HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-04-10, Page 5Y
ar-'-Nijw She
Preparing for Peaee
Women drove ambulances. They nursed. They becalm cooks i1
the army. They made munitions. They tended graves. 'They ran
telephone exchanges. They did everything but actual fighting—and
at that they were the inspiration, the unfailing inspiration thi lit-
Ing men. s
and, even as they have • placed themselves upon a pitinaete by their efforts in
past, so will they rise to greater heights in the future.
Women must be the balance wheel during the Reconstruction. Theirs must be the hand
to stay the impatience of men who having returned from .tke active, strenuous days of the bat
tlefields, ,find it difficult to reconcile their past four years with the mundane routine of life.
So there was never a time when newspapers- had so much to tell about women; never a
time when womankind could read in the day's despatches so much about herself. She has be,
cope more and more interested in the broad questions of National Government, and in Ontario
she now votes on the same basis as men. .-
not merely a social chronicle, but a mirror of what women are achieving.
Its thirty-one exclusive correspondents (including two women) •tell of the work
of women the world over.
In addition, The Star publishes daily fashion hints; Bedtime Stories for kiddies;
Advice on "keeping well" and "doing things," all of which interest both men and
Every woman should read her loe'al` newspaper because it tells with intimacy of
the people whom she personally knows. But woman's place in the world's affairs de-
mands also a WORLD NEWSPAPER ---a paper whieh will bring her into "reading
tonsil" with things far_and near, as the tflephone2 has brought -her into "speaking •
touch" with tliose-from whom she was onee isolated'.
Women cannot read The Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feeling
that it is "the paper they need." The truth of this shown by the many women who,
sending in a trial subscription for three months, renew their subscription for a year be-
fore even- the three months expire.
Send your subscription in now. We will mail The Toronto Daily Star tQ you
- each day at the following rates: For 1 month, 25c. For 3 months, 75c. For 6' months,
$1.50. _For 12 months, $3.00.
To Publishers:
Toronto paily Star, Toronto:
Dear Sirs :
Please enter me as a subscriber
Daily Star for months—for
enclosed stamps or money order for
Name and address in full ..
to The Toronto
which please find
$ • . . . .
Plew.v writ* plainly and say whether Mtr. Mrs.,er M Lev.
Cut Off This
and Mail It
To -day.
The people of the leading Allied coun-
tries who, under the pressure of the war
began to sav6, fortunately have. shown
no m rked tendency to discontinue since
the actual fighting ceased. In the
United States the per capita sales of War
Savings and Thrift Stamps during Dec-
ember were above tka eeete.
In the United Kingdon during the
week ending February 1, 2,308,810 War
Savings Certificates were - sold. ' More
than 500,000 buyers took single, or £ i,
Certificates. In a recent statement the
National War Savings committee of the
United Kingdom says;
"These fgtirer provethat while.. •
number of investors, including many
wealthy people, buy larger denomina-
tions, the small investor, for whom these
Certificates were primarily intended,
contin'aes to respond week by week,
ar,d fire years hence will reap the bene
fit of the movement, which. originating
threugh patriotic motives during the
war, has found its place in supplying
cue financial ncede of ordinary people."
Will Remain In Fashldn-
A hat trimmed with $100 bills was a
gift received by an East Liverpool, Ohio,
girl from her sweetheart, a Beaver Falls,
Vann., man. InClomed in _the hat box
was a note from the milliner who trim-
med the hat in which the trimmer said:
"And the hat will never go out of style,
any dear."
IC (hutot)y News
A Hoi sebreeders Association bas
been organized at Seaford], with John
Scott, of Roxboro, as president, and
lieu *Snell, of Constance, as vice presi-
Mr. and Mra. Wm. Cantelon, of
CI}nton, celebrated the 50th anniver.
sai:v of their marriage on Apr. 7th:
They were married in Clinton in 1 869
and have lived their ever,since.
Irl a court case McCabe vs. McPhee,
tried before Jud ,e Lewis ,in Goderich
0.7 Mar. 3rd, McCabe wall awarded
$50. McCabe complained that a horse
which he had got from McPhee was
not as represented. A jury brought
in a verdict for $50. and each paid his
The resolution of ' the .Goderich
Hoard of Trade . favoring the adoption
-ofa uniform rate for Hydro power de-
livered to municipalities in the Prov-
ince of Ontario, which wes introduced
at the meeting of the Ontario Assoc-
iated Boards of Trade in Toronto .last
week, secured the leading p'ace in the
reports of the rneeticg given in the
daily papers, and has'been ref rred to
the executive committee, ' The Globe.
reported the !natter as follows: After
considerable discussion, which at times
waxed hot, a resolution, presented to
the special general meeting of the
Ontario Associated Boards Trade ves-
terday afternoon in favor of memorial
izing the Hydro electric Power Com
mission of Ontario to adopt a uniform
rate for the delivery of power to mun-
icipalities thruughcut the ProKtrsce,
regardless of their distance from the
source of supply, was passed on to the
incoming Executive with but two or
three dissentients.
