HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-17, Page 8is.
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L3aste.r Togg
Easter time is the season when most men and women
desire to don their new spring attire. To those who
have notpp
et supplied their needs for the Eastertide,
we commend our splendid display of suitable goods.
In Men's: Attr
We have a fine range of Spring Suits, .'Spring ver..=
coats, Fine Footwear, New Hats and Caps,
Neat Fitting Gloves, Negligee Shirts,
Fine Collars and New Silk Ties.
In Ladies' Apparel,
We invite -you to, see our New Silk and Poplin Coats,
Neat Fitting corsets, dine Silk and Kid Gloves,
Nice-WooI Sweater =Coats;:-Painty Blouses,
Pretty Styles in Co11aKs and .Frilling,
S{iler±did QwtJitieso1 _tiosiery ,and
Fine and Dainty Footwear.
• Whfterwhhurch
—,Monday, Apr.. 14
BoEN—To Mr. eta K Beu ,Mc-
Cleoeghan, April 13114 sew.
Miss Lillian Langmsn spent the week
end at her home here.
Miss Nellie Bannerman, of Teeswater,
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leg-
Miss Margaret McTavish, of Ripley,
is visiting at the parsonage.
Mr. Sydney Hewitt is visiting at the
home of Mr. -Geo. Roes •
The Whitechurch Creamery will re-
open on April 21, with Messrs. McKay
and Andrew as cream h tilers, both
having motor trucks, and Mr. Stuthers,
of Ashfield, as buttermaker. Prospects
are bright for a good season's make.
Mr. Archie Paterson has gone to
Lucknow to work at the blacksmithing
.with,Sydney Plowright.
Mr. Eli Jacques' sale wad a great
success, everything bringing top nrices.
T. R. Bennett, of Wingham, wielded the
Mrs. McClenghan and Ona returned
to their home in the village last V1ied-
Mr. Fred Clubb left Monday morning
for Regina.
Miss Lily Paterson and her little neice,
Helen, are spending the Eyster week
with friends in Toronto.
The Guild meeting last Sunday night
was taken by Miss F. Roes. Miss Ada
Clubb rendered a solo. The leader for
next night is Miss L. Longman.
Dogs and other domestic ani-
mals stray off, get lost or
are stolen every day, The
joy of the little "girlie," per-
haps your little "girlie," at
the recovery of her beloved
"doggie" could be :multiplied
every day if those who find
dogs would watch the "Lost
and Found" columns of The
London Free Press.
The first thing that occurs to
unfortunate losers ie to put
an ad. in The London Free
Frogs The first thing that
should occur to you, when
you find anything, is to read
the "Lost and Found" ads.
in The London Free Press.
Then do as you would he
done by, notify the loser
that you }ie ve his property
and are willing to return it.
Read the Want Ade. every
day in
London Free Press
Western Ontario's Foremost
In accordance with the published
-plans of the West Huron Teachers' As-
socilttion a deputation consisting of
Mesers. Hoffman and Johnstbn and
Misses Elliott and Coleman, waited on
the Stanley Township Council at their
last meeting and presented their case,
asking for a grant of $45 to be paid in
prizes to the schools in Stanley town-
ship showing the greatest improvement
in levelling rcadsides, planting trees, etc.
before Oct. 1st, 1919 The Council
recognized the reasonableness of the re-
quest and granted the 125, stipulating
that the money be divided inthree
prizes, let, 2nd and :3rd, of $12, and
$ respectively. The West Huron
Teacher.' Association is offering a re-
ward of $10 ,for the best work done
along similar lines in any section io
West Huron and besides are doing the
pioneer work in advertising and arouse
ing public interest in this matteassitsis
to be hoped that everyone in Stanley
township will be aroused to enthusiastic
support in beautifying farms, roadsides,
etc., so as to earn the rewards offered
which are only a small portion of the
benefit accruing to the township.
