HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-17, Page 1.I
r tl
$1.50 per year, in advance; $ .00 otherwise
Teeswater will hold an Old Boys' Re-
" Union on August 3 4 5 and 6 -four
days to renew old friendships under de-
lightful surroundings." A mass, open-
' sir religious eervioe will be held on Sun-
day afternoon, the 3rd; and thtre will
be a" c )ntinunua entertainment by a
Chautauqua series of concerts; horse
races Monday and Wedueeday after-
y,'►one, and sports for all, free for all, on
Tuesday. Promiuent public men will
unveil the War Memorial.- _ 4. grand
welcome for everybody.
Buy War Savings Stamps as a►
step . to getting : a . 150 Government
The Mix-up- In Time
Became the Dominion Parliament
decided to conduct its sessions accord-
ing to daylight saving time;= -the impres-
cion got abroad that Parliament bad
enacted daylight saving for Canada.
But when newspaper headlines said that
"Parliament Adopts Daylight Saving
'T'ime to C ,mwence Monday" what they
meant was that the House would observe
the "new time'' in conducting business.
The reason for this was that the city of
Ottawa had adopted the same time as
the railways and it would greatly incon-
venience members and employees to
keep on observing standard time.
Humorists have been poking a good
deal of fun at the parliament which only
a few weeks ago defeated a daylight
saving bill, because it considered it a
bad thing for the country, and now
turns around and observes the change
in time itself, evidently because it is a
good thing. w'
The view taken by Parliament is that
a municipality, lice au individual may
live by what time it likes.
Room III
Sr I11 over 75%-F. Reid, E. M. Orr,
A. Carruth. Over 60-M. Douglass,
L Murdoch, C. Murdie, L. Taylor, W.
boron!, D. Carter, E. Burns. $Plow
F0% -M. Andersen, W. Howe, E. Alton*
L Shazkelton, S. McKenzie*, W.
Eaton*, D. McDonald*, N. McInnes.
Jr. III -Over 72/0-M. McKenzie, J.
Stewart, E Armstrong, A. Thompson,
C. 'Thompson, M. Geddes., Oyer 60-
L. Webster, A. Irwin, T. Webster, A.
Taylor. Below 60-P. Webster, C.
Milne*, H. Macintosh*, D' Houghton*,
A. Aitchison*.
Those marked with a * were absent
for one or more evemta.
ADA M. WEBSTER, Teacher.
Spring Muskrats
Wanted at Once
I moat have this:. quantity to supply
my orders as I have sold all the spring
Muskrats that I can buy. This enables
me to pay more money Min anyone else
for them. Highest- prices also paid for
all other furs.
Come and see me. I am waiting for
B. Blitzstein
(Corrected up to Wednesday noon)
2 11
85 90
Peas .. .... 1 50
Eggs, new laid..., 41 42
tter ; . 47 50
21 00
Fall Wheat
Choice heavy l steers. $14 00 to /15 00
Choice butchers 11 30 to 12 00
Choice butchers' cows11 00 to 12 00
Good feeders ' 10 00 to 11 50
Good miler frown' 140 00 to 150 00
Hogs, fed and watered20 25 to
Fall Wheat 2 13 to
Goose Wheat 2 10 to
Oats 63 to
Timothy Hay - 13 00 to
Rg s, sew laid 41 to
Satter► Creamery Prints 63 to
--Monday, April 14.
Pte. Rot, Jackson." visited friends in
Port Elgin this week:
Mise Viola Gilfillan visited in Kin-
cardine on Saturday.
Mr. Ww. Stanley, of Kincardine, was
a visitor in Ripley on Saturday.
Mrs. Bert Herds and Miss Ida Mar-
tyu spen'aiaturday it Lucknow.
Clean up your back 'yard. The ►Sasn-
itary Inspector is on bis rounds.
