HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-27, Page 8• ExcejlentValues in House Furnishings Spring Housecleaning will soon be on the 'Orders of the Day" and thoughts of New Floor Coverings and Draperies are engaging the attention of the housekeepers in village and country. To all such we suggest a visit to our store to see the goods `and values we are showing this spring. RUGS A splendid range including Tapestry, Brussels and Ax - Master, sizes range 2 •1-4x 3. to k 3x4 in nice designs and good qualities. Priced. 12.50 to $42.50. REVERSE COLOR FAST RUGS in two sizes only, 6x9 at $8.00 and -9x12 at $'12.00. These are very durable and give excellent satisfaction:-- CONGOLEUM RUGS— ►a.cellenta,assortment of sides and patterns at very reasonable prices. • • LINOLEUM, t'LOORT,EX, FLOOR OILCLOTH, STAIR OILCLOTH in nice patterns and good qualitjie - . CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Ourrshowing in this line is awery attractive one, just the kind of drap- eries that so brightens the home and adds that homelike touch thga nice Curtains and Dainty Draperies always give. We in- vite you to see therm. ,You'll= find among..gthem very pretty ant dainty designs, and our prices Very reasonable. MURDOCHflf Splendid R Achieved. during 1918 year 1918 was for the business of life assurance a year of supreme achievement. • THOwing the combined effect of the war and the.............a epidemic, death claims were unusually high. The payment of these claims enabled the Companies to render an unprecedented measure ofublic service, and to fulfill to a more noteworthy degree than ever previously the beneficent purpose for which they were founded. The record achieved;during 1918 by the Sun Life of, -Canada was o For the first time in the Coma � ��-P�ticularly striking success. Company's s history new assurances paid for exceeded Fifty Million Dollars. The in size, strength and prosperity accentuates the Company's position as not merely the leader among an Life offices, but one of the great insurance corporations of the world. The Company's financial .power is emphasized by its large Assets, Income and Surplus. During the year $7,460,000 was added to the Assets, which at December 31st, had reached the huge total of $97,620,000. The Incense is new $21,651,000, while the undivided Surplus is $8,027;000. THE RESULTS FOR 1918 ASSETS Assets as at 31st December, 1918 Increase over 1917 • INCOME Cash Income from Premiums, interest, Rents, etc., in 1918 - Iucrease over 1917 PROFITS PAID OR ALLOTTItlf Profits Paid or Allotted to Policyholders in 1918 - - - SURPLUS .- Total Surplus 31st December, 1918, over all liabilities and capital I According to the Company's Standard which is more severe than that laid down by the Insurance Act.) , -TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS Death Claims, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc. during, 1918 - Paytuents to Policyholders since organization - - ASSURANCES ISSUED DURING 1918 Assurances issued and paid for in cash during 1918- Increase over 1'317 - BUSINESS IN FORCE Life Assurance in force 31st December, 1918 • . Increase over 1917 THE COMPANY'S GROWTH YEAR$ ' INCOME I A$$IT9 I LIFE AslURANCis IN FORCE 1117* $ 4$,210.73 $ 96.461.95 $ 1,064,360,00 I' - 271,865.50 735,910, 10 6.779566.14 18` 3 . • - . . 1.240.483.12 4.001.776.9 27,799,757 00 19118 . 8.9i 6.129.50 , 13.5$-:.77 G.4e 75,4s1,140,00 1913 . . . 13,996.401.64 55.726.317.32 202,363 996 (10 1916_ .•. • • . 2I.661.999.69 97,620.378 85 340.909.656.00 SUN LIIAT 1 II7 $97,620,378.8.5 7,460,204.61 21,651,099.69 2,362,102.01 1,518,607.16 8,0.27,378,55 9,768,561.28 78,86'2,881,15 • 51,591,392,04 3,779,824.56 340,809,656,13 25,988.710.42 I!JRANM! F.. CANADA j HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL T 1rAL T. B. MACAULAY. President 1919 JOHN A. TORY, Supervisor for Western Ont. snd ,'Michigan, Sun Life I. Ise., Toronto. Orsi. Wm. May, jr , Inspector, San Life Bldg.' Toronto. (i. 11. Smith, Agent, Lucknow, Oat. Lothian —Monday, Mar. 24. The -slid news came here last week of the death in a military hcspital in Eng- land of Pte. Grant. Henderson, third son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Henderson who gloved tH Edmonton from here' two years ago. He, was in the fighting line tor the last few months of the war and crime through unscathed. After coming to England he contracted influenza which developed iuto, pneumonia with fatal results. He wax a young man of the best type of . character and ex= ceptiona4ly popular .with everybody who enioyefl_.Lia acquaintance . U.. is the - first break in a family of ten. Three brothbrs, Alex, Bruce and Clarence have seen service in the 'war, Clarence being still .confined in a hospital because of wounds. His p irents, brothers and sisters have the heartfelt( sympathy of their many friends. The debate, "Resolved that the war has been a greater evil to mankind than a benefit," was held' under the auspices of the C;otl<gregattooal Improvement Society in the basement of the' church last Thursday evening., The. spetkers were, B. .1. Stewart and D. A. McLen- nan on the affirmative, and John Mc- Intosh- and Eimer 