HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-03-06, Page 8• • New Coverings for Heads and Feet c With the advent of spring a man is apt to get light-headed. in order to keep his `lead right it is necessary for him to bt crowned with tsne of our New Spring Hats. At $4.00 we are showing a splendid range of colors froiu the well known maker "Sackville" of London, Eng. At $5.00 are the ever popular .King Hats,. The Hat of Hats illustrated in thecut "Borsalino." We will guarantee this hat to wear as loug and look better_ than any other two hats. City stores sell this hat at -$8. Our price $7. New Shoes for 'Men you have often heard a young lady remark, "I washed my Hair--• and I can't .do a• thing with itt" and you., no doubt, have heard the reply of ire man as he apologized for stepping on her foot, "Excuse me, madam, I washed my feet and I can't do a thing with them." .If you get your pedal extremities covered in our store you can wash your feet ,:as,often as�ou wish,, once a month, if neces- sary) y � es sary) ani. we : will 'guarantee your feet :,Atill .never ,get Go ittmuly, gas to stepon Mi - i ,r'�s number se—four (come pretty near saying something else.) . For spring brown is again the most popular, although blacks are running a close second. We are showing a new last that is finding favor, especially among the returned men. Spring work will soon be under, way and to insure foot comfort it is necessary to be well shod. A FINAL WORD TO MEN Come on in and let us. demonstrate that we can sell you superior footwear at prices a little lower than the other fellow. NOTE -To the ladies whose curiosity prompted them to read this ad. let us say that we have recently opened out a large shipment of new spring goods, including Prints, Serges, Silks, Hosiery, etc. New arrivals in shoes daily. Murdoch &Carneron Co. This Drawing is from a Photograph • —That's why it means so much It is from an actual photograph of Anna Case of the Metropolitan Opera singing in direct comparison with her 0‘i voice on the New Edison. "But what's remarkable about this?" you ask. The amazing fact is that no human ear can distinguish the artist from the instrument; so perfect is the Re -Creation. This is what we call the "tone test". And it proves the truth of the Edison Company's claims about ae NEW EDISON • • "The Phonograph with a Soul" It proves that 'the instrument does re-create, not merely imitate. Hundreds of these tone tests have been conducted. More than 2,000,000 people have attended them. And not one could say when it was the artist he heard and when the instrument. With the lights lowered to hide the singer's lips the audience was completely baffled. Visit oar ftore for a dt/:,PJtratton of tint rtarvekuj New 175 BdlJoa or have oat _rent to your home. No obligati;', cf rourrt- J.. G. Armstrong, Lucknow, Ont. West Wawa.nsh OBITUARY.—Death came with start- ling suddeness to the home of Mr. Gro. Henry on Tuesday evening, Peb. 25th, when his wife, who bad the misfortune to fall and break her leg a fol tnight be- fore and wko was aupprsed to be rapid- . ly recovering under skillful medical care and good nursing, took a faint spell and (tied in her husband's stilus in a minute's • time. She had partaken of the evening meal heartily, read the mnit interesting parte of the daily paper, suffered no pain and expressed her pleasure at a speedy recovery, When about 8 o'clock the call came. Tne grief of the loving and de voted husband and sister, Miss Lucindra Edge, was well nigh overwhelming Mr. Henry Fowler, who was present at the time quickly semm.