-----------__ _ . cannot break throw h '�C� hr,. a sen +ea a s to . Ar every one • ]tor.•h, ., `' I •.►-- - ' i. dtre]ls .in hint.. alrtd speaks and acts � � , • V'�� ��e j hundred chicks shipped; three hun. . Reviving Arbor Day:• 1 through him. To. him God in (11rist; - when the surface IS V" ile gat*retj the• little lirown l I is a resent fact, a living + I ,;reel eduare inches of floor space I Tree -planting is scmt(•thing of a lost p • . >r reality. a ; .-. CO Write for co ccs of sour , . . h -1i ;es the! caterpillars make when' - guarded y paint. � i ._h: uH ,e a ]owed and no zln le __-�� p nrt in Canada. For many ,years the • aided b b 6 • vit:slizir.g fcpr�-r, st caring grace. wi•;- O ooks—' Town and I ,,pnrliartment shou':(i t•or.'.ain mord - -- •r they _pct tired, of being caterpillars __ l health givlaR and aholPeome eagtc►m don, power, sanctrfiration and re- i .)."I v'. -int to be butterflies, and wat- � Country Homes and Floors- . of having children c pend ones day -in dem-ption. ,han twenty-ilt'e chicks. Depth of box • cl+t 1 th(m crawl out. of their houses 1 • I Spic and Span". Mailed fres. r • • ' the year in planting trees and flowers, ; '�'' "'-.- i - :hoald tit+ Disc nor •nater, prefer- .� p ' .;l, y_ _ live to six. The 1,oxc, nearly, . and uttfsCil their pretty w; nga to fly, has • been neglected. but fortunately, ! ,Fortr large manufacttiring firms 1 "]��'~ Pnre" _ . - frRwa -__ ► r- ;'lux nat_rnuite, ���;kare, appear to enrry ._.. _..___ -. I there is now a widespread- movement -.have taken the Grnadiart° Tracie Com- C • Paint The most reliable "Life Insurance • Policies'' you t' . Ver -Y narrow -and, ve-y long - • t�'hen Little Poy'a mother wits to revive the practice. It Is being.' mission's fol(ler. ',The Why in Trade For buildin• ,',Witt .� hEi::>r t..�,araeci; as • ;:.'e, ping one morning, she found a I urpCe(i that tree -planting i% a fitting }3alance," to -distribute 'amor;g their and in. a�: °"t'ia° Can Ut On OL:Y house and our furniture,. • ai,t ,rs,�t c., ti•� I,�t of brown anti yellow fuzz} thing's' manner in which•to conimein,rnte the emplo ee?. , p y y t',. are i l„* in,re11 it .r.tr h•tr-�,..�: 1. �cra::I 1,iing round on the carpet, on thb' 3ervfce of ('anadistn% axli(a have died Senour sFloorPaint A , Ventilation is a most t1. ,ant : Couch, ,wd on the lace curtains, She in battlo. Thlti` tiles lusts much to ecru i Paint today --walk on - t r e c, k s pe.rs tomorrow. �� i ,oriel:.. - mend it atilt kill doubtless' receive ` I-V u>,.3�Ict th, ,. •'fc:ei;. • hi A.ir$, r t 1 •tie 11 I I 1. of Ro; where did all these . rr n _ 1. he:trtc suttlput t ut many gtsttt t�'rs.« i;est , `VarnOltnID” ;.nor :' u�'� phi+�, �i, ; -t'�•: • a Vsi::c a'.1 - R. FARC ER ___ a _ . -, - - -- I r coni. from?„ If, to iidcttticpn tc)°this act thllshmitent of` he.atifrrsat+dpreurves -"`� np;�d t0' Che• lira. ^.. t} tic ;thee a±•►_t-- ('r pillar: OdClothandl-inoleum. ' r ' I PAINTS AND VARNISHES f th. rnarnnta," 'sai(l .I.it lc Roy, "I memoristl tr('e plagtatioiis, intrrc�ct I iha •taurne� . 1ii :..ir;it «�+.Wittier lari;- 4 ' .'