HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-06-05, Page 1• •. 44. • tut/intl. $1.sp per year, In' advance; $2.0• 0 o.therwisg —7- . A PROGRESSIVE COMPANY Geo H- Carson, Vlee President of the Erie- ruvestmente ,eirsailed, _of Toron4. reeei ved -1411- i•ree irIn 'tires ftenertsi .4 Alan 'ger of the Erie Uonipany. The telegram received on.; the 26th eesa, . , read 'es follows: "Number eight well 1.tratisdng full espacitY Of Pump. number . , . iiine win dewa Ale , hundred feet tudell s11etart neitiber ten well 'in a few deya in the teutre of Graham lease. Wi!teltiP ;mid her car load of oil about 'ilsdit3•.' • Telegittu. 2St.h "Dividends _ _ • . -as ill Le laid on all lots turned in to the thee arid paid for up to and Including . \lay :.).1_st,. Price (,f .11 lots -mill be in; d yofti The de%elopertient w-ot k 441 tbe. Erie property t certaiuly being -carried on, in a .way.:thay,spelle euccese. fur the time and rrterney expended.:-A-enumber of 1i* vH�d-the •• Lucknow -41-ad-Winglearo: -fibanbiEit men 1;,eie Oil•praperti--at leiie'ee., •and tune back 'with glowing ireportseof the work being (lope and the oil wells already in operation. The company have now eight produc- ing welis, and•expect two more in with- in the nextweek Or.ten days, Mr. Car- son ,ia in.:town visiting his.hrother-tn-law. !gr. *Archie McKinnon, anel :while here will call 'op a. few .of our financialmen relative to. purrhasing 'stoek in' his company. • .lint Niftier -ifeanterested the Erie Ceitipany, and be glad to see any Ills friemde vette have money LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, AJNE 5th., 19t9. A ., ........."...n.,/,..,....,.- ..4...,,,n„,,,,,,....„,"„,„-- THE CONU.RANHiRIFFIN CASE Reid's Cor . ets . 0 '.., LOCAL AND GENERAL ., There hate' been 1_40_01.__deal 'of. lilts: -Alem.l. : , June 2. *ainderstancling, by -the. 'z1 h� abeitt the- - -titheite.a. .nurither.':of reatiroed soldiers . C's ...,.... I uron Connty Coined wa.s in session. -enngritniftrillIn stilt %%hick .teb'a,; 11:10i at. ''Airivricl in Ripley Friday last. Wiliiiii . 0derieh this Week. ; .1,. • , • Walkerton -a, few weekelgti. .'flus was. '.1.111, P. Car;n0ron and J...MeDiniald were it ...due partly to ehe fact that the trial three villo' hrelorlite4 to, Our community: . Ire. K. C.hisholin hail sold her house, .. . ,. . A. We eSteed a heerty. welcome Ji'etne to -on A.:thick ei-t, south, to Jas.. John -sten: Judge did not pronotuiee upon • the *ease ats the trial, ' and.partly to a somewhat tit(' h"Ys. .• --. er. • -, - Single Copies 3 cents • Ripley erroneous reporteveleieli t peered. i ()Ie.!. /.):•tte, oieevaite of the Walkei ton 11'er'. , And -04111"h %,% ft of lit iends and 'atquatni-aners F.ti1.74y . . .copied by dt uuII4bu d other eeurity -• papers,. t _ _ . . -e.'arnerian• of Totted() wo.4 -With a •view to•cle am t up -the ELLA. %seek etel ette'st. 'at Steele': Lyn, ter aud torerienting the I ice, to the uh /see, Fee,'„es. . JjtAle (iinerantetil.1111e, the . Kele. and NI 1 (*Limier statement: - . • IiiiiterettetriresaHbersiness- trip to 1.1-;yt he "The Walkerton Ileralil and Tones is rt.sponsible for the following article. whivhasppeareii, in. its issue Of AlAy eth: `4-`ongrarti v.. eIrttiii. Thi, t‘as. t ani, lareier-01,1-1(11111.1 111 from his neighbor.•Ribt. (Jriffiti, for au alleged aasault. in. ..