The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-05-08, Page 7::FINN AV 0.0 "Their eyes were opened." -There 1JE r4R14 .OME ATTRACTIVE is the awakening of conscience, the 0, sellse of shame and.fear where there at --%d had been before nether L-hame nor -e Th hi e Pol. fsion o 0 f uttractii hoyne Nvin is art irsuranbe against.,w6de. -my Germ FLY fear, ana the ding'from God. With the first consc;ous sin -of isobedience -h LI. -:e uf vines it d Sk nut bc:yunkl th rva( innocence is gqne. Each tries to rrutintil, W O� a %.),-i hig to cover� uhs�­ht,V places i a INTER, NATION L LESSON fly Wr or 1 4% -1 "The shif t the blame upon. another. iiant.- have ikiade h 6 I- in I u36. It" "The -ile iievera A group of men w �7. I te' The airn s ould be to'zo, i M'- ju. Im A Y.. I 1. woman gave Me. tanding stay en �­tble by a few pro�e, the grounds that there is, no- I round th?6fire,nIa Prevent Dairy* V 41�1 - serpent beguiled me." 5AWoRe Country rilt!e death. S. herc awl th,.re. -ela Club fter their 7,Lnle ol golf. They Until that time,it pay Thrf* is'litte i -I thing to h:de. In --*rranging, a ::I LesEon 94i and Con,',,.equ. ences, Geh. 3L: 14-24- The Co'nsNuences,. MUJIN loss'es in the (1-64y; be ca.i-ervl n'd pl-ce the -oil size, 1:bout the farm hcme ti S' "Cursed' art The wim- were &scussing the cause of GL -r - 'k !'(1 - I , o f A, Ain. u - i ( cI U �3odl. 14 tk I 11 hwrte ' ull�d its . sur-�-- les t.C4.� ; I" -es - _ __VM. LI: 18-24 JaMeii many's defeat. One lWd j� to tfie they��,ill not W Amacke.d! 4s- Us" to e* T)oism is contin' d 'Ae prostrate 0 . Lie -enLvd. 0111 Ow, hire([ nr�rt cr I over Stlidy the its it W.1111 1. British blockade, another to am. y -11 nl J,4 ht be [Ire'. �s. a.i c=,pared with it.,; at- the better. finu cow died a n (r the by fhe'stock. Sroukin-, iii t.be th it may be it, by hok, '�klllqt mature. t.c.n. 6:23. 1 form cf the serpent and-. his sinuou For ef.ample, lilac, le f tactic��r aother tq the diplomacy'of .114 1'LM-,*aii,)n a�nd FallL. MON'enlentS sugogest the - (a gra" ion U11(i. to I— I rea. sar,1, and.eavit t, r1ed go I vernments, ' which had lece Of wil*e� -is -11lothCr evu-ze of ,-eriou,i losse:i "Pro;#�'r and careful bu.,-. 11 6.� the al' -V1h:*Cl1 the '-Tit'e '1h,a stcry is i!� e d- t)- and-deceitfainciss- of sim The natural It X2 -11a e rang g'ainst Germa-Ay- virt,jally e. S er iise, and orn.ir'nent Wri ,er as a ni:) C t4d, a V� 0 SUM! of P. 6 Mkd de%`(.AlOp, initead of crowdin*g t -h e Ulic I d1t lt ' L�n, d?'0a*d the -whole of the civilized world. is 11 - L V. Ild nilLital ,-crap� of I 11 ki'-L J- er ON%, the rC'."t JS �reLrde(t e the hatreJ. n. , %vhich't5iie ha�bc'tmx sell the rurm :111:1 g'A 3 1"-;t IP.Acd o much s n'eat n nd ,bu!.heA in orde' iny be vo m Mixed WithJee,l Aild be r to 01;taill quit�k��r o If �,'n in the. world It is, which ever healthy mind feels' for. Ju.st at that point, Dr.-+Edgew�rth, U, job III H P(;ol4-.vom.- -Thc inAil t appekkeaqce, lef.1'ect. it is b�:4.4er to the pitstor of a local chur-lb, j�lned' U.ie individual crue a,,qd luhr�leanness- .1 u I;crt of tl -y of it cbrow- n ore. hi�toz . I - -a 4t.'the (:orn`c'-rj. of the hou--�e or I by t he serattlies f rom I KYOUIld tile F-nryn a re r-nd bu h� the group, and they turned 146 him for brokL -and Eve. repreEent. Verse, 15 has been called the Prote-:. h- 'por es than, to i * his' %.all -a op in lo a, -inte -th-2 V...IL.0 fig 'groups' Ia )o ion. The good doctor thrjught Ofteill-barn he mar pre� L�h - a _el, Ike and hivitirip , surroundipga as�, L4 plarit 4t+n,, u 'Irl b r o Ve i I I i -t,,, s s., o f shrubs '!i nilliry to .ddiry-, cos. barn. nlay Ile, li &S th� first gospel, 1�eca,fise it i -tlie h m a n ra' 'e, t he': gard �:, a.. momerrt, -and then- he' said. 