HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-27, Page 2•
Its Utintistakable I is speedily proven
in a Tea -Pot
-Economyin Use-
100O Value 100% Pure
Sealed Packets Only.
s 537
ilson Gave In
By -Catharine Dodge.
Joe Wilson drove the car up t
the side door with a hit of a flourish.
Joe was prosperous, and the car was
still too new for him not to take some
pride in ,it and his own capable driv-
ing. Gathering up the day's pur-
chases with a satisfied air, he failed
to notice a slightly anxious look on
the face of his d'augbter Whoss•was
climbipg out after him. -
"There, pa, you take those and
I'll bring the rest," said Lutie, watch-
ing him nervously until he disappear-
ed; then, taking a flat package from
under the seat she piled the others
on it and hurried throughr the house
into the little bedroom.
"Come_ on,Vute; what are you do-
ing?" called her father. "Just taking
off my hat," and Lutie came into the
kitchen in time to see him throw
down on the table a bundle very much
like the one that had disappeared
from her own arms.
"Open that, ma, and see how you
Iiike.it.' There was just a suspicion
of defiance in his tone.
Mrs. Wilson, 'a colorless little wo-
man, untied the knot with'trembling
Angers, though why they trembled
eaven only knows, for she had been
untying similar parcels every year
since she had married Joe, and the
%eager expectancy roused by the crisp,
new paper wrapping had always been
rewarded exactly as it was now.
"Why, I think that's real pretty,
ra," she said; but she glanced un-
easily at the cr1s.
Mollie, the . yourirger da h
looked at Lutie with an it's -your -
move -now expression.
'Well, got anything t6 say?" and
Joe turned to the older girl.
"I 'aid about a1 I had to say last
week. Blue caliceris all very well in
its place, but if I've got to wear it
the rest' of my life, I'll go into an
orphan- asylum; I'raft tired- of look-
ing Like $ jay- all the tijr-14-7
A little outburst the week before
had partially prepared Joe, but he
was hurt and angry, nevertheless. Not
until recenCy had anything everAis-
turbed his self-satisfaction.- That it
0 should come from the daughter most
like himself was an additional griev-
ance to him.,
"I'm sick and tired of having you
find fault 'with what I provide. May-
be you'd better find someone else to
pay for your clothes -or go to work
and earn them yourself." Joe slam-
med the door behind him as a fitting
period. - •
It was an unusual squabble ttor
• the Wilson family, where one will
had held unquestioned sway.
- "Now, Lutie, you oughtn't to have
made yours pa mad; he's always tried
to please us -and this is a reel
pretty pattern."
"Never mind, ma, he'll get over it.
Come into the bedroom a minute, both
of you, if you can keep a secret for
a few days -I want to show you
One of Joe's maxims was "least
-isaM soonest mended," and the inci-
. dent was apparently closed, when he
came in to supper.
"I saw Lucy in town to -day, and
she said she d like to come out somo
morning next week and stay.all day.
I can run in and get her Friday, just
as well as not,"
"That'll be nice, pa. Kilt a couple
of broilers Thursday night, and I'll
freeze some ice-cream; Lucy is se
fond of it," and the little sigh of re-
lief dismissed for the moment any;
foreboA;rig that might be, hanging
ever Mrs. Wilson.
"Fix some of that new-fangled
Marth-mallow cake, Mollie; I'll bet
yourauntLucyll like that." Having.
had his OW11 way Joe was perfectly
Willing to be agreeable. 1
. For the next week the sewing ma-.
chine hummed, and stray snips cif'
blue calico convinced Joe that the•lit-!
tle uprising was,quelled. He accepted,
shorter rations good 'naturedly, and:
tactfully made no -illusion to the pro-.
gress of the work. ThurSday might
he threw two headless yotine, chick-
ens near the hack 'stoop, and called
out, "If you want anything from '
to•wn you'd better get your -list ready
to -night; I'm going to start early."