__ t; sop Sf•rrt' for the little caterpil-! could ha renevrecl fn the, oi(i tittle :fir- ; ' , "'Marble-ile" c :• holt►s :ire. reduired than in early ;,;,' lsst night when they crawled• bor day, the b( nc #pts would hP more INVEST YOt1R DIO:VEYp The Pao perfect floor - ring. More .•l;ie•ks die frbtn. ALM. t +.,. I tryinJ~" to find a warm place to than (loub)r(j, ��'hat' school=boy of a. ! . fi�i`h. Their OW/o purity makes protection complete. , i V ' I,:t,e a:r than from foo, niu:h. I� is .,I� .' t t hat i -brought them .in and put l generatimt , rtr more tmgn. a ho t+hare(i "Wood -Lac" Stains ' __ ,w a o alar t a� t::C oro bar• 1 hcpxe3 i In an F h' 1- ' s Their economy lies in thtY f c� t}>Iai tine s read easier, .. • t}ic'rti in the lois vitae; please- dont in the annual celphration of Arbor ; Improve .the new - a ' y p - s at east crr:i � -ii.h narM«• c`.ea.;,. +• . 1 I I renew the old. . 11 -_ thrum them out, ,"'ammo►-,- r --+(i' y. but Iraq , a o8perial Inter fAt even , , ---__ Cover .more �sttrfac-e �' ul �AStt-joat1£l�,g.-_.-__._� T _ ry� • r :l au�'- '. � ,-7- _ - < , , Little Off• t,r:,ugnt Tome tem min- i yet in -n tree, or a group of .trees, 4771�tn. ne - � 1 . • ; It "i; rl�i':' i+>, .T n.it� t n 1 T L ' �" �i� l:_,Jpli'Uldpole.i i�r'Onl a load he, trlliclt hP liel pPd to lrl:trit. tial ('trF+ for j mpidemeof, e The sanitary, wnsT,nhle 1 �� ]Z'�=g'e'ts :�;s's !� ,�Q51 Rli�' l'll�;h t,•1"4 , _.____-- pUt 1111`(n In a great. K1A4s Jnr, andlnear the•al(1 s(•ItOOi htt�l�tn�. ]loth Fiat Oil Paintforinterior Whey I It'•" you pFilli_ 111.5 g t`1X1 c' E sure to ���e thQ ,;,t s* t . Decorations. l3 . gs , r,-,.),.,ifli, .;.I -i ;vt' , • ti•a 11ft�, took -munch .tjehKht�in fe('ciiniz them., chtldtcn stud grown-ups are the th`eTt�T r i Y , I -�.�_ _ old reliable Martir!-:_t'r:0ur- Paints and Varnishes.____t�� _ i Z'1, `<e ire , i,,1v s:i;r ,n she : c,:\ warm - C(• cyAy }tc told. st boy at schonl thRti k#r i Ask your ` _- ; :iEitt- (r nr .« cis --___ __________ ta(innles grew to' how frog's, and this :arbor day is ati annual that merits I r ; o,(rt,e; :s }p(,y said, •'A%I [ dpn't believe that, transformation Into- a hardy 1perPttnia�. 1 LUMBER DEALER IMARTINOSENOUR .r: �r`. .�. � . f o (1on't havej*ir. , _ sa :ttt}P Aoyt -. - t - ---- _ - - _ --- s - _ t t, -It - _ . _r -'� h� , fat t. , pt rk - :e i took his friend h(mics with ' hila to The ertying need of the' moment is, For i ' pot ng ., LIMITED c . 't oe.rse mu 5l;.n over the h•olr in tie , • - , see the'tad% grow, until he waq con- an orgamtat.ion (►f the middle classes ! GREIRNSHIELDS AVENUE • ' _ MONTREAL � 1:, ' heto?•e putt,iri;� in the '►its of s?t31 . Oncid that iitfle tad• grew into Lia to withstand the rapacity of the man- plans had �1•iCe13. � ,�,«��- a:..i c,�(j, w'hi.h keeps titre .draiirtag• fin)*:, un] workers and the profiteers. -- i (ji;c• cold morning in -winter Little K-i-IncrIv .Tones. ( iYv�`,1. Mit, muslin FrevEnt9 file earth .. I j f.rpm washing'. a! , i ;. . . 1 f� � . ' " . ' I . . . Aar_:.,. 0 +' ''' ''1 3 . . I , _ t �. ,«r•..... , �, . . 14