'slowly, -�,pririitive. childlike ' ifinocence and declares The ult�Mate viictory, of . he� a- IPo-,,r Ln! ba l"i 11 1. -thQ­ba':e'ef t)1&' ! - .1 ". L . t &-for family life. The.ideal JJ.1)Ut4 U well enough, I -il i.11 c o e. - A thett iJL, u men: know L Me thv bi. is I)v OVtT il; st to (L.�,I, q1e r i" tild. nk, �6 feel that I- am not �q 11"I t ti re d - a nd S P' A I N q I bar;I c tnuous 6f I j &I th�� t-ree of life repne- man over +h,i serperit t., t Y(: 10.0 JlUC3 J 7 r ve 't t tver -at -�e, f s t on ( -h S(;j - C �V J -J tic W Y t ought I h, ends, lllld'fr.�17� 1hut may I)CLIU'�-4', b. -It V i C dry -is as'- v V., -hurch -Wre.. And re or e,�s, t i,,, i a i?. h ` a .. . ­ c do,ca-y k'nd them a.cow i 1-l'.tviwr :surroun, in­� Nvl��ni -ro all,4, u r e,�. T e - serpei;t-he Tof ikrong -Y i4se will ffonl shade an�", gi%e. the 96rYieAiTn1e,, CUWZ P, to thik we -kuilty of a Pius platitude (leath. Tile- 'tre*c-� of the kno'w'l, c -c'rus'hed, even t ough' man� 'Wa Age will A.A e '011d of It i s a n' ackground and fr-UMQ. St Aj�d f6 -1�. 0ioijifli, n4l' n though L�e drii,nage ditch s br rivvrs i its bi -wzeu that gQod I -n t h )�t`ibat . e ga n ir fa 1! Ond is loft-wnA mxr-Fhy." Which- -e t .f Is u wt r maple, ,ca _ k or simil,ar factor in Germany'S -tW 0 w�ere ­the-hanks--are­Lr i's the def6rtnininjr Whichr every., ma mus obey if he� vivtory­ Our Lord Jestis Christ, in tlef, t w z�t.. T h e!-; e long tr�es arc, ea 1) ,%-o'uld reserve h +lie 'Eer- His sinkess manhood, has proved the- feet,. -I broken leg m' -a Y rie�7ult. Even Recently a arnier JoA "i fivie regy munity to have Itis,1107ne ar, Attractve' tall n t vO.W 'O I I t ra i I I et,' I alld i tered cow ivhik-h mired in a' as r.ossif)le. One, lttle f-;-, r m. T other' afford �hade without p s.-T-fe, and ��ping air cur-, '-Do you L remember,". he. continued, trueL h, -a'' -Ah rat on J tliraugV' -about.- Xa.� she Wiis -Ner�-Ptlt thc! ti-Uth-in an(l- I ' - - , ­ L " . --mhirt--Victor Hug' inil i ou 0 s e. 'W It h May share Ilia victory. ca U a SVI-10.U9 reduaion in the' flu omfition. suv�h'th htme-* beauy he 'Its. lle daty." h'is' re - th r e e way -i In Inppr-tite.and deL.:ire. -Asohe ri t fi t�, she Thee a L c ha (I tf) 101 at. -Waterloo'? It rULil!S Pk -,e, rnisk,'" t vine3- may- er v. ell say 0 7*11 I I 1. _§� Th e sto4, of h; 3 ,4�0' Y: --be kA W4),i�n raws at thc proper 'The faim h-cme' -Ile u.: -ed to --great a th travail a. d- T-ai "Vy'as - it- -Vossi 1p -for Nap-� J W, An WV to th temptation, fall or the ni:�'ht, �there houll wa d,-1hy in utiful by rn p- to cc�.�cr -0,-- Y be .be'v e a r 1 --it o mie toil- f' Jifei not evil 0'1.e,3 to i -n �at lWaterto We Ans,- :&f Wel f 1) i n s f -AA t'J)1e% nt "flib Ll ;k� Y th-2 ho,.i­ 'le- "I.)y a ", i -: �,s (, F i: 1 �� !.,)� �- t r nt ,,he'ran of t r ...... L I Gk) ij 3C JJ II I gi�u ry f � I'[ILJJlL , i -he the .disaPL, e a 11 of treej;:�' a )ontme-nt, cause of th %-6 t h '^ i,. al- : L .a )rn' -!0011V No m, -i b is f e 0 A t o rrina:n in such it- positi Y lilles 11 - the wre -,k u f e and the p, --in. of man- should fll. to keep the i�-e o!.: h veritble u s;,, I -L; f, the f r cl' m o f I n, �i war be Ile had been .d.cUW L it tf Ih to, Ow. b the in. h,.i i crif I peRehe'd - bef are t� th, y .m. F. -i i i a or kardi tf�e. shcul:l I 1-0 - I s, I c. the- In- i, It or (f 0'a, I �i o' t e 'a o f i'i P c that bn s 3, b'! I1 1 The f:irm home i. -i. t t1! - "A''' 6ne of us. Tlicr-maturlty. c)f finite,- ar.