Teachers and trustees in other townships,
are urged to follow a similar course so
that with a long pull, a strong pull and
a Full all together great things may be
The splendid big game field known as
the Hudson eBay Region is fully describ-
ed in Rod and Gun tor April, which is
now on sale. - Boanycattle Dale, the
well known sportsman, LA's in his own
graphic style of the trapping S-wann of
191s at Rice Lake. Mr (;has. S Landis
the editor of the Guns and Ammunition
Department of the magazine and the
hest informed fire arms man in America
pas his life story told by .1. R. Mattern.
"A morning at Constance Bay" will be
read with interest by all young Canad-
ian. It it the -story of a splendid outing
held by the Ottawa Ray Sco cis.
Eighth Con., Kinloss.
—Monday, April 11
Miss Welsh spent the week -end with
Kincardine friends.
A number from our burg attended
the concert and play given at Ripley in
interests of the Hockey Team last week,
and report it a very successful affair.
We understand that Mr. Thos', Harris
has purchased a fine player, piano. No
talking machine for him'
Mesas. .J. Campbell and J. Nedbam
visited- frier ie on the Eighth last week.
Mr. E ir1 Culbert spent Sunday with
Walkerton friends - in pastures green.
We have jest been advised that the
big steel steamer Greyhound of the
eeswater -
—Tuesday, April 15.
GARAGES GA{.oRE.—It .is reported
that R. Trench has secured the skating
rink aid that it will be operated as a,
garage under his management. Mr. E
Jackson has purchased the Laundry
property which he will turn into a gar-
age. Mr. Strotne is looking for a suit-
able property in which to open a garage.
Jos. Olheiser S, Son are using the show
room of the Bruce Agricultural Works
as a garage which will be in Lull opera-
tion this season. - There will be no
shortage of garage accommodation the
coming summer.
An agent of THE BOOK OF KNOW-
LEDGE is in town this week 'soliciting
orders. The book is published by the
Grolier Society; of London, Eng , and
appears to be a eery good book, for
T.,K i rkla i_ In sy J.tn.provsug the•
property formerly owned by his father-
in-law, the late Geo. Forsyth.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ballagh have moved
into town from near Belmore, be having
sold his farm to his nephew. Mr. Bal-
lagh intends later to locate in Brockville
Miss Rattay,, of Hamilton, will be at
the Thank Offering and Missionary
Society meeting to be held by the Tees -
water ladies. :Mas Rattay is well known
in Teeswater having resided at the
Manse while Rev. Mr. Tait was in
charge of Knox Church. _
The children of the Presbyterian
Mission Band 'brought in 20 doz fresh
eggs last Saturday and sold them, the
procseds going to their work in the
Mission Band.
White Star Line will leave Goderich
with the Annual Detroit excursion,
Tuesday, June 17th, at 9 30 a m. arriv-
ing Detroit 5.15 p.ui.
Returning, will leave Detroit Thurs
day, June 19th, at 1.O9 p.m The fare
will be only $2 25 for the round' trip
and $1.75 one way.
The Greyhound will reach Goderich
ftbm Detroit on the first trip up Man -
day, June 16th, at 5 00 p m. and run
moonlight to Lake Huron that evening
at fi.15 p.m. This event will be under
the ausprces of the Goderich Band which
is an assurance of good music for danc-
ing and a gond time generally.
The ,Greyhound is a bur staunch sea-
worthy steamer, absolutely safe arol
She has a fine glass-dnclosed dance
floor on the upper deck, where good
music will be provided for dancing on
the trip to Detroit as well as on the
As there will be no regnilar boat be
tween Goderich andf)etrnif this year
every one who can i, ssihly do so should
take advantage of this •opportunity to
visit the wonderful City of the Straite.
Further particulars will appear later,
Culross Centre -
-Monday, April lb.
Ears Sitler, of Salem, has completed
wood -cutting for a number in this local-
Miss L`zzie Simpson spent the week-
end with Miss Gordon, Teeawater.
