HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-05-22, Page 8•
Ladies' Corsets
Our Corset Department contains the three well known
and leading lines of Corsets—N1~ tfo, COII.ENE AND-
CROMPTON'S. Formerly we had to import Nemo from
New York, but a branch factory has been established
in Toronto and now we thus get better ,and quicker
service. We commend two, new makes of Neuro as
lines that give excellent satisfaction.
No. 216 as shown in cut is designed for
slender and medium figures. The semi -
elastic inserts in the low bust, together with
the Neiuo "bridge" construction, insure per-
fect freedom over the diaphram. Free hip
sections and light boning add Vii' -its- comfort.
These are in pink coutil, sires 20
to 26 and priced at. , . 3.00
No.5 i i is a corset for large women who do not par-
ticularly required abdominal support, -but desire ex-
treme red i tioii-of back hips. and ;,upper- limbs, semi -
elastic gores and bands in the long, graceful corset -
skirt give the desired effect with perfect comfort.
.,•Giiehi �h
g erniu -front,.,w��:1,
sizes 24 to 36. Price.
COII;ENE AND CROMPTON--Thele two lines
are well and favorably known. They have stood the
test of years and proved their worth. We recommend
them for their splendid wearingqualities as well as
OP$ERvicE their comfort and ease, thus giving durability, com-
fort and elegance combined. We -have these lines in _:-
a variety of styles and prices from
50 to 5. 50
—Monday, May 19.
Mr. Vert Miller, of Palmerston, called
on Ripley friendslast week.
- Mr. Geo. Emmerton has been under
the doctor's care for a few days.
Me. J. H. Robinson, of Kincardine,
visited at his home here on Sunday.
Mr. Matt Linsley owed Ais house-
hold effects to Kincariine onTuesday.
•-- Mrs. Mac Smith, Con. tt, -D-Confined
to her home with asevere tlttack of
Mrs. S. T. Jackson and family are
proving into Mise C. McDonald's resi-
Mr. A. C. McKenzie, of the Winnipeg
Stock Exchange, was a visitor in town
this week.
Rlpley's new drug store will open
about June 1st. Lieut. White, of Wal-
kerton, will be in charge.
Mrs John F Areb.r, .*ha ' be n
''luting in Toronto for the past month,
arrived borne Friday evening.
'4 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McTa‘ iah returned
on Friday from a month's visit with
friends in Detroit and Ridgetown.
MistI Iona Rutledge has opened a
dress-toaking estahlishment in the build-
ing neztto Mr. Angus M tyn's office. _ .
The regular Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be dispensed in Knox
Church on the first Sabbath IR\ June at
the [Horning service.
Mies Alli.b Mitchell, who underwent
an operation in Fergus Hospital on
• NIonday last. is rapidly recovering and
expected home aeon.
An auction sm1lr -of the house and. lot
and furniture of the estate of the late
Mrs. Donald McKinnon wilLbe held on
the premises on Friday next.
Miss Margaret McLeod held a very
successful sale on Saturday last. Iter
hourtehold effects were of the very beat
quality and brought a high. figure
Rev. (leo. Gilmore officiated on Sun -
'day at the funeral bf Mi« McLean who
died in 'Regina, and ,whose reiu.iios were
' brought to Kincardine co Saturday
last ,
t )ur baseball tc:ant ,journeyed to Kin-
t-ardine on Thursday to play' a friendly
game there. .' - fast and closely con-
tested .game w:.s exbibitett. the sere
being 9 '9,
. . Mr. 1). •11.. McLear 'has. placed ) ow -
j s. r gao:�iine }pump r.n t�P tap in front
• of .his hardware store and is now pte-
e%red t,► serve the tiublie drieh'''iuit?e`'
f 'r their cars.
A number of our citizens motored to
Kio*ardine last Wednesday, taking in
tie big motor car suit at Avery Wil._
--" lies ''s garage. A few e which Were in ,
god running, order were sold at a very
good price.
The infant son of Mr and Mrs. Chas.
Pollock bas been very ill for over a
week. Nurse Stanley hasbeen in
charge and through careful attention
has been successful in nursing him . to
complete recovery.
Mr. John McLean was laid aside -for
a week suffering from a sore knee
caused by being struck with a spike
which flew from a sledge in the hands
of one of his fellow workmen in the
G.T.R. section gang.