-d his fail been decreed,' a te ice, 'is -it p t o a an�l .2, In b And then ViAor . Hugo addsi i orrime hi--, " .' - - ch clie v� 11^1ws he, fa'r_m business'is ns of Vir(ri-a er iztl lih p pleon bothered, God,., a WSJ 'but a estozm. 1 ho porehes. 31tterbweet, 2 eavh man, as..in a I d b I'! F -i I I - h.� As: to, f t 1, -e' jadq 0 ni r,. Spritig is Tilre to Up. emi, er, , troni,ix,t Qofl in the power to 6od es, the home life, it is of first Imr.*.orta,Acq; ahlc'gu�.h' e.�porfcnce.' -,When he reads -1y' "But dtility d -,,.i-!; e.o a too* quic, I don -'t see ho -v HugQ can how. I is7u 11 .1 k omes all Sprin, not be re all frcni evil, c i n i wiih: Mtk ! 12 narrative I I, s 6onscicn4 to Ji im, that -the farm as, a shpuld e f or 11 a and e.-ied one.,of jlic a 11 but t! Tat which pro.ve r In priih-Aive. times the to )e prac- l. -or,het of God- "Thou art (.1isobel. I mcn. i-ke a ht. f�ir 'plenswit h crm e. 1:;P. If Al A` 11 d r e n A P r d 6 n i s a ti t; ft; IQ U1. 4 ',-X- Y,p ' ;--- � ti�_e Id .1) rr.. dI. 'to in� r g, a �.be, -tift-t -i-b-e harzi-a- --to -a -re -th e -ni ECI�K CTV -s, a ml an t, "of God' the mad-. owth c me m surrou�din,, b:?. 0. ttro.ugh sin fil.terven 'ot, -Th.- ic-i %ient s the.. power. but now, ern or thell -it follows: AbjQct *Seld.,)%m -seen c -n -farms.. A gLar. -e P. I t !,,.I ient- qf--a rn ove-.,nent. 'D t wnswered the fam I I u oleo' a t t I L. 1).1t nd i�hick on i t C n. logy iden-i -y mic r, . t. J - distorted and doctor, "not Nvitli Aathematical pre-- liu,, ­hting ene -funct;6n ;of den upbosed' to -be a 1)lace for, th it the most impor, theo housc..;,. A, clean -Lip not only tant arch it m. the'attnrT.nr,,nt -ara -re just a fied n;m with Satan,it.he -temp- bf ev'iden'ce is *th .f 0 ill Und the -h-r-ai S. a farm' is that'of supporting a good flowers, 'but 'it may also be -a. place, re hich -.I no 'long- c;sjon. his sor is' o-ne of. ­tward lure with corru�ted L nat`13 ea Tilt- bes� way' to do it 'Tproves home. If every farm child were in ter Qf m4m. The o. tl�klish in th thie-old reli.able ;caustic 0otash-:thc for off for plants"lin which' vine is especi.f lily -t Sj .. - God (i.e. have'.m-ost., _'the, world, but l' ive hom I s of Eonl�ethmg. ttract e si&rou'ndin,-A, many �-interesefl. th officer ease. All of this 0 f a 1 -se I i o c ds "I css to -'thheld and it-, fi nd a dis" shotild' �-Tbe AU-'-sbioned -ar the tr-e bf He), and- 51 --heard -pli are calves� f f'6,� rt t t i.v i p ed Nrlien''they, 116 c v ­appe I llotjl;n� ilu trernis r-spon e L t t 'return because than. triree ihstances Nvhere solved' and we, would, not be f acing. perennial floweri, and'annuals. Those rden and cnno 9 oil' hido ill remote. corneri rd a good ti.-.kiti�i in the dit'iry busine5s, he the question cf keep4'n,,,,- YA U)Id who, are' f ond of novelties of the and, de.�I.r*e.. Evil (�omes to the m an the'sword of jdgment, bars. the Xay.' but a r.'Iiracle saved. -thi. Alli'es. I pplied- freely..4 1A 'tern -i4- placed near a pile of haN.. g only with- his.- yield in g disi,ifectant, should be a i,-Irls on -the farm. to� the teiiipta:- J "There, are c . qrt . �r�.-n lst-drj�41:'I ga.M , i M n�rser cr r rare in terrible picture -is., h- nel- -obedlence to tcs la -w. 'is "A epy'ironmezlCvid1,.al specime* a f 0 n �1 w Pl e t0 �cle'rin'up and fairm, �yMan's, . tAtalo o A raphic and ents 17hat g -,t, written down as"bear.' t''o, the hiT�d.