Q•iite a number of farmers have made
a start at seeding.
Walter surer, s ho has been ender the
Dr's. care • for some time, is able to be
about again.
Miss Hanna Gobel has gone to Vic-
toria Hospital, Loudon, to train as a
Wm. McInnes hes bought the old
McDougall farm on the 6th cou:
The Ashfield Circuit greatly appreciat-
ed the splendid service conducted last
Sunday by Itev. J: Agnew, of Clinton --
one of the pioneer boys of the circuit.
His clear and vivid message will no
doubt be deeply iuipresscd upon the
minds of those who heard him. The
Monday evening concert given by the
W. M. S. was a fine success. :The pro-
gram given by the ladies and the stirring
address by Rev. Mr. Agoew made a
moat enjoyable evening's entertainment.
You are invited to a dance in Carnegie
Hall, Monday night,' April,21. Lucknow
Orchestra, good lu.ich The Lucknow
Fire Brigade are donning the proceeds
to the Lucknow Brass Band. Come
A Teachers' Strike
In Listowel the Board of Education
Lai; intettsting thea g
with the lady teachers of the public
school staff, and at the last meeting of
the board an ultimatum from the teach-
ers was received to the effsct that unless
their demands for further increases were
complied with they would "walk out."
A compromise was finally put through
making the minimum salary for ex
perienced -teachers 1600,, .for um x-
pt rien•ced teachers $550,- and ,the nex-
imutn $750. The previous maximum
was $575 and the teachers demanded
that it be increased to $900. The salary
of the principal was raised to 11,400
NIcHoesoN—In Kinlough, Kinloss Tp.,
on April Stb, 1919, to Mr. and;Mra.
W. S. Nicholson—: son.
MaCLEov.—In the township of Kinloss,
on April 5, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander MacLeoa, a daughter.
MCCLENAGTIAN ---In the toilrnship of
Kind, es, on April 13, 1614, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, a son.
—Tuseday, April 15
Farmers are busy preparing for the
spring seeding.
Mrs. • L. Thatcher. and children, of
Glamis, are visit.uig her aunt, Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs: D. Johnston and child -
req spent the week -end with relatives
on Con. 10, Kinloss
C. Dore, of Purple Grove, spent Sun-
day in our burg.
• Orie Herde was a Sunday visitor at
R. Neabit's, South Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colwell, of -Ber-
1 ie, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Huston.
_You are invited to a dance in Carnegie
Hall, Monday night, April 21. Luck -
now Orchestra, good lunch. The Luck -
now Fire Brigade are donating the pro-
ceeds to the Lucknow Brass Rand.
Come along.
A new metal has been ti►:,covered In
the Nelson mining district of British
Columbia by Andrew G. Fi 'nch, and It
has been named Canadiusn it is allied
to the platinum group and .,crura pure
in the form of grain and short crystal-
line rods, and also an alloy, and assays
give three ounces or less to the ton.
Canadium hes 'a brilliant luster, and,
like gold and silver and platinum, does
not oxidize when exposed to the air; It
is softer than platinum and its melting
'point is a great deal lower. Tlie phy-
sical and chemical properties of the
metal are to be studtcd at the chemical
laboratory of the University of Glas-
Cansdium is the first new metal 'to
be discovered in anything more than
infinitesimal quantities since 1885.
New Metal in Use.
Thermostatic metal, a new material
Is adapted for such uses is recording
temperature changes and giving auto-
rrtatie temperature control. 'It itt made
of strips of two strong. non -corrosive
meta', of widely different ezpanslon
.on heating. These are welded togeth-
er, and ani cb ngv- of temperature
causes the compound strip to bend.
When a piece four, inches long lve-
sixtetenth Inch wide and one-tenth
Inch thick was raised 100 degrees
Fahrenheit, a force of 24 ounces was
necessary o overeome the bending
tendency and keen the t sttslett.
is the root of nearly all digestive
evils. If your digestion is weak or
est of kilter. better eat less and use
the new aid to better digestion.
