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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-27, Page 2
„ ;; %..; . 6, I I , . I . . .. 14, I . I ^ • ` . , : r r t- __._.. - ---_ __-,.,r __ _ ---------------- - -- - - - . . 11 ' ____—�� _--_ ----- _..._.__. n o. . . il , r * .� ,4 , - --.. - .. BACK AS_-�- . _ P. . I d : �_ � Victory Bonds Stuck 't if I �� M. *= . • e � _ COMMONSOLDIER• n�4. . . I .. un cipa ebenturesI:. . .; . . i .. ,...- -.e , COLONEL-01� TIIE AIJSTItALIAN . *.. ” 4 •11 — f `i, COUNTY . "_ TOWNSHIP INFANTRY ANTRY WIN11 CITY DEBENTURES '1'lie Making o1' Soup. 7easly .left to . sail w>n ___ gw_ ti?uch "Ilene a late of sou " TOWN ' - • P' VILLAGE p 1>io;v often labor was spent ih canning lest st>m- have �-$e."ed In the . Calipoll Campaign, -�� � �` � - - � -. �1'ea, wall go further on inius>lolh and give You asked' the family if it wotil+<i mer, and vwhen there are so many, , ° have ' a plate of so Receiving Decoration-Cungratu- better satisiaetioa' ori any other 'Tea . tip, after you had � hungry mouths to Air. ! VICTORY BONaS —:uvy mKtu�•ltv---1)ouglit (,r sold.. , pent some time and material making I . Sav the spoonfuls. They are laved for Valor at iliessines u y `' obtai,nAble • �• liitito it. Now I , g , ...t . , • • • am doing to tell you that wortr_H• it - a r the secret of true economy . is .. the - The, story of a colonel of Austro - it -•f. STQC,S flan Not a shadow of doubt about this. TRY i 1*01rVin-9 of a plate or gaud, iralttLalrle G infantry who was wounded in soup at the beginning of dinrler, o Natureoatagl�pttr;• A.NY LISTED OR UNLISTED STOCK the Gallipoli campaign and 'sent back ` c rt' I little boy w•a's getting to Australia, but who concealed his ill _ _.-.___ -- --- - - when . • r._______- --- --- properly made, ' soup i a +-in t e habit ',of fretting, es ecial'ly Send us particulars"of what you 1iav� •for hale, -If -you w rank and re-enlisted as 'a xivaic to° stimulating and -,v lesonie dish that , p will add el , at tile- breakfast hour, and h,*.s m -other to inti tin fundi tvl rte ` ' * serve with the Australian eigance t the frugal meal.! repro act him by ` het^self fretting at .. y , for dui;- Iist ,Of OtTerings. sin France, y - It etiunu'ltates and prontot¢s the diges- i 4 g e has added to the esteem in whish ". . Hcr Priva tcCorropon,', fl m. ki� whale comfort, of the morn- " Aus'tralians are held in London 1- � . tion. and I=relrares the stomach for, he, itig beeatne endar'tger�.l. Father' went' MPLHQLLANID & CO' - Co FI K food that fo1'Iows. . �� l • - his office, with: a little worried 23 ,)orlon Street. � , . to ofle ` Ch q Melville :1i lcnaghten •, K. _ a : _ _Bch- .hs>`�._:. aria ---matter _•hcrw 1 frog• _ _. _ .�..:_ - - ..Toronto.- ..the hct•o rof the story is belled as a. I. Ismalil, should -Have its fork: ' t i, non his, lace, 'cued ant order child . A sc �� _ .ratan' of allaiitry • t? pa , and , to hoof in'a.'mo . I _ $'�► `Esther K.' Harrington. into this pof shouT a 1 .... ; :o, T'y _�._., - od to lio irritated '" -• g an grit of meat tri g° 1 _ . t$e ,bit91 throes which late: iii the day•s>he could`' -_-- -- - - ---- T _ _ _ -- the son of Sir Melville • __ - _ e w s . - w • - - -- -� H •a ,,loss and hones, to- easily 1;zugil over.. f'EAfthO?IiE FLZ INC ' lip - .