"Your pa is a good- provider,
Lutie." Mrs. Wilson seemed to feel,
the nee'd for emphasizing the point.
"Oh. I know dad has his good
points, ma, ,tut he needs a little
Pdueati ng. There''.3 nd senss spoil-'
ing a perfectly good man. Just you.
wait and see what .happens to -mor;
Ms. Wilson, shook her head riuhi-
ously. "I'm afraid your pa will he
angry. I wish you hadn't done it,
"Stop worrying, ma; it'll do hint
good. 4I'M not a tit afraid?' And the
dishes rattled .briskly in her efficient
hands; -
All over the cotnfortahle farmhouse
were evidences of toe Wilson's
insWed, before be would bug
the Mr, waft a fine bathrootm-joy of
the family and envy of the neighbors.
jaa yam peak alike^ suAls bia ialonav. but
he wanted to do the spending, and it
had never occurred to him that wo-
men folk should have anything to say
in the matter of their own clothing.
Mrs. Wilson was showing the new
bathiodtn to her sister-in-law the
next day when the subject came up.
"Mary, this is Ana! .1 was Just
thinking a Iiittle'esbile ago that you
had the nicest place in the county.
Joe certainty -is a gfibd Vrovider."
"I know it, Lucy," again that un-
easy sigh. "And the girls know it
tpo, but they do get out of sorts be-
cause he won't let them have any say
about their clothes. I never minded
for myself, but girls will get no-
Lucy paused; she admired her bro-
ther, but she was always readysto be
fair. "I don't blame them a hit for
that, Mary, -but it's not Joe's fault.
It's just the way he was brought up;
he's exactly like his father. I never
chose a dress for myself until after
was married. What's that, Molly?
You don't mean dinner's almo
'ready -my, how this morning
!flown! Joe," she beckoned from
window, "don't you hear those chi
ens caLing.
1 "Is it dinnee time, Lutie?" asked
Joe at the kitchen door.
"It'll be ready pretty' soon, but
you've got time to clean up a little,
if you like. Why don't you go in and
put on a clean shirt? I laid one out
on the bed for you."
Joe gasped. To put on a clean
Shirt in the middle of the day was an
unknown article in his creed; but he
had no intention of arguing to -day, so
shut his lips as he walked, with un-
necessary eraphaeis into tlw.bedroost.
Sure enough, on the bed was not one
shirt, but six, of new blue calico. And
there was something else folded neat-
ly, Joe held it up gingerly. The.gar-
ntent unfolded itself into a pair of
blue calico trouser.
(To be continued)
British Authorities Dealing Exhaus-
tively With All Enquiries.
The secretary of the British War
Office announces that owing to the
very large number of enquiries which
have been received by the Director
of Graves Registration and Enquiries
since the signing of the armistice,
and which are still cording in at the
rate of 1,500 to 2,000 a day, it has
been impossible to send out replies
except after some considerable delay
amounting ts as much as a. month
or even litlf weeks. • Every case is
most careftilly .investigated, and full
'replies will be sent to all; but it is
not possibe to deal with the applica-
tieing as rapidly as the public have
a night to expect.
Every request for a photograph is
carefully noted, and directly the con-
ditions permit it is taken, and copies
are forwarded to.the applicants; but
in this matter again there have been
unavoidable causes of delay, and
during the winter months, too, the
working day is short and the number
of days suitable for photogra,phy per
week ieoften reduced by bad wea-
ther. Since Novembei. 1, 1918, 14,000
photographs have been received
from the variaus theatres of war and
issued to relations.
The staff Of the Imperial War
Graves Commission is also at pres-
ent seriously depleted by illness, and
it is reeretted that in consequence
theee must inevitably be considerable
delay in replying to the numerous
enquiries addressed to that office.