-a loch Congram. had, his -hip dislocated. . it b8e11.14 that the plailitig4 cattle got over ;.:n.to property--ana, ref Congraio getios.iieer after thenthe two men beleirrimari•ele 11.1,CNOW SCHOOL REPORTS ing, ending, it ssenis, in aefielit, in veLielt Griffin, Whit is inueh the beeeer •nein ofe the. two, got Congrain down and, it is clairnededislocated his hip. . The Judge, after hearing the eVideuce, reserved de- cision on the matt:7er! ',This- statement is untrue. The plain- tiff's cattle were not on the:defendant's property, or was the plaintiff,' ...Neither -wasethere • any imarretingebyertiesplain- tiff as he is very cleat* and heard only very .few 'words,:nor I say, lut What ivas- lawfiil...to 016 di fendant. The editor of - the I lerald steel T1OWs, last Friday., Mr and Mrs T. Blair spent a nigh 4.1 laet wruk at .11E. '1' IVelib%, At. ‘. " ..1 Sunday w4, her mitt -tit, \lies Ella Aim litueerdinie ; Mr. Wu. A. tVlison who has retarn-• ed home trent .Eagland is visiting tinder the parental roof. of course, gut his iuformatien front somebody/ else,. biter Whoever was res- • " Luck no.w ponsible for givine it out in that way in •. -Woollen Millthe tirt, place insist be a v ry'atuasiet eary man." SAAtt:E14 CoNt:RANI.: Is preixtred. to . buy any Fullowing is 'summary quantity,. of washed or un - •Lennox'. jade -meet • washed wooi.- Highest grain received frotn his lawYer: • mai ket w▪ eb.. • CONGILtAt. ma_ (1 tat, Flp N N .7, There_ will be a matt 'at: May.: en,b. Ass pe„‘ eesse„e._ a itieantirjs46 EN•loresse.*:- ITV‘i res Tge a * and ,defendaut• nisei ti ',J' !loom 1 -A.; Class. Excellent --Al. Stewart, B. .Libel, (A. Andrew, R. Purves).. Good -At. 1 lenderson, (N. Vvttson 1 McDor - „aid )„.L. Nteottry • I; Class. Ese---Clifrerit -Webster, W.. Webster, .1-3. Milne; foci Charlie Websture M. • McAllister. :Fair - S. Whitby; --Se-Me heel; • ;as -MeM i Ilan, Me Jewitt.. ._ -- 11. ,Dompe,(V bher • rill, K. NicKerieiee Fe Eaton. Witt-, see. s ee,d . 1. 'ale I ienela, I Watfsons Fair I- I bin kvealtier, .T. Al c Kenzie, K. .444.tis, H. Nixon, I. *NVIiitlisil S. Stmvard, P. Alen- - Twenty:two members of the 1 tt iistruceson NI is. D. C. M.,. Moiran-'im :Lorne afttr ren;lingestwov» keevrieh rebetivese tar •0•rinielY, flainillon and 'reroute)._ Wtf. Douitas haeT"---brifight the feeldeuee now oceupied by ..111. t:ruth , Caerel tete bought the heti, woe oc(aipied bY Mr. Douglas .7 -Monday, June 2. Mrs. Donald MAcod a rer-son , Gine vieited in -London during the past 4146k. Mi. Robert lrwip, horse 'buyer of •Walke7ton4 gave kinky friends aseall last week. Mr. Norman McLeod, ef the Prudene tial InSterarme Co., Goderich, epee( Sttn- • .day with R.ieley friend:" • - *Airs. Will Cox,, Con. 10. left on , Sat- urday for London Where she will visit her father, Mr. John CoIling., .71Mr. atfil Mrs. J. Jamieson, Mee (Bev) Rev. Frank;NIte'lieez.iie Me\ , Tie I) who haaa cliar.g,- e' in *Nloetec al, with “reO. Gilmore, Aliss Alay AlseLay I and Miss Bax motOred to London Saturday.- his wife a.ritrehildreh':ire at,i;ruce Beach for a.ntonth..... They spent a day at P \The Ripley B"ling Green' is `law . eeeerelienee will hhel.dain the' . . . A Young Pdople:s Socd'eiety • rid S- bbatb ‘i .•Nli0414.. the 'eel el*•1,(.1 week 4. re.e'ly sud testily of the etithueistetieor 'St'd ehO• .. Jut piet t 1 tic • .., j_tt- eestrieee•reel.) aft•-tteeeti -1.1i,i ,- , .-1 .. ,: 14, , i .,..1 .0„...... • I. Reeve .1,,huston • attended Colieity tui.. a. good settspn. 1211* beet., safteruoen at. 1.:30. and eveo ( 'wiled at \% int this .week, going up • Mi84 Anna 1.... .1i4bineon, who has ing at. 7;30. Rev. W. H. BurgessB by'auti.) au 1 taking .the.-eeevee uf Kai-. lo and Huron withhitu. filefa beEnilsaid abide with an attaek'of illness, of Walkrt•Pn., itev• A.4. Maim.; aAe ,i -i : !. st of Brussels, Rev. R. A,: Lundy, B.A., of Is. now Jelly recovered and has returned session was held on Alonday evening. - to The 'Ripley Express Office . where she Walton, and several otheis will speak at both S;Siiiilnii. irilik_COriferelleP is beteg__ The Western Fair AsSociation of T.on- is a compesitee. . .,Lticknow was Well represented at *the ;,...3,. (;:t._......,_t.dayto ,don-isias- ''taken itinst by the forelock'' . herd under lee Forveard. Movement ci The Ripley flax mill started opera.