HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-05-29, Page 5•
r4....•'�1��"t�.Y/.'ii..'w•RbY•._f.CiJV -� • r�..,.� •
. _ _ r.►.:i'.>�' �. ' -• ,-.'f .,r L•r--.y,fll.� .1 '.-_ t� Y .+::.�raW.r
"Is -this the ge i'nChase's-Dr. SNerve Food?"
"Yes, madam, we do not ' offer s - •
i�'�b is�ItLit'esi nor
do we believe there is anything to take
� .. g the place of
this great nerve restorative."
ELI., it has been so .stron .
<< gy re- nients arising`from .a. thin, watery•condi-
commended to.me that. -1 do not tion of'the blood."
want to 'make any mistcce >>
"\%ell,: I wity
getting the right medicine." going to try- it. How much
is Itab'ox?"__._ ••
"You are not making any mistake
this,for we think too'much of our reputa
tion to try: to talk 4you Ainto: taking some
thing else."
"Do you sell much of Dr. Chase's Nery
Food_ ?," .
"It is one of our -largest sellers, and give
such universal satisfaction that it is
Pleasure to recommend it to, our cl s
But do you'know of cases in which i
has actually cured'people of sleeplc:s ;Mess,
headaches, irritability' and nervousness ?'
"Scores of them, madam: Some people
never say anything about the medicines
they buy, but scarcely -a.--day ,passes that
we do not hear of some case inwhic,h Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food has effected a cure.
It is also great for anaemia, and all ail -
"Fifty. cents a '.box, or six ,. boxes for
on the price, and you need that -many
,.•td) give..it a_ fair_ trial:"__
"Du, you think I will."
- $.2.75.• Better take the six, for you save a
Oh 'yes, the process of building up the.
s nervous system is necessarily ''t?low. You
t will no doubt feel benefited after the first
. box. or _two have been used, but too many
make the mistake of.neglecting the treat-
mentt then instead of keeping on until -the
nerves are 'fully restored.."
' "Do me up the six boxes, then, for I.
- hear of so many people being . benefited
i},y.using the Nerve Food that I am going
to give it . a -thorough test."
If your dealer does nett have Dr. Chase's
Nerve. Food in stock, write direct to
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
(Intended for last'weelr:)
House-cleaning is the :order of the
day, and the Bound of beating carpets
is heard on every hand.
Mr. Hop lard Case left this weAc for
Toronto, Winnitteg and. Regina wlere
be will finish his course in a• law office.
Meslrar-T:-G Alien- tepid N. J. Trei-
eaven have •exchanged dwellings rand
are safely domiciled. Mr. :Allen now -
handles the,. bake shop and Mr. Trel-
eaven has repened the corner store. •
The dant' held by the young ladles'
Club last Friday evening was an entire
success. • The Goderuh Orchestra fur-
mished the music. -
Pte. Cannon Stothers was iin the vtl-
lage '.a _few mays last _week,.,. -Cannon
looks well'and we welcome hitti back.
Two' new Fords were purchased in
-the village last week—tine by Lorne_
j Johnston and Ile other -by Stephen
Last Monday night the.Oifi Guides
had their enrolment in the Girl Guide
rooms, about 15 members being enrolled
by Mrs. (U.il►t ) Allison. Quite a nuns
ber were pres,nt to observe thenk
Inspector Thotns visited the school
here last week.
Quite a number n otored to Ooderich
'Monday night lash to.hear 1)r. H Cody
Minister of E location, sspelik 'on "A
Near l %nada" find other subjects:
tlatnilton •and fancily have
nioVeJ tow his farm south of the village.
Fourth Cort., Kinloss
(Intended for Hist week.)
a1sa..AVin,--Strrs f-I~.eteit-trrnv, is
spending a few days this week among
her friends on. tti Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. I tic.hard Mai tin visited
at *the home of her patents, in West
WaWun( ill 1 est; Solus:ty afternoon.
Most of 'the farmers. along the Fourth
have completed • the 'sowing of grain,
notwithstanding the rather unfavorable
weather. •
Marriage Bells are sounding deen
"over mountain and glen” or alt►:,g the
Fourth and Second these days.
11/4. John Graham bks returned to his
home and friends en 'the Fourth after
seeing the end of the war.
_' .1icv. 1Nru, Ms ' mnell-bas- been'...rtnite
ill for some time, but is on the wayto
recovery again.
Miss l'e,r1 Fraser spent, a few days
with friends in Godecich'last week.
The farmers in Huron Tp. are` having
a very unfavorable season °for seedantr.