►ned relati yes on 1 neighbors. The deceased was die elde it daughter of Mr. and Mrs Elia) Edge of (flenelg Tp. and WAR horn Sept 20t':1, 1853. Oq Feb. 20th 1879 she was h,p- pily married to Mr. 9eorge Henry of present to show their dympathy and re- spect. A handsome sheaf cf roses from Sirs. -.Joseph Edge, her son, Capt. H. P. Edge and daughter, Mrs Lieut. Col. Le Pan and a beautiful wreath from the I. usband and 1I is s Lucinda E age, reliev-. ed the sombreness of the casket. Among. - those present from a distant 'wererMr. and Mrs.• Thos. White, o>rHolyrond, ('apt. H. P. Edge, of Toronto, Mrs Thos.Thos. Agar, of Milton, and M r. and Mrs. 11 '1'. Edwards: of near Durham. The Aurviving members of the Edge family are M. Frank Tufts, of Detroit; Mrs. L T. Spencer, of Deseronto, and Mrs• It T. E swards, of Gl nelg anti Miss Lucinda E lg.?., who has lived with her sister for years and who helped so k,vangly to nurse her in her last illness. BORN Houarox-1n the Township of Ki ,- lose o Feb. 2r4,' 1111 t), to Mr. and Mrs. )avid Houelon, a daughter Whitechurch —Tuesday, Mar 4 Mr. A. Foe made a bit iiness trip to Listowel and Palmerston last Saturday Mr. Alex McTajiiish, of Ripley, visited at the parsonage on -Sunday.- . Mr. n-Sunday.- 1wMr. and Mrs. John 'Hutchison' are moving into the house vacated by Dan McKay. Mr, Frank Rising, of Holyrood, spent the w„ek.end at, the home' of It ibert Carrick. Miss Greta Fox, of Wingbam General Hospital, visited over Sunday at her home here. Miss'lnbina Henry is 'vane again. after °pending a week with friends in Wingham. A very enjoyable evening was, spent in the basement of the char, h last Fri- day night when a number of the young people gathered there. One of the main features of the evening was the present ation of a hymn book to Mr John Egle stone. " The Guild meeting Sunday night was intrn-luted by Miss (;ora (:!uhh.' . duet"was.r:•nrirr(.d hy Misses Apia Clul `1, and .lean Eglestone. The leader for the next night is Robert Laidlaw. i the same township and during their forty years of wedded life the band that bound them grew stronger and stronger. Thirty eight years ago they moved fron, Glenelg to %Vest Wawannsh near St. ,Helens, and twenty years later re- moved to lot 18, con. 6, which they sub. affluently purcbas :d from the owner, Mr. Jas. Wilson; and, have done well financially, and won the esteem and good will of a wide. circle by their unfailing hospitality, readiness to oblige and cheery spirit. "Aunt Lizzie and "l 'tide George Henry" have ever been held in tenderest regard by1a wide kindred as well as by the Communities in which they lived. Mrs. Henry was a constant member of St.Helens Presbyterian Church having with her husband joined during the pastoral term ; ►f Rev: 8. M. Whaley. The funeral .took place on Friday afternoon of last week to Dung- j annon :Cemetery. It 'v. Mr. McCalltin , , of Lucknow Presbyterian Church, coon ducting a moat comforting servige' at t'ie home and by the graveside A large• concourse of nei$hborn and kindred were\ YOUTH riME The important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and the body develop- ing. .A growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health. To a developing child SCOTTS EMULSIOI comes with particular help. Thousands of the strong men and women of today were in youth -time nourished and strengthened to withstand the inroads of disease by the consistent use of Scott's. Scott & Bowae, Toronto, Ont. tipley —Tuesday, March 1. Mrs. S. ' A. Irwin visited frtends in Paisley this week. Mr Mb. ('►}nipbelt visited in Toronto for a few days last week: Mies Iona Rutledge, modiste, of Mil - !anon, is visiting frieuda in Ripley. .,Hiss .