- .. this season and air leis its Prize the Presbytery of Maitland. All who Liens on, Monday. *Last eeason's crop Is -. • LiSt 'in -course of distrtbution. The -can ' attend will be made Weleon.e. not yet finishede. but with a nutiaber of Fair v,ill be held. p the 13th. Special service to ordain and induct competept workmen' it will soon be new .Elders will be held, On the .1 5th CHURCH NEWS THRIFT IN 1HE SCHOOLS On'acceutirof the Methodist Confer- . In the ssiaaols (if' -Canada Mune ence -1-anT4-11-elI ittllocleinili this week, -Wit- Siiiiiiicaint;.4igh i , 1 raught w it le service will . he held .in the,Methodist great possibilitiea. and already the r Church$ here on Sunday morning only tiirns show that splodid PregreSe ie Anntvettary services 'will be held in being Made. What has been done is. . the ...1 ' .1 - 1 th t' • a s, ..- Lingside Presbyterian Church . oci(cdSpuir..-),,, fair m'ip" ldicat.i.%no "iv% atu'rnt '.y:1:atit•eQ8n,ef': ., , der; *Jsme- -1 5th, ‘411en'7fte.X.• th: sehaols Of Canada. , D'utiean, 'a former-ininikter at tangsidp 1 ao ...wrlittlittreb;--will preach morning 1.11'tb4eettrer1se of NTIV ie -tri • iht:ri,'`ir. -- — aud'evening. Serviees at. 11 d.tli. and said. to - J,- ..... be,s. little over 7O0,000 thildrei °- .7 p.m . . - During the perieii, 'December, 'ffi17,.. t .. itEE''..BYTERIAN OWE, II - Sereicee Jenuary 31,111's no lees than $5,44- - next Lord's. DAy. will be ia, ',ducted bysf-l'ilie .,•sort,licrif N,N,..,11, Jr -;iiii.v,intiiiieeseeiii.:11,;414,01 11 .: ;.., , . Rev. W. A Bradley, I3.A , of 'leeswater. which means lightly more than i.g7"fte• gib elch child. •.;, ready for shipment. inst. at -the mornin• service.g Soldiers Reunion at Chesley,. on June W, Maar motored ssto. lianaver on si-k• • The *4'4'1h Lhttib slat ie.- Satarday eveniug• to spend the Week end_ with friends, He was araompanied by Alts and Mrs. Wan. Knight who vire -- sdJane 3. ited Mildmay ov.er 'Sunday. . Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Short,, of Calgary, occupied Mr. and Mia. Will Taylor -attended the flIneral of Mr. Matthew Leekhart at the pulpit in: Lillian. Chtirch on. Sunday. •- evening. Ile is one of the"Western del- Auburn en Sti egates to the Presbyterian General As Air. and Mrs. Smith were-, in Ripley eenAdy ,wifffh 'meets in -Hamilton soon.: on Monday. ."Welsortfetintes vender'if eoine cf-the - Mr: 1._) II:Murray Tiias inveeted in a railroad -officials who .partly pronnsed uew Ford. ‘.vliat hot; there was a big crowd, and the whale, program- W•as splendidly - carried -out. Messrs. D. McLeod and -.Mee Calitue have th.! C011traet of lathing abd. 'kind plaStering' .titriber 1 I • re n 0 liaises or the Malcolm Furniture Co , They expect to be in the lake-3ide town the greater past of.the.suininer. Oustoin carding. farms. The -action -'sslas- li.r damage. 24;41 c _.. . for .. assault.. It wtt.s-tried_at , 1ralkert on .1 r. 11 . Ex..-- .I--: '1t wart *, 1). Me In • estememe . ' si without 'a jury. Iselin, is: 'J.,. 10 a . writ-. teal*, 14'.*MeInnee'. (4.s4 -R- 'P.lion4i, Nl. .DouKlas c thsenn, :-;.- Irwin ' ten ..iudgment said that-4144.re wd",-- %ere/ e4)n, - -WAI:TED great dieparity betw-een the 1 wo'aetonilis F:44 - "V • .N'''''"•*11. II " ?la II i " • ., • , , it her 1:.I e' nor ah7, tilt (luting 1 he. . .. . 