W. T. Dockrill, traveliing passenger
agent of the C.P.R., was _ in town on
Mr. John McKenzie and wife, of
Kincardine, visited friends ut Ripley
the past week.
Mrr. Thos. Ginn and son, Douglas, of
Detroit, are visiting at Mrs. A. Mc.
Laity's, 9th cot).
Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Sr., went to the
Wingham hospital oa: Monday to under.
go an operation.• -
Mrs. G, J. Emmerton is not enjoying
the best of health. Her many friend,
for her recovery.
Rev. Geo. Gilmore preached prepar-
atory communion services in Knox
Church, Kincardine, on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLean and three
children and M rv. J. Crawford spent
the week end at the home of Mrs. S. T.
A miscellaneous shower was held at
Mre. Chas. Wyld'e on Monday evening
for Miss Murdeua McLean whose mar-
riage to Mr. Wesley Wyld took place
on Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Treleaven, cf Lucknow,
who - was to have occupied the pulpit in
Ripley Methodist" Church on Sunday
evening, was unable to do so on account
of illness, and no service was held.
Mr. and Mrs. Jatsiieson, , of Penetang,
have moved to Ripley. Mr. Jainieso$
will open a Garage in J. B. Martyn'p
block where the dick. autos can get
dee of the right kited of medicine. W,
welcome these taevieteers to our town
and wish .them every success.
The auction sake held at Mr. Angus
McDonald's, kt 21, con. 7, on Friday
last, and at Mr. John Bell's, con. 8, op
Monday, were very largely attended.
Auctioneers Nesbit and Ytlrvis are very
busy men this season and are usually
successful in bringing a high figure for
every article placed on the Stock. - _---
The play "Which One Won," staged
by the Ripley Athletic Club on Friday
evening, was a huge success. The
Town Hall was crowded to its utmost
capacity with an attentive audience.
The characters were well chosen and
their parte well played. The ycung
people of Ripley always make a success
of anything they undertake. The amount
of the receipts totalled $167 which will
put the Club on a sound financial basis.
On Snnday Rev. Geo. Gilmore cele-
brated the sixth anniversary of his pas•
torate in Knox Churtb. His /sermons
both morning and -evening were very
appropriate, dealing with the success
achieved during that time and the good
will manifested on all sides. At the
morning service Mrs. D. Munn delighted
the audience by the rendering of • solo.
In the evening the male quartette added
to the service of praise. The church
was well filled at both services and all
listened attentively to the delivery of
two foreeful, practical sermons.
Pte: Gus McLeod, who was a pris-
oner of war is Germany for nearly four
years, arrived last week in Montreal
where be is visiting his brother; Rev.
Donald McLeod. A right royal wel-
ooae will be extended to him when he
arrives in Ripley this week. Gus was
the first young man from Ripley who
heard his country's call. He enlisted
with the 5th Royal Highlanders of
Montreal, but previous to leaving for
the front he 'visited his home here and
displayed a great deal of courage when
bidding farewell to bis native town and
old friends. In the spring of 1915 be
was taken prisoner at the battle of
Langemark. The earnest prayers of his
many Ripley friends and their beat
wishaa 4ee-die-ewly 1ibere itxr have gene
out for him during all these years; and
now we are thankful that he bar been
spared to return and will be very anit-
ious to hear his many interesting tales
of life in a German prison camp.
On Tuesday of last week another of
the old pioneers of Huron passed to bis
reward in the person of Mr. Jas. Sana.
dots who had rooked t$ edvssegit
Single Copies 3 cents
The price of coal has beer, established
for this year. The post is the lowest
from now until June first. On June
first it advances 25c pet ton; on Sept.
first 45c per ton, making a total advance
of 50c per ton! „
We are setting a fair supl, in all
sizes but, the Coal Co -::panted will not
guarantee the extent of time this will
couttnue. They make this explanation
that there is a great lallor unrest on all
sides, and if this Mired takes bold of
labor in the mining regions their hands
will be tied:
Our position is this we will gee in all
Ahe,eoalisee,possibly can in the neY•ttwo
or ,three Months if you will take it away
If you don't all we can do* .fill our
sheds and await results. We are here
to serve.you, but to make that ser
ed'ecient you wpust do your part.
