The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-27, Page 4•
d(HN a BERLA,Nb aqpN,s, Ltd., llselph,
Ont., insurance. Fire anti math*.
L 0. U. F. kucktiy4wuapotal evict), Friday
e% ening at 8 U' C lU-•lhhlr Hall. Carup-
buu street. All brei ft cordially invited.
OMoere:--Nobl1yy Grand, C., Ait ttson; vice
grand, W. Mackenzie: Rec. Sec., A. H.
Boyd; Fin. Bevy.. Lr. Paterson; Treasurer.
Alez. Roes.
t►. t A. itis, G. K t'. Oid Light Lodgements
every 'i'hurwia night on or before the full
Moen, in the I arsawall. Havelock street
Lueknow. W. M.. W. Davison: 8. W. E.
C. Lindsay: J. W., M. McGuire; Secy.• W.
A. Wilson.
0.8. Iso W LER, L.1). 8.. U. D. 8. Odle. up
stairs in Button Block. Teeswater• Spec
sal attention toicold plate.: crowning and
bridgework. visits Wroxeter 1st. and 3rd.
--Wednesday of each mouth; Qorrie',Therr-
(:. A. NEWTON D. L. 8. , Dentist. O81oe
AWn Block, NEWTON, Ont. All modern.
method used. Best 'materials furnished.
Crown and Bridgework. Painless extract-
ion by the use f the latest,_ simplest and
latest remedy. BOMNOM. Newest
thingin _artificial* tooth. ,. 4.1um1N.m . Sated
non breakable
'The Santora Creamery 'Co.
an our
We guarantee•you—.
Highest Markt Prices
Prompt Returns
Accurate Tests
We , nisi? pay, e .cry two ., iseeks;
furnish cream cansand pay all
expresscharges; in fact we give
yon every `service possible to give
yon entire satisfaction.
Write to=day for cans oz as soon as
you have cream to sell and give
us a good fair trial We assure
you you cannot make any mistake
and we can melte you money. A
card will bring cans to you by the
next express.
See fortth CreameryCo.
Setttalorth, OM.
Eavetrough i ng
Furnaces Installed.
All kinds of Tinware
promptly repaired.
G. Drinkwalter
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping (jars on nighttrains and parlor
canioaprincipal day trains.
Fall information from any Grand Trunk
Ticket Agent or C. E.. corning, . District -
P tsfenger Agent, Toronto.
A. W. H4.MILTOtt
G.T.R. Agent. Lneknow. Phjtle•2
if the Public
Wish to
Liuknmn Orfittuti
Pnbfslied every Thursday Morning
atLuoktttiew. t/iltalrta.
A. D. MAuk1CNLLII. Pro,riet r
and Editor. ,•
Tela 01 8Ua0ORIPTION.—To any ,address
in (ianada or tlreat Brll4in, oneear $1.50,. sixmonths M.. t woutho. Toe the Visited
Status. one year s no. These are tate paid in
advance rates. 'ten paid in arrears the rare
is -50c. per year higher.
Substoribers who fail to receive The Sentinel
regularly by mail will confer a favor by ac-
us of the taut at as early a.dat.. as
When oiouldeeireboth old
tnew addshould begin.
Advertising -Rattle...
DISPLAY ADvsaTlOINO RATICS-.4111dOk1101141.
on application.
g'r'ass ANnISIB--slue insertion SU; Wee In..
sertions 111.00 .
Farms or Real Estate for sale 50o each inser-
tion: Miscellaneous Articles -For Sale. To Rent.
Wanted. Lost. Found.. eta. each insertion 85c.
Local Readers Noticed. etc., loo per line per in-
sertion. 5c each subsequent insertion; special
rate of tic to regular display advertisers. Card
Of Thanks' 25c Coming Events 8e and- 5c r
line. no notioeless than 25o. Legal advertising
lOe&nd 5c per line. Auction Sales. brief notice
60c. longer notice 10e per line for first insertion
5ee lor,each subsequent insertion. Black -faced
Type count 3 lines fur 1.. - -
Aey sped l ootice, the object of which lithe
71recnelary :'benefit of 114 individual or associa-
tion, to he considered es advertiseleent and
charged accordingly.
Business Cards of six lines and under $6.00
per year.