Mres Mildred Mor,gan, daughter of
and- Mrs Levi ¶lorgan, who has
been seribusly ill with pneumonia dur-
ing the past week, is now out of danger
and, we are pleated to report, is on the
fair way to recovery.
Mr. J. H. Chapman is a very busy
man those days preparing to move hie
household effects into bis new home
purchased from Wm. Knight. Jack
will now have plenty of opportunity to
exercise his muscle its garden work.
Sapper Pat Baird arrived home en
Saturday evening. Pat was among the
first in this section to enlist in.the 160th
(Bruce) 1.3att.alion. He has /been up
against the gun tire of the Huns, but
looks none The worse, and his friends
welcome him back to Huron.
Mrs. Malcolm McDonald, who lives
in Mrs. McPhee's residence, was the vic-
tim of a painful accident one day last
week, when she fell heavily on the
tlex►r of the cellar. She was severely
shaken up, but is improving rapidly
considering her advanced age. Her
many friends will hope she niay soon
be completely recovered.
Two more of. Huron's soldier hoys,
who have been cverseas, arrived home
on Saturday. Pies. Leslie and James
Cutnwtng,.Airsas_ of Mr. Francis Cutn-
ming, con. 12, suers out West when they
beard the:6111. ca1i. They have been con-
nected with ti h .epital unit since going.
overseas. They will visit their parents
for a time, before returning to the West.
Major D. R. Martyn, DSO., M C.
with bar, arrived home on Tbursday
evening. .A large crnwdl gathered at
the station to welcome hint, but were
sadly disappointed when, the train ar-
rived tc' bear that tete M'ijoir had passed
a j Ike on them by getting off the train
at Wingham where an auto awaited
him and took him to Ripley. 11. 13 is
one of - Rip;ey's heroes who has made
his mark, his gallantry being suitably
re. ognized by royalty and other notables.
Mr. Jas. Downey, another of Huron's
-reepeeted- _ .,sed --away litiiia-
h,une On Con. 2, on Thursday last, at
the age of 7 years. „Deceased had beep,...
in poor health for some time. •arid his
death was not unexpected. He watt a
member of. O1iv `'Methodist Church. a
kind 'neighbor and friend, ,,,t�aarlwtays will -
t -Mg [ti'tii li i .i_ i r
glot°m over the community where h'
lived for a number of years. To bis
wide! "anti family the deepest sympathy
of their many friends iq extended in
their krief
— Tuesday,'May :20.
Wedding belle are ringing. _.
Mrs. Charlet McKay, of—Kennedy, -
Sask., is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hector McKay, having conte
east to meet Mr. Charles McKay, who
has been overseas for some time and is
expected home shortly.
Miss Jean Egglestone returned home
a few days ago from Toronto where she
spent the past few we°ks with her
sister, Mrs. Dr. Mont, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis.
Pies. Cecil and.. Billy Middleton, of
Wroxeter, are renewing old acquaint-
ances in the village
Pte. Arthur Smith, who enlisted from
here in the 33rd Batt'n., returned from
overseas .lately and. is visiting friends
Miss Cassie Pardon spent the week-
end with friends at St. ilelens. e
Mrs. J. Leggatt, of Drayton, is visit
ing her son, Wesley Leggatt.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques, of
Preston, are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques.
Pte. Will Kennedy. youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, and the
last of their four boys to return from
overseas, .arrived home on Tuesday
night, May 6. Ile joined the l60th
Batt'n., and aaw active.service in France.
Mr. and Mrs. A. (',low moved this
week to their new,honse on the 4th of
The Presbyterian ' ('hutch here will
intredttce the new hymn books on an-
niversary Sunday, June tet. ,
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Suite ts,able to he home again, {n4 it
in fairly good health.
Rev. D.; McT►vish left for -London
'Monday morning, where he intends tak-
ing a course in Victoria College.
The; Guild topic last Sunday night
was introduced by Misk Agnes McK .y.
The leader for May is Frank Rosa.
Culross Centre
—Mocday. May 19.