Tae Lvesxow -COAL Co.
Lieut. J. S. Mitchell and Ptes. Jack
Muclonald and Joe McCoy- arrived
home from' overseas the end of last
week, all in good health and not puffer-
iqg any serious ill effects of their war
Lieut. Mitchell, being a graduate of
the School of Science, was with the
Epgioeers; McCoy and MacDonald were
Itathe infantry and saw a great deal of
Pte. MacDonald, who is one of the
Nur tons of Mr. 'and Mrs. D. S. Mac-
poliajd to serve in the war, went over-
s at the age of 17, and celebrated
four birthday anniversaries there-
tiressTin Francs and one in a hospital
iQ England. For the first ten months
in France he did not miss a trip to the
front trenches with his battalion. He
suffered shell shock in the first Somme
effedhlvil and spent nearly a year in
Eoglau recovering; but he was back to
pisrticipate in the hard fighting of last
Inteist. He was enjoying i short
save" in Sootland when the Monistic*
was signed.
Pte. McCoy has a deep scar on Abe
cheek, the mark of a bullet which hit
him on the neck and passed upward
and out through the cheek.
Story wasn't Right
The report of • the death of Arthur
frinkwalter as we .had it last *eek ; ap-
pears to lieve teen greatly mired up
with some other story. and was nearly
all wrong. Instead of being injured in
a street car aceideut, the deceased merely
had the index finger of his right hand
crushed under a roller which he was
placing under a heavy psece`of machin-
ery which was being moved. The injury,
though bad enough was not serious; bu t
about 24 hours later tetanus (or kick
jaw) developed resulting in his death
two days after the accident. Mr. Drink -
welter's home was at Welland, and the
funeral took place there. He leaves a
widow and one child.
of 83 years. On Wednesday his partner
in life followed hire. Roth were highly ,
respected citizens of Ripley where they
lived for quite a number of years.
Both were born in Lewis Island, Scot-
land, and were of the good old Coven-
anter stock. Coming to this country
when they were in their prime they
bore the hardships of early pioneer life.
They lived on the 4th con., Huron, then
in Kinloss, and for a number of years
in'Rainy River District. Mrs. Saunders
was an invalid for a number of years,
but Mr. Saunders was active until a few
months ago. The passing of these two
aged Christian people soclosely together,
after many happy years together, must
be looked upon as one of God's many
beautiful ways of caring for his paople
"In life and death together." On Sat-
urday the double funeral was held from
their late residence, and their remains
were followed to their last resting place
in Ripley Cemetery by a large concourse
of people who came to pay their last
respects to two who endeared themselves
to 1111 who knew them. A family of
four sons and two daughtera survive.
Robert, of Winnipeg, Donald, of La
Valley. and Mrs. Pine, of La Valley,
being here at the funeral. Mrs. H. A.
Coulter who spent a part of the winter
with them returned to her home in
Rainy River a tow weeks ago. The
'sympathy of a hest of friends is ex-
tended to the bereaved family in their
Tomorrow will be Good Friday, and
a public holiday.
Mr. Leroy Horn has sold his residence`
on Ross Street ''to 'Mimes Lizzie ' and
He iel Webeter.
Mr. and, Hervey Nit►ine, of
Blytb, spent \a few - days last week
visiting her mother here.
The Anglican Church Guild will hold
a sale of work in the Council Chamfer
on Saturday of this week.
The strike of express employees of
the G.T.R. continues and is muting a
god deaf nF ins',"+nveo•ience to G.T.R.
FOR SALE.- A good serviceable farm
horse. Will be at home on Friday,
-pril 18th. Perfectly sou nd.-Apply to
"MwcKENZI$, Mfg. Co. Phone 14 r 4.