1)t 1(1 Horses anil Otttle prOmptly re- of • we anal!. a.s' given fy tile pattes. . „ 'moved whither( radius' of 20 miles. No They were respectable men; au& if the mom h. animal rine-wed without the hide. Will action had: to - be aleiserninedisn the , • _ . . . . -. pay, ,-frente 13.0s. to ,$.5,00 for animals brought to the .factorv.. Phone at our evidence of the partie-i to Incractien .xeense: Day phone -.No. 12, eilening . Kinlough alone, there wOuld be diflieulty in dit4t1 i' tit No. 17a 44-..... ,_,...., - ) . Ing 'Whitt Amy ought tie bericectitill , Tuesday, .T tine '*:3 rd. FAsNtlieS F.HRT1137.1i.lt Co. LW., ir, , . ,, - 13-2 tf AStiinehans. ratie eaatrig the other c 't 4(4144 .ivito 'ac• ----4111-i-h4i4“--,11•0401ough. titmice county ,there wam a derided *r 44444(414 .t. suat our ceetespornient who: Seta in the :ince in favor of the plaintiff: -The Notice To Creditors budget last week. did not ':have full iri- evidence of the plaitititre daughter was r tormatiiin. about. the prieeitiationto In the matter of the t,state of James reliable, and- elionld be iteeepted As giv: -Ptes• .0. T. lfassall and Fe paseee,- and ichn.lon, late of the Tewnship Of 'Ing ft subistant•ially accurate itecetint. of Aslitleld in the County of Huron, submits the.f011owing by ,..way Of (ewes: - yeoman, deceased.. . what occurred. s it avas strengthened' tiem :tad completing 1 he .rerete. . Notice is hereby.given that all persons *Id cm. rf)hora..trti bY thit Tilifutiirx-wifi;• . ,In the first place the eieseetatiort. wee having any' claims or demands against and son, and, by, Cecil Congratn.'. T1te not at the hall but in 'the baseme.ne nf. the 'ate Jatites Johnstmie, Who died on or aboet. the nineteenth day of tilarch, • learned Judge was satisfied t lial4 the.lac: the .1ngliean Chitrelt kindly lent for tint A.p . 1919, at the "township of Ashfield fendant watt the aggressor throngliont, occasion by the 'rector:- Bev. \\ j) „in the.County of liuron, are required to .and_that the,: ie.juriee comphairied ail. Davie-, whop alser trend irrisist-Lprzprffl or treliier to:the were occasioned by his lets. Both 111PTI undersigneet executors, under the. Will Secondly,. Pte. (I T. !tassel! was welled (.1 the said James Johnstone,• their names acted very fooliAly, tho ,Ptaintiti 30•ed 'ed to the battle id Cambrai and tete and ,addresses And full particulars in improPerlY; but not liter:city at the be- i _ -sfirapei I m his .irin a'. the present time, writing of their claims •and statements of the4r..accauuts and the-natnie of the glutting._ He WaS..iptiy, 'ettger.to make .81,..nding ,ie weeks ie !veleta, .enci vas 5* 141 nit's, if Huy, held by them 41tily a mountain eitt (If e-very,little thirg. e back aeain in the firing line two days verI4 ied by aill,layit. .. 'And take not;ce that after the eight- the temporary trespass of' cattle upon before the arrniAiee wits :signed, then centh day of lune, 1919, tt.e said exec- unenclosed lande-too prumpt itt'Seerviug Marched with the division (the 1t) into 'ass,. ts of the said deceased among the mere; . will • proceed to ilistribute- the netice, far more doininating.aud exact- (1ermany,:and landed hack. home again ing - than he should have .been This : )41 -sons eptitled thereto, haying regard in Canada'. Alay 1 7th, tete, afterspend-.' only to tire ciaime of which they shall did not relieve the defendant from res. ing two years and eight monthe in , 1. 111' 1:1)1E, Teacher. Itoo‘i 11 ' ‘i're IT. lie \liter). hal(I, W. ,Tryerten Thersdatof laet ,A "zeatti'? of the local. int tubers put on' it .third degree. , There Kitts laree attend-, .inceand the "lodge.' Vtit3 very success- Dettgilte.*, burnin, 0. • JohnstOn. Goof! 11. MaCCalhina, Henderson*,' •,_ful. • 1). Ale' ones*, M. Anti:Amyl": 0, AlcIri. . Dr.. Newton . went ..to Port -Hope nes, ( 1, 11 acke.neie ,T.Itursday_ moruiug att end.t.itie Maitre! TI. •..