—Monday, April -T. --
The return home of Pte. Walter Percy
from service cverseas was trade the oc-
casion last Friday evening of a public
reception at the Orange Hall here. Pte.
Percy was one of the boys volunteer.
from this part esilly in . the war, and he
saw a good deal of service. There was
quite °alarge gathering of his friends at
the Hall,oand during the evening he was
presented with a purse of money and an
address which expressed appreciation of
his voluntary service to king and coun-
try, and the pleasure it was to have him
return home. safe and sound. Before
the presentation there was a short pro-
gram of songs and recitations.
Mr. Hugh Strange, for 46 years
connected with the teaching staffs of
the Collegiate Instituto and the High
School here, died on April the 4th at
the age of 77 Mr. Strange came to
Goderich from Owen Sound in 1871,
and soon became prominent as an ed
ucationist throughout the province He
became head master of the Collegiate
and occupied the position for 35 years.
In 1907 there was a re union of
''Strange ,0 d Pupils'_ Goderich,
and the gathering brought to the
town prominent men from ali over
the country.
DEAD HORSES.— Carcasses talo i
away promptly within a radius of 20
miles. Will pay $4.06 to $5.00 for live'
animals brought to the factory. No an-
imals will be removed without hide.
Phone at our -xpense: Day phone No.
12. evening phone. No. 178.
13-2-tf. Wingham.
If the Public
Wish to
Coleman's Hog and,
Poultry Feed, .
Will do for Poultry Keepers,
especially the Laying Hens.
Below is a true and correct ex-
ample of what it has already
To Mr. H.* Co:enla n,
Dear Sir : —I am pleased to inform
yell of the splendid results obtained
from timing your Biood, Flesh and None
Meal. In four weeks in January 1
g tthered from 39 ,hens 426 eggs. In
February, af'er using your focal, 1
got rt;0 eggs, an increase of 140 eggs
in four weeks. I fetal a tablespoonful
of this per hen daily in a *rush ration,
and I can highly recommend it as a
valuable poultry food. Yours truly,
. _ ._ .1. B. BOYER,,
P.O. Box. 445 Kincardine, Ont.
Kincardine, Ont.
The Busy Hardware House
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery
Re airsctrQ Cast/
CARRY out the economy idea in the paint you aelect--do not usii',it.'-
" wasteful" paint. choose one that hill covertnt capacity and extreme
durability. We have the t I y --y
right paint to nae for ecouo our house --_ -
painted with it this Fall, will stay lkit.-lookInt fresh
and resisting the attack of weather. Wm ouj at and
you will avoid repairs and save money. '
Oeitt and Mops
These every -day household- neec s,, are fspectaiiy
necessary to properly..co,hplete tit. Fail house-cleaning.
O -Cedar Polish - - - 25c. to 13.00 sizes
O -Cedar Polish Mops, two styles - - each 11.50
We handle Lime, Prepared
Plaster, . Cement, Cleveland
Coil Spring Wire, Woven
Fence and. Barb Wire.'
A Full ,Line Qf .Builders'
The -Store Where Yotu; 'Money -Goes Farthest 1
What i4 done in 'childhood days to enrich the
blood and build up rugged health eften makes
or breaks the _man _oLlomorrow. The growing
youth, with nervous energy ove ought, needs
constant care and
to help maintain strength and vitality equal to withstanding
the dual strain of growth and wear and tear of the body.
The_ reputation of Scott's is based upon its abundant
nourishing qualities and its ability to build up strength.
THE present is a good time to sell things,
whether labor, prodtice or merchandise,
„at high prices. It is also a very poor time
to buy anything that is not absolutely nec-
essarS'. Earn to the. limit. Save to the
limit: That is the_ road to prosperity. Open
a Savings Account with the Bank of Hain- ,
J. A. GLENN1E. Manager.
Special Training makes the difTerence
worker and the high-ialaried expert. We cani smooth
between the low -paid
the mid for yon, from the one class to the other.
1' Students admitted any dine. Send for free catalogue.
The school that places its graduates 1 11 good positions. .
0. A. McLachlin, Pres. Phone 166 Murray McLeish. Principal.
Cream Separators old prices. Buy be-
' just a few left at the
fore they .are
- New Williams Sewing Niachines-will-- all
kinds of sewing. They run light ; are very durable.
Gourlay-Winter-Leeming Pianos will give you satis-
faction. We 'believe we can save yon some money
on a piano dcal.