Bring your triend to the L. M. G. A.
next Sunday afternoon and mad E inter
with uP. Special music. Full orchestra.
Interesting topic, 3.30 • to 4.30. All
men invited.
Mr. Dan Graham - went to London
last week --to undergo an operation on
one of his feet which was not healing
from the frostbites suffered in the.
winter of 1917. Miss C. Graham ac-
companied him to London and returned
on Saturday.
Girl wanted for general housework.
House with all modern conveniences.
to commence work May 1st. Apply in •
writing to box 297 or Inquire at SENT-
The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U.,
Lucknow branch, will be held in the
Council Chamber, Town Hall on Thurs-
day, April 24th at 3 o'clock p.m. A
good program is being prepared. All
the ladies of Lucknow and vicinity are
cordially invited.`
The Guild of the /Anglican Church
will bold a sale of work in the Council
Chamber on Slturdav,-. April 19, at 2.30
p.m. As well as practical sewing, home-
made baking and candy will be sold.
Tea, sandwiches and pie will be served.
Mr. Wellington Henderson h:.a gone
to Alliston this week to take charge of
a bog and cattle buying buiness which
he recently bought there. It is Mr.
Henderson's intention to move to Allis-
ton permanently, but Mrs. Henderson
and children will remain in Lucknow
for the present.
A Box Social and Entertainment will
be given in the Grey Ox School on the
evening of April 17. A p'av "Tbe
Cort er Store" will be presented by
local talent. Admission 35c. Ladies
with boxes free I; -4-p.
Mr. Walter Horst left on Tuesday
morning for Kingsville where he has
taken a blacksmith shop and is going
into the business. Mr. Ho:n will be
missed by the bowling fraternity this
summer, as he was one of the keenest
epode and beat bowlers in town. No
doubt he will have ample opportunity
to exercise his skill upon the bowling
greens of the south peninsula. Mrs.
Horn will remain in tgwo for _the
Capt. Richardson,'" (salesman of the
London Times' illustrated History of
The War, was to town last week and
sold a set of the volumes of the Public
Library. The work will consist of 17
volumes and the twelve now completed'
will be along within a couple of weeks.
It is a great work, authoritative, pro-
fusely illustrated and will be brought
right up to the signing of peace.
The Library Board also, during the
week, ordered a number of timely books
of fiction, ju,veniie andlenerai reading
from J. M. Dent 3t Sons, publishers, of
Toronto. These will be along in about
a week.
Crowds Were Small
It looks as though Lucknow folk had
been "fed up" on entertainment recently,
with the result that neither the Corda-
Ware-Buckner concert of last week nor
the picture show on Tuesday night
drew a good crowd. As entertainments
both pr ograims were good, "The Better
'Ole" being quite the best picture show
to visit Lncknow. Admission. however,
was high, .50c, 75c and $1.00, and the
average person wisely hesitates before
paying that much for a picture show.
On account of the small attendance, the
Erase Band Committee which had an
interest in the two shows are no further
Lucknow Oddfellows will attend
divine service in the Meth
on Sunday, Apr. 27, at
t Church
ock, a.m.
All local members as wlrll as visiting
brethren are cordially invited to attend.
-SECY. ,
The annual meeting of the Lucknow
Epworth League was held on Monday
evening, April '14th. The following of-
ficers were elected for the coming year.
Pres., L:titia Joynt; 1st Vice Pres., Mr.
