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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-27, Page 3
_ , ,- < -4, -... „. - ,:. . . ., , . - . „ M , 1 I \ . M • _ u • .' - e , \ l - - , - • .. - - . . .. 7 ... ,�� ` - • _ --.-._-- - . --- - _� .i . -.. �_ , / THE WAR LABORS1.NEW 'NOSEt3, EYELIDS, BROWS. •Two Caldwell Water Tube _ TZAC$EIRS,WAaTEJ . Boller@, 225 H P each Itnfor- %V0 T E A C H E It s w A M T E D- � '� I Work a! Gan.adian Army .Dental 'Corps. • remale, for Intermediate and Ktnder- .,, OF KFIG GEORGE V. - Over There- Does Not Confine Itself to Teeth. Mahon On request, Or may �)e Rarten, I°rimary rovmF. State uualiR- cdfiens and salary expected. Apply to No department in the army has been seen, in operation at Firstbrook Itev. A. 11. %Vrenjahali, sec., Mal•,ue S. D- -' 'w more praised and leas, criticized than ; No. 1921. 1ltoree. sank. �. ®ver Here - � , 283 King St. E., , ARDUOUS WORK DURING .FOUR .w 40 the Canaise Army Dental Corps. The Bim' Ltd. Toronto. L1;T>e POVLTUT WANTED. work accomplished by this corps has ; ,, AND A HALF YEARS OF WAR. • not only been a laxge I - W E BUY ALL KINDS LIVE UL• - r c gY factor itI Inairi- g - A try. - Pay hJxhest prlc s 7 l TAG chewing T liaeeo / tuinin the health and comfort of -the 1 ■ Do You Do These Things? returns. Write for price}... T.k�Vetnr•au k . _ . army ,but has Sorb, It) IS St. Jean Baptiste 'lurket» I - Has .Reviiiwed Over` 2,000,000 Troops, S1 alzplrec>larted �y pth prevented dud relieved The variety of "tangle -tongue" cal- hfontreal. Quer. r of i;a*iada �� `,l,•�l. U>�lti3 untold suffering upon the part of -the led "Spoonerism originated, probab- ! ' Visited Over 300 Hospitals, •' Canadian boyd over -seas.- ly, with the earliest attempts at hu -I .AGENTS Wt.NTY!D• o ttlUSi' `ti'il0 >��oLl4ht 111 The reputation of Canadian den- man speech, t,ut though so well �) R T R A I T AGENTS t �A TING -1 l� :ora -ted' 12,000. '•' � Y �' antlers end tilos@ vwho ciScY in the army spread far beyond known, it is not et defined in the die- i Rood Pr,nts; ttnist,ing a sr,ecialty; ' In an articles on the Kir; an Eilgli�,h yet !frames and everyt�,irt� -at lowest prices; served at home. . j file Canadian fc,t•ces, and ,wiper'al sol- tionaries. The association of it with quick service. United Art Company, writer says: . ' . , diers frequently sought the services Professor Spooner is recalled by a i _ r A�'® Turdnto ••( mal old CSt n, ,e This Iaray not ' �" �' f Canadian dental burgeoirs at great , newspaper paragraph which says I 0 It 1,; also en3�yed by 8 s1ALL' at first blush appear to be a. very re- -- >ro persuuxl iuconveuieuce to themselves. that in a sermon to Oxford under- spectful way „of bailing -one's spv6r-., eiv1l>t3ns. of all classes I -A new- and reni�trkable develo EACII•� ,L I3UY, F.U.13: AT p- graduates he is reported to have said: j 8l 10 Delta. 25 Cotes, mostly High —.yl . c•i> s+, but it is the shout that rang out � -, • thraU�hout Canada and ment has, how+evef, taken place in .the "Brethren, have you nevem felt within i a rade Ifol`teins. fre` herinR in 'rood -sea j , !f _ in Hyde 'Pa'rk when His Iiiajesty -re- + • ! 1 n, from three- to eight )•sears old.'right _ .. >lS 3'trCG ' nlCd dSin 0 a A ._ I ntal' C lie ores, and is the, replace- I your heart.,,a half -warmed, to be every way. Cash with order. Refereace. : _. _vieac3ol hiss Legion that -marches un a g - ment, • by artificial substitute, of lost ' good?" �herchants• Bank, Delt1t, J. C. Eyrtt, •H,is little son caane by the antsy, Ontario, Leeds Co. ' -�-- :-=� -_-- d�•r the Silver Bticlge. Aiu�nt; Eng facial tissue` including eye or nEzse fai.ing honestly, for he is credited I --- lishnien the adjective "old" i';hen ap- . �' , to U11,rE - , % r plied tc, a rrt.,ul indicates not a e. lint and" the surroursditig "parts. In tl wit. •saying at °breakfast: "Mamma, ! �&1'I' E U 1�RwSi'AF'ER °' >; t8 case o! this nose, .the _ shad .tonattmt �Iarcc..1A p - 1 ��� - _. _ . art is repro ,, pleas.