- THURSDAY, MAR. 27th, 1919.
ss' After. 411 'there'' is. 'little'wonder'tbat
-the,:farmers-of .thla42.ountry Aare ..demand,,
intlegislation. they belie.% to be
in their business interests, . and th
they are insistent .and determined in
theirdemands. O,n tale railr.ays t through-
out this country and the United States
eight hours constitutes a working day;
our Provincial povernment has ftdopted
the eight-hour day, and the, -prospects
are .that eight flours will bacenie the
established work -day in factories. and
shops. .
Not so on the farm. unless .a tw
shift arrangement is adopted, wor ing
hours mttst. _ rrmtin- 12 to 16 h.. ra of.
the 24. A report on working h ' , rs in
Oxford County. where dairyi • is ex-
tensively carried on shows ti : t for .six
months the farmers work an average of
13 hours per day for 7 days of the week,
and an • average : of 11 _ hours for the
other half of the year.
These farmers are asked to support
high taritfi to bolster up big factories,
railways and other big ccncerne, and
then these concerps proceed to work just
half se many hears Ili the' week fot
bigger returns than the farmer gets.
It isthis condition of things which is
at the bottom of the farriers' move
mento. To wake an uprieiog certain,
all - that area necessary was that the
farmers should .become alive to the
situati n. Oollt' blockheads incapable
of understanding their own affairs would
remain tranquil uader the conditions.
(the -would -suppose' from the prosper -
-its-2 which bas attended farrning opera-
tions the past few years that--_ there
would be little re]ling of farina and farm
estuipment this spring; hilt it is rittIte
therwise. There .ars more auction sales
biked at the present time than we re -
1 wembar having seen before; and there
has teen unu'ual-activity in the sei�lit�g
and buying of farms. Farms and farm
e pn.rnt•are both commanding good
prioeA---rlt:1)ir,g higher tbao ever before,
fat!, land 1. ht. pr -,-nett .',t a yt)',+1 salt:
Coleman's Hog and •
Poultry Feed .i
far Po-itry-e
especially the_ 'Laying-_ .Hen s .
Below, is a true and correct ex- :.pre ,t c•nnrtr,at.•.c :e rrv---"tns- t► ;t. re4r
ample of what it has already14Low 1,>y401• rr r••,t,g •. ..,. r:, .
•r. • L!. eseller heal a! c•.• t•.
«her. -
:1 I.
er.'1:.-,.,• a'
! • tt
*het k iSfl:. . L - :,. J•
'I4.61, Ler1 t/... I-_ :.• .
rrbtrr. L i' `stTt� .
pr'mpPrt.:ir ' . h- 4 .
iad,d *.trios
;.t...t: ,,,
Y.r. 2 Cirp1' _.
4 r,., r_ 1
at t«•• it.- ,,.,t,*• !nt. {.
To M r. hI. Co'entan, -
K incardini',
_Dear -nit - I rift pleases-. in onus.
you of the splendid reyettits i,t)taint
�`grt►in iiyiria of i r tThsXi,--ft'Tcsb aunts Mme
.'Heal. IA' four weeks in January 1
,g tthered from 39 lions 420 eggs. In
February, af•er using your' fooil,t I
got 60 eggs, an inerease of. .110 eggs
in fon,. weeks. 1 fee«i a tablespodrrfiil-
.►f this per hen daily in a m.rsh ration,
and i can highly recommend it as a
valuable poultry food. 'Ydurs truly,
• - J. 11. liOYEIt, •
• P'o. Box 445 1i-i-ncardine; Ont.
sriLer 1►:i� •.K ,s,e Outadr«d •,r ►. t.'
l url�i rc 2 and t41 t 0,.rri,, 1.04 tu•:t.-
slt,l;L nibs ,aretlrt:'.laI ;y' ,d -
W°ith price; nt tlsat hjKL It •,u l t i
-4-- reetela kflf!- s(lt i'isi : -4-a 4' r•'
Ct1e ' busti.ert::, 1►tui, Llai: day « t, •- •. tot-
•farm' ilancl-_ttm V'
farmer, as runny, have 1, -;et► f'„r,;c .t
past years, hal, gore_ e•x,,.pr
of col,rsi, in she West and North wt,.;r.-
new I;and. is rtrll a, ceseible tri, the man -
Whose capit*l consists mair,li iii hi• .
ability to work
Epicu re Pork C u ri ngHouse
Kincardine, Ont.
-. • . -
•:ducationlsta--...iit:1Lu.. 1 'r iteJ ,-iiatt-s.
are alai r.ed by inkrwation regarding
s rv'-y-sir-++ts . • /1:sa rt4 ribtzt Rt” ig t,
ltbe org-in•i r .t ',n of the army.