S. Plowright; 2nd Vice Pres., Ada Web-
ster; 3rd Vice Pres., Gertie Treleaven;
4th Vice Pres , Ewart Taylor; Sec ,
Gladys Rivers; Treas., Eldin Henderson;
Cor. Sec; 'Eva'Greer; Organist, Mildred
-Treleaven; Assist., : Organist, Louisa
Garbutt. . � - _
L. M. C. A. -Subject for. April '20,
"Easter, What it is, What it Means and
Teaches," This program is in the hands
of a committee composed of F. Eaton,
R. Thompson and W. L. Mackenzie. A
feature of the .program will be a question
drawer -any question ,pertaining to this
topic. Write your question on a slip of
paper, sign no name and all slips will be
collected at opening of the meeting and
handed to Rev. Mr. Garbt who will
occupy the chair for this special feature.
Lucknow people were greatly aur -
prised and saddened on Monday morn
int ti learn tikat Mrs. Cliff Rivers had
died et her home is Tate, Saek., on
Sunday. Mra Rivers was the youngest
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. R. McOhaarles
of town, and she had left Lucknow /or
the West only ten days before her
death. She was then enjoying. good
health and was in excellent spirits. 'It
mems, however, that she had become
run down on the trip out and caught
cold. On Friday,- the 11 tb, she was re-
ported seriously ill, and she became'
rapidly worse nutil the end came. Mrs.
Rivers had never bees robust, and the
past three years were spent with her
parents here in an effort at building up.
This was fairly suceessfal sad she de-
cided to rejoin her husband this spring.
Mrs. Rivers was 28 years of age and she
and Mr. Rivers were married eight years
The remains will be brought to Luck -
now for intermeat, bat arrangements
for the funeral are not made at time of
The parents, husband and other rel-
atives have the sympathy of many
friends in their sudden and sad bereave
• -Tuesday, Apr. 15
• Mss Hazel Gardner spent Monday
,in Wingham.
Miss Mary Helm is spending a few
weeks in Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ritchie spent a
few days in Wingham last week.
Mrs. Robt. Ritchie, who underwent
an operation In ,Wingham; we under -
is doing nicely,,
You are invited to a dance 1n the -Car-
negie Hall, Lucknow, on Monday night.,
April 21st. Lucknow Orchestre. Good
lunch. The Lucknow Fire Brigade are
donating the proceeds to -the Lucknow
Brass Band. Come along.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Caesar, of Dun
gannon, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Gardner recently.
Mr. Archie Noble returned to Mark
dale, Wednesday.
Messrs. Wesley and John Macintosh
were visitors at David Strouds on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey and
daughiter, Freda, visited at Jacob llunter1
nn Sunday.
Miss Ida Hackett spent the week
end in Lucknow.
Rev., Mr. Agnew a former Ashfield
boy preached a very inspiring set "non
here Sunday evening.
Quite a number' from here attended
the W. M S concert in lHackett's Church
Monday evening and all report a splendid
Wei --extend Beal tiest congratulatiotei'
to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Twatnley..
Ike Geo Hunter, who enlisted from
Hamilton during the early ata s of the
war, returned last week to his�id home
after doing his bit overseas. Quite a
number of his .friends and netghbers
gathered In the Hall on Friday evening,
April 4, to welcome him back. They
presented him with an address and
purse of money.
-Monday, April 14.
Mr: S. T. Treleaven and family have
moved into the house which he recently
purchased from ..Wrh. Sillib. Mr. Sillib
has moved to the farm which he bought
from W. R. Nevins.
Wm. Bailie and Mise Mabel were up
from Goderich on Monday.
Mr. Bert Roach and family have
moved to the village and occupy part of
Jar,. Stonehouse's house. He hired' with
J. R. McNab for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin have
moved to the village and are at present
living in the nnrth part of the .old hotel.
On Monday evening, April 2114,' a
dance will be held in the Agricultural
Hall Music by McKenzie ak Scott.
The- young ladies purpose holding a
-dance Easter week on Friday, April 25.
Music by Raymond Redmond's Or-
Dungannon still keeps 'old time' a1-'
though the surround* villages have
moved their time on one hour. The
mail leaves at :.30 a.m. in order to be
in time for the 10.30 train.