@ pass the parlor maid •An I'' 't'tarfe. nsu ace carried i1,600. t�til affection That, lie is .loved It wa.8 ►o for til.l00 on. autck ,earls. Boz iE 11 dated aluminum, and is then tinted , other case mentioned is that of the i rc ..6dl in this t;E)11.1', thHt it w:a : a ,le. -In Puhlt:ahinir Co Ltd Tornnt•, applied to the exact color of the face, by an artist young curate ,who basing his 'first, -� . tlio King in Hyde Park, and none I , . 11 especially retained, for this purpose. +Sermon on the text, `The cock crew' w in cw UntariaAfUv�nebolasA tQ . hnew _._bekterr than -our' sovereign hu "`-'_'!'�`""""� ifi - -- I'os 1 ev n. more .rem . j . Tian"cwui �.__-.- _ 11 sell $2.000. worth double _.. _ to 'take" i'f.'' Tt: "toldhim .}n�}esti.- _al1e ,�_.'. - -that, y g arkable are I and Peter went out and . vi~ept bitter :_._ :. - ._., x.__... a perso evidently, more tart- than' - --�` the-subsbltutes for_ a lost eye• In these ly," remarke&--solemnly, - "The cock bll�htrttir rE;.. h mtco*d: T r�T,t v� favi+ deplli and' hruinely affection in which tender. , cases a great' deal of the orbit has ! wet' and Pe pr- wpn .__ __:� _.. --. _.._ ..._�.�le_ is_held. . I also been shot. as ay and it- is neves- P •-- jit _,out and crew: Anr1 .it as .bets. ug. 1i�-:. �� TS 0� m - =�" "'Nature is kind," philosophized the Lisfie$�i . -. i i bitterly -no, I "mean Peter' crew and , , ar=acELLa11rEOvta royal` coq#de I;,e oto y that it went ! .'1 .� , sir to •resto - - / sorrowful poslu. She . laces - Y re these the cock `wen - 1. ,,�ga 1.i parts before the ; • tout and wept bI'tter y:" �x�l� ,T1JI1[olts. LUII+iPB. 1�TC,.: _=- -- °; :'blrilai. to the heart -.... _ . �, P _the �,. C internal 'and ex �. �►. tt0t!'iA.t4l• cura.4. w11. To „ _ '" � ��. remedy near the ill an often_ cures, Desi rs artificial eye Is set in' Pisses This ;wont _ cut Pain our h6me treatment. Writs . parody a famous line, All the .,i 1 includes the lashes, eyelids and all vs before tow la a Dr. meliman memeaD FRAM NERETNERE as everyone has seen, evil by evil. A Co.. Limited. CotinRwooe, opt. t� orld )uvea a worker." And how King` woman, too- much loved; sent me a let- . the surrounding parts. When com- C�..'go has 'worked for the ration S �� •. Meted the ,specially trained artist is . ; VTO TIRES. 30 z Ei AUTO TIRES. ° . i'yrg• , :est- ..four - ears n. hr � _ / i ter so cruel that., I titan t evo�n have• %•�,_��1. P Y a d t eQ �F:�� - lied into requisition, and the 1. A 313 Tubes ii.65. A11 sties .cat agalil c.a data, .i eb, _.. v©rdate C,rar tb RuOber the strength to.tear..it,tlp, bill car _ ,_. .rth.^,,, .:ntirtng-that period hq has _ A at I .,. - , . Co c us+vt 'rest• it arounrd rn m •' whole piece Is cleverly attached to a 1' - �..A�rrard.and .Hatal- ton sae., T onto. - ' been a stranger, to holidays. It is r'lla Y pocket for Reeks. One _. � I s specially con Minard's Liniment Co., Limped, and ,728 Dorchester St 'West, Mointrea.L doubt ul if he has as the war made much difference 'night,• *lien I was quartered in a - p Y strutted pair of spec- " *- tacles, and the "camaufiage" is so -per- Have used MINARD'S LIhIMENT'� " ADIES WANTED TU DO Y�...IN- f had more than ten f to y,ru?" asked the new servant who stable, I took my. coat off and hung it ••: ' i for Croup; found nuLhiug equal to it; L and lighesewing at home, whole or consecutive days in his beloved Nor- i had been engaged in an English up "�_ I feet that the casual observer is entire- I + , - _ folk -home, if as much. I �.y surecure. ' ,. are. las are time, Rood pay. work sent any die- . , household. The next day, no letter. A cow lY deceived. tante, charges paid. Send stamp for . 