About Princess Pat
Pfincess Patricia, Who fict popularity'
Is at its height just now, recalls an
anuisfng tale in whie'n, as a child, she
fretted under the discipline of Queen
Victoria. he was staying with the
Queen at Osborne, and sat °tie day
with- bet-iskgs crossed. -Patsy." - said
the Queen."' little girls shealcl. not sit
with their legs ctossed:.' Princess Pat
obediently tmcrossed her legs; -an1.
presently began to . run aboutthe
room. Again She incurred her grandt,
mother'S disapproval. ',.1.1ttle girls
should keep their legs still." remarked
the Queen. _. ‘"Please, gra ndinamina."
asked Princess. Pat, in desperation,
"what are little.girls' re. gs for?"
' An innocent man needs no elo-
quence; •his innocence 44- instead -a
it. -Ben Jonson.
Fifty lEnglish girl carpenters en-
gaged for several years past,in
ing huts for the British soldiers in
France, have returned home with the
intention of follosiing their newly -
learned trade.
A Virtue May Become a Vice. they should first be fil1%1 with melted
We have been accustomed to think- peraffin.
session, and always good, but virtue Aluminum cooking utensils requireSIkJ'
lag of virtue as being a precious p,os- I
carried t;he nth degree becomes the least heat. Foods requiring long,
tue carried to
vice. Or perhaps I should say a vir- aluminum saucepan, just large
slow cooking should be put in an
-is intemperance as truly
,exceas becomes a, sloe enough to hold it, so that there is
form of overdoing. 1-eshaps the fact!
as --any no waste space between the food and
the close fitting lid. Once started it
' will cook with very little fire,- and
where gas is used for fuel the food
will sometimes cook alongside an-
other vessel, using but one burner.
The man who .invests in all sorts
of machinery to make his farm work
lighter, and lets his wife rub along
any old way, ought to change places
with her for a while. By the time
erk,.t.* Flo 1,1 4-12
is born in on me jus, now because
I've recently had a great deal to do
with one or two persons who pride
themselves on certain virtues which
to their friends are their chief faults.
And, of course, no one can make
them see their mistake. They know
that ths-thin,g they pride themselves
upon is in itself a virtue, and can not
It. ngs .1 board that makes his
he has rubbed out eight or ten wash -
see how they are overdoing
One is a woman who prides herself I
knuckles bleed, and has mopped a
on plain speaking, , She says she sim-
ply tells the truth at all times. Now,
Lirikitchen floor twice a week for
of course, truth in itself is a virtue year or two, he_s-ill make up his
and one greatly to be desired. But mind that things are somehow pretty
one can go to excess\ even with the tone -sided, and that he had. better
truth. I rmember it used to puzzle shink of his Wife's comfort part of ,
the time, and not of his own all the
me Its a child to get,iny mother's fine time. .
us that we must Always speak the, Try walshing blankets this-
distinctior.. She would sometimes tell.
truth,. and then knock the whale isnld so they fit nsa tub; then melti
in hot water one pound pure white
thing over, for me at least, by say- .
ing the truth should not be spoken at soap and one-half pound borax. Add,
to this enqigh cold water to cov
all times. It was sometime before ier;
I found out that she meant it is often the blankets and pour the mixture,
better to keep still than to speak the over them, allpwing them to soak
over night. Thg.next. rnorning pour,
truth. If telling the truth is only
this off, rinse the blankets thorough-
going to wound someone and do no and without wringing hang them
good, -then say nothing. If it can ly, ,
do good, -then tell it. 6 Oat to dry. Their weight keeps them,
in shape and clothes -pins are un -
But the woman of whom I write necessary. When dry beat with a
draws no lines in her truth telling. carpet beater to raise the nap.
"I tell them all just what I think,"
she says. And she does. Friend and • •
foe, saint and sinner, old and young,e' Diet for Convalescents.
rich and, poor, all have the benefit of The patient recovering from influ-
her views. No one is ever left in enza or pneumonia requires a plain,
doubt as to what she thinks about
them personally and all their family.
Wherevershe goes she leaves be-
hind a trail of wounded and bleeding,
or wrathy and apoplectic, individuals,
according to the temperament of her
auditors. Needless to say she is
about as welcome as the flu. Invita-
tions never come her way, and wel-
come signs are hastily torn down
when she appears round a corner.