Many •have. icarcely trade a beginning
yet. ,
The services in ' the ;'Presbyterian
Church Iast'Sabbath, it being Mother's
Day, were very interesting and' im-
pressive, and wereiistened to by a large
and appreciative audience.
Reid's Conners
—M ouday,May :►f►. ,
Mr:7. N. (lraham and little daughter
of Shepperton were visitors of Mrs. R
-Reid for a few days of last week. -
'-Yilbert . Walden arrived -home'
from the frost Saturday, last. We ex-
tend. a heart► welcome hQnte -to_Wilbert,
as we are always tbankfal to see one of
Our brave lads return.
Mr. John Henry 'has purchased a new
'Chevrolet car.
Mrs. T. Fraser Sr. spent Sunday with
her sister, Airs. Wm. Bell, Lake Shore
Road. •
Miss Fa r3ny Wilson was the guest of
Mre. J iteid._a-bw.-days cf last week.
Miss Nellie McMullen spent Friday
last with her sister, Mrs. Neil Thong). -
Mies Irene Bradley was a Sunday
guest of Miss A. Mcl'herson.
We regret to report the illness of Miss
L..G. Welch; and hope ler An early- re -
c overy. .
Three abios have already sailed with
Canadian supplies to restock Rumanian
farms under the $--25,00 ),000 credit.
.The Canadian Tirade Comroiasiott is
"up to its eyes" in work arranging the
clothing and either sections of the order.
H•n:' blue flame- from the Florence
witicless burner is always steady,
always under perfect control. A special
in-:hetholds it directly under the cooking
utcnsilsiving a. quicker, moi a econ-
omical iw-1 _ -
Used with McClary's Success oven, the Florence
Automatic is a wondetiful baker.
NWS TOPI0 of W1k
Importaht Events Which Have
Occurred Dui ing the Week,
'rho Busy World's Happenings Care..
fully Compiled and Put - Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper -- A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Gen. Denikine in his upetations on
Melva -Ea -has captured 10,000 of the
enemy. -
The Dominion Government is tag=
ing precautions to maintain order in.
The Prince of Wailes tna'y conte to
•C,anada to open the•new Partlament
Officials. of . the '_letter carriers'-
union, Toronto, declare outlook for a -
postmen's strike.
"Irish" Kennedy of Hatrilton last
night defeated "Benny" Foster in a-
s;x-room, bout at Kitchener.
,,Four farmers on the Paris road,
near Brantford, lost their entire
stock orthickens through thieves.
In the a treaty giving Japan Ger-
.itiany's interests in''China there- is no
provision for Shantung's return to .
-Cli inn.
• The City of Toronto has decided
to `tura over to the Housing Cont
m)ssion certain properties owned by . a
t li e 'city -at 'cost.. ;p:race
James. Giovanz2o,-a-Dph-ftalian,
is standing trial for the murder of .
Alex: Dutki, 'stn Austiah, on the
nigra of March 3t).
• The annual statement of the Im-
perial Bank shows net profits of
$.1-.24:-7.,516 compared -with $1,185,-
.066 the previous year.
Eighty per -cent. of the Montreal •
Traimways employes voted the award
given tttetltae eptable, and they will
receive cdnsiderable increases in
L)r. MacNeil, of Arva, pleading
guilty; of having issued prescriptions
for liquor to two men not medically
in .need- of it, was; fined $150 and
costs at London: •
London City Council, agreed to al
low the; Street Railway Conipitny
to chatge -five :cents straight, fare on
Sunday, and Windsor Council passed ,
a. bylaw for the citizens to vote on
• a
on the S.,. Ar.'el A. Railway.. • •
--Edward-Todd, dwaar�d "Todd, one of _the e.^ rl fest . j
businesstuen of Owen Sound, .died in
Florida: - - F
;The sixth annual -convention -or the • • C
Canadian Good Roads Association:
'Opened •at Quebec. a
A vole on a general strike wilr be C
takeifnext Monday by the 1.05 trades.
unions 'of .Toronto. -ti
A World Prohibition Convention b
opened in Ottawa, with delegates 7
present from several - countries.
Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co. reports at
profits for ,the .year of $216•,984,' A
compared with $57,635 in 1917. a. be
Trotsky, in a speech several day's
ago at Kazan. admitted that. -the Rus- en
•slga , peasants were. -:rising against ro
li'olsh-evik rule, pi
The Belgians have ,already sub-
scribed $1,000,000 for 'the Olyuipic , .yea
games which will . be held in, Ant- • Pe
were in 1920.•
Ontario prohibitionists opened tlo
their' campaign against. the liquor
traffic yesterday at a -provincial con- se
vention in Toronto. Ge
• Rev. il. B. Christie is resigning- err
froth the pastorate of Dublin - Street sh
Methodist Church to Join the staff of
the Brant ord,-! xpositor: - - • to •
Winnifred Brown, f2 years of age. Bu
has disappeared from her home at D
60 Malvern avenue, .Toronto, and has_ .' th
not been seen since Sunday' night.