Two more of-our,aoldier boys arrived
home last Thursday Dight -Howard and
Benson Case. A large crowd gathered
in the basement of the Methodist
Church to welcome the boys. Speeches'
were given by J.. A. Mallough, Mrs. Al-
li[son,"-Itev 41 1 Craig and Rebecca
Thompson. A short program was given,
and then three rousing cheers for the
returned heroes and a hearty handshake
by all.
The local lodge of the L.O.L. has de-
cided to make Dungannon the centre of
a big Orange Celebration on July 1.2th
this year. Watch for further particulars
later. The three churches will under-
take to feed the crowd.
S $ed tend
Just now, at the opening of the -auto -
u obile seas' n the fnllrawing note pub
lished by the Deputy Minister of High-
ways is timely. He says: "The majority
of fast drivers have nothing to do when
they get them. They are a .menace to
themselves, to those whom they pass,
and a nuisance tc people who reside
along the road.''
T it=.4 i►tt, ET --lt 1TriiT E -- _ _-
The marriage of Miss Janet Ritchie,
only daughter of Mrs Andrew Ritchie,
to Mr. Wesley 'l'waiiiley, took place
quietly at the- Ashfield Methodist par-
sonage, Lucknow. on Wednesday, April
9th Rev. R. C. Copeland, B.A. per-
formed the ceremony. The good wishes
of a host of friends follow them to their
new home at Crewe.
M acINvis-Simeon l►
The marriage of Miss Marie Sherwood,
to Mr. Robert Maclnnes, of Kinloas, Tp.
tock place.sit.--the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sher
wood, of Ashfield Tp , on Wednesday,
April 9th, in the presence of the itn
mediate relatives. Rev. It. C. Copeland,
B.A. conducted the ceremony, which'
was perforated beneath a white arch.
The bride, who , was given away by
her father, looked charming in a gown
of white dfiile. Tht wedding march
was played by the bride's sister, Mrs
A. Watson. The happy couple will
eat tbetr home near Langside, and
ave the good wishes of a host of friends.
Got The Yanks
French girls have captured 4,000
Yanks, which is more than the German
army can say. -Detroit Free Press.
"Olt `SALiC-3 well finished houses with all
latest convenieneei. For part iculers apply
to 0. A. Sttn,.u.t- '1 8 tfe.
The Whitechurc1r Creamery wagon
will not be out in Ltickt ow vicinity this
week owing to the bad condition of the
roads. A start will be made next week.
-1). ANDRRW:
The Lucknow Agricultural Society
having made entry in the Standing Field
Crop Competition in two varieties of
grain namely: Oats and Spring Wheat,
the undersigned will receive entries up
to the 23 day of May noxi, •
The rules govering this competition
may be obtained from any of the Direct-
ors of the Scciety or from Josx AoN;w,
A meeting for the purpose of winding
up the unfinished busin,eas of the Society
' was held by the womels of the Patriotic
Committee on Thursday evening last.
Mra. Siddal reported a considerable
quantity of yarn still on hand. This
will be sold at the price paid for it to
anyone desiring to purchase yarn and
may be obtained by app'ying to Mr?.
An item of interest was the Secretary's
report giving a summary of the good
shipped by the Society during the period
of the war and was as follows: '1 , 5,1 day
shirts, 1511 night Abirts, 1534 prs, sr
44 prs. bed sox, 149 pre. wristlets, 6750
pieces, hospital supplies, 1540 stretcher
caps, 132 .towels, 108 personal property
bags, 151 ,under garments for Refugees,
370 pillow cases and 4 pillows, (donated
by Mra. Elliott as a result of her "pillow
case shower) 96 handkerchiefs, 4 belts,
4 helmets, 4 bed jacke s, 12; Christmas
bogie 100 Christmas stockings. •
A report by the Treasurer reve sled a
cash balance oA hand of alightly over
Mra. Spence expressed the appreciatioli
of the Society, and a vote of the was
tendered -to -the ec an Treasurer
also to the Finance Committee for their
assistance during the past years.