11 9 , t - The centre of this work,for .Canadaparticular 1t National' Manufacturing ; Messa es ' to Seven Fronts. The tnissus said we'd got to econo- had, eaten it. Nature 1s kind.. C Company. - ontreal. ....`_� _ ... ' 11 g f t Hawkshaw, N.B., Istt,, SHARP.90`L'-- _ _-__ . The barest recital of a fraction of mite, so 'we've 'ad . margarine' with - •_ ` . _ .a Is the Itoya Ce e e o Den al Sur- wha.t he has accomplished, accom- , Meals in_ the, kitchen," replied the old ! ' AIRMEN HELPED GEN, ALLEl'iTBY- -i , rio, 'Toronto. This col- ' PARDONABLE PRiD•E. f _ eons of Onta _ __- .�,.___Iaci fed_ -often _hy her Majesty,. makes ' cook. - _ _- ,,,�-_._ _ - '- - •' lege, without -public grant of any kind, . . „ want I n you to publish these poems one marvel' at the endurance anti hi�h�-7"1)oesn't she have it, then?"- Capt. Alan Bcstt of R.' A. F. Tells of i� t '•• ca on during the war, and at .,,_ - •.� has sited in book form," said a seedy looking sense of duty which .could accomplish! "Not 'er" She says as 'ow it doesn't ' 1. Palestine Campaign. �- • � the same time has placed certain ses� - - n-4to the L' ondon publisher. this rind much more. His 1lsajesty has suit 'er digestion. But there ain't tions of its •building at the disposal of J t h Publisher -"I'll look them over, bila , ,/ e carried, out well over 200 inspections,'; nothing wrong -with 'er digestion. _We Captain Alan Bott of the Royal, ' ` ' I .t-,�,•Department for the work . .. _...° . .._ A ... ;. �-, 1 I cannot'promise to- bring them out ring - - • the AZilitia us the Same reg iew ulg in doing so over 2,000,000 ' know that, for we often sends 'er u it Farces recently arrived in New of the Dental Corps: This- has 'been The Troop train rumbles in along the P York• from Palestine and S is when ' i • .. done absolutely without me . less you have a well-known na troops; no division has left ihes8 margarine, and 'ave.bu t _...Y' :.____ ut.cnar e ' _._ ._...._ ra is _. . _, _ .. ,. _ __. _ ...____ - I . ,._. _ _.._- -,_ . I ,. _. _ - . _ t_ ei ours�elvec.. - - _ �.. Y g ,either , 1 , . - right: iy name` shores for any of our seven fronts- ' ` . he ser�'ed with . en. Allenby's army ;",' for r..ent -or' any of the •accessories, 1 The Welcoming Committee talk de _ 3'oet That'•s: -alb In its march through the Holy Land �'' is known where r English ling. -; ve the fpr we were fighting on seven fronts •1 , such as light.�or heat. This tails_____ rr anti its fi generous I nage is spoken. at one time without either being in- A Nice Surprise. ght against the Turkish ; trgatuient is still being accorded so A .woman aouders v<ill she laugh or , spected by the King, or,.,if circumstan- Mr. Jones rang the bell at the new army led by German offieers. long . as the Dental Cors re nisei eery Ah, indeed.' What is your name?" He was 4hot down and_ ca r 1' s's. ces rendered that int impossible, e n doctpr's. house. Usu lly ire went•'to ,. to ed. s �e ,rt]- facil t ith; _�.... P k art g �_ P 1. S i les - whieh the .Ontars And watches other women wasting by.:; .. John m has old .family doctor, but this neiv , in- .Palestine, im _ .. „ _ a fale�•ell _n'o1:;sage from him: he has Prisaned- in Damas- . ✓f �. College is able to