There is a great opportunity, says lia
Mr. 11. 13. Thomson of the Canadian. me
Trade Commission; for Canadian pro- st
duce in British and European mar- the
kets. t ba
The German �People.s i'artv.•for- per
merly the NaMonal Liberal Party, -
has reaffirmed its allegiance to the for
Kaiser at. a meeting' of leaders at Vil
Jena. poin
Sterling Bank' increased, its diva- ties
(lend. from 6 to 7 per cent., and gi(i
showed profits for, 1918 of $213,- foo
-632, cop)pared._with__;28.6,120__the. ---
The French milit*y authorities dead
+ e gojng ahead with plans to. take T
over the Rhine bridgeheads on the Ass
assumption _ that the_ _Germans-_ will_ f_ ttrday.
-' ` - - - . r'{.. •• . •�'•-"S,� :, �.......�1.r.r,.wR�F "'7"'�•+a"..P.'.."+ hi,.,a.2 •r1r. Y,n,,.. .,,.- ....a.. "." ,-yt
r;i0.102 orl)tt 4111 ii4.iffildif 10 trta.
i:N0-,1 tt.,, tt=l.it4 ; elf the treaty-.
�as,•t provincial elections will 1;
held on -the 23rd of June, and it i,
said Federal elections will follow it
the fall .
a - Representatives of the- ncwsp:.p- r
' were the hosts at a banquer tel_
tiered to • tetttrned soldier • at th'
Toronto' AriTiories. -
Mark Skiasgsley -.and William Rae.
etaploye ''of the Steel Co of Canada
at • Hamilton, were illstantiy killed
by a premature explosion.
The Worktuen'i_ and- soldic-1l:s;'
Council of Greater Berlin-- kave pass-
ed a resolution demanding that the
Peace Treaty be signed • ' .
The military governor of 'Salonika
has ,: -utilise the -charge •. tl , j alias
'troops guarding •Bulgarian prisoners.
have allowed' $,000 to -escape:
.R. C. -Render!, M.P., voiced
-plea of t-ke-- Western- farmers
radical reduction oft.ariff in a s
• before the Empire Club, Toron
George Morris, a Russian, em
of -the Interyatio„al .?Nickel Co.,
,Coll'ort.. was found nturdere
the' ,stre•t,•.;robbery being the
abla5 met ive.
Th,e final Inspection of the B
ford Puklic School and Collegial
stitute Cadet Corps took place,
Board of . Education having de
to abolish thein.
for a
d t,.n
e In
A score of persons' were killed
and a hundred injured by- an explo-
sion at, :the ..Douglas Starch_ "Works,
-Ceda•r': Rapids, Iowa, Thursday night.
The-- -ere-tire---plant--_was.: -burned: .
A-1pbone Fectau, it farmer at Thet-
ford aliness, was found dead in his
house, with a bullet wound i' a young.
lad named Gagne -has been arrested
on'auapicion cf. being the one who
killed .hits.
Lord Northcliffe has- authorized
the London Daily Mail to pay Mrs.
Hawker $50.0.00. for the benefit of
herself and her baby, and to Coto
mander Grieve's next of -kin. in the
pfoportiun which the airman and
navigator had agreed to sha're tl►e
prize=nioney • between them. The
Mail's bight conditions and t.he old
prize-inoney are still open to world
Om pe ritors:
Junek 14,granting a five cent f d
Spain • ha§ recognized, the Gore
lent of Poland. •
The •Provincial Government
mtounced its plans •for the sale
istribution. of liquor,,••
The "One Big Union". plan, it is
eforted. has carried_ by. a..large-ma-
cirity in Western Canada.' -.
. lliajbr. Carter or --the Canadiaa-_.A-ir
oree was' killed -yesterday atsftbe
anariian airdrome at Shoreham.
Senator -Peter McLaren of Perth,
'member of the old Parliament of
anada, died at the age of 88 years.