(1. Webster, :t brother' who -died' very puitideay op 111itzstein, 8.. Decker, 11Uston; 'Tues. -het. The deceased was a strong Areh•rsiei (1-..14.'aelter It. Webster,: and lieallIty_neto,letitst the Dr. (lid,. ,kiii•W what teas the eau:waif him'eleath, before leaSiug.. Mu(' 'reacher - then have had notice. and that the said; ponsibility.kr his attack upon the plain - 4 N VtiZtOTS- Will not he'liable for the said , . .. , •... - - .11'ritnee.. • lie wo1,14 tine 4 f the patsies...it tiff and the very eerione irjuries he in- f_ tisse'o,. Or any part thereof to tiny person uoys.to sign. tiii in the 44s ele Battalion ( f who,e claim they shall nottben have tlicted, but it justified an aeseasment received notice. , •• . • 4 -having enlisted iit.i.ticknow on his Itith This notice is given pursuant to the the damages at a soniewhat lower shm. birthday, was transferred to the A. M. C ststiii,•-iii that behalf, • . than would otherwise be right_ * The ,T.-11. sp: 1,, London, ()nt:, and rant 1 sittil at Lueknow this 20th day of plaintiff hail shown an aetttat financial over With a draft ' fo Viigland, trawler- ‘', A.11., 1919.. . lliss 01 1)34-4.:vvi, an 1 -a. fassil-andeetinr- • *Ris-,Var jolt NST3Nti 1 11*xeCtltOrS what helpless _.mae at. the' hest he will ktiwaten Jolt xseore e: I ',. , 6-o. ' R. R. 7, Lucknow, Ont. be. /somewhat hiss capable for the la 7 "::-.....+.1....- mainder 'of' him life in ceneuipienee,o. .._ MARKETS Ole injuries he received On the- loth id Ntay, 1151s. 'elle defendant, w•is phys , Corrected nit to Wednesday noon) wally capable of recitsioning the. . it, - -2 11 1 ill Alm:a 70 juries and he occasioned them. There ( • • . .. . 1 150 1 10 811(1111(1 be judgment for the plaintiff, fer e•Hey . '47 $500, ' dantages.e_walt Gaiety _Court t4,,,,,s,.riew Batter 40 . ;42 Costs and no set off. 0 la.in and . • . -24 50 C. M.fitr. e for tht, --frtxtittitr,-Tit• ,V TORONTO MARKETS stone for defendant. - e'l ',tee heavy steers ...... f13 '') to 1114 23 .. ....4 4.1a4e butchers 11 50 to 12 00 -4"--4v4ttcher5' iuwitIrv. 10 12. no • c,,,,,i feeders 10 00 to 11 50 t,ee, ., ni„ I,eccos: 140 00 to 1,50 (1) . e w ItOgs, o11 car a 22 50 to Fall Wliest 2 13 to Goost Wheat ‘ i . i 10 to t hit'S 15 tO Timothy Hay 13 00 ta new laid ------------50 to 1sette4', Creamery Prints 50 io 1 RORN Tuompt .-L.-In 'West VAwitmosli, on Nisy 31, 19111; to - Mr. anti' Mr•. 4: 1. Thorns. a daughter. 4' • , I lied Cz ross orgetoitione while they Were 77 gRAITAM.-in the Township of kitil,.ss, ;a the trenches, 'arid told, how every 16 00 on May 31,1919, to Mr. and MrU Wounded soldier appreciated tht work 54 • Herbert Grsharet, a daughter. of the women of Canada. " ., red •;ig,d,,•oise,(.,,ee ps'elii ekieoleme, ;Ls titrelCiler. bearer, ..ittid rem wore ;eel Ve service than any'bey 411 o him reunited 1(4 ,Eiele'neli hp to.. the present. . Fettnk Pascoe was.; womelislett Lens' 14 hilt' Ilia 141'1111i/on ..V1';-1,4 the lite, and lent misty inenthS. in • iheettoepital ine_Logland, •-• the Lailiet-:' Aid Wray of the Aehfield Atetiitaest tilt -tilt • intend .1toldin -their aanital,t4.rden 'ou' June 1011,1, at Alex.•.11aesett's (at. the river, 11th con.) .1liont ten .fortne'r pastors will be present airit-;71" vat iffogrant will be given. :11414 game called for 5 o'clock p 111. St. Helens tunity May-finally'touch their hearts to and have not -given up bepe.' anias •Club ; . We have great patience Thom's oe Saturday, May 3lit. • •. . • !" e 1111Por•-• - .SThe Annual Secial ' Meetieg bf, the ''Harris MiSsion Baad will beeheld:.liext grant our request, '. Satstrday... • , a Communion. sereices were laelel in Mr. George' Ilibben of LoChalsh seek - Knox Church on. Sunday hat ..and were ed friendhere otr.Sunday:. . largely .attended. _Peeparatory. services, .. eeiss eleheeiteilin. eerie_ Naive_ eserietere were held on Friday evening and Satan.