-.I,14i�cnaghten, chief of the criminal in- $ether With the left -over - ached,b� ilit;i�t in the early future. vestigation de artment of Scotland ' Edna Sheridan turned r'tway from until fin'a`1•ly the soldier exclaiiilc►d, Plate of soup should he ,;serval dailA It ''ryas mother tvito discuverecl the i z -- { when some enterprising airman wishes ., .. F O the ticket window with a iuroyl►n on '°Why I"_d talk duri t y, uttn;Vsi• and' the iemech She fuancl ,� Pard; sa,,,s the Daily Mai], .and was' . her usu'alI sun face. "N ___ - you �. 11e ,.__Lm . __� he fall and -wuer, -and-n -- ---, _._ .___...�Y�---.. _ I Sling tt,eGigantic 11Tourtain Iran a to do a stunt ��:hirh will make his ,. - - I'll' b'•'lm afraid. -But You see •you axe the first , that Little Toy, reproved for artd 1'or- i r - rxlia when the saat:%--■u a five4hour ride," she er cont but- a_few._ citta, aaeh week to, .bttdde t; s p actasint; laty in Aust e _ terv�l}lere...:. _-_ ,.-. _ ! n to mention one thing,. turned of thr lr arth war began.- He was the major in p son that I ve 'had -- c2iance to sit make it. i n�•l triaiid of the first brie• (i m fcl'�.Qus .e N srghed as she directed her steps to- down ,end talk • i. �to another and'• things instead of be- Uit the Ital'iatl side cf tltizl ,- i `_i_ .. com ha a -Aich ' F th since reached I A I1 s a ward the wadting train. this side of the water, and it lust How to prepare ' a stock pot: -Se-� coming better . • :,, CASTOR OIL I''fJA AI IZPL ANES I landed at An;ac Cove, on Gallipoli Fortunately, ohe was ear; enough seems as .if I�� t so Leet a grew wrorsd. When she . monunic.nt 'to the �:st id-rhian rho � n}1 � - _ 'f me of ,•int Pot that hats ,a .close l,id started ,t'.h .1-t!fo ..rt '�, . to �:'- _. . ula. Watlli>z tiro (a s . {- d seat h , f, .,.- X'' jjbj '2y.w9�3Sc:j2�.eti'ndx Si) t C E?tLr ]rb rfi�^*t hi . �s: w ; �r. QC y . he was F*.; i•;i Y I�cc�tlf. a ti`aul out of me. mrd' .beep it for'.tlii� pttrose. ;' '!he t"' i:at `to n -., •., ttol.l,,.,, 11 • . ', it• . ati.c. that lie gr-Tunilz ed :'Enna can. bar ••e • L r,, s I'A'S Oii . K noxi ., l t},, t . (ir,lt•,p, .r� t.: l.`� ut e .. :.,, t.ye(l up ranitlly and :Lt the l� 't :bin_ "I cl�n't >?.'_:..- astral i�) 1 _R►.).. o. t ,•�. e - • - pro ort..t3n.:.•. i .�.. ., fl ht. n itrr T•�-rlict«(tllg : , �v ( �.U� ,:COliltl • i?Qi't! e P L; a ,yt 'C > ,4 a auh p b r r Me ., r n� .. n g i ail rat iii �tr1 , ` ., ...,.,�,., ,� _ . _, y a: I, l• -tri z+ ds cold, :1itlt: rllecd I Ile- last his -hfe in .ilio performace `'" Rdtafj Engines in. kni,laod he retu-rued to Gallipo2'i ' Y -optic wcei�e �`Ituri•ba ' , hooks for at all. Wil lfor a famil of six. You .�v�ll - reclt zre , h attention to lite fact that the snow ' llthou and led his battalion .izt sews Y, Just think, we have been I. Y their immor- Zvi' a Y ggage and re- , main$ nearly thxe�e. hours and it does- one pound of bones to every quart of 1 sprites ,were' 4 gll h had actuaity 1)Qrformed Over 100,000 acres have been spec- , taT char a at .Lone i ?. ng Wraps• seem .three .Tninutes. But Water, gatting ready to ,throw the feat before bis.eieath. - ia11�► planted with castor. .beans by the After the e' aeuat ori of Gall" li Edna slipped out of her heavy coat, ! y Y You ' and one^large onion, one melt , de� m, tyhole : baskets'ful 'of -snow- But the Alps sfiik into com ora v ipo he havezt't told. how;or wh