Rog' =- On Wednesday, May 1 4. to
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, adaughter.
l Mr. Nathaniel TDnnbar, Sr, 'spent
Monday afternoon visiting friends in
--Mr. and Mr.. Walter TN, spent Sun-
day Pt the *borne 'of Mr. Janes rig,
con. TM
Miss Lila McKague left for F,dmon-
ton, Alta , Thursdayof bast week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Richardson' and oth
rhit'. Tet Ark-Qr nr .. T
I mi * t, beim held oitce us
a charge of hMing lost one of the
babies entrusted to her care.
British Minister of Food stated In
the House of Commons that It w
not the intention qof the Ministry t
purchase the exportable supply o
Canadian cheese in the present sea-
Marshal Huts kas been installed
as hector of St. Andrew's University.
Approximately 211,000 unionists
went on 'trike in Winnipeg at 11
The troops of Adtuiiai Kolchak
have captured the city of Samara, on
the Volga river.
The Russ tiss+iet •Government
has advisedw!lelation of Petro-
grad to leave lDoUt delay.•
Prof. Macnaughton, In speaking at
I he Empire Club, Toronto, warned
Canadians against false pride in vic-
Fort Erie Council has passed a re-
solution offering free water and no
taxes for a term of years to tndns-
tries locating there.
The failure of the Hungarian Gov-
ernment to send delegates to Paris
niay cause delay in presenting peace
terms to the Austrians.
Tl,p feet!! question had right of
way at the annual meeting of the
Toronto branch of the Canadian
Manufacturers'. Association.
Rev. (Capt. )' W. A. Cameron, ad
dressing St. Andrew's Society, To-
ronto, declared that Bolshevists was
the only alternative to the League of
The creation. of a separate Depart-
ment of Fisheries, with a Deputy„
kiiriisteir in charge, was urged 'upon"
Ho,. 'ii. i;allur,tl,., L; t..etnt,ers
the ' Doviinion Fisheries' Association..
Five thousand scholars in proces-
sion and nearly as many adults par-
ticipated in a tribute at Sault Ste.
Marie to the memory of Edith Ca-
vell•l, many memorial trees being
The golfers ranking .from one to
six in the records of the United
States Golf Association will conte to
Canada in June to assist in a cam-
paign to raise funds for the Red
Important Events Which Have
Occurred gut sung the Week...
Buss World's Happenings Care -
full) l'c►mplled and Put Into
Handy a 114 Attractive Shape for
the Renders of Our Paper — A
Solid Hour'H;njoyment.
The Melita docked at Quebec Mon -
:ay at 3.30, and the Cassandra will
•ikely reach Montreal to -night.
A further strike of employes at
isle Union Stock Yards, Toronto, was
'Pei•teti by Senator Robertson.
Hydro `Yates for power, and for do -
"i stic and commercial lighting, in
have been considerably re-
Gen. Pershing will ho the guest of
Treat hrit,tin, while in London, and
•ill_ make ink•cstittire at iluckingharu
'ata t e.
The Hiawatha ,slndians at Rice
pi's'seat each returned. veteran
.. i t h t im :''res of land in the eotu-
'1 ra•.-ing on the Standard !kilning
•:xcliange was the heaviest in years,
144,6;:1 shares changing hands, sil-
r.rostocks being especictive and
tall -..a_
Albert Leflar, of Orangevile, promn-
aent- fn church and Sunday School
A ork, and an extensive money slender,
.s dead.
A petition from the Korean people
tIld ttatiori,asking.tor Ilbera:Uon from
ap;tn• ee �. •stibInitt€d to the'-Pefice
tour:f_ -i
'Ptt:,"Jdil►i'C6"dl; -1:haf is I with' mfr-
'let•.,,, was found not guilty .by:
runto jury, and `ria. plea of insanity
was sustained. •
The G•Jrntan-Austrian Government
is abo.;t to alter the Austrian
esetitehton by making the eagle
Align -headed.
The Celtic is to_arrive.. tr,t Halifax_
with 2,675 Canadian troops on board
on Wednesday, and the Ot•dc_:ia, with
9 7 6, on Thursday.
Miss Ellice McKinnon a school
teaicacr, while . visiting ,iter cousin,
:sirs. A. , McLennan, at Glencoe.
drowned herself in the well.
The first contingent of the volun-
teer army raised to relieve the men
fighting in. North Russia left New-
castle Monday for. Archangel.