Pleasant to take—effective. Let
Ki-siseisV help straighten o.st your
digestive troubles.
St. Helens
—Monday, April 14
The regular meeting of the Women's
Iuetitnte will be held. in the Hall on
Thursday, April 24. All ladie , are
especially invited to be preaeut.
The following 19 copied from the
Presb;, terian of April 10: The congre-
gations of Melbourne and Riverside in.
the Presbytery of London met in a
social evening with their tnu►iotcr, Rev.
P. Jamieson and fancily, when a short
program of music and song were enjoyed
During the evening they presented their
minister, who u d accepted a unanimous
call to St. Helens in ,tb'e_Presbytery of
Maitland, with an address and a well-
filled purse. Also Mrs: Jamieson with
a shower of fruit, and Miss Margaret
with °a life certificate in the Onthrie
Mission Baud. The "Jamieson" Mission
Band of Riverside Church presented
Mr, Jamieson with a copy of ta New
Hymnal, and Master Ross °Jamieson
was made, a life member of the End. .
Mr. Hugh Rutherford made' a busi-
nese trip to Fergus last week.
Yee Yid ii i,u A li&bce Ui i►u real -
negie Hall, Lucknow, on Monday Dight,
April 21st. Lucknow Orchestra. Good
;unch.. The Lucknow Fire Brigade are
donating the proceeds to the Lucknow
Brass Band. Come along.
Mrs. Harry Torrance, of North Bay,'
visited at Mr. J. I). Anderson's on
Mrs.- Hugh Rutherford- returned on
Monday after spending a few days with
friends at Wingham and Belgrave.
Cecil Hyde is sporting' a new buggy,
and ElliotMiller another Ford.
Mrs ---Ramage has returned to .her
home `here after spending the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. Purvis.
Mr. Win Armstrong, of the 9th con
has returned from the West where he
was called a few weeks ago ovrinm to
the death of his son, Earl, who was
killed, 'with two others, wh.sn the train
on which he was fireman ran off the
track and crashed into a [train elevator.
Mrs Armstrong and family returned
with Mr. Armstrong and will make
their home with him.
Mr and Mrs Jas. Barbour, Jr., have
moved to their new borne near Holy -
Mr, and firs. Herman Philips left for
;Vinnipeg last Wednesday.
(Bruce County News
Customs collection at the custoin
office, Kincardine, for the year ['ding
Mar. 31, 4 919, amoni,ted to $31;763.
Vietor t McKochnie, a Walkerton
y rung m�ti who joined the 160 B.tt.,
is now in. India with the permanent
Imperial force. He i ecen by was pro-
moted to a captaincy, having shown
great aptitude for military lifa.
A housewife, of Walkerton, was
greatly surprised on a recent Sunday
morning Co find that 6 pounds of
butter which she had left in the wood
gibed the night before was missing
The butter was of specfia! mike and
quality and had been selected for
family use.
Moses Michael, an Indian of the
Saugeen reserve, who was mixt el up
in a series of crinins within the past
two years, :twee sentenced by Judge
Klein to three years in Kingston
Penitentiary. Among his crimes wore
the breaking into a summer cottage
at Oliphant, tail breaking at Drayton
arid robbing the U.T.R. Stations at
Drayton and Gowanstown. -
I'te. El Gilmere, will left. a 3 .0
acre farm in Carrick to join the 160th
and fight in the war, returned on
Saturday 'from ov#.seas. , He crossed
to England with a baso company cf
the 16Oth in advan„e of th , Bruce
unit, and got to France shortly after
the Bruce boys reached England. On
aco;.unt of a cast in his eye he was re
jetted at first fc'r military service,
but finally getting.-tilt.—the.-force Am.
proved the heat Shot in his cohipany.
After beipg through many of the big
fights on the West fio,nt,, hs returnel
unscathed from the war.
