HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-24, Page 1r At � - !, . , lqrpw- - '. W111WW7 11111111, : I 11 -'"W. _71%v"W771w, -�.­Wwr­_ -­- 1-11.1 , - I I " "WIr - __ - 4 - w ,. ,r, #i.So per year, in advance; #z.too otiie><�1►ise• „ b • . LUCKINOW, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 24thet 1919. Single Copdea 3 cents PRESE * 1+YITi1 EASTER VISITORS _ --�'� - w_ _,- - - & 0 Fourth Cona.� .Kinloss I Kinloss . _ 1 LOCAL AND GENERAL �HURCti NEWS WEDDING BELLS IBLE AND rvADpREss .Among those ilho came -to town for--MODda , April 21. d - -Tuesday, April 22. A canvass of Melville congregation, we note the following: Mrs. The hoz aortal and entertainment gregation, 1,, Before Mr. and Mrs. M. Beaton and Mrs. N.'L. Campbell was in Toronto , Mr. J, Clark and doughter, Mies Brussels, has been made to reduce the BZAToN-BRo%%-� family itioved to their new boine at. ese6 MacLean, of Welland, viyitinR bald in (trey Ox 5ehoul on the evening P Edith, ofeeswater, visited at the home ,church debt and the response has been A quiet wedding took Seafotth, a number of their friends of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheriff; of April 17th was a decided success. for F.>ist�r.. � of Mr. S. Braden one days last week, so , bearty the snug sum of $fi;000 was residence of SI . � phi at tLe . Mr. Turd Aitchison, home froth Thad An. audi�iiire which filled the school r and 11r+s R. D. Can► - the Lucknow Methodist . Church took ford; Mise Berta Allio, home from Gwrttude Ali�aclutoah is spending the Mr. said Mre• D. Andrew, of Lu Paid en April lbt on tbe' Mort Y April rasion to present thew with a. suitable ' house was -enthusiastic in its rimae of *. gage of Bron on 'Wedner a , Nril 1 h, when 1~:v:y p wee k in Toronto. about' $1t 000 snaking the• balance r,f "May, ,youngest dao Tpritnto; M,isa. Dean Geddes, from Oil the wanner in which the young people oovtc, called on, here Saturday of daughter of the laces gift and the followinR'address: g Pc l? s Y $4 OOtI cotta alive! eaa to ca for James Brown Ashfield was united ,iu Springs; A1r. Ewart .Cameron, fmut rformed .their I last week. ' Pte, Y Y cry . Lucknow, April 2nd, 19i9. Walkerton; Mepsrs. Will and Gordon The j,roceeda I Ati$s Kathleen 1%ill vibitc d with ,p - I a little wbi1P, f our years ago the church marriage to Carmen John Beaton. of . which amounted to nearly $70 goes to- Stratford friends on Good 1!'riday. Mr. and Mre. W, Kastle and fawil and shed was built at a coot of >$26 c>W , 10 bar. alid M} Ci,t*i"illcolt Beaton .JJobim' tou, from Toronto; btr. 111194 wards t,uving e,t'tipthent for the school `�eafortb, formerly of Ashfield: rod Y . y: Anderson, frout Hxntiltoc�; . Mise -Frrkda The miltin featu�u i,f .tt,e 1►r�,tcraw wa.» t~ I mi- " �' Jetta Tillin, of LIngside, seep K�tec Sttnday, at the home of and it is"to the credit of the congregation ceremony was performed , b Rev. R. M 0..Russell Iiingarf that susatibfactory �a, lidancial wsitiun bicUallum in the y We, your friends f 'the Methodist itchisun from luruntu N.ur 1' Mr.. - • "'The visited in town a few ass this week. 1 • , ala is fuer ac.4+, entitled Curtner _ . y presence of ' few ir.- rti+h iii -- SliiaKBrizid t€IRoru Straitfcx o - Y }• -- .- , , , _: been attained. ti Luc.! ow, desire tri a on'tfey , . d - l ,r.. 4�torr. itis-atorek • rand lite +rife.• ' , - 1 Mrs..K Blackwell and -daughter, hiss `. _ . . wale irirrtads, After .. 'luncheon w;ix.. , to you eoute expression, of our u regia- mal; Mr. Lloyd Burgeb-, Tom�to, visit wer the ch s MaryJlatnr}tqn and litt,e niece, Gertrude, of London, 'are Visiting with 'ltev: C. JI Dtziant, tal"r, of the salved the. oun can l - ;. !:t P •. • : e _ K Characters,., • , chair 'sun, 111 ar ••fret: .... , • ., .. � 1 8 couple le]rt by auto G, , , !fou on this the,occatiton of your depart- ink his grandmother, Rliw• 'A. 