­.Man hits the T�e influence of tion dnd dis f disinf6et -the premises,. but the'work I n or theit 'Peculiar low�r nature which should be in sub- drawn, in Rom. 1: 18:23 of:the' eon- lantern over.with a pitchfork full o has a subconscious b ' I I I . - . ' ing marks of the intervention- of -God. Lit potent effect L characteristics,, sUc eq V should Ve repeated as -Aitch V -it.. is 14 'as. the color of uence's'of g -the "wrath f.Go th ree�, -the barn- is voon ..Jection, .,gets he mastery. Appetite m -enc Ah on'childt-en. while the'barn is' tbeir'10aves, their di tinci­h The storin at deftated the Spanish' er necessary. a ab;tS of j Ltr ill flames. Scene four, the farm rules, and the sp;rit,is, enslaved and the IOSS*��t Lie know!edge of, only a playground io the chillitren ro *th, their' beauty,. or their od-di d fo Armada. is one, and' men'a;re beirin- I It has been clearl Ot surely.-d�ie."-The-step-s�.,H' -4to'look 't the -fi 't-b-jtt f th"i family are -surveying' -the, �y proved by' y be taught orderliness nd 1,-q a d tlie vanity. ar -here ma' h6uld have:' ardeh -n ning a rs le 0 e Competent anth- ch -i r. -(j,-, I n-] mentioping the factothat; science' through the aid of high-power 9 into which a!I of temptation ate accuraiely describ- i ry'. -also in wo,6dlot, orchard9.;such plants may be ga�hered. Marne as another.. thrift, as microscopes, that there ekitt numer- d., There'is the pa I `w'ith the' e wages of 99 money will hardly build, Meadow, and 'field, all'gilving one InaSL e r eying Th si n is, &ath, I no". orities tell, us that the German defeat S' w 7 '0119 111111ute nimal and v,.egetabl,e s mueh a alks lini .drives, are,. tenipter, the- question,. Lhe doUbfr,tbe mer,.e,.:' hy �ical deaLh, which-, is. �the _present cost of Iabqr r'nd' exam.ple of Kving,.blijict le - lbe - Tns �P ..' cannot be adequ.at0ly*xpl0ne&n hu-` a,.,( ca orkanisms- -germ-, -'an-d - that is t sconspieuOus. these 'xl10uJd,- ot eeli-�ng­that something,-ve y desiraMeeommi mail groun en f armers n ­shioA-as pos- but I 111131.erlal. Wh lights common for ihese organisms to find soft farming.' The Orchards, - be made as direct aInd ds. *Tr if' ­ - . - ­ . i., - - ---- - .. - Ila&- good -is,+ being wA: t hheld,. -,the- look--, the,sodl. .-through�-.it&--alienat-iow--fx-anI bert -Spencer ropexly- hile- itot, prlmariI3��ten&J to's'ervelsible..-- - -A - iustalled- electric.- w sANN, that we livein *a- animal bod-v ay- tia-igIff - I- nees re ort, ing- pon he forbidden- + thing untl 1- Godd- F of e"ust-hath- -c-oweived,- 'at: ;S es t but, where thv, deq� . sthtti� purposr,- rM tho., presece, -of a Moral order then nf�l L I houl re , growss 9 hen hat produce disease. If -these germs could ines ar 9 Fave a lot of fine -cows from a ter- most beautiful rm- A rr - t,orih-i -y' '15 the, -yielding, -and` it. hr4ngvth fortfr sin:-� � and sin,, wh-n-- something"' �" t happen' w t na . o, jec s s 0 mus 1 be confined to 'the' ani body and orchard of standard. apples could liro-' -d 'be hiden, then the�tempting of another to share it' i's firushed, bringeth f'orth death.`� order -is violated. That German viol- - I practicable L4urved bnes.may. be con7. t�o gLiilt. (lie- with it, thr would, -be no su�h (Ja.YhesLl: 15.) fitably - be planted near' he, farm trived I.ated that order no rE]ZTIZXZEJS. -thin,,: as *art, infe-etious-.4sease.! -Un '.'