St. 'Phomas citizens• are invited to
buy coal at $10.25 through the city's
Coal Purchasing Committee, the
dealers' charge being 812 at present.
' The Austrian chief delegates will
arrive at St. Germain this evening.
The Bolshevists on the Archaugel
Iront are active, "but are silenced by
Allied lire.
Guelph Labor Schools frustaes'fail-
-ed to carry .a motion'to abolish m
tary training.
Women were admitted to `:ter:rber-
ship in the vestry of St. G,surge's
Church, Montreal.
The Canada, bringing a thousand
Royal Air Force otheers, is ex;t.�cted
to arrive -.about Thursday.
Fifty London mothers were enroll-
ed in the ltiternatio:tai _Qxd'ar.stt Al
lied Mothers in Sacrifice. -
'lilie steaziier_.MonIcal•in, the fifth of
th'e thirty wooden ships builuiug at
Vancouver, was lauactied,
The Trains Council has au.th_ uriiea,
a vote of all -Crit• eiiy `ut,fu.s uu t t
Question of a gcnnrui strike.•
Canadian war het•ot s Were decor-
ecor•ated by the (governor -General at th
Parlianient Buildings y.tster,.t'.y. s
Three children were almost in
stantly killed` by motor v..l:icles
the east end of Toroaso last :tight: , a
Sir Robert Borden is rotur_.lag tt t
Canada. Sit George Fortier p. ab..n1 t
µi11 take Sir Robs rt's hes.
of the Canadi:in tlel(ga110.t.
The -eweetr*4ve- -of - the: -Diinttnio t
Alliance issued a strong p:.n.tt- c
against the 1"t•deral V „v ratirent •
proposal to div,, ptuili�,..i.►a l.o..,:. f
Yesterday was sentence day In
the Assize Court.
Seven hundred sten off the Scotian
arrived at= Exhibition Camp, Toronto,
last night.
All the Allied representatives have
left Budapest and Red Guarda are
digging trenches about the city.
If the peace terms are •signed by
the Germans celebrations will be held
In." Creat Britain on Aug. 3, 4 and 5.
Dr. W. A. Ross, a prominent phy-
sician of Barrie, died after an illness
of several months, in his fifty-eighth
If present plana materialize inter-
national soccer matches -will be play-
ed annually between Canada and the
United States.
The strike of the bank employes
in Paris is virtually over, the direc-
tors having promised an increase in
pay and shorter hours.
More than 100 members were sign-
ed in Toronto tor the Ward_Two sec-
tion of the Personal Liberty League,
opposed to prohibition. -
The steamer DAL Hanna -was sunk
in collision with the Quincy A. Shaw
off Thunder Bay Island. The crew
of thirty-one were all saved.
The Newfoundland 85,000,000
bond issue was bought by Wood,
Gundy & Co., Toronto, at 100.71, or
on a basis of about 5.45 per cent.
The city of Metz has sent an In-
vitation to Premier Clemenceau to
tand as a candidate there in the
election to the Chamber of Deputies.
The Ontario G. W. V.A. convention
t Windsor signally defeated a mo -
ion to strike out of the constitution
he non-sectarian and non-political
The Mayor of Toledo has endorsed
he action of the Ohio State Boxing
onimisslon in sanctioning the Wil-
ard-Dempsey bout, and has so in-
urtued the Toledo Ministerial Asso-
Lt: -Coli. Wilson of the British -st:
In Mesopotamia 11h w tro.a ai.,,al .
England in one week. Ii.. .cess d t. t
desert from io::ui towursi, C:-1ro a
one day. t
. A new two -million -dollar buil.?i a
is to be erected by te:.I. Dai.aim3't „ .. ,
eminent in Toronto. ft 'sill be Ca 1
able of hou..iag .every civil s,:eva
in Toronto. - c
Geti. Allenby' la on his sr.:y 1) , T
ria. Mai. -Gen. Si: L: U. le. • a...c !:
taken charge tis Sirdiir bf do. i.g ]3
tian tri►ry--ttnrl-as--t3vrern-v;.,e-7:7: - s
of the Saudan. -. b
TitCR31) %V. -
Premier Bdr..eti Ins 1.'. t r,_ : • t s
London en route to C..n.,.:a. T
• Poland is l yiag .-1--.aaa1-.to .