Walter C. Findlay, former prohibi-
on commissioner of British Colum -
la, was found guilty of the theft of •
5 cases: of liquor. - -
King George and Queen Mary will
tend the service in Westminster
bbey in honor of the fallen :nem-
rs of the 'Canadian Corps. '
An auto thief in a car he had stol-
struck and killed a man 'in To-
nto. He took the victim to an hos
tal, and then disappeared. '
A retiring allowance of $4,000 a
r has been " voted to Sir • William
terson, retiring Principal of NfeGil1
ni.versity, by the Carnegie Founda-
Four thousand public and high
hoot cadets were reviewed by Brig. -
Gunn and other officers,• and
izen- were awarded for markshaan-
ip during the year.
I'renaier ('leme_nc.eau _has__declined
comply. with the demand from the
dget Committee of the Chamber cf
Cputies' for the communication of
e. fiti1 .text. of_ _the •:Peaee- Tre ty--
The Council of the Dominion Al -
nee at the afternoon prohibition
eting- in Massey hall, endorsed t
r' ung resolution to be forwarded ,to
Dominion' Government, •asking
t wartime prohibition be made a
'patient measure.
A commission--1-Dr. J. G. Ruther-
4, J. S.' McLean, J. 13. Makin and
hjalm.tr Stefattsson-=-has been op-
ted to inquire into the potent iali-
of the Arctic.' and sub -arctic •re -
ns .of ('anada as a grazing. and
d-pro.dueing country.
V. D. Matthews, of Toronto, is
..._ __
he Clntario Labor Educational
ociation stet a•t 'Stratford on Sat-
sign the treaty. v
The world's prohibition convention
opened at Massey Hall, Toronto.
The Caronia, with Canadian
troops, entered Halifax harbor this
morning. -
Q Dominion Foundries & Steel, Ltd.,
has declared an extra dividend of ten
per (went, w
, Ferid Pasha has been entrusted
with the task of forming a new Turk=
ish Ministry. .
A. special cos nlittce of the Co:n-
moes is to look into legislation on
patent niedicin s.
James Gita• nzzo was found guilty
of the mord' of, Alex. Dutki bn
March 10 at relph.
Former Al erntan D.. F. Fitz-
gerald of Ne Hav eh, Connecticut,
has made application • to referee the
Willard -Dempsey bon t.
• William 1;ailey, of Brantford, a re-
turned soldier; employed as cane -
taker of the City Hall, committed_
tide t fi-rcaug i dcspolydency.
l.cian- companiesl' renewals of ma-
turing debenttitlis in Great Britain
have been very contpliete: anti: a lower
rate- is expected at next term in•
Nov em ber.
The Chancellor of titan Exchequer
stated in the. -British House of Com-•
tv: ttre United ETh dime op to Mar
31 was !:6,700;000,000,,.
Hydro -electric etnpltryes were vn--
successful i• gaining 'concessions:
from Sir- Adam fleck, who has asked
for an opportunity to consult the
Hydro in itnicipalitles,
Harold G. ftoyes, one of the two
. bandits who was shot while atkenipt-
ing. to rob the Rank -of Nova Scotia
at Agincourt -on Tuesday, died in the
General Hospital, Toronto, •
;,Andrew Bonar Law, Govt. meat
leader in the British Commons, de-
clares that the former German
There arc no wicks to clean, no odors, no trouble.
L --t tis give you a demonstration of the Florence
Automatic in. actual operation. 1
Sold by
I-ucknow Hardware & Coal. Co.
eterans of 1866, of 1885, and of
the Great War held a service in the
Queen's Dark.
A tremendous welcome was;♦, ac-
corded the home -coming 19th and
20th Bat talions.
The Sons. of England held 'a tne-
• mortal s' r•vice in Toronto for mem-
bers who fell in 'ths war.
?Tatra/TA „ i'enttfons and picnics,
forested part of the celebration '4f
Vlet oria i)aySin -route placrs. '
Thd .A_fghan commander -in -chid
has written the Britiala political
agent at la} -her asking fctr an armis-
tice. .
Sir Robert Borden and Hon. A. L.
Sifton arrived at Halifax on the Aqui-
fania , and proceeded at - onre to
The Croatian-•peasattt party 's de-
ni anding'the'creatiari of an indepen-
dent -Croatian: Slovenian, and 1).1l
,,,alias rt public. -
Iaspect .,r Arnott of IJe'll.willt
(utucl " wIrfsk-� i►r slay-
vas.•s and t.aIt•hets in :, trunk nad.'a
10 inches tat water" in a t-ist.rn.