The Brussels' Post . of last week
says: We are sorry to hear that
Phone No. 10 is at Your Service
We Sell tor Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores
We purchased from the R. A. F., Toronto,
a quantity of
Genuine Trimo Pipe Wrenches
10 in , which we are placing on the market at
$t.5o each. Also a quantity of
De Luxe Food Choppers
No. 4o, which we are placing on the market for
$1.5o each. these cannot be replaced at any.
thing like the price., First 'come, first 'served.
We have the new Polish Mop
It is
:called the "Duskil"
This glop has a nor --rigid handle, which is an
advantage over other mops. But its chief ad-
vantage is the ease with which the mop can - be removed
from the frame when requiring washing. CaII and see it.
W,erii.ve Lacqueret—the dainty - decorator -in tight and
dark eak, the two popular shades for furniture. Try it to
freshen up your furniture and woodwork. A halt pint will
renew a half dozen chairs.
The Lucknow Hardware & CoaICo.
1i A new company has been formed to take over the
wholesale produce business in Ilarriston, conducted
for many years by Gunns Limited.
11 The business will in future be known as the Wel-
lington Produce Co., Limited.
11 Mr. B. Whitmore, at present manager of ,Gunns
Limited, will be Managing Director of the stew
1! A large addiiton to the plant is now being built
and mechanical refrigeration installed. 'l'he new
building will include a moders Ice Cream Plant with
latest equipment for the manufacture of the highest
grade product. Our Ice Crean' will he on the mai ket
by June bit. WAi r FOR iT.
1I-Harriston has the t ene6t •ef being located on a
very favorable railway centra.from&service stand.
point, having direct connection a ith the Owen Sound •
and Southampton lines of the Grand Trunk and the
Orangeville Teeswater ',ranch of the (: P.R., thereby
warranting prompt and efi,;ient service in this new
11 Meanwhile, *e are always buyers of Eggs, Butter
and Poultry.
Wellington Produce Co., Limited.
Harriston, Ont.
William Close, who has •been in the
employ of P. Ament for the past four
years, intends removing to Arthur
where he has engaged with W. G.
Gorbe'tt, as foreman of Lis p'aning
mill. Mr. Clouse was throe years
viithM1r. Glorbett before, hence they are
well acquainted. Since cx,min Imre,
Mr. Clouse built a comfortable horn
and bo h he and Mrs. Clouse in church,
lodge and community generally have
made themselves useful and they will
be missed. The former is at present
Noble Grand in Western Star 1 odge,
1.0 O.F., Brussels. Mr. Clouse leaves
for Arthur in the course of a week 'or
so but MresClouse and Lawson may
not go four a while as difficulty is ex
perienced in securing a house. Mr.
and Mrs •Clouse are former Culross
people and are well known at Tees
Dime iN MANIToriA.—Of a onetime
resident of Culross who recently died
in Manitoba, the Teeswater News I
ilas the following to say: . One of the
oldest residents of the district of Len-
ore, MI. ti., passed away on Thursday,.
March 20th, in the person of Mrs.
Win. Alexander, former:sr Margaret
i►onal,ue, of Teeswater, Ontario. Mrs.
Alex ander w•ay born in Huron County
near Dungannon in 1865. She moved
with 'her parents in 18.1 to the 7th
of Culross where- she resiled until
1.,:83. In that year she went with
her husband to Vivien, Manitoba;,
where they homesteaded and lived up
to the time of her death. Mrs Alex-
ander went through :all the hardships
of the early life on the prtiries and
belied to build up one of the i Meat
hones in the distri,,t in which she
lived. Besides her husle n d slue leaves
to- mourn heir los; one son, Wm. J.
Alexander, at home; and five brothers
Chas , of Lenore; Win., of Moo o Jaw,
Bask; Andrew, of Melville, Sask; Denis,
of Melville, Sask; and Dance Lefie-
cho, Sask.,
NiTonight —
Toinorrow Feel Right
Geta 25c Box.
"J. Garnet Armstrqng, Lucknow.