AccIrding to the I"edere l ..Celsus fig
ures of 1910 the country had the tom -
writ illjterttte. That rays tt f alt eb;°.ce►►np,
when, the lore negro population and
the-. foreign &lenient ate ta.e n i►►I 1' CI 01)
sides atiun. •
But according to tests applied to the
soldiers in the niilitary campa the facts
appear to be different f rctn those re
vealed by the eensus enunieratr►rs. In
the 1". S , as in other countries, the
census taken overy ten years is carelessly
and inaccurateli dune, and the informa-
tion respecting the ability to read and
write- has evidbntly been a matter of
guess work. .
In_the military camps a real test was
applied, though it was not % severe test,
—merely the ability to read and under -
stand newspapers and to write letiters
home. - , -
Uhder this( test it was found that of
'the men in°the catups from 13 to 31. per
cent stere✓Illiterate;• and in Camp Sher -
mon where30.4 % of the men were negroes,
the illiterates were 41 per ceut of the
whole. -Thaieryge;.woul4,se to be •
20 per cent or over.
This is a really bad showing as- corn -
pared with other eountcies classed civ-
ilized. The percentage of iiliteratee• in
a nuunbec..of _ Eliro'pean - countries is.
(according to their own census reports)
as follow.,: France 14.1, .Austria 18 7,
Italy 37, Spain .58 7, . and .fiu,i+a, where
the high is 'itlt t,f. illsr_-r .cy is redehled,
.69 •.per spent. LL- 'tie win-scomlaarison is
made with other and more progressive
countries .that conditions it the' l f. S.
ook .iris favorable. For example,_ in
Scotland the percentage of illiterates is
16, in England and Wales 1.8, The
Netherlands .8, Sweden .2, Germany .05,
Switzerland .3. .
Illiteracy' in the U. S, of,- cotirse, is
• largely explained by the negro popula-
tion of something lake tett niillion.a_:and.
the foreign immigrants largely of the ig-
norant elements of Italy, Austria'a.nd
Russia. -
,'Ihe information:' gathered frons -the
military camps Is .not going -to be wasted
on dose' ' ie authority. ' A: bill to ap:
propriate five million dollar's tor 1920,
and twelve million dollars for each year
thereafter until 1926, to promote educe.
tion has been introduced-' in Congress,
and has a fair prospect 'f passing. This
.money, if appropriated, will. be,appors,..
tinned among the states The money
must be spent for the. teaching of illiter-
ate minors, and for the training of
teachers. To avail itselt of a portion of
this money a state must appropriate an
equal amount to the Sum assigned tri it.
Bruce County News
Nursing Slater, -Erni. Donald, via.,
weicxrned home to Kincardine ,on
blondes, 'ef.'last week after spending
two sears in France with the U.. S
Ar my.
Mrs. Jas. Cronin. -of
•reeejessek._ w►,ri,} that `131er-hw-is/antl;1
Lir-nt, Jay Cronin. hay Leen d •orate4
bY J `,rze The ,fi-t•ota'i,ln was
for bravery di -played at Mv.r.uvres fin
Sept. :'ii, 19t . .,�...
- Rein, convicted of dialra'ty, Jos
Weber,. resi;tnisl the otfic� of reeve of
the village; Neu4tarlt, auri_ by so.Altriil r._
pt- cipitated an election, wbic_l, was
held on Tuesday of 'last week. Henry
13oettger. and Chas. %Ye diiieyer were
candidates, - the; furruer wir►niug-II a
majority, of 1; . .
CHILD, TOOK STtt1fAINf v,.; — The
Uhesley Enterprise tell4'the following:
A tragedy wa'f narrowly averts to
24 Years the same
"good" teas
good tea'
Soid,-only'iis sealed Packages
the home of `Mr. _ atm- �b9i'e. _.- Foil
`MeK,ay, of - Chesley,, on Sunday after
noon last when their twu:ye it of l
bay. swd,liowc s ntte--ser 4h'iniue'-oii a
pierce of bread:Tito poi..on had Kbeen
placed under a cupboard on bread for
ruin e, .and ,the little fellow found the
bread when looking for a marble which
rolled under. the youngster innocent
nit•bled the. bread and threw -it 'awe.
just as Mrs. McRay entered the
room... Fortunately there was a doctor
c'ose by, Who was hastily summoned
and 'after Working over'the child for
four • hours, Succeeded,. err_ . lasing its
onus „life. At One time ',during the
ordeal the child .was given up but ral-
lied at the critical moment, and after
a few days was quite . well again.