.The grailes *.of walkg and Wh ­ one doubts, and home 'to be'coMe a part of its: back- drives 'Must be eas.V, - not only for -pro-It en it -did So it was fighting* against er,, the geKmsq are -As'-sh C 1, % NV NS, PLUNA-OtS. how' ground of �sitrrounffling tre' s. e Oew away. the' other reat-: the stars in tbeir course�. C 4,4.111pItts Ferillizer- write George' troo-wn off by'the animals through e -gy-ess alone, but' to -prevent washing.�' I hte%vris: Pelerborouxh. 6nt uries heard --her --,calling,- !�W, The pleasant farm surround "The-.-tkt­ that hasi- -been- ru n ioT7.---ar4-iie--i1T-the soil, in: ing -U-Mbwn -the -eentr'es---ef th6 d-rivm 'ftl ity, witch! Viieh-ity, witch-ity)TI through m he witch -A U mu ddy, the litter of stablez, pon the door , yital, both for the preseht welfare 'of .prevenf them from ha,coming I y ad � ever since Germiany wit 'Iks and drivcw fU_, IlSing gr crumpld is, "Not by ,might, nor'. hy 0 IF 3174. G and.'W�`alls and in cracks and crerice's.' the indM&al home and, ior the avel for the wa- of country ---life -Wide-awake-' when possible. HPP--­Tok(L- arid Uav Fi6k�'r 'my, sil�it- Ami 4S .1, - th --the -they remain -aii4�mnintain their-ture I - - �htng- Here Ling people will usually hesitate at Aside from the do lirs-i mon Song Sparrow listened to her Lord of Hosts," and'. I gvt a lot of e, ready at - hy time* to - be YO mestic atlractive-' 16 virtilene' leaving an attractive,, prosperou-s! nesis Which follows. time *and enrgyj voice growing fainter -and fainter as comfort as I. think of it. Ours is a etc. I The WitIchi-i-in the Woods. she . flew: ��,-Wlteh­ity, wi` Writi- for tYrir."*--a14 gatheked up by a animal in -its fei h home- for- uncertainties 'of CityL' expended in uiifying the 'farm-' tch-ity,' wondeviul world. Wonderful for its` rron--y by bti3,i'nsr airccL or to he blown about in the dust nd, farr be The birds and the frogs and'. the- witch!"* chemistry,. wonderful -for its ; life. - But consider -the farmstead as home s&rroundngs. the - vaue of the drawn into the lulg& , . .. - --IV - - ­ other an i rn c precision, wonderful VM11121PAID BRUS879 J"v'x 9L It is not merely a question farm on Ahe, inarket is increased. Al- als' ir'. the big wods wish- Early- the next raGrning the 'riaifl' metri' Toronto For. E-Xample,-tuberriilosis, in cattle. a whole, of a'few daisies here, fresh,paint and: ys and',days nat' be -an to fall iti,big drops; All the vital- pr eesses, but most wonderful Cattle infe,,-ted with this di though the -.^arme'r may be satisfied ed, for riin. For da 0 a.drop had fallen. allimals , and birds were full of 'joy.' of all for the moral purpose streakiug myriads of these germs with. the ma- new p, n orches, broad lawns or -tidy,.a:nd into ds 'to remain 6n..the farm,' r yiw4s, but. of L AlThe ground,". said Hop TOO, "is They bathed in the water' and drank' it, like,veins of'gold. The woAd is r dod having living � and is "not eager' 't� sell, be should nure, and it is not difficult to unde' in their, whole t -his duty to ma so -hot it almost blisters y feet.' at the Then'they got together' pitched to good. Its 'movement is effect, are' consider .4 stand how the 'riverage st,Ale --be- 01ces that, intain the 'Every evil -thing has, Ao older folk highest vill- his farm pos-, . Leap Frog, too, complained. 'IT -here., and planned to. givi Mar'y Yellow-, that ira.N. 'led with them. And here� pleasing and 'elevr.ting ation of Qv pds of its own' des-, 'all er rtiy polld," saii be. threat a rart - to sbow their grati- thereore.. the,.se' Pon OALE. aga,*n it ii -unilerstnd lind. childrer. alike., sible. The day has. passed when Is "um not difficult to 11 y tongue is q s d r y a.s stltd." said t u d 46. tructift born ith it. Your Paraabs, W rmers are afraid to Cannata;& Root Bead. how one d;.,Aeaszd animal 'May con- A well-planned. and ell -kept vard f piant hrubs, Mary re!