'r. llavt. I;tid, i4.f dHe accused sof afar (�r xntl g + ut 1.ondu11, are vioiting the tier nlattiEr, �IrR._ A. Sta�Dley.. R h Meth�,dist Churc[t gat , reetiwater, has visit friends at Crewe: I1. Atlases Burg 8 11 ' ore Crorit our midst. We ver .moub at►o; 'At so Mary Connell, frim 'Toronto theft 1, hint' u,uain, K y b ' 's' accepted an invitation to harrow in , , , Harvey Mr. au l' Airs. } daes i,uunt I'7 scalal.!: --1 LIT HAM) Y Y. 1larve Batrtuu, .tsar, Harrisonllarrieuu and , regret,that you find it necessary to leave University; .Mr. E'gbe,rt Garbutt, frour who tries' to win ,,t,he affection and Mr. `�,e.,rge Altcbtgoa,; of. AllandalP, sun+ ktoas, spent E:ieter Sunday at the Y, subJe;t of course �to the . .as, sad while yo -have worshipped Toronto;_ Miss Ruby' Garbutt, from appFov&I . _of Conference. Teeswater • Th Globe of Thursday last containaui• Y pped w4b fortune of his. cousin Lora an heiress -to visited Mr• ;end Hire. F.-.ltaicotm-a few hotneef Mr. and -Mrs. E. Harrison. the announcement of the marriage (•f us only a fen► years "your devotion to BiYth; Mr. Alex Lockhart, from 'roe- ,$60�U00 Slie remains true to Bud in days of the week. people are sorry to•looee Air. 1)tuant as' ag the work in the Hope' Appointment led onto; Mr. Ernie Millsoa, borne from spite of the accusation agaioet hint. . Miss_ Nettie. Steward is spending her, ♦ the church has been prospering under iMiim Helen Pritchard..daughter of dirt,. 1 a E4ster holidays at her home in Millar- Pritchard who recent! is tlton • i lc to value our worth, as an ardent � QD + Miss (Tara 3• Quillin; from Finally a littla� orphan, Jeruaihai, Jane I'�'• -Jim Orr way up .front .Toron.to his care; and he has been active in the y moved -fra�ni • P ,: - work Stratford Normal; ton.. _. o Liuckn w -_I. worker in the. cause of , the Mwnter a ,. AlAli Dorothy. Doug ado . b Hti,oi3ah• is euL�cesaful in over Sua4ay. , He ie with the rina�. ..c mniimtty life ,. of tDe viyage bean o tot Toronto. Ther nom was lass from Wioaham High School • Miss P y , ant force iD the city. A number from 'our chairman of the committee looking after M Edgar S, Fletcher, of Toronto.. The1. �51nce coming into our midst yaau have clearing Bud a name. She discloses the Y r ` entered ;Belle owe, from SQO�Iand, Oni. _Jhurg- attended heaRtily .into cur church life .,. fact that the $60,00- au -,Rydr 0 power'A' secretary of the Old .Ceremony .was performed to Do.verct,urt; ppoaaacl to have -._ tlie._ dance --at•- �ialoi%gh last Thursday Preab tartan church .b Rev. James Al rig. Walt?r Treleaven __alld.,.•rhtldieir, night. .Boys power committee. His removal y. and work. We now : etsk,YOU to accept- _ .been stolen- by Bud was stolen , by . ght. All reocrtid -& ood time. IP8 ].Hn r $ �. ibex f Walter. ,f 1i eaford a e via t of ,coilt+es :wi}'1 iltfo0 apt.1 0 'we Y ; • not taTkP :plaice uti2l lYl . + lock on Wrelnc s„t . t {i►t fan► a r Three YEar l=r nc Y + iY l .- 3 �, i�iy f3tble ae tin Pt reRi3ton of Halt a 13trtoti warn: the.. e•l�y+•r. fi S 0 a C ink est hie.: t . "Prel tt s, Misq A�nn•ie Ptaiifey and-:Mr,.Wallace: . . :Apr. 16th. MI a FIetc {lite leg:crd f•►r y„tt anti Touc.'fan>ily. AL .Wer he hacl:stuleu it fir®m t°be K. G. A. will i&V'e tib:- ♦ H. S , are- spend meeting Hewitt; of I�incardin9 H lac h L M best malities of many Lucknow-fiiend,. �vhiie Wd shall rotas you in tht+ church storekeeper who hard charge of it: SPF.CIAI,S 1•resh ndayt afternoon wan d ussion garden and flower in aR }nal -$q I the community we trust The soldier. otic, vi as welcott,ed l:mme g their Ea,ltter vacation at their homes Iargely about Easter, its origin and sig' Y you may Other incidental cbaractera tsars the seeds. lUe packages for 5c. Czsh paid here. g g Lind many friends in your new hotue on Wednesday at noon was Sergeant Iriblimatr, --the Dutchman and the f.;r eggs H.,la. Woons. nifance. A feature was the question BORN '' West, who volunteered early in the war 1 - T drawer of which Rev. R. J. Garbutt bad riurroundiuKa Our ptaye�• ta� thg Glod I)•irkey. The cast is as fc,llows:. F.!i It Aliss Irla;< Ranke, of Underwood, is � �________ fila iiod who nerved ;three years with the '11 r. Harr,ld: Ackert is home fmm visiting with her uncle .lir. Tom Kaake. charge: The allwber of questions % y 1crratly bless yott and your family ,Wheeler, storekeeper --George Lockhart; , , g C4MrisP1L-In the townehi of Kinlo4r aL.d make your life a blessing. army in France. He carne through it Bud,'his son—Clarence Fraser; }idrvP f'ravenhurmt n►uc6 improvNd in heatlth, asked about