supply. The whistle blows, the drtfms beat " 1 cus sent -to Asia Minor, - _ f� _ '[iaazd s Liniment f9r sale eve;ywbere, visited with his sympathetic smile and ! riian happened to lire nearer and it and filrallc / % �, ' . Tui! and fast; i was an urgent call, to Constantinople. He sacs ed in dis- r i;indly word 'the wounded in more p � She lic,lds l�im to hers heart-- sit last. . .. t.l;;in 300 hospitals;, he has gone I - The doctors wife answered the ring. gni Se and •@ ached a port` in Russia • f at last, � Of the. fifteen lines comprisink- the M (� . ••_. through 1:,0 munition•factories, charm-' "You wish to. see the doctor•?" she which he f9u'nd i� control of the Ger / I YES! -MAGICALLY!. ' I The soil who's left of three--dis'- system of Chinese Gor�rnment rail- - .:.. . ing all, men, women and said. "Couldn't you come to=morrow spans 'and the Bolsheviks, and finally ways, only one was bulit by the Clan. . . , girls, with y N /�j1 figured, lame, his bonhomie, and has morrring?". got away to Bulgaria. Previous to f The CORNS LIFT OUT est themselves. presented ,with - yr• But in bis inither's eyes lre's just the "�YhY?"' said Jones. "Isn't the• doc- his. adventures in the near East, growing girl always en -joys a , �_ - -- --:his own hand more than 12,000 de- same. corat'o for in?" Captain Bott; ���ho is : twent -six three-piece suit, and they aro usual -1 WITH FII • With a new tape of tube an X-ray i ns w on'o n the' •fie ,. Y • ,ld of battle. r (` .,_—,. - ••O1 ., ., years of a e flew f r tw r . lY_, very difficult,,.to .met-.. the.. exact - o . o yeas aaotl �. Y. � �. s. ) es,._ hgB lit. said the lad g _ _ a T sus separatewisstits, have _,been oiralci: _._, Y - t ie'i in- 1. - NIONEY ,ORD -ERS. Rb pow erftii enov!gli to' show uP = w ',. -- the Western front and was shot down' style and fit. This model is youthful l - �L'la ullY, " N to the Grand ,Fleet -fife last tit which tf but you're 'his first patient, i o _: �t'tien order;ng gc,:ids by.' maiL.selid utest flaw in -'a four -inch thickness of I and I d like o during. one of .the battles • of the and _smart and fulhils all the requ►re- L. . a DosiiirUon Ek gess 1IoncJ� Order. • - - - _ cn the eve of the sw-• ender of the , prise - 3 u to� corns- as a sur 1 � steel can be .produced. Somme, but escaped capture. {ments for a suit for flappers, McCall'; man,You' simply ,say' to --the drug store, German navy. On shore, naval babes' for hips, to-inorrow. You- see, it's bis i Pattern No. 8x78' Girls Three-Piece;"Give nie a quarter of an ounce � - -- assd depots, have bgen "visited t%irteen birthday:" Speaking of the Palestine cam- ' r of freezone." Thts w ill cost very little , -Nearly. 3,000000 oun( times. paign, Capt. Bolt- said:- Suit. Pattern in ,, 'sizes, 6 to 14 y p 3s of hams, I but is sufficient to remove every hard T rN YOU �1FF�R �' years. Price 20 cents. Transfer; va;ued at 570,OU0 tae,• (about �;iJO,- , As You Were. The Turks are good at fighting An or soft co*n •from one's feet. I �i(10 l 1 There has pert been an air-raid on a Deni ited Stats eurrency-1 were -ex- • London- district but his -Majesty, acs A certainIrishsergeant war,,exceed- -the ground,- but they.0could not fly, - Design. No. c9 is Price, 10 cents. A few drops_ of this, new ether com ported from China .during 1917. Great I ci,n,p•'tnied b this C ween Nati 1. iugl wroth when Q . and their airplapes were -all manned 1 pound applied directly upon a leader, p Y +! o X. n he discovered that I .. ... - - / may , - - -- - - - -- - - - b rte' ` aching coni s1 ould =relieve the sore- Britesn was "t}ie rind aT• im otter. ROM IU'A TIM - . I y Gel•mans or Austrians. Oury Job, -f ,`T p p ] driceu to the devastated district t!