t'he warships sttrr.a.. ...d t,; b
• The Ontario Provi .ci 1' G:Zat
Veterans' .A.s►.s,..:,.tio:s i;s .i_ati..1: in
Windsor.- t1
James Pi tter•sen. cysts►.• ii -i: I
prietor of the 1i':,.Sol. ' tili r di
in his 37th year. P
Sever..l Cana •i sol.'.ik r-.
have qu.'litti d ler - ke- l►.,,, .. s . R
vice Totirnai:ttnt.tinal.a., tr
Walletvillt's• "tt.s r.:te-Is 27 It
31,2 mills more the n fast y : r. A
the highest i:: the tatwn'>• I.is.ur's fo
--- Tlaouses {>;:.-k an 1.. i 1 .
aid. killed his N:':fe est •. ' �is
Ottawa and th. n LI, r ._f -e- T • ---• pa
RusSi:.n fio:shcvtit Ie.% .• ... 19
with new (la ,at:is t,y f,.•
Ukrainian pe•ar•..r.t kiss:• t • i Sc
The students cf sr:I 'i LT
lcgia"te iit:•tlttitc 1.:.v•• ;, is
l•'r.•neh children made f ..
the war.. " . ff sit
The trad•-s uniona'ef '1''k.
ed yesterday on tht, e; .
The Ordina docked at Halifax
Thursday night, the Scotian at Mont-
real yesterday morning, the Canada
t Quebec yesterday afternoon, and
he Olympic at Halifax yesterday
Armed robbers operated in the vi-
inity of Thorold and St. Catharines.
Thomas J. Thompson, aged 11, of
oronto, was drowned in Ashbridge's
Wm. Hurley, a Hydro employe of-)
inlcoe, was electrocuted at Amherst-
A movement to unionize all un -
killed labor is in progress in
The steamer City of Meaford was
tuned at. Cbllingwood, the result of
The Minister of Militia gave notice
the House of intention to revise'
re- Pensions Act.
The Brantford lodges of the Cana-
an Order of Foresters, 600 strong,
araded to church.
The Toronto Bureau of Municipal
esearch has urged speed and a clear
ack for the eerie housing scheme.
Returning members of the Royal
it Force gave Argyll House credit
r expediting their return to Canada.
India's wheat crops, just harvested.
given as 278,623,000 bushels, com-
red with 379,850,060 bushels in
Vice -President W. D. Ross of Nova
otia Steel & Coal Co. says coal
eas bill fn Nova Scotia Legislature /n lune
fair and reasonable.
Developments in the 'Toronto'labof ji''�.-�•
uation during the week -end indi i Coat 8405
cate that the city may be plunged in-. ' .-
to the throes of a general strike, •
.�///PChi-11Atri@1 6RAINING PPOC3I5
By these : icnple operations anyone can apply beautiful, hardwood effects
over old soft wood or previously finished boors, doors, w:aud".vor1. end.
furniture.. Washable; heelprwf; looks and wears like real hardwood tinish. Costs. about
3 cents per Nseuare foot. Direction►r on each call. learn to .�t�lilt IT. *7 in nutrs at
where you are assured courteous Interest and will. find Chi-Narnel_quality-Fnishes•fur everything in
the home, all made 4 self -leveling, water -proof, Chinese Oil" by our secret process. G1,arautfed for
service and easiest for amateurs to apply.
Curs is 'the Chi-Namel-. store and ‘‘e have many satisfied
users of Chi=Hamel. We carry the goods in stock and are
hereto'give full information and teach you to grain in a
ft,w minutes. s.
Now --is t h'e -- me
put on Screen Doors
Protect Jour home before the tlies
come in swarms. We have many
different ftytes- ' of doors, but we
would a5k ;you,to see •the -icASE-
MENT ".SCREEN DOOP, the light-
est, strongest and most service-
able door on the market.
We 'have PIILPSTONE '• for
plastering and LIME for
The Lucknow Hardware & CoaICo.
to put off to=day's duty until to-
morrow. _ If your stomach is
acid -disturbed take
the new aid to digestion comfort
today A pleasant relief from
the discomfort of acid -dyspepsia.
Eighth Con., Kinloss. -
----Monday, May 1!I
Mr. Jos. Culbert called on Glamis
friends recently.