Her acquaintances regard her as a
wicked woman, but she believes her-
self to be unusually bod. They
think her excessive truth -telling is a
vice, a cloak for venting her spite,
but she really believes she is doing
the right thing. ,
Directly her oPposite is a man of
nourishing diet. • Just at this time
the convalescent is tired of milks,
soups, broth, etc., and has little ,actu-
al desire to eat.- It is here that the
real skill of the hougewife must be
used to decoy these irritable, nervous
invalids to take ,proper nourishment.
to help them on the road to recovery.
A few • pointers that will aid results
Do not ash the patient what he
would like to eat.
Serve- sinAl portions iii_a_claintY,
attractiii manner.
Remember that persons recovering
from such diseases cannot eat three
large meals a day. Divide the food
allowance so that the reqtfired
amount of nourishment can be_ pro-
ber family who has --he7 as an awful .___rtioned into five meals, as to -nova:
example. Seeing where over -much a.m.---Fruit,-toast, :hot milk,
speaking has led with her, he has , chocolate or cocoa.
gone to the other extreme and won't 10 a.m.-Poached egg on toast, tea.
talk at all. claiming that silence is 1 p.m. -Baked potato, salad, cocoa.
golden, he has over -played his part, 4 p.m. -Boiled or broiled fish,
toast, tea.
too, and he keeps still when he should
talk. He is secretive, in the extreme, 8.30 p.m. -Hot cocoa, toast with
to get -at opinion from him as it is
withholds his confidence where it
should be given, never blames any-:'
one and never praises. It is as easy Uses of French Chalk. French chalk is not nearly so well
known as it should be, for it is a
to converge with an oyster.
His policy has estranged everyone
he knows. His children shun him,
his wife is as far from him as one
pole from the other, and his business
associates f aye :al -little to do with
him as possible. H unconununica-
tiveness kept him fr m advancement
in business and Stint him out of all
social life. And his entire faniily
have to suffer with hint
So every virtue becolneala vice if
it is worked too hard. The over -neat
woman who keeps her family from
enjoyingtheir home is a shiner.
Honest inquiry becomes inquisitive-
ness when carried too far. Ambition
which interferes with ne's fellows
is autocracy. So we miht carry it
into everything. It sim ly resolves
itself into the axiom tat over -in-
dulgence is intemperance or vice.
Homely Wrinkle.
Cereals cooked in skim milk in-
stead of water are more palatable
and more nutritious.
When baking cookies grease the
pans, then rinse them with cold
water; put the. cookies on the wet
greasy surface andthey will not
stick when baking.
To prevent rust, or to cover it
afttrg it appears, paint bed springs,
inside of the gas oven and all ex-
cept the smoothing surface of the
flatirons, with aluminum paint. It is
heat resting and makes a smooth
surface which is 'easily kept clean.
A three-minute egg -timer placed
in 'bight .of the telephone can be
watched without taking the mind off
a long-distance call and may save a
charge for overtime
Dustless dust -cloths can be. made
of worn hosiery and underwear. Dip
them in a half pint of kerosene.to
• h has been nddedthree
spoonfuls of lirfseed oil: Wring' out
and hang in the air to dry. These
can be washed occasionally and again
dipped in the oil.
If onions have sprouted, chop the
sprouts' and use them in potato salad.
Rebber mats my be cut aut of
wortt-otit h Wit-ttdi. bags. They ite
useful to place on ice to keep dishes
,frbm slipping Old jar rings will
serve the same purpose.