� one of his men had paid a visit to the t �' �� �, tress instantly, and soon the entire The Chinese consume vast quantities . 11express hi;. sympathy with thg sof- reginiental barber and had come back I was to make nights across to Naz- •1" corn, root and all, dries up and caii be .of. hams and._ pork, Pigs .are raised' Almost any man will -tell you areth, Nablous-whieh was ancient - � .11 lifted out with the fingers. e� ery-whei a in China. , .Teresa. without his moustache. g Sechem-and other points held by, This fie wa to d one's feet of at Sloan's Liniment . A Hard -Working King.. "Private Jones," lie ,roared, "who on - w Y rl .. tjl I the enemy, and to •do low strafin ! i I corns was introduced. by a Cincinnati means relief @arab gave qez permission to have that g' . n, t'. The King is probai,ly one of the �,- man, who says that while free2one is Winard'■ Liniment C=cs Suras. Etc. 1 moustache cut off?" which 'scared the Mohammedan sol- f .' ; e busiest men fn the Empire, his work I diers to death, as they were convinc- 1*�._(7:j sticky. It dries in a�mon�ent, and aim- "'-- • "'�To on©" answered Jones, ancon- .• being in many unthottght-of and un- • - a ply shrivols up the. corn without in- "No affection,' save friendship, has For practically every -mart' has used- _. j cernedly; "I thought it w8uld improve ed we were in league with the evil ; 4r, X - - flaming or even irritating the sur- an eternity in it. F riendsahi ought 1 it wise. has suffered from rheunsatie heard -of lobose. For this Mr. Lloyd „ one. Other machines were used for ',� !7i. t 1� 1 rounding tissue car skin. y y p g aches,. sorcncss.of muscles, stifitiess George vouched when he said: "There I my appearance' therefore alwat=s to be cultivated in "Improve -bombing the forts held by the enemy, ,L ' - i ` Don't let father die•of Infection or ' ,• of joint,, the results of weather ex - is one man who is, working as hard as� your appearance aid a �;?�,� i� love ,itself. -W. R. Alger. the hardest worked man in this coon- face like yours!" bawled the enraged but great care was taken to spare L`, ` lockjaw frons .whittling at his -corns, _ a posure. Women ' b the hundreds- of the holy 'places, like Nazareth, etc. ' t - �'" but clip this out and make hila try It. f ,too, y sergeant. '•fit yez don't have it on thousands,' use it for relieving neur- try, and he Is the- sovereign of the ;again at the afternoon a The Brutish aviators did a great ! �------ realm." The writer then parade to=da IYOU CANT FIND-Affproceeds Y deal toward makin * He Stared, Too.itis, lame backs, neuralgia; sick isead- . there'll be trouble!" .... g the success of to ,tell iiciw he does it: , Th ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, General Allenb)r's army in Palestine - •' a biggest Are I've ever seen was Mconoinical, quickly. effectir . Say.. 'I'u get through the enormous ! and Syria. They turned the Turkish �:, . ' at .yew Fork, -said the American. -It 0donff, A O al Stoatr's Lirvm-tnt to �v rr di-aggist.aniQtrnt of wTor3r-w#tek(ceets to fife A Phiiasophical"lover. retreat into an absolute rout b - a'ag a very high building, and th la •y e dMade in Canadw. Get it today. . ) . M Majesty's table, a private secretary So .maisy romantic and bombi dors w ere not tall enough rr M �I �' and two assistant secretaries are fie- � • - pathetic ztK all the signal stations so I t gh do reach � STOPS U0111��'� OUT i ,anecdotes are related of precious love that the enemy could not, ascertain the window at which a lady was stand- a - .