Needless to say the 'experience was a
severe shock,, to the parents.
Porter, a cattle dexter frons near• Poet
Eigin, was sentenced by Judge Klein
at the' Court House, 1-Walkertcn, on
Saturday morning last, to five years
iii the-K"ingsten- Penitentiary fear forg
ery. ` The prisoner signed the flames '
of different parties to twtas and -forged
amounts that aggregated newly 8-1000
on the Bank of -Nova Scotia,. which, it
seems, "will be out this moonlit, as ho
is staid, to have_ lost all,_ or :pearly_ all of
his money,. in had speculations.urt live
stock, and is a leged now to t e finane
tally worthless. Mr. David _R'obert-
son, K.9 , who defended the prisoner,
presented a- petition to the court
signed by upwards of two hundred' of
theeprisoner's frier is and neigh_
certifying to bis precious good char-
acter and reputation. Pr., 11. • H.
Sinclait, who examiu3d the prisoner,
testified to hini being affected with a.
nervous trouble. This, however, the
Judge held didn't prevent hitu from
knowing right from wrong; nor from
being conscious of the. ;rievous_evil he
was conlntittivg "in securing money in
this fiN adulertt way. Crown Attur.
ney [axon, who prosecuted, shovel
that- the prisoner's forging operation's
had extended over a period of atx:
months •and sero on each occasion: •fur
..a cQusidel•ahll _..sunt._ He t .iercfor e,
u'r ed' thatuThp stt-`merit; be ui ff w t ed
commensurate with his --n"'"in'th.... The
culprit, who is 'under forty years of.
age, and has a wife and several child-
ren, was se=ntenced to -five years penal_
set vittiele ' He `was remanded to the
tVaWertoo jail until Tuesday; when
Sheriff Jermyn.. and ,.Cousta,ble Briggs
piloted him to the .big convict plant
'at %i-ngston.:B vct: 1111
For the month of February.
Ir. IV. -- Marion. Macdougall 714,
Malcolm "MacInnes 606, . Gordon Ml ac
Innes 554.
Sr. II1.-lioeie Stewart 426.
Jr..IIL-Alda Macdonald 578, Mur
doth Stewart 505, Angus -Macdougall
317, Ciasy Pinner:58. ; , •
.Jr. IL ---Vary Campbell-- 5:31, Toni
England 48:1, Roy Machines .377,
Blatdche`Ntner 123.
Si.. I.—Jim Stewart -231, George Pin-
ner 41. -
Sr. Primer—Leonard Macl n n es 501
Harold Campbell 491, E Ina. Macdougall
;235,, Angus .Macri tug .11 18(1, -1't:•ar1 Mac-
dougall '168.
Jr. Primer—Malcolm Stewart 227.
- A Class—Ruby Pinner 21.
M. Sl:tcnt.titutp,. Teacher.
To Friends of Fallen Heroes'
For historical reference a list is being•
oinpiled of the men who en i,tett frc m
the County of Bruce and of all men born
in the County of Bruce who -enlisters
from other places and bacrifiCed thdr
lives in the Great War.
Kindly. send .to the Editor the naives'
of your friends and relatives who should•
be on this list, as pr3mpt13y as plssible
as, the list is being canspiled within the
next thirty days and is wanted to verify
the official list. Your assistant;- will he
arpreciated,—f•;Ulroa. 27-3 c
Almost as vital as that of protecting the, honor
of flag and country, is- the duty : of protecting and
safe -guarding health. When strength is well-nigh exhausted
and the resistive powers are reduced, then is the time
disease germs are the most potent and when
affords splendid -and effectual means of offsetting the
tendency 'oward weakness and protecting strength.
The abundant tonic and unique nourishing properties
of Scott's Emulsion make it a dependable agent that f.
may be used -everyday, by anyone, to protect strength. -s
,a ter; Tnr.n►t,,. 1 hit. 1A-4
on't Let Your
Brown Sugar Crock
Get Empty
ftating keiuranre that only 7.7 iter ent I I
a if the people, ten years cf afe and Nolo
IN additionto your Lantic
" 6ne" granulated sugar
you should always keep on
]mold a supply of
OldFajizioned Brown
;,'Id, v.,r,t 1 •i :,r,'1 fx--, t••, ,ur e•
t,t•t, 1;,, .,' %.t[ttlit. /, , Yt .�K�CIr)t,. Tit,! 11:111)r:ll tlt'llt'j,OUS ?11t►1aR•
t , , /L! nit ,,t 'f JSro,..n .',rt ',if 1- ;t (Jrt:l,lt fl i1r1 ,roe,,.