Make a substitute for a cedar chest
out of any tight box made of soft
wood, by painting the inside with oil
of cedar, letting the wood absorb all
it will. If there are any open cfacki
very convenient and economical pre-
paration to have on hand for various
purposes. As a cleanser for silk, it is
effective in that it removes grease
spots almost instantaneously, if ap-1
plied in the following way. If the
chalk is purchased in coat -shaped
lumps, it is well to shave them down
to a fine powder, which should then
be mixed with a small quantity of
soap gads until a thick paste has been
formed. After the paste has hard-
ened into round cakes, it is ready
for use. It should again be powder-
ed and spread_ on the offending spot,
under which cotton material has pre-
viously been ?spread. Several layers
of tissue paper should be placed over
the spot and a hot iron applied to the
paper, with care that At does not
come in contact with the silk itself.'
This method will leave the silk free
from .blemish, if followed carefully.
Canadian Arctic Travellers. Declare
Northern Barrens Afford Ample
Food Supply. •
Withjalmur Stefansson, recently
returned frcrm his Arctic exploration
tour, said while at Edmonton receitais
ly that if the musk oxen of the Grea%
Barren were given a little scientific
care and, supervision they would af-
ford a new and abundant meat sup-
ply second only to the rapidly grow-
ing cattle industry of the g-Lreat wheat
a pity to allow so much good food to
go to waste. If the slaughter of the
caribou is begun by market hunters,
the Government should so safeguard
the animals as to prevent their ex-
termination. It_ls to- be hoped the
caribou will not meet the fate of
the buffalo in the United States. If
the herds are properly conserved they
should add materially' to Canada's
meat supply for many years.
"The development of the food
sources of the vast mossy tu dras
of northern Canada will demonstrate
anew that the northern limit of pro-
ductivity has not yet been reached,
and that a great fertile area of Can-
ada, more extensive than her famous
wheat leads, reinains as yet virtually
unknown and unexploited."
May be One of the outcomes of ,th
belt. - se eague or -Wit
. -.... Ions.. .
"Musk - usse," said: Stefa -1611.-1 - I'Vhat a'Conifort ',- mCaef , would be
"have been left hitherto.i.eXelust ely, that one.cduld'spend anywhere'ln the,
to the Eskimos and Indians Tor hunt- I world, without exchanging it for the
ing purposes, but their meat is as local brand ot currency?
good as ordinary beef, and there is As. ene result of the league of na-
no- reason why it should not he sold, tions movement we may have an in -
in Canadian markets. There are 1,--Iternational coin. ,We may even have
000,000 acres of grass and moss -coy -I an international paper note, or certill-
ered prairie in the Far North, where; cate, or whatever we may choose to,
the animals can feed themselveslcali it.
without shelter or protection. Thel ' An international coin (as tentative -
southern edge of this region is al-!ly described) would be stamped on one
ready recognized as a superb cattle- side with an intenvaelona.1 design,
grazing district. Musk oxen multi -I stating its value in .the monotary
ply rapidly and if an effort were made; terms of various countries. On the
to propagate them they 'would soon, other side it would exhibit design and
develop into a prolific source of nieat. letter!ng to identify it 'with the calnrr..; of helium, .
May Furnish. the Light of the Future.
Brilliant and Cheap
Not until' the next war will the dis-
covery that helium gas is as service-
able as' hydrogealor the filling of bal.
loens render itself manifest as epoch-
making for niiiitary purposes. Beings,.
noninflanixnable, it will give to the
dirigible and the observation balloon
(hitherto so vulnerable to incendiary
ullets) a near immunity.to attack.
What is helium?,
It was discovered- --aa lax -back, as
1888, in the atmosphere tat_the_sna.. It
Is now known to be one ot the minor
gases that help to make up the at-
moaphere of the earth. .
WeAt,re accustomed to think of
air We breathe: as comp -used of tour -
fifths nitrogen, and one-filth_oxygan..
But it Is not quite so simple a mix-
ttire that. 'Nearly 1 per cent of
Is made' up._Lst-liate- other and -lift -le-
-known gases -helium, argon, neon,—
rrypton and xenon.
!! e...so Helium is Atta;ried.
Chemists, a few Years ago, diseuver-
ed that they could get helium .in a ,
pure state by heating monazite ---the
stuff that yields thorium, out of which
incandescent gas mantels are made.