Easter, the` Resurrection, p til! without serious' hurt, and he appears He will spend the nunimer here. Mr. S. )leaden spent a few days with the Atonement and etc. was aurprisinglp on April 1.,, lyl9, to Air. and Mer. On behalf of your friends, to be is .good health and spirits. Sergi, Barton,MtBud's cousin-' Clarence Mac- � friends air Teeswater. Roderick Cant bell a dao titer. Milian; .Tiniest' Flanagan, Irishman- Mrs. 1i. A Doupe was in Toronto for large and euggestad the great interest p g .j R. J. GasBurr, . _West does iaot bel'on to the bleats-,oE Archie �1acIntyre; ,Otto (Juckeoheiir.er, Dater, and bar. lloupe and children 'if r• Victor • Huston returDed_- hone rag person. _ r g which these have for the ave e Gl A NxwTox. . near ;Kin6ul, -and his people - are ,,not polieenian-Russell MacDouga}I; Japer were at lite former home dt ilk -ton-- after4wnding a few weeks with friends Mr. Garbutts dealing with ,the question - ,e Mr. and Biro. Beaton were de known in LuckDow, �' qn�- - White, Darkey.-Gordon Fraser; Dora, in Huron. had the imprint of honesty throughout. E`YERYBODIi S-COLUM#- f�il and will ever remember the kind Elia niece, heiress to $60,600 -Ada and -was highly instructive. The sub Mr. Horace Aitebison, has bought Mfr. Mrs. W. Kaake entertained a few of MONEYTu LOAN. -On mor t� es an "expressions of friendship by their Luck- what a Good BSAd MacKay; :Jerusha Jane, ;au orphan Rose Anderson's residence on Stauffer her lady friends Thursda of }act week. .3ect next Sunday afternoon will be at rates, tri ag d nocea . "• now Methodist friends. � Y „ re In+Anraazce, t►crt • Agnes Lockhart; Aunt Hannah Eli's St. and will occupy it in the near future: be influence of Habit. Those. re stock and Mutual companies, Convey - Means T TO -- 0 . A W1t waft• _f'es,rl Fenner, the ntasetings are !,lease_ d ° cps and despatch• _ ..L. , . ._., .. � _ . , .' . _ . 1 - . .. .� �: • - 'sponslbte .for , • � done with neat;a.r i Ar ba le'LL1i %WTIL%eld by -tile angirmu - � im 10• W e 64c n � ills audience & :number ' 4.K'1_ g., JIll1J'ALL.a Brntrer. I:nckoot~ • ' r _. "I Crewe � .. .t ` (Canadian Bandsman) :, Churcji Guild uroved a successful vent. — young men from the country. Plire -Bred Yorkshire Boal• forservice, Term• � j Ina kin about bands, and town Eighth Con., Kinloss.' , ure, And quite a nice suns of each was -Monday, Apr. 21 $1.ts cash. Jd& K.ICKLSY. lot .s, oohs s,• - ,, --Monday, April 21. speaking • P J real' Asha bands in articular we-souieti realized. _ -. �- -p- - --'-- - - - _ mss hear- - ---- - -- - -- -- - -_ - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - --.. - Mrs. - Al'bert-Campbell- and $vibe --re, Mea. Ritchie is vlstttn her "dao titer P -Ronda Aril 2 i. - - - - - Kinlott e _ _-- --- a g g + le careless! sa , "W at good is a turned to.her home near Donn g mop Y Y Il 8 y' P A uumber'of articles, household effects, ybrooke g VICTORY BOND) boo hi and Fold. Appy Mrs. We.-. Twaml�y, hand in a toot;, anyway?" Weil, first P afters spending ,:aKT. Lu�•k„ow, or ACKLRT x Miss T. Hewitt of Maple Leaf, was a .will , be on sale for the next few days, . J. H. Ac pe g last week with her sister,_ Tuesday, April 22. ttwrtiwBt.Let Bout and •:•)hoe More. Luck- iNr and bice. P: Finnigan visited at take inventory of the fellow who makes recent visitor with .tlfe Hisses Purvis, 'before 'the family goes west. -k, j, Mrt3. Richard G •rdner, t now. ;x� the home of ltiehrtrd Twamley $uitday. the remark. on may. have reason to Holymod. CAUHRON . „ - � : 'Miss Nellie Malcolm - who spent the - tarp. Robt. Finnigan* returned home allow the stilly +1uestion-to-a o ufianswer There was a Corp. Geo. Hackett .of London, spent winter in sunny Florid returned to her ht) n�—ALtt�he Methodist Church shed;` Luc`- g good. `crowd at John" The dance given in the Town Hall Easter with relatives' in this locality., Y' a' between it,crc and wt' vlatte w, 1. Tuesday -atter spending the, past few ed. But regarding the remark more Bell's sale, near Ripley, an M,)naay, g Y• homer here a week ago ' . - . -cion. 12. W. Wawano6h, a driving robe. Monday night was well .attended, and . .. Aiisses Lizzie - nerd ' Acis. p '.