A discussion was indulged in at the
close of the business nesting, as to
which "action would Fie most advisable -
to disband or to continue and keep alive
the organization for further work along
lines which may subsequently develop.
Most of the ladies seemed to feel that
"patriotism' is an emotion for peace
time as well as war time and that it
would be more creditable and praise-
worthy to continue the organization for
whatever "re -construction" work that
may arise.
However the metter was left over to
be more thoroughly gone into at a meet-
ing to be held in the Council Chamber
on Tnursday evening, April 24th. It is
sincerely hoped that those interested
will give this matter their earnest con-
sideration and that a goodly number
will come to the meeting prepared to
express their views.-Secv. .
MONEY TO WAN. -On mortgages and notes
at reasonable rates. Lire Insurance. not,
Stook and Mutual Companies. Convey •
ancing done with neatness and despatch.
01w. A. SIDDAI.L. Broker. Lucknow
V 1�RY B� iNDy bough arid Field. :t pair
AC'KKRT, Lucknow, or ACK E MT &-
RATHWELL'S Boot and Shoe Store, Luck•
HIGH�BT market prices tor raw turn. lion
sell the fury without. sexing B. BLI I Ls I1,.1
LWST-At the Methodist Church shed. Luck -
now, or between there and nay place on
('on. 12. W. Wawanosh, a driving robe.
Finder please report to JOHN MILLER.
Phone Lucknow la on M. or ut M(Leov
alt Jov rz'e HARDWARE. 24-4-p.
l.ncknow. every Wednesday afternoon. All
chronic diseases successfully treated. Ua-
teopathy removes the phynioal causes of
disease.. Adjustment Of the spine in mors
quickly secured and with fewer treatment*,
by Owteopatbr than by env other method.
For all matters regarding Greenhill oemete,F.
refer to D. C. Taylor Secretor?.
CROPS. -Farmers within teaming dist-
ance of the factory, buying dire:t will
save commission and freight. We have
a full line of our various brands on hand.
24.4-c Wingham.
DF.AI) HORSES. - Carcasses taken
away promptly within a radius of "►
miles. Will pay 53.00 to 55.00 fair live
animals brought to the factory. No an-
imals pt•i11 be removed without hide.
Phone at our expense: Day phone No.
12, evening phone No. VS.
13-2-tf. Wingham.
Notice To Creditors
in the matter of the estate of Robert Hunter.
late of Trail in the Province of 1lritish
Columbia. formerly- of the Township of
Ashtle'ki. in the County of Huron. yeoman,
Nobe is hereby given that all per=ons hay-
tug any claims or demands against the tete
Robert Hunter, who died on or about the Sec-
ond day of l'ecemtx•r AI. 1911 at the Poet of -
tirc of Trail in the I'r•ovanee of British r'olum-
hia. are required to seed by post prepaid or to
deliver to the Undersigned. Administrator of
the estate of the said Itot,ert lliurter..their
names and addresses and full a articulare in
writing of their claims and statements of ► lair
:a,•ro,rntsand the nature .,f is-. ii
ao •. held by they"" duly verified by alp 1. ti aL.
Aikd take notice that after the Tenth day of
May A.D. 1109 the said administrator will pro
ceed to distribute the assets of the .- id deceits
ed among the persons entitled there too, hav-
ing regard only to the claims he shall then
hare had notine, and that the -said Adminis-
trator will not be liable fort he said assets or
any part thereof to any iwr•son of whose claim
he shall not then havc�received notine.
This notice is gi :en pur,narat to the Stat %no
hr that behalf.
Dated at Lucknow this 15th day of April A.
D.1919. JAcxme HVNTKR
R. It No. 3. l.ticknow, Ont.
Administrator pf the estatet_ot calf
1-6-0 Robert Nnater.