But the war has driven invention
at a great pace; and often accident • .
helps invention -as, for instance,
when some folks --in- Texas complained--
that theirnatural gas, though ade-
quate -in supply, did not burn well.
Government experts,asked for Ad-
vice, -foand that the reason, It did not
burn well was (as analysis disclosed)
that it contained 2 per cent. or Mort.'"
supply for civilized markets.Thetry of its origin.
only supervision necessary would be
Every year many millions of dol-
use it forballoons?
to guard them from decimation by lars worth of foreign coins -are melted , Eureka. In a moment the long-puz-
; '
native hunters and the ravages by at the mints of each nation of the
' zling problem -- n
that of finding a
world and used as bullion for conveY on -
wolves. This superintendence could!
sion into that nation's particular c.oin- inflammable gas fel; tiling balloons --
be given them by a special dets.,' il of.
rangers or Royal Mounted Polite,t age. It seems a pity, because an 'oh- I was solved. Practical experiments
vious waste of Jabor. An internation- ! proved the solution satisfactory and
whose force the Government plans to
Ial gold piece, in perhaps three de -,I co.mplete. '
incjr.eaLs.e.'Rouse, another northern ex-, nominations, would du away with this :1 To separate the helium (rem natural
gas was not, very difficult. Ail that
1 a..bsurdity.
plorer recently in Edmonton, diren- I was needed was to chill the gas to a
ed eittention to the Barren Lands s--- I temperature where all the rest of the
caribou as another source of meat' Men of perfect genius are knownstuff was frozen. The helium, being.
supply which he believes, if protrly •in all centuries by their perfect res- the last to freeze, was thereby sep- -
husbanded, wottlat be virtually I et-- Vect to all law, and-locto Of past tra-' araed out.
haustible. , dition; their work in -the world is Atmospheric air is a gas (or a mix -
"I estimate there are 60,000,000 never innovation, but new creation; ture of gases) only 'because of tem -
caribous in northern' Canada," said without disturbing for aninstant the perature. Make- it cold enoagh, and
Mr. Rouse. "They winter in the Bar- foundations which were laid of Old' it becomes a solid, resembling clear
ren Lands, but in summeT veaure in time.. glass. Anygas- will become a liquid,
Helium won't burn. -Why, then, not
search of pasturage as far south as
Athapupuskove Lake and the region
south of Churohill River. They sup-
ply the Eskimos, Indians, hunters and
lumbermen with quantities of meat
and wolves slaughter thousands of
them annually. Still they are in-
creasing in numbers. • They are a.
species of deer about the size of a
reindeer and their meat is tender and
of fine flavor. They could easily be
domesticated and, like the caribou
herds of Alaska, now becoming an
abundant meat supply.
"The vast herds of caribou are a
meat mine which should be worked
by companies, with organized bands
of hunters and equipped with storage
plants on the hunting grounds. It is
Write to.ells3r tor our big
showing our Pill lin's of Bicycles for Men
and WOMCII, Boys 411141 Gi:la.
Tires, Coaster Brake3, Wheels, Inner Tube's
, Lamps, Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles,
ment and Parts of Bicycles. You cat* buy
your supplies from us et wholesale price,.
Soil to be Subjected to Process to
Recover Metals Which Fill It.
Europe's battle fields, says an edi.
torial writer in the Mining and Scieit-
tific Pres, have been showered with
steel and iron and brass from shells,
exploded and unexploded, and from
hand grenades. He goes on:
"Much of this metal will be re-
moved as a necessary preliminary to
'the resumption of 'peaceful pursuits..