`� Finder please repor4- to' JOH_Y -MILLEtt. . -. - weeks with her son in Seaforth. seriously, let us say that a good band is=aud-everything-sold at a good price. - Helm are to Jos. I`Tamill is home from Lon- Phone Luck ow ld or, 6i. or. uc McLt:(jt. as a, business venture the enter ,rise one of n4 can useful things a town or Are ou interested iia the oW-roads was a success. _ 1 _ �pendlug_ttie-holidays with -friends near don for -his Easterboli�ays: . - 8, J„t<x1 a > 'eKE)wAKr.. z; -t -p• f --i ' 1�lrAi Wm. Shsckleton, Of'Dungannon' communal can - Y g , Kincardnre. - spent Sunday at the home of het son, �' >?� It is one of movement? If sn, try the tits, Con. of Airs. (Rev.) W. Macbonald and child- Highest cash prices paid for all kinds cif junk• Jar. Matthew Shackleton. the beat sdvertisealentsa�own can have. Kinloss and Huron. Mrs Dave Thompson is in \aw fork Miss Margaret RitC6ie is a ndin ran: from Attwood are spendin a fzw 11on'taexyourjunx till Jake°Libel e�,iT,e�. Emerson sa s something about the world ` g weeks with her brother, R will leave iR ounces to each pond. Also Y Robert Harris spent .the week -end Ctt'y thin week with her little sun R,b- the vacation under the parental roof. Dir. M. Lane. highest price paid for all kinds of pouitrj. Miss Violet Kilttatrick, of�"Arden, is making a beaten path. Well; a highedtpr price quality...r2!1 a tfc. 101 Rood ' with his uncle Thomas ILmain ton, of ert, who is being treated for deafness Master -Bruce Ryan, from $incardiue, spendintx the holidays at her home here. g Miss Buchannon spent a few days. band will make all the roads leading to a noted a cialist last week with her dao titer, P The ,Pte Social held in the church here the town bes►ten p.-ithp, even .though the" -TiTverton. �' Pe spent the week -end with his parents DR- PARKER UaTEUPATH at Cain House. g Mrs. Root. here. Lucknow, every Wednesda�yafternoon. All Good Friday night waia' a decided suc-- town's other attractions be not enormouo. ZirF. Wellington Henderson and child Airs. Harvey Brown, of Fernie, B. C' Webster• . - chronic diseases •suooesafutly scented♦ 4)s- ' ce�s.`''`Mr:'z3teadman've a very tater- every titerebant is benefitted by a good ren, of Lucknow; were visitors with and Alias D4Iy, of Fergus, were guests We wish tiir. a We are sorry to report that 11i Ruth- teopachy removes the physical causes of - nd Mrs. Gordon Ritchie erford is ill, disease. Adjustment of the spine hi 'more ' eating talk on his - tsavels tbrouoh band. Many -people come to town to Mrs. Win. Congram part of last week. of Air. -and Mrs. Robt. Brown a .few man ha , quickly secured and with fewer treatment- ' • I F.uroDe. A good co o . days of the Y PPY Years of married tif... , by Osteopathy than by anv other method, • t g program was provided attend the delightful eptertainm.,n a, Jon. Gilbert called on Glamis friends Y past week. Air. Carl Robinson, of Kincardine, by.the ladies, after which pie, cake and , and ' they combine- shopping with this on Sunday. ` Mr. and Airs. Jno.* McGee, of Luck- spent1he week -end with his uncle Mr. -r . coffee were served. The Mr. Mackenzie Shur and 1fr. Sharpe, now, visited at Peter Cook's on Sunday. Jae. Percy, Kinlough. FOR SALE proceeds pleasure. The .promoters sof business Fishing -is the order of the da and Y �' y amounted to =25 And munici 1 enter Y• of- Br am,i s, and `1'r.: Frank Afunera l O f M. Bert Finlay is visiting with her On Thursday evening of last week FOR 8ALE.-Two young calx et', well beset. Pa P aTs have ' also of the night. of Leamington, attended the funeral of . the satisfaction of knowing that their brothers here. Pte. F. broil, who was oQ a visit at APP►y to Pwt�L'3N¢a.TzkK, Lucknow. the late Sirs. Rivers en Sat rda civic demonstrations from time'to to time , u y . tt 3-p, Dungannon HURON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Watson S otts, was presented with a will b3 successful, because the have a Mr: Root, Ritchie returned home , Y Air:a. Win Littlefair sort Airs J,. Find- from the Wiivgham Hospital oa Monday purse ef, money is 'the Orange Hall here. FOR'SA 'wen ani�hdd amuse» M ith ,►lt ` first-class- band Lo lead the way and .aL —T _ later, of 'Toronto, and Mrs. l), MacLean, a d is doing nice) pt+uRram consist>td`of songs, carats- con van ieuaes• for pardeutar+rapply -'.Monday, Apr. Qli tract the' crowd. The "churches are Council met pureu•lnt to adjout nment, of Af inneaipolis, are visiting Sire. Allan g Y tions, speeches and music. Pte. Scott LO G. A. 8tnu.