- atteuded a teachers' meeting 'it 11111 M()",1 to,e()AN.-On lath 1,,:cre-, •‘14.1 /,,,;,- 3 day morning, Rev. Me. Diainueu, of gannon on at Orday: at rSasonable rates: rue it, al Alio .- 14,1 Stock and, Mutual Cull!p.tiiit.. 4 ..,,,,e. Markham, preaehed on Saturdar to a _ ' ttneittedone With ileat lir, :oil .kle-ptch. large congregation. . U KO : .tI . SDI! A1414. • II ro li elLat .. ekt.ov. Cu lross C.,ent re .., . - . The Saetanient of the Lord! s Sapper, 11:-.7t .4. I Eli. 1'1'0W tiie 1..t.culi ,e• uf i 1, .. .1., . . _ will be difspeused iii litiroteChureb un . bead 3.imi -.hart., tu.41..,41 *41 •I•istiv‘. .1,,1 i / 1 - . - tiel$ 'I'd , kit . M. .COtt.. 'M. )1--- COW MI ri , t Wt1•11 el Wed.tinp; l'*Alls ar-e7ritn°S7'itni:Y• . June 2... . .tt.,.11. Ho:, t• ‘./ ii.• ilt• phone .1 % ,, ! e Sunday next les-paratery serVieee Will' - in her ear. Ail) (the ktio.‘vt lip: ut be held on Thiirsday. Friday and SZtt- ..,. i eit. Liacksiu +v. It. ;4 pliiitit•,:,; l• 19. . 1, , i• • Air. Wilber Erb and ladyifriend spent The TInift 1141. i. the eeboole e se; r in rehdte. Every child'should tei rullea ift the %Via iV1ug ht lily, Psi should see- to thi It: vki11 cilOciplp..c the ebild,in thrift, proVide it. with a good inveetment.and benefi t the country.' rills The Bill To A Nicety Mr. J. A. Glennie ha.sjtiat had erect' a Preston Portable garage which me.e._; ' P the requiremepts of the car owner le that respect.about- as, nicely*Fi. anyttriere • imaginable. The buildings are made esectione; and- -the whole thing -gid:, roof; braces, braCkets. and bolts- ie _ - shipped- to the buyer rt-ady to set on.a. foundation, so ehat tile erection is, but 3. _ . . email job, and thatztlents in these d.o, of hurry and high p se •Alr 0 Se, dalf is 1 cal -agent for the Prese,On gar "e;*e/4 In the year beli;.re the war Germany- the British Empire. Canada's iippor- tonity t(e. get a large share uf tiais lei • waiting fur ac.tton7.t hat ie ti.,- - opinion of the Canadian Ti el, ( '11 -mission. • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN urday in •Oaelic ,and Ruglish.. The e, _e_ pastor, It -e. V...a..A.-Mt•Leane.. Will. be'_asia- ter, Mrs. \Valuer itosi, - . .-. - ' ounaay at tile _bellies of ilie_fou.ner_s sis-_, -r,) t:tet.:: tn, J•acki,o`w. _a -.ram or - ta4a-,,..y. -, --- . • t.,,),r;11..k..itr.A.tatgyflota_r‘il2r1laneti..v.!.1.otit4I 1.,:1.,,, sisted 'by. Rev. Finlay McLennan, of Ever) body welcoMe. . Toronto, and others. .. • Mr-. stud Atm- :Walter Vey- eintiiseeel-4-s:- el e •‘, le _ te, lee issiseireastriesee' 1.,1,•kees 4.0-...14.F... .. . • ,,, r. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Dickenson, also -M-res-eifetee're- 4, ..-Atrdereern and Wingloatto. a -ma ta oli• so11,11:i Ifred, arrived in .1.ateknoW from Slitrion .litester, daughter of Atre.and Liu:know last Thursday evening.. • may 111.1v .avvv, at Tor :=1.:\ v 'Nil 11_111, t: 11 tittiWiclittiaity nit -a -it ol.last asieeke Mrs. L.el___Polloile, __passed ' away on * Nir:ai-d-Mia.- Walter:. .1 ioss and Affse TAKE wrn•i... 1Vilfred*.recently returned front overselas. 'Wednesday evening after. a prolonged Belle scott spent last Thursday in Kin_ . hesiieeeha; Junk ,-.e4,,i. hi isee ee .1,•• ill, ...n .• . fitkii, goitist about r hi. ,,,iii 0 try 111..k...4..: 1lk Meese. Although but a mere intareisof , couilt of 'the war .topi,ivt..!: hot ‘o..tr4.,-::.1 where he saw eervice..wii 0 a tank bat. 4 cardine. . ',. • -.