'West on the negative. The contest was very keen and was very well debated. After due deliberation the judges decided in favour of the neg ative: Mr. Tom Parks, of Dungannon, spent a few daye last week visit itig his friend, Tom Sandy. an fides sold his pure bred Clydes- dale mare, receiving cicse to $300. Miss Greta Campbell returned from a visit of six weeks in -Chicago. Alf Ritchie left for the West last week. Miss Sadie Cook is visiting friends in Wiogham, , -Eighth Con., Kinloss. -Monday, March 24. Misses Rosie McKay and .Mamie Jobnst'm spent Wednesday afternoon in Holyrood` Mr. Joseph Culbert sPent the week- end with Winghanl friends. Mr. Ernie Elliston, orKinloss, called on kis sister, Ethel, un Sunday.. Mr. Mack Matheson is cutting wood in (Air hone this week. A few from around here took in the ball at .Kinloss on Friday of last week. .Miss Ina Culbert spent Saturday (►t last week in Wingham with her sisters Edna Eva: " Mr. Joseph Gamble, of the 10th, had a very duces ssl ul' male last week, 0 Mating maple syrup is the order of the day about here. 13L�Ki\! • TII''iN.—In the Township 1i 'Came, on March 20, 191.9, to Mr. and Mre. Elmer Tiffin, a sou, —Monday, April 24 Rev. and Mrs. Williams are spending a few days in Loddon and Lambeth. Pte. Adan Fitzt-11 and Sgt. Win Bish were in Locdon this week where they received their final discharge. Pte. Percy Perrins spent a few days last week eroded l3 -a vie. Mins Helen melions Id, of Iluron, apent a few weeks at .Andrew McDon- ald's. • Pte. Watson Fitzell •returned home from overseas on Saturday late. Wst- son has been in the war for four years, and was welcomed home by a9. Mrs. A. Cook is spending it few months wtth her sister in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Artijur left last week -'"for the West. We are sorry to lose thele frotn our vicinity but the best. we can do is wish them success in the West assure then! oft welcome Kick whenever th y grow tired of the western life. William Gordon and Horace Ma3ely left for the West on Tuesday last. Pte. Alex. McDonald who has been spending a tew Weeks at his hone here left for the West last week. Alex is a veteran of this war and also took an active 1 art in the g.eat Boer War with his brother, .A.rehie, who"- is ' i•1 )vers€as. l ts! a teception was held for our returned soldiers. The following, boys were on the platform to receive a welcome back: Pees. Win. J. McDonald, Alex McDonald, Adam 'it- zell, Del. Worthy, Walter .Thomson, Percy Perrin and Norman Clit.ton. An interesting program was given in Knox Church atter which lunch was served In the Orange Hall and the remainder of evening and part of the "morning after the night before." was spent in dancing way the happy hours. Don't POd Your Liver to fiction Nit Overcomes Biliousness, -6enatipa- tion, Sick Headache, Quickly. No Griping or Pain. Guaranteed. The organs of digestion, assimila- tion and elimination—the stomach, liver and bowels—are closely allied, and the proper action of any of these organs is largely dependent upon the correct functioning of all the others. "Whipping" your liver into action with calomel or forcing your bowels with irritating laxatives or strong cathartics is a great mistake. A bet- ter, safer : plait is strengthening and toning the whole digestive and elimina- tive system with Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets), which not only brings Immediate relief, but genuine and last- ing benefit. It acts on the stomach. liver, bowels and kidneys, improves digestion and assimilation, overcomes biliousness, corrects constipation and quickly relieves sick headache. Get your system thoroughly cleansed and purified for once; stomach, liver and bowels working together in vig- orous harmony. and you will not have to take medicine every day—just take one NR Tablet occasionally to keep your system in good condition and al- ways feel your best. Remember it is easier and cheaper to keep well than it is to get well. Get a 25c box and try it with the understanding that It must give you greater relief and benefit than any bowel or liver medicine you ever used or no pay. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) is sold, guaranteed and recolnmended by your druggist. J Garnet Armstrong, Druggist. - TABLETS- Better ABLETS-Better than Pills I GET A For Liver ills. 25c Box ways' a ; Head -aches Liver Was Torpid and Bilious Spells Brought Sick Headaches —Lost Much Time, But is Now Completely Cured. Here le convincing evidence that however much you may suffer from liver trouble and consequent bilious- neas there is cure in the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Overeating is the most common cause of sluggish liver action. "ou lose your appetite, have dlstre: s: fag bilious spells, usually accompanied by headache and vomiting, the bowels become irregular, constipation and loosenees alternating, digestion is up- set and . you get irritable and down- hearted. No treatment so quickly awakens the action sof the liver and bowels as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. For thin reason this medicine is wonder- fully popular and has enormous sales. Mr. Charles