ou obtaiin-, uTn sized carrot, �•cme medium sized 'enough to > comparative. American Government, so as to be I• served for 'a tirl�e in F.g • ,t .and fuss I)mcrcured a current magazine from ' ed the wound stripe on go coa3ting'. henever insignificat a before the stupendous 'able to supply y l ' Did o your sleeve. tu'rn,ip, one fagot of ,soup herbs to , there. .seemed a likelihood of com- barrier of theY ca„ioi oil !or airplanes.: sent from there to I•.ng•land suffer:n the suwtr:ase at her feet and was set- you get a bullet in your a'rm?" " I ever four Andes in Solis Amer-„Elg fling herself. to read when a . leasarit I "No, bIi`. Bothe a Y . quarts of water or less. plaint from little h Castor. oil is the .)Jest i 7 F 1 g ve me a taste g boy she diverted it ice et n 'oil known fo.r From wolands and fever. Sur e n . of ,a bullet 'in m le , y , y now lately, • arrived that Iubricatm h Surgeons s re- masculine voice inquired, "I® this y g wltich laid' mei Have the butcher crack' the bones ' b - a cheery remark o�• :i happy slip- Lieutenant Getlo tl< g t e , Howe ful rotary en- fused�him permission to return to ac- t ` asst takezi ?” Edna glanced up iri�t0 up for' s whdle, ,but the fact -that .my well, and then rinse them under cold ' $cellon.' The, rtsult was magicetl.: The ed L a _ • - -----thle_ta'nned._fare _of ,a _ . , tine service, and he was sent to �.us- _111111.a reoeret _ , . u .int �: n i Y_'-- _le�Tt in used on as eve oifiing "mo a an tr i a - stn -' _ act- g . filo#"ins sticcedeci in s arrival' from-" a •oss '' the 1 $ bit prow of that bum rth8 seasaning.� Add the re aired re r� �ifl d of the s am co cal,•.: ' a a s second`• --in common p. 9 p for scolding, coald .banish, die- • ,. aicpIane' depends sp much ain'the , Austi�pl.an training cam Crater. Upon Ednais statement is the y I could have fa'Iheri out of ' our j Dunt of cold y atar and bring to• A a'P ea un itg' even ibis remise A4tin of morn- s )o t " negative the p deer tate' st�sfiline• •ef tact _ .n o h running of .the en i oht at home . and ,' y slow,y for three and and tains, although to do- so he `had to .j -enlisted as a I rivate • yoS_a�atn started to t;'I'ofi2t• s truck r,a► boil. Cook ver g'nc, it is. , glace Hl-- I broken moil nature. rise to a tremendous height. ' II essential that the best oil rocurable , tent clay lie sir eti, awe from Clic. grip in a racTabove. Edna v arm but to continue • after _ P a half hours. Strain the liquid and • : Perhaps iris'tead of Little Boy i>t� is >5 a flew must be used, for the ,purpose. ! pP Y itot:'-ted hi face suddenly whiten and recovering from my wound I was one i^eturn tike bones and v from Santiago to Mendoza in the Ar- gefar ,comp and ,joined a replacenicht.' bat- egetables to some older member of the family who I e the war millions. of gallon$ I a look of pain $ties across it, replaced d'ay riding ,along in a motortruck, it- -the ketole:'# Set the liquid aside to cool "gets out of b Y ,, gentiae.• These towns, although less .talion in (�ueensland under the name �' immediately ,by a grin, as the ti'rrg at the rear with m ed oit a wrong side. of castor oil were nranufdctured from /' g than a hundred miles .ditrides them,! of .Charhes blelville and soon after= t'+ fell into plate} grip up 'in front' of •me. Sudden'1 ettlhe£ i And remove the .cake of fat when it .A cross aoi�d of a reproof sometimes , , ; castor beans; and used 'chiefly in the 3' har.