(`herlotte McDoueld, of Luck now, is visiting at Mr. Have McDonald's. Corp I_)el Worthy went to London to receive his discharge from military ser- vice. --111 is s Margaret Cameron,. of. the Strat- ford Normal School, is visiting at her home on the 6th con. Mr John (I'red) Elliott, of the Dur- ham Road, has purchased, Mr. P. Ke - hoe's tart Ou the 1 2th cSrn. , • - Mrs. Scott, who has been visiting at tire :Commercial, left on Friday for Owen Sound to visit f rte ds. Miss Coal 11Ichouald s niany friends will be pleased to learn that she is re- covering Prow Ler recent illness. . 11r. and Airs Alex Reavie entertained a number of returned soldiers and their 1 dy• friends on Weduesday evening. " Pte. Angus McDonald, of Wolsely .I arracks, ,London, -is visiting his par- erite, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McD._)nald: • — 1Mes. -M . , Robt rt sou and son, Lloyd, Misses Anna Robertson and M F. Mc Kay visited in Wingham on Saturday. Mr. Saultiin Orabarn, W. M. of the Ripley I., 0 L , is this week attending the Grand Lodge meetingiu Woodstock. Mr. Chas. Liddle is back- in Ripley again after. spending some time in Wing• hate Hospital. He • is much improved in health. re- y Mrs. Fred Pierce and son, Jack, turned to Mitchell on Thursda last after spending a few weeks visiting friends here.- Mr. ere.-•Mr. F. D. McLennan, of Lochalsh, left from ll,ipley -on Friday morning for Sault Ste M trie,• where he has extensive Limber Interests. Pte. and Mrs Duncan Toupe, who have been vis.tiug friends around here for the past two weeks, returned to St. Thomas on Friday. Miss Viola Giltillan, Jr., rendered a beautiful 8010 at the morning service • in Knox Church, which was greatly enjoyed by the congregation. .lira Norman McDonald, of Glodericb, who has been visiting at Angus McDon- ald's, 7th con. west, returned to her home on Thursday last. Mr. Geo. Huston, our popular ton sorial artist, took advantage of .the Thuiii?J y afternoon holiday and visited at -his horse in Lucknow.. The Marsh Lion roared loud and. long to'usher in the piesent month. We are in hopes that this will enccurage the Spring Lenib to conte. and chase the lion into fits den ere this month fades away. Mrs. I): Slight. of Kincardine, was visitor at the home of Mrs Harris WedneNday last. She was accntupauie to Itip:ey by Miss Marion Munn w had been visitiug in that town for se eral days. x-�_a` ��. _ - - _____ ..-.. .. ._.LA.�. •lea .. ... . � .. �-.w.. �. ._. 11f r Tilker, of For i wish, sites*eds'Mr. Bert Harris as clerk in W. J. Crawford's store. '11r:►. (;. 11 ' M.►uut•y 1, visiting 10.-r sister, Mrs. (Rev ) 1'. N. Harding, t f Waterloo, this week. M i s E i. Hamlin and daughter; of Norwich, visited at the home of ;vir H H. !Mitchell this week. Mr. John Lesiion left (.n Tuesday- for tlalkirk, Alberto, where he will le eui• ployed by Mr. Gordon Fettles., a well to-do farmer of that. section.. Mr. John C. McLay,'-' accompanied byhis wife and little son, and Mr. Norman McLay returned to- Cupar, S.tsk , on Thursday, after spending two months with relatives in this vicinity. Do not fail to attend dance n Car- negie Hall. Lucknow, 'Friday evening, March 7th. Lia know orchestra. Good lunch.. Usual big lime. Gentlemen $1!25., Ladies 25cts, plus war tax. 'owing to the weather conditions, the great hockey thatch which w is scheduled to be played on Fri lay hast i,etwet n Lecknow and 11:p'ey had to be called oaf. Looks ea if the weatherman f'►vor ed the Sepoyr, for they' sure would have been wiped otf the map by our boys. The siege of Lucknow will -come lett r, so they better prepare for .the worst. Mac McDonald; son cf Sir. anti Mrs. (Alex wMcDoettld, �t�n. 5 mei with a vers p•tintul accident .ou Friday haat While tai the act of hitching a horse at the stable of J. B Marty!), the stau,e door fell on top of him /-1?. was rendered unconscious for some time. He had a very narrow escape from insts