R. Tait, Newtown. N.R., writes : "I was nearly always troubled with headaches, and would often have to stop work for a day or two. I lost many a night's sleep every month with bilious sick headaches, and although I tried doctors' medicines, and also many other patent medicines, it was without success. When I had these lfeadaches I would vomit, and could keep nothing on lily stomach. "1 purchased a box of 'Dn. .Chikse's Kidney -Liver Pills from G._ M. Fair- weather, druggist, of Sussex, N.B.; and after taking one box I was so Hauch relieved that I continued to take thein until I am now completely cured. My advice to anyone suffering from sick headaches is to try Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills and be completely cared." Mr. A. S. Mace, J.P., endorses the above statement, and says :—"This is to certify that I a.rn personally ac- quainted 'with Charles R. Tait, arid believe his statement in every way to be true and correct." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited. Toronto. Substitutes will only,,,dia- appoint. Insist on getting whatltOu ask for. WAIN-tflD CREAM We pay the highest price. Our tests are accurate. We supply cans. -EGGS. -- Any 'quantity. We pay "Cash" 'only. Have you seen the Anker- Holth Self -Balancing fowl ; Cream Separator ? We will be pleased to show it to you. Silverwoods, Limited Phone 47 Lucknow, Ont. WA':TED AD HORSES. - Cerca se, taken away promptly within a rad'uv. of 20 miles. Will pay $t.00 to $'5.00 for live animals brought to the factory. No an- ideals will be retnoved without hide. .'hone at our 'xpense: I)ay phone ,No: 12, evening phone No 178. FARM I RS F$RTE1 JZ$R CO: Ltd., 13-2 tf. Winghatn. MOW•iiy1• }___ tip PRICE When motor car prices are discussed, keep in" mind the fact that you can buy the Gray -Dort at the lowest price compatible with quality in a light car. The Gray -Dort is not built down to a price. It is built to a very high standard of service and beauty. Efficiency in buying and build- ing has made the price low. Thus every dollar invested in a Gray -Dort brings you heaping value—in service, in appearance, in comfort, in economy of upkeep. The quiet, powerful Gray -Dort Motor gives you perfect control of - time and distance. The deep upholstery, long springs, commodious body, assure comfort in riding and driving. The standard equipment banishes trouble. The beauty of appearance is lasting. The touring car is 21245; the Gray -Dort Special —the car with added refinements and extra equipment. is 135 extra; there are also a coupe. and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham and tpre subject to change without notice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited - Chatham, Ont. in the U.9.:—Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich. • RAY 1 RT Wm. AEIin,.Lucknow, Orli. Phonf(o. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores High Class Tinware Believing that many of 'our customers are looking for something better in Tinware than the ordinary IC and i X, we placed in stock a line of very heavy anti -rust goods made of IXXXX tin, redipped, and they are the best that can possibly be manufactured. Dairy Pails, 14 qt., Dairy Pails��i6 qt. Dairy Pails, t6 qt., Strainer Pails, 14 q Strainer Pails, 16 q Boilers, with Celppe $r.00 each L.2o each flaring 1.25 each t. 1.5o each t. 1.65 each Washr Pit Bottoms, $6 oo eaeh. For Spring repairing and Brightening, Pulpstone for plastering, Hydrated Lime for White- washing, Muresce for plastered walls. Wall Paper Cleaner—Removes smoke and dust from your wall paper, making it look fresh and clean. Sherwin-Williams Paint in great variety of colors, both in gloss and flat tone. Varnishes for all purposes—For Floors, Lin- oleums and F'urnitu re, both in Stained and Natural Varnishes. The Lucknow Rardware & CoalCo. TIIE !TORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTSJ Our Millinery Department has all the latest styles in Hats and Trimmings. The ladies are invited to call and see what we are showing in Trimmed Hats. Orders promptly attended to. W. CONNELL Boys aid Girls lYlust Have Pets 4 DOGS, PIGEONS, RABBI'T'S, CATS, CANARIES. Among 250,000 bny9 and _yirl.r in Western Ontario are thousands of prospeztive purchasers at good prices, of dogs, binds, fine cabs, pigeons, fish, ferrets, guinea pigs, white mice, Belgian hares, canaries, rabbits. Most of these boys and girls, their parents, big brothers or friends, read _the- For $ate Classified Ade in the Fite Press: Most rugged, red-bloded boy, have some pets and .a lot of trad- ing, t.uying and selling takes place early in the spring. Why dont you- let others know what' pets you want to sell or buy. Thou:iands of eager eyes are scanning the classified ads. in The Free Press For Sale and Wanted to Purchase columns every day. Just write down a' careful description of the pet you want to buy or sell, figura the cost of ad. at two cents a word each insertion. Groups of figures of four or less cau•lt as one word. Send ad., to gether with payment, and say how many,times _Lou want your ad.- to appear. • Bettor run it three days. . * sal* ) lit. Vint; WI:$TtRN ONTARIO -s POal $e y-Ntter$pAOSk, 0' •