•derrs. Now 'Place this liq'ii`d in' set the whole day wrong. Just as , see less of each others inhabitants ,akin of sox 's inks des ward was '.back in England tr lining �" New it was oat w�rittet in Edna's: went .over a:` good svized stone "$nd J g p , y, artificial _" a saucepan and boil for one hour. It our sense of taste arta hearing are; th..n do Nety .York and London,. for i leather and, of all -curious thin s fl - ' on Salisbury Plain as Private Melville. r book etiqueUte to speak to unknown was thrown out. 8tri'king on a sharp may now be used for stock'' so s more ' g ' Y IIs was quickly promoted •to be tor- ` rock caused the fracture of m right , up .,r acute during the first few hours' the mountain range which .separates ' papers. n y p t ": eoldaers, but her own youth craving arm. And aahou . , Y ., broths, avues them avers , , "' companionship, the curious wonder- gh�,it s pretty we.1 gr and sauces. of The day, so also is the sense that I and is gas 20,00:0 feet in height, -- p`.,,,,�. poral and one 'day -.was asked by firs I I )f"':'1`7 companionship, i g of the flash of pain and,.the fixed up tory, once in while I twist Cover the twnes in the kettle wi gives another the the abode of mighty glaciett �, commanding officer. Corpora], do you 8'>1ia, it s>o' that it bothers a bit. Now that cold water again and add any left -outer Y power to Burt us I and inaccessible. precipices and fear.- Dise.ouragement is an act of .un- think you could drill this company ?" also as bhe French say '!C'est isn't ha1'f ,as` iiergic as -why, b Word or look. Whatever ha „ .;, I. la guerre which undoubtecHy .was Y, gracious gravies,'- bits' of --meat, trimmings and 'ret smiling faces and unfailin ppcn fu , :, r 1 crevai�stes. belief. . , Healing- commanded a brigade, the :, changed many a nice youn m 1, *bat are You looking at Toe like , bones that + Only, one mountain range in . the "If ' w e realize .that ..exp is corporal put. the company through its' Young dY's that for?'v you may have on hand. I temper be the guests at the break- Y 11 = book of etiquette, caused Edna toCook slowly on the back of the range fast table, world, exceeds the Andes in height' what the need-l),ot necessahil ha i. Paces like the veteran he was.. speak. "Why --know virli�o you ase• you re that is tie Himala as which. for �' Hess or conten�trnent-`the why pp Baek,in France again he was recog ' Private Paul Crane -taken. for four hours, and then strait and I --------* Y I guess You , " , m ole value nizied b officers tit•11Q had known ' h ink you must have been as lit- 'That's me, all right," to two quarts of this stock add one the bastion -of India on. the north, sep- , of life is -altered. 'Sorrow, pain, un- , , Y . ��-^- a tie too close to Fritz ie at some time �� CANADIAN AIRMEN HONORED. aratin our �► or other?" she ventured, smiling at, _. you are the s+adier who received can of tomatoes, one cupful of diced g great. dependency from l 'congenial life' ---'these the hours when in Gallipoli as t`he daring and brillian.E' - • , her companion. - mY Christmas package and letter carrots, orae. -half cupful of diced on- -`' the mysteAous land of Tibet. Few of we climb." -A. 