HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-27, Page 81 1 4 I New Goods Our New Spring Goods are daily arriving. They were bought-_ many months ago for shipment in February. These purchases were bought with great care to get the best values and best assort- ment possible in each department. 4,. We invite you to see our range of Dress Goods, Silks and Satins, Etamines, Marquisettes, Art-Dra er , Art Sateen's Scrim .p y trim Cuftaln Net, Ginghams, Prints, Sbrtingr Cottonades, Denims • Flannel - r ettes,'. Planners Blankets,. Boots and Shoes Ready -to -Wear Swts, gats and Ca0, Gloves D ad Hosiery,. Jadies'Collars rs and Ties, Tapestry Rugs, Congoleum Ruggs , Floortex and Linoleums. Our,business last -year was the largest _‘during the 'pasteight 7�ich would indicate- that v u 1r careful selection of goods and reasolible seling prices are appreciated by theurchasin P g pthbl><c. We - are aiming to make 1919 the best et your Contin , yet,. and in- vite continued patronage assuring you of our best service -and test values we' cannsecu re for the ° r'ftrb i departments of our store. Murdoch &Canieron Co. READ TRIS I wish to thalnk the people of Luck - now and surrounding country for their liberal .patronage in the past and I res- ully solicit their trade in the future. 1 am a resident of Lucknow. I pay taxes and -buy all the requirements for the support of myself and family in the village. I. buy from you at any time during the year, and I am always will- ing and prepared to pay the highest price. I ask you to consider•and I res- pectfully request you n 3t to sell to strangers. 'No doubt, thio coming Bea- son there will be ()there wanting your goods, who come here from Toronto, stay a short time and are gone; who ay Isla taxes and the town`and eoantry are none the better for their being here. Those others may say (and°they have said) that they are working for me, but this is not correct, as I have no one other than myself buying. I will pay you the highest price (and more than others will . pay you) for all the rags, rubbers, copper, brass, iron, zinc, lead, tea -lead, old papers and all kinds of junk, at any time during the year. Please save ally, you have for the and yoq will .profit by so. doing. Please write or phone when you haveju.nk..for sale and I will call immediately. Phone No. 86, Luckpo w. JtKs Lrlsitl,, Lucknow,'Ont. Lanes —Monday, Feb 24. Mrs. David Parrish, of Lucknow, is visiting wi; h her son, Wilfred. Mr. John Scott and Miss Jean Scott spent Sunday with friends at Langside. Mrs. Melvin Reid visited her parents lathe Nile for the week end. We are pleased to report that Frank Murphy, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is improving nicely. Mise Bernardine O'Loughlin is spend- ing a few days in London. OncA again Death has visited us to call away one of our pioneers in the person of Mr. John Heger). who passed away at the ripe old age 83, on Feb. 14 Mr. Hogan came to this country when a boy of nine, being accompanied by his parents, two brothers and two sisters. The family came from County Tipperary, Ireland, and first settled near Montreal. From there they moved to the farm near Ldfbian, now occupied by Wrn. Bogan. Fifty Years ago the late Mr. Hogan was married to Katherine Aus- tin, of Kingsbridge, who died six years ago. He leaves to mourn two d tughters: Mrs. Stephen Martin, of Kingshridge, and Hanna at home; four sons: William at home, John, Phillip and Henry P. on farms near by. The funeral was on Feb._17,.to Kingsbridge cemetery, when Father McCardie officiated. Langside, —Monday, Feb, 24 Wood -cutting bees htLve been the order of the day of late. Geordie Lockhart has been cutting wood and chopping grain in this neigh- borhood. A number of young people spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rose on Friday last. Some of our sports attended the Hearts of the World show in Luck - now. Mr. John and Miss Jean Scott, of Lanes, spent the week -end with their friend, Mayme ,Moffat, who leaves for Brantford today to train as a nurse. W. J. Scott has purchased one of Mrs. Tifliu's farms, • and Joseph Tiffin has purchased David Johnstone farm. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Henry Hodgins yesterday to,LKinloss cemetery. • The crows are around again, spring is coining very early. Rev. Jas. Scobie preached a vary in- teresting sermon on Sunday, touching briefly, on the life lived by the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Tne Young People's meeting will be taken by Nellie Harkness this week, the topic being: "The Mission. of the Church in our Country Life Glamis —Monday, Feb. 24 L-E.