�Lt_ i uc. R pedagogues are holida - P d - The •fo}lowia y rovided with orchestras and epeeirl, on Mondayf2lst inst., with Reeve Rut,tle - acLeod, and other friends in town gave an account of some very interesting FOR sALS.__q"d PIC M'i e.,♦ ' j 14g- Cobtill. I in at their hotues here -Hisses Ethel musical nnt%beia on aoaiveraary and in the chttir. Members were tall present. a Y tie good quaLty. Mites 111cStu.LAv, x x i, g this week. 1 .THE MARKETS ' pe Aces to France where he served40 Ctt�e, Jean Stotliers, Pearl McKenzie, jubilee' occasions. The social functions . . 1, Yo •• _ - Lucknow, i:}c.. , Mioutes of Iaat lneeting were read and- for 98 months. Lunch was served fol- 1)aisy Ryan, Lillian Pentkwd, • Jissere. of a community are more 4atisfactory ,., AUCTION SA Lh- Household effects, ••Zrhe ho lowing which the evening was spent in FOR HALE,—Bred=to-La Tom Barn s. Al.. l siert Wi nr and George Case. and decidedly more pleasant because adopted. The following orders on the. including piano (Dominian) onSaturda R mystery is the term lately Pe RSi R P 1`iay 3rd at W Hord's residet.c ' Pl *ed to the ever advancing price of dancing. �'i'mLe' orsv and Bar ; -6d. for +,, The stance is tba Hall last Monday maaiciaos P<luai to any occasions are Treasurer were passed, viz: . a Ili batching. Sc, each at taraan•oiiY y Siaufft•r St. Lucknow. Sale atone o'clock ' F�Rxtaitt. phone Lungannoai ffDla 1�•p just- close by. A band, 'ccrnpnaed of •I'li„lmes, $I2.g0 for blacksmiths hogs. Tis week the oron'to rice fair c evening was a decided success. P p St. Helens g able players, is aotower of atrength, to bil1;-1 F. M01uIlen, for lumber, mond In. R. MCCHAImEs, Auc. 24-S•c P �. The young ladies of the village will I ' bogs, fe `and watered is ata new hiKti - NOTIOE �l soy town or section of country. It cul- ing, etc. 2 10, 3.16, and 3 50, total 8 7 0; Mrs. Harry To ace, who attended• level, 21 7.5 per, ' c76� 't.; and' there is - -Tuesday, April 22. For all mattees ebgarding (ireenhtll bold a dance next �ridap► eventing, April tivates the public ear to a high class of Ripley Acetylene Gas Co, Limited., for the Women n Missionary convention tin nothi to Aiiss oeateter<>. . Jft!'�n A4eBoeaftd of Torento refer to D. C. Tsyteat 25. Music b . y li�,►ymon K �dmoad'e or- Rug, ,and does U.�i�t"t•-your r ill -fc,rr-}lalltl r+ Jars. 2:,, to ApR. 2, Gue}p}!; int a -wok at the ltunie of °R eu>;gest decline.- -A fuw- secrstaer. - cfiera. , weekA� epetit a few days of last Reek with i - too. Every enterprising citizen will` 1919, 10 40; Colin McDonald, for dam- her father, Peter Macintosh, before re- A4o when ,the l', S. hood Ad- ,, - 1>,,n't for et to s ad the 12th of hriost, the -band of his town wuerever he P Y does, . uAnistration. 'announced the removajof fri� ds here. ATTENTION FARMERS -•" g 1?e age U, shoe b 19.00, as certifi�•d turning W her home Ott forth }3a itsees Irene 1'lizaibeth rind Laura FERTILIZBR..OR July in Uuoaan000. goes. by - Steep V aluato,r; Jno. .Nicll(►nald, Y the. Ruara,rate of . $l ; .,0 tGere wan ALL SPRING, r 11'. Bellamy, The Women s Ioatttute will hold their I0 00 for rep. bridge sideline 25, con. R; y, former pro11, prietor of Tbp something of a anis lest �Ticea should Salkeld 'motored from Goderich and CRUZ'S.'-Fartners within teaming dist- annual webtia on Thureia , Angus Mart n f Dungannon. h K I' 1 , g y April 24, • Ldngside. 8 Martyh, or attendance at 2 sit- g as moved to Toronto slump backward to the modest 'figures spent the weekend with ;tbeir aunt, ance of the factory, baying dire.t will , for t,urpc►ae of electing officers. A full tangs of the Ninth DlViBiOD Court, Feb. where he has a'.position as assistant dir o{ prewar dayp. Rut nothing of the 11ra. 13• K. Aliller:• - save commission and freight. We have attendance• is re'eluested. 