'C. Benson.. !soldier then lied called "fighting' brae." - } The soldier turn through the Iced Cross in 193?, ions, one-half cupful of barley, one Distinguished Fixing Cross Conferred the great,peaks'have ever been'scaled — General Birdwood, ndth whom he hadf epi with a look of !sent . surprise, 'arid then apparently. com- . and we've :been corresponding ever cupful of diced potatoes, .tie -half cup. by King George. No humhn foot has ever trod the sum- �•------� served at Lone Pine, sent for him and pre'hending-"ah, did''Y.,L rt ?» po sine e F • or si'tive roof I oat fill of diced turnips, one-quarter. tea- mit of Everest; which rises to a height quote your last letter. It is offtciallp announced in the .. , Then: with an amused grin •� _1 >;a _ Not ions* aft r. of 30,000 feet and is _r __ -_ No , spoonful o _-Rowdered th two e a commission. swn V `him c mmi� ' . '. t►' 3'me, Gikzette of Feb; 10 •th'at the King has i ' life culminating . w nel,:Macnaghten was as;air>t -R Fritzie didn't do it just a bum ." you`re' Edifl• eX= tablespoonfuls of finely cbopped'pars- cont ands Colo P claimed the soldier almost •too sur- erred 'Distinguished Flying Cross- Point of. the earth. Probably it will M� dakco sent as an invalid to, England,• where "But,,, persisted the girl, J been scrap in ► "you have prised to speak, ley, one tablespoon of dried celery es on the f C ©e •he�xvas summoned to Buckie) h :-1_. - p g WM him haven't Suddenly, without warning, ollowing Canadians in recog. leaves. Cook slowly for one Hour for • am rl you - bai;h & good y nitron o! gallantry in flying operations • HISTORYWir P ace to receive from the King a dec ' `.`Rather " young peoFle began to -laugh as if it sty vegetable soup. - against the enemy: .pictorial OF THE ,�, STOCKS AND x ONDS tion as a Companion.*of the Order o[ rep�edthe 1- sere a hum joke. now to prepare a fagot of soup Lieut: J. W. CI QREAT St. Michael and St. George, which t di lad. "IT1 say so at sn rate Wily, back in'atb >a y Paul composed himgel�f I isltk; Central Ontario t; ch ha l wIi or* enough ;bf'rb --Div de _jeep__ ___391.T Dvi�1CAl+t.Cf >I _ r emb-rs Montreal stock been conferred upon hits several year,4 Via` a ■ay ---"Now that :I tlmnk of it, lie- parts and cut from' the ate, u To' out a very successful 1 shoot ca Valor011 Reg w'ho on Oct ber 5th .carried Exchange -- • - started in 'to 'r•eTate an ,_ adventure , cause u, using Canada': s Ach>tevem t: before for his gallantry At 'Gallipoli. bringing him w•�thin close yoy last• letter you refusted this piece of leek add four branches fire and explosion and com letel re= By While serving in the ranks in France the barbarous Hun. os to accept Toy invitation to let me call of th• me two branches of p Y MA.i�R W: S. WALLACE, ]yj.A.<p,�".) as "Corporal Melville" he liact bee)) Many questions asked b I on you When I returned, and here I Y parsley, stroying the positrion. During the Lecturer in Modeta History in TorontoUaiversity. Furnish us with your name and y Edna am' sitti-,_.... address in order to be personally congratulated by. the c�(Jm- broug�it forth ititerest,in stories 1 right beside you. Do you one piece of carrot, cut in a strip shoot he was continually harassed by I -+tree Handsome Volume;.over0double column placed on ;, _ ` g still stand by your statement . three inches 'long, 'two branches of eight Fokker biplanes, but by