•avtss;.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Patters'n and family are leaving this neighborhood this week fur Con. 6, Brant Township, where they have pur- chased a farm 111 are sorry to see this Lundy leave. They have been residents here for a number ;.f ye'rs and are highly respected by everyone who knows thmi. Our loss is Brant'a gain. On Friday evening about forty friends and neighbors met at their bonne to spend a social evening before ,their departure. During the evening the following add= rens was read by Allan McKinnon and' presentation made by Latchford Thacker. To Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. As you are about to leave our com- .16111 .is Lantie u Buy LANTIC "fine" granulated sugar in the original packagesfor your Marmalade and be sure of a perfect result. --Refineries, Ltd., MONTREAL. Comfolt of Body Many children and adults are constant sufferers from cold hands and feet and are acutely susceptible to every chill and sudden climatic change. There is definite help in SCOTT!s EM which furnishes fuel to warm :he body, Helps make pure, •ed blood and maintain the system n a state of robustness, so that he buffeting winds or the sudden :hill of evening are enjoyed rather :han feared. For comfort of ')ody and bouyant health, :ake Scott's Emulsion. Scat` tlu,cne. T ,rc,uto, Ont. Is -13 ntunity and . take up your residenee tit another locality we take this opportun- ity to spend a social evening with yo,i before you leave tis, and to express to you our good wishes, and our apprecia tion of you as good neighbors and friends since your corning among us. We have found you always generous and kind, ever ready to give assistance whenever needed in any.and every neighborly way, and while we are sorry to part with you, we trust your new home.and conditions will be both congenial and prosperous, and',that you may be stand in health .and strength to reap and enjoy the fruitm of your labors. As a slight token of good will and sincerity we ask you to accept these cbairs. We hope you may be long spared to enjoy restfulneaa from them in your new borne and think of your good friends, the givers. Signed on helialf of the donors,--:1r,t, av Mc - h tX\ux (;sot:lc ..SWALWELL, Font) TiLtc-KER I.:a•tti•r1 Although taken entirely by surprise, Mr. Patterson made a fitting reply for the address and presentation made. The remainder of the evt ping was en- j.yed -by All Everyone joins in wishing our good friends every success and pros- perity. Eighth Con., Kinloss. Monday, Feb. :24. Mr. and Mrs:'.McJ'herson entertained a nun her of their friends at a dance on Wednetsday evening of last week. '}Earl Culbert spent the week -end with London friends. Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Coulter spent a few days with the fortner's daughter, Mrs. M. Smith. Miss Welsh spent the week -end at her hori►e at Pine River. Slr." Victor C'af3ley returned home after spendirg a few d;'ys at Jam. Ross'. Pte. Sidney Hewitt left for London where he wilt get his di,cbarge befoi leaving tit his -home in the West. • Ripley —Monday, Feb. A4 Mrs. Adam, of Kiocardine, visited Ripley friends this week. Ms. Viand Mrs. Thos. solutes visited Lucknori friends last week. Miss Helen Young is -attending the Spriug Millinery Openings in Toronto. Miss Nana Blackwell and 'Miss Annie Mclean spout Suuday with Kiudardine trieeds. Mr and Mrs. Duncan Campbell visit- ed friends in Wiughatu last Friday and Saturday. Mrs Dan Marlyn and daughter, of Goderieh, are visiting at _Mr. Angus Marty n's sr. Milt A. M Treleaven ° visited her daughter, Mrs A Aiken, in Alleaford the past meek. Miss Annie Gilles, wbo has been resid- ing in Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr. Geo. Gilles. - Miss Violet Hartwick, of Kincardine, was the guest of Miss Ida Martyn for a few days last week. Mr. Morman McLay and.Misk Mur- deua McLean spent several. -days with friends in Wingham. Mr. Chas: Wyld was iu Toronto last week in connection with machinery re- pairs for his chopping mill,.,. Mrs. Thos. McBrien and daughter, Miss .Lizzie, left on Friday en a visit to friends id Blytb;a ,Atiburu. Miss Lizzie Poulton our obliging Postal clerk is confined to her borne