1 6, and April 9, 101:1, 4 0,1; Chaa. Shier, actor pn the government purchasing kind ba Sire.. RobiosonWoods and daughter, a fall line of our various brandsCOTn hand. -Monday, April 21 board in' connection wikb the soldiers' Peened. Hogs sent fight' on Irene, are visiting friends at London. `-F'ARMSRs' FBRTILIZRR Co. Len, r�' >1r. and Mrs. H. Bellamy have moved � 'rep. cul on Kincardine 13dy 1-.00 Kin- ' Y Seeding is in full swiD ' - clin,binR. � 1'6e real,cause of the advzoce � ,•11 their furniture to Toronto where the R g cardiae to pay half; Geo. Emerson, for re-_stablishmellt.. 24 4-c �3inRham, • 4 Y x does not appear to be understord by •Miss Josie Cameron, of the Western will make their future boots, he having bliss Phemie McDonald, 0 Toronto, shovelling gravel on Bdy, of Kiucardioe, g Mr. and Mrs. Austin Solomon- -have anybody. Some •blame the packers; but Hospital staff, Toronto, is home. secured' a position in that cit The spent the week -end at her home here. 1.00; Kincardine Tp., to pay half • Cecil WA" ITED • 1. Y• Hill 50cta for fillip wan been in London the }►est week, she 3_av- the packers say they have tint now so Misses May Cameron, of Mitchell, W. beat wishes of the community Roes out ' Miss Jean McGregor, of Toronto, is 8 washout at Lot 4, ing undergone A -surgical operation in large w margin as they had during * the D. Rutherford, of Fergus; Pearl Web- DH,AD HORSES. - Carcasses taken with them in their new home. Con. 12; Frank, Stanley, rep. cul. at Lot the hon war. The say the buyers � away promptly spending Easter week under, the par- C, cera: lU 1 OU� .i.' Al. Beata 1.riJ for natal there. According to latest Y Y * yers are boosting star, of Grand Valley; \iiia Woods, of P y ,within a radius vl 2,► �,... ' R ports she is doing as well ss could be Y Y y miles. Will pay $3.00 to $5.00 for live , Mims Ella Stothera is spending a few ental roof. y+ re the market-. The "say further that it Blyth; • (Mara Woods, of Guel h • Win, . filling hole in abutment of bridge on P animals brought to the factory. No an- d,i s+ in Godericb. ex would suit them if the home trade were nifred Woods of Stratford and Colina imals will be removed without hide. y parted, and recovering. Mr. 'and Mch. Robert McInnes have �e Line; Henry Dahmer, 8 10 for , itite a_ _number from bene 'attended cut, off . altogether as they could ship Clark, of Walton, are spending the •phone at vii - work at. cemetery; y ' peptse. 1Jav phone :vo: - , : ,- taken up their abode on the TitBu farm y; Thos Donnelli'3.00 The funeral of the late .Mrs. C. Rivera to the l•:Dulisli market. • vacation at their homes here. 12, evening pone No. 178.- t•he.cuncert sod lecture in Auburn oa We welcome Afro. McInnes to our midst for rel,. approaches to bridge, Sideline who died at Tate, Sask., wan held to The cattle market is also strop a d .. 000d Ftid:w night and all report an and wish the young couple a tong and 8 h Messrs. Purnin ,,Phillips , and Coral FARMI;Rs F$RTIT,IZHR Co. Ltd., • 25 eons . l : Jas.'Irwin, rep, washout on Greenhill Cemetery on baturday after there is as upward tendency in butter McDonsld - were in Toronto for a few 13.2 -ti. 3Vingtiant, : rxr.elle•nt tient•. � . happy tflarried life. Kinloss I;dy., 2 50, Kinloss to pay half; poop, and was atteoded by many syn,- and eggtv.. v all creamery }►i er e e trucks o da a last w .. - _ .. ... 1 -tic Y i'Y Several frota• out her took in- this Ll d Irwin, ., 5c, for filling at rail. at, path�ztnog _friends of .tube . fagill -. ..'lir.- o _ - —, . _ y e k. are oa lite road again for the coming hoz social at Grey Uri and re ►ort a Lo 25,. con. 4; .loo. Sbiells, 4.00 f~or liiveras came last with the rema oa and - v ltlr• anr-i tlrs. 1larvin McDowell and • SEEDING OUT WEST Notice aseltt+oo. good entertainment' 1 team on drag, ti hes; Wm. Brown, 200, is in town this week. sons, Hars►ey_and Graham, of Westfield, . 0 Misst Ola Stothers is spending a few u for fillitig at cul, on. A; I{orenr.:a Reid, „ 'spent Sunday at Mr. Clark's. . The first crop bulletin," issued b The Lucknbw Agricultural . Soc,et: days in (lodericb. lar• and Mrs. Deimert'a little Rirl who 4.00, for 2 men and 5 team on drag, 4 t a ineetlag of the Clinton branch nj � y bavi'ug made entry is the Standin , Fieri has been ill, with pneumonia is in:proi - hre: Thos. Welsh. 