Dr. Ka • 1 Renner, cli!of of th" Aus-
tin dell Zan .^., has add,(:•s. d a•mitt
iii ein1- 1' ('1o)1'en(•f:a1) (t�_�:j!ai Brig
of the tle:ay fn subs:lilting file•
i.addet • of 'Lii,111, fros•1 the stathje
v_. .. p . r .r sreT a•rt' T4:iv-4).
on the Kina's Plate on :Sat lt•daay
Site wl.s set'oiid 't(>it Siningsltle 1:+:,1"
year: • • -
'i"he D.,naltlson -Liner ('asaan+:ra,
eastbound, strtiokIan i,-el:•orat, but Was
,ibfe 10 mate tetnpotnr'y tt'I:.t11 - .ind
rft ur•n to St. John's, Nfld., t, it hoat
Sir tiairtin, the great slake horse
belonging to Conitasan+lvr J. IC, 1.
1tona of M intreal, winner of the Ken-
tucky' Det by and the l'rea kncss, won
the Withers on Saturday at New
1'(►rkIthenting Eternal again and run-
ning the mile in 1.39 2 5,
The Busy Itaildware douse
Phone Sixty - for Prompt 'Delivery
You Nay Need a
Good Garden Rake
Make Out' Door lyastio
a Pleasure
A SUCCESSFUL garden needs proper caltf-
vaation. and to work your garden without
wastng'too atooll time. You wast have efficient
g Taal& Let us show you the new
]Moes. Weeders. Rakes.
Forks. Shovels and other devices which will
make gardening a real pleasure to you. as well
as auguring the ,utmost MUM.
We leave them at 40. --
SO, 60c and $ 1 each.
Hoes and Cultivators
from 4(6c up.
Also Shovels,Spades,
and Garden 'Tools.
A Good Garden
Wheelbarrow ,.
at $5.00.
We will also put your
old wheel on a new
top at $3.50.
LIeveIai d . Coil Spring.
Wire ait.d Woven Fence
Hog or Sheep Fence, 8 wires
32 inches high, .only 42c rod
Farm Field Fence, 8 wirt s, .
48 inches high, 9 -Ruane, -
speeal.ly priced at Mc rod
These pri=es are very., very
close and are for cash only
Wecan_ only furnish 'a lim-
ited quantity at these prices,
so do not put off until it, is
too late. Also a stock of an
sizes in Poultry Fences and
We sell Cleveland
Bicycles and Supplies 1
We will buy.1•oui' old bicycle - ;
or take it in on a new %%heel
and, sallow you every dollar 4,
it is worth. - - -
A Fresh Supply of Lime, Plaster & Cement
We also sell Beaver Board for Walls and Ceilings
Martin-Senour'Paints and Varnishes
The Store Where Your Money Gres Farthest
Specia.1 Ting makes the difference
betw Bees the low -paid
worker and the high -salaried expert. We can smooth
the road for you, from the one eUsa-to't he ether.
Students admitted any time. Send.for flee catalogue.
The school that places its graduates in good positions.
D. A. McLachlin. Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal.
ie t2WTL
Let the children name their favorite dessert.
It will be ice cream every time.
- It is popular with old and young alike.
If tin's. Silverwood's, it is pure - --pure pasteurized cream --
homogenized -- - pure flavor -giving extracts, and cane sugar.
There is a distinctiveness about our bricks that you will
like. Among our many flavors you will find your favorite.
Bricks in all
For sale by T. F. Cain
Iota Ades ur;s r ,--A series of accid-
ents haf'pened to _four of our citizens
last week. 'Go Monday while Mr. Thom.
Elliott was d•i--'•
horses they .
ran ata AV, tl
brt•aking his at
ing him. It w
Mt l Iiiott will
.Look for the
Why Paper Is Dear
At the newsprint probe in Otttrt'a au
interesting point brought otn wa)� '► . •
(_)n Tuesday N
the -little finger -
while working
the sawmill.
ceived a severe
breaast-4rem s-
ing tc the putt,
Mr Stinson's arm
he has to carry it
I'enhale had the IT
Clyde stallion. .
manager Were sic
hotel at Grand filen
In the morning w
opened it was foti
hid broken through.
-_. aT:Jeaitbv
, keep it
II.........,....._, -1-----.7
, .)1 -all toilet
_ --.i ••!‘ et ,41 , touches of
� 1 -' 6 bo not i _fail to
:`•-- +3 -mss•-=. lv
,Ill.* `our toilet prepara- '
4 after bathing.
4 4 !'. , en; h c f ('utic•nrg Soar (I'M.
j'6,,--..- 3 m R.: in•an I t-e*i 1: "Catt1cera
.. .,Lee. wad er..rrwhet .
\ \-4-1-
. JSS := .^.1 i^.