this week with a severe attack of illness. Lieut Finlay McDonald Misses Tena blcDon:ald and Pena Murray vi Lucknow on Thursday of last we Miss 'Vola Gilfillan, of Orono, Ont , is spending a week with her aunt, Miss Gilfillan, Continuation School teacher here. Mr. David _Lindsay, of Winnipeg,. naid a flying visit to Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norutan Murray, this week. • Miss Annetta Moore, the courteous and obliging saleala:iy in W. N. Bushel's grocery store, is enjoying a well earned rest at her home in Kinloss. A number of our young penple drove to Lucknow on Thursday evening last. " to attend the ()Id Tillie Skate They all rel.ott a roost. enjoyable time. - Pte. Earl Culbert arrived home c n Saturday from the London military camp and is visiting his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Culbert 8th con. east. Mrs. 11. A. Coulter, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Saunders, for the past three months re- turned to her home in Riiny River dis- trict on Saturday Two Juvenile h ,ckey teams from Kincardine j,urneyed to Ripley cru Sat- urday' to Play our youngsters, and were nearly whitewashed off the ice. Our Lops can play hockey. Mr Gideon Rattle our wortby Reeve was in Toronto and Ottawa this week - as one --of th 44egatioo of -Bruce County councillors in connection with business, relating to the Kin"ardine Harbor, Mr and Mrs I)'incan Munn journey- ed to Toronto on Tbursda ,. last tri hew. the Mendela:u.bn chnir.,bey are both ardent lovers of made, and 'state that they were well repaid for their trip. The stoke stack on the Four Mill was blown down by the high wind on Saturday night. It will tike snipe time to have it replaced. In the meantime the eniploywsary e. j ling a holiday. T•scknow was taken by storm on Sat- urday by a number of the fair young ladies from Ripley, .who mea rb the ►Sepoy town to assist in soothing their nervrus sisters while Dr Newts - patched their pearly teeth. Mr. Drrid -Walden accompanies by his deughtrra, Miss 11.' ry and Mrs Ray Hildred and two children left on Ties_ day for Lanyhani, .S ask . where Mrs Hildre(1. has a faint which Mr. Wallen will help cultivate the coming season. pot btu, We understand this cnmpanp intends extending the present building to snake room for the large amount of freight which its handled stere For s lith extra cost they could erect a com- niodYuus station on the triangular l',t corner (,lateen -and Huron Sts turn the present building into a freight shed, thereby adding beauty and comfort for the benefit of the travelling public and Inviting a more extensive patronage. There is nothing too good for Ripley. Det us Faye the heat and live iu hopes that the officials of the said compepy may see fit to grwrlt otir rt assess.• LiQUOR CASE IN HUkON COUNTY' A liquor case of unusual interest was tried at Gsderich on Saturday last, when the trial magistrate ruled tha there is ne violation of the law when a eident of the county brings intoxicating liquor into the country upon a physictau's or- der, or' prescriptio.i. The care was that of Bruce -Townsend who was charged with unlawfully bringing lis for int•• the Country on Dec. l3 last. Huron County, we may state, has prohibition under the-. Canada Temperance ACT,- the CT,the eircurustances somewhat different there, from Bruce County; for e)cawple, which is under provincial prohibition. The Magistrate's decision is as follows; "I find the def mdant, Bert Towns•iid, went to London on or about the 23rd ..of December, I91,8, with four prescript .ions marked exhibits :.j,,, ',2, 3, 4, Alla bearing the signature of Pr .J. }tensou Whitely. There is .no'. disputing. the fact that these four prescriptions fc.r liquor we -re filled at the vendor's in !sal- sas(' in don and brought by the defendant to ek. (lodericb, one for himself an one each for the three other parties wit). asked Townsend to _have there filled Moi" then-. 