4.50, for 2 men and 2 the G. W %' A. it w;m d3cidPd to hold a the Saskatchewan Deptrtmenf of Agri - .Mr. 0. F, Augustine, and R•dvers, '`Huron War Veterans' Day" to Clinton present season, 1Vlafekil�g Cnop Competition in two vari;tie, of tag• 1 . teams on drag,4j hrs• J culture for the states 4 • • grain namely: Oats and Spring Wheat, from Brantford, spent 1'.ilttsk at their for attendingmeetingre O.W S. at Y Y pe cite undersi and will receive entries u on May 24th -when it is hoped that that frost was out of -the • n�►rue here, Born. -To 11[r. and Mrs. Dan Me ground by the --Monday, April 21 R P c Gloderich; �'V. Bradley, 600, forattend- every Huron veteranlwill be present in a 23 ay of :1Ia)• next, , 11r. 1laroid S► r -ml is At present on Kinnon, a son. ConRratulatioos. end cf last week to a de th of, twelve to - to fh d , ing meeting at Goderich re. O.W-S Ry.' the parade. There will be field sports P Now that the fine weather has game The rules govering ..his. cot�lpetitiou iitcTt Iia: A rHwa dy trlecavrryis hoped fort: �(r, Robert Ei}iot and'sister of Ho} An Angus Alrt durto the da and a dance in the even- eighteen .itacbes A recent snowfall- � de- y be seen in all directions ma) i,e ohtatned from an) e,f the t)irect• Y- g ya, .Clerk, 1.00 for minute g Y lite farmers may ' • layed seeding by' from a week to ten working on the land. ors of the Society or front JosRPH A(: x sic, J1 r. C. }•: Stct'thers and Miss. Jessie, Food, visited their sister, Sirs, A. Sic- .book; Capt. W. J. Brown. 500, rent of 1Dg• dayai, but there lavas. conipelbsatie►o for 1--`-c - Sec• • of '1'1►ronto spent . Saturday at their Kenzie, of the 4tb. road to �iithtbouike from Oct., 26 191.1, ► The sympathy of the whole com this delay in the moisture added to the uncli:'+, qtr. Tl}oa: Stothers. Tena M-rffat will have cba of the in Oct.2fi, 1919; R. J. Law ,;,.Ott munity goes out to Mr. Hall and son, - ' rge rY FO.R THEE Y. M. C. A. ground. beedin is now fairly under , ' Y. P. S. meeting on Thursday evening. stove for house at cemetery; Angus Mc- �____� way in Caaatla's �reatest wheat province, Ernest, in their recent sad bereavemegt. Notice To Creditors . '' I t , �p A , , " d how to Donald, 250 00, on account- of contras ' ,t and the auplt'y of seeds of alt k tnda a - Al r. and Mrs. Vi . }t . Johaatoe and --- MARKETS -I. •- Mr. D. A. Walker, In the matter of the asst.,;,• of n lirtstc,.r. live it." is is terns! Life uo of painting Hall; W, J. J1ea 1 ,.at) .1i.0 A. distort pears to be irutiieieiit to meet iRTT net r. Cereli p,� i pea to the late of P Y+ , - ,7 sort, , were u rc►iiY h.i '� work on flag pole and in Hall, Treas- organtz r for the Count of Bruce, was � . funeral Uf Airs. . o nston's sister, Tra,l to ch, 1'ro�,n�� or Hriti.I, • ' (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) Y } ossibly more land will be plowed this l Mrs. c olun,bia, fornwrl)- of the Tow,r%hip of - h ... 4 11 urer of the Tp. of -Ashfield, 2 50, Hur- in town yesterday i spring T. Hall. Ashfield in the vounty of laurou. y u,na,,.. _,; Fath Wheat.... Culross' Centre Y erda tD the interests of the a cin than last. More Lorse power iA ' 65 . (Wal share 'of }iounda�ry helm re hauling + dcc�ca..4ed . . Oats , , , , , , campatAn to raise ,Funds for that great available; for one thing; the moist soil Miss Leila , }flake ie• home for the Noti 0 hereby given ih9t all per.on= hav- • ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' of grainer to }fill on I6undary west of will help, and the eoldlPrq reLtlrDln to ing any claitus ur demand. ag+tin-t t 1, fate1. Iifirley . • . • .. • • . • • • • , , • 85 90 -Monday, April 21. ara:tnizaition. Though the war Is river R }''tater vacation. Hubert Hu1,tA•r, who di,tii on ,►r "bout the �" „ • • , , , . , , 1 b0 Amberly; Duncan Munn, 48 Kit, bill of the farming districts will assist in meet Mr. Price `aylor, of Whltechurcb and day of Decettnber .1k.u. un�:tt th'e-Post of• keit, Mitis 13ertie Gohle, of London, is hardware; G. 11. Aioon3y, 3 Uv, prtntin the work of the 1•. Ji C A ' among the , flee of Trail in the i'ro% it.f•e of isrii i -ii e'Zint- a, new laid............. 41 42 a pending, the vacation at her home here. K ing the shortage of labor. h.egarding spent Sunday with friends here. bi,�,are rellr,ireYt to sea d by INIc lr,•I;d h, c,+ . 