Jr },.,.. , � .,, �., .►: } ',tient U�,.1rt:rtry s .•. �.
.. ,ij ,�'v. t.}t 1ilr t?:,Y'lt - •.} ':,I1 r111'�tl W f
.I:;;:if, : 11:,tt, fruit, '�;t ►rf y all fli,ltt• tn►nt;titling
l f , 1 ,. r . ;rr%,si' ; aft rr 11,;r vii,, rt 1:1.,'11: Wit fl 1,rt,wti' •yu ii r.
` a'!.,1 1,!',J.' . .;.' „ .J•'/ .i' ..• fr;tti•),.• -.1 t.,.l .
'•'T4• ''i t o,t,.., ':, IA • ,1 i . wi(-t
f.. `:jrrr'.••11it . . ,, ', 7 ,I;,,,a J H:1 1, /00,7*
r ,zdr than v.ifi, . .
I•to fear tl,t-,v'tj
Cit .,,,,)-.1 ,r.' 11M"- il,l'1',t be f1,r•
rebeidf iJ A rll,llll.,•r of f Ile• /,t•1i
VC':. WM :4'14 It to ,,Ij upon re( t-I;►t- of :t 2t-.41-t:►rtl1►.
Vyir zr•r t'r sugar I,y i t►r• name. of Lantz''
Brillalnl Y�11%tui, :,:,'1 will hill yt,u any,gl,,,ntity.
Polo D le_
AND RESERVE -E8,800, u
Over 0
100 Branches in Canada
lianl:ing Business Transacted
A General
Circular Letters of Credit
• hank Money Orders
Interest_allowed at highest current rate
T. 5. REID, Manager.
II ZI'.Ii.IjZt1-IIIli1A..1
,UXU,RY bought now will .cost more
titan. it will later on.. Do without now
and save the •money until the time comes when
you will -get better value for your dollar. In
the meantime your money will esiable , the
hanks to Delp': the Government after the war.
Open a Savings Account in the Bank of Haan:
J. A. GLENNIE. Manager.
—`1919 —
.SAN.$ 4.00
MAR.$ 4.02
• L
• 1
r _
_ + — Iw,i,u,mu,Wlnntl1uuln,110, 10111 a,uauurnGnll1mHHlltHunnwHtuuanla
the Figures
kv� .�,•
Notice how the cost—and the
cash value—of the stamp ad-
vances each month until; on the
1st day of January,. 1924, the
Dominion of Canada is pledged
to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S.
Cream Separators
Just a few left at the
old prices. Buy be-
fore I
e-fore"l hey are all sold.
New Williams Sewing Machines will do 'all
kinds of sewing1- They- run -light ; -are very durable.
Gourlay-Winter-Leeming Pianos will give yon satis-
faction. We believe we can sive you somemoney
on a piano deal.
9 t.
i Per .Cent, of the Higllcs Paid Shorthand Writers use
Isaac Pitman Shorthand: •
If -'eu want the .BI?ST come to a school that t' 7aehos kfi•;'� 1. SEIORTII ,NX i)
anal where ever) thing els- is of a correvl'ondingly 1tight, rle. S11ORT1tA,r1),
13U:)KRK1tgzNc; AND Cil:11,SkRV,C1t. linter any rim!. atalbgue free.
Tits• school that places its graduates in good positions. -
D. A. McLachlin, President. - , A. Haviland, Principal.
- t.
--Mnvfl;ty, Mar. 2-1
W_La , ; cutting by- ..19117. -stew- its the + :tr
sof tin. ►S•.
Cite 'a number of . the fartnt'rs }MVP
ktnrtrtl rnsking'tial►le syrup.
. MI M t Thus 1i ) is starting his s,twltiill
this «eek. -
M1, Eddie 1)t•rmirt has Nig god o
woi k with Mr. Its.. Soeitz rr for the ,
t • ••
A"gt'nilly eteulltr from this 'here at-
17tin t fi ilii
report it g's1d entertainment.
.Mr. 1',•rt l 1.11(li.rao(1t1 It';tvt's for t
%%1'741 dais wfek afteril►'nding the winter
in this this royalty.
Iloay to Mr. awl Mrs. Elymer TifHt>l-
a aor, Congratulations,