'The question of right of the defend ant to bring liquor into a Canada tem- perance act county, as the perscriptions say, for medical purposes, is covered in section six of the order in -council pissed at Ottawa on the 1 I th• day of March, 1918, the last paragraph of which says `nor prevent a license in a prohibited area from selling and delivering intok: , eating list'tor for sacramental, industrial artistic, mechanical, scientific and med- icinal purpcses in accordance with the We qnderstand that some of our loyal ! Orangemen are agitating the celehration of the Battle ofthe Boyne in s Ripley this yteir it is eleven years since me burg has been dressed lip for the rec eption of a local King William and bis forces and,we feel it is nearly tinie _we. had the op Portnnity of commemorating the great eveet. Everybody be a booster. - A number t1 ,our citiz.ns attended the opening o►t the new Union School Hous at' Lnchslah on Friday night. This, ie ane of the finest and most lip to- date echooi buildings in this section of ,the ccuntry and rc 11 -cts cred.t riot only on the contra ' -r, 11r J. W. Robertson, of Ripley, .but also on„the citizens of that section who_are eatiefit'd with noth- ing but the beat The 0 T it •Station here was' burglar ized on Friday night by some thirsty persons who evidently i>ossessed a keen geese of smell. Il;v removing a pain of glass from cine of the windows they en_ tered the Express etli :t, ,and tirade way with a bottle of the 'Water of Life." The rightful owner was very much dig-- appointed when be cane.' to tsk.• poses !Ion ('f the tnuch prized licl'tid. yTtoN —WYten is that new fla he •Two. Hall going to be read 11 sg nn it? I'4ttence iA virturp, exercise a great deal .of it ard bc'fore`a'nc,ther world war will own on this old earth, we may pride on a heantiful Canadian ering in the bre; z or, a maw vie that will penetrate the d be seen for many miles point- pley •a -s the huh and centre or hip whose council .althoi}gh a saw fit to erect Ns a matter Again we say "Let its he ST.aTtoN. —,A petition im heing iii art' tcwn, which is being needy every business ratan i',-er to he presented to the eying them to erecta new de• -A 01'F pole lit t to hoist i3 So let _us perhaps snoop d look with tint firth niticierlt ^foile an ing to Ri i Towns tittle fifd Mr..and Mrs %Vn .. ( :on srar►t of duty. tallied a number of their friends on Flt-, f A Yr x'v day eveningcid . - Miss Ina Culbert spent Saturday signed rculattby with her sisters, Misses E Ina and Eva, and retep of «'ingbain.•" O.T. R. pr • terms of his lice 1st.' "Ther' is no ytltstioo bat 914 laud the vendor the right ti sell tend ~deity" for the different purposes as abava mien tioned, and there is no direct evidence to show that this particular -liquor was used for other than medicinal purposes. It has been shown, -however, that two of the bohtles were not delivered until the Mb'•uk.Ja nuary, 1919, Inferring that this vas intended to be used as beverage, but, as I said before, it is only au-In-fer- encr " "Now •.the doctor has a right to pre• scribe liquor forsuiedicival purposes,,, and we have no evidence to the cop_ teary, and this. vendor having the right to till doctors'' prescriptions, and lie -not ' only has the right to till doctors' .,prescript ions but the right to &liver theta for the different purposes mentioned, as in Clause t; of the order -in cour,il passed on t.lie 11Th day of March -1918 • "I cannot see where, the • defendant broke the law by bringing in the liglLor himself, rather than have, the vendor send it, which. lie is entitled to• do,. but a do*iht ea`:sts in uty mind as ,to. -the. de- fendant's right to bring liquor fur'others on.a doctor's perscriptiou; but ,jt seem; to nie that if a doctor's peerscrlt)tio u ie regularly and properly obtained th t re should exist t he'right to send a ibesseng- er for"the li,l ant, just as he could send for any other comtrodity--in other words, the messenger. would simply be his agent. "I base,gtaten. this -ease -AO /beat os mible consideration, -and it 'has `keen in - titwwatpd that an appeal will he -made froni'my decision, and upon the grounds as above.menttoned. I have decided to giv•' the defendant the benefit and dis- miss the charge." • Crown Attorney Seager, for the pros- ecution, applied for a at:ted case, while M. G. Cameron, K C. for the defence, objected. I'.`.M. 1i'�id "deferred his de- cision in the shatter of granting a stated case. ;4r, and Mrs Andy Johnston and Mr. (4tid Mrs. John Mclutonh were visitor,' t, of Mr. and Mrs. David Stroud one flay last week. • • . Miss Margaret Ritchie spent the' week- end under the.pareutal toot. A few cif the skaterli frons this vicinity attended the old time skate in Lucknow 'Thursday evaning, report a large crowd and a very et• j 'y*ble time. The local Orangemen smelts int d their wives,,k iliati'-and a few in vice -1 guests to an s At Howe" iu the Hall Friday evening. The evening was spent in g lnee and etc after which the ustt .l good lunch was served. • Quit Laxatives, Purges; Try AR tl� naigi,t ' Tcmlcrrcw Feet Right It is a mistal:e to continually dose yourself. whit ,_, heti laxative 'pills, r•lloniel, oil, I :.and ca.thartlel and. force telly tion, It" weaken 1 the buv:cln a:..1 HI•., r ted =nake:l con- t;1nt du.' tt. a x1nrv. Why-dost'i3''W-ire-jtlirbt-'t-Teri, 1 orcrco•-•o 3•.ser eo••:,tii,at.ioll4 i L g;c' 3•o:1r e'3 t.