-urred with tears in .SLennacherib.i, Xpros, -Attilas, 'Mcham- *ill greatly improv ive, prenlises. e an urly house tr�es d vines, rnd keep an 9ttrac- -.,,ad. " I 1are,',ev­er,.-th Hop Ti dec' f:-( ni lio, �Ittwk by T)o niou extens unless, it rai 46 a PoleenS ns. Le`& go lo, see hee 'eyext "L d�d not- fl ­d the witch meds. Alvas, and Kaiser a �,4 r i 4&w t+ t ;44 Fit r t 9 . X ny -of - th:6 -vezeiWe org"n%ms a pleasing house ma!:�.s it far easieritive surrounding for fear -ther taxes II'S C CA _)Iltj -ting % xvill he increased. They are thinkin 'Simon Song S,he ,,cbbod. -I apd Wilhelm nually ari&6, pu U I I T to, diffirult to di�stroy. 'or th lay out an attractive yard. in re son a they' o Apor !no "d -thcre6"."go, with oot ya --a ear A�� , , rA, or no*lie, is mc, re her ped until they carne to a tr2e! M a r.v hn.d a I -v -a y.3 .done what sh-6' to uprodt civilization itself. But t e pore may be likened to the �secd of iohnspitable n0t. forlorn. Both the, their fmilies,. of having. contented and um ani over ........... ........... be"ars, about the same house and groun.ds 'must be 'lept in a,nd , ehildrion, anti every pro- ith leaves all curled bjr the hent.' set out to do, ni n.,7,w n ­r Iheart is .alway&' some roek- 'on, which,teir a plant.. for it ............ -.Leap Frog- grunted. and S. le q- Son t If -lick n the King irninda split; sonic Afo�,c&%v n -rhj�ch relation to the Z"m 'as -a - grain -44 - min.d iU planotinr,. RrP4iv'e frmer will welcom the d-.fy ........... 43c. " . re.,;'; when' he ma -y- pos-ses a farm 1* Sparrow hurried - 6ut. their arnlies perish. �Sweda TarnIs- w1licat Joe*1 trw the plant. One of the ' surprising . fe.itu lonle the , tWo g 'L L St4 40 i no I r ........... 954- thi-ow -u'-ia(-curt6mcd to the ork, about an attrctive -horhe svrond-' th.ai will cauzze envy to those passing. When Lie hai finiillcd- li.-We llary,'l he -ain i4 Pritpar2tiwi for, the. Dug Campign. �e 'i here n through the 'country. ,peaking lie nodded. y thrat is Un . . in thpt few pe'OT)le rnn descHw IjC Sail, V Ca 1. on may seem a most rom-, ini J*al� Any -ried m c they ha%�,e lef- nd,. In r npPra it behi dry 1 cit,n -ca ecly zil,.g bo'comfortid.. Bat� 'We khow thn' the potato,,bug -will i -d ri lik could- -ifol. finX t who she sob-, be,w;th -us, - 4 -There is no -06d wi er to' I and I ncx, zxznmer and that he t i comparatively planning farm homes,en expert ad- bed. vines w. ............ q9r. ill. no place to'tke a. bath." ha�e ta be srayed with :,- e p i ........... c-irrieff out carefuffi, v; :es that there are sev n oints that . . ft. 4 Tufy T t;llou,se flutterci the -I saw Hop -Tca(i andt 'Lenp, Frog. ome poisoll'in or('!or'to prevent 'their ............ fig- to f �f.: a t- many another' prdeed- v4 shoidd emphasize: W h -h ir juot' nnw.­ ' 4 -raid Bet led. ree.'- "Pirt. e p 'IV low 0/m A ".1 . I elnwt t d !--no - 7� -4 frec. Which ktenti�n to 1, The place' must he well-1urnish- w�tc gr`,imn�-- from ca� thO- yonng of the ccdjing r t will Y ath " 1. . oimitn for Much. It is imL ctl with trees 'and shrubbery' n't, Ila, I a 1), f or' weeli s. "and o t I OIL 10\ (I r; I t 0; 0 i . , ?%04r r r" ra , a - t i Let's all o to !zee the 1 H to cai-. Song parro enter - thp apples .,on . imsprave4 +rees -tab 'the catis e 0 10 ,g" all , .w ., c. ` 1 2.. Tb h' uso --bculd b0''-promin6int, The width of a perch should b portant t,) lve-ir in miivi that not i's a foregone conclur-ion. Flea-heet!es, arrow. M it good settin'. 