- . cexsary. For there are many _State '°letters, then!*ed in trench and battle tine moveatnents� of its own -armies and itstt• matters which the King and the King! ` . g by gallant lovers in war -scarred they -sat on the airdromes and did. not �' .,:.4 "Wal," he went on, "we were juiit Sace out hair! :V[dke it thick, as . lone can pass. Half -past nine in the France, that the reflections of a pen. let a single German plane go up to ' beginning to despair, when a lucky r►rorsiing !fees his liajesty at work. I sive Frenchman in L'Hortzon, the make signals." { '' ' wavy, glossy and beautiful * • t. !. thought seemed to strike one of the _incl he would be .a rAsh man who ,.•i• : �- ' " • at once. journal of tlr<e puIlus, make a refreall- firemen_ Catching hold .of a bose,•he t names the hour when all was done. Ing change. He. too, had borne about - J r N. J. Sk.' btu , =1.20. The Pestis Call. : ;��� took it alongside of the house, and I'br there is one tlilnq which the ruler with him a letter from'his ladylove: ^.;.: � ., ' turned +the nozzle upward@ so that a ?ry AS Ys�QQu wi}1, after an appliontion 1 "I Am the voice of the uplands ringing ,..0,messy of Danderilde, you can not find a Mugle c,t• this vast Empire insists on --no from hill to hill, j stream pt .water Fhot continuously ; trr.ce of dandnitY or falling hair and Rork -that can otherwise be dealt with . must be left over to the next day, He Calling you back to action; hearken N past the window. Summoning up her your bcalp will not itch. but what will I " I ' • is "a clean -desk man." I and do .my will. courage the lady stepped from the pie:rise you most 'will be after a few Pert,11D your' spear and saber, smotber ledge,•and, putting her arms and legs weeks' use, when you see new hair, 1 The, writer then .proceeds. to tell of`"'�"` the torch and brand. about the jet of water, slid to the bot- fine acrd downy at first--yes-hut real- thc' domestic side of his life, showing This attractive negligee is aim le torn and was cared." ly new hair-Frov►ing all over the I a down your weapons of warfare: p ' how every regulation Issued by the comeback, for peace is at hand, in construction and easy to $ji on i "Oh that's nnthin scalp. p • gi" 821(L -the -Eng- ' ,t little handel9rte' inimt►diatety ' . • fond- or drat "Controller was obeyed and off. The dainty boudoir cap that! lishman. "I Paw an even more exclt- ! dnahles the treauty of your hair. No I Back to your reeking workshops, turn- to the very letter in his household, Ing again to toil: accompanies it is developed in ribbon! Ing rescue than that. A large hotel } difference how dull, faded, brittle and ' tirePiaces being reduced ttl size, light- and lace. McCall Pattern No. 8771,1 was burning furiously, when, • at. the: Acr'aggY, Just motseten - a cloth with . Ing cut down, and heavy reductions �' Litt lip the horn of plenty out of the Ladiea:-=One-Piece Negligee. . In one top. storey of the building. r Danderine and ' carefully draw it Tea .. and teeming soil.g a girl ap. HakesCuficura � made in all laundry accounts. No 2U size, suitable for 34 to 40 bust. Price, }Reared. i stared, .the _firemen _Stared + strand at'a � time�r� The e�r3ce small ; g taken one - �-•• ' •------ - Shoulder the pick and shovel, kindlet'is flit-• • stored•up food was sever found at 20cents. I the policeman stared -in fact, we ail j ' Coffee Hurt agafrr the hearth, • } mediate and :,matin your halt wilti • Bnckfngham or Windt+or such as Pots- g-- , Scatter the wheat and bltriey over the These patterns may be ager, eclr stared so hard that at last the girl , be light, fluffy and wavy, and have ani and 4 Boxes Ointment clans.revcraled. Flower -beds stew vege- wasted earth from your local McCi dealer, or walked down the starer." appearance of abundance; an iticom• tables for the nation; Ialr short, he ManVPeople from the McCall Co., i0 Bond St., � • -• � parable lustre, anftneaa and luxtiri, l and his family' dib their bent to share '• For the cannon is hush@ in the low- Toronto De t. W. Mtaard's Zdaiiaent neat••• =eara�ia, H ' d..