exhibit• pages. egtut w.bone coo ordinary pa �. iPiaures our mailing list . for financial man4int~ general for Valor at Me;- r`Y, one small e Nearly M cele p pper pod, ing marked'courage and skillful shoot-' one O `i h°Cos n most k quota; a Rid :_- ` --'-. _ ra Beautiful Colored One double age. In most _ __ __. ___ -___ �� Tjie industriai"rsgloa 'of Charlerpi +Tie with a string and dry in .a ing he drove down one ob Sri and dig, b,i eiyQ oith about halthe`t'ace heavy Sun . news service and stock ... tions. - _ . _ _ _ _- Macnaghlerr's fighting ' 'days s, re _ d ` suffered severely at the hands of the warm, Place. When dry put in, a glass parsed the remainder. pn the book. now over and be is comtelle>i to ret- rermane, who destroyed the machines jar used as needed, Lieut. K. B. Conn, . AGENTS WANTED fuesT t:oME, EfssT SERVED. ognirc this tach' for, as oris of his �� Third Reserve. For a:ONE,e tenTtery, D. ' . time to lose. The .1 For p1 s and su nor ' me " ]MR MOUS I1. which they did not take away; and re. 'Many .varieties o sou Battalion. Canadi � • 101i� - 106 TRANSPOttTATION 1 , p n put it, he is rig (llc d like a colx:t- f pe may be Expeditionary Capadlan official photos -sell thisboe�o>t sight. 8♦,JILDiNd (ler and it i only his fl�;htin>Y, 51r t'1t moved all material of which they could made -from -the plain stock wi h just Force, who on October 18, when raid• THIS IS DiPPERE111T•to am other oar .. r not make use. A great amount of work a few minutes' Work. ing enemy troops in retreat descend• b,ok on the market, therefore competition ail, Sr:nd which kee d him :ilivP,' ' 6Oe. maikinj a:pease. o! elaborate worNng outfit M O -N T R E A L p + HUN DAMAGIE TO BELGIUM TOO will be necessary to clear up the utd furl tostmvio _' _ _ _ __ _ Clear tomato soup To one.ry art of ed to 300 feet, attacked three corn•, ss immediately. j VAST TO BE ESTIMATED, wreckage, and even.if ttie >�tolen ma- i panies of -infantry with machine —+ " stock add one cupful of ca . ed toms - gun Thr J-1- #ICNOU. Bit limited. TORONTI? chinery or its equivalent is obtained, toes, -rubbed through 1 fire, Inflicting casualties So vigorous - - I IN JERUSALEh f it wt1l be impossible to resume S �► ne sieve. was his attack that the troops die- . _ . _.. :. pro- Noodles, macaroni or any ked vege- I ty"k1st� Destroyed. Factories Razed, duEtion before the middle of next en,r., persed. Lt. Co) then attacked various■ 1 ■ g i Y table ..)Clay- be .added:_ 1 / z v_ t- JM Inery a*:d R., Materials - NQthissg >avw rerilain�r _ _- ..__.__ _ _._.__� _~ t 4 .... ec ih 1R1 ). Parker'*„ �n 1^. - - - ar6ets, �3i>sptaying6hsPicuous- e$- ForTearsoup: Add�one teaspoon �"r Q® �� ; TL•e play is est. The crescelit-sil,t'r ;.�” ii. 8toien, Coal Flelda Pillaged. lishment Thy -le -Chateau, which an- fuI of kitchen bouquet and any skill and initiative: moon, _ r_ ` W -- nually turned .out about 200,t100' tons Lt. J. E. Haloonquiet; 19th Reserve sired vegetltbles to each quart o! � Pierces the siradowtl In Cfith_E-:nanc, -- . , Thos Las it has been impossible to of steel. Sixty coke furnaces, four Battalion, Canadian Expeditlonary By cleaning or d ern Where o�t a trees in tho grey. tw'.itit;ht `' , . e8timate- the extent of damage caused Y -too con- stock. When ,aloin$ cream soups it; Force, Y g' --restore any articles - dini ' blast furnaces, tour