47 50 g lxaters 'calling meeting at Bethel re anldlarA is not. The society has 25 sec- the AreA-tfl h., sown to wheat. this. year, I .dea.,:ver it) the under.:i,r,. t..•�j?jl6liwtr,ttor -,ars' T;utter...........:.. Mrs. Duncan Itent,ed grant a few Ont. and West Sh(.re it Mint Betyl Johnston, of Gixierich theeslateof the said lf,)t,e•rr ata„ter.,. itle►r ' Hogs • • • • • • • , 4.. ........ SS 50 y Y• retaries on the troop ships, gild it sends some indefinite statements--. been . (,idle ate, is home for the 1'.aater hulj name and addre,sze� an11 frill tltrtirr,l.tr� i,r . I days recently at Ithe home of her father, Morgan—Irwin the Reeve and !3i a • + a bECfPtliry on every troop train winch made. It would seem that, owing tot • writing of their Blain, and �taternenl* .,1 1 rlo TORONTO MARKETS y the unsettled conditione re urdio the days � ' Mr. Kramer, of Formosa. (,lark be and ate harsh authorized !-o g g . ae txwntP and the Hatt re of the . ee oral a ,f leaves the coast. In hundreds of was any. held by them dolt' weritlreii,� Rett t:e l ii sl o an agrrea'}rtent with the trustees (if Y fixing of the price of wheat fol' the com Mrs. Hill and Alta. Dr. Aic(,lihion, of And take notice that after t�he'renth stay „f C]ioi'Ce heavy steers...... it A to,><1S 00 Mian Atkinrtoh is spending the Eaister the police VI lane of Ripley, fixing the they look after the interests .of the rr- So oro, man farmere are debating Georgetown, attended the funeral of the Ma► A.u. 1919 the midadu„ni�t.rator will ,r,. t 1 SO to 12 00 holidays alt; her home near O.veii Hound. R crop, Y ting the c,,, to distribute the asset • of t he .,Aid de•ea- Choice butchers... .....,..• villages share of the Township Rate at turning 'Heti'. Every soldier who re advisability of inereaairlR their areas. late Airs. T. }fall. C Ra,ionx the�e N0110 encitltsl there tlx, t . Choice hitchers' cores••• 11' 00 to• 12 00 Good feeders--- 10 00 to 11 SO yl;b Lizzie Simpson visited friends ..$222. CarriaH. turns+ is iven a memberl+hip ticket Al r. CarHiea ►, totherP, o inA rea>:ard only to cite eLAilrrs he sn:An 'tl e'r, 4(1 00 to 1S0 00 g f Toronto, la have had notice, and th,u 11,emaid .ldrrrinis Good milrh cow• spending his vacation at, his home here, cestui io Winghsm last week. Irwin -Morgan -That this Connefl which will admit him to any 1. 1 C.A. The average value of farm land in l g wilt not be ►iable ter the pee►id A ,, �,g _ s,._.tt ci,•sn�ivcAterr”-'] 75 to - ,-.._ . 2 13—MZ I I � Miw_ Frleet:$IacksmU. _d�uxghter do now Adjourn . to meet, elite s+►e�1ltr►-• -fix (~Tit - - _ _. ,. . tl'n f"-i�itTbi,� %i1 . _ - i L - W 114T�i, t 1 at--eirtimates to :tittis llnby C'ttrraita, of Crewe, apt'lit: he s l,t 1 tlllt then li eiree,iw-notice. . :Tfait -:. Fall �ti}ireat . 2 10 to. Gertrude'; are visitiD ' a the home of day' A1i3y 26' 1U19' at thA 11AUal hour For all this work money is needed, Sao ser acre• as compared with F44 in Monday at Sir H. Currxn's. ars eli ru,:su,►ni tottat.rt►e;tato (hose Wheat R d�nnd place, as a Court of Revision and and it, is to kee the hod work 1 Ai chis notitri� ' • in th:►t tx h:Alf. l 63 to :her sister, re, Gleo, Richardson. P g going 1'117; $41 to 1:11 R, and $3t' in 1914. We -are' d to see Miss Mary Hall Datod at IniuknoH this. lath day of :hick! .�. i Osh+ • • • "" "' 13 00 to 16 0p for the transaction of itownship business. that the present Campaign is t1bdertakeo. British Columbia has the hi bent aver- bnme " 0.1919. . JM•e► Tlmotb' Hay ............. 4t to Mre.-Gluth ie Reid 6W a now player, Carried. y g again but sorry that her home s Nt N�,: kgs, vert laid .••.•••.••••• 1 . r.. Witlker reports a favorable kept. age, $149 per sore, The average is gos coming wap under such nA cilcum. R• R• `o, s. Lucknow, out., . ANQUi3 MwRTY:V Clerk. `S AdminiMrstor of the estate of satiy yy,��Alter, Creamery Prints 63 to b) poo dehvtned to her bopN !ilei mesh, , ion in the Nlorthern part of .Lhe oeuntry, tat'io aqd Quebec is X157, stanftq, . I i_S-c •• I Robert ,H"Ilrer• ill I , ( t i . " I � 1 • . - . • . 4 , _ . . 4 , . •. A . 0 .0 - j . , _ ' 1 - . e , . - !•1- • � ,,, , • U.