• / ., • peyote 2.41: fot.t, :i • to t-. -for r.o..., live* iriOnt Ifs and twenty-three days, it - and i to 5c for ror hor,bbo.411.er, %1 c NA 144 call on talroll. , Mr, Anderson ha.; i-ome inter.. every thane in lee:snow elle %ovine .s.iii est,ing things to.tell about'the big strike ' made a brave' fight for its life till •death - ., Mr. Thos. McDOnald. lost , a valuable eie-e.. 1,ay ihise iireee shit eiteer le eeiseere. relieved it :of its eufferings: To the -cow -last 7eek. : - -.--' .' ----•-the-ntlitlid. ese 111 tin western metoeptlis. ' bereaved.parents the sincere sympathy . Mr. David McKay, who his returned , • stel tt . of their many friends goes out. tri, their home.kom- -.oVe.rseag spent last.Frid-rty -at --Dit-PAlt-Ktit'"7"1.11)1kATIL A"---31" ri°1!:.e,.' 1.tieknow. every Wiptii.esday afternoon. Ali the.:.hOrne' of *Ale. John McDonald, . • 41414t( (*(4f ( Master Morris Wilkinson, whe arriv- . Mr.- L, McKenzie . sad Mils Arnie, .of ick . quly .ecuroci 11)41 wit h fewer treatment. di...ease. . Adjustment of the ,pine i., more , ed hoine lately from the Sick Children's Con. to, Killion, visited at 'tee lieme of . by 0:-Toopat•hv than by aro; other method. 14e11o...--tvill-gi-je-0.414otwelit--- Hospital, 'Oerontressite sere y. a c eer o APT.. •. Waiter Portast e,ritt-ty7 . ' _,,._ _ , ;flyritial nieeting-arthe Women's Iteditute, Lucknow' branch; Well be held in .the Tewn •011 Tuesday, June loth, at 3 o'clock p in.. Mrs. C. K. "ing talk ou the Citizenship of Women. Mei?. Ithiett clones highly. recommend- el-sa geaduate if Ottawa . Normal Seleed, arelet•goed speaker, There will Ate .a good lirograiti, and. kefrisithinentS *111 bPP'seryed A cordial invitation' is. extended to all ladies of .Lneknow and vieiveityee-, Then win -be -no admiseion FOR SALE .. little .farri,"Tand is very Patient in his Poo s 11.E. A ottnrot)ty of 14,4-.', A1/111 I.) . Mr.., Leslie Duebar, who ..bas 'been His bright disposition should ,___• . . .. ,_____..._ ________ • ....... . suffering. over14e#8..for, the past . three ye4to, . rt._ ...... A.1 1 li.k W FlPV, W1.44.44441,16- ' .. 1-. , * ''''-. .----•-• .be a lesson*tOlneni. of us w40 lie prone 'turned hothe. ' and is eteiting., at the saeeeese. ease eee-bse----e-is. -see... -1,, It . rri.,tto grumble for the Slightest ills. He is . .. . w. %Yee:mush, aiss% oi eete. '1 16 I . home if his neck, AIr. N. leunbar -Sr. good, co1/411tion, *on 1-m! S. 1,41' '.: 1I ../ N rV.:,. progressing favorably under the careful, miss melee, .1 iugeesi of , Tiverton, is .. •1 . .11eknow.' ... , , , . • .....vi t r. attention of • Nurse Stinson, and we all visiting friends, and relations hare. .ii(d'sP: rl )It "SALE. Fi ;out' •44:1, hope to see bile around again seon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ilichardso.n were _e_s_etone rouneetien. oil seenteree... '......--e-- . room-. saehen and partly)... gomi (-1:.1t..• strong and Well., • tr:),7%.•IiiiillytiLtAt.;t4,1..111;14.i..T1.i.....tNt.:1I.1. .1. ...:!...,.,,.,1,1‘,.. in Walkerton on Monday f.f last week. charge eciee.y. • ' Reeves 101h 11cDopa1d, f And .1tobte JolinsCon, • of Lucknow,' 111,4- (1r -ed. t hem gh - town- on NI oreclareett renew The I ,114•1snow Brass Band' l'iehmitfee to' Wiarten to attend the Jun: eassion of the Cieinty Rseve Rattle, are. tickling a harzeball tournament. in .of Huron, and Deputy i1 est. lrwiri ac Lin:know on Thstrielaye Juni. ee • .14'ont eompanied them., (With lour such )f the best avains in ebbs district Will be wart* legislator4-, 1 fitrun atol „Melees seetttek , tiralle athletic events will be pulled 4 41 1 41 i•kaereteretese I w ill r;1.11.1tly1TS .111:Ly ...he Slav to hear soill'e• supply Music. keep the (fte for this thing of interest in reietril to. ilie-altaies-' . a enstag,ement; and help along the brass- (4.these municipalities . 