twent yotl will add one cupful of re always displayed .the highest to their former a i' prepared' ; 8kfll and courage,, setting a fine ex• i< pearance and return them to cherish lire secret of a m eters•: lu Belgium by the Germans or _to fl3, venters and six seta of flattening ma- stock to oath cupf al, of milk your sou You► mood as new. Y _ even approximately, the amount of in- chines have -been destroyed or sent be. P ample to other Pilot's. He accounted Within the waliti a wOu),tn's.'votce i - . demnity which Btlgium will 'demand yond the Rhine. 's'i11 .have a' delicious flavor, for fivo enemy machines and during Send anything from Went, Stock may be made, filled into ster- household draperies t 'from Germany. •\ . Some' of the steam engines were recent operations in Italy led four down to the. finest of delicate fabriCS. �,�'e a With varying murmurs of tho Kedron ' ilized Sara and then the nlhber' and successful bombing patrols at low al- postage Or express charges -one ttl'a majority of the factories which brown up and blast turnaees were de- lid adjusted; the soup may thep be; t odes. O stroy-ed , by, cutting flown the su . T_.___.___ - _, ._..._ pay the Belgians'were allowed to operate P11rort• processed for three hours in hot: water's SreS• Wa ct c 1 r1 _ y,_ See%itig the Ii'�tttleC''i`i r t7.� ?STast,�r J ..luring German occupation, the plant I ing columns. The damage there bath. Remove- from the bath, fasten Lt. J. M. :liackay, 87th Canadian prayed, p Battalion. has since Aptil carried out ;•Hell YOU think of Ere.Iljs.self-sacrifice.upon-the-frill. remains, but everyvThero- all stocks .of• ani°bots to several millions of francs.. _the lids 'securely anc� then - eest -€or , ' 3 raw material have been entirely re. r . tt trould - bt3 easier to en4inerate leaks Arid store in a coot drplace.' over 1�0 Patl ols and has been conspie• ► - what .the Cerman:i have left than, to • where there is a --fire ke t in. the' t'ous fer, gallantry anti devotion to CLEA N I � QG" �� Forth on theJAIMI(Iss--o`rif� tilt' Lr lib. moved. P defier f the ruin they have c.'iusea.' kitchen .it will -not` Add to the cost; to gut r, bath in attzel:Ea ' • In the Qtheriactoriea�'lre:Be S gl'(�u:,(1 targets ,1�NG - _._tel " _._�..___-. and In nerfal i:orl,l)ats. In tho latter it►111 Ur7r1©r' Break' baffle settnd)s; trithnut the .gians were not allowed to operate. can soups, stocks, etc., for future use. •- Little Heat Savers. ht. accounted for two enemy machines. J:tff,t trate, there was a Rystematie rerboval of all Lt. Ti. I3. Suthei•lnntl, C'atiadfan Local bur , i'u learl the new Ct•usr(r •, the machinery, which was dismantle No matter how t.e'.l a house is i ooklet on household su 1 <. )nm At•. 1 built the window mitres' lzecome loose ttiatch the Pantry Shelves. Forces, lisle done very valuable work Rge$tiats that save lenbyI and eeDt 'toertnany: '.Tho navies of you ulcney will b('' Qrnt trPA o t �t'ttit the Germna manufacturers to whom , and the exterior door`s shrink ir► trine. I This was seen recently on . the -`pan- ' in Palestine. Miring the l;tst year -he _ _ • - t �har•t;e. Vri o _ thou, sepurelu..aaiiluie._jar-1At+' -- The w•as cugs'picttotla_f�r -toto _. _. _ ___ __ _ __, _ - __ __ . theria pinery wets slxipped have 'bee Joints around the sasl),s am, the' try shelves of a* pattr'iatic but thought galight and brit- ''�i BOP thO glehniing star %vithin tho 1.