ut death. ,.His face was badly bruised, but we are pleased to not that he is recovering and 'will soon be Out _again. The remains of Mr. John hoes, :cncl con., who "died in Toronto on Mond y, were brought. to. Ripley on Monday evening thence •to his !ate home De- ceased had been in poor health for a number of years. Lately'he WAS tak- en to Toronto for treatment, but al- though the best of care was given him, the end came' on the above date. To his bereaved widow, sister .and niother the sympathy of their many friends is extended in their sari loss. Oily a short while ago a brother, Dc Andrew Ross, laid down his life on `'Flanders Fields." - The sad and sudden demise of \les Donald McKinnon, which -occurred at her home or, Friday evening last, carne as a severe shock to her many friends. Deceased bad not srejeyed the best of health for some years past, but was able to go about the lighter home duties Her youngest son, 1) 'n•tld,' who is a • clerk tit -W. W. Bushel's store, fund his mother dead on the floor on returning home Friday evening. She had been in her usual health when he was home to at six o'clock, but passed away a short time afterwards while she was a one in the house. Heart failure is be• - lieved to have. been the ctuee. Har husband predeceased her just one year a ago. She leaves to mourn her loss four on danghtgrs: Mrs. Angus M,trtyn, ton 9; ,1 Mrs Angus 0 Martyrs, con 8, nitron; h(, Mrs. Jarrell. Kincardine Township►; Mrs v. Bell,, of Saskatchewan, and three ,tons: Alex and John, of the West, and Don • ald, of 1C�1►ley. The funeral on Monday at 8 30 a m. was largely attended, in - r terment biking place in Purdy's ('emet- tY, ery, near Manus. The syrup }illy .of the e'tire eonitnunity g(►es out to the ber- g'' Laved family in their hour of sflt:tion. The many 'friends of 'Pte. Hug Smith, who was last week reported ee trimly ill with influenza in a militar camp in England, witl be pleased ta>lttn thit he is progressing favor.tbl ;and is now out of danger. Mr. Alex McDonald, con. 5, receive :t tabu° from England on iday statin that his son, .Joh n, who, for The pas two years,, had been in the It ►yal Ai Force; was - seriously ill. His man friends here will anxiously await, th news of his recovery. • On Friday lest the many farnterswho happened to be in town were button holed by two canvassers, who bored them to subscribe for fanner:, paper tot g •t the correct market reports. They w .re met ntotly by the rebuff: "The Globe is good enough for us. ' Mr Iain McDonald, farmer, has pur -Chased Mr. Risk. 1'ollock's farm on con 12. We understand Mr Pollock and family will move to!.•on City, a aubur, 'of Chicago, and n►ake his abode among the saintly followers of the late Dr: Dowse, the one time famous faith healer Ptes. IIi'gh Sproul and Sam Lore, two of the 160th boys from this vicinity, were welcnnied back to Ripley last week. Fhese- soldiers are glad to g.t bask to dear old Ripley, and we are just as 'pleased to 'have them, for we koow they will be good cit z ?ns. We are proud of then, for what %hey have done for us. Mr. Bert Harris, who has been a•clerk at W. J. Crawford',, store for the p at eighteen yearn, left this week forLon• don where he will .take a position as Travelling Salesman for D. S. Perrin t&t Co., Biscuit and Candy Manufacturers His many frien,ls wish Hb ance of success' in his new pertr►►tat tit►na, unand- d will• be pleased to meet him while on, his rounds to Ripley. . ipley has a- Fbemiczl fire engine knows where it it?, tVho knows to operate it! When was it lest seer,.' Is it in good working ordei? many members are in the brigade? aps someone can satisfactorily an . these (puestinns, I. tit, nevertheless are some of the questions asked it