• , p . !ince.. the beauty and shimmer of true haft• health. Heal itching Pim les On the people's cares and sacrifices. land the order bag beeh..with- y a7h{iuldei$ and . — _____:_Theg Yil$1� i,71� lint � drawn, The eat cry which ruses from all; Massage is to the scalp what phv- het a small bottle of Knowlton'• ' "' A THOUGHTFUL PRISONER. And tine sound of,.disbanding armies our manufactvrin. cities, louder thani s1ca1 culture is to the body, It pro. Danderine from any drug ettri•E+ or •� • m Nerwus- t I echoes•frotn-dark to dawn. I the tln!~nace blast, is• all in very deed I matet3.the growth of the hair by ex- igilet censnter, and prove that your, "For two years I was troablsd with citing to new activity fire tiny` ! hair Is as pretty and evil as any -that fitefstns pimples on my sbottldsirs si`ad °' . Kept t#ecord of Comrades' Death in tress , headache, Up from the reeking by -ways rove the for this, that we manufacture there, glands' it has been neglected t injured by bath. They were Captivity, L_� shpts and daughters of men, everything except men. C blanch' which contribute to the , structure l ' f.e -+ I careless treatment. A small trial bot- sad very nfui, and wo - IIE� Or stomach cotton, and stren"•then steel and re=lxtnd also tones up- the seal la layers, be ii thousands of missing British � 1!Ieating their swords and ehI•aprrlel a p �' , -tie villi double the b� ieuty of �•ua,r hair. ''• scattered. l could not rest prisohers in Germany constitute one trouble are etN back into plows again. ; ' fine- sugar, and shape.pott,ery; but to I which 'with neglect relax unhealth- I _ at night oo •ocouirt of the of the most pathetic trugediest'of the Over the waste of the valle - he sound t brighten,' to strengthen, to refine, or I ily. The circulation of the scalp is 1 iti�ttktk�!>8l���l�*•!*lJkl'r!** itch, ' war. The number unaccounted for Sure indie1a ions - of an anvil rings,o form a sunglit living spirit, neQel' ileo increitacid, t9us prP�t•etitilsg afro- . i `�Ikd set►trat remedies ' t, would d'cmbtfess be greater stilt had Whij not `.i� Arid up from the Aeldil of carnage I Aa ; } gray- I How to Cure, � b� t� ��- Tim I w 1_ knters i>sto haul' aiStim4te of atdvant-• PhF o� the hair: roofs and the it not been for the thoughtfulness: of bhod red poppy springs. �ltP'• .And all the ev,rl to which that neQs which results from ,ret. Sq vain us tytr ' r Soap intment, ed tau a and O • -INSTANTBiliousness and I used three cakes of Cutircutls I •, --. _. _-_. .. ionto- whol sslsc,,stitfered in -German -And the ictrephertf is 'ont'ors file hill- try -}g urglt)g our .-msria+la can fie shit', in f:ltb, 7R mn�aage for }•-Anne Soap and' four boxes; oaf Ctrtictira prisonsc but survived. side, calling again to his sheep: met only in one way � , - , by a anal old." stays .an nkthority, on the Ointment and I wascomrietety lftW . One recently returned prisoner, who And the song of the busy sickle avvak_ !fight un•derstanding on the part of su},ject, "that siren' properly tinder Doctors warn against remedies to six aeetts." (Sigurd) Mias Kate co"'ved as o4rd 1•v in a Germain hos i- pOSTUM - ens the earth froin slee all classes of what kinds of labor are stood and appreciated we sha;l sec+' � containing powerful drugs and � � Y'oun McL-ose.Man., , P p' , alcohol. The Eziraci,of Roots R' March 30 1917' I i tial, kept a of All the British , good for men, rairsing them slid mak- fewer bald heads'anel a �srstl} hi hFr f iM , Having obtained a clear health R ion known as Mother Sri cl's M ! . .byft by no . . 