11=1. 1416.11 %sell iieser yes yottr"mnp• from fiver4eas are, 'Pies. Bert .1 nit* i ligs, The ktest arrivals of the braVe buYs Willie Wileinegoldwite.Wilkinson; Neil Soldiers Horne mci,vi.naii, Dave' Cox, Dan .1.. Nee lon- Baseball Tournattrent operatiene, repinted to Canada 111,441, 1)p. Soldicl'S to arrive in Lucknow from- (embir arid -wait-ill- hospitht TO ate `overseas during* the Week' Were, Robert beginning of May; undergoing two more Fiall:.mEharleia Piereees Wilfrid. Ander- operat:ens m Canada and 'never will be son, and Messrs. Beatty and McDonald. fit again. • Tn-e two Lest named are former Mnloss Itis to such beys ets ' these that (air w„„4., mard.. .-.111044,ffird 1 111 1 0, whn: servA With the Stratlicona I terse. mech for us and our children. Ae well . . • . am • expr(esing deo ks for the gilts the NI .1ratisrson svas with a 4..1,tnedian two beys !ix preesed gratefid appreciatien 1 ok 4, 44 vl n n, Pierey is an Englieli for the gifts •tv.eCi yea by them froin the lad who 'enlisted here. Fisher went overseas with the ;tooth, saw a good des 1 of strviee the kat year of the war iktid WilLS kr a time with the*rmy.on (le ttbAoe. .11.•••••••• .••••••• • atd, Harry Scott, 1.7‘ter.'eanwiris1l, Jas, McDortald; Angus McAuley and llebert 'McKey. large and enthusiastic iv(' in eLtheaelida_itillie_tra in the past, week. Everxont, of our . eit teens -join ,in 11 114'Arty welemee in the -noble ‘1110 ot the baesstoaade tcoan4o ilf,:rntelleam.They aresweart.t)hlavl' e..1 ready to go vain at their country s call. ta , visit relatives.. She will be ac e t,ud 144 1 hardshipe, th.by declare they Would he Ripley, leaVeS this.week tor Les.Angeles,buik!iti4 '414411 there., Although they suffered marry of, Wiiirten, .forinetly of Ilcopccteto. cowl Mrs. Ailan Ashley (nee.. Miss% . Myrtle cLnatet,-,atit.i2e:5,"..otec •wishinet ).it iit ,r_s_i . v necessary. , We sincerely hope this will tot be compamed by Jackie McGilliVray, ton 1").11'.'1'1,1tY. \ of Mr.. and Mrs, J.21, McGillivray, tried-, i'Mieeday, Alay 211, Mrs. .1.todi. seal; ea ese s•eeteese,e, et run, „„ ;,;.„r. _ riek, AcDonald,- Om: -e. The 'funeral .etio..ower. ,;."''''• • ( , tock place to Teeswater c-einet Ary Aley l'e1111/iLl, rthaniallY0thrl• ti,'ih- t•ledifig tjeraottittit. et .1.ti,•:, ,..• .,..1-. 314 and was largely atte,nded. ' • • eliniiiiiie less• -uch .,, 11,,:,,:1,, 1., , ,,,, The four McKay brothers,. fetinerly cin1,1,114.44hoilei.4211,1,1,),le(1.-ii- 111::,!,,-4,1' '.01,:1, -, . , mail your oriisi nf.the 2nd Con. Culross, whe•were ()ter .ehoietstretn. is (eeoceie 1,. leo ,. ; , e, situ. a:irliee. 11. 1. isle, .41 ee„• seas with the t.'aitatlian army,. ate ,all back ..again. They are 1 et ve, i ver, • NOTICE lius.st'l and' Stewart.' All four SaW a — .• • " • For all atter, regardi mag(;:..,', 1. ill ,,tp good 'deal of hard service at the front, refer to I). 4''.)4,„Se\ , but only Bussel was wounded. Ile has ' .se: I e see-. fully recovered, anTsi< Ntfeletlia: hava d the ethers -are all in 7 tar a large 3111/1111.1 of Wo".,:. I go4odl 10'411111. 11.1Ve and 11,ii•Ver 10'1'0 your Wool until you get., k . I been uisiting ah,pitt here the pest week, will pay on ill, mat ket 1,1 ',Cc• 7 Best \‘1111'.:. • •, but. will o teethe: West,' _p.n., : . ''• post card pnori7\ !luck ti(T i listed. in the near. future. • market for all ki:11, ,of 4,,q1;;T‘. , citv prices pas!, eves* se: If g 0, • The.,extremely wam_weather_l_uLtlie past week is very uneorenien kw this time of year. The beantiful.tfoliage throughput the. cie.entr to Pease and sooth Tenders *Wanted • 11 i:W41-b-f7.4Tv A et. t e the eye oVeYetyotte. 'signe•I., up to 13th, 141Q, t. ' 41' e