Cltizene. Now we don't want to a fire and we don't care how long machine is kept in cold stor ge,nt o believe that Ripley shnuid havil A l;rigade that would be drilled at once every two weeks; that more one or two should know how t-) to the engin:! in case those who. do should be absent when their,ser- are reilriir, d. We have bad one n ( xperieneb8 which did not prove sitit.factorv, simply because of the of drill. Let ns make up and have cient organizttine and not always tmpellydbrigade,to fall back on the old 1 t d' i Eighth Con., Kinloss. ✓ ---Monday, March a • Y Miss Beatrice Eliston returned to e Toronto tieS it n:day.�-- Mrs. M. McPherson spent part of last week visiting Lucknow.friends. • It Who how last How Perh ewer these by of have the we d Fire least than opera know vices or tw very lack an effi be co u..1 Wake Mr. Earl Culbert, who has been in London for the past week, returned to his home on Monday. We are sorry to report the death of Elgar Elliston who died In Hamilton last week The remains were laid to. teat In Kinloss cemetery. Ile-feaves to mourn his loss two sisters and one brother: Ethel of Ripley, Beatrice of Toronto,. and Ernie cf Kinloss. The yqung folk have the deepest sympathy of many friendiin this past. We are glad to welt. me Hugh Sproul back to our midst. Hugh wrut over-- seas with the 160th Batt and did hi:+ _bit f';r hi* ling and country. • A number of friends and neighh-rs gathered at the home of Mr and Mts. 'William Wellings and presented there, with a purse of money before leaving for their new home. Mr and Mrs • Wellings were good citizens and will be greatly missed around Holyrood. N • Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash - We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit St4ress RAZOR Toast xveek a customer made thi:, statement : "I suppose it is itn- possible to get a gocd razor now -a - days!" We surprised hint "when we hand• d hint ane correct in shape perfect in grinding and absolutely guaranteed f(7, $2 00. Of course they are pre. N , i -s tusk, much ..finer T and smoother--- than the American - razor that we are obliged.,to- buy to -day. .• We have—tri stock a few -English and a few Keeii Kutter POCKET KNf VI.S Better than anything which we can now purchase, and we are sell- ing them at less than the wholesale price of inferior knives • - • We have just put into stock our spring pur- chase of E herwin-Wilhiams Paints and Varnishes—the world's standard. I11 The Lucknow Hardware &CoalCo, THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS SCHOOL REPORTS S S. N9. 8, KINLoss Sr. IV. Total 1325-0 Tiffin 1205, M Motftt 1112, B Herknc•8s 912, 0 Scott 807 F Tiffin 737, 1 Scott 7 > 1 oung 394 . Jr IV.. Total 1074—M Dtentert 844, F Diemen 830. Jr III. Total 831 W -Scott 552; A De M aldrin 357, T Morrison 249 Sr. II Total 1267—T• Diemen 1061 J Scott 74a 1V Young 218 ' Jr. 1.L. T del 1267---E•'!'hcrngon 838 E Morrison 667. ' Se I 'l'ottt 922—J Civil), 684, F Thomson 69 1, '.Ni Diemen 6115. J filet' ch'r:379. J r 1 Total 31,9 —J Thomsotr 273, F Moira 171, J Orr 1•�:, 1't isners—J Orr, J Morrtsnn. V. M. Ti refs, Teacher_ •8.8 T No. 5, K:sr.oss Sr- I V,'—C Morrison,,I Chesnut, Jr IV --L Robinson, It .1 Chesnut•, 11 • • Rons• Shir. I11or,.