1? 8 fable drink s p °p clear us the adi tot- an toil* •��• ringing lrtltn deep to deep, sacrifice oP _such ` c,onrenience, , or' tress@; than wee c}:, now." ! * strop in redients• it cures . ! ` I I � p hnme=ccrmiilfi hair .written to their • • kinsfolk enclosing a -copy of a photo- Calling to peaceful battle ere i again beauty. . or thefts ness, i * s R ! WrFro*", assisted by touebes of Dint- whol free front, ,, P as is to be got w indigestion, biliouenesrs and ment as deeded. Cuticula ., turn to MAP. ors} b • ! viluard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. I * conatipatior. Can be had *t an M Soap � graph, which he had specially taken y by degradation of the work• � � ,4" n Y � I Ideal for the complexion. for the purpr,ze of the Hn lish corner C� e.�le � ' , '-'= man • and b an tr• ,drug store. Get the genuine. Sample Each by Mas ad. ., y egtialiv determined � , �' s For Free. ' g . The earliest steam vessels also ca _ p oducts and regultn 1.00 Bottles. c,f tl!�� hc,spii;�l cemetery. in lea and e�ffee.: demand for the r It is a good plan to h,,we a chE zp * 50c. and$t dret+s�post-card: 'Cutictrra, Dept, w. •'j - _.- __ _ _�. ried--sift t>he Idee being to •relieve of h� -atm- � }t:fidl• � watch tp carry -an the farm._�o-mangy'; �tii�ile�tii�i�iT+p�i►�� ,Bosti►n,_.U. S. AL" 8ea1d everyva►berte. - T_ _. T p'ba�umc rich ------ - • - 'I'lrr man «ho Rets u In the morn- a the stress on the engines. Ruskin. things rnar happen to a watch. It • ""° may be jerked out of the pocket when; SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF HORSES DICTATES • ing.. w i t lr_...lt.i.� . wark r l stn ped_.#©r the ---� ' �- , ;+-- � H _ _ - . dlehctous flavor. clay has gol �t p y "The ra s of ha ` "` --- �' y Per,- Bite_tl�•e�. - Pf1iQTo�^r off' - yrr�--ease _trtr'rl:r on .GjP S � � _ aril done. _ wt Grocer's Dmljwhere. of ,limit, are colorless 'when unbrok- V Rx A stone. pohra s Des#er�per Compound llarne9s te, 9UfrPPilCi a batsket from o .1n the community ciuh--the mal. v n i ! en.--Lonorfellow. , BATTALI , I p O 1'. "_ �'1:�+•i'1:1:,' I\b'Li'F.\� a, l"'I\I: 'El'F� .1 f'rniL pick,O• s ahou�lders and leave ThErre:t el�era►son fie; hh„rhood rmr where peopled Q 61141 i•"'. " `''' ;r'' •'+ ''t�11.1-4 Twat Loft OanaAa for •eat* by R g p--. > 2 in itn. i� rm. �ianufae cured �� (A ! J •e.'t�.,rtii,;g t.. is •- %; N1 rf lnt•tiical st fenve, it ha•.hC0.n tested • both hanclsr free as been invernted, ALEXANDRA STUDIOS i know each other well, and trust each i �► O ft .I , tr,,;t, iv! . � : ,•e•tuurN b, the. t;Z,lr.t horeemeri. N", T11%(1 - the who bri>Sg tuntaitil>!! to the ;1lever put away cotton or linen other, And are unseliith ongtlgI to it•i• in wh„, i-,,Imt••"l tli�tr` •t di. -eased heree+ are found, p1 Qp» �• lA]!!!, S'b>s0>A'!'O Q fi! ullN',* h. � •):,et!..,:. ,t„tlii, tr«pirn«fit M�eetllr. 1 es of others e�,nnot keep ,it from . lbthes w,it starch in them; ithey work for a cohtmon i atu,ilt, t6*1• 'pro- A !p' " ' Tour dra 1'themseh,ev.: 41srr3a. ISSUE No. 11—•19 a -ill not las nearly 'as .long. . � writ* for further• Infornsation. • ' ER G� slrtsf can telt yow. gross can be mRde. BPOMN MEDICAL GDMPANY, aoshlen, Itttlias� Wim` ' .. , • - - - .. . - b - ti . , ' . - . AV, . _ , c ,,