'less than two inches. Song Sp. Aarly diseases are and 4hould have hi, cabbge wormi hnd'hu Bre artin, -K in 9 c f tile k i M L:* extremely and may re-nain for . 3.- There mitst he an open, I space In giving medicine to fow"s. ehecr erous other .hwing' insects. will be 1 TJ, in, it hVndt-taL,!r-1n.,the food of -wauc, gr( �ii that rain ,!. of -Isitwn. fe-� . H ow can I with ,-* 'il our garden id r lahtli'the bird Rhot,l,]- be hP!k5?n,the knee; n nce�HT 19 if up crevices of I)tlll(!in--q, ,.i(i that offorti 4. The tree.% and the sm'al tlwvOt 'a while. "I toll farms. b e. isoned 4na U&w& UnI NVhat shall we (lo�­ the The Kin T y Mu t lie t. the (-I" -'Vo, * Jr -t-,,,,,,", �t;rjefttioh­of (Ji-4eage A P, 8 po. -liming hoJJJkJrbe`ma%.,ed or grouped at the ,�ith the left arm' the -will,gs. Ile -F i(J. thi i u.;. t be from ent4pftinate(l' mii�:t he Rides or 'gt the rear rather thAn be beld down and the beak ho�l,l bc, U Nv Is a Poi,on admiistered a N wit hr The bug k' led earlV In the'. - 1h "HI -cr,!cr loe all ever tb(, place. ppened vi -dr he left han.d while the- Ito- L ' � I - 14vg* premi try yellowthr'lat ch in the wood-, t, nk her GO find M. --Brt .1 f -the - rjin,.�- -'X=Sg 6u- ea find- -sen-an !A --jiQ o e o Zli.. e JJT -V— ­ -. Martin. Sh in I he� irillow 1 ar 1. r, i lipie iin -.t lie ii k -w-ith the ni hi h4n,[- 'l,n tht, - -i lon nature -,. T i k xviork. o rd i 7. 11 f Io unneces.-;arY: s�iVe tree -down in the lane. Tell her to: her now. -9 i�rogpnv' fr�ri (Toing any' rJrtJ %Vith a 111()St Villuji- df j.4 it 0 CA fenr0i,-;, walks or drives. To scald geese prooerly hAVC.­tlW-- re u ki annot, 9p=-2 a at OJIVt. 41L 4 c rg fn�Lects. c a h ry,*' I 'The drk and sun- as near boiling point 4s pos- come. lite liv 6. Ti,�re must be no curiositfes' I' R Alling as' a rule. fle killed 1W ia thit tho king. throat; and !.he went ny e ary h, r lie a flivor-able S(,e v.s thnt wll less NdIdNe col.,picuously Olaced in th6 ya rd, without boiling. aG the bird,' * When M Wante. to er shp en r e flutter-' 111.14 .4 !mhe tind calltwi 1ofore. e the ranl-n -for- hneivria. and stoljes�, . oidd -ar-Aly he head -A and ne-ks; -immerm' Prd d her Nv,�e I w head. a. Tli L whirtt the preatest -lift up four or five times; then wran lng. . She boWe ! f ' & lilg Inge. 'a, rT ca r y q n a 7 ne'at and q -t4 r LL A �. Tti NNTN I4. the le-qs in a blanket for tivv� or three mintitrs before hm. I -, f -i - -, ---- -- LL ­ ­ -­ - ---- a ; I The ptitco inumt -he , I - -, , , Ithip t *w - ­ Ir tlh.r� covl� I tl,,�;r well -kept so that I 'Q VER -91 ki 1146 4L t mav look- ss i o s am, tftqr wh.-cli the "hai adilv. remoVed. Kin,�z. "t;wAleu-here in th Woods , he has callei-so, now t I thc- residents gnre it lovig ere. _Jff Jllt.­J,� ta-,y r -.A i n g, rX L I t rl -1 r t are ry fh�. ', , i e 'f W !0 ( e.dJ t�h r -can send* uz -rain. V thnt the rn4�s�fvf �lio-%v4wd!A it) Th# OA' J)ei Ile t To atch a hawk, tr-ke -a- dead rib- h who st�ittn,::h wear and in tile Tne 6dLIS n aquart-ers, his' for sh 0,1 0111* !nsr�-#. fooA -n petl� of hcr now nt YelloA - do not'know where Ahe -e not is t'-ollpose(l of liould lie connected with the high. bit qr chicken * ard skin .9 place on it . ; 4 -.dinary tire h&, en here lons nd Uccdclni from. cy . . :. But I know he.N� va!V her Lit,.!a Witchi:­ ing machines --boh., large 'J -ry 0-A-1be ".3 iy rsu*il�rligs liy tq steam, aftc� 'which thi�, W.I. .1 11 9 troublts" you 1A Afintl in ))ofllinion g; - she must he aligry, �c-. B i I 'M. I r V d 0 (I S T' walks (1-riveh. it a stick w n anti orm thin It Makes of Iarc llAl not let it inn. Go find on tryin. B:Cycle J'ir qho v% or varbolic 'neid of te 'Abouhi have nn nttrctive setting. 