-1 in sueit shape th,^t da11 • 1:uiJing ;will to tIrmccessrity? lo.' can do Eo if sett g` t a L',c box of 1 i,a:ur;,'s Remedy (NR Tablet.) br,a ,talo ora each riiunt fcr a weel: or so. 171 Tabler ' no :-aueh more thr.r- irety ,causo ,Acasant e sar,howc�e. `p!ie► Xsicat;i:o aCt3 17pcn 111 c;i ec,ttS'e. ku' ;t(I tri c -:i - inatit•o ct,i;: r::: • ..pt:ciaic,; -e ,t;ocai,dizr tion, .causes til•, l ;ids to get the liourisluziLnt .reads sit t:ie food you cat, t;ivca you a good, hearty annetste, std _agthci:s the liver. overcomes biliou:)ntas, i e3ulatcs kid tie; and bowel action and gives tile *slot body ;t thorou^,la• ch•atling o.:t. Thl.i accomnlie12c.1v ee ni11 not terve to take laiiicil:o e; ors pay. ::n occas.-onal 1 I: tablet will your laoc;y in condi- tion and you tett .' iwas's 'feel your best. Try N turc's Rcmgc_y (3�,'� Tablets► -end pro -.e this. It its thebest' bowel. anedici e thct you crn use and costs only 21c per box, containing; enough to last twenty-five days. feature's Re►n- edy (NR Tablets-) 13 sold, guaranteed :.►13 recotnrlended by your c:ruggist. Zion J. Garnet Armstrong, Drugg st. --Tuesday, Feb. 25 Mr. Bert Helot returned home Mon- day after spending a few days last week - with relatives here. Mrs. David Andrew visited with her parents in Kincardine part of the week. o Solve Canada's Einp1oyme Pre VERYONE in Canada should understand just wh. Nt the GrA.ernment is doiing'to solve the unemployment -problems that may. ;rise through the demobilization of our' fighting forces. - . (1) Employnieut O, f let.. So that everyone --male .or female, soldier (-r cit•ilian--cart `get ouick. y 'iue1i jot> -a4 -a available the Government i.; co- operating with .ii PrrOrinreslin esfal►li:,itin.g a ' h un of Public Employment Offices..., Employ- ers are being urged to make ti-► cf th(' a officesto serve any' help they.. need: 'anminr� , ffe-' . _ PVI r-rif,}J, «wl;o r.'Ps;'iI hire -4 men s}i},rlltl n. ,j?]t~,' tt, fi r; riF• rs +, t offirr• '>t'tif�re►"ijl .t►�• ft • f uF fit I:tr:1)11)'-; ;c•rit (tr,r.: n tern n f 1(,1(;;) fierypie wh(•rever the nil for one exists: Ther(, will l,f' 69 different offices in all—one-half are already . in operation. (•_') Em playnte4t Opportrinitiess .$. i5,OOO,0O0 to be lo�l ncd through the Provinces to cneourage the: building of workmen's houses is gt. i n Da-•nnew wwtirk in the spring. • -; - Land and Loans for Soldiers To help soldiers Become far- mers the Government has de- veloped a programme tlltit 'nr•fudes the pl-oviding of land, -he granting of loans, And the• raining-'` an(i slipert-isi(m hf those inexperienced in f trmin) . At pre;,,'nt. t-lle soldier is•gran't eel fr(• .'1 'addition to his or- clinary luestca(1 fright, one " quarter-s:pes,ion - of Dominion lands. Ile also receives aloan up to the maxinitim of sfi2, ,00. These original plans are now being -broadened. If Parliament passes the new hro1►(►s,llrltlring this 'session, ilio Soldier :';et tic- ment Board will be able to i,oy suitable land and re -'sell it to' the soldier at cost... . Land" up to the value of • 0 may be. bought by this PI money to be repaid20 years. The low interest tt of .5 per vent. will he a.rged. These - new proposals 11 also permit the Sold ler ttlrin(nt Board to loan the dit'r•-farill('r 11p to $:;,:00 for r(•hasiiig equipment, , in d i t ion to $3,,000 loan out• his ,4- 111. Thea r ,held. up much work that. will now be carried on at once. Public«irks, shipbnild- ing, r(k'1dbui1ding -railway work construcfu ti` of bridges, pr vement of road -bed, making of new egilipiner t—these «•ill provide -nee, opportunities for employment. In addition, the In Government Las sent a 'Trade :�fi,;lt)rl o r:;ea:s to. secure. for re '1 Canada a share in .the horsiness of ('h ,providing materials and 4 pro Se duets required. for reeonstrttc- sol titsrj work in Europe. It has also 1111 set aside the a.d large stem of far s r The Repatriation Cornmjjtec OTTAWA `i'A WA 1