Wm. $tatters. auction sale was large
ly attended and everything sold at a
good pries;
Leslie Sturgeon, of ,I ervie, was over
in his new F„rd- csllruR •on his many
friends in our burg for the week end.
Mi's l:.lith Wall, of Westford, spent:
the past week with friends on ther&:h.
Miss It Ise McKee has returned borne
after spending a few weeks on the Four-
th Con: '
—Monday,May 19.
Wedding Bells are - Joyfully ringing.
Mr: and !titre: Stewart McGee- visited .-
at John McGee's last weeg. •
Mr. John Martin made a business trip
to. Toronto- last week.
Mr. John Gibbons is in Wingbani
Hos)ital getting his arm attended to.
He had it.broken -a.few weeks age,
Miss L. 0..Lingm•an spent the week-
end at ger home in Whitechurch.
Mrs. 1)ttrnion of S.. Helens spent last
vvel at .1o.hn Jamiesons.
Mr. and Mrs. It. 1I. Thompson of
1)onnybroek spent Sunday at Jas. Mart-
Miss Victoria Champion spents•a few
days with her sister Mrs. Sandy Havens
last w:..ek.
We are sorry to report that Mr. Sarn.
l'hi li,rs is under the L) )Cter's care.
No Trespassing
Trespa,..siig on the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 11, Corr. 6, Kinloss
Tp., for the purposo of lishirtg cr shoot-
ing, is strictly farbidoeu; Anil trespassers
will be prosecuted.—TH0 .AS ROACH.
Whut 25CenIs-
and be An. Iwvesfor
In .Mee
Cost 84.04
tG ' til att .r
1ias v 't been Lk -•n. •
Aft issue of $ 1 t.'') i.f'•tiO t' ; -3-
'flet ast-thse I'r'talnee- bf L „
ick u::tt t e.. t F United
Corporation o: Ji;alrc•..1
The Grand J•.;ry. at th--4 Tbto:
izes strongly retomm,n,'s a'
er thing in . ►.g nro : c::tT t. nr 1.
$e al iu i lr: crt t e -amt .
artt r3 f_emia..nc.t r J: 'E. 1 •
a' ' .rea .torts . which 'won 'h.
Lucky De :.y last Sat,:rt.ay. .
ed the famous Preaknet:►
Baltimore. yesterday.
rs. W.• Gill, a baby farmer o! To-
m or r.ting without a ti is ii-
day with' Kin:oas friends. i J R„s
Mr. Wm. McDonald. Jr ,'son nt Mr. ' Ken
\V tit. McDona;d, formerly of (ern. h, is fur
visiting at the dome of his parents and M
F rother here. ►
ev. R. J.' M. Perkins of .' t. James'
Church, Ingersoll, announced •his re-
signation to accept the appointment a —
of rector of f'hrirt'ss rhijrch,
Mrs. Jolla(J' 'ish, of Woodstock,
died Saturday night. Earlier in the
y she sustained a fracture of the
ull when she fell frr,:;r the front
' -Af•--1 '-r 1i+r�.�, a --t y.. ..
Sanguinary enrountera haveeur-
red at Soha berween the garrison and
revolutionaries, who' demanded the
resignation of. the GerreTnment and
the establishment of 'a soviet. . *.11
B u l gatria is reported M be bras t
roar. - 1
• si e
And you can invest it in securities as
safe and profitable as any held by cap-
Twenty-five cents saved each week can
be made to earn 41/2'1 interest by a
very simple plan.
Thrift StaMps colt twenty-fi
each. Sixteen of these when exchang-
ed cents
ed for a War Savings Stampha
B becomee a
41/2', interest-bearing security for
which the Goverment will pay you
$5.00 in 1924.
In other words, if you lend the Govern-
ment the $4.00 odd you have saved by
this easy means, the Government will
pay it barb -to you WiTH AN ADDi-
I TiONAL DOLLAR five years from now.
• And you become an investor in the saf-
est of all securities—,a Government
Canada needs the small savings of her
people to finance the
wer Seeing* S1
ran bs &sushi whss%
err+es this sign 4
Make Your Saving,, Serve You bad
Serve Your Country. live,` Them is
Wu Savings Stamp,,