�.. , ascerta ted. cio�irs i.ec0Me voider f-,; the cord win(Is less woman: One quart can with liana leadership between September 17 Emit, = • r to hlotv'thrDUO. and you won(}er wh , about -a cupful of chow chow in it, slid 2�. S;,';r11)ol of..loVA4 A, wTitilip, e: -ices for ISeJt;ia Industrial circles s�9m to be + 8 (.�. divided lvheth ,r j you cannot heat v-ou,' lame success- not longer fit to eat, and one `?`""""- +a Fay der Q to attempt to recover fully. jelly ei��.� in the lour stiiln^ss u�l` (;: ',, ,.;;, :nF- the stolen rnachlnery from Germany,. . , $lags :with a. ew spoonfuls of jelly' "The Wornan Wh0-U ,. �'i L>ilili�ed , The openi-igs should hate weather; left to' dry up and be wasted! Are ntlPrs#ands For thc� haze of b:lit)r.' :j►; „ , i, ,• Hoa• rieeessarily wefli, r;r tc,""liuy new Stec m:lkcs r,o plan far you t�) fulfill, CI@stens and D `I,t: trtrl: r machine4 labroad and to make the der• 'strips if ,y au ernect to get the test fhey-- on your pantt•y shelf? The woman who understahtls; yCrS r. man's .lay fr,r thAm. . resu}ta from the he�it�n� plant Pith' Thii may }rave been a common si;,'ht She y(�n(Js no unnished .,�ri:.t to ' 91 Ynn;,re Vit, �? .. The Hc cr.al ttd(l;�in the region that pre-itition''t1e fuel Iri;l v:iil ,tx. a few ears a o when all.ate what we; u lutontt, lt. ic1,1-;;,j,.il lu.,ct K your ���raar•-...:.,-rte, >?r>� �tl, n•ilez'c ' ' , t, _. - trill; c)t i t!c* Cllr t' �►f ,flans. Charleroi and Liege. were ;cut riots -n err tiht and Wantnc2 threw the rest out, but' waK sir • P eIt 3'• y oil w'i,; I The woman who understands. - - --• P • ___ - _-=- ^o fiavr the' se ulc hrc•. in c r�;r� iterated. by the Germans, who: used hat . the comfort of a ;veil-�a_tecl now when every slioonful of food ' p 1 st rife. house. must be put to use to save humaniL Tis the thought. she brings The Urit 11's tmad. ihovo, til-4;,lic ,. Belgian r:(,a1 as curr(!ncy tri obtain r - . Y• 'that , ingq sed a - -' . _. -__ _..,..._._..�•,.,.,-......_ ._ .. -WFRIN=M- r 1.• trom, Nr►Hand . There Lire ,atcntt,.i .metal tieafhe) n'tt even axtrop.of,jell:. c,an he wci�trd:' - _ ,• �' T,rrvi�fonx, c+attic itncl : T 2tfo the hri` of 3iou,� I hiiit•seg., Thm;,.a;hi}e'the I3�} Strips made--th.e kind- that .sl re mor 1'he housekeeeer a.rxues- th4at .she The n UH`� �� is h•..a.rlu �eru:sal+rui nr -Siad popu- �A. P>� �. Till, it flows and -glc;v9 •. Tht' '-_._____.1 tiled 'into the r •'anned so much fruit and veget$b1es;' n( fin ��n Q ttr 1iffv! . • IaU�,f rL ..a.,nea -Crcr the fr�lm(•� �, ,-s � falter not T?ecaur.'(! fhb roa(t i3 _ niT(�r�cl from cold, .coal rose in -`_r �� �� Those are more ex. she just couldnt-find eliout;h And final t; rows ..� ,s p, r 9v -,*Tz steep. , pr,r.(; _tu. 4 ,0 .or i,GQ ftra.nr-s ft , ton'. tint ,N Sit a than the pint cans 11 Into _ t'isions of .dr( ms conjt► true• ;- � the 4tars z<hiric, b' • Delgiarla W1Jnr;=et! the' i,rctat 1,' r)t rrt •,er 1►ersiuse 'thc'ti fire •ciis•crrcl T,v and Srr,:l'i jelly and jani klassee. Icer 1 '� - g f a ►rk►zien weakNhed pa (.nts %nI r� r uire' sl ,., fstmil i; o smsi,t t � �. ' , (.1 ;tl)�)i•c• t. ir. )�;1 y pr tiOni. t i:,.ee,l y I;ruY tired of a .,its enc! smiles it h� '`f3"�� e. s se;►,t i �(• • 5h 1 �. b fv,i I n eX cr Y he om r easy R '', • . t c•a;