---L MacGillivray, 1' Mortis L s frith, A MacKinnon* Sr.1I —E 11aeL'`od, W Chesnut, (11 C►tTrrithero, M ac Kinnon.) ties; t;., Mac- Gil!ivr.ty, - 11 Mac Kinnon, C Robinson. Jr.4f---It MacKinnon. Sr. 1-8 MacGillivray, Jr. I—ACsrruthers, H Swan, K Mac- Kinnon. I'rtnier—T Murray, J MacGillivray, A Smith (absent) *absent, for one exsnrinatiotl. . Noltat ► MacLEsx,ts. Teacher. Sr. IV --V Hamilton 78X Jr. 1V --E' Ketchabtw, 79;();e1) Pick- ering, 77; 1' Itaynard 75; 11 MacDonald 73; L H�emiitnn,7l ' Jr. 111 aGlnod—Aynard*. Kettcbabaw; F Mar- tin. H Sr. 11 (.food --H Ashton, A MacI)on- ild. Jr. 1I Good— F: �lartint .M.. *, MacD'r.,►il(i, .1 Ketcbabaw, Primer-•- K Pickerirg, 1''liac1),►nald Marked * missed examination. ' • M. I M ac K kNzl e, Teacher. Kinlough —Monday, March 3. Messrs. Noble and Milton Guest Have returned to their home in the. %Vest • The L 0 L. gave a dance on Tuesday evening "of this week as "a farewell to the finest boys. Mr. C. Blackwe'l spent a f, w days' recently at the home of hie a let, Mrs F. Blackwell. Mrs J. they and son, of ltervie, are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J Mackeratt. Mins Maude Gamble visited at 11 • Fred Hodgjn's ever Sunday. Miss Rourke, from rear London, and alid Mrs Joseph .Hodgins visited Mrs. Blackwell on Tuesday. . Mr. Wm. McLean is able to be aboi,t again after a short ilkess. • Bruce Ityan has returned to wok in Kiacaidine: Mrs Itob McLean slier,t a few days with her parents on the N4th Line, 1y0. scot fail to attend dance in Car- negie Hall, Lucknow, Friday evening, March 7th. Lucknow orchestra. Good urich. Usual big time. Oentlemea 1.24. Ladies 2S)tss, plus wad tax. T. M. KEstrrox, Teacher, 5 S. No 5, Amulet etas Si 11- --J Ritchie, M Gibson. Jr. IV ---E Rit�hie, E (),berm, 0 Strood, Ni Webster, O Helm, Jr. I11-- l; Ritchie, E Gardner. . Sr. I1-1.1- Gardrei, M - Web fer, 1 1 1 . n( erten. • Jr. II --E (lar(lner, .J R.'tc filo, J Me- Donagh, 1) �t•ro,i I, J Andrew. Sr. 1—A Ritchie, (V.$trong. W Itun'- er) ties, 1f Reid, 11 ,~trout, W IVebster. Pr—E McDonagh, U Aliderson, 11 'Gardner, 0 Strong. Average attendance 25:- Ilt•BY M. SA12.1R%NT, Teacher 8. S. No. I-'Amltt•iet.I► ,• Report for .month of F'ebtnary- •tn 0 der of nm('rit ' . V— 11 I1•Iss. . c' Sr 1V -1F Shiel's, 11. Maclennan. .1r IV ---.1.11 ieN:sun, lJ Rehb, (' linos. Jr. I1,1 -11 Jamieson, .1 Ma(•1,Spnan Sr 11- E Sfi( Sr5, A `11;(Nain, W It-) s, I) f3•w(lx. .Jr. ii-- V Robb, Jr. 1 11 ft tots R Shiells, A .1i.teken E 11:t(•1.e311x. The fellowlr g had five or less nits - takes in meelling f(,r the month. MaeNain, 1f .famie'son -E Stiiells, EpicrurePor�: C sin u A 1facNain, V Ilohh ' gNouse • 4P Mafeking —Tuesday, March 4 Anson. and Mi.s'ifahel Coleman 81 ent a few days last week at Mr. '1 homes I3lake'a, . Hertyftlake, of Clinton, is visiting rel- atives here. 11r. lt, Johnston delivered a horse to Mr Allan, Goderich ou Saturday. Mr. aura Mrs. fl -rt Trt leaven ar.d family, of Crewe, visited at 8- J. Kilpar erick's on 1 hursday. 1'_rs. 11; 01. Blake is visiting her sis-i.e Sirs Thos. Alton at Lucknov GRANOTRUNK54sEM Me Double Track Route MONTREAL, TORONTO, DE-FROi f and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Eleeping cars on night trains and -parlor • cars -on principal dei trains. i all information from any Grand Trunk Tickt:t,Agent or C...U,-.-„inning, District Passenger Agent, Toronio. A. W. HAMILTON G.T.R. Agent. Lucknow. • ' Phone 2. the1Pub1c Wish to Know WHAT Coleman's Hog and Poultry Feed Will do for Pottltry Keepers, especially the Laying Hens. Below is a trite and correct ex- ample of what it has already done:. To Nle 11. (:"o'cnisrn, Kincardine, i)e,lr Sir : -1 an) please, to inform t'orl'of t.lu s1►'en(lid results ol,tatn►` I f.om using' your 1 1 ori, -lrleyh and Bono ' Meal. lit f our- Wool, s in Janrtary 1 'there' from .39 hens 42(1 eggs. in Vehrua ti, of'er using got r•(;() r, your food, 1 5wo,' at, inerease of 1 10 ettT., , in fonr weeks. I feed a t,ahl..,,IHho►ful of this per hen deny in a Mask ration._ sT7 .._. cr. __.__.. . .t.y re►nnn(1 it, res s, value{►lc1►;►uitry food 'ours , truly, P (► 1:ox 1,15- Kincardine, 04. Thole • marked with x - were absent k;ncarcine, Ont, p.►rt of month. • 64116 4. •