The quantity of metal - is so great
that, it woul4 be a source of annoy-
ance and even of danger to the tiller.
of the soil A systematie sweeping,-
sr) to speak, of all the lioniharded re-
gions., will be necessary._ A. French.
engineering journal de?cribes an ap-
paratus which, though created for
; this, special perpose, an he applied
to other uses, for it will indicate the I
presence of steel and iron not too
deeplq buried in the soil. This, how-
ever, is a slow way to proceed where
Jong -continued bombardment hasglit-
erally filled the soil with metallic
fragments. Methrids of salvaging are.
contemplated that involve passing
1thaaoiFthi'ou'gK plants for recover-
ing the metal, and returning the soil
to its place- leveled and ready forstill
age. It is also pointed out that the
concentration of fixed nitrogen in
these battle field soils, resulting from
the enormous quantities of explosives
used, will make these areas excep-
tionally fertile."
and thensolid If the 'thermometer'
descends sufficiently far. ••
. Half the Cost of Electric Light.
Menotti' becomes, a liquid /at 51.8 de-
grees below the zero of Fahrenheit-.
that is to say, less than six degrees
above the "absolute-zero"that is no
, temperature ,at all, and at which'
everi-thing in nature becomes solid.
At the temperature of' .hellum's
liquefaction everything ,else increa-
tion is frozen solid, even :Including hy-
It Is interesting4in- this .conneetion
st-o consider that helietn'has before it
_a much more. important Prospect than
that of filling nalloons. It .niny fur-
uish .the light • 6! the frittere-,--a•-mens :-- •
brilliant, more beautiful and much /
27 Nous Dense Street West. Montreal, cheaper light than any now in t.te.
What COW
'Comfort Lys is a very powerful
eleaneer. It is used for cleaning up
. —the oldest and hardest dirt, grease. etc.
Comfort Lys is fine for making sinks,
drains and closets sweet and clean.
Comfort I,ys Kills rats, mice, roaches
and insect pests.
amfort Lye will -do -the 'hardest
spring cleaning you've got.
Comfort Lys is good for making soap.
It's powdered.perfumed and MO% pure
' Parker's can .elean• or dye carpets,
curtains, laces, draperies, gowns, etc.,
and make them look hke new.
Send your faded or 'spOttea 'clothing
or household gootls, and
will renew th,m.
LWe pay carriage charges one way and guarantee
satisfacr-y work.
Our booklet -on houmhold helps that save money
will be sent free on request to
791 Yonge St.Cleane-jam' and iii)Yers - Toronto
_ If .a glass tube be filled with helium
gas, and, a current of electricity be
passed through, the tube becomes
brilliantly luminous with a light of
yellowish color, soothing, and agree-
able to -the eye. It costs abotit half as r Much, for a.given candlepower, qs the
ordinary incandesce-nt electlight
8ugg,estion is made that it light be
effectively' emplOyed by- funning a
continuous tube at it rill around the .
ceiling of a room, thus -diffusing the 11-
lunstnatien:asAnach as possible„
Canadian Gateman Did Not Recognize
His Royal Guests.
An inforra0.1 visit by the pacen.
Princes Mary and Prince Albert .to
the Canadion battle photographs in
the t'ratton Galleries began with an
amusing int ident
A French Canadian orderly held the •
gate. and when the royal party AP-
Presche:1 he 'demanded tick' ta.
"How much are they?" • Raked the.
"One -and -three." said the rsnadian.
Whereupon Prince Albert preducvd the
1150mi-re1 amount aad they -.vere ad-
mitted past the harrier. Being zen-
lnus InisIness man, the imicely
.ed -this up by nffering eataleguea, end.
again. the Prince smilingly produced
ths: required _amount, • - - • *.
The distinguished ykitors remained
in the galleries for an On' leav-
ing. the Frencli-ranailiati, who had .
learned who his,gnests were, tried to
spologioi to Prince Albert..
an right, iinf hum," sajd tlit)
Printe,,islapping him on the back, It
was worth it.",
Tiirning around, the Queen
"It was an informal visit," she said,
end we quite expected to, pay."
r--- -
It is th6 'euatomr of -members of the •
Royal family, when visiting .puhll,s, ..:
1 umuseuiepts, to pay the customary
charges for whatever teats' they *es ;
The highest ambition of a- China., -
man is to have a fine (AM* and •
fine funeral.