'Push thrrigh the tmit and tbrough.- iny fivv 1tolu­J*hat iv 'Ing of a steel, trap - i ftt6 the ea r i h. tbat witch and beg, ber to -lend a rew to dn her'be.4t. To this dav where,.e t(Un or' creo!in hefirst-an Min purpose of, the r The irt-llt�.-y C3 f ic 71 a h4L- f raii�." there i,; A ch ht qu ef N �T i # thc� yard. 1) which is meint two tUn,-: Set-Ahe trap -to ­ane a1dol. of thidl h�)it.i r Ld V it'. h -'?(I onr: 4.7 y throat h q5 ever, ,P iu! Th -C B es Tir'cs'l I . te pla�ed. in n St'.4t, r y * Tellow, 0. ot -11 rirst. the hoinic -should rhis should promised simply '.and -buived her wee An -1 of Aufrwient' near a tree where hawks light. I . . mc-in's of i . ;,-im -All a 1--noliground it rains. irg tip 1"Ilhill-nition Bc stirc V.) I head gain. 1, ,I- r, (-.i i I (1irt -"Fho-ol(l 1!0 � ITY'r and ' shrubs to W i -v o S, v . t1i I 'o I -e re:(dy Ois your d(-,alcrt rowth of trpex .1 C. e awn clippings. 1'rom the ------ - A -N , A appearank,e; cuttings 'of the season. I ld ry a 0: wit 'it, :f lit- teefe fir� -,Ier - gs -:houll bo ond , " 1. . . SC111. -eq i(itild afTord opPortill" Y, treat rpount of tht-m anti store in hf 10.11 Te -t t -l --t, q t I 0 N iandled the ce'll is rLiptured Do- coldj�o.--4ibn I'mmedintely ed-lu,.rest on flipir. fife on the and it, 'len C4 th I t h 11 VC, 0 n gaelig. The fowls will eat,4hem "flavor 'of the egg 'is -,poiled irl� so the Y hnve t som(l Picot'ne stilphate proved the co rwrs. p-eedily. al it' in iho pLnt-1L,a clippin -rtW-1TPPa I ­ � ­ I— -ttk&?h+ u aT I*W "i. I W fre n 4Y Tbr fiRvir fry it 1�,W .v;, n, I t A vootl -sald to W fi t soali-ed overnight. put lift Co crp hAs whct,ri overix)4! (�r- in ind er I ny - a prepter numbr�vr'eggs a -.1:04 ;or more i1ninortant than aby. oth ich Inver in l p-in,.aAd an inch of a divs' In, �,tbre ;! , 4 ' fli o' irtibri, fl(lwers,' those. matod,has been ell P U11derev%- yrcd returv, -Nei r good and ano,her layer of grsg ng e ..A,Bowing by. the, Lyi T -)k wril ingi ia-mvrr Oie, 6.A.& I wet k -minis tj� coriPion. nor house will lo, this Use good. eed thorourrhly, nnd in a few days I ha' A hen that it i -to the, W �lfn v1.T , I vv I w n .space, Ve t6o closelv bl.jg,)t little reliow (.r six, tio )ou llittle ipin,, t 4e A Sr. Id bx C 1, e 1, ;1(1 qvive thel pzrnianent liberal a pan of t hr' rt y to nest., , ,eldorn gdttinlZ off to (-�t4' drink , now the Ten. )ni ir lni en, .1 i o t *4.p ra y, , I . rowing o. n 1� a� to in. 'Yl� Ila 11�, inother 1!ow.' 1,� *� -of the heni, or spoil'a tch Net ver the OW to, tiler throw to dust herself, can 04 pit Some lie?13 impart too farm b0t tile lawn he., tinn.... An egg 'that is properly run. A en. -ood Pouphnuts will nc a ksor' tite fa, Gcme, But NO Foroct, Y chrO, tit rrce-00'ar tio!np�', ferfili7ed is soon subject to M'Uch �hral and ot�"44 not enougl M I N %'Allowed to. remain Buytirs 4 egIrs often mko the Mfs-� in cooking it yox� Add quarter t ( 01 Iiiiii,-put t1own IL- wn, tT deeompoiition. 'I a wheiv.. Ilie I I i,; W, .Ile R; I F). E N tt sh�ng them under hons, or!.ip n t�fl nesr� for hours at time, nd take of ri ocinful of gitiger to the bat!er, Thy�,- sai:j 1110 1!4 te I r, TrJ)JJJ('JJt8' "' L 1.1 , "! , k:,,pfWmvC% foi- tk- eniltryo be.- into the.i Y, pico wIll not Foct tile ta-1 1, lit J)'A :1 i lit. tt Fctlwill Prv,vi, to tievelop, and when t1le egg is This ql Th r I rIk!, A6 P A